- - 1 .f I b - s- i i t - It w rfv wsr. fc .. tl tut aw : II. e Va. ' fW J liuiiu fcMr, . n 'n - - s t r p nr , U.lII liiL LUilL j Vi )m asm I r i V, : i Ytttx. ..- ' T l - TjZtM LtaIj C-.l-iA ct rircr ta Crta ! . ittiOi-rnoi huna. C4 mr f fmu 14. OMHtrMM4 ... ExUr4 Ufck RMV K. C patrutfit m Mil Uar ! tt M- A( OMtm Kan t. 111ft. via z. a? mi ih rna m tiMtUiMNMtwni M Writ M f4 WEDNESDAT. JJLNCABT 17. !. AS OLD MXVS SHAME. 8fator " Depcv! trWstta auot cWla tut k to -lBlavU4 kr U rfaAl of U SUU 6tU of N Tork fM tb molatlou lalr- for kla rIrntloB. . The DtmocnU nTMd from voting, U rttht ! m, for tbr h aotblac to 4o with bto tocUM; 'It tu i MtU dlrljr II dm for Republlcus to wuk and they did sot MO Ut wisdom of tttrnlac ot Uelr cholco. It would h bem slr tvdmlMlija oa their ptrC aod, teoldoi, thy ktro rouoa enough t6 know that thero aro olkora Jut as bad u tki tcatlro Channcey. But, tn terrlfle arralgnmeat of, tht man In tka hall whoro ha was sleet ed was. bitter and ncathlng and De pew will remember It, as he ought to, likewise jemember that kla of ficial bare been a disgrace to the fcrople. It may be that he kept within the law, but he skated danr geronaly near the limit, and his de rtnlaft years will not ' be softened by the songs of his friends. They Ibad to stand by him; they could not trde horses la the middle of the stream when the elements were rag ing, e.vv':, ' ;i Mt-A. BrackeU did nothing more than what was bis duty. Mr. De pew will not resign. He will stick as Idng as he can, which Is the end of hV present termV and then be will be retired turned out to grate, as' It , were, with the bosses and the crooks and the men who used a pub lic office io advance a private graft He cannot afford to quit, for that would oe a seeming admission of his : guilt; but he will continue to serve as a'mem&etyf-the Senate as a lining disgrace to those who once be lieved In his nonor and honesty. . ': HOW FAR HE MAY GO. M inVgranting a reprieve of fifty day to Albert T, Patrick, the New York lawyer under sentence of death for the murder of William Marsh Rice, a millionaire, Governor Hlggins an nounced that the prisoner was not Becking executive clemency, nor was .that' ? gives; t but ' he simply allowed further tinje la ;whlch after-discov ered evidence might be submitted to the court "'Indeed, It la claimed that - this - will ' clear Patrick's name and proe.tht,.aevttklnot tcomm)t. the murder.,; We : are "not dealing ',-with th, phase of Atk eas. however. Mr, Jerome, who prosecuted and secured a conviction of the defendant, Is ett or ting' his beat 'effort to prevent a pardon.'-and tker question . naturally comes up,' as to W long the prose cuting 'offlCfer may continue to prose cute. 'or persecute after the opinion ot Ih'e court of last resort. The New York" .xYmes, "which"- V .profoundly touched with the assurance and evi dence of the man's Innocence, admits that Mr. Jerome, doubtless feels that be himself Is on trial, that the ap peals ln-behalf of "Patrlok are a crltl- cbm' of his own' methods of. 'trying tbe case; and he seems called upon to d fend ' his course. But that,: says t:.e Times, i a personal reason only !.:.: octly a public one.' The point l. au u k 44 ika -w4 .... Ik twt twMM Wt M K, Jum ti tkM. W oW.l4 tout, jnj M 1 ihe aaaraU St. tw m la tw e Hetumti iatwtw. MKH hrJ rit tMMtt 1UI e ta e m u th kw . - . . . . . r m fm teal yaegwat. tub xal niu task. of Vtrgiaia, M a PBamt m vtrwe aserS) tag tatare are a r e taal lew of m wtU la lk laaWui rieetna. aa ae aas that tke aast atKla tll ow ta dvwatall f tko ReMtraa arty. Taal r- (aaiaattea la so U aacWwd thai tt wtU W dtSralt U gtatedfe H a- raapa. w tar to eaaar awa aad eaae nswjrea a4 Sad a teaser a will ao4 take as harrtealy tot ibe wtiatraaes Mr. LaaaU. kevrrvr, rvdtcu that the tartf wtQ oaaa the ovaral! of the ad atlaiBt ratio. He eaa appreciate Its lata UU. He has ease oaoagh to know that It la op pressive aad that It dove store to rob ae thee aay of tame so-called ovtls with which the govorasMiat Is 4 al ia g to-day. According to Mr. Roose velt, the Bioat Uaportaat work before Ooagrias at present Is goverameat coatrol of railroad rates. He has made It appear that there will be or prosperity aad more broad whea freight rate have beea ro- daced, and while thousands agree with him other tboueands are not so blind as to deny that living will he cheaper when the tariff has b lifted. The law ought