r -a EIGE EVENING Tii I xuixiaix. x. c, ::ckdat. jaxuast 14, ma. ""77 n Jilt O . :; soiie ciiiiicisi UiLii E:::::s 1!.! I!:;;; fc:t Ee JT::!-J la El1:1 Ar.'uis to ' ' bf He Intrr rb-4 He Hed a CtaMtgvw I Ml sw Ua twsU-Bjoo' lull )Wi M X Mad ' tlrMM mi a (tenlUif, - ir IM Aewartatsd Fraaa ) lnl, Jsat Ik-Wnra th Ilmjaa ct at 11 eWk t-dar.Br Bsacork si our Uh4l tli fkfw oa . - oaMtkin iA kiwuI pt"ll- He b " mt thla e'a statement la feral steers paper eatttlsd "How rtow BabooHi I rabrt," o4 which gwv as a reason f jr . Ma opposUlo I Julnlnf Arisoua Bad ,Nw Mask- aa oo Rut h!s putue al not bring made rhalrmaa of Ike appro- Irtlton committee. " " j Mr. Payne, th Republican floor laid ,r, uM while ha ehou'd tint object In - I tile Instance be did H' want a pfc odant mad of thla ease, aa he did not regard lbs story aa raising a que-alloa , ul personal privilege. - j , "If I am net entitled ta lha llmr a quratlna of privilege, I do Dot want It," replied Mr. Babcora, with some feeling. Tf, whan member la totally .' misrepresented, t that la nut a tnat , 'lor of trdunai pilVIW-B. 1 don't know wfcat a- . in1'" , Kpaakar Cannoa ramaAad that aa no tjr-Uon bad twej) . mud a ha waa liul vallad upon to paaa' upo.i athrthar Ml? luattar frwwnted waa or waa nt oie Jf pllvtle-a. Tha Krntlpniny will pro ' ' Tlie-nUler.wnt, llrTTHifxnckMil'Jalt !, totally riMarrprrarnted him. and hi ' believed alm theatf ent ailed ' "ta warta" which ha understood meant th , vHnua orianlaatloii. Ha hid, he ak), .nevr been an app'Kant fir Ilia clialr Inanship of the'approp'tiatloM commlL tea. 11a ha'd not wanted lht' chair manship and had It been tendered him . ahould hava declined it, "aa I did not reel that tinder-' lha clreumatancea 1 could have filled It to the Mtlsractlon of the lluuae."' ' ' . :.. . Aa to atatohood. Mr. Bubcoek aald t ha had fclwaya been opposed to Joining . Arlsona and New Mexico aa 'one Ftatc and had alwaya nppoaed IL At the laBt amalon. ho anld, : thn oppovitirm vupported the tulea committee ( the i juuuuaT ins niatenooa qmiio3 as tha beat mean Of killing the bill. 'A to hla Vlewa on the: tariff, , Mr. Buboock uald they had hot changed. lit presented -a t-eitolutloh' adopted by the Wisconsin delegation In Conirreas Junuary 14, lit 'favor of revision Hnrt auld whllo bowing mm A party mat) " to the party 'program, ho alill adhered ; : to ilia opinion that revision should be had. ;,". : ;"'-.':;--'.! 'fis .hl---::?iX , ' Thera waa fid reply to fit. Babcock'a statement aijd'When- ho Concludpd ev i eral of hla colleagues -applauded, n r i Before proceeding with ; tha iPhlilp ; pine debate two resolut'ona wereingreed : to calling on the Secretaryof the Navy v for -certain Information regarding the onslructlon .of the battleships Con- ncetleut, building tn the Brooklyn navy yard, and th Louisiana,; building m a ,. prtvao'.va1.Sl.'.'.:,.':. .t; The restitutions were reported by Mr. . Tfoss, , of .the naval committee, having . been Introduced by Mr. Fitsgeraid IN. , V.). :The first asks If, .'Since February 1. 1905. there has been any delay In de livering, materials and armor to other ships and what, action" ha been taken by the Navy impart men t to obviate this delay the second resolution calls tor a statement of any change of plans - which, may have been made in either ,Bhlp and the cost of the same. '.' "The debate on the Philippine! tariff : bill was resumed;... A word picture of the "prosperity of tha South 'was made by Mr. Lamb (Va.) who will vote first 'for tha minority substitute and on its defeat for the majority, bill. The tar Iff, he predicts will be th downfall- of ', the Republican party In the next prea- (, Idential campaign.' t. the ormiEOori . IN II0ROCCO. (By the Associated Press.) 