t :::: i:xuz:.n i I..MI II t .r t 't ? I krf W W a a r-'Wifr'rri I 4 With cn entire new stock of J try II. Ik ) . i af kUrf- . l t.at4 . A w r . 1 i r.- $-u-v WT" DRESS GOODS, SILKS, HOSIERY, ETC 311 and 313 Faycttcville Street . (OPPOSITE POST OFflCt) WM. WOOLLCOTT Agent for DutterlcK Patterns DRAUGHON'S iTuTCr Practical Business College laeorporalad ,.. Baas me. No varaOoa. or Mod tor Catalogue, Is Eater any roohioo. Umj dapoait aaoaar tultloM to kaak bU) coarao to torn plotod d BoalUoi to Mcarod. or fla notaa Bad pay oat of oUry. I thorogckMM ul rapaUUoB D. I B..C to to othor kaslMoi oollogoi what lUrrard a.ad Ttlo aro to acodo ttktlttttlokot, ifTSmmna fhf F ICrmfm4rr kUVfejaf lUSdMMhmMMMmj UVlllllWtf Ara all that 00 rooU trtsh. Ctor capital to auJBciroUy otrooc to trrt oil iwolrctoieou of omt potrooa, and oil' tatdoepowaiu arti offrred th public that are eooahtmt Hh aoawd banklax. !-. ptwltpra ore onorpd of errry oortray ooaalble. k'a atrlvo to aarrtt your 1hu1bm' by offrrlng 'aaMb'axUJUfO'aa will ami yoor trtohfO. i Carolina Trust Company, J ttitiata:frttttttlttt0 The- Raleigh Building and Loan Association Is the institution in whiciu' to place ; jovit7 savingv .Twenty-five cents will make you a stockholder, and if you keep up your payments this first quarter of a dollar invested will prove a wonderful surprise at the maturity of your stock. Call on the Secretary and get a copy of By-Laws and learn more about the Raleigh Building & .Loan Association. It means much to you. W. S. WILSON, Sec. & Treas. ' " Office a.t Crowell's Drug Store. A. B. STRONACH SPECIAL "CLEARING HOUSE' DRY GOODS SALE. A CHANCE OF We are making low Mid-Winter prices on Black and. Colored Silks and .Wool i . Dress Goods: Ladies' Misses, - Boys' and Infants'. -Knit Underwear and Hosiery; Linen Table DamaskVlfapkiWa n d Towels; ' , Blankets Comforts, Counterpanes ato! Shoes. " ' t LOW PRICES FOR RAPID SELLING. We would appreciate a chance to j)lease yon; A B. STRONACH GO. , RALEIGH, N.'C. ' " ' :' BARGAINS IN We have left' over frm the holiday selling 'some -choice" pieces of China, Bricra-Brac and Statuary that you can buy at greatly reduced prices for a few days only. Come beforeithe: best things are picked out. u , - ' J. C CLLIN GTOM Jr. - Rtvlclgh, N. C. THrt. BUoagly Ii4inl hy koa tie. We also teach By hUU. Can dnUfmhlo rrm. To tkoo vko Uk Bookkoaetos or 8kortka4 wa. ill (Ira MkoUraklo frao to rmoo bp. UatkomaUcB. BbsIbom BpoUlas; BnalBOM Lottor Writlaj. PmMta Uoa, (&, Uo litorory kroackaa tkol vlli aaxa tor yoa bread ud kotlto. THE SEASON FINE CHINAS GO. Cawa. Ju u-iaa to tT4 ware oaaroai Vf Jary U IM rtUdnaa ruU totaar rmtnm agaiaea tko aaaaoa Utrrt tlw4 to a MA 4 riUi4 Of htaV TV M(4M. OMAklllM t vktrfc MB reaelt to U lawlte mm of MW ataalat aaata, was raa-i arad la Jag TatkJB mrt. Tka j.laJeUfa ware tke $v ckftarea or Jaaa Hadtaad. ead tke AWfeaaaota OanaT Ctf. Vate LaaaqaMa aad Eraaat Taeraa, aaeaaa keawar. Tk vardtrt to agaiaal tlM aaaarataty sad fraatly. Tke co4JUoa of tke Hedlaad fUBll Ire aa fcroagkt to tko at