i r 1T EIGH EVENING TIMES. X Ml. &AU.XOH. X C, THUESDAy, DECE1IBEB T, iCl EDUCATED,. CONSECRATED 'ilINISTRy PRESENT NEED TWAS HAND OF aftts Anom BANKsaiEj DAY AT TEN KILLED IN THE MM MJff' WAKE.FOREST LIMITED WRECK ALREADY C: . L Ili ii a ... ... . ij raise urcriiiij ia Wcala (Vn!;lIonS( Warned BAPTISTS COMPLETE ELECTION Df OFFICERS aia TV to 1 rarVmmttlr as Corr( oad'tg orre!r llcv. IJ-l-olatrd If rVrUOral Jnara Mwty j lngatoa JohBaoy no It trtklct MlM.-rUl hwlral 4 m.k ,Prt0"l ,h coaniloa tvi w Mll,!,w!!,k,1!,t , wer tl deW-tata. 11 rkurefcai la th ,V"rm ,tUa aod 1 1. lit 11 ralard for Bitf- 'alona To-d.a I hi re ar (OA d!- Wtla nnr than tO otrollH drie- 'icitM. 1.111 ranrriim, 1I4.SSS main- kalM trl worvlnc raVa o lU lUptUt (tt(fiU(M vm held U Kh Urt ftl.ht. coplHoJ ar ih. lc,r" J . " flnrttoa of Tic ftldiU nd other! rr t,n, " J"rr oBlcr ud U work of th toovm- " Mlwlon Board wxiiii thfl (ko tx-gua In tnict. - bw jom wiihoot rwt r d.ii." 1h annual rlrt of Corrapond- jtfeclart 8rr(ai7 Joaoi-.n "Th? Inc Swretar J oho von u mvrd Uaptlma raUHl I30.00t.10 for tbta wllh profound railflrloi. Thrrral work In North Carolina (Ma hi born ft marked advanra all alt J r the Una. Tfca North Carollaa Bap- S Ilaptlat Vnrnm Prfirhin. tlata hart ralid Barly 5,00fl for Prof. K. C. Dargan. or he Thoo mUalona thla yaar aad the Btat . logiral rmlnanr at Lou1tI11, Kjr.. Hoard en ten 104 without ft rut of, told thr convention that there ar? Indebtedness. ' Jnow SSS aludenlt thorn preparlng Proftwaor Dargan, of Lonlarllla. for tha ministry. Ky., cave tha ronTentton ft aUrrlnrJ In tho eoursa of bla remarks ho address on ministerial aduc-atlon alid obaerred that no wooion took the ha did not fall. In his remarks, to theological course, and the Breaker aonnd ft warning ftialnM the fad ot WM aeamlncly fratlflod with th Bap lit rallUr which would destroy Bap- tjgi pqaltldn apilnst women preach tist conlctlne and nilnliulw) prlncl- nK . , . . pl.. H. appeal for aa , . , ' ronawrataO-ttiftiauTi wjuu a teport from "0,CTrJ;0"-'"' . WakO Korc.1. who ' men. were now atudytng for tho mtn- ' 1st! r thnre than evef before , . " Before adiottrnment at noon. 1n or - ' der that tho convention might go In a body to attend, the Inauguration ot Pn-sldrnt Poteai t Wako Forest, v Prestdnnt W. N. Jbnos announced tho -committees. They dro given In full ' 4n thla pior. 1 ' To-night tht convontlon will 'moot 61 7:80. ; The snbjccu for discussion , are '-WoMan's Work," J-'oroln Blona" and the "Sunday School Work of the Southorn Board." Dr. Frost, sorrelnry of tho snnaay scnooi uouru' ' nnd'Df. WIHInghnni, secretary o, tlto foreign mission . board, will bo nmong the speakers. The deliberations of tho convon- Hon ar being conducted in the most '- business like wny. The. order for tho consideration of topics recoru V monded b 'the committee Is followed closely nnd when, tho hour assigned ; 1 expires the next subject is promptly v taken up. '' ' ' The convention 13 tttorougniy rep rescntaUvo of the State's bast cltlzoa- ship.. Unlike most great religious,. . vi. 1.I.J Ma mrtmrrm ! paineriugs 01 .mis mm v.u i",u",iv' " are ot In 8 decided majority. In doed, from the appointment Of com mittees and the partr taken In the dlseusslonB . the lay delegates seem ingly out number the clerical. When one' .considers that . this Is the busi