1 i i La I t u J ir niinr i 1: t i k.t( am.m la tt r I. i i I I fci aa at to i Li UUIiL: til K 4 i--. Ba I'w. ta tt -. Bsr it a at - . IKiltaH if ..- m4 a (a - ;. l hm M M , vli -. . . f i L ...... . arm U.kM a ti Uj Iv. a tia to aau-M4 a I i a m r i m.v. lu a V S t 1 . fe a . iM llil 4-4 a Ua t-A tMt a i ft a, fc Oa. a taa aJ a UJ UK 4 ( t t A , m - , .... . .... I- .-a USaa TV, to 1 mtomm a ."r, t ar;. a Mas m ui a evi u u u m ; i a4 a aUr f-i J . . . . 1 iv- 1 C-v Ar.r- riirirCl 13 i rf ... I.m ,! toU....... I.M ) f tnt "" C, I 4 IWrt.( lWtV It ! - - ' m to4 Mtur C U mm- 1 U.into4 IhhMK M'M I! i4 to ( Uto TVK HAT NOTEUBCK II. , Muter oK'irmcsf WUitrtr tlM tatkorlUw of Vr-t,.-l may do Mary Rocwi. bo. U inlMN to kaago4 oa Dwwtobor I for U aordor of hrr BakA4. 4 kovoror Back all of tolgkt doairo to) tko MMotry .4.from ,tkt KkMtly ipocUclo. It U rortkolooo trao tkat tk Uw muM omfarood. Tko foct tkat tko prlaooor to a wooaa la tko atroncoot arf oment iat kor osacaUom. Bat thro to m distinct) 1 Utr,ai. to mui Cador tko proaoai Ututoo ah drwrvaa ao bmt coaatdoretkio tkaa a maa. Uadoabtodly aka waa fallty. Sh woald bo ooaTtctod af&ln oa tko au4 orldoaea aad tka Suprom Court of tka Unltoa State kaa do-J rllnad o lator'foro. la kar bohalL Tko OoTomor nay da fho aano. Tko dla patckaa, ten aa that tka knadrod of (oot, poopla who kava besfod : for merey ira not going to bog agala, ta view of the revolatlona mad public a the prtooa taToatIgaUoa, 'and, ia-' ded. It la' claimed that they would prefer to 'ae a Vermont woman die ou th tf'lTowa than to hare tko old testimony threshed ont again la tko court. 4 " ' Public aentlment la a powerful factor, but. often it defeat the alma and end of Justice.- Thousand of pfirsona. who know' absolutely noth ing" of the' evidence Jn the "Rogers case 1 kate appealed by letter' and petition fora commutation. It la simply an expteBBlon of sympathy from those ,who abhor the thought of Ignomlnloua death for a woman. If ' ls J beautiful, perhaps, but ia U, rlgktt V1U it not hare some effect upon the' Governor or . the Board of. Pardons? Might it not turn them from the matter of dutyT It too often happens that, when a wretch ' Is facing . the gallows this same element of sympathy rise np when there Is no thought of the vic tim, lying under his six feet of earth. " Alf- bf us will admit that when a woman is Oiled with sudden anger, which forces her to kill, aha ; has strong provocation for the act. It is different, 'however when she kills her husband that she' might enjoy the love and companionship of an other Bian." . That, we believe, ; was the"biotlve behind Mrs.' Rogers' deed. "..The eueetlon. then Is one of law. Vermont does not say that the man who slaya his wfte -shall be hanged while the wife .who 'slays her hus band must nof ffl" life for" a life. Both, are edal trtiSder the tatutes, and every man maf have his own opinion about tne mercy or Justice of the statute8()t)( u' Therefore; if 'MX. Rogers is guilty, and tbe Jurors; and the; court have flecieed that Bhes2 H Is only proper that she shpdydieThe law can not be repealed j$sst qw to save her. Our lndignatlonnay be aroused, our 1 "nits may rebel, but our tears and our prayers cannot stop the execu t' i. ' The subject, of coarse, is one . i. uuous- bearing, ""yet there to : nlzed body to- say whether ' l'1 shall stand. Certainly 1 not If thewaiHng of1 the ' s shall, prevent its enforce- ,.. Irttav af ,.a aa a-li4 to utjtoti eia feat Jaat It U a tMa to crt ft la swat erf 'WI r Ml el to- aa at a-. U h,MM Ta rtd ka K a. 