Ik of tke eatkartttas fcy Mho Care hm bus r tM t'aivarauy of Chi angs arUlMOML WkDo. orttM probaUeo OBr Iom4 tko ( lljr la oaoUtaw otrcoMotooto m tootroiMotU la kavtng U eM un4 w1m( tko Mtooo-kovpor- SETON TO TOMBS' ! WITHOUT BAIL. , Br tba Aaaoriatad, rma ) Naw Tort. Jaa. It C. Aasuatua Kr In. tM prtMn"1 ba m arrMMad la Tvrkrytin. MA.. Wadnawlar Blht, Chargad lib Mtmf a fvtitlva from jua Ua onaVr a rharcr of (raod hii-rB'. and b la ihH I lnvt Mtn -on-raincd Ith ftamufl llymibr 1a n iHtatlng lb fMid an-urt1ba w the Norfolk a Waatwn Ril'ivl Cnmpaay. iaa rommrttad to the TtHiiba prlaon 'tn-day without kH. . Wbm Malokwa arralaiiod brim- RrtntJer Gj(t lo-dar AaxUtaat lMntHot prlaoner la mw under indictment for (rand Ian-en i-hnrred to the amount of K.00a, ajid Uut other iharree arc pending- HKalnat him fur cratid larceny and foraery. anreaatlna $5).ao., Ue aald Heton waa a wealthy man and that In Aoiruat tost Jia had a yacht In" flew Tork harbor, aod waa about to aat aall for- South America .to eacap4 Juidle- tlon,, . .-' . . , I.-..'- ' Counael for Heton derlnrad that kla client -waa not a furltlva frora Juatlce whan atreated In Maryland,, and aot required to appear untl' net' Monday. The ether charga, h aald., were mere .vagaries. Mintage Cummisaiooer. From Washingtoa cornea the news tha W. C. Cowd, or Charlotte, 'to ahionf the commlsalonera designated by the Secretary ot tho Treasary to test and examine the " weight and flneneaa ot coins reserved at the aev eral mints. .. DECATUR MAY' BE DI (By tho Associated Press.) ' Annapolis, Md., Jan. II E. S. Theall. ot Washington. D. C, ad-: dressed the court martial this tnprn lng In behalf of Midshipman Stephen Decatur, Jr., Judge Advocate arrt son suted the case ot the prosecution and the case was given to the' court. The case is the second one of bas ing against Decatur which the pres ent court has tried. It la generally apprehended' that Ihe accused is In grave danger of conviction of I the charge fof basing fourth .class .man Charles C. (W. t Mallley by , having him bring htm-hls breakfast to his room and of "encouraging or counte nncing" the hazing . of - Gaylord Church, who he admitted was or dered to do' the ''sixteenth" In : his presence, . . i '.- If 4 Decatur,-is dismissed, it Is, an nounced an appeal will be" made In bis behalf to the Secretary.'ot the Navy and probably to Congress; , TO CLOSE HOUSE ; DEBATE MONDAY. " Washington, Jan.' l2.Tha House to day resumed consideration of the Fltlt Ipplne tariff. bi!l. Mr. Breusaard (La ) opposed the bill.' , , J At tlie anncluslon of Wr. Brouasard's remarks. the. House 'ugree 'to cloje general debate on the bill Monday at It o'clock, and that the session. to-mor-'row. and Monday shall begin at 11 in. stead of 12 o'clock. , , , 'Jl ' V ' t: '"M1"'. " '"'' , 'V'r , ' Ketls', Death Sentence. ( Warsaw, ..Russian Poland, Jai 12.