to rneaa tariff tor revenue, not tariff for protection. yet it offers every protection to Re pa bllcaa trusts.' The trusts elected Mr. Roosevelt. He cannot t offend them,' aad his sens of honor la such that he regards It aa wrong to Injur those kind friends who put him Into power.' There win be no revision just now. That will not come until the people rebel, and by attempting to beat the devil around the hush he cannot fool all of the people all of the time. . Tb system of - robbery may not do what Mr. Lamb predicts, but It shows' that the people are growing wiser and as they take oa wisdom they will not continue to shoot at the little flsb. while the big ones continue to fatten on our Igno rance and at the expense of our weakness. , BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. To-day Is being celebrated in many parts of the country tne two nun' dredth anniversary of the birth of Benjamin Franklin, in fact It Is not too much to say perhaps that a good portion of the civilised world Is at leaBt remarking the day. Of how many men can this be said upon the two hundredth anniversary of their hlrth? What does it mean? That he was one of the few transcendent geniuses of the world? Nothing of the kind. It means that he was one of the few men who have really spent their lives In helping others to make life more worth living, not by giving them things they did not work for, not hy Just giving them good advice, but by both word and deed forever teaching them how to get the most out of life. , It i ha been said that it , to 1: Xl- f not the man wno anowe wings that U valuable, but the man -who knows how to do. things. , Cany thto Idea a little further and say that the most valuable man of all Is the man who knows how to ' do "; things " and shows others how to do them. That was Benjamin Franklin. - His - fame is due' to the fact that he was one of the greatest teachers the world has ever had, not teachers of hooks but teachers of life, of .how to live, of 'how to thrive. Is there any, one gerater word or act of his long life that does not In Its' very utterance and doing show this all-Inspiring pur poser What, were his writings for the most part but the great lesson of life put down so that Tie who runs may read and so that the wayfaring man thoiugh he be ' fool need not err therein?.. What .were, his scienti fic experiments but efforts to discover bow best to adapt our physical selves to our earthly environments, rfto find out-the laws of the great natura' in whose lap we live so that we might awes .n . w fceA. M IW U f Iw Mu4 4 auM Wm aavte f Ik 114 IUM tWI Sa j riU It akU4 of tht; pswfcM of hoaBg UtfV Oa OO tm Va o M r-rw Um MrfHUili4NtotoriUtt lm 4d oo f lakita lau. 4 k U ( . . rot troh foal ta ot U hotto of to ti IsouaA of oa top aad a i of aoih of th hoot thai as the chtataey. FriskUs utad ad aorta of oajw a aatv ' W ad at eaJd to hae raa h". are apatoe ora a)ay he oot too csaaea. That B Is oaly oo httto saatpte t how hoo pranfeal he waa. Thore s the heraow of the whola thlag. Me waa talaoavly prartVrai. H oa a aorfal Bkaa The wortd got a groat deal frost hisa. that to. he waa ah)e to ahow H thlag that wr U Its ad vaatag I. kaw. aad so the wortd has aevor forgottoa alas. Traly the Id to aolftsh. het that H to a- gratefal to aot oa troa. la fact, to not graUtad ta eoaaa sons a asaal fostailoa of aoUUhaoss! rraakUa Ufa. the aalversal rwsaembraaos of hlsa, prodalai the pre-emlaoace of the ataa wh hy ahawtag his aetgh- aors how te do things better than they have bee doiag aaatea his world a bettor piae for thesa all to lire la. It's the practical saaa. the maa wh aeea hto tales ta for the good t all. aad not wherewith to plume himself aa that he may seem a very colossus among pygmies, rranklln sever cultivated kla literary talent that he might become a great writer; hta few written pagee are not shin ing works of art la themselves. He used letters as the best means of talking to the people and the style he selected was the one that would make the strongest impression, not the one that would make people aay what an original, bright maa was Pranklin. The London Saturday Review to wrestling with ' th qoary. "How many words 'does a girt uset" Velum Is of little consideration. provided ah knows'"how. to aay' the right word at the right time. The North. Carolina graduate of Annapolis who writes to the Char lotte Observer In defence, ot the prac tice ot basing, might visit all of the towns and give an exhibition ot the rabbit dance. In Philadelphia the other day a woman robbed a baby of Its cloak that protected it from the winter winds of the street, and yet they tell us there are no mean ones. It may sound strange, but when a woman walked Into a street oar In New York Sundayy eighteen men arose to give her a seat. She had the smallpox.' Perhaps the new evidence Lawyer Patrick is alleged to have discovered will show that Mr. Rice committed suicide. ' ' ' .'