LlS-l L: CO. ,... . . . .a- m if - m. ' - - . & 1 .. .M ... i . . I - . at v -4. a fc M. ..- ft.!. . s..m mi . i. ti 1 u. t-t ka a t .'-. a a ih t -- t tM rt wu. Ml in 1 trf IM -- ti Ml rt-i - 1 j 1 n Mwwl i (ba aiij. in lir Christmas Shopping 1' C ft....... . -J . . rrt K.ftw rf ki .fc-e 4 lAaxtkaM ! I f ....rt M 4J 4mm e. su 1. IwKt I tM ta-au fTea e 1 ... Ma. l, II la K l im t- tira4 A - rw r -r-, . J a bi mum. m ai Tia' a W omm aatt a4 i.Qi-aliU aVMaa a k-tiaa. TSmtrnwrn m tb mwu ia ai f -. ifcal W W tU a Or..a kf Btiawr MinnW Jt , tfcj.tj M ft 1 1 i ,M-4 l M ft-rf d tte Krj aif.' l-.- l4 a 4 t ifc t ig lr e X.4 ftftij-ftaft If ftt A ft Hr TH if h di Vad af m4'.im cla I ft cm Till at tft anuiae far tb v ot af ift r br tftaamkg ft-4 i,uw.:r aeaaatuag e f .kta ftkd af t IW l,root af 4 ft4 . rt,rvM by -rig U ik' HI Ul MM Bt4.fc!pBft. Tbea ataftaa aa roar aart ha W U i rftlaiBUy M ckaftfly afo-k-aa, by f 'aa4 eo gturaaatr-g thkt ft ward cT tumf ta b eed U Bk " re4 Ibetr grittj. Tear VfKtdtr Ve tb Ut of rear ctry. y-r fargttfslBaas of tb Importance af )Mf oalh. year yielding tft fvt tt4 1117 rftaaloft -he tkwjpte4 I ot ftroftg. h borft frK a, uiur.uti yrr wortt iirtBii km b-ft klrrady fkffarad. Th gar 'eial Mirrr ( tb roorr wWkt tried rv ! jo Blr of toe bOBorabl rtreJ0k - yo bat liMM. Jft'tUt rft school of ftalf aarrlBre and obadleftr, ft III ftkefkl U yonr ronBtry wUl, It U hoped. : aton forgravo fiu which bar clouded ih r!r rra of roar r ' Ttc. ' ; "Jon will ukisiMn rc4pt of talt ltir, ud It wlU b eniertsd em four o(Brll rvoorA. ' "CHARLES J. 'BONAPARTE, V ,. V "8crurjr "MMkhlpratn lllior. MeHrthor. i 'U. 8. Nv!Ac(leinr. ' U-t 4 H lr4 t IB ,m I II twt (W IHPrwi t.tmimr tMrl rt ftert ) M 4 I4litta0 M tW I tk f lKpcrUtt !!- of prnkai M-MJt k r-4 -I! 4 UrtLMtoM la Ik Wrt la mmmt tata M oktta I UMMcbM t Ba-M t e.m6 ( tm U K4 Croa m taatlotk TV trat HI xrara reote-4 Mta tojo arerutBinc la t-l lacmttM. la 4ditlM It ! t4 a twtar of klD4r4 topic for mat4rttM t lk t Hro coaler. fcota of th onnmU larllai la 4 tfca aarokf oaf-MM .b IUa muim tb polat that tkT ar tbna oafTata4 with tM poaaibllltjr of Wlag obll(a4 to tvtc eoatdr lb mm Ilea ol aobjafi ra tal In I t !U4 Ooaa BMhoda, i4 It baa baea ui"4 that th SvU (Qtarani-Bl vtlkdraw tu UIUUoni U tb lndapadat conferwr at Barm, or that Rd Croaa nattr bt irjudad from tb aacond Ha( roar rcraora .Th Swlaa orrnmBt bal o far hoa bo dtapoiltton to abaa doa tu pro)cled ronfar. nra, aed th Aorta to At ft dat for tb aeronl Hatt confrnc ar conaqanUr utp-Bded. - Soma iadlcfttlooi of ft purpoaa on th pert ot on or two of th power to har dotatl ot tb program lor th confer nc arranged la advaao by BegotlaUoti ftra rrardd hero aa throateBloc ftn ' ladaflalt poitpono mrat of th coBtareBC. , .a Wan4 aaa . tw MA I HtlMUVt fttltiba tB.AMt-.'j M mm f CMWinOf Ci a ny Caaa f yj tNlt 0m l-T lau lava Bia-ML T Btarraf (.; CaM. ) . aaaxbar a-ttang awrti-- tMm I-IIM a a ft wftW (W laal Br 4ar I aj id k Bw BwrVi. I If' Blaf BUYS YiDOLLCOTTS ' STC.IE AND MOVES ku ft tr aatwa 1 BkOt okL T t I i aa oa.tad 'A 1mm-u4 ' ." aftd tb kkaaar ftd l-kt-aa of Ita rnrnn -aa waU kt owt Vf t U aftaaraU utn.U-t of kxiiaia t Ala tb k -tat'ti . ra ft ad. Ta-aUIkl ta aataaaar 1U 4-aaot i a f-ay oailMd Tb