- The memoers of im execuuva council Of the fighting organization .of the, local revolutionists were at rested , to-day. At their headquarters the police discov. ered a secret printing press and a num ber of deatn sentences prepared 'for 18 suanca by -the revolutionary tribunal. All the' persona arrested were Jews or Jewpsyn. . , 1 M few mm mtmm II taa 4ra ! '"''. Imm Muf 0mm4 Tfca W tM Ml la an TfcO (Ml MMafttM M? k WltMMrf Mrtt - T MMIMl I ' " Mr 4 l oti-t rio 4 Uw hw t IM r.HI tr MM It Nrl rmw4 tkoi tM tteo tkwM t wttt.1i tk tra. -TM railn 4 ua .wrt lo til Fd. tlrt. IM 00 tM amnmi t 0 aimliar MkiaMt ku bM id m oaiMr Ky la WfMl tM MM " tM 0(m4aC II la ta4 tMl tM vtmrt rrtd lb) rord tPBaBlracy a' w IM offwiaa, M4 tM fart hottld k MOarad thai ak b tola - na.ln wm ibttvIM and otuol r vwaaataJlttoi Oaail ol br Carta, wfctofe waf aH ot la tM livrti-imta. wtitok wot adataU4 kr all IM HrMlah aad CaaaOlaa rvorta wbb b paawd om thla attvatloa, rht brouM IM bwifl tradHIno, wbk n Infonooitoo . to tM priaumro vt Iter haractara oT tb rttarga BCBioat Um and whlrb lauat t provr aiiMtanltallv Mfora tM f nnmrnt rao -riMrl a trardit-4 f vk-Uoit. It o-M drwrlbod Iwt warrty aa a conspiracy, but aa O point ond aurrvaaful imdaar i defraud ' tb I nltixl Btotaa by panMpotbm In lbs rrtnw vt Ha trtuKMl aitwit d ol- "THir roiavtoahm tlx 11 la that I ha I traililloa'waa amply authorlard tiy the treaty, that the prtaonrre were -extradited tor aUaed rrlmrs Indictable l both cvuntiiaa. that the lanfuaa h- preacnt Indict men 1 la In all aub itantUI rwpecta adeimle to Oeeure inatloit ot ail the rhatgea aaainat theia and accord them a fair and rlgliteoua trial M far aa Uielndli-tinent goea. that .the plbaa muat.be overruled .and .dla ottowefLT , 'tolonel MetdrHnvof counsel, for. the defenav eacapted. to the opinion .of. the court i Ma followed with aa argument jnpbn a detnarrer.to ladtctaimt No. 171 'upon the chlpf gnmnd that It waa not aparlflc In - Ita? charge that '.the 'de fendants had swindled the government. falling to ahow Just -wherein they had not compiled with the apeciflcattona of the harbor contracts they had secured tor the Improvement of tha harbor at ' Havannah. whereby tbey and others are alleged to have profited to the -extent of nearly 2000.000. Special Assistant : Attorney General Erwln replied to the argument upon the damurrer and was answered briefly by Colonel Meldrim, and upon the roty elusion of tha speech of the latter Judge Speer announced that he woald overrule the demurrer. - 350! KILLED OR: :j INJURED IN 'TIFLIS k: ' tBy the AssoJiatedfPress.) ' "I Tlflls, Caucaila, , Jan. 11 Neatly three hundred and fifty -persons , wore killed or Injured aa an outcome, of an attack nade by Cossacks yesterday dn tha Armenian seminary tiers, following the throwing of .two bombs from .'that Institution at a passing patrol. , Four' Cossacks were wounded nd a poy was killed by the exp'-bslyn of the bombs.; Artillery was Immediately sailed up and tb seminary was sur rounded and shelled. -The building aoon burst into flames,' and the bomli and cartridges stored therein exploded. Thirty-three persona . perished during Ibe conflagrattoa, while three hundred were Injured by1; flre or, wounded by sheUs- 1 " 77 - ( The troops subsequently shelled ar- other Armenian .house where 'bomb i and wfeapohs were hidden, and 'killed eight revolutionists. ; v ) ; :; It's an easy thing to say, t ' ? Ana say u gooa ana sirong, -i ' ana say it preay 'ireqneni, t PuBh Rocky Mountain'' Tea along. - Henry J.