... t rs'Xx XL EIGEL EVENING TIMES. 4 C' 1ILE O'i A ! )iEtfSAT HIE STATION wd to sEoatpRES. MORALES coaciciiRIST: IAS (i:: t STREET CAR1"3 Icl VV?8 J BATTLE RAGES "V iI,;dtJ DIMPPHHS.?163! FROM RODS Lit:. ( II .ViL'lIj'ii'S ' SHOT OIJI MuUim a4 (W TVrte On MT Train " rat NtrvtggW la f atyv-i. laarfc I lull; iS-artJ la The rrnlc Tlea Crura.-. Dm It, HoMtag ea4 Aaakaad Wit ilvtilf rar Thirty -at ilk el ran mmt e.WJl, t . .armad enj trad a a--are a - ahoi through Ihi windows and rm in4 wre ngr4 In rubbing tb gars. lo lading mMil araiae v. I ratlilrea. rba lb trolkay (ma .a rwwM frnM lb wlra by th ea rturtar and llH bandlia Mt MiM g II rig la la darkae. After a k til ta ahlr-h tha lnvn T war p4ild again! the mn paaaca arera and ih mr mw, and In which several a leans vara traaflpked apa t In th frantic rath that wee mad fit tha (lilt, a agon load f sxiHceman anirad and flra of tb roboera war Captured. Tha r1aoira gv th ttamaa of Kdarard limeha, Kdwanl lilgglna, C. Murphy. William t err end Michael Houlihan. Thy war all -verely bruised aad arratrhed. Two man boarded tha rar at Plitjr atilh at rar t. Thar laapad to tha front platform, and holding revolvara at th head of tha motortnan. Jama Call.- hen,, they forced Mm to atop tha rar. Pour accomplices than got on tha rr" platform, and while ona of thant to arad 4amaa Long, tha conductor, with hla waapon, hraa mail antarad tha oar. Everybody hold up four handa. IV want your monay and will ahuj; ht flrat man who tries to atop ua,"' anld tha har of tha band. . , Svldently hoping . to thoroughly . frighten their Intended victim Deforo staking tha wholaaala robbery-, tha tr.i fired repeated! through vtbe wlodoal and the root. Several women fainted and children cried M terror. When the uproar and confualon were at their height tha conductor, etriktng away tha arm of the wan who threatened hla Ufa, pulled the trolley rope and Clio Interior of tha car inatantly wi plunged In darluieea. 1 Callahan, tha motorman, gave bat tle to tha two men on tha frMit plat form.,. He Btnlck one of th robbers a blow In the face, ataggerlng him. Ho followed up thla advantage by lifting tha Controller handle and bringing ll ' down upon the' bandit's head. Tha in jured man fell to the street but irons and fled. Hie companion, went tnto the car to tha aid of the three mavlted - men, who were engaged In a hand ;o- 'hand' fight ; ' .," A pasaengef who escaped from lh car Informed the police, who came In ' a patrol wagon, entered the car an1 drove the robbers from It at the plnt ! of their ret olvera. . The . bandits ex changed ahots with' the policemen, but . were overpowered. BLACK JACK THE SLl'OGER. .Famous Chicago Character Dead - A Great Flgtfter In StrikM. . r , ' 1 (By the Associated Press. '.Clilcago, Dec t. John Thomas Gal lagher, known In polce.and labor Cir cles aa "Black Jack the Slugger," and i Accused of more acts of violence in ; strike than any other man in Chlca go', labor history,' died at hla home - yeaterday. 'f Stomach1 trouble, superlrv ,.- duced-by the strain and worry result- ' ' Ing from ceaseless prosecution, . was the causa of bis death. . " Gallagher was twenty-two-years old and In appearance was as' different " from .the; popular . conception of the 4 professional "slugger'.'-.v as could be Imagined. He took great pride in his aitDearance, and. was seldom, if ever, seen under - the Influence of liquor. 