i .1 . . a - ' i a.- a I. iiM i - lm . fnts a. U ! f a !-.. .. . $ 0 ' .. a In. . ' V i.a a a t-s--ff-4 --! - I i ,. W t-U -M U i r k4 t . . .. t lb imr- . 4 " - r.t m J t .a M r k f Mww4 a Km tMt kwu4 W IM lnW' wit W a rui n UtMl, at TMl o. m.riH fc.m eaa.. Wo . "N . . 4 kara b Ik kali Hi. T. r. TW La CVrte at IM klf UuiWm tu caM t-uni n mmb an Mm a li rkuhae am - kl A. , . CU. tU Mrs. JL ML Arrlnataa kid te-aMrrew Wvl from Nw Tart aM MtMr Batata, a bare ibey hare ton at tM keyk Tk MM (iMl a Mra. Jae. U J.jiaank a III regret tk Imii Ut ska loailatxa II! a bar kM aa Bin- to Mml , Mm. W. r. Wkltaks m4 Utile aauak ! Mr wan I IuHuai reeterkar tor a Ww ok 1 visit la bar elater. Mr X- A. Cut. , alias Mamta MoytC of AsherUla. tkraugk tb rtty lata BsoraJns ua bar way la Wakhlngtea. X. C. I vUtt frWcvds. Mr. and Mr. W." g. Burrua, whe kit fcrea rial ting Mr. Barraa mother. Mr, Hampton. Wfl yekterday for tbalr bom la 8a ran na a. Oa. . - a Mrs. William M. ktcPkeeters and Mltla daurater. Isabel a Ixtlnkra, af tar a vlalt la Mrs. A, M. klcPbeeterk, left tk vtalt Ik Atlanta oa tbalr waj to Mamphla, thdr ho ma. Mr. aa4 lift K. U HUiton, Mr. and Mra. J. M. Turlcy. Mra. J. R. Robin on aa4 Mlaa Luclla Elllngtoa ramrke4 to Clayton, mfur attending tha fuaatml of Mia. W. J.Toun. Jr. Mlaa'AIIca Sprulll. of Loulabars. afiT rlalt to her uncla, Lieutenant-Grv crnuf F. D. Winston, at hla noma In Bart la, was nera yeaterdar on ner way home. With bar was her cousin, Mrs. IT. R. Jackson and dauchtar, of Butts Montana, k daughter of the lata Mr. Patrick H. Winston, who had also been visiUna; Lieutenant-Governor Winston. a m v fCntrrtaiaiBrHt by Mrs.. Ittth. Tha Oils Podrida Qlub met yesterday afternoon with Mra. Harry Loeb at her home on West Martin street. Interest- lna Daoers were read by Mrs. W. 8. Primrose on Henry VIII. by Mrs. 1. J Thomas on Cardinal Wolsey, by Mrs. R. T. Gray on the Spanish Armada, and by Mrs. Loeb on Current Events. There . were seventeen club members present and Ave Invited guests. The latter were Mrs. Ptltlnsar. Miss Plttin cr Miss Batchelor, Mrs. R. L. Lelsner and Mlas uraKe. - Relrashments were served during the . afternoon. . " , . CAME HERE TO WED. Father Griffin Unite In Marriage .i . Virglnik Couple. , : This afternoon In the parlors of the Tar borough Hotel, Mr. William Edward Jones, of Virgllina, Vs.. an 4 Miss An nette Agatha Bell, of Portsmouth, Va., ..were united In marriage. Mr. C. C. ' Hudson, of Virginia, was best man an1 he reached here last night and made - the arrangement. The bride and 'groom reached here at 4 o'clock this afternoon and were immediately mar ried . by Rev. Father Orlffln, of the Church of ttte Sacred Heart. It was . not a runaway match. However, the Virginia law compels the.,written con Bent of the girl's father. In this case the father of the young lady ta away - and cannot be reached, so the couple came to North Carolina to wed and se lected Raleigh in order to secure a Catholic priest, to officiate.,., ,.t . . In Honor of Miss Ridglrjr. 