WA.M Al. CUl.'Ji - - nic;;s' O- Trvj Stsrcs tr ir RED LETTEil J all III' 5 1 Km Twit VaAaav ' lis; It h ti in.j. tto ii V -as. ih i aw m. A tk a4 ' 1 a J I am 4 J- a t .. ss i ;.. Aw-.a . i ... la. aa-aa.... , A tav mfc.f ai U I a. , . .f 1 a. A 1 Via . . , . - a a i ta j" i .' at . i. 1 -- fc MKtct'l"1 Ba IaiaA .I 4 Ba ba ea 1 l ., to l ha X iu4 aa 1M AilA!ar (MM K A I . ? aaaaa MwtftfUdM a it riaa K.-ai 1 " AaartAar j l mi IWta Mw UU ka4. w tw lab to laita l ta mmI 1( tout, ! Utlia I II Mm to awnra to"M A fcla v - !- m a fwtA Vtitf i . i. t n-k. k. t it ( iix I . . i . . tw toii in Jit ai 4 aw). t- ta a A a4 aa a-.- ? ton 4 twmmul ) a tt-rm. I M to to w.vtr-! . , t lilBMMH 1 Km u t :i tit)4J a m toa v w a K kMn a 1 t totot AaaiiaA af - it : ji Mt4M . M to jmw lUm tT Ml BT MKATTHK ftLWUG m tH ! Um to W. t f atiu K H. A ( . .a-W al Ami Mt . a aaj tU to lr to g t v ; Wat f - tar tto lUif -4 to Ito mn. k Itol a lw Iraa lMto tt.iM tb Itaalr aae rSajAfAtaraa a talk nmU naMr t MataA, 1W I raaata. la the Nnk at tto) wmi I to 1 ta tto aorta 111 oana to Mnr a Ml rata a4 wt avnatb aaay to vafwried iaiial to lata atrtalty, O (to farther aavaara f the high. Aortbevlj 4a IU m- vail, raaalaf aaark r44 naito TheraAay. A. H THIKsVIC.N. trrttua Iwrwlof .Ad rr Ito fctle ttoM Aton i MmI IB tuta IWM 1lw1r BhA rw to Kata Utow ttotot Yaaraa r ito Vita N- ajttowi kUr Ttotia a( ttoi Tim' al A4 OuImM to IVi r tto rtoito tAat kr4 law toMl a4 aaai iilrM analttoaa to to fc4 to lUMik tol ttrtalt. Kaa toovra all lava ito? r a kto Iwiy larva a Tlavaa vaal aa . aa-4 toiWirni kmmw ikaJ ail MjaUtoaa a4 rttM4 b lkM volwiiaa r tiw Tpt'a ara of mMtfurt ta tAat lr ton a rttoa. rtMkt ct mtiAMitaii Kt At at, (wuttMi l -Mia UM a im tua fc rlM to lata , aJBfV Mi1a a4 II II TIIAUKSGIVIUG HOLIDAY j x IIiWh' rata ii : i UtNTAHA IV MIMA Ctoa Urmtmrf. at ktAta II ! j aw to mm i ttorf lto ar 121 to iA4 aH TtotWU. la t U to rtto- a4 to atoMxtf aaatoMlap tto topMlto to - ! r ato.atoA tto ta. tAto kwa Wv m e4 tT a aa U aiada 4 Aatato. a4 n. iUU to aa A AH to- tottoi fur w aAarr to tto la In ma tAa A iKrlf f1 Aaa a I f W4 M. )ra, av ara ltoAtal. rr (tovaAtal. a4 mttt iaAa A rrat tto j. Aftra-TUMftkwM imj maalWat. BU A ClA-totoaaa nana. , - . . . w -. I Ka 1m TaA Ha a IUa f VU Tm vast a rtnmli that alll aot alr ! aMk rrlirf but Him t a Kannl rara. Tm tilt J r-a-4li thul a III rr- IWra taa Uat ' i't.i Itoa aatr- 1o aarat a rcm-d tht la II roua tarmrt Ajr UradcDf) toaard oti Boala.. To vast rvmrd that It plraa at a4 a fa to Uke. Caaatkarlala OooRh UruxM BtoHa All of tbraa rtxiulrpnirnta and for lha apredy and iH-rniaarut rare of bad rolda itaada lthont a pir. Fw ul b W. G. Tboiuaa and Robt. . Blmpaoa. Big Xritro (HivriilhMi. B tba Ai-lat.-1 rr) MTaablBCton. N. 2 Id roxinmn to a rail laaaed by a Urco namtx-r At wall known nt'ftro proarh-ra in dlffrraat part of tho count rj-, there will be held In this city beginning Drccnber 7th and rtmrludlng IHv cainbar lth a mwtinR to orgaalie a national BaptlHt convention , to bo rmllod Tba National Negro 'Baptist KraaireHstic Convetnloa, having for Ita object tbe perfection of plans for evangelistic work among the negroes of America, Tba aenRlons will be held at the Cosmopolitan BaptlHt church, this city, wboan pastor, Rer. Hlmon P. W. Drew, announces that the indica