btaa-toa of AckiM , Haarta. k 4 R ft) ftft fta-arad fart Uat to ftUr otu b wltaiiMi bt ft! parfbad kM Htmm' -m! tVaVftt-aa mm la tM alyk-a a A - E-irt W-iit. ka to lJaa- aa-ta, TW a h a B-tfcaa, lia N m-mi h-aikii l-a d ft-aor-ti Ua4 lUaw. httaaa A 4a. UM aad KUaab-ih Bd-ard. oil t4aau at 1b tltat. wa i aaMBMNMHl I Ibatr ftowj at L-wtrr. rt. to-day by a tel-traai aaaoaartai tb aab of tbatr fatbor. HakrtM. a 4 y-M-a raatf f BI B 4 1 ft. t rCri Woaea PetUcoftU. k4lh r Wbwta ad tWr W aaafarle-a aa. --. w-kb lai a 1 1 I War ar aa4 tfa-aMIMy. af itartMo a4 bt. -rta.4 Nifc-.aia ba ftU-b aad TV. aa M Oft. f .-- 4i all oa ma i It r r"a tr j Aa4 ft 1 a - t IH . k. . tt a 1. Mi y.,.(- i ' ACiina 1:1: 1 I ft. .v I FIVE HEN WERE ; BLOWN TO ATOMS . . Mr,,VlUlm,'rilcot ha- purrhia- - (By.th. AkkOoUted Praft);, Birmingham, Ala,, Dec !. Thk mix Ing houk at thk worti of tb Dupont BtxU New. RoftBok Haplda, W. C- Dot. II. KparU 1: IXiaAaary waa ou4 la kar oa Monday la prFfaraac to bar room by ( to II A BBft-bor of prohibit loolkU rrfukad to ot. Nw IWra. N. C. toc. II. Spartal: Th raft-alaa of Mr. J T. KaoBro, a promlftftt citltoft of Jachaoanile, H. C paaaod through bar. btag traftklrrd hr to a apodal tralB, wbb.h OBYyd tham to Jackaoo- rllle. Mr. Koooc died la Wllaoa. Wilmington, N. C, Dc II. Bp- clalt Twftlvo or fifteen lullaa ttaml- grant arrlTod bra oa th Clyd Ua tea mar Nw York. Thy wBt to r pndr county to aettlo on th laad of th Carolina Trucking and Dor'.- lilog Company. rayttTlll, N.. De. 11. Spe cial; Thk graad lodge of colored Mkkon la In kiion her In th J 6 lb annual convention. Ther ar about 300 , delegate preaent, representing lit lodge. Th report ahow th order to bo In ft rery proaporoua con- dltlon. The order laat year paid out f 7,(100 to wldowi and orphan. KckweT. r.t-ry -aalal4a ala-l fur .Vaaii- a4 CMWIr-a t B-r-i rod la tb Tartrty aa4 My alrtnry mrw iMMtft'ftk. TaU r-Maftr kkyV. MatTy krr(ir--s F-kafar-Aorrr !larkt-r-k aad Nftkt-Maa brbv-ar. Irt- 1 raaga fn Ma t-Vr. Bpx . -a r I Bftdbi Things Worth 8pecixl Mention. Itog-, rwrlatkM, I kub -lUft, (.kurra, Raadb-ri-bt-fa, KaM fM-K Mafttrra, liar, Hnabrry, 1 mArrmrar, (aft.h COt-cra, IS-rtW-r-, VHItac. A . hi. I'tlki- Tp, Hilba. nr. BOYLAN--PEAE.CE CO. o-a-a- Mall Orders Promptly Filled Same Day Received The. causes of your xlothes troubles "t'l ed th ktock of nxxU of Walter ooll- eott and will on about the firat of Jan- . . A ...V.-i 1 1 TJa r til ; atraet. neat door to thk Waktern Utivon -"'"' f-. ' ' " Tktegraph offlo. and th outlding wui i nines north of thla city, waa acclden- ' be Immediately furnUhed and made tally blown up, killing flv workmen ready. -;, . (iiuitahtly.' v ' " ' '"'Mr. Waltkf Woollcott, wHo haa" been . Kour of th victim were white men. recoa-ntaed aa on of . Raleigh' -moat . Thk forck of thk explosion waa tk't for aubalantlal buklnesa men, haa not ftn- flounced hid lntenttonk aa yt, but hl many rrlende hopk that h will decide . to remain! In Raletgh. ,, . ' t 'i JewUlf Refugee. LanJlng. ' , (By th Aaaoclated , Presa.) i v Phllftdolphla Pa., iW. j il. Th Maine v Bteamahlp ; Nordland from Liverpoor for Philadelphia waft re- mllea, Th report waa heard In Bir mingham. . ' ,. , Thk victim wera blown to, atomk, particlea ot their bodiea being feund in tree tope a long distance from tho scene of tho dlaaatkr. ported to-day at the Delaware Break-' aluatlon to .75 water, .about three daya overdue. Mk9a b the ho The vesael will arrive here late hls1.. . t ,tA afternoon. In the Nordland" steer age are nearly . 