est session 4i the year, thtj jmport- ance ot the sacrifice ; the?e lawyersi doctors, -merchants, bankers, and farmerj made In -coming Jo the con-, vontloa 14 faiaUy rpalitod, '. ' - ' Devotional Servlee. i " '' rrn. j this morning were ' conducted by Rev. C. W. Scarborough nf f iirf reasbOTO. one of T-he most U. IUO, Wu.y - consecrated: Christians and the. pas-- . tor Of perhaps the most flourisiung rural churches In the State. . Fervent .v . n ,, p travers was offered by Rev. Dr. J. K. Willtngham. of Richmond, va.t itev. ----- , Forest .25- Scotland laeMlU8 re,Sve . , - o-..,ttrm. atid bi waae orest, ao, otoiiana Tnini fMm fMaun nnd TC off are - a a. ... Dr. ff. J. Hall, ot Fayettavine, ana ' "'"others." "in" ' at ". v ti V - Kt'W ' Preftident ili-the Chair., -'th . Mr.'hA'.'N. Jdnesywl Raleigh, called " t:th'cohveritlon' Uotbrterf-at to ttVlock, ttwx-JbhJ,hdlbittwme ;0. Clayton; H.- W. . Hdrton, 1 aorita ' r that " the Governor of the Raleigh Ijan! iaWn In thrFfratK, Mount Mrys $10;, - Cherry vllle,'0des9a' haeeposted' notices In ; the ' Baptist;hprchereii'and president,,, ,v) Ellzabeth CUy( Flrst ; im New streets to the'efrett1 that the slightest of -th-ei'localntl-'saloodMeague.iwas Bern ,First $i5l Eastern Assocla-j0,alurban'!ei' wll!'lmniediatelybe put ' ehosen'vpresident on, the, fifth' bnlM Uon 'j25Dr . Overby, of Bliaftbetit. own with rifles, "targe numbers, of V - last night,5 after the names if Prof. cll ' 10."j, D, Newton, $5, amount- troops are stationed in and around ' J. B.:carlyle. Hon. E. F. Aydlctt, W. ,ng to ?615. , - , , Odesna.'" ' - ' . . ? C. Dowd. T. M..Arrlngton and Rev. 8ynipatlly" f6r D,'. MiVchelL - '' An 'official W. R. Gwaltney had been withdrawn. n,nt Person8 haye bee kt11e? at 'Odessa " - - Tho president is nslng a gavel. .Hnata"lt .! the beginning of the troubles. ' - glven-byMaj, J.M. Crenshaw u la ' Rf. Mitchell, tor 63 year8 a-Bdptlstj AdyIcea from Bucharet say tho " " , made .from the : tree 'under which nister was now to the first "people of Moscow and Nlkolaieff are , NtatthewT. Yates Prayed when a stu-1 r "VLTJZ ulfortns; from lack of water, btead, dont at Wake Forest, t ' Oflicers T'llected To-tlny. v The first business to-day was to w,lr( lib .rlart.ua tat torf I t. n. . immikf wakifciMii a a turf wvww li .a . I - . Oaf ottero: w. r u.. i-aarti ,0 U. Wtiag Rn'oraifcg K tri:,lN AmImuI lwrMr; I C Hoof 1 rrrrf . Vv aJw lrVa Aaalalaht Tr..rr i. M 9o- rtrg. Ham fry : ' IJrlsg stoa Jo. ! Treat. W. C. T)W. O C llrl((. K. . Chart R. Ayrwh.J !ry ( Veadrrfal Craath. It itibtaltllec fci aataaJ report f4.0.O raland for italj. hojii aad forla KilaatoM altd tion. Th o- ' The & tnlnary la n la doht and ivis n flTWIwaiUI,' Unfit T.I rMlTfiW receive an enlarged endowment to 'u.. ,ntoro,t of progress. ... . ,u . , , The speaker declared tho Increased Jdernand for ministers wna much greater than the ratio of the supply, Tho supply must be Increased and every effort made to send forth well equipped men: tho quality must ever Improve. However, the supremo .need is consocrntlon to "our King.'' i Liberal ity Sacrincps Conviction. , j Profesgor Dargan exnlaimed. with great feeling, that his heart qulv- jerod whm he read that the noad cf th(j Boptlgt ln8titulon In the i country had declared in ft speech brv- fore .the so-called . federation of churches in Now York thnt hewas not a candidate for a heaven which would exclude, Edward Everett Hale and men or that thought, meaning, apparently, : th0- Unitarians. 