' 1 n JL ....... J HAL' " ' ' Li I ! loll. I OF L... uED IL. 4 4 . I .I'll1 ilEPfllil: t 4 3 i u J ailb UULUi L.lLUllI 111 IIL.UI: ,. ir.-. J e.3 X tJ I. .i & . 1 J r r Y I, 7 f) . - . i S3 (.! 1-2 !:.::: J D;r SEVL'i FEHSGNS IILIIT Anwrdtag to ( a Ul K1 Pf Wi of I aad M4a IW. r4. Um ttae Itt.Wi At to trmil ) B4 1j r !- oea May . tPy th A,iU.4 lr wim, Maaa, Jan." 1 lfiruatl mrd b. tr nnJwt cut. f I ha .t,Mi and Mala Railroad l U- rated. h M, U.U the twt of Iht Mvrtir1 Eapraas at Wil'umw fta itna l?-dy, tk rcauU erf a J'-IVr-i ort. A (oiuh had bent atx-nad and a 1 O In (hit pnellluo while lh aignal ktl iKoti twitted mi ( Indtnl a rlMr . trxlu 7 he tir t'k the pen ' lull and lit rngtnt and ! ran ar dctil'a.1 and partly wracked. Tht an tl Btruck auma firlht rara whb'h wt aundicg on a alia. track aad whkh chrckad lu rwed aad prarentr.1 th altlng rara. bleb made ap tht bulk of ha train from k-v1ng tha raila Beven pcivona wer rurl Including five JtMMiti. bat nan wu killed altbuurh Knglnarr Charles Ward Wll mar Ala. ' ' ., , Hooalc Fat, N. T Jau. .-cvn iKtauiu ro IuJuitJ. tniu of Ihmu (- ltiv hrn Ilia Wunlirul rxi-eaa oi th IVuilon-nnJ Malna lullmv u PKkod at Wallainoaac aarljr "to-lr. ' 6v tntlM north of this ttlaoa. " . Tlia moat aci lounly. Injured .. wm 1uirl Ward Wail, of Brlaiol. Vt.. t!i entiiitmr. The flrvinao and Ova paaaen- a iIm era hurt. o The iwk rnuHcd f the train .running; jnfet an fn awltcli and tht tal'.rofu oftkiiala are of Ihn - pltiln tliut h9 awriuh. a ",' d!lbpn4li - Ir f.ir tlio purini f ''urccklnff Ih . Thu englna" badly dumugrd an-i : tha bugRitra ear and r tie railed inA parti:" wrtckest. ' Several , aUirping cara romalnnd on tha ralla. '- Vy. ';: j . Boy Train Wrecker. ; (By the Xaaoolatod Press ) - , Cincinnati. Ohio, Jan.' .Samuel - Pweeney, uired 14 jrcuw, " rcUllnB near '. Junction City, K)'.i la .under arreat oa a charto of attempt ng tp wreck, thi Oueen and ' Crencnt, Florida macla! ivhlch pHKsm lilu homo tidily.'' lie wui '. oauRh(lt la utlefrd, p he wm ntxu t Tuirten ti knuckle' from a paten ftT.lcht car uciosu the fracks. ' . He was taken to Stanford, where hi J trial began lo-dfty. . :. UNDER MARTIAL LAW Seventeen Districts Alonn i ' .. Slleitei Eailread' From Uml MounUins to . liako Baf kal, 1,800 Ilk Factortwi Closed ' far Holidays Town In Caucasia L : In Hands of Kcvolutlonists Priest Arrested. v . (By the Associated Press.) ' : SL Petersburg, Jan. 6. On ac - count-ot tho serious condition of af lairs on tho Siberian Railroad, many V stations of wblclu are in a condition (oY'- anarchy, i- sevonteeni .,, districts through which the line passes from - th Ural Mountains W Lake Baikal a dlbtance of 1,800 inilea, have been placed under a martial law. The -prefect - of rRostoff-on-Don Count Pillar Von Pllhau, Has ocen dismissed. Gecnfal Drcheffskl,' who was retired from the. management of the Finnish railroad, on the demand of the Finns when their reforms . were granted, succeeds Count Von ' IilliaU ii - " v ' ' All the fuctorlcs, mills and other Industrial entorpriaos closed to-day for the holidays. , The employers at . ., - a general ., mecllng decided not to , open their establishment'',' In view of tho threats of disorder,., until after ' January 2?, the anniversary of "red ' . .Train Service Resumed Moscow, Jan. G. Train service on : all lines running out of Moscow has been re-established. ; v ' A priest named