1 London, Jan. 15. The Associated . Press Is advised that Ambassador 'White, representing the United States at e Moroccan conference at Algelct- ras, will support the German conten- tlon, both as to the "open doot" in Mo rocco and as to Rn International com mission to control the 'policing of the country. It Is suggested that thla may make the adoption of the German view probable, particularly In the light of the fact that Russia, has shown marked indifference to the appeal of : .Prance for supposi. The Influence of the vatlcnn is also understood to be 1 hostile to France. ' ' !31::;!!IL:llfililaG OYER f:; - ;:v;;:: - -ju a .44 Agnmmd a nmm ews Tie Aaf IVm Mer r 4 lrlro rnW IsJ mm Kaa IXltra u hw tawl. aiukl graBar tka tk Bnsu titarta( aiatla a m4ay. to anil ) aar agrcs. A m to kar orr u airaad4 mm1 today, aa4 w ka4 kaaai rvrr4 froaa It alca last arralBg. CaptaJa AnkV b14, tw Bulaa aa lb ablp'a rar pta ara atlll aboard Lk Ckaroka. 'ha paaavagar an4 mi karlsf bora rea&erad ratrr4ajr. TV Ckaroka ow liaa a kbo( la fat of water, aad tha poatUoa of tha MaaBtor to voraa Uaa at aay tlm bIbc It at ran dad. Dorlag Batardar alght ul Saaday tha aaa4 drift ad aoToral knadrad yards dova tba roast and was drtrra Baarar tka bora by tba aever aorlbvast atorm. Tba lag Bommera N. Bmltk aad tha lighter LoUla are lying off, beleg abla to rwch th Cheroke because of tha shallow water. Tha wrecking tag North America la alao lyloc eonslderabl dlstaac from tha stranded vaaael. Tha se-a today t om pa rati rely smooth, aad It would ba away mat ter to remova tba cargo It tha lighter could approach tba steamer. Tha hold of to Cheroke la full of water, aad there la apparently Utile hop ot saving th veaael. Captain HmHh. of the Mouth Brlran- tine Ufa saving atatloa ram a ashore from the Cherokee at I o'clock for the III at time sine Friday night. He says. It la tha belief of tha wracking crams that the steamer will be a totsl lost. Thf yacht Imbixd which went out to tne stranded veaitel. to-day ' returned shortly after noon with baggags whluh hud born left on board yeslarday by s r"- BIO FIRE AT ' DUNLOP UILLINO CO. y : (By. the' Associated Preaa) . ' Clarksvlile, Tenn., Jan. 15. Tha Dun lop Milling Company's plant was dam aged by Ore to-day to the extent of 1250.000. , Insurance 1175,000. A ware. bouse containing 77.009 , bushe'S ot wheat and ,5C0 bajrcjs of flour wai destroyed.- . Ktcamcr Kail Aground. 'By the Associated Press.) Norfolk,' Va., Jan. 15.- An un known steamship, . during thick weather at o'clock this morning, went ashore between Washwoods and false Cupe.lire-8aving station on: this coast, but at 7:30 a. m. succeeded in floating herself unassisted and pro ceeded apparently uninjured. Nor folk, wreckers were hastening to the vessel's assistance when 1 news came that the vessel was ft. The wreck ers nere art Old Point Comfort when Intercepted and ordered back. . The steamship ' whidh ' this morning truck a reef on the Virginia coast and floated herself was the British steam ship 'Eastwood, from'? Galveston to Hamburg. She has arrived here and a survey will be held to-morrow, ' W.. vc CHINESE MURDERERS: WERE EXECUTED " fBv the Assoclatprt Press.) i.' Chefoo, ; Jan. 15. Three Chinese. who confessed to the murder of Mili tary Attaches von Guggenheim and uecuveryuie on-their ; return' from Port Arthur prior to the capitulation of that place, were executed here to day. - " ; . - y , , Lieutenant t yon Guggenheim and Lieutenant DeCuverville, respective ly German and French military at taches at Port Arthur, left there In August, 1904, in a Jynk- manned by Chinese. They were never again seen- alive; and a reward of $2,000 was ottered for news of them. ' Last February members of v the - junk's crew confessed that 1 the officers had been :: robbed, ; murdered ' and their bodies thrown overboard. y , ,, Crew , Rescued. "' '. .. " (By the Associated Press.) ' " Philadelphia, Pa., Jan. 15. rThe steamship Olat Karre, from Shields', arrived, here