tion! are for a large attendance. Aft- Jr of mvrlMwat a aliaiiR rra4. baa toa fnaad iai a l.i rllra. bat atiaulalHr rra ha-aatta asd tla4rv4 4i nana, l ( rarvd KKrvnaiUn U aaa4 aa eima of tianut aMi la Ito alnud Tbe new 4imv i.t RIIAru AC'IUK, tbouch pun-lv vrtvtabl. sa4 artlat: Ibrtiaii aa lurrt ihknail. Deulrallar thrac at Ida aad aarw all Mtoma anil harmful crm out of the blood At tlie taair (lux- It torn- up the lin a h aad ncalatcs (be liter bd4 kid tin KHKIMACIDK I h.r.fore. rurea Ike ill warn- pt-rmanpnllv, hn-iimi It rrnmt.-B the cauae It hat cund hundridt of raaea after the uit Doled dtor and huapltala hate falk-d. RHKI MACIIIK cured Jm.i Wllkea, of IMIIon. 8 tV. nfler he had been held In hd bv rhctimatlam for three years and hi feet mere drawn up almoKt to hit bark. Thin in only i one of the many marteloiia cunn KHKIMACIDK haa already per-; formed HHKl'MACIDK la curing I many raites of Rheumatism. Sriatlra. Il.unibaco, (Jout. Kidney Trouble, In- , digestion and Constipation, right In thla ronimunity today. Because it has cured so many others we believe It will cure you. All the leading druggists in this place aell and recommend RHKl'MA-CIDK. a IVal (W CALX. MtRKAlX HH TMMk RV " Alcb Tbtaava 1MI. lataratatA all; iwu ii. a Imi tm 1JAK nillt ti MM AetlT CM Iketa livtw HU.Nm' CaA tirtanary. It t Alt LIAAN TALK 6AAHV a4 ft. ft. AAtatoAUAg. M U lit BNtU Aalary aaaaral aot graiaabas aa4at boata. Oar All acbaoia rA Urgwat ta AatarlcA aad asiirail by ail ftallMAda. Writ for eataJoaruA kfora AeAooi f Talrgrapby, CI A ciaaaU. O, Baffaba. N. T.. Atlaa ta. Otv. La CTuaaa, Wis, Taxark-aaa Tax. Aaa rraadaoo, Cal MM! KAI.K AT HTATK IKsriTAU Ralelih. N. C Tbrea 7i Up Tu bular boilers with all fiiturea and full froet aettlaga rotupleta: have Jual bora lamlned by boiler In spector and pronounced In good condition Terms, rah. Kor fur ther luforniaUon apply at Hos pital. 11 JJ-tf THKKK IS SO IHH RTIMi tba qual ity of goods yon get from us. Wa handlo tha stoat complete lines of the better grades of labia deli cacies and fancy groceries. A spe cially is made of extra Una Sau sage and exceptionally well se lected Oysters. CKO. 8. TERRELL. IK OV MKR to t."ll O. alecs tear skU ttci tu atoll Hobblar laah i;rtery ll lb-ll Tbka aak Isacarato tba great ast aala af Cbuaaaara avtsr rat 4 ad ad la tba lata A aakt wia alalia g Af atora real valves tkaa wrra be- fora baawa ta Iba 6oatb ft . i I will ba A rrrbMbm la b)ra of MMI Kl Two l !lat j area of Ibla Had. Tbla bage arrlut It m aaa Imo . a.t ii alal i Variety f Thaaistlvlng Cblna ca arrtpt type; boih Tlmaa, Rairtgb. N d f Bnw. j atU vt boaatlfal Turkey fVta, Kib j 8eta. CbooulAtai aV-U; Wlae, Tea, I Coffee Kela, ete. Tba flaaat ttrea ..... .itif r im.i. iA.lla tba world ara rrifroaoated la Ibis , i .,,.. i nr.! ri.u namiuotk collection. Tb -mai I Va aaaa - - - . roaditloA: anlrk d.litery. Addraas 11. 1. Brawrb. Km Inn ll-JI-lt iid, Va. U ANTKIk CoplT i f Ktening Times of November It at.d 19, 105. HR KAUft -Hotel. :i moms, two arre lot, la tou of twelve hun dred. Half rabli. balance easy terma. Address. ' M." care Times. wed-aal-t-12 :s YOI IJ. HJfD IT rlety Store, 214 II SI It HfJHT KKIAR CI RKI HAMH I.V. pound; large Irish Potatoes, 21r. peck: all iork Sausage, 10c. pound Rogers Grocery Company. 