Kaganskl whb was treasurer of local strike committee, has boon arrested at Perovo, three : miles east of Moscow. hawiiM-ae MiMi Md It I tm h4 -" I ". Cum I a--7 twd A "a-. t ma lvA rmmr lwuNr.4 H fWd 4 . tb itf ti MnUit4 f" KikmJ tHr M. Ja A-A 4 viwii W tfea ! ka 4 i.MI t Maaa tha l"ai at a)'tt'r txar aa't a anUtaa Awtiaia taa itmrm at t rv tt-a a4 arT-a wH4 t-aMfct( w U.k m tt na a4 Walnut toa Niiitk a4 Tk Tfca Bra aa aHktor vwirvt at M n,a ant4RC TV,I mm aa irlbatad a folWaa: kiitgMl CaaiaiTia, 4B bulkiiKa and fta raa. Ttk aad W anit alaHa. toaa ia UN. fatly cwvorwd by luniaara. Wmxla bvlldlnc. Ill M and rt Wa .! atrwt, Md by IT W. A. Wsvda. prraidtnt erf tha National Bank el onntnt, tuaa lliaa, bwuraar k.. apt, a i 1 Culumbui Batrr Company, atack Inaa IIM ana, toawanra 7l.aa. W. W. Kimball, plana company, atw A loaa tK-We, Inauranca l.X llatuntar Brothrra Manufactartng Canpany. aurairel tnatminta ana phyatcUaa aappllaa, atock koaa Jw.W'a, Inauranca tU.koa. hide ofnr bulldlnc laaa llt.tv. Uorupanta of oncea la Itaak of Com merce bulldtnc and adjoolnlnf proper ty lAooa. The roome of tha KaUoual Bank of Com m area uera partially damaced atif rendered temporarily , uninhabitable. The vaulta cuotalnlnj.; JI.o.0 and the bauk'a reoorda ere not damaci-d. Tbe Tnk. bk'h la tha tarfMt finan cial Inatitutkm In the city, opetwd for buat'neaa to-day In temporary quartera. Tha damaiie toMha Bank of Com merce, a alt-atory atruoture, waa oniyt partial and aaa eauaed principally by DYNAMITE KILLS : ' FCUlt NEAR CHICAGO f y the Associated i-rotw.) Chlraco, " Jan. 1 Four i men Were killed and three othera fatally Injured and twelve maimed by an explosion to-day at tha plant' of Doheee and Bhep- ard at Oar'. His-, fifteen miles from this elty.v ,Whlle. two employ ea. pre paratory to blastinfr, were warming a quantity ofi dynamite ,lt became limit od and exploded, toifether with' an ad dttlonal'mipply, close- at hand. ' It la ea- tlinated that the lose to the company will aggregate $25,000. ' ,' , ' ,' LOIU) ROTHSCHILD DECLARE . . HIMSELF A FREK TRADER. A- , (Uy tlie Associated Press.) . v London, Jan. ."Lord Rothschild In a SfMech at Watford to-ilay In support of the protectionist candidate, Tliomag Frederick Halsey, the elttlhg member, announced himself ap a 'free , trader" in favor of the negotiation of tariff treaties with other countrhw. He said he had nover hidden the fact .that he was a free trader. He objected strong ly to tlie . taxation 'of the food of the lieople, and could not understand how In the peculiar situation of this island protective tariffs could be built up. At the same time he must also say he was In favor of 'negotiation, not to use. the word retaliation.' They all remembered the advantages of Cobden's treaty With France and under tbe two recent treat lee which Lord Lansdowne had nego tiated with. Rofcmania and ' Bulgaria, Lancashire goods would, now . be ad? mltted to tho countries at much low er tariffs than hitherto, ' ' DALES TO HESIGJI. AuD LEAVE COUNTRY tho Asuoclated Prcsg.) Washington, Juii 6. The State "De partment ban received news from San Domingo that ex-President Morales has offered to resign if he will be ullowed to leave the country In safety. ; This proposition, it Is understood, .will be acceptable to the de facto government Whore Morales will go Is not known. . Dr. Mcintosh Dead. ' ' ' (By the Associated Iesj.) San