'T (.Special to The Evening Times.) , . Beaufort, N. C, Jan. 17- On Monday . evening Miss Lkura Carson Davis en ' tcrtalned a number of her friends at her home on Craven street In honor of Miss , Ella. ,Ritlgely.. of . Washington, y Those present were: 'Mr,; and iLrn. Hal Poter, Mr. and Mrs. C'I Aber nathy, Mrs. D. C. Hqtton,' MtsB Marie Chadwick. v Miss- Bettie Davis,. Miss Jennie Haws; Miss Carrie Hutton, Mr. Henry Worth. Mr. Ike Ramsey, Mr. Augustus Strother, of New York; Mr. Brlttoi., of New York; Mr. C. L. Short, of Dallas, Texan ' , :'5 Progrosslve -Whist was ' the game i played." Mr. C. ' I "' Short . having won the largest' number 'of-'g-arnes -' was HARRIAGE Correctly and Promptly. Engraved I , Send for S:mp!e$ and. Prices, f J. P. STEVENS Ei;G?.AVIi.G CO,, Engravers 47 WHITEHALL STREET, ATLANTA, GA. . U a U I MB rv 4 l lw- I k ( art kax i t ktniMrt lUtf'waf mWw rats aa will Mr S.aa4 af Da. tha rns Mi J K. at aiVU ss ka tat. Mm. A M la. Mr K C haiak. af CWal MM. Mr K. M Laa4 .a Ku-iaa, la la tha sat ak k una tr I tsl V. M 11 kaa rate la W arra. a ta apaad k raw ear Cksa. i. J. TVas marked frsai k t.ann trkjt a ilkaitaiia. Mr. kharaew Hicss has aas) to Kv Tar CMf an kaatares in. Ms. D. K. J-ittanra. a Oiaiakaa. Mr. JsUms La ta kea base) a la hia boa savvral kars ky aaaaas. fcwl is awv tmprvltid Ukta. Is a r at Ike TuV-aart. tkHr iea-a U Us BlaU H k"'k-1- 'ihospli bat kU k kat Ikk k4 ' fcrJ ".wT UuoaJ re tor l.ts.as I Ik k krf Dr. Maaat. tka baard vf dlreilars 'f las HaaaClti r IN leasee. Mr. Oaa. B. Creler. of lbs Krrklnf Maaa. la at Haakarat aaa-ndirta the key with k kaaibar of Ms Now Tats fiHans klartnc ot Ur. J. O. Hat at (rsford. a ammbrr f tka board af directors af tha at all HaarMal lor Ike tnaaJM. laat nlaht Mi tht rtt. Mr. Ctaudlae Dorfcary Is la WaahtM- loa City, where be experts to recleve the atolntinant aa Called Statae Mar anal for Ike Eastern district of North Carotins. . Mr. H. M. Londoa, of Flit bora, so kaa bean bare aa eounael In crtnnac ttok wit b the NaU rasa, went la Little ton this norolnrito attend the Kaleich Eplsropal Coo vocation. Ex-Jods Cbaiiee A. Cook, now of ta il las Territory, who has been spending several weeks In this section renewing old acquatnlancea. want to Warrentoa his old noma this ntomlnc and aspects to start for his weateta horns Friday, He was for aeveral years a member of the North Carolina Supreme Court, LOCAL BRIEFS. : if rl 'Jesse A. Ball is confined to his home by sickness. A new fountain is being put In Mayor James t. Johnson's drug store. The Raleigh Cotton MlHs Company to-day declared an annual dividend ol S per cert. v Job s Wyatt Brothers are mov ing Into the Marttn street store former ly occupied by Woollcott. U D. Heartt, administrator of James Brooks, deceased, hat, through Attorney 8. O. Ryan, brous;at suit against the Seaboard Air Li; 5. As an Indication of the unusually mild winter, Mr. J. S. Wynne to-day gathered ripe tomatoes growing In the open in his garden on north Wilming ton street. ' ' Mr. James Allison, of Charlotte, has accepted a position In this city as as sistant manager of the Bell Telephone Company.' Mr. Allison entered upon bis new duties yesterday. Lasc year the town of Apex, in this county, sold 800,000 pounds of leaf tobacco, paying out for it something like SIOU.000. This was the first yea; of the market, too. State Treasurer B. R. Lacy Was ablo to be out a short while to-day af' ter his critical Illness with pneumonia. His friends were delighted to greet him restored to health and regaining his strength. Governor Glenn to-day Issued a re quisition on the Governor of Virginia for Garland Williams, cplored, who is wanted In Raleigh for an assault on the negro Burch on Thanksgiving day. He Is being held In the Richmond JalL Prof. Levin has closed a contract to furnish an orchestra, of twelve pieces at Tybee . Islantt this season, also to supply- music at 'the Academy , .here next season. His orchestra will play for the Twin City Club at Wlnstou- Balem Easter Monday. These chilly mornings there Is .. nothing better for Break-. -.. i - fast tnugt ".j : rnECKEST , BTJCKViOIEAT - 't... CAKES 1 LOG CABIN , . MAPLE SYEUP. , . STEONACBVS ; , . ' SOXS CO.. : ! INVITATIONS I ::;::J Allium ' KifMw vNm4 kf laaiaiaiMra Ta . - a a.