to-day with the ere w of the bark Cordillera, from St; Johns, N, B., for Buenos Ay res. The twelve men were taken ' off y the . bark on January - 6th. The . Cordillera '. ,was abandoned waterlogged and dismast ed in latitude 34.41 N, longitude 41.06 W." - i THE DOTMSj Crcczs t:J C:)t:r tc:l W MrMrtsa tlnUrs lwdkw.ll. 479 mm4 4TT Are Arfaast, TW TW rati la awrvu Of rarta, laat AfWa W rlealnaa satsBt Atlorwry Orw-. ewl fcrwta'a IWiapa . j tflf the Aaarlate4 frees I oaranaak, Ca, Jsa.tt. la ar ret to th Iw tadtrtmeau rataraed agalaat Oreweie aad Caraor last Ko aetaber were argued apo the opea lag of th rederaJ Court today. Col. P. W. Meidrla faaklati'tbe ara- Bieat lor the defeadanu sftar read lag the Indict meat to tba court. ' These ladlctment are Koa. 4TC and 47T oa th docket. Th coasts or No. 47 allege embeuleneat la collusloa aad eoBjaactipi with former CapL Oberlla M. Carter and other oa July I, 1SIT, of the same ot ISII.O0 aadlJ0.74. No. 477 la th Indictment r barging th re ceiving of money th defeadaats knew Carter to havf embeatled. Colonel Mcldrlm demurred oa many grounda, among them that the In diet -menu failed lo act out that the defend an is were ofneera of any banking aetab llahmenta authorised to reeelve public moneys, that they failed to act out whan, where and how the money were fraudulently received and fraudulently paid out, that they failed la statement of facta, but alleged conclualona Col onel Mcldrlm declared that the chka for the two amount aJleged did not show In any. wine connection between Greene and Gaynor. On the contrary thry Were drawn by. Captain Carter to the order of the Atlantic Contracting Company, and that In no way did the defendants appear aa endorsers or col lectors ot the -money.- The indictmenta tall to Bet out and prove also .he de clared, that the defendants bore any connection with the Atlantic Contract- (Continued on Paga 8even. .'nV .ii. .i , , NOT OFFICIALLY - OtF Order to Sever Diplomatic Relations ' M.' Talgny (Still RcnuUiu at Caracas. Hutare Is ImtiUAent, However ltojiorts That French Hqiladron is Hailing' for .Veiiesuclait . Waters J.'clthcr Uonflrmed' Nor Denied. ' r (By the Associated Press.) . i Paris, Jan. 15. The positive state ment, was tnade at the foreign office this morning that diplomatic ' relations between France and Venesucla - have not yet been officially broken off. V M. Talgny, t(ie French charge d'affaires, still remains et Caracas, i V ' v. , A rupture, however. Is -Imminent, though the order to sever relations with Vcncsuela has not, been dispatch ed., Alt communications, owing to the Interruption Of ( direct "telegraph , con nection with Caracas, pass through Washington, with which capital, an un derstanding exists. The American min ister, Mr. Russell,. will take charge of Frenbh Interests In ,' Vcnesuela when the" official notification of the cessation of diplomatic relations Is given. -... The -reriorts- that" the Freoch squad ron Is proceeding to Venesuolan waters are--not, confirmed, but 'on the other hand they are not denied, the officials here' maintaining .the. strictest discre tion relative to -the measures France is likely to adopt. ' , Later In the day It .was announced that the foreign office had sent an or dor to M. Talgny to break off relations with Venezuela, but M.i Talghy has not yet officially notified the French gov ernment of the receipt of his Instruc tions. ' . ., ' v " L ' i'.,.?, .'; mi-,-;--. .v,-;; , ,v...:;t.;;.;,., CUililD'TO DEATll ' ' By the Associated Press.) Mahanoy City, Pa.v Jab; 15.