'a4 H mmmi ai-wntn ttoav. il la Ihrmm Ml laaal f at C r4. M it a4 at an j. UeCmrif to awtag Mto. Mnr,kj U toxk aad aur Um a Uttto avoeor . kl t aloi'ailT Waal ar ta trao of ia Ka Tava Ufa to) a4 la atortoaaraa ml toUay h aiiw4 er l4r aBM aM aoitaal aatarotT Im Uy lav arlao that tfcla kMag va of Mrat aadlgaattoaj taat to im lag avor la ttoaairy UI laavo MtCall aaUtochodt IM tkaoi toar todato froai a aiaaea at Ike tald. Uyoo aad Alaaaaaar are , aJraady altCardy aad htm taaUly ar Jaraaa aad Uaatfltaa aro la alio. Kvory saaa aaalrraad by tka UaUtooay ta grtovaaly karL Aad (bo osodaa kaa bat aca. The afataal Ufa caaaat prosper If btcCard rooaalaa ar If bo routaa aay kaaiaaas ar aaaaaglag eoaaartloa wltb tko eaoiaaay.' Ha aot oaly took a Mg part of th fa ads for kto salary, bat be looked wU after tko eotofort of kto family, aad Il.tM of tko policy holders' tooner was qaaadorad daily by Uo trio, wblcb waa aa laviutloa to otkor grafters oa tko laalde to pick aa tkey plaaaed. Aad yet tky toll a tkat aotklag good kaa coma out of tko la vestige- Uoa. , NEBRASKA'S MORAL SPASM. We are aot going to shock aad o if end good people by coming forth aa tko champion of tko cigarette, a or are wo going to aay that tko maa wko occasionally amok on to ill brad. Now aad then the little thing bring comfort. Oa. ' i Nebraska tkey have many strange laws and strange people la Nebraska there to a law which cays that a maa eaanot amoke. " The Other .day one Patrick Raymond was arrested for rolling a pinch of tobacco oa the public klgkway. He was sent to coart, fined fifty dollars and taxed wltk the costs. The court held that ke was a manufacturer. Naturally, many of us ' will be rather inclined to protest against such unjust legislation, at least as It appears to us. ' Raymond waa not th Brat victim, and the officers aro al ways on the alert, because they need the costs. ' It helps them to keep the .wolf from the door.' There to noth ing so abominable as the cigarette fiend. Doubtless hundreds of young men and boys are in the asylums to day because they were addicted to the habit But there are grown men who are not debauched by it. All of us know of many physicians who are Incessant smokers, 'and while that does not prove that It is a healthy or harmless pastime it does establish the fact that all persons who smoke are not apt to reach the asylum. The real enemy of the cigarette is the maa or woman utterly Ignorant of it and who contend in their wrath that it to filled . with opium and other drugs. If that were true the article would not be so cheap. It to right of -course, to discourage the habit, especially in .boys, but there Is no sense in the , law" enacted by Ne braska. It would seem that the leg islators should Join the real fiends In the crazy wards. . THE? SENATORIAL GRAFTER. 9. United States Senator Burton, of Kansas, will be sentenced by the Fed eral courts in St Louis to-morrow: Three times he - has been Indicted, and on two occasions he succeeded in having the verdict set aside on tech nical grounds. - Now he will appeal. It Is very hard to put the Btripes on a high class thief; it Is more dif ficult still to send a member of. the Senate to tne . penitentiary. That, however, does not mean that a Sena tor to above the law. . - ' ' ' , From the moment of his indict ment. Burton ceased to act as a mem ber of the body, which he has dis graced.' .His commission will not ex pire for more than a year. ' The call from the public to resign haaibeen