XL f V EVENING TIMES. , . . - I w EAlXIGIt K. rEIDAY, DICE hies r. nci uj llillL I iLEnusy-VEN CRAZY ENGLISH BOSTOXERCMERS civc-rto wxs cut COLQ - i ... . BV HIE HORROR . FOR FOOTBALL FORCEOIOliIL1;111 i;; 1 J .J. I o . j it i .a. rr.iL'ijSJULND 111'! WHaae "ratify Ihm He Ma4 AV W tl-f r4-4 a TriJ.rl aa TWt CtoaSre WI- Martra .f Uw TftBrt M IU r.lna fHWe (wn of aiadW Xatarv it- ! A ,' I !" i. l''. I -or. Il-Th aaraaa tltr nam 4 IM ert anan'aJ af ai i WMr Trwirwr it, far tk ltr4 hH- at SI4tB.naa Jr Ura . KlntrWB. IhM enura- ln. Tr.ee It !rat Urteraat I lh ri, N ts frml)y r-rd f'-1 tanner rf ear- f r-a. the larta a whir hM dlrrer th : award 4 tent tun, In ai I the ra4av. The Hula rwat r la th lemjrarjr tending at the scad-. am full af avertator Curlnc in lUf Aa Inner wa "ul at the afwalna af M la reviewing ttw tMHlmnhr give yoaUHday. The Itiat 1ta aa Ik lna to-day ' Mutahlpmaa rvventnwa. Whltmay rr. ika room mala of Klmkrmura. H. raa tntrodurva bT Ikt proarutlo to rwbut tha tallnnar rvflarllnic aa Kim-' hroaih'a rtiarartar for Irathfulnaaa. Ha aald that ha k4 avrrra K.ru ramcti'a fputatk for varaxltf .aua tkonad and that la kia parannal rla tlana ha haa aJwara fuua4 Klmbrough ntlrair truthful. ; . . Mldahlamaa Frank A. nmlatnt, k claaa mala, rtw UmiUr taatlmnny. (m rroM-sairilnatltn tha wllnraa aakl thn( aoma of tha mrmtxn-s of tha rlaaa (bought that fc! lmbruuch had out .tnlit the truth in rrrd to tha matter ba fora tha coart. bat that tha (Aeaa on 'lh Inut aubjuct Vrara vary much mil d. Thar wera no further wltowaaa ao4 irfumpnti ot coanael beiran. j- E. 8. ThMll opB94 the trrimml for lha aocUBd.Ua. caU0.-altntIfin. ta Ihr pK-minriunn that tha rcciiijh wan IniKK-rnl and alo that no prraomptKm aullt aiwe from Oodln not tuklng lha alaml.' ' Mr. Theall thru kdilraaard tha cnurt In tha matter ot lha taallmony of Mta ahlpman Hewlett. ' The court, he aald. had ruled that Hewlett who wfti with Coffla In tha room when Klmbrough . waa atnndlna; on la head, dirt not In criminate hlmaelf la tel'.lnjr the fact. Tha evidence, he claimed, d'd not ehow ; thai Coffin had done anything more than Hewlett, ao that tha court elooj committed to tha contention that noth ing Justifying th charge of baaing had beofi found. ', '' . "Lieutenant Commander McVeya tea- ' tlmony to the confeeslon,! he aald, "waa net to be cohitdered bscauae. It had been plaint ahown that the alleg ed confeaalon waa not voluntary but that t hnd been brought out by tnduoe: meata offered by, that officer." " lieutenant Commander Harrlaon. tha judge advocate, quoted, from TVInthron . In military form a regard to tHe mips governing the introduction of evldenqj ii to a oonfeilon. He made no fur ther remarks and the case was given " to the court.': ... , v . BUSINESS WAS GOOD r - : - GENERALLY, SAYS DUN ' (By the Associated Prens.) New Yorg. Dec. 29. Dispatches to Dun 'a Review Indicate that busi ness conditions remain sound, and the outlook for 190$ la all that could be desired. ; ' , ; J Bank clearings are again close to the highest on record for a short " week, the otal for the five business days thU week being 12,637,436,268, an increase of 30.7 per cent, over the corresponding time .last yeart " , - . C;;E HILLED AND TWO L'LCED INiEAYL-IN (By the;As8oqJp,tcdJ&.e8S.) -, . Washington,- Dec.' t9.-AkMhe ' result of HMfein which objCTUrftdj to-day at the's'lte'of the new Metropolitan Cltl xens' Bank I building,;': opposHe'i.