5 Tharc were two extremes confronting the Baptists, narrowness and bigotry on tho ono side, and on the other, thi3 so-called liberality and broadness, which often means lack, of steadfast conviction. . Avoid ' bpth extremea, 'ld tne 8l)eakeTi wn0l tjj0I, declared had -ather etandWitb. he conse- . f erated narrow men than to join the rahks of those llberallsts, whose con victions are'ao thin that a grasshop per could wade through and 'not got hia ankles wet -' . . Professor Dargan closed with ah eloquent .'appeal for an educated, conseqrated ministry to meet the con- ditiont , of the times. , . Aid Ministerial Students. From North Carolina : .Baptists $628.64 was this year received to aid needy students at the Louisville Semi- Ihftry- . Voluntary pledges for the aid , - - fund next year were made as follows; First- church, Durham,'. $60; First church, Ralplgh, $7SJ : GOldsboro, $25; Oreensbbro, $25; West Chowan ' . ...-..' ' tAH . . i ml .. . lit . r pnanage, J.o; nauu; - vmuti jvjmmjia-, . f,, . T .,... z. . till. BaU . IVltJLJ lib aTjItf 1ft AaOULiaLlUUi' Neck,. $15; Hickory, $15; Morehead City, $15: ,Lujnberton,- $20; 'Albo marle, Flrat church, $iO; .Whltevtlle, a . mrm : riMxlriaAl..,lt a t i ft T f ltli'; ivittl uicnn i:uuti.uf iv. win colnton, $10; three churches of far count ot Illness. Dr. Hufham then offered a resolution reciting the great (Continued on page two.) SiUiralf M tenls Tcrtcred fcy tacks HORRIBLE STORIES TOLD tWWBar C -V. Pall t IVaa Ml' lll'r bjmI It-arda h4 Tor 11 nrr taf FlrM I n Th-ir tacw. Cfcrralfc'O' t -V kMl It aira - UUk Whlpa. iBf tha Aw ui.J I'ivu Si FVer-t'f . I C iWrlrn day tneraiaci u Ki dtk uhu-a. Km Pressla. De " -Th tst ot l ho aasasslastlta of I.U-utennnt (ionrral ttakharoB. tortr.ar n.tntster of ar. ho was ihot In' the Uncrior s pal e at S.iruiff D?-c:xiIit Hir. had ben rre.-eded b the r.mt hoirlblo Stories of tho rfr.nnn la Utih Sik hottlff fcad ber'O -Teprcaliig the acru rtaa dlsoriiera Ha coiralled "an:.ut aith t'ns sackl and the.i had them .c:it"ti With tha sold lorn' a-hiim lu t-o dotrn. Hakksroff intrais.-d the m!cui ado.it- A hv Prtnrn John Olmlonxkv. foi m- er i governor vetHrl of Finland. In suppressing the Mtmil.'ins in the vi cinity of KharkofT several ears apo. when the prlnct caiiHcd the peasuuta to be whipped l) r;'ls of ('oiwacliJ and compelled them In turn to beat Ihelr eonirad-.M. The aswissln of Snkhuroff hus not beea Idontlftad. When nrreitod the woman who comtnilted the nli.ie de- clared thnt bIic had executed , a do-!'11" ,ne view., or m cres of the terrorist section of the prorcedlng. . t . . social rerolutlonlHts. The followlnt la n description of Hakhnrnff'B arrival nt Hoiionnsrhlnn. ono of tho vIllagvM ot tho provluce of Bnratotf: ' ' " "Ho came with Coss:u-U nml ar- tllldrv. The noasunts w.-ro K'.irrounil - ed by C'osacks. and Sakharon nil drcsu'd them, demanding that they ourr.fnder their leaders. The village oMer replied, lift gave the general no Information. Tho elder wan linnie dhttoly beaten until he lost ronxci- Ottsnoss. ' J - "Uakharoff then retired to the court housfe, leaving the peasants at iTn Q Paid nn Fflt'lPP PpPfTl tho mercies of the ( o:,sarks, most of 1 U. fl,U "U lU.tJ.G I I Ulll whom were drunk, and they began torturing tho peasants, pulling out i thetr hair and benrda and oven tear-1 illg plooea of tlesli from t!ieir faces. I Thirty-three peasants were thua ma', troated." jt Pollsl Leuitue of Leagues. .