600 Immigrants, a majority of whom are Jewish refu gee from Rubsia. , ' " "A ; Spebcer, H.'. C.,' Dee. IS, Special: Tho board ot aldermen has passer a resolution reducing the property; ta of the town from $1 on the 1100 This action board In recogni tion ot th rapid- increase In taxable values during the past year and in anticipation of the large amount ot building to be done here this season. ..... .Loul McLane Dead J, . I ' . - . - . ' 'I !(Br th Associated Press.) :? .v,i. ..Baltimore, Dec. 13. Louis McLane, a prominent financier and capitalist of this city, an, uncle of the late. Robert M. McLane, died to-day at the age of Beventy-two years from ft complication of diseases. - 1 4 1 ' ' Mt Airy; N. C, Dec. 13, Special: lb Patrick . county, Virginia, ft few miles from here, the 14-year-old eon of Robert Brery waa carelessly hand ling a pistol when It discharged, the ball taking effect in the hear( of a young man named , Qates, who was standing near. . . New Bern, N. C, Dec 13, Special: The city authorities are getting in earnest ' about suppressing blind tigers. The negro, John Gllleth, who was captured with, several flasks of liquor on his person, was put to the rack. Thia was done In order to dis cover whetner he would repeat ft story told the police when he was drunk. He did repeat It, giving out Information aa to where he obtained hi liquor, which will prove valuable in future. "He clams to have stolen the liquor from parties whos names have not been disclosed.- I 1 t . - . Your dress troubles have been caused by cheaply-made, ill-considered clothes, for which you have been mulcted at usury rates. Our Stein-Bloch Smart Clothes are pure wool tested woolens, strengthened .by the best findings and work manship. They will fit and wear. MJ ft aitt .-4 ' tft . MU MM Ik 4 Ml ftt I w-4 aara aM I I to. Bfti wj ) i i iyoa tkraft C - free Life Ins::. Dvrtag tb H4 ttt-f baftdrad tb aaad c- - raat ara. kay 4 ft b W kftiiad aa fta a. fk4 aftd Uattftg aatkktantoa a.: a Uoa ftf tft 4a aaaeUwft t cftaalag f tb UMKX M WXtfM ft. M. i Vmt ft prove thai w fak 4 ft for r. W r fttftfttft t ur : BVaio 4M Lt UDCS M B-tTUH fo rbat w gl yea aa lastrcmrtt tilt roapftr la toaa. mlm aad r" oral rveatrarOoa lifc aay ! plaft ftft ywar ftrlgk bar hood fur iCbaa d ftl kk (bar. j W WftlTftftt Ul ptftftft f . ft I UaM' " ftftd bftslda w gl B H rr, 1 ,BBBibor of ftorcbaaar 1J'- I -' aau-jans In raa Af death your ! I Ua, ftUtao ftT rblldrwft ftr t.. :. 1 : a w apt t fall fur aay a-toaM y I atay owe aa th laairaatrat. Ihb t I thla a fair aad,ik propoalUnn a jaafeguard to keep tht plaao ta lb boma. 1 " Thla off or boldk good ooly for oar THIRD IXDDKX dt B.1TIS Plaaa Oab Jast forming fr or hssdred Sew koala MOO IoU-n A BaU Plaaa to on hundred CIS mambera at 1217 cash or 2 s 7 op terms of lift cash and II tuou(i,:y with lBtTv larger payments lor qnarterly ftTtyftarly terra. Cftll ftt the k tor or-wrtte for mo: j berahlp blanks and full particular thla