-the Treasury xPepartment, Pdr rChand eron, ari Italian laborer. In dead -. and two other workmen Injured. . Of the latter, C, R. Smith, ( a carpenter, waa the more seriously hurt. At first tt was believed that several men ore killed, but it soon wrs discovered that Chan dcron was the oBlv one who could not be extricated from the mass of debris . In time to be saved. a ta (a Bvraf IW Wm 1m t a lar fr a4 tJMU a ImIium, tMt mm IK) Va I'w I1 llr (He aaaarat4 Tmn CVXkra. tt-c- II Tbe Mfil graad )ar( aaa rater laCrtawmta J galaat UbhiUi A. Ooardala. raarla tor af lt InptTtal lUkk. Urbora J 4 Madiaaa auwa. a4 Joha H lUUua. tormrt roirtatar of a Kortb Ua aalaoa, both an-aa of aaing tbe asalia la efraa4. Tea ladtniaeatt exvaae tbaal f aaUing f read akrat ovtkoae m allg4 oil Uada la Ulalaaa. Tha ladkrt aneata atat that Daltoa aad Goar ala. art I eg aader tka aaata at lb LaalaUaa tat Loaa A Truet Coaa paar. of Kv OHraaa. aurhaae4 l.0 arret of Usd la Wtaa partaa. La . at 111 aa arr. platted tb U4 lato K(a SO fact aqaar and ofrra4 oplioaa oa tkraa plata for ft eau-a 4oa la l reata, Thfla oplioa eortiOrate vera mad to re arm b I lottery ticket aad rartala prlara .raaglng from 4t ceeta to ii wer paid aa bait. . ' Monthly Hat, purporting to ba tat I Uta of pricaa bid for tha oil land, acre arnl oat to th parch arr aa opUoa. Tb ladlctaneat elate that th eoterprle waa a fraud; that th lota vera worth ao more lhaa 1 H j ceata arh; that ao oil ever waa j foand Oa th laada: that ao blda had been madVi that tha aaaela or tha, compaay wer 5.00 laatead of 1 1,190. 000. CHARQE3 FILED AGAINST MAYOE. ' fBy thr Araonlaird Pix.:) Terr Hauta. Ind., Dec l.-rA,t a special meeting of the city council last nlttbt a formal demand was made for th removal from office ot Mayor Edwards J. Bldaman. Tho UotjsW cbarpMl . a galtrt- t bw-'Va ror wel algned by . repreaentatlvea of : tne Manufacturer Club and Of the Young Men Business Club. ; After asserting that "Bldamaa has been wilfully and corruptly guilty of oppression, malconduct and malfeas ance In tha discharge of his duties aa mayor." the complaints are made specific In nine separate paragraph. The charges were placed on Die with out discussion. . '. f . w Road to Coal Fields. " (By tha Associated Ptesa.) Elktns, W. Va.. Dec. J9.-J-Regular train service over the newly con structed railroad from , this city to Charleston, ,W. Va., will begin New Year's day. The road was built Tjy former Senator H. O. Davis to afford accesa to the central , West, Virginia coal fields. U gives direct connec tion between this section of the $tate and the State capital, and will con nect here with the Western Mary land road for the east, making a new east and west route. ,.v THREE TRAINMEN ' ROASTED TO DEATH ,v .. " , By the Associated Press.) ' Fort Wayne, Xnd.,' Dec. 29. Three trainmen were killed in a wreck on the Chicago Erie Railroad, at Disko. twenty , miles west of Huntington at one o'clock this morning, when the rails spread 'and the engine drawing an eastbound freight train was overturned In. a 'ditch beside the, 'track. Engineer John O'Brien, Fireman Cecil Oliver and Brakemnn Lent Fisher were caught In the cab of the engine and burned to death.' All the victims . resided ..at Huntington. . lK VIRGINIA DILL WAS ; FOR BOOK AGENTS " . ... ' '1 ..: ' '-K-v' -'y-n'- ' j i vV; A.--. .: .....'