11-29-21 llOWUNfl AU.KVS AMI under Pollen Building. Good advloe to women. If you want a beautiful complexion, clear akin, right eyes, red lips, good health, take Hollster's Rocky Mountain Tea. There Is nothing like It. 35 cents, Tea or Tab lets, H. T.' Hicks A Co. Are ynu larking- In strength and vig or? Are vou wcak Arc you In pain? Do you feelall run down? Tho bless ing of health ami strength come to all who uae Holliater's Kmkv Mountal" Tea, Zi cents. Henry T. Hicks & Co. J. K. RI DV A CO., CASH GKOCKRK. Raleigh, N. C, are receiving goods every day at their new store. No. 108 East Hargett street Call and aeo them before ordering your gro ceries, or 'phone them: Raleigh phone 191, Interstate E69. We guarantee lowest prices on all goods, and prompt delivery. WAXTKI SoJlolfois for dally newa- papcr. Mast appb In writing ana furnish rAferemxs. - Permanent IMMition. Addris "Newspaixr," caro Times. , . IWmBITT-WVXXK 1KI ti 1IP.XY ara going to glre aay i'lir.xlca on Saturday. Ask them about it a guarantee ctre vok riLKs. 'Fine Pigs for Sale 15 Eng lish Bcrkslnres, 8 weeks old; $4 each. John C. Drcwry. Itching, Blind, Bleeding, Protruding Piles. Druggist are authorized to refund money If PAZO OINTMENT falls to cure in 6 or 14 days. 50c. WANTED Stenographers, Book keepers, Clei ka, Lawyers, Teach-j era and others to liny their Sun-' plios from ii SJ 'Bring your old ; books and magazines. Cash paid for all kinds. Southern Book Ex-j change, Wilmington Street I COPVKK3HT THE THANKS- j aiVJNa TURKEY Is a good test of the efficiency of the, Gas Range In roasting, and there Is now ; no longer any doubts as to Its superiority over the old fashioned coal range among all good cooks. By communicating with us all infor mation will be supplied you regard ing the cheapness of gas over coal aa fuel. Also facts as to its absolute cleanliness, convenience and practi cability.? ..; WANTED Wash woman; must have good references. Apply at The Times office. WANT You to call on McCoy's Em ployment Agency when needing servants or any other class of laborers. Prompt service and sat isf action guaranteed; 50c. must ac- . company order. No. 10 West Mar tin street 'Phones: Interstate, 539; Bell. 911. T. L .McCoy. 11-17-lm STANDARD GAS AND ELECTRIC CO. Phones 228, ;124 Fayettevttle St. Our BanhhzQ Facilities- Are all that one conld wish. Otur capital Is sufficiently strong to meet all requirements of our natrons, and all inducements are . i offered the public that are consistent . With sound banking. De positors arc assured of every onrtrajr possible. We strive to merit your business by offering such facilities as will meet youy wishes. Carolina Trust Company. THE EVENING TIMES will give year's subscription for the beet writ ten Carriers' Address, to be used by the Carriers of The Times as their Christ mas Greeting. The address must be In verse. All contestants must hand In copy before December 20th. committee of three prominent Ral eigh citizens will be selected to de cide the winner. ni KonvHIu'a Va Wilmingttiu St faaci- , I aatlag Cblna Idertav sa amorous la variety, ran aot bo daullcated la Iba South at oar fcrtcr. . Morale Vases. TU rue wcta Intended for New Or leans: for aufllrleut ivaaotia tbey were boded la New Torh. We wera fortunate In hoc n ring tola one rasa, t '.en ul no Morale Vaaea In A doten do slgns, made to sell tor 50c. Special price, 2V. - Umbrella Specials. Ottoman Serge and Gloria Silk I'uiliri-llaa, hardwood stick and fancy handle, aora mounted, silver trim med. $1. 