-Warsaw,. Russian Poland. Doc. 7. Thirteen unions of civil engineers, lawyers, ' teachers, physlciana. clerks, otc.Vhave formed a Polish league of lepgtica as an annex of the Russian leaftue oi leagues. The local police have petitioned the Chief of- police for hotter pay, hous - IDR and treatment. Tlioy erquired aj fvorablo. answer during the week, otherwise they threaten to strike. j " Accounts of Refugees. j Vienna, Dec. 7. Despatches re- i celved, here from Lembcrg say that j large numbers, of Russian refugees fcre fcoming In daily. There aro 800 Thay all give of them at Cracow. exciting terrified accounts of the occurrences In Russia. Many of the j refugees formerly were men of con- slderable ; wealth and standing, but they left everything behind, and now are almost reduced, to beggary. The., people of 'Lembcrg declare that murders and rioting continue at Kieff.- The refugees who fhnve arrived at Podwolocgyska say that excesses aaginst the .' Jews have occurred at iSchmerynka - and-, Serbinowow. No . 'i .. now arriving at Podwoloczyska on time.'.; -Refugees and teleigrame are being forwarded by the railroad. ; iThe telegraph -operators at Czer- light and meat. - Almost all the fnc- .Jew'tah 'have been destroy) hotties In Rostoff destroyed. ' fJ ;' SHalMtn tt aa ! ' SMki A4taa liar triKw"a wc (I IW An -1 ' Wk.BiU4. I-. si raH4 e H ! i.j.le i-!s i a! i: i it iij of IS T(i i :tB as ( 4b-' k ruu.lli1l h. ( i a.iM.lf a rot' 'tteual banks. Cd '' t air H-illn.H ftla rta su'i v kr rallnl sti. m or.-mvrsdtloa (is t la lu saauil kiiri' l !' 1 for the .arln ti"-iierioa atsi-'fft i" ru in ton In coal'' i. ' Hp rui'.ted with ew" ru 'td. at'a rwmsrk IwtiTi ictrlb(loas t , Dm chief , i--t tt" vt pio(trrslS itn pin ili In rleirtlon' (! Rood AmwU-ii I'.Ti'."' nnd look lor : that line." He s'iSD fjf.otel :ti it.' . u I. Ill' t h '.:-tf ji. a r : i , , Si, .-ft t ll . s, u I Hi c i ie- I : "tdcBt l n aad . Iiw for -od rr . . Gillian i haats the H K cm i urailona r.kea a u Kifur.i . ) t ami rl! . m lort K 1 1 v S !(nl "( 1 ; llie ihht In 'ti li retsry Root and H New V(rk. of Ike r. .mi Preiideni's renartt. would tn' Impartial . lit U-al p.irttoa.' He coureied 'hi t mlitht not hav thn f 1 he tho.irht be onchi d-niallv Mr. TWmsn t S.- let.iry .i-u -d. lint Ini .. h had 1:1 I-oIKt (if mi -tir.:it'tii; .;m , 1 lull ions 'Ml: legal i bea Informed that tJv . 'to on vncy una oe. "'e snljet of, bam. j fommlttw on Vh .lriri.'S. ::rni of e Sennte, Kenaror Ar;rer.n. rn-.i 111 to ' iteptimiran tuiiptis i u ! " announces ine pn sopnei oi ine icel ii irnmratitv to w rnmrait'V ro ;"T!ni:i'i on miih t ri'l'tees as lollows:, S "ale. chnirtnun: Aldrl. h. CiiHiim, Terkin, Clark of Wyoming. Nr:.-o:i. Sikiohc!'. Keun i.nd Bevertdj..-. WILLED COMMISSIONS iums After His Death I'rrskVnl II:.rii:i's Widow Iteceiv.vl Fr;m Muhia! Keserve $1:1 1, out r'nrter Hlw Will, and Is Still (Jei t i ii:; u Percenuijie, Althoutili M.w Y.n Ajgaln Money to Iliiraliuin. (By the !ss. u-iated rress.) New York, 1'tv. " -The first wit.