Franclso,' Cal Jan.. 6.t-TIie Rev. John S. Mcintosh. , president of . the San Francisco Theological . Seminary, died at t?t. Elmo, yesterday , of hesit disease, axed 66 years. . Dr.'MuIntoHit wax a native of Philadelphia. He was one of the organisers of the university extension movement In Amerlea.i 4 ACTION OF COUNTIES (wta Hwi h-aaa OatUfwH CWJr aaaaV WW ilraaara laa( la4aaa -tkarkaa 19 tuaadlalily (aa ply With H a i l l af lltaari erf iU TWra (Vuurt Arf4 The Bt.kllr!lo ta Tbe Kvealaf Tlntaa) laat Taaaday arf taa avaaa tkaMJ Indicia of Ua 8 tat Board mt CaarlUaa with refer ce ta the ku agrBieot bf couaty eoaivlrt caaapa la lie State kaa caaaad graal awake- lug ttroaihost tk But Go rarmor Olena tkls tooralDg 4m- ciare4 casphattcally tkat Cw report ?u accoinplUhlng good. ! Uiat pub lic iaiereat kad kaea atimulaled la tba rootreJ of eovricU ta tkaae cam pa. Beatdea tkU the Wake eoaa ty connnlaatoBera, while . claiming that feo abaaea xiat here, - have placed them eel ree oa record ai faror lng the com pie ta aeparatloa of wAltea aad pegroua eo far aa poaaible. I)ur hara county eiplalna the crttlclama of Ita camp aad promlaee to comply with tbe request of the Board of Ckaiitiee Immediately. Gull tor d count beat tbe Governor a. lengthy report on conditions there. Many let ter are being received n the sub ject - . , . ' ' ComUUnaa la Gallford. Governor Glenn today received a letter from Chairman W. H. Ragan, of the Guilford County Board - of Commissioner with referenoe to the criticism of the convict camp In tkat county aa contalnod In the report of the Stale Board of Charities. Chair man Kagah write the. Governor at considerable length and claims that there 1 no room for any strictures on convict management, in mat county. . ' ' ' - ' It: li true, eo . Chairman Ragan states, tbat white and colored con victs sleep in the , same room, but they, are entirely; separate. The room is 70 feet long and the whites' occupy one end and the negroes the other end. They - never sleep to gether and are fed separately ... "' Chairman Ragan says that at rep resentative of the State Board of Charities ' visited the Guilford camp ' (Concluded on Second Page.) ' ARRESTED AT GRAVE Fcr Killing Han Whose Grave r; He Was Digging ; ,. r aUl Blow Was Struck Two Weeks .Ago in ijuarrel Crowing Out of ; Alleged Attention to th,e Victim's Wife Took Care of Family ' -' (By tha Associated Pi ess.) Chicago, Jan. A A dispatch to the Tribune ; from . Crawfordsville," - Ind.; says: . -,v , - . : , ' ' While assisting Jn the digging of the grave of James Ford,' who died of a blow on- the hea,, Harry Craig, of Crawfordsvilhv was arrested at' Dah llngton yeBteaday "an4 lodged In Jail, charged With the murder, ,, F6rd was struck, two Weeks aKO.'. " , v-j . . ? The trouble grew out 'of.Cralg's al leged attentions to Mrs. Ford while a boarder at the Ford home, and he was ordered from' the, house by vthe hus band. - . - ( ,i ".They fought,, and Craig struck Ford with a club, r Since Ford's condition became' iierldGs Craig mevoted all his time in taking care of the man's tiitn ilyt 'and wh,on he learned his Aietlm was dead started to' Darlington -with a son of the dead man to Tiavo a grave In readlliesH. . , - s ., " By the Associated Press.) Manila. Jan. A local ' newspaper printed dispatches from San Francisco yeHterday stating that troop w? re. be ing went to tho islands to quell