1 While he weighed, but ninety-pounds at the time Of his death; three years ago Gallagher weighed 180, ' and. hM ' -was able to strike a blow that would 1 render hla victim v unconscious in- - "- stantly. , ,' 1 . ., ' ' ' - -" When arrested by the police in con- " neotion wit.some . crfme, no amount ot sweating could make him talk. On l more than. one,. occasion, . his friends " i say, he was submitted to rough treat- i ment by the , police, but : he ,. always , .maintained, a,' dogged silence. ' Although frequently arrested by the 1 t police and on. t least , one,- occasion ,, j kept in Jail for several weeks,, he was - never convicted of a crime. v. : ' The Charleston at Norfolk. Norfolk, Va., Deo. 28. The United States armored cruiser Chafleston has .arrived at the Norfolk navy yard for finishing touches and a few minor ra- pairs before proceeding early in Janu nry for 'Charleston; S.1 C, where tHa citlsens of that plnce are to present the ' vessel with a handsome silver service, tbtaeaar a We. I-! V lrb Mad bat- I'aWd I UaaiaaF-; I I f the AeMiad rraml INMtu. MMk, fim. -la a t.4 railiteai m tbe A I ! rear eadl fb Rallnwd al W agt. ( mw we mr tw ib- era wV'ify injur aa4 a v ia f aeerre bailir eHekra aa Tb Cad, i VAMiTC UN31, arma, rmn KRT. Bit'tiy MMl (ayurrd. Cnalaarr Turkar nh. ,nra h"lTrrTT"H,T',!lJ'mli ftame im4 Hbttleiakl, barfly bmlaad ad braaal brulard and etbar rata. The rctdaail kaaiwaad at Cbyakey, U KnIWa waat of t Hla rtty. The ft Irala bid ttaj1 ta nWd btg tug a frrtaht train rannlag rtia balilad rruhaJ lata th iat jn k. Raglnaar Tarkar. af the frrlghl train and hi Arrman yampst both brtag badly Inlurad. ICngUtaar OabT. tha paanarr, aliil hi hla ractneWAa b-jitnl un.lrr an arc'anrto pt coal. FIRE AND BLIZZARD DEVASTATE TOWN (By the Aaaorlatrd Prrai.) Bnkrr t'lty, fir., ter. M A mea aug br tkiiho; to thn Democrat from K-jmter, re., states that Are tat night deati-oad a large Pi't of th? town of Tlnton, SI miles snuth of Sum ter. The "fire alerted In the hotel and rapidly apread to adjoining bul'.dlnga. A bllscard 1a raging, accompanied by heavy eoow fall and nearly all the peo ple of Tipton are home'eaa. There was ut,tie or no Insurance. .nj .re $prt meot aox IIUlc water, Tlt Inei not knows hei. helpless with 'propeller broken. (Bv tha Associated Press.) ' Norfolk. Va... Dec. 16. The Brit ish stMmehlp Llncalrn, having lost at sea three blades of her propeller, passed In the Virginia capes this morning In tow of the British steam ship Trojan. The Llncalrn sailed from Newport News, Va., December It.- The Trojan passed out the capes from Baltimore December 23, ,'. " The accident to the Llncalrn oc curred twenty miles southeast of Cape . Hatteras, and was caused by the vessel striking' some obstruction in the ocean. ' The whole ot the three propeller blades and half of the fourth were broken Off. , .' s ' The Llncalrn was-found helpless at Bea by the Trojan which overtook her. - -.vf THREE KILLED IN - CHRISTMAS ROWS. j (By the -Associated Press.) London, Ky., Dec it. News Lreached here late last night of tbe killing of a deputy sheriff and two other men ih Leslie county yester day, r , , At Big Fork a big crowd of men congregated at a turkey shooting match. . A dispute over the match caused . a - general . disturbance, in which John Duff and" Jacob Wilson shot and killed Joseph Wilson, and Alexander , Little shot and killed Mack, Roberts, a deputy sheriff. Duff and Wilson were arsested. Little es- caned. . s At Moose Creek James Creech was shot by William Vanover In a Qitar HAND GONE; - - SKULL BROKEN, (By the Associated Press.)-.,. : : New Rochelle. N. Y., Dec. 26. An drew G. Damery, a New York broker, was found with one hand cut off, lying unconscious .on Main street here Inst night, Jmd died to-day without having recovered his sense sufficiently ttf tell what happened to him. Damery's skull was fractured. He was lying near.the street car tracks. .. .'j '' -; - t ' Scott Not Dead. (By the Associated Press.) ,Los Angeles, Cal.