-. : to appear be.fou- Hi ' insurance lnveatl ;rating committee tn-diy was Williim j a. F.utts. paymi -l.T of tha Mutual Jteservo Life I.isnraiice Company " this city. Mr. Huchcp. c-'imact for tha e.n'.i mlttee, asked 1:1m for a'v aecuuvl ' the payments made by tho company '.. Mis.. Harper, luii of the entate of L -mer President Howard W. Harper, us j commissions on .ntvmiums which Mr j Harper bcqucilli il to his estate, and ! to be paid alter his death. The witness was temporarily cxctsse-.i. and J.-A.' Hyland, bopk-keeper of Jie Uli.nl lmar,-ti wf a iallul and IHATIti- ; fiefl entHe3 m b )k8 0( th? cmpany , Bhmvinlr avrn,,t of J600 each to Mrs. ; Harper in im and 1836. Horn of -hem were checked with the initials of Fred erick A. Burnhim. president of the Mu- Witness Hvlar.d said Mrstarper is now "'Mrs. Orlaid" H. Dorman, having married since Mr. Harper's death. The -totalamount paid to her bv the Mutual. Reserve Company under the will of Edward B. Harper, witness slid, was lEoer." and there is Still belns paid one-third of twenty cents on oach 41,000 Insurance iu force prior to 1895. Witness did net kr.ow that any money In the Harper Account was paid to President F. A. Burr h-hi. a-; William.; A. Butts, : the paymaster, then' "went on the1 rttiad. . He Slid ha Sgave: $8,C0S jto Pr sldjnfc F. A, Burh hamj,from the cdntingont' fund In 1896. Witness did-not know what, the presi dent did with th money. Preslde:tit Chatties M.- Turner,' of vhe Security Mutual j Iu3uranoe Company, of Blnghampton was recalled. In the course . of his testimony;. he said that his Company hai paid J1.000. a year . to T). H. Kseper, a ;lerk In the New Tork State Insurance Department ,tO per fotrn some duties as actuary of the Se curity Mut'.'ftl. ("It did not occur' to me;' said Mr. Turner,' "that 'this con Hlcted with Mr. IKeQper'a duties to the Insurance department." , 1 ' , He CtCeses Kew Pits- ldeii Vss Installed DR. POTEArS ADDRESS llw l V4 Ma IBM IbttM-a Uaa 1 1 I t.r 4liKt v4 lr Urln . Tal. Ia rrrati4 HfiM1 lnaMt. kh. Ha K- III f.tr tw t'.-i HkI 1 , wtil to TLe I iri.li j TlBi I r.r.i: "f Ih ' 7t hfc. mn a f 11.1 d f..r V a K-.'ti ('..!!. Jul HI I " J' US'' lhi mm. Hi Ktmgii Wail a il.14 Sii 011m iimI ..f Wa Fi. ! Inatl lul In Ml tin I'.alilui ixsamr n illtr kiiihii.! Wall f..unJ" ilJ . r - It. 11 .1:1 '44 l"o.l hi. ! ll;i't. .11 111'' ll.HT.f.1 111 WlPlam H...tM-i in'.ilaii. f ih' ..f 111. UHrli..' 1 In I H 1 1 't ..f .1 .1. 1 1 ,li ... , hi. . I lum Al Ih. .1 ..l. l'i l..Hl millirj It. till tiln.n.-if nA.-.ua: to lln laak ..f M.iii i 11 di lit .if I; 1 ine Thl " "' !Mi ih iilti. ..i 1. m.mI in tti' hipti.i .it t lp i-oLi'iir S-.t ..n!y 011 .B" iril i!i i'i ifwiiiM l.ut ..I., tti' pi f-lt1'r i. nf Mn Imi.ii.I itui..- Thm Am .1 It . .pi . en i nn !i. i .ti- ' I At 1 1 1 it- d.-uk ii i i. ' 1 .hr I l-v .' in-' I n ' f. l.Mik I; u.m hlmai lf .. a nr i.m , ,.'l.r uhuli lie (11.1 III 1M' II. i mi i x ricrl tri.i Walt !.Cfl nnd nlhftfc In lln ii'lhht.i h.Mid Fl:nllal af.'.'uni- n W Tli.niiia.n w a put In lln ft. 1.1 ; ni-in: nnd Iti unr .ru , hi it. .l. t.l an " llH'tl .nit J... n I'. White ni Ihi-ii . h.i. ;i rf l.. "it Aftit tin re vrain (if r.