CJub will aoon be filled. Our t'?. Clubs :ustr; completed saved" two "hutidrwl membera In ail I22.C00 ftod mad ft two hundred rooro friend. Ye would Uk ydar friendship also.. '' . Cnt out anf mall to-day. Salisbury, N. C, Dec. 13, Special Th funeral of Mr. A. E. Beaver, a prominent citizen, of China Grove, Rowan county, took place yesterday near his home. 1 Mr. Beaver died Sun day night of blood poisoning. ' About three weeks ago' he had one of his arms badly cut In a wood saw near his home. His condition,' while not considered dangerous at first, grew gradually worse until tetanus devel 1-? M ; kf the kottre Qulalna production ol tbk worw a conaa a every year J U tu . Laxative Erorao Quinine Tablets "Cor CoM la One Day." CW. OROVB'S ilsnature oa box. 25c The leading Shoe; Man of RALEIGH Out furnishing department is complete in every respect. :. , . v, R. K. T. Ludden t Bates 8. M. H., ' . Savannah, Oa. : , Gentlemen Pleaao . send me full particulars of . your - third Piano Club and Free I4fe lnnr m. r V-. Name ... P. O.... V.i... State.... ........ Broughton, Luddcn; & Bates, 5. M. II. kSavannalia Geu 209 Fayetteville Street. Fremont, N. C., Dec. 13, Special: Postmaster Best's troubles are- still the source of conversation on the streets here, a He is charged with ft shortage in funds, but this Is due to his InefBclehcy to keep the books and the amount will be made , good by him. Mr: John W, Smith, who pre? ceded Best as postmaster, is in charge of tho office ,and in all likelihood will be re-appointed, though there will be several 'applicants for the position. Your correspondent is Informed that no criminal charge -will be, brought against Postmaster Best. I offers a magnificent new atocK of BOYS' SHOES - for 'Winter wear. , ' "AI30 a splendid new line of , 1SHOE.S FOR WOMEN A showing of shoes without an y Equal in the City V , .''' S. C. POOL Fremont, N. C, Dec. 1 13. Special: The, new thirty-room Wick hotel, which; Mr. A. H. Jarman Is having erected,, will Boon be completed'. The hotel will be equipped with hot and cold water facilities and electric lights from Its own plants. Mr. Jar man will- also furnish his store with electric lights, and several other merchants have contracted with him for powei 'to ' 'f tfrnlsh 'electricity to lleht their storea' Ex-Senator B. F. Aycdck' and Mr, John B." Gxum, Who haveVrecently had erected handsome residences,: will also equip them with electric, llehts from .their own Dlants Within another year the whoio'town Will be lighted by electricity. Twenty- five new dwellings are now in course of construction in Fremont, and sev era others are contracted tor; More building has been done' here In the past two years than In any previous ten. years. v ' ' Valuable City Property for Sale. : tJndor and by virtue of authority given by order in; special proceed ings, entitled Sarah "M. Forsythe et al., exparte, in Wake Superior Court, the undersigned will on Thursday, December 21, 1005, at 12 o'clock SL, at tho court house door In Raleigh, N. C, offer for sale at public auction, for cash, to the highest bidder,' four (4) -lots ot land- on East Martin street, city ot Raleigh, Wake county. N. C belonging to the estate of Han- nan R. Reaves, deceased. Plot of these lots can be oeea at my office. corner . ot Salisbury 1 and Hargett streets. - JOHN W. BROWN, nov?0-'0S-S0u. " Commissioner. EAT C!.TiIlHAMS Notice of Administration. . Having qualified as the administra trix of the estate, of Mrs. 