aft - 3VENING TIM ..- W -- EAIXIGU. X. C JTUDAY, I IZUIZZK t, 1X011 I TO HPAGri ;;;, ;:.;nilEi;s u;.:xti5:,jt c::m WILLIAMS 10 ;Kt.a Httti s.ais; J.IEX" SCATTERED han hoseiely eireo; -yASf L. ILL TELL ALL;1 J f LEAD THE PARTY C:3 U F;:ls liter iifrti g v ,r as r : hyer "t.srL AT" I i.L.U. ii v 'L i! 3 O'clcck STILL DAZED WITH DOPE , la MM CYn TU Maratla ti Ifc-gjed to mm' Alba ! AirM Mat i Hi ik ww m tW TWaa Ahiii.i -urn tu t-awyrr. Me r rrt fr v Mayor Mar4iy tLnym41f. , rrUI to Th Kmlt TiBe ) Crraaiboro, H. C, iMu Tat praUmUary aUvaMgaUo la la" lb rharg against Dr. L B. Matbwa for th naarder at ila wlf her ykr day will a 44 Monet?" at lores o'clock; la deference to lb wlah of afca Itbr aad other relative la Darhaw aad Caaibaa cavity, wba will rrlT ob th aooa trala Monday. - Mr. Matbow waa burled her thia aft or aooa at lb re o'clock. ' Dr. Matthew la fcka roll Uiia morn ing totted to b allowed to attend tba funeral. He rat(!dly sewt for In a mayor aad aaca Una doclared he woo Id go crasy Bales hi kad aome ont to talk to. Mayor Murphy paid blot a vtalt, . but refaaed to allow ay confidence, tailing klm It waa beat tkat bo uik to hla frloodr or hla lawyer, lie declared ha kad no friend and eer " talnly abould not hav any lawyer, tkat be waa only anxtooa to be able to tell 'It all and If wot allowed to bow, would do ao on tbii trial Mon- day.' ?...-. .- t Matthew la atUI under the Influ ence of heavy "doping (or the past v Tow days'and la being attended by Tl)Bylr-lB-; n ha been arTInvet .. rate tnorpMne and cigarette asor. Ml father - and brother went to ; Darbatn to-day and will employ coun '" ael there todcfond blm. . ' , . HI arrett (or the murder of hi wife soob aftor midnight on a com plaint Sled by, the .(our physician who endeavorod to aave ber life all -day yesterday, with the attendant rerelaUong, . produced .a aensatloa " here. The (act hud been carefully , concealed until the arrest was made. Matthew, was In bed with his , father, both saying they bad boon v ' looking for it. Tbo discovery by Dr. ' Turner, of Matthews, yesterday af ternoon as bo pretended to be pray ing over his wife, la tt9, art of In- Jectlng strychnine into her arm and thea snatcnlng the hyperdormlc syrlngo out of bis hand, waa the moat glaring exposure of fiendish work ' ever known of. . ., . 1 . At the time of this additional in Jecture of poison, the physicians de- clared they had relieved the woman . from the fatal effects of the original poison, ' Matthew was heavily doped X yesterday,-and looks to-day like one - in a dated condition. . ' ; w 0 Itntal rpransrment tlie , Defense. (By the Associated Iress.) - Grensboro, N. C, Dc 2. Dr. Jos eph B. Matthews, who waa arrested last night charged with having mur ' dered tils wlfe by means of poison, ; will be given a hearing Monday. 7 It has been deemed nnnecessary to . hold a coroner's Inqueat, since tha 4 coroner is the1 principal witness - against the prI,soner. , - - , ' a - Matthews, when arrested, was ' found . peacef uly sleeping 4n a room adjoining that occupied by the doad wife. His father was seleplng at his side. , ' .' The latter engagod counsel to-day for his son.. . Ho indicates that the defense will try to show mental de- rangement " caused ' by excesses in Urugs, liquor and tobacco. ' REJECT SULTAN'S ; , J ;;;MTEST PKOPOSALS. Ally the ,AssocIatod Press.) Paris, cpijc,. It was learned: by .m thoAtQ('l.todi Press In the highest government.! quarter ito-day that the uowera, after carefully examining the Sultan's latest counter- proposals, . have decided to reject them and ac- tlvely