( Dec, 26. A letter from Walter Scott, the cowboy miner, who was reported . murdered in Death Valley some days ago, was received by a friend here stating that Scott had been shot but was not serl- lously Hurt. - r ," ; - ' ... it AJItll A UVELY FUSILLADE i T-dy ad M tunllt iry MUM la Os-w t-Vv fraa) a tmmrr ua TrcmfM fSaaxd la Mat la. Br th 4miiti4 ITmm ) aleacov. Mondar. Dtv :t Tha ,Mor(t,u urU4 txxh tha Kaaaa R-Uroad ai.tloa. to- ... . ,.,,,. . bMa-raa the mob and the truo. oc-! cap) lag tba depou. ! Some lkte baadrad raTolntionary millttanoa arrlrrd ture by starta! train from rroo. oa (he koaroa Kaian llaa ,al about 11 o'clock t hla mom lag. and a crowd of I.eoa strikers, lacludlng afveral kundrrd local militiamen. Joined the new ar livala oalslde the Kataa station. Tba combiaed force aeigad an ad Jolalng provision more, whence lh) openad ttra on the troopa MMled In tha atalion. The latter replied, and after a couple of hours brisk ex change of ahots the building held 1 tha nob was sot on (Ire and burned down. f Meanwhile the revolutionists had bombarded the Nicholai elation from tha workshops of the Yaroslavl Rail road,, a detachment of grenadiers on tha roof of the Nicholai station re turning the fire. Tha ' stations at Perovo and Llubertsy are In the hands of the in surgents, and red flags are flying from tha buildings. - Yfaterdny'e Fighting. Bt Petersburg, Dec. 16. 11 JO a. m Testerday's httng atJfloapoa o -cur-red rnortly si some dlsurK-? from the center of the rlty. Th? revolutionists abandoned thp Tverskala thormgv fare. as It Is too caMly swept by urtil lery, and concenttv.tfil th"lr foiop In the narrow, winding nirwts of th eommercial quutter. where the shopi weiw closed and occupWd by tie mil itary. - ! Tha mortunrlfs nt Moscow arc filled; 'itb tha dead, the hopnltnls are unab'.c to find room for the wounded, Rnd many j private hounen ai-e fiilo 1 with woundeJ persons. j .'The. militia orsanlrd by Governor 3eneral DoubansofT bn cnmmencej Its j auuea unuer tnc an-ectton 01 ine ic -. . Many houses and other building (nm ; a-hlch the revolutionists threw bomb" 1 were demolished by th? artillery. The numerous flies v.-hlc-h occurred t different points throughout Moscow lit up the whole sky hist night. "Governor General Doubassoff has or dered that all doors be kept c'.osed. Any infraction or this order will be fol lowed, by a fine of fl.ROO or three month Imprisonment In the fortress. The same penalty will be Imposed on j ill occupants of houses In which arms ire found. The New Electornl Law. St. Petersburg. Dec. 26. 2:40 p. ro. -The new electoral law was ga zetted to -day, and was accompanied by a statement explaining that In view of, the fact that even some oi of western, countries do not possess universal, suffrage the cabinet could not assume the responsibility ot de creasing It.' , The ultimate decision must be made by the. national assembly itself. The election list will be published forthwith. ' The date of the election will then be announced; and as soon as1 the gcb-ernment receives notlnca-J tlon that half the members are elect ed the national assembly will be con voked. , ' - TJte extension of the suffrage pro claimed to-day applies especially to the cities,' where it is made almost universal. Besides the workmen In the'factorlea and mills, who are espe cially provided for, the suffrage will Include every owner of real estate paying taxes,' persons conducting en terprises, like shop-keepers paying licenses! , persons -paying ,'a lodging tax or occupying separate lodgings and' persons In the government ser vice, 'including railroad men. All limit of rent paid by lodging holders aq a voting qualification Js removed. Hushing Troops to Moscow, fit. 'Petersburg, Dec. 6;--3:6R p.' m. The Slovo to-day says that the lead are of the revolutionary army at Mos cow are mostly; students : of KleiT, KharkoVl and Odessa, among wroni are many Jews, -The military hold the center of Moscow, and apparently are awaiting reinforcements, which are re ported to be on the way to Moscow from all directions, some of the troops :. (Concluded on "page two.) v Mas) l Mt4 at aaad'd " tVrfcara I atali) faitirtM M.l. tag Smt IXatatog as Ov-v- a-inid 4 W d TaA N lUlly taay torn Ma t'uanotd. K. I : t d tllt tl " ! aknc ea. t tr wiimi. i. !.... t.1.4 lave a tt 1 , ,n m.m rolxvma Hraa 1 tt.O i K!l(rlra arr!