55 values, for fl.OO. POOL OODO 4M HuAj to Vttxr. $ lAMeaanly t iilar ara tailor, anato garweAta tba aaaaaaiii areta ara raab AS brvr brfura. Kaw Salts arw aakAly aoU Arrival. 8uaa tblag to-w Avvry 4ay. Ml at Algbt 4ua BaUa Kklrla Paaaana. CbewVX, fcri aad Maaatah MiitartA la all alaea fm 21 to 21 la kea waUt autiaaarA. .Two .rloua . AXOA aad aVTA. Gcaukaa CravvAHtA Rata Coats, La Taa aad Oxford Gray. gll-OA, fie.oe aad flAtm. . . - . Men anL Women' Shoes. rlerled Sboea sndcrprl-4 tor Ibla anerlal Thanksglvlag Bala; familiar lines that yon all know. Burt A rarbsrd'a "Korreet Shape" I) 19 Bet Calf aad VM Kid Sboca for $1.00. , Tba famous Turner Shoes for men. Every where I a. to aad t.0. For tbla aale, $4.00, , ' ijidloa' Hand-Hawed ' RldaVla Shot, oak laa aoloa, bought to retail at 12.60. a.00. . ' InfanU' Tarn Shoe, patent Up. lace . aad ballon, ao heels, ' &Ur. arrinf beel, eoe. . . , 1 Millixery. ' New arrlvaui tf taa b4a.r al atnat daJty. Tba lact aloik ta Iba city ta aeWt from. , . Wa bava baarbad aaa labia a llttte lat Af tfuwA jar lAaaty taa Dtwaa lltti Ual ara worth tl, IT tl M ,,4 M( 4a4 asaka a TbaakBCivtal AterlaC. ChoIrA, AO. Child rea'a Tabactaaa. Tama and tVMoul Capa. I aa4 ftoc , New ( asalfrlala Velvtta, Ov trick Ilumua. JKcalbora, now era, Ala. Thanksgiring Offering of Kid GIotcs.' We avfl Lha Cealetucrl Kid Clovwe, Ceatamerl ta a ayaoayaa for goodaeaa. Every ptlr of tbla brand of Cloves . are warraated. Wa ara asclaalvA agent) for. tba enlebrattid P. Ceo taioort A Co. KM Ckwve.. Kaahloo abi rolora. Black and White., Tha pricee ara fl.OO, 91.50, I.T3 and fxoo.,( ..; ' ( . - v . NoTelty Post Cards. " .Oar Post Card alock la the largest aad moat varied to be found la tha Stat, f usual prlca La two for ac Tba newoat la Post Cards ara Burnt Leather and Burnt Wood, la cotnio styles and catchy phraaea, fic . . Dressing on Thanksgiving WE STAY IX THE LEAD OX LOW , prices. Full Cream Cheeso, 15c. pound: Host Table Butter. 25ct pound; London Layer Raisins, 10c pound. Rogers Grocery Company. ; ll-29-2t FANCY APPLES, 36c. peck; Large, Oranges, 30c. doxen; all kinds nuts, 15c. pound. Rogers Grocery Company. f ll-29-2t CAPUDINK WILL1CCRE THE MOST Obstinate Headache. It never fails. Can be used with success' In the ills of LaGrlppe, Colds, etc 11-2-tf . FURNISHED ROOM WANTED By young business man of regular habits. Address "Progressive Farmer," clt-. .t ' ll-29-2t- FOB SALE 0B LEASE. FOR SALE One Goss Press. In good condition. The Evening Times. Raleigh, N. C. jaaattAttvrttttrttM AUCTION Saturday, December. 1, 1905, at 10 o'clock, horse, wagon and harness, other articles. Sales every Saturday in the month. No. 20 East Davie. E. M. Bledsoe & Co. 11-27-Jf Office and Yards Foot of Jenkins St. All Phones 43 CAPITAL CITY FUEL COMPANY ; WHOLESALE JNJ RETML DEALERS IN ; RALEIGH, N. C. Correspondence Solicited C!:am Contracts Furnished from Yards br Mines WANTED To ' b u y a 1 1 ldnd3 Second-Ifand Fur niture. Moore, & Sander ford,' 131 1 Martin , street: v lnterstatf 'phone 580. ,ll-24-tl- FIFTY BRAND-NEW , BOWLERS . wanted at Raleigh Bowling Alleys ORDER YOUR OYSTERS FOR Thanksgiving