resume the naval demonstra tion in Turkish waters on Monday with the. probable seizure of the ; .. Islands of Iemnos and Imbros; No 7 ' consideration has been given to slop- - ping the passage of the Dardanelles because of the interruption o'f Inter . national commerce which would fol low, , , UUaaa K. Mm aaad h mi ah -, mi lW tatrl. W 4a4a Mara. to M tVu aw Umm Um tttf th, 4airKH4 mC Hm, lr g-A 4fct ml -i(y ritid ta ta mm I la url awtiktat tk u tit jlNrry P Mtto4, rr4 whh i M mftwmmrp artr IK Iim t !, III. If at fHaiMl Mi la (M Wh af A. Uwr, th W-Uia T Um aull trav4r, aad wRa ww caaltatf ih tiii. VmiK' M Tka eaaa was er) l lha at t t av. t. yirdar and a fwrlawtNi mmm wartul at 1 Ik. la ncvweaJM with U laaartMkiM ml J mil WW lb wdirt waa mM aK4 mi-loa 1wa rourt cim4 thia wi4t. WUHara R. Haat aM Loula W. Craw, fdrd, wtM rVrawi4 lallix arraraJ 4aya as t the raara at cwtiig nmtw anr tha fart ta Um lUrgal eamUaa, ttx-a mrr brooftit lna awurt, Earh waa amlrarrd ky JmAf Mirna to bm4 Icm than wit year wnr more taaa aam yaats la Klate ttrtana ' Nrwr rM4aaa4rra. iry tha Aaanc-tetr raa Waaklagtoa. Omc I. Tb follow ing fourth rlaaa poetmaster ware apKlntfd to-day la North Caroltaa: Mount Ulla, Job C Bbarrlll; Naaca, r. T. hosier;. WrlthUvllle. WilUam Q. Dosler. ENGLAND'S EXHIBIT AT JAMESTOWN. City tnt Asaoclated rreaa.) London, umc t. Harry St. Oaorge Tucker, prealdent ot the Jamestown ExpoalUoa Company, left .London for Berlin to-day. He ha bo donbt that the Gorman authorities will accept the Invitation ta participate in the naval and aillftary displays at Ja'mev towa In 1907.- Bofore leaving Mr. Tucker had, beside bis conference with Foreign Secretary Lansdowne and Archbishop of Canterbury, Interviews with the heads of the admiralty and tho war office who promised all the assist ance In their power to make Great Britain' contribution to the ' page ant fully In accordance with ber standing aa a naval and military power. ' ' , 1 he admiralty ha already given Instructions - for the preparation of an exhibit of modern invonUons In Instruments of warfare, which will Include many models requiring much time to prepare. . . SANITY RESTORED BY OPERATION. (By tha Associated Press.) Ann Arbor, kln- Dec. 2. "Restored from seemingly hopeless lunncy to com. plete sanity yesterday by a surgical op eration at the University Hospital, Wil liam Dwyer, in a momentary period ot control after, being placed on. the op erating table, bad begged the surgeon to kill him with his lancet if It appear cd that he would always have to be craay. . " ' : Two years ago In a smelter furnace at Portland,. Ohio, Dwyci-s skull 'waa crushed, being bit by a steel rail. Af ter an apparent . recovery he became a month ago a raving maniac. In the operation K was demonstrated that his mental trouble was entirely due to an abscess in his brain. , This was suc cessfully removed and a sliver plate about two inches square filled In the hole that the surgeon had made in the skull. .Then the scalp' waa sewed in place and the - patient is well on the way back to his former usefulness. NATIONAL AID FOR' IDENTIFICATION. . f - . . .. . ,. t ,:( M j (By the Associated Press.) - ; , -Washington, Dec, S.