- I f A (ana) Tkaewei kaa TV4 I Lave ara K kaa Ua taatiM la tW j aaasi aa, I Tbe IVaasd af tkearusra as Ike l HtU kiaia Huaflai tas tie saaaaa. I ara. kaa la aim kaday. wiaWM rrasrts frwa tka tkdtndaal kk bars kf tbe kusrd aa to Ike taaarlaJ kawdriakk kf aarb af Ike aaUeaVa ba lag trvatad la Ike Ws4(L rroes lata aaarta tka taakriaJ ewa4iuaeaa aarh kf tka aeUaata ana best, kltb tka raaall thai lk are feaed U ba sale Ik ker tee traal aal hs k krlrsie aaaturlass Ok af I baas baa alraadr VkS Ik M ar tiste la Dr. Taj ksr'a kaaltarlas kah were fsll key kaUeats ta Ike tut koarUal The ra ports shew thai IkaVe are II pktlekts wkk ark able Ik kef all rate baa pita I. Thvy hkt kakk Bkkk Ul tbls par meat to Ike Stat hos pital Ik tbk kaal A Member kf Ike board ttatad this efieraooa after the ksUkt t bat the reports Wart taees right vher titer war before, so far as Baking room for ear f ike oalslde Udtxmt la- aass ta con earned. . The reports aa tk tbe conditio of tbe pstteais, Baaartallr. war get bar ed by persona! U inset If alio by tbe directors and throagk reports frooi the clerk of the court, the registers of oekda and sheriffs kf tbt cosbUps rrost which the patients cam Tbk members of lbs board la at trndance oa tbk seaaions today were Mr. Job Thorn paoa, chairwaa; Dr. J. G. HkkU Oxford; Dr. J. U PIcoC Uttletoa: Dr. W. H. Whitehead. Rocky Mount: Dr. R. H. Buarll, Margaretuvllle; Mr. S. O. Mlddleton. Hailsvllle; Edward Smith. Hsrnelt county; Dr. J. D. Biggs, WJlllamston. Tbk statement la mad that the members of the board find a num ber of instances where small sums of money belonging; to patients are In the hands of clerks of the court and others not enough to be of any use so far hs defraying expenses, but enough. In some instances, to pay the expense of the burial of the patient I or to send the remains to -their homes for Interment The directors will probably recommend to the next Legislature that these amounts be placed on deposit In the Stat hos pital. Outstanding as they ar now, they are liable to annual fees from clerks of the court, and solicitors of tne respective districts. ' ." 1 1 . i ' COTTON MILt i ELECT OFFICERS. The stockholders of the Raleigh Cotton Mill met at noon to-day and at 1 o'clock the stockholders of the Ncuse River Mill held their tneeMntf. Both sessions were In tbe office of the Raleigh Cotton Mill. The re ports of the officers showed that each mill was -in a very satisfactory con dition. ihe stockholders of the Raleigh Cotton Mill re-elected the present board 1 of directors, namely, R. H Battle. J. R. Chamberlain, A. J. Ruf- fln, V. B. Moore,, Julius Lewis, F. T, Ward, W. J. Young, J. S. Wynne and A. A. Thompson. The directors re-elected t,he offi cers as follows: President and Treas urer, A. A. J Thompson; 1 Vice-Presl dent, V. B. Moore; .Superintendent, H. B. Greason; Secretary, C. A Johnson. ',v . The directors declared Ave per cent, dividend, payable February 1st, to the stockholders of this day's rec ord. The stockholder or the Neusa River ' Mill re-elected . the . board ' of directors as iouows: J. k. clamper lain, V. B. Moore, R. H. Battle, M