-Hicks' Drug i .'.: - .- V ' ; -A :. r.-'ws. V" Mr. Fltiil No Worse. ' I 'V : Bv the Associated Press. T New; York Jan.J 12. This morning It was Mali! t 1h ' Hollanil - House. Where Marshall JTIcld. of Chicago, Is III with pneumonia, that the patient had passed a quiet, jhlght, nd that there i waa reason 'to believe that he had shown1 a slight Improvement Mem bers of the' family -and Mr. Norman B. Ham, Mr. Field's business associate, Tcmalri within' easy reach of the at tendants. The, first bullotiri given out by Dr." Walter B. ' Janes today , was as , f ol- lowst fy' . 't;-1 ''!'''y- "Mr. Field's condition continues to remain about the same this morning. He passed a fairly comfortable night" . Dr. James said the attack of pneu monia from which Mr.-Fle'd is HUlTeiv Ing had bo far been conflrel to the left lunj. 1 ' . ' - kKT - t Ik l" J , rt t at ta ( it 4 IM I WJ 4 T) (t-HA MfM I xS. M k4 ti Ulm tM n4 to u t tM aia4 tr k4 M Nkllt) M tM mwm T tiltovr W to tM tM I U" mit U IM otMr kM Of tM ooxiatoMr Mtraa Ot.U M tM f tM MO U IM ol Of tM TCWpkif I ia tola lu kkt IM TmiM IM. ktraaraat IW. Maa terry, Mea. Jam- tt BaaMO Teraa. eoajiiaer at tM ditury mm tactadtjMt tka Euto of Kurt Lao a a, Coafcilo and Taaaaao aaa. died t kla roatdaooa to Ulalty yastarday. lie took a ocoBaloaat oart la tka stragglaa agaiaat too fortaa of ktaU- aillliaa. . A koaltky aaaa to a klsg to kla owa rlgkt; aa oakaaltky aua to aa aa kappy elava. Bardorb Blood blltart kulfda mp wand fcealtk koepa yoa walL . I at port sal Xotko. Rafarriag to aotlot roeoatly pak llabod 1 la la la paper that tko Boa board woald chaago tko leaving time ot Trala No, It from Chariot U to leave at :tl a. m. laatead of t:t a.-m.. rommeDrlag wltk oh saga ot Una card. Jaauary Itk. It has bow boea .derided not to eaaago learlng time ot this trala, and It will continue to leave Char lotte at t: 01 a. as heretofore. , C IL GATT18, Traveling Paaaeager Agent. Raleigh, CUT FLOWERS i , ...FOR..." JANUARY., ' Our prospects for flowers for January are very Battering, espe cially la' ' , ' ' " ' . t ROSES, VIOLETS, , . ' CARNATIONS, -' LIIXT OP VALLEV. AND 8MILAX. '. .i v.- Iarge lot Fine Heavy Ropes kfor decorating. . : . j Telegraph or telephone nt for Fanct-al Deslcna. , . Write u for' prices on your Wedding1 Flower. r - Flowers cat fresh every day. j. Van lindley i NURSERY 0., POMONA, N. C. , . ' .. ? Send Telegrams to Greensboro. CANCER HOSPITAL We want every man and wo . - man In the United States ' to know what wa are doing Wa are ' curing 'Cancers, Tumors . and Chronic Sores without the ' use of tha' knife,' and are en- -dorsed by the Senate and legislature of Virginia,, If ; you- are seeking a cure,' coma, berk and you will get It v ; WE GTJABANTJEB ' '. OUR CURES. IHE REUAM