--The board ot governors Of the National -. Bureau of Criminal Idcntiflcallon will meet at po lice headquarters in this city next Wed nesday for the purpose ot . reaching a conclusion In the matter of asking Con gress for aid. , , 'i Several times this question has been mentioned, but: no definite action has yet been taken. It is probable that the board will frame, a bill covering the Question, and have It Introduced In Congress this winter. ' Those who will participate in the de liberations ar Major 8 vlvester. super intendent of police In this city: Wil liam A. Pinkerton, of Chicago; J. T. Jansen, ot Milwaukee; Marshal Far Pan, Of Baltimoref F. W. Hill, of Chat tanooga; Thomas McQualde, of Pitts burg; Paul Mllllkon, of Cincinnati; W H. Pierce, of Bostonj and F J, Cas sada, oi E'.mlra, N. T. :::.ri fcr Sicr Ij VERY FEW ARE PRESENT 4 4 Mtarp iUlm MaaV mm A Va aa t Hr lmv4 Mar awatoi Artlua Nr (W MraaraVl a4 l rny t aetata, tlaatrakM a4 ikr ('mmm. (Br ta Aaamlamd 'r, ) Uaklaio. I a I Tba Ijmba rrU f a Hoam ri al am f day la ta ball of IK Hoaac of ltr rrwralatlvra for Ik aroa of aoanl aatlag raadldataa for lkN, rlerk aad Wkor eWtlr mra. Tha l teadaBr was aK large, aa qalta a anmbor of momhors Kara sot h ar r1d la tba rfiy. The raurua called la oreVr by Mr Hay. of Vlr glala. who a tha rbalioian laat year. Repreawat alive Henry, of Texas, was aaaalmnualy elecied rhalrmaa. Without rellBilnar bnalBvaa Joha Sharp Wllllania. of Mlnalimlppl, was put In womlaatioa for Hpeaker by Kepreaentatlve Hnillb. ot Kewturky, aad waa aaaalmoualy nominated by the eaaraa. Mr. Williams addrasaad the meeting, aiaklng aa earneat plea for harmotifiua action for tba benefit of (be party. In hla ieerh Mr. Wllllaina outlined I ha ItrntnmHIr h,H y eapec btlly as be ing oppoae1 to any utilp aubalily and In favor vt alroitg anll-truat Irglnla- IKm and railway rata leaialathin. He aald (hat ha and other temorrata bad bean acruaed of ollnwlng a Republican lYraMent In tba matter of railway rat lerialatlon, but darlared that If a Republican Prealdnnt took Drmocratlc principle that waa no rauN Why Itenvwrata aaxxiU akanaon themv -"" ABSURD, SAYS -DEPEW Tied of Denying Unpleasant Questions Never Thonylit of Keslgning from Senate Halved Not to Talk Far ther t to die Newsapers Has Learned a IjexHon from the rant Will Deny Nothing Nor Affirm Anything In the Kulnrc. : ' (By the Asnoelated Press.) - Albany, N.. Y., Doc. 2. A persis tent rumor that Chaitncey M. Depew had resigned the I nlted States sena- torshlp to which he was elected by I the Legislature of this State last January , waa disposed of by Governor Hlgglns to-day when he said : ' "I have not received the resigna tion of Senator Depew nor any com munication" or intimation from him Or any one else indicating that ho in tend to resign." .' United States Senator Depew was asked Tto-day if he hiul reslKiied ' as Senator He, at first refused either to deny or affirm the report, but said fin- allyt . , : .;:-' . "I have never given the matter a thought. It Is absurd. That Is as aood as a denial I am tired of mak lntr deniala tt unnleasant nuestlons. I m resolved not tp talk further to the newspapers.,,. I will deny nothing nor Will 1 affirm aaythliig. I have learned a lesson from tbc past." ' Senator Depew 'was asked about the insurance investigation, . but said he 'would hot talk on that subject V; Tlatt Snys Absurd, Too. vf --(By the Associated Press.) Washington.V Dec. 2. Senator Piatt, of New York,' when asked, to-day con ceming the report that he Intended re signing his seat In the Benate, replied; ' '.'The report in too absurd to deny. ' . CAPT. JONES' CASE V 7 I WITH THE JURY. Rv the ARsnetnted Press.) Norfolk, Va,Dec 2 The jury In the case of Captain E. W. Jones, on trial here for the murder of Maiid Cameron Robinson, whose head he 1s alleged to have almost severed with OH same ra or which he afterwards Used in cut. ting his own throat, failed to agree af ter . a 'Consideration : of -one hour and was adjourned for dinner after which they will ; resume consideration of the case,' ,7 Maa latoa TW f i -a Iwawr. aaa fM to larUkf to Biaainal ria-.4 b RbJbm r taV B.4 0-. Malo task W 1 aa tat ta fay. . t. I Mi. 1 join i- Me- wa4. Ml. awet 'f mi Ik ro Tak U( araaea , ua4 l4ay m Maaw.,k. . 