-1 1 1 . m ahra rib a folio ad. all. tnsk Us ImI 1 IMtrltae arraaiad (iaorgp M loath -Mrasarll a lit lw ., "aJW-d lur help, mi roa woald kill r His tndil abal ki -WHt Uc 1. 11 it. 1 i.!r Ilr.ua il tMni lag ihr he 0 Of-d ftr ot-Vr Noire la Injun-d luni i-1 10 thf fiffi- .lod.. (IPOIg .r' srr..if.l bwael aa b-ri.. ,- urawMI aarrt.i. rrr ,nd ' l Vl'lor Wtdanlm . for milling ottn .tiid .nl imd. 1 iMttidv of ll0 and l.'-ii f"i roil 1 1 Nolt-n, srho tv .tod aoikcd In the mill here and 1 ;i fituuh in t'harlote. Ha la '.uij 111 u " ". )or of jge. He 1- ,o- i '.m i, il ii. live PRESENT FROM PEOPLE Gift "for MSss Alice by Popu lar Subscription Ides Started in Oregon TrsiiMiilt Money to Kcli Hi.it- Treasurer, W10 Will Forwanl it to Washing ton Individual ( intrlbiition Limited to Tek Cent. (Fv the Assuclated Ties. ) linker l it:'. Ore.. Dec. J5. A move I ,M-eale hv popular ruber- ih'" .1 wed ding present tor Miss Alice Kooaevelt. who la to be mairled to room ps.imnn Nicholas Longwoi-th lri February, has been started by rltisens of the eastern part of Oregon. It is the plan or ihi originators to have subscription lists in each Stale of the union. Hie in mi v t -be transmitted in the veiinus ttut ti-ensurcrs who "ill In 1u:-n "o. -.vird to t:i? Secretary of tha Tr.- i;u; y n Washington. The subscrlntlm will clor. on Feb ruary 8 to entbl.' the prjser.t. wiih-h It Ml,voa wH1 . aout tsoj.o-1. ,uinei, over to .iiS3 Roo)ievi.lt t . b. n the day of tha wedding. . Indivldun! sscrlptions will bo limited t.i fi:i :HS. FRENCH WARSHIPS TO NORTH SEA. (By the Associated Fret's.) Paris, Dee. 26. The order, to n por tlon of the French northern squ:itlron to make hasty preparations to depart for the North Sea and Copenhagen, the ultimate destination of the war ships not being disclosed, were un doubtedly Issufd a9 a precautionary move so as to liave French ships avail able for service in Russian waters in case of emergency. The greatest ac tivity prevails 011 board the gunboat Casslnl at Brest, which has been or dered to sail for the Baltic tomorrow. The Christmas leaves of all the officers and men were hurriedly cancelled, and a laree extra force of workmen was engaged to complete her equipment provisioning nn coaling. This will be comnleted to-morrow... when It Is ex pected the gunboat will sail. Her first ston will be Copenhagen, where fur ther orders are expected to reach her. Trie armored crQiser Admiral Aube also at Brest, is being similarly pre pared, and will either accompany or follow the Oassini. The report Is in circulation In naval Circles at Brest that the Cassinl will carry on an ofti cial mail service between Riga and Danzig. However, tt is generally ac cented that the main purpose In to have a' warship in readiness should crisis arise requiring the protection 01 repatriation of French citizens CHILDREN ATE ' POISONED CANDY. s"'o (By the Associated Press.) Pltttsburg, Pa., Dec; 4 The coroner's office was notified to-day that William Deasy, a three-year-old son of Wil liam Deasy, of 266 Bates street, East End,' died this morning from the al leged effects of eating poisoned candy. A five year old child in the same family is also seriously ill. showing the- same symptoms of the . younger child, and but little hope for its recov ery is entertained. An Investigation is being made by the coroner's office as to the source of the candy. - Trcs Sc:l la tell cl Cliel Morale WHERE HE IS UNKNOWN I H avaoaa Ittal I Igi la. tnar 1-a HUn m.a kwa Ikaaiata fcaiaad K4a4 Trmai .llakrl t twwaai'al I I 'it ttw- 11 .mine , iAni -.1 Pram I Ik.ntii-B M a. I ::. r..' o- .u ti I Dm ,K t,W-r,l .f M .tv. tt.i rll ihr ia.la. f..i hit ui'known t)ri irmili.n. in.ii e-r hi i In .utUM of I bf hlrt ll,lll.1l.,lr hut lta.l .1it iHrl tttfat .i.ih.I I .UH:llt-) dM.. liolt.t I. l it i km. 11 1 1.1. 