C. Winston, .W. C. Rlddick, A. B. Andrews, Jr.. A. J. Ruffln and A A. Thompson. The, directors elected the pesent officers, to-wit: pesident and Treas urer, A. A. ; Thompson; Vice-Presi dent, J- 'R. Chamberlain; Secretary, 0. A.. Johnson. . Beef Trust Case 08tponed. m " Chicago, :i Jan.; 17. The trial of the "beef trust" 'case, which was to have commenced this morning In the Federal Court before .Judge Humphrey, was postponed' until Thursday becaunp of the. illness. of one or the attorneys for the packers. , ' . For. a mild easy action of. tbe bow els, a single dose of Doan's Rcgulets is enough. Treatment cures habitual constipation. . 2 5 cents a box. , Ask your drnggiat for them. si ' 1'ou may hoi find here the largest stock of Jewelry la the State, but the variety is sufficiently large to satisfy all purchasers, and that which we offer Is. Al quality. You bay here, too, at k marked saving. T. V7. BL.AIIE, Ute Jeweler it 1 1 ri U. . ..ua a ..M-a J - a 11 n anax tdtfttc tut fka tasaa arf - : re . t .. T'k laal iat t-w W Lm t a. al kkHH k jakk U U a !... ad kf k--!.- af ABwba waaucew k Ike kVirv j at.l 4 tka f a X-tm ifaNW tka gnu- 1st tbe tLi at 4tM ' ' tmt !(. ttl a".k wai as MS vaww 4 risk. ' :k.a ItWaaUi. ikair j tkriMJ t.b tkaa ml lb tark. tk u...a a laa. drfettM Kb a4 sag akaaa. at lakk- al lnwr, at aaaaae k lan Ubm, i.ag kaaark a4 ata. tk eai al t f iba drtaakkg a tbalr nt kHaa, karr kabaly e- or laHr featd arae ikrsa Tkalakaki 4aUM kk tkal 1 l:i lb truth Aitvkabaai kkroag aasaaa. ta aiarsutagll oa ' Ikcraaaa. 'Uf kaaaaJ I I r1 wkak khk rove bar lad Ik araarae tk rak toea kf korlaJ dlkitag sad kala Bar the eMeafchnc f tk aatloa frkai tke ere of drakkraaraa It ka- Pa4s kkok tk wane la eWvat tb tna of ksblie segtiB rkt tad ta 4 vkktw tbk raaa of oraltt . Il Is for jk waatrs t sky babrr driaklas. ahail coailss is skrrwaae aruoeg as or dally baroak Irea Tbk ksorml cbaracirr of tb kk make tb kjoral rkaretrr of tb aatlok. and the Am caa be rlrrsled oaly by le-rsling Ik other. Tbe Uvea of kieh ar IsBurDced by lb tearfelng tluw raoeirr from a ad th eiantpl that la net them by Ik w-1 mea. Th taorst litrrrata of aorlety are la Ik haads of women, akd the only way br which they can lead ara stralghV la.U be airalxht them selve. New York World. McthBsal waa all right, you bet For k good old soul was be. They aay he would be living yet. Had h Uken Rocky Mountain Tea. Henry T. Hicks Drug Company. Mr. H.-F. Smith. caahl'T of the Caro lina Trust Company, k-ft ihla afternoon for a business) klip to Nrw York, , - Friends will '-'regret to loArn that j the cwutlltton of Manasi-r R A. Wood ruff, of tba.BoOthern tfcll Kxchangu, who aildei wentak ppeivllon fur appen dicitis last Friday, la not so good io- day. He has a hislicr trmierature and weaker pulse. Huwevcr, the physicians ar hopeful of Jfa rwovery. SuperlnteiMkank G,"T. Heafncr, of Lincoln county rvublic schools, writes the State SuiiinUnditt of Public In struction that forth-Brook, township has lust voted k ispeclul acheol tax ol thiriy and nine canui. and that a num ber of other tow'Mshine, mill vote such a tax before the.aug lithe school year. STATE NEWS. Oastonia. N. Cftttni'lK Special: Itev. B. 3. Kdworils, pastor of 'lhs Ijowell and MrAilnvi'ie ehuivnes, uim sua- dfiiiv at Hi" liirrrV W Mr. K. J. Adams In -Lowell. :n th'ixty-thlr year f his nff Hi- ,!