. ' v'.:' . i -,'' "And they never touched me," re marked the more or less Honorable Chauncey M. Depew, as he laid down the newspaper with a, smile and sigh. ' Harvard has abolished football temporarily which to to aay, until first-class team can be hired. , REFLECTIONS OF A BACHELOR Either a woman doesn't trust her husband or wishes she could. ' '- It's queer.; but It's always the fat woman in a crowded car that has the moat bundles. ' K 7 ' A girl, thinks heaven is something like a matinee, and a woman that It's like a nursery. . " The less sense a man has the bigger bluff his wife put up that she thinks he Is a great man. A man can never understand why a woman, after they are married, wants to sit so close! and she why he doesn't want to.-New York Press. ; : ; " ' V V: State News. Rowland. N, C, Jan. 17, Special: At the hgtt ot Beventy'-nlne, Mr. J. W. BuN lock died at his home here. He waa tnuch esteemed, a successful planter and a faithful member of the Presby terian church. He was the father of thirteen children. AsheviHe, K. C., Jan. 15, Special Grand Chancellor Alfred 8. Barnard, of this city, has designated February 1 .as ""Pythian Big Night" lit North Carolina. . This Is the fortv-second an niversary, of the establishment Of the order. ',''). . ' iiu.-t . . nn.t ilaM M - - it avAj rwh orf pmm poW . lWBt , 4 . au ,: na. tUattag awt-ik oat eaa I t4 aaotoor anaa. aad aa 1 tataa of los ono4o 1 ! la. I oaa lri r voaita to ro orotigat t OM. For rit BMOiaa I a draak. I was a pwrHrt wrwrt .i I oatd oot htp aarortf It siin) Io s that I oa ho4 t ha Ohia trr, rtaklag aty Ur aaf to 4 tea woa. I was catroeios hf wory-' body wh taw bm t drtaktag. hot ooald avot vliala ar". as It had hMOMlfMom Mi r tl aa I wo goiag HUt draakarda gra if thor waa oot oaaMihlag ooo mm. Sh had hoard of tb gHy taatitst of Oroaaahor. N C; she prwvaltod apoa m t g thor. Throagh her lataoaos I gar p I go, yt I had a faith la It. het aftor I got thor aad had Ukr tb troaV at for a few day It rkaagoi say Blag, tt has boon two! oars alae loft thor. aad I eaa aay I hav vor sooa a aaoaat that I waatod sUsaalaats; I foal porfarUy safe. 1 haltov It ta a Ood-orat bleaalag to poor, falloa hamanJty. aad I prals Ood for hrtaglag this blosslag to draakarda. It doat oaly stop a asaa from drlak. hat It balldi bias up to haltb aad. saaahood It take a drwakard aad snake a geaUoman at of him. I want to aay to yon all that 1 was almost oat of home, money and frteads. Now I hav a beautiful bom, a wife aad eix children; a kappy family, This Is bo credit to me, but all praise to Cod aad u ley Institute for Uftlag aa out of lb mud and placing mm solid foundation. Ood will biota you through all Urn aad eternity. I am a Christian living a happy life, with the hlesd Saviour to lets me, hop ing, when this lit to ended on earth. will meet you all In glory. f. E. H. THOMAS. Winston-Salem, N. C, Dec. , '04. If you hav friends who might he benefited hy this treatment send their name to ' th Keeley Institute, Greensboro, N, C ' t DatU Bryan." ' Mr. William. Jennings Bryan ha lived down at last the slander that he could not haftleehtd anythina Away back before h burst into fame Mr. Bryan had been elected to Con gress, but this was in the time when Western State didn't care much whom they sent to Congress. And sine that time it has been the favor ite taunt of his enemies that In a fight for popular suffrage he was al ways a sure loser.-' Resides his two beatings Id the Presidential race, he failed of popular Indorsement by tbe voters of Nebraska in his ambition to go to the United States Senate. With defeat by the reorganize In 104. his career threatened to end without vindication from. Ihe charge that he never could win another elec tive office. . 