'aata to fan I aad try la Ulxi A . HaBtUna. ta mmom tk w fata ur ha pmU Ikomaaada ft doitara, l nin ta tbla rMBtry aad tooiKy W. ti ih laaar tar latoaaiBattac inakiUli Mr, MKatl aald thai h- rr saorh dovbtod keth Mr lUintlioa wwatd return to lb l'a"t ruir. I, at tkat ha iprt4 la brlsg bark a alatav aaeat wkkk wa U-tn rird by -r. Ilaaalltoa tmt J. .I n A Mt-Tall. pnoideat of Ik N- Vuik Ufe nVvretary MeCaU U tt xa of Proa! drnt McCall. T Aakad aboat a rit that Mr Hamiltoa nUkL ai r,-iuia to this country. Mr. McCall Hbl "I doa't iklak hr IM I enraa to try ts da my l'i bring klm bark If bl health MI allow. Hi Judge HamUtaa'B braiih will sol peimlt kla returg I ill bring bark aayway a statement fx inK preiared for my talker." ' II was thea aahei -Will tliee b an in th New Turk; Ufa or an af -,nl niilal -d la ixwaetiaenc '( b liivKila Uon" . "I cannot dlaruua Hint ' ho replied "It I did tail yon of .ii incn I would have to tell you In -..,,. nd of murav you aould Pul pnii Hint." COUNT TOLSTOI . IS OPTIMISTIC. (By the AaaMluted Press.) Berlla t)oc. lTbe Russian corres- pondent t tb O.fNate Jia nt viewed Count Tnltol at tba lattei er- tera home, whence 'the correspondent tele graphed: 1 fount -Tolstoi nliowa surprlHlnK "P tlmiam regardlna the pranent eunditioi of Rusala. He considers that It la not dangerous' and thinks the Industrial labor! la the few liu-ger cities play no role aa ajtatnxt the peasants, who constitute the great majority o( the Rumlnn people. "Tho peasants sre not thinking about revolution, and Tolstoi regards the newspaper reports about peasant up risings as cxiiKKeiated. He says It Im only a small party of revolutionary agitators who want to reverse the present order of things. However, Tolst oi declined to make predict Wins, saying It Is Imposmble to know what will happen. It Is necessary in any case to get rid of the existing govern ment, which hitherto haa rested upon force, and supplant It with a govern ment supported by love, good will and Christian acts." CUT OFF FROM 1 ST. PETERSBURG (Bv the Associated Press.) London, Dee. 2. Communication be tween London and St. Petersburg via the Grout Northern Telegraph Com pany Was severed this afternoon. Messages were received this morning but nothing has reached hero since noon. . The company's officials in Lon don arc unublc to communicate with their office in St. Petersburg. They have no information as to the cause of the stoppage. . . v The" Associated Press, which always has received despatches from its St, Petersburg yfflce each day beroro noon, has not received anything from that office since aboyt . 11:30-o'clock last night. . y. COURT-MARTIAL . FOR PAYMASTER. ' Washington, Dec, 2.-The Navy De partment has issued orders directing the court marltcF;ot Past Assistant Paymaster George A.SDeering. V. S, N,. on- charges growing out of alleged Ir regularities in his accounts. The court will .convenor at the' Washington navy yard on "December. It: with Rear Adr mirat Remey as president. , SMALLPOX N0T; ; SERIOUS KIND. Wilmington,. C., Dec. 2. Of the ten smallpox patients here nine are negroek. ' The situation is bo worse than In former years. AH of the cases are isolated And there la bo danger of the disease getting beyond the control Ot the health authorities. Tire