(' buricii at ' his old home In t'u:!iln'Hntl county. .Tar'ooro. N. ('., Jin. 17. Special: Rev, C. V. rirook. of Apex, has accented a cell to th- lmi tovat 6t the ISaptiit church here. '' ' ;?: SttttesvlKc. N. C'Jitk 17, Special: W. B. Llnebcrrv lias been bound over to court fur disturbing meeting of the Salvation Army. He went to the meet big drunk aixl crcatsd'so much disturb dnce that Cfil'taln Peepermari, in charge of the corps, had to put him out of ths house. In the slrufsle ,the captain re ceived a very painful blow on hie head. . k t ' " New Bern, N. C. Jan. 17, Special:' A Are, at Rlverdnle. nia.r the rallroid. da stroyed a store buililiiifr owntd by Clif ton fe'impson and burned two building. ThC'total damaiTC was about 1,000. ; Duxtoem, N. C . Jan. 17, Special: Mrs. W. A. Biar, widovof the late ex-al derman and prominent business man, W. A. Slater, and family, have moved to Washington, t), C'., where they will reside in the future. , 1 , " Durham, N. 6.1 Jan.' 7, Special: The Real Estate Exchange and Trust Com pany, chartered a few weeks agox has organized . by electing directors and officers. Mr. X M. M,Oregory is pres ident and Mr." J. . Southgate vice president. The company-has a paid In capital of $20,000 and authorized capital of IIGO.MO. - - , , Heavy , Impure;', blood" ' makes , a muddy,. . plainly 'complexion,, head ache, . nausea, t Indigestion. Thin blootji makes yo weak, pale, . sickly. UurUock .... Blood ) nitters makes ; the blood rtch.-ridi ipurcM-restorea per fect hnulth. - - y ill 8 II Real Estate and Insurance 126 Fay c:: tf ti V li a St. msmm n,l afc-.ifc- Ma taa.k fmia aa aM.k mA H. MAHLER'S SONS Jcwclcrn, I I hSh New lot of . Huylers.. in Today Kin-Crowcll Dru Co. frkw llarrrtt kad raycOrrins. Dollars arc nude by saving . m '. me liicKics, pennies ana dimes. The winner in the long run is the man who(is careful about small savings and not the man who makes the largest salary. :: ; "When' you . begin to save mtmey jeinember . that, the Mechanics'- Dime , Savings Bank offers you every safe ty' which ,' ' an up-to-date financial .institution ;C a n offer and pays 4 per cent Interest on- deposits, - -' C Mechanics' Dime Saving BanU. WONDERlFUL. 1 SOLD ;BY THE HICKS DRUG STORES :." -.i. ;.:Mi-.i: r. ,,; . j r,.;- ;""-"''- !r- .f i ' -f' l. "1 ' Its .mission is to relieve suffering humanity,. . rer store "tliseased organs; to normal" conditions, make work a pleasure and in sure a prosperous and en joyable year' to drinkers of Nature own ' perfect DreseriDtion. " Try it! See if it's not a helper in keeping good resolutions. ' , BILLY TAYLOR j Has just rctnrncd C1TV with from IvANSAS mi Fine Lot of "1 iJ: MULES' MIDA ME I Now is the time to buy."-' Price I I will lx? Iiislior in tho sprilig. ' . - PACU'S CTAELE3. ' mm . tu m .... I ...... hiK!;li, rs. C. I ' I L ' 1 U I if I j j ' J V I I 1, I ?i t i 1 I K. I Sb..U MIIIMK - klllM-n. I ETCCn COMPANY. .... , . 1 u k.lft I "IliDIANA FOLKS." 7 -Ma lashSnltW leal c'jICeb hospital ? . , Va tct every man and w. aaa 'irt' tU Vnited Stales ta kaa tba4 aa are doing W arw eur- Caaoara, Tumarw astd lrroaM Korea wltbaal tk mm wf tka kaira, and kr e- daraad-'br tb kaoata LeaaaMtavk af Virginia. If yw - ar aeakiog k eura. eeone kfw wed yea wUl get It. mv GUARANTK At r W ' --t va lft f tXHU CARCiR hOIf IUL V'. ' - inCUMOND. VA.' ; , iVVhSii Vou do hot use ; 0 ARB 0 LINE UM ioiij tUe...preservation of all kindanofuvood, fence post& sJiinics; etc. " . . 