a poa Hlble uprising of the natives: Both the mlUlury and civil officials sav that the conditions wero never bettor, and all the troops could ; be withdrawn from, the inland without danger. v 3 Cc:trU :.c listen I CIS "EUALF EREEDSi TraaV Ha iaaaw Prftiak (Uaai mm Urn rmr to tk lata ) (Py tba Ami ilaled fliai I VaJM-naTa. C tmm. A Tba KiUaa bag la aa airt frvaa Haart aaada ta la traaaaaaa iarSla tba a4a traaa a : la ixuta Cataoibaa taaatna. tha raai k-Hng atagajad by C I Hb'k. arimaaMkat of Ui obU drane Aid Miari Millie tth -abila eklaa, lhU-k bra a balr braiiWd ilxa IKair batka tttg S oeatit. rhikltab ayaa, are W ag aotd ta-day and rte bva Bull tr thrae yaara ka PriMtdi (-gfeambU to the h'b aat blddat Tbe a ave aaaatara ,ar J the Cape af vaaaa Itwl'ana. Iht atava an kite beeauae their graiidmotbr were aold before la klla ' taa. aad a lira tbelr graadmatbars wandered back to the tribe. dMerted asd aban. Vmad, thry bivqght baby glrla with tham aad la roar mt Urn tk mate relatWaa of theae abandoned rreatur old tbelf baby gir a taw. w be they grew ap to yaung glr:hnod. ' "Dealrrs baee created m: maiket whlrh ta cotuitantly drawing: the da- maad hum becoto au great that uthar imrkrta hava beva anught and K h reported that Kmk llay Indian are robarklng, la tbl aaful Indnstry." BIB SHAME SAYS DMI0RB1S White House tisgrace a Nat iona! Disgrace ' WILL TAKE NO ' ACTION Dr. Morris Was Removed from Sur geon eneral's Office, He Says, on Charges Filed by 1 Representative Hull, His Ilrothcr-tn-Law. ' (By the Associated Press.) . Washington, Jan. 6. "This White House outrage is a burning shamo and a national disgrace," so said Dr. Minor Morris, husband of Mrs. Mor tis, who was forcibly removed from the executive offices on Thursday last and taken to tho house of deten tion. , Dr. Morris arrived here early today , and found hia wife still con fined to her bed suffering from ner vous shock, but' much improved. v According to Dr., Morris he was removed from the surgeon general's office on charges filed by Representa tive Hull, hiB brolhor-in-law, at a time when Mrs. Morris was about to Proceed to Pueblo, Col., to get at certain ' facts pertaining , to her. father's will, which she alleges had not been made to appear in the case, It. was these churgos Dr. Morrlssald, that Mrs. Morrla, deslrp4; the Presi dent to have Investigated. ' Acting on tbe advice of friends, H Is probable that Dr.. Morris will ad dress a letter to the president urging him to investigate not - only the charges against him, but also certain officers of the War Department who are Alleged to have permitted them selves to be improperly Influenced on the rase. . N , ' 'According to' my present deter mination I feel that so far as the treatment of Mrs., Morris is concerned I wtirtAke-.no action," he said. - v. . 1 The Smoot 'Caso. ' . !' y - cpy the Associated Press.) v. 'Washington, Jan. 6. Senator Smooft, case was discussed by the Senate com-, mlttee on privileges and elections to day.. Chairman Burrows; . called the committee together for the purpose of discussing, tbar status of tho cane, the question whether further., testimony should in: intra , w uddltlonal ergUr ments heard, Several members of the committee were not present, but a qu rum us in Sttnndancn. Uaaaaura aja g)m iBdtaa Vaaaw taaVi mmd law art a. El2 aixcld Etr WAS AFFLTOQ TORCH Catl- A Pari p Vaaai Caftavwd; Umm ' I Py tk