--Two children of Thos. Ze.eley, a fire boss fdr the Philadelphia & RoSdlrig Coat and Iroh Company, were burned to death to-day in a lire which destroyed Keeloy's home and Wie residence of George Campbell atMaple Hill, near here. . ::, .. fEuuVPACKER TO LEGISLATURE1 l'rcj ;:::!rlcll:j tl Its Slate w ii ads rafT ftaiary wasl Fesw tar kaweetatv wawhfc om4 Issisbii C (m Oil aWvii, Al- AoavtU of Oaitntga Kipiwdlina Pr the Atiated Prase ) Hairiebarg. IV. Jaa 'Ik-la aMamgo le iko asertal aawalna of taw Penaaytvaala ttalalura taoa. .rar eommaadlag ta laat aaaatee aa tba karlalatare for It good works and tbr advancement of tha public welfare, Governor Pan jp.-.r saya: ' "fine lu d)oniment. a, wave of papular aad poftlral unrtwt and cam- avMlna baa -eprcad ovrr the kui aad left Ita Imprree Ml ojr own comatoo wealth a well a elaeohere. Such up heaval, to whatever eauwai they may be duo, are t be regarded not aa dis asters, but aa opport unities. It to at auch tliwee much eiay be accompliahed by wise legislator te enhance the pub lic weal The Bnfqtfsaate failure of the greater Pntobuig teglalatlni through toe niullng r the supreme court that the act Wa uncinatltut'oBal and the failure of a bank Incorporeted and aupervlaed by tka national govern ment, holding at the time a large amount of Bute fuads. have given the legal occasion for tba calling of the leg islature together l extraordinary slow, ;t have, bejCflpl. bwn WwwUHn that the present popular disturbances should subside without, securing more permanent, results than , the substitu tion of one contractor for another, the removal of Incumbents from office, tht overthrow of one m'.IUcal paity or fac tion and the elevation of their oppo nents, and the ruppresslon of one pri vate ambition in order t hit another may be fostered trni gratified. I have,' therefore, called yott together In spe cial session, and have named for your consideration certain subjects, no one of which can have about It anything of personal advantage, and all of them. If embodied la legislation, will insure to the public good. Th opportunity to do much to hclv the commonwealth In these respects has come to you rathet than to your predecessors or sucess- sors.Y . ' ' ' Tajtlng up the failure of tha Enter prise Bank of Alleghany, Pa., the gov ernor says: ' -': : N ' When the n ilional bank, to which reference has heretofore been made failed, the Ktttte treasurer held as se curity for the State deposits not only the bonds' of three surety companies, but likewise the bonds of the direc tors of the bank, given '.a Individuals. Judgments were at once entered upon these latter bonds, and 'the common picas court has since decided that there la no" ground of defense, against the Judgments. A large proportion of the State deposit, amounting! to W76.755.S7, has already been paidf Into; the treas ury, and the whole appears to have been amply, safeguarded. '. Neverthe less the event Is a warning of what' may occur and ought to.' be heeded. The amount deposited with each Insti tution should be limited with reference to Its capital and surplus, and In my view, ought not to be nvire nf. any one time thah throe-fourths of the total of these two SUms. It ought also to be made : a? misdemeanor, i punishable by fine and imprisonment, to pay, offer or receive any - consideration for the use of such "monei's other than the Inter est, payable to the State, or to make or accept any promise based upon alleged ability to secure the deposit of them." ' A reapportionment of the State into senatorial and representative districts Is urged, and tMa message concludes with the following recommendations: "That the fees collected by the sec retary of the commonwealth and the Insurance commissioner be ... hereafter paid into the treasury oJ the common-! wealth, and ' that a proper Salary be paid to each of those officials as sole compensation; the enactment of legis lation which will require the primary elections of alt political parties within the commonwealth to be. held on the same day, at he same time, under the supervision ot properly constituted of- i fleers; the establishment of ' system of' civil service tor the