.. v - , . (By the Associated Press.) ; . Richmond, Va., Pec, ' 29. The ; Vir ginia bill; to which Andrew Hamilton, the New York Insurance man made re ference in his recent statement. Is notv known here as having any special re ference to insurance. It Is a fact, hpw tsver, that a few years ago there was a bill which made it a misdemeanor for an agent of any kind to go Into an office and undertake to sell any person when there was a posted notice to the- effect that agents were not allowed to enter during business hours. It Is believed that such is the bill that Mr. Hamilton had reference to, and it is believed that book agents and Insurance agents were Intended to bo reached. ,'V- " UHe Ttrj Laid t REVOLUTION IS' ENDING ftc riarifc-g an Nnri laftaaar Ik fr Ir kf 04 aaarana, M IWUUa nvmm ladlrafta TKal ! a of !) Ikoagrra la IM- (WdUlMta Ar Lea Brk-a a4 ' Caaaa W la n4 Taakf Tkal Clraye k tlHag nmm4 ' Agala. ", th Aii.i.4 al ! Km Trfc. ntm4 Hut. ix it i re I riaa4 i By l Aaeiid ffmm ) r a !. bat tk r r -f ( Atpni EL r1Tbrg. Dee. tt. I : I ' T Ue ttmtnt ut ih irt la" Kw f. M The erre,KMkdei of tb i " "1-rt"d 1 . lf"t tt liw f AcaMt.aa' fWitU la AaaorJalH Pre at Marnt let-. tetter a4drra4 ky P "f J. Klmuol graph that tk aralterad revola-' Haufaa. f'iva fcot . ui lh cwtw. Uoelat Iker .re only abU la J"" 1 m" i vlaiu-i the rant. Tt.i- Sr Xnlanit mp a feebla haar of relUar to the j uw, rtvt Wondmaa 0.-lai. hil troop ao4. th Workmra'a Co art 1, 1 or.ii.l iit-tWU mi ia lntUi.i- reallilng that lha revolt I crashed. ! '""" "'hl ,h' t Arm-rW-ea 'am anln Ai(fr la aegoUatlag lerma for the alrlkera ,u,., aui . rj , .r ail who participated la Ike uprlslag with '"" f mri. .Uiwu it-n- tke Te of railing off Iho strike oa '"r,h,,.iri , "." i" u . akat he ra'Ja mob tn. Ung lt i Ihr MOBQaJ'. rnAirit two fault In. ah. h It Nevertheleaa Ike radical papera of.rouw, .mlc (h, .p. .uh " St. Pataraburg coallaue to Inflame! Th , wui. h .. aive their reader with Btorie of deape- rat flthtlng in tbe atreet of Mu - row, repreaentlag tha rerolotlonlsta a being In complete poaaesalon of tea aquara mile ot the city which th troop with all their auihorlty and machine guaa are unable toi'-" - ' 7.""" ' , M i t'r nearly aa mura rxrrtt n. without pierce. Tbeae paper print columna.lne nnUBtk,n lh Ami1ra0 of descriptive matter repreaentlag . twty UW1MH .rt, lo pUy. th revolutlonlBta nghtlng valiantly (rM KItA rXubH ,htt irrmt behind barrlradee, aundlng on heapa na tne aevrlopaient of wtaln fin of corpae of l heir comrade. Tbe qualities not rat ed cut ay th .th-r Molva print an Interview with a game ranetlally qnlrkne of Irnllvl,!- aludent who ha arrived hnr from uat Judrtnent and exrcutw n. Moscow, la which tha student ay , 1 ", y " that horror of tha sight he wltaeas-J ed w. driving him Insane and he waa' fb"rcld'TO"'tlBeT It veema established -that aoma member of the fighting organisa tions of the German and other for eign societies have como to Russia: to Instruct the revolutionists In the use of arms, the art of constructing barricades and the manufacture of bombs. . Although now It la only a question ot time when the flames of open re volt Will be extinguished the Moscow revolutionists have made good use of their Instruction to start fires else-' where. Wild Times . at Warsaw. -Warsaw,,. Rusalan Poland, Dec. 29. Bahds ot socialists are parading the streets her atrlvlng to enforce the or der tor a general strike. They com pelled the hrrvspnpor and Insurance office to close this morning and sent out ganns of youths to smash the wln - dows of shops wlinei' owners refused to close their establishments. Trafflo