-plgni-d :.n.l H'lurnnl in llltmila. Aftt-r eleet IttK wvuu1 Mini w It 1 1 ' kuipIi! ant ne i'l.t. YmiiiK W XI Wlnsate i tn inn i In Wlnrste ns iireililonl .or .. ,., y-tlv. M-a,, III. ministration "vtai-t,. II. wan the n.M u. put tl;i( iM'iielr Hia weet toniiH-r aiiu trial :tliillt ,i.i ftletiiN pverywhrrr. hut 111 Cll' War m idr shlptvivck if 'tis v .it k I Hll ilK t tl WI'lBUtr I" trin. linrd l war ih il.i.ir vre ' losr.l ii - I- rli t'li-i llie war ami . sideiit till his di-illh l'i l ili sni i rss.a as '. he 'at lime:itcd T. 11. Til!, hat. I Km three veil I'd he tl-.ti-M hi:- rni'.-pies into .h, work, hut 1 Itrll : rviKla d. Dr. rhatli! K. T-ivlnr was hip PUe eensor. This idnilnlstrat I.m, which !ih been tiiai ked with pnnress along .'very line and a substantial mdowment. will be faiii.ni" Dr. Taylor emphasised n-d-tw in. 'lit and this mean! er.larifed ;'ae nllies. t"iid.-i bis able nmiiRKi-ntrnl vhe Instil tile ii.nk a front rank anions; Southern institutions. It hss 'Xended in every :l w ise iiteeiimi. Dr. Taylor has oeea ,,d . ,.dent leader. lr. W. L. Potent. new tiresniem. vv . u . rot rat. -ins , " rk under the must" favopable rii . untxtanees. The fact that his selec tion is approved by the great Baptist hosts of the State, and an evidence of the lar;w number of friends of '.h? institution throughout the common wealth, is shown by the large crowd of people on attendance at Ills Inaugu ration this afternoon. It is the largest iiswmhiiia-o of neonle that has ever gathered on the canmus of the old col- , lege. The crowd has been gathering! for several days, but the larger number came on the special train fi-oui Raleigh I In the earlier part of the afternoon. ;he Baptist State Convention. In session in Raklgh. attending in a body. The Procession. Th? academic procession assembled ; at the door of the Wlngate Memorial I building and extended back to the 11 i brary building. The order of march was n.s follows: With the members of 1 the Kuzelian and Phllomatheslan llter ; ary societies In single file, the students extended on each sldo from the Me i mortal Hall back to the reading room, and beginning at the door of the Me morial Hall and extending back into the library building was. flrst the alumni, in charge of Mr. W. W. Hold- ing, of Wako Forest; the trustees, in playing a game of craps this after charge ol Mr. W. C. Dowd, of Char- noon at 3:30 o'clock, Sam Hawkins lotte; the visitors, in charge of Mr. J. D. Boushair. of Raleigh; college and University delegates, In charge of Prof. uariuB an; ana tne lacuay, in luaiuioU' . ui ' 1 .niuuinuavi , ixiiuci vn ..,V slA I. rv rnnnVn .v ,tn,l welj by Mr.- Hubert M. Potest, son of tlart newlvf-elRetfvd oreRtdent I The' students however who were as. stated, .on each side of tho proves- Slon, remaned outside tilt the others had. gone In and then they marched la double file with ths banners of the two literary societies born by the stu dent niarsiials, Mr. J. M. Ploot of Hall fax county, leading the Eusellans, and Mr. M. F. Hatcher of Forsyth county, leadiiig the members of the Phlloma theslan Society. The students Jiiarched up the' middle -aisle, and parting in (Concluded on Second Page.) Iiutj Bcrl la Elg Ulster ca InioD Psclflc MANY OF HEW PERISH IK.-r.it i JikI -d H ,!-. Ii h. . l.lu ia 1.1 I g I mud it I ar Mi.il I .k I .. a. aad irMlaiM. In. .ia It V Hjlan iti.nl H )'- "1 Mllatm '11 t'n . . li-! I'lm l lliuaha. !