commonwealth under the terms of which the routine appointments may only bo mado after the ascertainment of uaIltlcationi and Btness, and tirovldlng for the retention of their offices by tha incumbehtu dur tng good behavlor.vretjulrlng the filing , of an affidavit showing In detail the sums which have been extended and the purposes for which the expenditures were made during political campaigns.' j L;.::c:i STRENQT II MS'A;5LRPRi3E Itm Hvtn Art lettrj- c-Jtlre'ej, HILL BE LNDEFENDENT tr Mraa DtW t(Ni4atta If "" HaHiy, Urka-saa Mrh-t se l aaaajkaU Ha laa lA 44. I waaaUsa IC, IrWk Xa- UmuIUii It, LbarlMw T.,' Hr the Aaanrtotad fnawl tm4Mi. jaa. It. Ta tn"ctiai Uile aftrrnuna vt Ik ralocual tf tr Uag tkwstaa. 1'atua.et. for Oreal OrtRMaby. with a aneartlV of UM, aa tarrease ot kU over the result of the last neiM ia iw' proved a wv4coaM ptrh-ane-ep lo tba llatnolsts, wb were aontewbal panicky after Baturdays laadsiMe. A Bumbrr f returna were made thla morning, th moot amiable bring Sir Henry oamphrll-Btnoermaa tw Stirling district; Timothy kC Healy. Irish Na tlonallst. North Louth, and Joaeph Devlin, Irish Nationalist, North Kil kenny. . Including to-day's returns the result of the election le as follows: Liberals 45; Unionists 11; .Irish Na tionalists II: Laboritaa I. The Independent labor 'party haa thue already secured more mil than It held In (he previous House of Com mons. The labor! tea won under the dual Rag of "Llborar and "Labor." aad will be found ranged with the Lib era la on all labor Questions. Theee early successes of the Labor lies, foreshadowing the presence In lha next parliament of a united labor body of considerable strength, form one of the main surprises of the elections thua far. The labor party can be depended upon to take aa entirely Independent course under the loadm-nhlo Ot James Ketr HaxtUr. rhairanas of the lndspead ent labor party and Boclaltnt and La bo rite member from Merthyr Tydfil. Bo all the older factions will have to reckon with the Laborites hereafter. There Is polling to-day In twenty-two London districts and forty-eight pro. vinclat burroughs, returning In all seventy-eight. DEPUTY SHERIFF HURT Home Burned and Cofer In jured In Saving Baby Explosion of Stove Kent Hot Coals on Bed of .Sick Mam and While Fight ing It Received Serious Burns on tlw Face The Child Was Saved, (Special to The Evening Titnqs.) Winston-Salem, N. C. Jan.15.- The home of Deputy Sheriff Cofer, on North Liberty street, was destroy ed by fire this morning. A stovft in the room exploded, throwing coals of Are on the bed In which Mfofer was confined by sickness.'1 Tlje- bed was soon in flames and the deputy sheriff, In his efforts to save his baby, who was in bed with him received serious burns on the face. -. DUNN MERCANTILE - ' FIRM BANKRUPT. In the office of the olerk of th? Unit ed States court voluntary.' proceedings In bankruptcy were instituted In behalf of M. G. ft C..W. Vick, general rrier. chants, ot Dunn. The proceeding Ik In behair of the firm and of the two indi vidual members.' ' The liabilities are stated tto" be -19,890 and ' the assets 19,178. - - , j Both members of -the firm were In the city to-day accompanied bif their counsel, Mr.- A; Stewart. , " v . ' i:,r:'-&'i""i " Nominations to Senate - '' (By the Associated Press.) -' Washington, ; Jan. 16.The Presi dent to-day sent the following nomi nations to the Senate: , " . Consul General Elmer E.: E. Mc Jimssey, Missouri, at Callao, Peru. GONAPARTE ORDERS . COFFIN'S DISMISSAL ft s ' ; (By tha Associated Press.l 'Vnl s Washington,' Jan. IB.-Secretary Bon aparte to-day approved the sentenbe of dismissal imposed by court martial at Annapolis in the case of Midshipman Trenmor Coffin on contlctlon of hie ing, and ordered hla dismissal from the academy. 