Is much impeded on the Vlonna Railroad, only two trains left Warsaw station . to-dav. Military en gineers are maintaining; traffic on the Mlava branch of the Vistula line. FATHER AND SON HELD FOR A BRUTAL MURDER ' (By the Associated Press.) Beaver Falls, Ta., Dec. 29. Robert McCoy and his son James were arrested to-day charged with the murder " of Hugh McCoy, a brother of Robert Mc Coy. -The arrests were mad,e by Con stable Thompson, of Negley, Ohio, and much surprise waa caused. Hush McCoy was shot and killed two weeks ago while sitting at a window In his farm house. According to his brother Robert, the killing was done by two masked men ' who afterwards robbed th house of a sum of monev whicn tne muroereu man had received the previous day for tho sale of his farm. 1 - :: Tha brother claimed to have escaped from the burglars after a. desperate fijht. ' A reward of J5.000 was offered for the apprehension of the murderer. OHIO BANDITS .. , 1J0T YET CAUGHT. ,By-the Associated Pres.V ;t .v. : " Toledo,' O.i Dec. 29. The five men who fatally wounded Marshal Thorn ton are still at large, having broken through the jtet spread about the thicket and underbrusn between nere and Perrysburg last night ' "Scorea ot men this morning re newed the man; hunt with Increased energy, and the news from the bed Bide of the Injured official, that he had little chance of- llfe.v spurred them on to capture the bandits. t m:b:ti::!c BELIEVES IT IS BEST l " aa Xfm Eeataaal. H .ld It aa a.aHihc. Mk J Hvllness: greater vartr of r-xwiblr jpiaya and airateale Muatiaus aiid few drlivs hv reaam i lnjr to piayrr. i He ntsa.l rant age to Iip layer In ad 1 4U" hw aat. w.W.d bi gtt fProbabl'" "f clJ of aer'oua i ln- ItflDTUWrCT 11 ICO IOC Nl K I Mil t L TAtlllAalL . HAS ITS-HARDSHIPS tPy the Associated. Tre.) Seattle. Wash., 1ec. 89. Captain William Mogg. muster 6f the whaler Bonanza, who arrived here on the steamer Jefferson, said that Captain Amundsen, in sailing through the northwest passage, was compelled to Jettison a part of his cargo, showing that the northwest passage Is not deep enough for vessels of commer cial tonnage. "It will probably be from 12 to 15 months before the value of the ob servation taken by Captain Amund sen at the north magnetic pole is maae Knowntto tne scienunc woria, said Captain Mogg. "For two years Captain Amundsen photographed t every movement of the needle, flnd- tj.ftt jt moved back and forth al- most -In. a circle. The-observations were taken with self-registering In struments and no member of the expedition Is able to give tho results. This data .ill be submitted to the Royal Geographical Society of Lon don and to the scientific and geo graphical body of Norway and Swe den, which assisted In sending out the expedition. "There are onlv about three men in the world who are able to read the self-registering instruments used by Captain Amundsen In, taking the observations ot the movement of the fifth magnetic pole. It is estimated that at least a year will be required in compiling the data." SHIP GOLD TO SEA TO AVOID TAX. (By the Associated Press.) :. . Honolulu, Dec. 29,-VThe Oriental Steamship Company's, steamer 'Amer ica which left for San Francisco yes-1 terday carried $750,000 in coin, sent by registered mail by. local bankers, in order, it 1 alleged, that the money may be at sea beyond the territorial jurisdiction on December, 31, when a tax of one per cent, is levied on all money held on deposit by the banks on that date.; It is understood that thextnoney will be returned here im mediately.