- T Mar (-r- aoaw i-rr ktlUnl bmU rartr Irala raa 4ea bmmI rlattl aaruam am- la rrd la Ih atrtvk of iKi-rlaaid lamll nj l'aaa-Bcv Trala u 1. va ihr I aii .a Far flu lire an Mr ai-at of Kmi itiai. t)n. Ihla nmrrluj Tin- 1 1 in It ill aiaa ru a lata tn-ad-iB I) a fnlg-fil train, aad lih r(1ara a err uenMll.lirI. Ilx- diManin ar, tnall rar aad llnlaR i ir tin Id. limited liMrax-d lu llie alM-a-U. tv-tiral of llw dead urrrV I u itif-Tali A. a ad. F'lrat CooL Jamea llaalT, Omaha Krtnatl 4 ook 11 ItiMu-nliaom. Oak land, t'al Fourth Cook John la. Omaha J. A. Nr,. J. F. Ilillllppar ad rrana nirmm, mail rier. an or C haven a. yyo Kleclriclan Ktiirrra aud aaaUtant. F.nalneer I'.rlnk. of Ravllns. Brakeman Hmlth, of Kawllns I'aast-ngiTB Injured. Our man (would hot give name) J ( Hooper Salt Uk. sprained aakle. M. C. McCoy, Kansas City ill.htly Injured; Mrs. A. C. Blcknell, Osklnnd. Cal . slight Injuries; Mfti Kduu 1. Isaack, Han Francisco, -.m, mjurle.: Mr. Maud Elloy. Ran From Isco, contu.lon of right knee Franriaro, hrulsei on both knees; S. M. Miilett. San Francisco, left leg rontuKed and right hand slightly cut hy glars. Colored waiters and porters were the others Injured. The three dead rooks are white men. An extra freight train was given an oruer ueiore u icu n.n a nuring. to meet four east-bound passenger trains, of which the Overland Limit- od was the last one. nt Ahasay, a, They point out : that tha commU sldlng flvo miles west of ROfk ' sloa ls now mad6 Up et tWo men from Springs. The freight took the siding tn. Etgt AIld wlltt tho Addition vt at Ahasay nnd waited until three of these trains hud passed east and then pulled oil. When a mile and a half west of Ahiisay the freight met the Overland Limited and crashed Into it head-on. J , Both engines were demolished and mc three lirsi cars ot tne uverianu ...u.lieu ..ii.iuu.u.e,, uiupu ine uuu were destroyed. Engineer Brink, ot the freight train, who. It Is stated officially, was responsible for over-running his or ders, was one of the kilted. Several trains had been bndly de layed at Granger, with the result that tho four passenger trains were . running close to each other. The, freight had received positive orders to meet all four of these trains at Ahasay, and the officials say that order was either misunderstood or mtsrend. piipf trains with wrecking enrs and a large number of physicians were immediately dispatched from Rock Springs and Granger NEGRO KILLED IN A CRAP GAME TODAY i (Special to The Evening Times.) Loulsburg, N. C Doc. 7. While : and Tom Johnson got into a row and wltholIt argument Hawkins drew a pl8,0, fronl nlg pocket and shot John gon kKUng him instantly. Immediately after the shooting Ult,eM' iwklns fled and oiBcers are now on.1"1 be taken np first t y 1 naw his trail. The Inquest is being held 1 late this af ternoon. j Johnson died before he could make a siaiemuuv. m uasuj- " Un what .Is known as the Cripple j Creek section. Cpl. D. P. Bosworth Dead. Marietta, O.. Dec. T.