Ignored. In the meantime' the State of Kansas has but one representative Ito Bwtaat a M it- 4 tt ". if A UTS AU 1VKT. - - - a,-- w - . - - pataa ta aaaatiaa a aaUi la a uo Aaaifw of rvwtooaat kiaiiiill tut a bag aary tkh) raaaat. a K baa baaa i-mflslr owt.1 taa Sjaanfl aaaa wtO aj'al to tb Ua payars oaaa af tt aaa aat tb taary af Ihn i a a baltov tt i laal lb taitad aMata abeakd b oa aa muI ilaa arlih Oi tortt.ia i Oorauay la tgbtlag atraagtb. la-i aaad, aaal oaaaru laaa t tbo baitaf aoaauai bo ltk aa to- that oar aaat traakto tH Oaraaaay. aad wkiio laoro to dkraikoa at araaaat to aivo aapaert1 to thai tear, tbar I a M1IM aro-aaiiag rraaioiai wtu aa daaly break forth to raad ta Hat act. Per oar aa part w bettovo la graat aavy. It to aot airsaaary. parkapa, to aaaaadar bllltoa af dol lar to get It bat a tbto to tb load- lag eoaatry of tbo eartk It eegkt to bo lafartor to aoao oa tbo aaa. Moro ovor. It to aot alwar poaalbl to ao- caro extra kattlaakip after war to da elared; It Ukaa Urn to balld tbeat. aad wbll tb prajar of all to tkat w may aot b lavolvad la a aot bar war It caa do ao kana to bo prepared for It If war toast com. Aad It to eat Bra, too, to aappoa tkat Admiral Dewey to a better Judge of aaval matters tkaa Secretary Boaaparto. Exporieaoe aad ackleve eat ar la kto favor, although that doe aot noaa that tb Secretary I weak or lgaoraat to on of th beat men la tbo cabinet, aad yet Dewey to a king among aaval war rior. Oermaay to building more snips and. wo might as well keep pace. It Is said tkat tke Catholic dlo- of Richmond will not permit weddings after 4 o'clock la" the future because of the gaudy aad das illng dlsplaya of the past This rul ing will bo rather hard on the women, who cannot .reasonably expect more than one wedding In six year. A Chicago newspaper to worried T ecause the maaufacturers turn Out 100,000 more coffins every year than are needed. Possibly they believe in giving a, good margin to take care of Chicago strike victims. Already the Impression has gone forth that there will not be an honr est count of that New York vote if the twenty-one lawyers can prevent it The question of the proper way to handle the masher has not been set tled,. although it ought to be without gloves. Having turned turtle so often It is about up to Mr. Theodore H. price to do the telescope stunt Just as soon as the sheep follow Mr. Price into his den he will proceed to trim them. , Some of the football games are also as brutal as fraternity initia tions. ' i , Reflections of a Bachelor. It is very exciting to kiss a girl before she lets you. If a man wants, to marry a girt it is a sign she thinks a lot of others do. A jolly father of a family Is about as jolly as some of the jokes he tells, If a woman really has small feet she worries all the time for fear somebody else's are smaller. ? v.. Most anybody, seerna to be able to, catch a crook,! butj the best lawyers and the sternest judges don't seem to be able to hold him. New .York Press. . - . , :.y, v 'i fA 'v I' f i ' ",..'ta i ; " - Some Bad. Characiers. " , The Raleigh and . Durham people are having a little squaVbtef over the case . of an objectionable' Character who was dismissed by a magistrate of the former- city upon the agree ment that he should leave the cap! tal city. He kept bis word and turned up la Durham the following day. Of course it's all wrong and Durham has a righteous kick, but so long as all the cities of North Carolina are In the habit of doing just as that Raleigh Justice did there