Aaauriatae fi n Ne York, Jan. t. A naked aad kokaaa. directed by a a area ly clad aad woartag aa eoat, waa doarta4 applylag a larch o ike ball ay erf a ra-atory tooo. t baaaa la C dredge straot about darkraak today. Tka atrmaga pair Bed wkea dlacovared. bat tk wotaaa was rapt red. 8k sakt her nasi to Hale B ratter, aad tkat aha la koeeo korpor of Ike balldlag she waa trytag to set Bra, hat a one there knew Ob of tk tenants of tk balldlng ws awakened by a noise tk pair made aad discovered them in tk kalL Tk woman wore aotklna- but on stocking. 6b was skivering Is the told. Tb man stood vr her and sk shrank from htm as tkougk afraid. In tb woman's kaad was a torck made of rags aad laflammabl staf aad saturated with kerosene. Too woman stuck the torch Into tb ga bias and as It caught flr ah fell to her knee and began feeling her way about tb hall, robbing th biasing torch against th wall and wainscoting, which were saturated with oil. All tbe time the woman mumbled Ilk a crasy parson. She waa direct ed by the mysterious man. v Seeing that there was danger of burning the building the watching trtiant called for help, and when the other tenants cam rushing from their apartmeaw th man and wo man started tp run for th root. The man got away, but one of th tenants tripped the. woman. . When she was questioned she returned a blank stare but Anally gave the name of Helen Brauer and said she is 33 years old. She looked very old and was covered with filth, her hair was tan gled and her cheeks sunken. She was taken to Bellevue Hospital. . She did not disclose the name of the man, but it Is suspected that they have been connected with other incendiary fires. They had not succeeded In setting fire to the hallway this time. DECATUR . NOT GUILTY .'. . . - Released from Arrest and Restored to Duty Marconi This Morning Plead Not Guilty to Charge Against Him and All Specifications Supporting it, tlie Hazing of Midshipman Rob erts and Tye. . , (By the Associated Press.) Annapolis, Md. Jan. 6. It was officially announced to-day that Mid shipman Stephen Decatur, ' Jr., of Portsmouth, N. H., has been found not guilty on the charge of hazing, and he has been released from arrest and restored to duty. , ' The trial of midshipman Pettersen B. Msnohl before the court-martial assembled at the Naval Academy was resumed tkls morning. .'--' Marzoni plead not guilty to the charge and all of the specifications which. support it. Of these the first alleges the bating of Midshipman Chester S.. Roberts of Jollet; Ilk, and the second and third, the hating of Beniamln W.'Tyo, of Atlanta On. The men are of the fourth class and the" basing allegod Is that Matronl compelled them to carry his meals to his room and to perform varlou forms of physical exercises. ' . ; ' . K Coffin's Sentence. , ,-, (Bv tho. Associated Press.) - ! Washington, Jan. 6. -The ' record of the court-martial in. the case of Midshipman ; Trenmor Coffin, Jr., charged with basing, has beon re celved at the Navy Department. It is understood that the sentence of tho court Is dismissal. , Trek! aa li kaawy TrawaairaA Arm i W law aHraawja MgM mmi Karaaai. iu K-tflla lawli bank ad A weak, lea. taaavK, W Swad a eat b mi at tad HI - TVaa mm to kW P tba Aaaai ialad raaa . Ik TorA. Jan A ouy grwotad ad tb tool aaat by tk m aaklag ,m lorh'4" aabat1iJa aaeod fetfw. Lad la kt .