lei f c:r Ecrtcf C:: Vcrii ca Trzck IN JERSEY CITY TUNNEL rw a TrxAa ml trmr Italk CVortog Aoat Drat Tlaa Haal Imn4 Two Haari Melare ka Taarl Ma4 IWki Tmaard Ttmla. Vk, Had Ikra fUgwalU lr Vcr frwL (Kr tlx Ammn lata- S York. ler Thw labif era aria killed aad four other ae iKm.lj ban to-da) la tbc Krle kail mad luctnl in Jeraey City Thev were airuih by the trala kaowa aa the "Weatera Flyer. ' which round-d a t ar to a abort dla taiHXi f rtm them and waa upon the Utile party before the men had time lo atep off the trai k here they were working One man was Inxtantl) killed and two other died a ahorl lima after ward from their Injuries. The dead are: KTANA MONESTKR. JOHN' DOitSKI WINZIZT K Rl'SAKI ; all of Jersey City. The train, whlrh waa behind time, was running at high speed when It entered the tunnel. Tho laborers were utmut 00 feet from the mouth of tho lunnul whero the train en tered. The foreman of the laborers said that he posted watchmen near the entrance of tha tunnel to warn bl men of the train's approach, but that tho watchmen did not give the signal EXAMINATIONS URGED Recommendation of Super tntendent Drake Life Insurance Companies, Associa tions and Fraternal Orders Should Be Kxnmlncd Annually Depart ment Cannot Do so Now for Lark of Funds and Force. (By tho Associated Press.) Washington, Dec. 2. Regular ex aminalions of life and fire insurance companies, in the light of the insur ance developments in New York, and a general revision ot the Insurance laws for the national capital are rec ommended by Superintendent of In surance Drake In his annual report to the commissioners pf the District of Columbia. Superintendent Drake says: , "In my judgment all the local life insurance companies, associations and fraternal orders, should be ex amined unnuallv, and ail fire insur ance companies should be examined tri-ennially, or oftener, if deemed necessary ,tho wisdom of which can bo seen daily In the revelations made by the legislative investigation com mute In the investigation that is now being made of life insurance companies In . New York. "Of the 227 companies licensed, thirty wero local corporations. Only five of the thirty have thus far been examined by the department In a do- tailed way on account of luck of funda and adequate force." SWITCHMEN NOT WITH BROTHERS. Buffalo, N. 1., Dec. 2. Tho Sitch mens' Union of North America is not In the movement launched by railroad brotherhoods In Chicago for the pur pose of. opposing government regula tion of traffic rat", according to an in terview "with F, T. Hawie'y, grand mas ter of the br'ganisatloh. -' Mr.' Hawley says ho believes the rail road employes fio not clearly under stand President Roosevelt's attitude on the subject, v Grand Master Hawley added that he did not think the gov ernment should attempt to reduce the rates without giving the owners a voice in the matter.'- ,, . . ' He suggested ! that the Interstate Commerce Commission and a commit tee ot the traffic manager of the var ious railroads ought to be able to meet jointly and adjust the rates., - . '..:,. ... .. .... ma i . I to th Ala far fN. jt..a -aa Ixmb 1mm kaaaml ho n ahi haae aa1 aM(h mm earv- am laxia lmr mi tto- aMtanal iwwv ml lav I ar1"' rr a4 kWia IW mmmmUmM frnaa tWr a the pnr aiklkr 3-Mau 4l. mi IrWMj Yitm-m Um hud The Itvrtl4e arkrtwl g .til n'fkmh. Katna k aranr wurh Kr- br lad hla haanl mtm a rHara-eal ware. Thjr fwiauiry wire aad the arr-rlrcwM Irr Ha1 bnwHr i mi aad Ike la aadjiltiia wora mfl av Uial KalM re eted Ihe fall air?.l ttm-b Hla baHly. He waa ftappawied by a atrap while