5 ass SLm D.us'Mr.,;..,, a kULe t ttarta aw I Lfw rawaWhast aa m. W IMsaif tf tka Aaawesiao IW AJWsy. A T. Jaa Ik -a. a ra- ms( by tureaae sWnslar joti nw. 4use wtlliaaB (HaaMt. eye fwr Patrtr. iM txatrM Attar sy WUIlaaa Trevers Jrraaae. ml Mrw Tor eamaty. Hr a rt)rivv mt at taaa etsty aye fw Albert T Pairirk. or saatiawea to die mt waok toe- tka eore)r af WtlUssa Mareh Rwaj. waa tka M rwswlt mt a hjewrtag fcwtd la-oay ee rore OoversMir Htcsina. Tke Qiramat said be would las the rewwoat uar eoasldaratloa and probaMy kle 4acaoa toa thU afterae The puipuao of the reprtavo raesast- e le tarmlt the prasantatlM mt aew ly dlaroveraal evtdaaww before the roart e geworal saaaaoaia la New Tork City la support of a new axMloa tor a re trial of tka Base. Ia the course of the argument before the Governor. Heoetor Hill Sac laraa! thai ther was prertos aad newly Ots covored srtantlne evtdenre to ahow that Rice was not murdered at alL and Judge Otoott derlareal that Patrick "knows he Is lorn ent of the crime tor wbk-h he ta ono damned to die." MTT.TiFR'3 CASE WITH THE COUET. (By the Associated Press.) Annapolis, Md.. Jan. II. The trial of tbe case of Midshipman Joba P. Miller, first class. o the charge of haslng fourth , class mea waa resumed this morning. Extreme Interest I being taken in bis case, aa Miller Is a -leading student 1 th class which will graduate oa Febru ary ,1J next, and I alao captain of on pf th eorapanle. , '. - The ntt case to be trlei Is tht Pt Minor Meriwether, Jr hargod with basing In six Instances. His case will probably bo reached this after noon. He has retained Mr. James M. nMoo Voftbele ' m. ,.t... J .fto M. Monroe, or Annapolis, and Geo. H. Mann, of New Tork, as counsel. Meriwether Is now serving a sentence of one year's confinement ' to the Academy grounds for offense con nected with a fight with Midshlnm James R. Branch. The latter died two days after the fight After arguments by counsel for the defense and th Judge advocate, the case was given to the court ; " Later, the court upon reassembling, announced that" a verdict had been found and it will be forwarded to the superintendent of the naval academy, At "2 o'clock Midshipman Minor Meri wether, Jr., was brought before the court. The charge against him Is has Ing, and there are six specifications in support of It. The court adjourned until 10 o'clock to-riiorrow morning. Cleveland's Brother Dying. . (By the Associated Press.) i Columbus, O., Jan. 16. The Rev. W, N. Cleveland, brother of former President Grover Cleveland, Is dying of paralysis at the home of his son. He Is a retired clergyman of the Presbyterlad Church. t FEARED ALL WERE BLOWN TO PIECES (SpechU to The Evening Times.) Asheville, N. C, Jan. 15. Additional details of the tragedy near BushnelV Friday evening, when J.' M. Powers of Asheville, was blown to pieces, was re ceived here this afternoon from Can dler, . ';' ." . rt 'i. In all, four men were kll'ed, by .the powder explosion, Mr. . Powers and three negroes whoso names T are not known. These four men composed the gang erf which Mr. Powers was fore man, and none was left to tell the story. ,St' M J(, ' It Is known that seven hundred and fifty pounds , of blasting "powder 'ex ploded, but the cause of the explosion will ever be a mystery."' J'AII four of the men were frown to pttftesj Ond bhlj bits Of their bodies have been found.; Conanlttee Hearing. t i Charlotte, N. G., -Jan. ' 15.