1 u I.. ,111 l n tin ! f ' ..up !... t t 1 , 11. i1. Ik I oiiontiii'l. i ' li , riTini.-itl tiiM,i Tlir 11 1,, it .il ,u! ,i.--i,liii( air n..t kn upp,.n1 lluil tiaht ii,k fi. h. .it, . I 1 1 il IVo-!',!"! 1 11II11. k. I I f I hr f lit ovtl 1 1 in fi In- ndrMot. I l.i ENin Ihr nuiKi !.!,.(, ll 11 I II' , t 1 I ' 1 u ! a on 1 ! 1 I KM'dlllin llllil md cinlmtk on 1 i s ,)'N i ,(f rem hlna Pucr -i.ii th i.si.1 of Siili t liei p Join I l no I'-t.. who hap Ih-ii dOoolRaeil by the K-, .-i nmiil from th .t of tlni rrnot f I'tiftlo Ilnt.i bul uti refuiu lo wuiiTtide-r liln offl r i in the other hand. I here ate those n ho beliee t!,nt the president I rndenvorlna to tos Sunto Iwitttlniio hy land Htiil fin h Mo:ie hrlstl. on the noith roast and went of Puerto I'liil;i. front which port it is rot fat distant Jttin K Sat he. the former for th minister of Santo Domingo, with the Atn.tiiHn sptclal cnintntaalonera. 1 mmiinder Allien S. IHllinghain and lormet Minisier 1 nomas s. pnoson, and Frederlco Velasquet. minister of ntintire. nrr-JarrniiTy-" ls Plgtid the agreement between the I nlted tSatei j At the hospital It wee founri that and Santo Domingo for the fiscal pro-,Caesar was fataaly Injured, hla skull teiloratc of the l iilted States over! having been fractured. It was learned Hanlo Domingo. that hp shot his sister bacauae aha had Captain of Port Killed. Washinnlon. Dec. 26. Advices re-, celvtd by cable at the Slnte and Navy I Departments from Santo Domingo In- dlvalc thai a serious condition of af fairs eists there. The captain of the I port of Puerto Plata was shot and killed (Hiring the insurrectionary! movement, and t he governor of thai ; province has defied the general gov- i ernment and barricaded the town. The i Dominican government had issued a : decree removing the governor. The State Department has determined thut this is an internal difficulty and will not intervene at this stage. Rumor That He is a Prisoner. Turks Irhir.rl, Bshamas. Pec. 26 Mail advices received hero from Monte Christ!, San Domingo, yesterday, say Mint Criiayubin, Dajabon and Saban- eta have taken up arms against the government and the Dominican-Amer ican liscf.l convention. Generals iH-metrio Ilodt iguer. Joaqui Hatha. Navarro Martinez ami Pedro Alvnres have gone with six hundred i men to attack Santiago, and (ienernl Pctico l.-tsa'a has marched on UVeg.t wltli ii fonc of about one hundred men. General Dsschamps. former vice president of San Domingo, leaves here shortly on board n sailing vessel 1 1 op erate against Puerto Pie ta. It is rumored here that President Morales is a prisoner in Irons at the capital. Sn Domingo. Message lo Secretary Tnft. Washington. Dec. 26. The Secretary or War to-day received the following cablegram from Acting Comptroller and Receiver of the Dominican Cus toms Kilwards. dated at Sunto Do mingo: "Carlos F. Morales, dissatisfied with cabinet support, left capital last night with few followers. His Intention is said to be to join the followers of Jim Inez in opposition, to the followers of Horacla. Conflict between the two forces is lmlnent, probably vicinity of San Juan or vlclnitv of Puerto Plata. Carlos F. Morales may attempt to es tablish new capital and create a new- cabinet. Political excitement but .with out disturbances here. Receivership is not -ffected vet. George R. Colton should bo Monte Chrlstl Tuesday." George R. Coltnn referred to in the above lc the receiver of Dominican customs. V MURDERED HIS , WHITE WIFE. ' :'; - -.' '- . " ' ' .. ' - ' . . (By the Associated Press.) Wheeling, Wi Va., Dec. 26.