ia little con sistency in the ' protest Salisbury Post 1 to.a toa-arf (IM, a lutMi iW tt n ta a taniaia te toaaa at amag I te aaafyaiaa. aad ta a afeart ta tatet.4 ttat Ik aawH t-d aj-a to to ba I .i1 aa a..a to toaaauaata ta vr,a c Oar -"' MH toaa la eat, aM ta aSura af toy tni I awaiad to) aar aar iaatni ai irm ataiira. at r r1 a tko Iraalaaai I earad. aa4 toraara4 aa a Ml aw lal. 1. avfara Uklaa ta traaltoaat I baaaaily bailara thai H a ai aaata Ml Sao to to aitaaai mm drag. Ta-dajr I ato taaaafBl to say , I bav toat ta baaat daatra fur drag Mf ito, av I bad otaa taalag ta traattoaal My rare toi ebaatat aad to aay aa wba aaay " aafort.aaia aa I eadta-tad (to drvaa af aa ulm I vaald aera- ,11 i aatly laiaaiaaaad (a a ly ramaiaaad (be Kapry Treat t, aad oapacUliy la Oraai laaUtato. My stay at lb laatliat waa .Bleaeeal as eaald ba. ad I oa treated Baaat htadty aad roartooaaly by tbo aBoars aad kytriaa. a ware also aU tke other paiiMia . M. C. riXTON Wklto Road, K C. Not 7. 1S. It yea bars trtoed that tolgkt b aaaalMlad. aaad hta adJraM ta Ik Koatey lastltwta, Qrarakboro. N. C Personal and Oeneni Rav. David Hlllaouar Burt. Iha aaw praatdara of Oaoraatoan I nlvaralty. to one of the pronoaarad upnmt af th praaaat method la fmrtball an ear of tb araataot drawback a col- lag ha to coaibat I that "th public too aft an Jade af tbr atrmanb of a eollac ay iU atrangth In th lin 01 athtotlca. Ontario' nw poatn B. Artaaworth. who to aaHtlng alartloa to parnamoat la oaccanlon to Sir Wil liam M Block, to daacajbrd aa ekiaely ra- cmbllna Abraham' Lincoln In appaar anco. balng air taat I all tncaa in height spar. a.ltf-MK Biparanr worker, a champion of provincial right and a strict Freabvtartaa, President Rooaevrlt ha received twlc the number of honorary darraea var siren any other president Two doctorates hav been osnferrad upon hlnvthl year. HI bachrkMr of arts waa eonfarrad upon him twenty-Bv year ago by Harvard. In addition he may now 'write after his name eight LL. Ci aad on L. H..D. He is tb flrat president to recelv the latter de gree. It . is lxty years ssaee Rev. Henry Franc la Lyl. who wrote, the beautiful hymn. "Abide With at," died at Ntoe, ami thia year a final effort la being mad la tb far-distant little seaport In' Devonshire, wlter h lived and min istered for twenty-five yeara, to com plete the rebuilding of the little me morial church which has taken the fishermen thirty year to build. Th promotion of Brigadier General Weston, chief of the subsistence de partment .to becom -Major General Weston In commandofhe northern di vision of the army, with headquarter at Bt Louis, removea from the official and social circles of Washington one of Its moot popular and picturesque char acter. For his genial wit and readl hes of retort this little Irishman has been dubbed the Charles O'Malley of the armyv : The standard silver coins being used in the Philipptnea are known as "Con ants," having been named for Charles A. Conant who was bent ' to the Is land to prepare a coinage system. Th authorities In Washington object ed to this nickname and directed that th coin should be known as Philip pine currency. Before this order ar rived they were ' universally called "Conants," and notwithstanding the of ficial mandate the name has stuck. - The oldest enlisted man In point of service In the United Btatea Army Is said to be Color Sergeant William G. Hardy,' of the Fourth Cavalry, which waa stationed for the last year at Fort Walla Walla. Washington, but which left recently for the Philippine Islands. Born In the army, he has spent thirty- eight y?ara In the service and expects to die there. His father was a Regular and was stationed at Fort Wadsworth, Staten Island, N. Y., when William waa born. That was fifty-eight years ago. State of Qhlo, City of Toledo, Lucas County.? v ' ES. '..Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he to senior partner of th' firm of C. 3 Cheney tt Co.; doing bltelnes In the City of Toledo, County and Stat afore said, and that said firm will pay', the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and' every case of Catarrh that ' cannot' b cured br the use of Hall's Catarrh Cur. . . " i 1 x ' FRAXfrHBNEY Sworn to before. m and subscribed in my presence, this. 6th. day; of De cember, A. D.. 188s. . (Seal) , A. W: GLKASON.' ' " ' " Notarv Public . Hall's Catarrh Cure J taken inter nally, -and acts directly oft the blood and mucuous surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials free. :' ' ' F. J. CHENKY, CO., ' ' ' ... ' Toledo, Ohio. ' Sold by all druggist, 75. v - Take Hall's Family Pills for consti pation. ' - -' . - aa- to-to. ro zjca rrxzc.t X Si H ith J 2 Sc. f to. M j . ... , - , r. Z TW i-anii a il ai aa J OS mt Ua MrMaav. : BOBBITR'ViN.VE DRUG COMI'ANV i M oeeee ntiyintii m 8 T5he 9 I rv f-a to a; i to t try 11 Y l A l I J 9 -- 4 i-r for Siiwn PIANOS i m m . was never greater than to-tlat'j . Their popu larity rtows with the years hot bv extensive advertisinp, out by the law of recognized worthy for they are tried, true, testetl, trusted the quartet t of piano buc resa. Our proposition to intending purchasers is certainly worth ask ing for. Write Darnell warn uin uuuimcaiumun & ftMbSa4b IM aU ' MWanted at Dhce t 4fbT -tl TT tf Itm ' ;..FURNITURE S i Very mnch la kcrd of Bed atoadsi Bureaas, Cook Stoves, etc Hlirhest prices paid. 1 MOORE & SANDERFORD, 2 ;fV.fStast Martin Street. S interstate mon, otto. a ANYTHING ELECTRIC Harrow ".oughSa1d" ; Greensboro, - N. C. . 66 P0)ini9fl ISmiy 99 a Cook Stove or a Range , Until iaftcr you have seen the Stock at - '' : - i v i. if' 225 S. WILMINGTON ST. i- We don't claim to' have 1 the Best Store in the World, byt can please the most fastedious. i rfii it i A UN M IIARDVARCCO V J u li u lilorth. - Carolina's - Loading ! ' k i Dm Goods Store 1 We are rapldlr ettlnrf in our Christmas Goods and we feel confident that It will par everyone Interested in Christmas Gifts to visit our store, dallr as every day new things will be opened nd put on sale -We are in a position this season, by early and late buying, to offer: an un usually attractive line of HOLIDAY NOVELTIES. Fresh Up-to-Date Goods put up in ari at tractive manner, sure to prove very ac. ceptable. , ;'v;-; " r' V'; :- r - -. ';. v!' "'-'",' . .'- ; - ',. ... ' If you cannot visit us personally, by ad dressing our Mall' Order Department. your requests, will attention. NEV T4IINGS IN THE Semi-fitted or Loose back' Coats vmade of Black Broad Cloth. " . Engllfh Paddock Coats, New Model verV stykishl " ' ; ' - v "a ; JEW RAIN COATS, Thn voru I otoot nooirrno luot frnm How Ynrl' 1110 1UI LQIQOI UOOIilllOl juoi num . huh i win New things in. Fine Furs. -New Dress Silks. New Waist Silks. Jew Dress Goods New Broad Cloths.. New Table Linens. New Towelings. New Underwear. New: Hosiery. A general newness all over the entire store. . i t'V i t . . 1 t M ) KS f CS r f.'fif'r I r uiin ;haye our immediate ' , - COAT SECTION i - WW 4 A V A T7 o

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