now. 36 cents a f Quart. Furrnan Betts. ; ; , , . - 11-27-3...,; ,' t ' . A client of ours has for sale or lease the following desiruble prof-. erty just beyond the. Corporate limits of the city of Raleigh: , ; j A; ' A '6-room cottage , on Hlllsboro street, wired with electric lights and bells; heated by furnace, but having grate In each room; stable and cow snca . on lot. ... a -y r A 10-room house situated on Hllls boro street, having all modern con veniences, including furnace, two baths, sewerage, electric lights and bells. ,. .,. .,: . .. , . House with 14 rooms arid 2 ser vants' rooms, short distance from Hlllsboro street car line, with three acres of land,., suitable ,, for, poultry raising , or truck farming. , . On the premises are the follpwlng;, Poultry house and enclosure, well and dairy house, meat house, large wood house with coal bins, carriage house end box stalls, etc. , ' WATSON. & LAMBERT, - Attorneys. U-27-eojl-3tr . jj.aaa.wayM i ir.y.A.yHita) ..liai.iaiain'i Jin rl i'IImw. i.ki.. am I Cross & E very rriin and boy , must look his best on ThankstjiviniJ Day, ' , . ..... . The huge winter stock. here, is now it. its best, and includes the most stylish and handsomest apparel devised today by smart tailors. , . ; ; , , You may buy' here thoroughly tailored, perfect ' fittiuj garments Full Suits or Overcoatsat a con- . ' siderable savins, or about half the custom tailor's prices for tike workmanship.' - . ,,';' BOWLING is simply .fine, with It vV goes no crime and you can play at ". any time, i ' . 11-27-lm KEEPER OF THE MARKET McRary found a basket of meat and pro visions just outside the market on ; Saturday, ; The owner can get It by calling on him and paying for "Inf.-: IT Linehan Co. BTaZaaarS8pCM LIQUORS! LIQUORS! VMM kr:):yr,-M vt Mr, . I am now located at 800 ' ' ' East Main street. Rich- niond, Va., and am pre. ( , pared to furnish ' " ' "" tir - -v v.-;;--: , '"?:' Liquors of all Kinds ' t for medicinal as well as ; ; ; social purposes. Mall or- ders solicited. Write for.,, - ; prices and pari n !,irs. . 1 SAII T. I llll. r L llnlnc Horses Hava Just received care 'of extra good Mules and 'Horses. w We always .have aa aatra fine aupply on hand. . Call and inspect, our biocjci - ' 17VL PACE MULK CO., : , t , , will Taylor. Salesman. OAK CITY ; - : PRESSING CLUB v Thanksgiving Special s TURKEYS Wn can furnish them if orders are placed at once. Genuine 8mlthfleld Hams. SBo. Our best SUKWrcnred Hams, 15c Now crop Nuts, 15 to 25c per pound. Florida Oranges? 60 to 550. per dozen, according to aixe. ' ' s . . ' New crop Layer Figs, 3Cc. per'Tound. Dates, IOC.'-"" . t ' 1 Cocoanuts, S to IOC , . Malaga Grapes, 20c. per pound. . -l - North Carolina uckwheat Flour, tc per pound. ' f ,-, ' ' Small lot over-ripe Cranberries at Wo i ner ouart: select Berries at 10c per Quart. . Celery, Kinrtahs Country Sausage and select Norfolk Oysters..: Dav T. JOHNSON & 10 Vest Martin Street. BEST IN. THE CITY. Cleaning, altering 1 and rcpaii'ing. neatly done , on short notice. Ladies Garment, v.THANKG,QiyiNQ. 7,500 drancca to :,o at One Gent Each 12 cents doz., cr 01 hundred :je quick D:-t f r; t t' z p--cr 25 c: 1 1 . J f.r I) cr'sa rc1 T. J BUr..;.!. Manager this notice. rliOHCS Cll; I '! t

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