- In a fit of jealousy to-day Ashby Willis, colored,; crushed the skull of his white wife with -an axe. - Later, when art attempt was made to arrest him, he cut his throat with a razor.. .-. v: 'VTTLl Irnaw4- aa tWa- ' mm t raiWaitMa. il l '. Aaa.. km.l-4 ) ri i..od j im . 4 Rrra-W f h. bak bU 1 eBi a ii im latalty lejarad sad fuur i.it l.t,tl ibNi a a It free ur-4 idi l..-e a rVM1skla HallrtHtd fir-'tfct litis ifMk tbe ruli la I h tk lata a a drtlkf hoot fi-r aaB.tr kMr tfc a Cbfial n.aa ' U t.r at k.a tl.. iu, k ntwMi tk. iratka it 'HHi hit 11 alnoNit la the w k'ci iraneg It toiiaa frorn t b honMi ki.d br-akli.a it Iota a erwr of I l tlinialiig Ibr lurntUar of llir ii-ain In all dlrrtlon .c,, )u na-niB. of Atl.ur) Park. S i . killed outright, and aaar li rim nirmlrr trf tba laaa aas k nix k srnarlra A aaarby fir eri(ltw houv luraad lato a kua I l I at I . In a huh tho Injured ware rari-d for Mora than a dora dor tor arrr tiinnionei. and tnsst iiitn-n hurtled to Ihr anglaa houae 10 art a nurwt lloanrd Hoffleld and SsmiK-l Hmiipion. of Avon, N J . ere f at al I Injured The others are exiMt lfd 10 recover SHOT HIS SISTER; JUMPED TO DEATH iHy lite Asvoriated Press New York. lec. JS Mary Koretl nilnce. sgel zti years, was shot and In stantly killed last night by her broth er. Caesar, aged 15 years, at her homt In east lMth street. Immediately after the shooting Cae sar Jumped from a window to the ,1W1 anJ wa , erlously hurt thst he ana un.Me t eaona anI a r. -eiieA alfd uUen to the n"o'ariltai. ' determined to marry a man to whom he objected. The shooting took place In the presence of the girl's father and mother. HOTEL BURNED IN UNIONTOWN. (By the Associated Press.) Uniontown, Pa.. Dec. 6. Fire early to-day practically ruined the Interior and contents of the Exchange Hotel, one of the lending hostelrles of this city. The fire started In the dining room about 3 o'clock, and the 160 guests were forced to flee to the streets in their night clothes. There was much suffering on account of the severity of the weather. It is not believed !thnt any lives were lost. There were many narrow escapes Several members of the Princess Chic Theatrical Company were almost as- phyxlated and were carried from the building by the firemen. The fam ily of G. G. Gans, including husband, wife and two daughters were found in their rooms and taken to the street by a ladder that had been ele vated to the third floor. Mrs. Gans and daughter are prostrated. Three Hungarian servant girls were almost smothered, and their screams saved the lives of Attorney and Mrs. J. C. Work, who occupied a third-story suite. i The building and contents were valued at $100,000 and il is estimat ed that the loss will be $0,000, with $40,000 insurance. SHOT TO DEATH ON CHRISTMAS. (By the Associated Press.) Memphis, Tenn., Dec. 26. Thomas McCarver. n son of former Sheriff Mo Carver, was shot to death last night late bv A. K. Harved. an aged timber man from Hopkinsville, Ky. Harved has been arrested. NO COMPROMISE SAYS MERRITT. (By the Associated Press.) New Tork, Dec, 26. Assemblyman E. A. Merrltt, Jr., candidate for speak ership for the State assembly, said to day that he expects to go to Albany to-morrow, and will open, his head quarters there. "1 shall be in this fight until the fin ish;" said Mr. Merrltt. "I do not know of any . compromise. They cannot compromise with me." .! Mi tuitlnz:. I:r Lirirj Diy.4 POSTOFTICE I.'E: J H. AW-kaaaiW j fevaa La- 'an aa CV ha Mas lrartaMa Aa llaaraaJ Anraaad eat Mat t4 af lasr Teare Am laaaietl IS aaailaHMii- HtgMy Wuad. 1 1't th Aaaartataal fraaa V aahtna-taav. I, M. Aa a' raw"! fo' AWraKltMg tba aaaakiAee al fRBia. N..Mti Caruttaa. fmr yeara aa agaroat four bara-tara fraakaaaH RanaxaO baa aalved th rtvtt aatOos rrlalka aMn lb rarsMfiiaafieaUoa af poetmaa ter tleoaral CWtatanai and g H- Atri. arxter 1,r1at maa