'Emma Miller, deceased, late of Wake county. North Carolina, Ihis Is to notify - all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to. exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 20th day of .November 1908, or this notycetwil))1be pleaded In bar of their recovery. ; All persons Indebted to said estate'wlll pleas make im mediate payment. ' ,ThW November 17, 190G. ' . t- beuJjAH m. miller; Administratrix c. t a. ot Mrs. Emma Miller. . ,, ; 1 R. N, Simms Attorney tor Admin istratrix. . , . ' , HELMS CROU PALI NE AN EXTER NAL REMEDY For Croup Colds and Whooping Cough In children; Colds, Sore ness In Chest, Colds in Head, etc., in adults. When you or your child have a cold, rub the chest with CROUP ALINE, then satu rate a flannel cloth and apply to chest close up to heck, and you will get almost Instant relief. Tou will find it beneficial In pneumonia by rubbing chest and ap plying a flannel saturated with CROTJPAL1NE to same.. Physicians Prescribe it and Get the Best of Results. ' Don't take any substitutes, as they are not as good. Sold by all druggists. 25 CENTS. FOR A 2-OTJNCE BOX. . j, ; , J. D. HELMS, Manufacturing Chemist, 810 S. Elm 8 Opp. McAdoo House Greensboro, .. N. C - HOUISTER'S Rocky K3t!ht-Ln Tea L:zz A Bu Mwllcine tor Buey People. . Brint-t fteMea Heeltk end Renet-k View. A erwotne for OooeMt-tWn. Indljrestlon. t.tver and Kidner trouble. Pimple, Ecirau, Imimra Blood, Bad Bseata. SluretBh Bokrele, Hnaum-na ,uid Baekache. Ita Rookr Mountain Tea In tuft let form. eenta a box. Geouli.e aiiula by HoixiSTkft Dauo Conpejrr, Wadisoa, W la. GOLDEN NUGGETS FOR SAU0W PE0PU Architect And Builder Tucker Bldg.; Raleigh, IT. C. GEO. W. KELLY' ...Carpenter Shop.. ! 1S3 FAtETTEVnjLE STREET:. - Estimate Furnished Free. - , STOCKHOLDERS MEETING. The regular : annual meeting of the stockholders of th Visitor Press Com pany win be held at the office of the president of the . company- Saturday, December 31st, 1905, at s o'clock In the afternoon. GEO. B. CRATER, . y - Abslstant Secretary. 1 XMAS LIQUOR. .Where you can get the most value for the least money will be shown: Lazarus Club, tho cream of all Whiskey, $3.50 per gallon. Apple Brandy, $2.00 and $3.00 per gallon. ' Rye Whiskey, $1.50, $2.00, $2.50 nad $3.00 per gallon. i ; Monntalft WTUskey, 2.O0 per gaUon. ' .- .-s, -tu: -l -.-.ii.v- & Yi .-:'---:Oo-ft''Whlskey,'$I.S0 id $2.00 per gallon. Yadkin River Corn, 4 fuU quarts, $2.50, express prepaid. , v Albemarle Rye, 4 tall quarts, $3.00, express prepaid. All the leading brands, best quality, at lowest prices. Write for price list. V.'L; LAZARUS,' Largest Mail Order House in the South, A LYNCHBURG, VIRGINIA JOHN VA'HAYv". CIVIL EliGlilZul acaeea Am. koo. O. C, .c 1 WATER PJWS9 .ft tCUHICIPAL WORK IneViittmr Wtr orWe, r em, Electric I.iuhtiur, Streetn, HiRhwayn, j. anl l'arlc Imptovemeuta., i. . Bo. 3 South ili 3t.. PH.rebure, Vi.. - - - 1 Lc; Mules and Horses. ' 5 Just received at ' ; ' , the ' Stables.' of J M. 1ACE llule Corr"r7. 1 1 WILL TAYLOR, Salesman,