1 . " , From tar-off Mindanao comos the news of the redemption of . Bryan. The Inhabitants ot Duluan have elect ed him . an honorary datto, have heaped him with presents, and In honor of his triumph have given him an artillery salute Mf. Bryan an nounced to his admiring .Filipino constituents that It was the most In teresting day he had spent in the Orient. The fact that he had no opponent and won 'the election to the dattoshln by default did not embitter the draught of his Joy nor take away from the strange sensation of vic tory .-New York Press. , f . f ' ; GOVERNOR GLENN CAN T GO. Hopes to Visit Colombia Later and 8eethe Legislature. , Gov. R. B. Glenn, "of North Carolina, ill be unable to visit Columbia this week. Me has been In Charleston as the guest of the Young Men's Christian Association and of other Charleston so cieties and people, and Oov. Hey ward lent an urgent Invitation for Gov. Glenn to come to Columbia - on his ret turn to Raleigh. ; v;V', . -' si' In reply Oov. Heyward yesterday Te i velved -a letter in which Gov.- Glen i says; : Tour exceedingly kind telegram asking me to Visit you and be your guest has bn received., ' l wish I could accept but I have to review be fore January lth the papers In the ease ot a man under sentence of death. "I regret that I shall be unable to stop,, for 1 want to meet the governor ot South Carolina, v However. I desire to study some Soutti Carolina methods and also confer with rour immigration commissioner. Mr. .We tson ; I hope that I may be able to visit Columbia before your' legislature adlourna, Co lumbia St-.te. . , . . ,WftdeHboro. K. ' C. Jan. 17,v HpecIalJ the case against John .V. Johnson, who shot and kilted l'i brother-in-law, Gulnn Johnson, on December 27. has been continued 4 till the v April trm. Judge Frederlch itoore is presiding over this term of Superior Court here. The criminal docket is very heavy, i HOT on COL'D . DRINKS tiAJuiMti rtarihajv, Try oaw Utkv Ahk toai Bobbitt -Wynne Uru,g Co. SPECIAL ' CUT PRICES ON GunsPistols AND ' . Sporting Goods 15 DAYS AT HARDWARE (0, 225 S. WILMINGTON ST East End oi CUy Market SI HOW MUCH Should L PAY FOR A PIANO? Just as much as will insure the beset material and careful, thorough workmanxlilp cer tainly no more emphatically ' no less. " The chief Item of cost in Piano, as In a natch, is ia its ; workmanship. '- Every f. dollar eat from a fair price comes straight out of the workman ship -that is, straight out of the tone and durability. ( THE. 8HRONIXGER PIAXbS are hot the lowest . priced, neither are they the highest priced, but they are undoubted ly the best valuffon the piano market today Investigate and you will certainly agree with m Write for catalogue and prices to -1 ' .,",'.' Darnell Thomas Raleigh, N.C.,' FREE Delivery on all goods at $2.50 a gal lon and oven Rye Whiskey $2.00, $3.60, $3.00, $30 and $4.00 a gallon. , ' Cora Whiskey $2.00, $3.50, $3.00 and $4.00 gallon. Sherry, Port, Catawba and Black- berry $1.00 to $4.00 a gallon. BRANDIES, GINS, RUIIS, ; (All Case Goods.) . . Send us your Christmas order and we will guarantee satisfaction1 ' , ' JUGS FREE. - The n. &. n. Distributing Company." .,'" 74 8. 14th St.,' Richmond, Va , Everything in Liquor Line. CAROLINA Oil rrnnn v s'LUUUi ...i The Copartnership of T, W. Dob- . "" ' bin and 'Jos. F. Ferrall, trading as Dobbin &. Fcrrall, will expire . by limitation. V - In order to have proper settle-, mentof the affairs of the flrmIt Is necessary to collect all outstand Ing accounts before February 1st., ; and we-must ask every one Jn- debted to us to make prompt pay ment.' .'i cj : It Is our Intention to sell put for Cash iqur entire stock of merchari-dlse-tully $50,000 worth of Dry ; Goods' Carpets, Rugs, ; Mattlnosi4 Shoes,: Men's Furnishings, etc,---; and prices will pe rapid selling will out. - .tf t.!i '.4.1' THE' SALE IS IN PR0GRESSS AND WILL CONTINUE DAILY UNTIL FEBRUARY 1ST. ; 5 EVERYTHING WILL 11 .. r.. r -f .,... AND NOTWITHSTANDING THE -SELLING OUTPRiCES, WE WILL- NOT WITHDRAW TRADiNQ:STAMPS, BUT WILL CONTINUE fdlGiyMDOBBINl TRADING;:STAMPS AS EVERYTHING IS IN THE BUYING PUBLIC. SPECIAL tabl linens DAMASKS . -NAPKINS 1 -yWi-$ $ 22 .'--5' v-'-1- Great v opportuuity for all hbuselleepers See Special Tables. V 0 fY made so lowtnat soon clear them 1 bill iliJ 1 Vj V't- " BE SOLD FOR CASH , , ' ; ." ' '-.V' 1 k HERETOFORE; Kj READINESS TO SERVE ; '. r:.' FEATURES SEPARATE COATS AT $10.00 A special rack ma.de up of 0l5018.5o C2o, 022.5o and 025 Long Black Coats at xnly 010.00 for cUoice. i A grand bargain . 1 1 r1 H i I