gift was at pmaaa. Hon from a labor- a rterhatUa la 1 he Aet-a rt mant. Not nnltr baa Iba bra re North Car. llnlan baan pt-emuled. but la anrerilokt the honor, as nfBrlal atalain( ra I ued to-day a bleb giraa a fall aoroaat of the dead. Tba attranptad robbery t..k pla an lb algbt af rebruary a, twi. and th ofBctaJ armunt aava; After In atora In whkrb tba poet ofrue al Rmma, Im located rkoaed for the night, air. Akeaaadar, wha had ' been sleeping In th mom adjoining, heard a knock oa the door and Inquired what was wanted. Ha was told that aome on living near wasted hla mall. 'and he unbarred tbe door. Two mask ed man entered, covered him with re volvers and eommanded him to give up his own revolver and open th fire proof ear. While on af tba burglars. Frank Johnson, who had laid hla re volver on th deak near tba safe, was atootrfng In th act of loot lag tha eafa. and during a moment when tha other burglar, Ben foster, had hla turned. Alexander aelaed tha id la revolver and shot th latter near the heart. 1 He at- empted ta ahoot Johnson also but .failed to- da th as the Tvver snapped. A deaperata etruggla followed. - Fos ' ter, although ertoualy wounded, pur sued Alexander and eh K him In the abdomen, tha bullet aiming out at the ' back. Alexander, seeing Ftxtar about to shoot at him again, awung Johnson around, so that the bullet Struck John son's left shoulder from tha rear, paasJd through hla neck and lodged In hla right jaw, from which it was extracted. Alexander's face and hands were badly cut and bruised before ha overpowered -the burglars. . Alexander managed, however, ta put them both out of tha building and to call out a signal of distress and then fainted. The postmaster, hearing this , signal, came to Alexander' a relief and found htm lying weak and faint In a pool of b'.ood. . 1 .. ,'.,..' "His bravery is the mora accentuated when It Is known that Mr. - Alexander Is a man of small stature, probably not more than five feet six Inches tall, and . -weighs less than one hundred - and tv-nty-five pounds. It would aeem that he miift have been possessed of aW.mst superhuman strength to oust . the two desperadoes from the poatofilce. "Two accomplices, who were waiting on the outside, carried away th wo-inded burglars to a house in which ; they were arrested the same night. ' "The two burglars above mentioned. together with their accomplices, after t trial, were given the extreme penalty of the law, which, for the offense Com- . miltei1 in the State of North Carolina,' ' is death. Afterwards the sentence was : commuted in the case of two . of the burglars, to life Imprisonment, Th1? .-. otl-er two were hanged on February" 26. 1902." i FOI R NEW CORPORATIONS. Hotel, Social Club, Store and Lnnv bcr Plant Included. The following companies were Inoor -porated in the office of the Secretary, of State to-day; ' ' ' t & The Stephens-Howard company!- to : conduct a store and other business at Dunn, authorized capital $50,000, sub scribed $10,000 by M. A. Stephens, J..C. ? Clifford and W. R. Howard. Four Oaks Lumber Company, of a Four Oaks, $1,900 capital subscribed by J. C. Keen, G. K. Masslngtll and . otheiB. The authorised capital la $50,- 000. - ' - - ,. C. E. Hooper and company, of Char, lotte. Incorporated for the' purpose of ' engag In a hotel business. Tha Incor. porators, who have subscribed' $300 In stock, are C. E. Hooper, D. 'A.' Hurley and J. T. Matthews. The-authorised capital is -$100,000.. ' The Lenoir Commercial Club, Incor porated, of Kinston, Is chartered by J. K. Hood, K. Denmark and Others. Judge Van Dyke Dead. " -v Oakland Cal.,: Dec.' 26. Justice Wal ter Van Dyke, of the Supreme Court of California, died yesterday after an Illness of only twenty-four ; hours. Justice Van Dyke -was born in New Tork State in 182S. T He was a resident ot California since 1819. ,