- Sena tor Lee B. Overman has notified those interested here that the delegation of cotton manufacturers' ahd igrow- ers from New England and the South who are interested In the passage of what is known as the "Export Com mlBSldh Bfll," can appeal1 before the committee Of the Senate either on the '25th of this month, or the 1st of February. " . , i. LAiiaUl iiLLu.i n,,-v r. fr . hope is a:;:..;.: h Wm Msastese) raj Mrwtg a XoalsaaallisL st Stswo TIM Thw si M r M Ui(wwvrerC Cy th 4ssoelala4 rYwau) Kw Tarhj Jas. llll was admit d at tar Hollas House, where M Is a asUesjt IM wan tsvswMaMl. Uto Basra, tag. that kac imr law ahlansts reeov- ery mt Msrshag rieiC the Calcag aver ehairt, had boaw fesisrally sbasdoood. The pbraartaM ka attaaidaac. hanrever. refused I cowiasK theateetva fceyoed the ststses4 that Vc jrjjd eoodi- toss ravorabl tha - yat cl ear. ' , - - . . .. . At 4 o'clock UU Bserainc ooe of the phyatctaM who toft tbe patient long enough to have bis breakfast served hi a rsoea adjotataig the skk cbamser, said! I- - ' i 1 ' '.. : u Mr. Field ta m better aad no wore than wheat eur last bulletla was beued last night Se far as I can so fc si eoo- dlttoei haa no rhaagad ehae mMnlgbt. A bulletin will be Issued sarly this fore noon." ,' .V. . I .. ,. . , Doctors' Riggs. James, Janeway and Billings, at or within easy umtwoas t the bedside -of the stricken rarchant throughout the night Preparations to administer oaygea as a last expedient were made, and this was Men by those !A7JS?L1? !MhMjs end William "0. BeaL o ' Ch'l.A'" it. Field's personal attorney, remains at the Holland Rouse, as do Stanley Flald, Mr. FlehTa nephew, and Urn. Stanley Field. ',: ,'..; ' ,. .. . At :1S s,"th. to-day the following bulletin on tbe condition ot Marshall Field was. Issued by physicians at th Holland House: V "Near th end of the seventh day of the disease Mr. Field's condition re- B critical. There U as yet no Im provement " . . . . V; (Signed) !WALTfiR '''i&tfAUtkl " . . .. .. "fc. G. JANEWAT. -FRANK BILLINGS. When the 1:15 a. m. bulletin was & sued Mr. Field's pulse varied between 60 and 120, - m At 10 o'clock this forenoon 'Stanley Field, nephew of Marsbalt Field, said that his uncle's condition Was hop lest, and that his death appeared only a matter of hours. Mr. Field waa con scious at that Ume, however, and all of his relatives who are In the city were at his bedside by bis request v Henry H. Rogers. Paul Morton arid' Mrs. .Roswell Miller sailed to see Mr. -Field to-dav. Mr. Field's condition at 10:20 o'clock was practically unchanged, save that he was perceptibly weaker. The area affected by the pneumonia has hot In- in creased,' but the danger of exhaustion Is very great. ' " Those at Mr. Field's bedside this forenoon were Mrs.- Field, ',:hls wife; Mrs. Marshall Field, Jr Stanley Field; V and Mrs. Stanley Field, Mrs. Henry Dlbblec, a sister of the sick man; Nor man B. Ream, William Q. Beale, Paul f Morton and Robert T. ' Lincoln. - Just ; before U o'clock Dr. Billings when asked If there had been any change la Mr. Field's condition, replied: -'' , "Mr. Field is In extreme danger." ' At t o'clock It was1 annauncsd that v Mrr. Field had rallied considerably. BIG REAL ESTATE , 'v ? DEAL IIT.LUMBERTOSr. . (Special to thl Evening Times.) v ! Lumbet'ton,' N. -C., 'Jan.' 15. Messrs. A. E.' Wblte; and A. .W. McLean'have bought the ' interest-of Messrs. W. 1. Llnkhaw ' and Frank Tough' in their North Lorn barton property and will put on sale 100" building lots inva few i days The property la conveniently lo cated, part ot It lying within the cor porate limits. . The transaction in volves a greater amount than any real ' estate transfer In Robeson county in recent yearsr ' A ten . dollar . gold apiece Is 'offered by the owners for a suitable name for this section of the town. -" - . ' Ex' Army Officers Ajrrested. wSan Francisco. Cal.. Jan. lK.-Alta- der Goehr ahd Harry J. Collins, at one time officers in lbs Uhlteti States Army, were arrested hete yesterday on the ar rival of the transport Sherman, on ac count of '"4.- itetter received ' at ' polk 6 headcruarters from XV R: Trowbridge, head of' the Secret service at Manila, which wak stfiit in advahce of tHe visi tors. - According to Trowbridge's letter both men nave bad record. They will be held here pending Investigation.

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