- Deducting the charges of shipment, the saving made will be approximately In the: neighborhood ot $7,000. The bankers deny that this Is the reason tot the heavy ship ment of eoln. ' t : . Postmaster at Wilkeslioro. Washington", Dec. ?9.JWIbs Maude Henderson was to-day , appointed fourth-clasa , postmaster at Wilkes- boro, N. C. I ! ..y ' lt!;L!:3 1 Co. ltl Tcty RISING MARKET CAUSE "Bra a M. Aay mm Krgv Ihat H IH4 aa Kb lMt Vara tlnaaii ta Krw lgtaai M rf Ca04 1 IUatlBr4 n'py aa (Vrtaka law l Ut tM Anaicialad tTm ) mm htaa . Iwr - II R tun a CaaxnaB y ,Blu k bialNi at .hi rll) , aat(nd l4a tut Ik hrwftl ij t rdttir The tubtlilkra are Mated u, tx :.' - Tte I lain mn'kri Is aaixt to br thr rtrial rauar irnatim The Ami imt a nwmbrr of any Mk etrhttr$r. but had blunrh oflVc In vnrimia Nr r.nsUnd rlHr and ttannir-ltnl a lat- trukrrhf IuMiul At thr om- of the Him the atale-lrw-nt was fli out that the truubta aaa due to the failure of a member of the Ifctston rxrhancr to mwi hi ol'llKBIIuna ami lo the fart that monry rould not be rellKHf at aw on rrrtatn oatstandln Invnrttnerta CALL MONET JUMPS UP AGAIN. (Ily the AsihHi'iel Preaa.) New York. l 29 Call money op- cmtl siiona ami In considerable de-and eight other member ot tbe man.l to-lav. The first bid was 40, Sweeney family were aerloualy In-VX-r cent. Two lonns were made nt Mnrad to-day a the reult of a nata tr ,-om ny in tr. m the rate for i rg, M po,oll ,B tBe kitchen of ' At'ii'm h,. i...., . tuHr,MJconct the cooklbs: atove with the -4 ner wt - - Call money ruVed at 60 per cent at noon with large offering. , Much of inis money came from new out-of-town sources, Including ' Philadel phia and Pittsburg. Some of the big local merchants made further loans. Loans made yesterday at top prices were renewed to-day at 50 to 55 per cent. Call money fluctuated during the Inst hour of the market today. From 50 per cent. It suddenly dropped to 30 and then worked upward till 2:45 o'clock it was quoted at from 55 to 60. Wreck in New York. (By the Associated Press.) 1'rlra N. . Dec. 29. Bv the sheading of .rails on the New York Ottawa Railroad, between Bay Pond and Derrick, the engine, ten der and two 'passenger coaches of a train were thrown bottom up In the ditch. A Mr. Cook, of St. Regis Falls, was so badly hurt that he may die. Several passengers received slight Injuries. DOUBLE WRECK ON . PENNSYLVANIA ROAD (Hv the Associated Press.) Pittsburg, Pu., Doc. 29. Three per sons were seriously Injured and many others s'.ightly hurt In a double wreck on the west Pennsylvania Railroad to day at Ko.sh transfer, near this city. Those seriously Injured are: Miss Cora lXifran. a paascnger, Ho boken. Pa.: William J, Hood, brake man, Allegheny, Pa.; and Thomas Bur gher, a passenger residence not known. The accident.' according to the rail road officials, was one of the most re markable, in that no fatalities occurred. A local freight was leaving a sldelng at Ross transfer for the purpose of getting on the eastbound main track. When the freight engine was partly on the main track, It was; run into; In a semi-Bide swipe collision by an engine with a caboose attached, tktu'eety had this collision taken place arid almost before the operating crew had had time tov realize .what had happsned, a second w reck was caused by the Free-port-' local passenger train crashing Into the two trains. When