-,''Tb tpatam, tba CagUak oaoian k i wrlni ta LmAmm mm tkya Mlaa. v - m lag Aeprt4 oa tbe aaaae atwaaaaf IktS BkorwiaiC Mra Tkoaapaoa. be aa a kor i W rbjlt bar dlataat raiaUr aad frkaoa. Mra. Aarah 1. SrfeaU. at tb lattor's eaaaatry boao la Orarbravk, a aabarb of rtlladelpkla, waa p b tbe trrora of aa eaaaaally gk Vwyaga taat tk okatgraal oi- Bdals foe ad ye lord ay tkat her mind kad he averted. Taey dctdd tkal as ah waa as allea aba saat b do ported fortkwltk. Mrs. BchaU pleaded In vain for her friend' relief, efartag to g1 boa4 la , nay aasoeat tb govern nt at skoald raqalr tkat Mrs. Tkotapaos would not borons a public charge Commlastonar Watch om ipreed kts sympathy, but said tk law waa laflegbaa. Megawatts Mrs. Scknll d i" for bar eo. MarakaU Scknll, and k cam te-Kew York with a lawyer aad obtained th servi ces of th alienist. Dr. C L. Dana. Dr. Dana examined Mrs. Thompaoa aboard th Minneapolis and decided that she wss of sound mind. Armed with Dr. Dana's opinion. Mrs. Thompson's nephew, Mr. Basael. went to Wsahlngtoa snd Interested Secretary Metcalf of the department of commerce and labor. After a telephone conversation with Dr. Dana yesterday afternoon Secretary Metcalf telephoned to Ellis Island granting Mrs. . Thompaoa a stay of one week, which he said was the best he could do under the law. Mrs, Thompson, .was , then taken from the steamer to the home of her nephew. She will be examined again by the authorities next week. Dr. Dana said last night tbat Mrs. Thompson wss suffering from Acuta confusions! psychosis brought on by tb severe strain of an unusually rough and terrifying voyage. Amltassador White's Dinner. (By th Aaaoctated Preaa.) Rome, Jan. A Ambassador . White gave a dinner laat night In honor of the new foreign lalnlster, the Marquis San Gluliano. Among the guests were the Marquis ' Vlscountl Venoata- and former treasury minister LussattL The chief topic of conversation waa the ap proaching Moroccan conference, to which Mr. White and the Marquis Ve noata are delegates:' Bourke Cochran Better. Santa Barbara, Calif., Jan. A Repre senlatlve Bourko Cockran, of New York, who has been In Hanta Barbara for some days, has greatly Improved In health and expects to return to Washington January 15. '.. FOR A KICK A BOY KILLED ANOTHER (By the Associated Press.) Chicago, Jan. 6. A dispatch to the Tribune from Dallas, Texas, Says: Oliio Claywoll ,11 years old, last' bight stabbed Carl Owens, age 18, and Is In jail charged with murder. The boys were employed In the Texas Pacific general office. Some one, pinnod a- placard on young daywews-'oacn reading "kick, me." .The Owens boy kicked and a fight started. The boys were separated but met In. the street and' the Stabbing followed; y TWO KILLED IN A DAD FAMILY FIGHT .' (By the Associated Press.) - CUttlnnatl, , O Jan.A A . report wached Mount Veiuim, Ky., lute. list high t that Hr a general light betwesn the: Norton nd Arnolds, - , near Sand Springs, four miles south, -of .here, "Jim" Arho'd And his son were killed Instantly and Mrs. Arnold ' shot through both arms. ?i The parties were related bymarrlago. and had been in town attending court, there being a suit pending to get control of k grand child, of Arnold,' whose v daughter had married a Norton. . AH ths county officers llftve gone to thn sceno. L4 k4 4 4 . . J . - . t . . i - L'.:t h U SEAEraimuL 1 'I i 1 4 M ' mt Um SaaaAtoav, kuk i. I Oatty Hare rDm tWe if 1 Waa kWadi4i tree