t irk. mlimilir he woald haie lallea In Ihr genaiad. I4m-man .irrajuia Ihama. of Ihe llaMgh Kletirtr (Vtmpaay, waa prra eal auperlnlewding Ihe work whea Ihe aeeMeat ha pM-axd. A harry meaaagr waa aewt for Ihe htrnk aad ladder Irark of Ihe ft re department, aad It rame wMh ail poaailtle a peed. A UddiT waa Hil ap and Foretnaa DiHaa aaeraded II and placed a roie nder I be negro'a arma. Thia rope waa I lice thrown over one of the rroaa-arme of the pole and the body ho la ted and thea lowered to the ground In thia way. Hundred of people had collected and witnessed Jiibebotrihla lht. . Eaton Is S3 years old and has been employed by the Klirtrie Company more than a year. Hr Uvea near Fare's store on Person street. While hi Injuries may not prove fatal, still he was frightfully burned and tor tured. Two fingers were burned literally from his hand, one thumb was burned and there was a scorch around the mouth. He was taken to the hospital. HARVEST FESTIVAL SERVICE SUNDAY. The harvest Thanksgiving festival service, whlcu will be given to-mor row evening at the Church of the Good Shepherd, will be an unusual event in this city. The harvest fes tival in England corresponds to our Thanksgiving Day and this festival is now being observed in many churches In this country by a special service of music appropriate to the Thanksgiving season. The Good Shepherd choir will pre sent a service of music especially ap- proprlalo for Thanksgiving and will also render for the first time in this section of the country "A Song of Thanksgiving," by J. H. Maunder tho well-known English church com poser. This Is a harvest cantata requiring about B0 minutes for performance and will be given as the offertory al this service. The music of this can lata Is of a high order of merit and will be given by the full choir of 25 voices and Miss Jessamine Higgs Mrs. J. E. Moaros, Miss Louise Pit tinger, Mrs. Wade R. Brown and Mr. E. H. Baker ns soloists. Tho sliver offering taken will be for the benefit of the music, fund The service will begin at 7:30. POLICEMAN SHOT NOTED BURGLAR Philadelphia, Pa., Dec. 2. Blake Bon nefield, snWl by tho pollco to be a no torious thief, was shot and probably fatallv wounded to-day by a policeman. Bonncdeld was discovered by Patrol man, Driscoll in tho act of attempting to enter a dwelling by iiK'Rns of a false key. Bonneflcld ran and the policeman shot him in tho back, the bullet pierc ing his spinal cord. The hospital phy (Iclans Bay that should the wounded man recover he will be a helpless para lytic, Bonneflcld says his home Is in Chicago. . H anion and Herman. (By the Associated Press.) Los Angeles, Cat, Dec. 4 -Eddie Han Ion and "Kid" i Herman last night signed articles and posted $500 forfeits for their battle before the Pacific Ath letic Club on December 15. 1 - , , A Jlrcji:! K:rj H:y tz FrrJi.;! . . WEST POINT Trr.4 Df MO a4 Onaaarwrled Ital 4 Te an fcidtaja -w t J tortla) fra rlta Aery - Tar mm M ISaVraaa A I Li 1 (Br taa Aaawtatod tNiaO iTirmMoak. K. J. fa, g ri-imm waa taylf a rwta) artk UHaM vf tanaata la day la baaiar W Ik aneu.! 4 hall taaa katann tk mrmr ' aavy fautaaJI e aaa. aant by ar - ertebfwtang tba raaaaiw aa Pradat Hwawratl, Mr, ttouaavaal am aaaeabea I hla rsmlty. tary ttaa U Ktal peaanwiawt. aad LCatary TaT'. T th War Pvpartaaawt. Th mm mm mi BdaHirar ml IK ! eama began to arrlv la PrtaicrKMi aa early aa :tt a. l. wheat tha 6' aiwctal train earn la fraa Phltaa (hla, after which apart! and rwutr ralna arrived ttwqwantry. Tba Pattnaylvwala Railroad anai mat praparatloa (or handling a rroil. Tn brajK-a