the collis ion, occurred the-ass'engers were hurl e'rt in all directions with tha result that tnany were bruised or more br less se riously injured.' All the three engines were derailed.; Two of the passenger cars were badly wrecked and a third was thrown from the tracks.,; Traffic was blocked for hours and trains were sent from here to bring the passengers 10 Hie city. . ,. . a tVe Oa ! a (W IM rJM aaat fwaaiC Va BV iaW lMa As- IW SW aW j bb (m 1 an a Ihi ik I I Kae. ttar tsjanito k Vaitoaa Btraam feuaa arvarmi Makape agaiaat Ika a aa grat 4 k tka Pp la Aaaartcaa aka. la tka oftataa of tkaa fclakaaa, vara aet aartky of tka ksaar. a kkk. It aaae. rwi aiaaatlarartVoa tk ralikfvl fb fop baa aka Im tafura4 tfcat asnoag tka poraoaa sweated la klat few days ago waa aa Aaarl raa aonaa aka ka4 kwaa dlvormd. IkU trrttatad Ika poaut. aba 4a rlarad that a ark praasatallea SSBBt ' bo oixtr agala ! Tke oArtal of tka Vatk-a ar lao raralllag thai two Aaaartraa ra i really refaand la a a4 a kea lb I Pope appeared, aad tka peraoa hav (lag autborlty la tbeae na Iters hava 1 beea ordered to be more at r let la ar i firing a derlaloaa upon applkratloaa from Americana for aadleoce with tbe Poie. Aoirrlraa appltraata la future must U1 racommeaded by their ( reapertlve bishop or have their ap plication eupiiorted by a racogalsed official here NINE HURT IN OAS EXPLOSION. (By the Aaaoclatad Preaa.) McKeeaport. P., Dae, !. Mr. Uattle Sweeney of namber 111 I Church avenue wa fatally burned aaa - Btpe, booarne d lacked darlag the night and when Mrs. 8weny struck a match to light the fire this morn ing th gas exploded. The house was completely wrecked. " . 'o , WOMAN BURNS TO'DEATII Fifteen Others Hurt in Bad Fire in Tenement While Lighting a Stove the Oil Can Exploded and Flames Spread, Routing Twenty-Seven Families Men Wooi-king to llfwue Others Were Hurt. (Hv the Associated Press.) Minneapolis, Minn., Dec. 29. One person Is dead two were seriously burned and 15 or more Injured or overcome by smoke In a fire In the iHIggin" tenements, 817-829 Mlnne- haha avenue, this morning, j The fire started in the apartments pf Mrs. Lorraine Buckllff, 823 Min Jnehaha avenue, and spread rapidly. Twenty-seven families were routed from their beds and sent shivering and half smothered Into the street, the temperature being 10 degrees above aero. The twentv-seven families lost every thing- they possessed and were made homeless. The flre resulted from an explosion of an oil stove. Mrs. Mary Follev. who lives With Mrs. BucklifE. arose early to start a lire In the stove. As soon n-s she liffhreri a match the oil exploded. Mrs. Bucklift was standing near and n n moment her clothes were In flames which soon spread through out the building. She was burned to death before she could be token from her kitchen. Mrs. Folley herself was badly burned as was Stephen Lewis who was trying to rescue persons In the building. A. V. Wells was also se riously burned in rescuing; three chil dren whom he found In their beds al mpst smothered by smoke. TWO NEGROES HANGED TODAY. (By tho Associated Press.) Gadsden, Ala., Dec. . 29. Jack Hunter and Vance Garner, "colored, were hanged in the county Jail here today for the murder of Mrs. Jane 8mith, a white woman, who, was as saulted and killed in this city last spring. Will Johnson, also colored, convicted Of the same crime, was re prieved by the Goternori until Feb ruary 9,' pending the examination of later evidence. ' ' ' I Markt4 tvmm I II Tka e rm fcxjlLT E:i2 r.:J hl.