Ut mm t a rs (y tha Aaanrlat4 IVaaa ) Kw hia ra. Caaua. Jaav A TU no tary f tk Aaatb mt Ckartee A. I oar, erf Kw Totk. ol tb H;'irt f. . Ily b aw aw aad o CvUeg atrwt U Twaadajr olgbt waa apparency d-i- a ever abaa tk aargnar raaamad hta m vaatlgattao ta-day. Aa far a an i;i tnatlaa of tb pragraas mad in tt I - airy could be obtained. Caroocr V: 1 1 BJtd tb Aetartlvea wb are aaalaUi.g kta are practlcaJly at a huea fur funh-r doe In tb aaa. Coroner Mia. hoa var, ka give a sign of dlscom Me anest over Um bafBlag altaathHi and l startad la for th tourtk day of tavea tlgatlon. Scare b for th weapon with ahkb. tk murder waa eomaaltted went on ta day, with n gang of workmen continu ing thai." InapacUoa of tha wra in th vicinity of Coll-, street by tb coroner' order. This search Is bel.ig mad on tba theory that th tmtrdercr in tearing th arena of th crime dis posed of th revolver by drepplug It In a newer pocket. Tb catch basin at tb corner of Tempi aad Wall streets were opened to-day and search made tkera. ' ' The fact became known to-day tor th 11 rat am thanhe authorities have no me reason to think that Mr. Bdwarda was not shot a b lay In bed lu the gueat chamber, Where tila body was found, but that he was carried Into th chamber after th shooting and placed In tbe bed. ; This theory I baaed on tha discovery of several blood spots on one of tbe stockings worn by Mr. cowards. '...' He was found in bed dressed in bin underclothes and stockings. Tlie left stocking was wrong side out, a If the wearer had put It on that way by mis take, and at th open instep were a numbet of email drops of blood. On the bottom, and side of this stocking there waa considerable lint, while titer was no lint on the other, stocking. The Inference .which tha, detective have drawn Is that the man was car ried from another room to the guest chamber after the shooting, and tbat the left foot trailed along the floor. Tbe blood spots, if they came from tbe wound In the head, could reach the stocking only when the man was stand ing erect. The bullet entered the up per part of the left ear, and if the vic tim were standing tbe drops from the wound might fall on the left' toot. HELLO GIRL TAKEN WITH SfJALLFOX (By the Associated Press.) ; -Chicago, Jan. . A dispatch . to . the Tribune from Fort WaFne, Iud., says: Smallpox in the telephone exchange tied up the service for five hours yes- . terday. When 1 ' . Manager . Moellerlng was informed that Lillian Wa'bolt had the dlaeas he notified the health offi cers and they sent the five girl opera tor home . , v - j Before the girls left their clothing, head and face and 'hand were fumi gated. When they arrived home each was -examined 'by her family physician and vaccinated. k . ' , . ' , ,, vv-- ; V A CORPSE LIES. : iiERE uiiCLftLtii JattieS Davis, a, negroc died here last Sunday at a plnqe. on Blooilworth street whew he was'staylng. - The dead man was said to have relatives In Charles ton, S. C, so they were '-Informed by letter Of his1 death and the body wan placed in r Brown's undertaking estab lishment awaiting 'Instructions. Thus far the polled have heard nothing fro:n the supposed CTliarleNton-relatives and It Is probable now that tho uncialmwl body will be turned over, to the WMtt anatomical board and sent to one of tho medical colleges for dissecting pur poses. ' , , V I

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