road from tha N Tork dlvlatoa ta PrlBcaiton, a lata no of three ml Waa. ' was doubtot-tnu-had. and a yard rantabalng tan loag atJinga was con at roe ad near tha campua. Th waalhcr durlag tb anornlng hour waa cloudr. Mora than 12 delartlvaa froca a prl- vata ocr In New Tork aad M p- lleeman from New Jersey wr adled lo protect the vlaltor from plckpx k!a and thhtvaa. Tba West Point player, accompanied by their ooache and trainer, number ing over thirty men, arrlvad about li o'clock and drvv Immadlatalr lo !' PrlneatoB Inn. alxnt tb navy jua bad aaaa raaUiur aha aatrday af farnooa. . Tba probabl Itn-uv of th teams follow: ARMT. POSITlONtt NATT. Wllhalm (8ml th) I. a. Howard (Captain) Erwln L t Chamber (Pleraon) Week (Moore) ..L g. ...... .....CBrlan Abraham c. Cauay Christy r. g. fihafroth Mettler r. t .......... Grady. OllawpW) (Capt.) .r. . Woodsworth Johnson q. h. Decker (Norton) Beavers ........ L h. b. gpenear Hill (Greble)... r. h. b. ,K.... Doberty Torney (Watklns) f. b. Ghormley The crowd came early and spent the ' morning hour sight-seeing, - and to wards 11 o'clock began to gather at the Princeton station to await th ar rival of the President ' The special train from West Point carrying th . army cadet arrived . a few mlnutea after 11 o'clock and waa followed by a special from Philadelphia on which were tic president and dl-., rectors and other high officials of the Pennsylvania, Railroad. , - . ' At the station a detail from the half . hundred policemen that were -drafted from Jersey City, with th assistance or a dosen secret servlo men, kept the crowd off the platform. : About 000 persons, nearly all of them carry- , ing either the army or the navy colors were massed about the station. The President's special arrived 'dt 12.22 o'clock. President Wood row WU-) ; son boarded the train, and after greet-. Ing the president, Mrs. Roosevelt and . other members of the party the start - was made for the drive to "Prospect," : the home of Dr. Wilson:' " Where th. . President's party waa, entertained "at" luncheon. '...;;; -. .i. .v-v- The President and Mrs. . Roosevelt were warmly greeted as they appeared. : on the platform of their car... -Frest-" dent Roosevelt, Mr. Roosevelt, Secra tary Root and Dr. Wlreon occupied the first cairiage. Among the other -8f the party that went 6 Dr. Wilson's were Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Robinson, Miss Oortnne, Robinson, .. Captain ana - Mrs. W. S. Cowle and Secretary Loebi The remainder of the President's par. , ty Including Theodore Roosevelt, Jr and Miss Ethel Roosevelt,-had lunch. , eon on the train. Miss Alice Roosa-j velt did not come to Princeton. The Annapolis special train, with tb naval cadets, and JPierpont Morgan's special from New Tork, Arrived shortly after the Prealdent' train. The gates- to University Field, In charge xt more than 100 private de- tectlves, were opened at ill o'clock to admit the crowd that was already in waiting. ; Nearly all of the early com era carried lunch boxes and ate their midday meal sitting In the stands, & v At i , o'clock; the hour set for the game, ' the big stand were not one third filled- Neither team had arrived on the field, and there was a craning ot necks- toward the main entrance to tha field Hi Anticipation of the Presi dent' arrival." At 1:50 a drtzullng rain began falling which threatened to in crease. ' ' President Roosevelt reached the foot ball field" shortly after 2 o'clock, being escorted thither from President Wll- ! (Continued on Page Five.) mm .aiiMWaatoitoaa.1-,. ,..mmukm i-,,--m.aaaaaa-lfa.-- - - --