-: TOOK CLU.:0."D3 Al.'.lV Iblaet rUdiag Oof. ilaaa, l oaVr Um tka INriana, aa4 TW L ka Uae baag. (br lb AaarBla4 Kea York. I Ma. ft -far ta aaraa.4 it kaa Utea aaoalk aa4 Ik - Mil Um tiki tkra yaar lh Jew try otar of tVwararu Btftttaar at IK atroadwajr, la tb kaait af Ik Taaaer kaa diatrlel, wa raaa4 early ka-amjr and aaoat U Su wortk af 4laada, rtnia ana aalrka war atwiaa. Tk luaa oa tka am a fuliturWa. amiedlhg ta a member of tka Arm, acgragata isa aaa. Tb mbbery waa aanat dartag, a thla part of tk rily I tk kaatat and Ik moat arUllaatly Urkl4 tkraatbaat tha en lira nlht. Warklivg during th height of a larrifk ralaatorm. whn moat of tb pd train bad Bought heltr, tha baraiar galn4 aa a traae la th ator by ratlin through a Meal folding gat tkat barrad th approach la tb froat aoor. an4 thaa rut throa k a baavy wire acreon that protect Ut plata glaa ovar th front ' door. They U maahd tha half Inch thick gtaa I reach their plunder. Th burglar In cutting tb wire af -th acreen over th window set aft a burglar alarm, yet they escaped wltb their booty befor tk polio arrived. A patrolman saw two men and a wo man hi t ha doorway of th at ore, but thought thy war peaking shelter from th rain. Later whan hi . auaplcloaa wer aroueed be returned In time to see ' " on of Um kraajwalaaaas.aoww' a ' aide street, hut the man "had . disap peared when tha evidence of th bar alary wer discovered. It was all over before th burglar alarm reached lha ' scan. , , .-'.'. - .. KIR. YERKES DIED TCDAY His Wife Refused to go to His Bedside at Last She Declined to Talk, , Bat Kept AwayCaplUUst Made Hard Fight, But Life Waa Hanging in the Balance for Days Was Lead it in Financial World. ' (By tho Associated Press.) . V,- New York, Dec. 29, Charles T. Yerkes died at 1:20 p. m. today. Mr. Yerkes had been ill (of noma time with a complication of diseases. During tne past summer he had a, rather serious Illness In London, but recovered sufficiently to permit him .-' V to come to the United States. His condition became serious soon after his arrival, however, and for several week 8 he has been seriously ill at 1 the Waldorf Astoria Hotel In this i.A i city. During his last Illness he sev- ' eral times was reported to be in a dying condition. ' .' ' , Mr. Yerkes was born" In Phlladel-' , phia in 1837. When inquiries were made at Mt , Yerkes' home at Slx,ty-eighth street' and Fifth Avenue tc-day whether or : not Mrs. Yerkes in view of the con-1!' ; flirting statements about her hue- : band's condition, would say anthlng, a . servant said that Mrs. Yerkes would not see reporters, but gave this mea- ; ' sage: - , j'-jnj. J ' 1 - , "That she had n6t beea to the Wal-t; . dorf-Astorla Hotel during Mf.fYerkee'if J illness there, that She did not Intend to go there, that she' was 'not' Indisposed : v and that she refused absolutely to dls- , cuss her reasons for her actions In the ; matter." , a 4 ' i " MEMPHIS BANK ';':.?,,' MAY SAVED." ' tr tX (Special to The Evening Ndivs.) " ' X v Memphis, ; Tenn.' Bed 29.It is ' -reported to-day that negotiations are' . pending, between the directors of the ; defunct Merchants Trtl(St ; Company i . r and two local banks, by hlch the latter are to take over tha affairs of the 'former. If an agreement 1b' . ' ' reached It is said all deposits In the K Merchants Tnist Company wilt ba fully guaranteed.' i " ' i " 1 V

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