CANCER HOSPITAL , ! RICHMOND,'. VA. V EXCEPTIONALLY GOOD - GLOTEIKIG VALUES 5 ? It will be to your interest to look here before making your purchases of Cloth' ing and Men's Furnishings. : We are 'beginning the New Year by offering unusually fine values in airlines of , Cloiliing v Our stock embraces the very best Clothing it is possible for expert tailors to make,and prices are at this time lower than you'll find elsewhere for pams excel-, lent quality We invite your inspection cf our garments, believing we can convince you there is a noticeable saving in buying here. x , ' I .- 3 k lariaat '-' TVo liua 14 J.... t 'a. 4 a: AU CtwkielfiUt, laa.tlu. Hi a-rrUtoca te I U-.t tr-f .b laAuaU OJ 1 ttUOJCJa-l ifmiU . -e asia.4.tt I'.i w.iaa fc What is-CASTORIA CavairU la a karalia auWHnu- f Cu.r tJ, rara -PV, IfrofO Ond K-nliVf rrmia, , It la IVwU It ! roaaLaJus itc4tbrr Of-4aa, 1 nU.JO ra aUt arwUa) atUUM, lia ago U U Kaaratee. It driif.;t vms Ba4 awUa-ia lrUkaewe, 11 carta iMarrtMaMi j4 VM Oullc. ll rt Jlrvrs Trclttnff Trott4ia rarra (anjUea ftavd. rUlalrtM-y. ll maMaUtatro tke I'outl. rt-mUi 'a Btnniarki m4 IVow t la, (tilagr Uraltltf al BM.iuki ake i TVo Uilktrtn'a lajaoravTWo Jlochcr'a' 1 rteftd. t ' ' . CEriUiriE CASTOR I A ALVAY3 Bcaxt tlo Tho Kind You Have Always BouM In .Uso For Over 30 Years. New Yeor'S; Liquor ;,': t Where you can get the most value for the least money ill 'be shown:' ' v "M ''. - ' i , Lasarus dab, tbe crraaa of all YYUlfkxy, gXuO per galloa. , . ... . , i ' Apple Braady, $3.00 and S3.00 per galloa, x v , . . i ' .. ., ' ' ' ' - " ' ' ' . ' Rye Whisk ry, $1.50, 92.00, 0.50 nad $3.00 per galloa. . , .. . . MoauUla Whiskey, $2.O0 per galloa. , ' . .... ' Cora Whiskey, $1JM aad $2.00 prr galloa. . ;- . ' . Tadkla River. Corn. 4 Tall quarts, $2MK eiprcaa prepaid. , , , ; Albraaarle Rye. 4 fall quarts, $3.00, exprcoa prepaid. . ' All tho leading brands, best quality, at lowest prices. ..Write for price list. . . ; . : ,'-; ' Largest Mail Order House In the South. LYNCHBURG. VIRGIN t A Supreme VOLS. 137th AND 138th REPORTS NOW-ON SALE. ' Price $1.50, or $1.80 Postpaid. , I'. ' . " "' .: ; .," . . - t ' ' ": ' ' "' '' ' ' '" "'' , Some recent reprints, "with annotations . by Chief : Justice Clerks, Vols. 1921, 47, 48,' 49, C4, 53, 56 57, 58, 50, ,70 and 71st and 81. Vols. 81 and 80 ready la few day. 7 .' V : ' - ' Pubiic and Private Acts 1905 -1 Now Ready. ' Price, $1.50 and 81.80, Iostpnid. ' M." NEW CODE now ready.--Your orders f solicited. , ALFKED WILLIAMS d CO. ST. MARY'S r THBDIOCKSAN SCHOOL. OFTWI CAROLtNAS. . ..,-.. ! E 4.STER TERM OPENS JAN.' 25. 1906 V I Now in f,4th ar. "econd tiua rter begins November S3rd f , " " For Catator.tr'. tin.? adOreas, 1.T PUB03TI, B. 8.. E. Rector. ,. . REV. M'NKIB - and-.Ion's iurnic'iinss 'dGUQC-uTC, I .1,'-!, ti W V ki l-J t t I t ti rt tUo akf ad 1 i l- u..'fut Vta rr J btfm tr 1 j. a a' xa ts.a ua7 .e a-.-- l.i'ita yMtla ltJa a-v, J 1 :,.-ff lU knlik oi Elfnatura cf Court Kanoris SCHOOL, nh 1 r aj . j r v i n r- V -1 ( 20C 7r.ycttcvi!lo Street.