--dolonel Daniel Pet kins Bosworth, one of ihe wealth iest and best known men in vhe oil country, died In New York hist :ilght. Hs served as an active ensign In ths ' navy during tlie Civil War. , M Pulls C.r DEMOCRATIC UiUi i lu i.KUiaa U an at mi kiiad Oif a-1 TW tHBBSrraU H 19 H IT 1 1 miftiBW ta laieawUt ( ft- CVamaalBBlaai af Lavaw U t M. Wa trm Ik i Kp taJ tm TV KvamUc TIs Waakiaiioa, Dh. T. Ta pro-l-wt tbat Lb pavwors of Ih Isteratat ( o mm art CeaiB&laaloa mt b great ly Blarg4 dartag U nxt fear nioatka by UftialaUaa glvtag tha oora nlaaloa awwor I) Aa railway rata Is raualag lb fiolltfcUaM U) rgarA ( p polnttneau t this body Of graalar poiitkal tm porta sea tkaa baa boa lh raaa hvtwtofora. . This was nuad orldest wkaa It va dtatTT4 tkat ooaiidarmbl op i oaltloa bad dawolopod to the an potataiaBt of Praftklka K. Laa. of California, to tho commlaaloa. Mr. Laa la al4 to bo ft Bryant to Democrat, whU tho rotlrtng oommlB sloner Is fUpabllcaft. It Is rport- ,h u CfcMfoniU .tors W.r not consulted as to Mr. Laaa's leo tloo. bat that thay propoaad lo'tho Prrsldant vral nam of other Cal Ifornlna who wo did b ftcceplabla to them. Tblr protest against Mr. Iane was baaod on tha grounds that ha au ant a. Raauhtifaa anat 'that h kMW Bolh,ng J)00t lh. ,UBJct of railway ratoa. ' .f. . . ' 3ome ot tho Republicans ar In ft slat of Blind over tht dlcovry that arltK Ih. .nhfil.lln.fir.lir alp'. 1. ah. ,he pemocratl will have ft majority on too lavurotot Cnra -Conn. t- aion. Measr. Knapp and P rooty be ing th only hepubllcani left, whl! ex-Benator Cockralt And Mf, Dem ents, the other two members,, ar both Democrat,: i'-. ) Objection of anothef sort has been made by soma of'tb Southern lap porters of th President's" railway liolicy. While approving his aelee- on of , jjemoera for the position ,hey .ay that It WOUld have been, bet ter to have taken ( man Jrom tho South. or r.tKBr ,h. gouthWB.r Mr. Lane wilt have two from ah. West whe th, BoUthVhaA Only bno representative, Judi Clements.! of 0oor,. Thp ... that nearlv all (h(? corapiatnU brought . befOrO tho ! commission Hnder lU' V OhlArged ., eohtosU between competlng localltlei for advkntages , rateg and that n ,uch tontjo, slos the East and West aro likely to get what they want At the expense . of the South. BIG CASES AGAINST i DISTILLERS. , s-;ik (Special to The Bvenlng Times.) ': i Greensboro, N. C4 Dec Jf.-jUnltod : States District Attorney Hoi ton was here looking over th docket and preparing his cases fOf next Week' iterm of Charlotte Federal court.'- - ; ' ' There are two bla- eases nt-Blnst government rectifiers and distiller for alleged frauds against tha gov-1 jcrnment, similar to , tha Old : Nick i iense, due for trial at Charlotte.' 1 I These are United States against jvogler, and against Smithdeal, of Advance. It Is learned ' that these cases will be, continued, owng to tho . improbability of their being able to -be concluded before Christmas, ' The first week in January ft special term of Federal court begins' In ' Greensboro agalna tot the - trial ot revenue officers aabused of conspiracy -with distillers to defraud the govern-: ment, and numberless other offences. , . 't(.uv, it,., tk. 17rv.. " J" VJt l!Wlr Collector Samuels,, irliioh s wai dis continued at the October terrii on ac . From Its. Own' Prrsa,' v:' -I ;! ':5 (Special to Tha Evening1 Time.) Greensboro, K. C. Dec. T. Tho Weeklv Tr Hatal taaii4 th a aa.ta ' number .from Its own Jires. ...Tha new. machine did its first work' thla morning and did It expeditiously and Well. ,::;, ' 'I f , , ' Gone to St. Petettibtairi. m , . Berlin. Dec. 7. Mr. ' Mevet1, ' tha American ambassador to Rusla, pro ceeded to-day td SU Petersburg. '" aU-- -t'.- '':.';:. .5 ;:'-'' 1 , .. s'" , -. -. t .. l. .. . r