'Jap-Ivlac" is no- new arti iilcuwjth us; have sold it five ycam - Everybody who uses it llECSlt.' " Paint your house with the : 'ii h,IT '!. -' ' . ' ' THds". H Bricks & Sons : vt . tli ai f ..ft Vf I ; (ivaiciity . .1. v :;:.:v .",:? s atoves-K.anges HELLO! : ijisten to tms message f 11 .;. i f i careiuuy, ior , it tells you wiierarto get a dollar-saving estimate, on your " electric work, a 4 , . J & jare eauioDed to do higlkJass work at the low; cstij'prwcs. Our . workmen are all practical electricians andxy.e guarantee our work to be'' satisfactory. 'Phone o'cdlTon Raleigh Construction Co., 14 West Hargett Street. ,KWHl l'OC'VB TKTED TITE KEST, NOW ..r, 7'ky this i:i;htt 5ort, Do.rbers 1 ' . . 1 - ! ill; y r Yarfcoroush IIouso .4 f a r a v f -mmf '.-- .r t r.t? i ( . , tt t-A 4 t,s , k.a. l e a-r-.a a.r.. I f lu .'-.... 1 . aav. ra as k to I .' 4a Ur 9 t-i"4 Q mm'.ir. M latir (.. aJ I a. j ' ..a I " ' k.ki.g a. la.aa A rr-i f I I UlJA U I U.-Ull LLi.Jl MllwVllltX A uur, Mio:i CMM-kf-Towsi H art fculattad, THE HSLST AND . MOST UNIFORM. COFFEE IM THE WOJLD . White nonak Coffee is poerd wf f le lnrat Coffers that grvw nod ks Urd Is tle re lt of Urty yt-r etpcrk-kc. Whltk Ilse Is kot for Utoak who will drink anything eatled coffee, but for dlarriralkatlng people wkk care - people who wast a Pore Ooffre lth a rich. rare flaror that Is satisfying. Bold only Ik and 3-pound, awt wclstit, " klr-Ught ' cans. Sere sold ta bklk. ,'". ... , . . PWINELUVRIOHT CO. Principal Coffee noster. . Dkston 'knd Clilcsgo, . . . ' '; "" v Vslkable Land for Halcr fj. By vlttiie of suthorl conferred by w order, listed Uocrmf erj LVJi, 1M6, In 1 lie 1 win oi tne Kuperior ion ior Wake rounty, N. Cand entitled Settle ft. , Knlghl. guardian : of Cassle ; M. KVilKht an(t other, ex parte, I will o Jlondny, February 5th, 1000. ' oll s.t publld auction to ' tne highest ; bidder for cash, all that tract or land in Utile Ulvor township. Wake county. N. C. situate between Mitchell's Mill 4nl nilcqvll!e, about 3 , milts east of Itnlcsvtilc, known.; as, Iba -y William Mitchell land,' adjoining the . lands of Penny Kill snil others and bounded by 4 line as follows;;- ; "-' ' ' Beginning; at a staled on the Cedar Pixng. Scarborough's Corner, ; thence i) 1 1-3 degrees y; 170 poles to a stake Ui the ilne of the Penny, ijlll .tract of. land, 'thence East 101 poles to k black oak, corner of Penny Hill tract, thenoe ; r. 21-8 degrees R. 891-2. poles to a stake,' thence South ST decrees t Z4 poles to 'a whfttt oak. thenoe K 2 1-1 degrees B. 140 poies to-W poplar at the .. low grounds,, thence aloud" wltn t'io . low grounds to a red oak on, the bonk of rthe creek thence up said creek to the beclnnlnjc, containing-., 150... acrek more or. less, and beng the. same con veyed by W.- K- Jones,; commissioner, to ll, II. Knight by deed dated May tsth. 1897, and registered l tlie office of the Begiater of - Peeds for WaKe county, N. C in book lt7,;kfr pager fit. . I'i-.ne of sale, 13 o'ekwk M.., riaoo of sale, County Court House Door, in Ralolgh, N. C - sij" This December 16th, 190S. . v: -. BETl'IF. tt KKIGHT, Guardian of Cassie M, Knight . knd others. 1 KRNKST IIATW00D. Attorney. . SALK OF VALVA11LK LAND. ; . t,. . V 5 By virtue of tho' powers v contained ; In. a curl y in innrtRuge dcd made and executed on lie lBlii day Vf July, A D., 1K32, by Gaston Stewart-and wife, Mary Stewart .to Barker. .Council and re corded lu the ofllce of Kegister of Deeds for Wake County, North Carollna; .ln Book 121, rage ' 48V ylll otter for , sale to the' highest bidder , for Cash, at tluj store houHe-'door of C.. J,'Brlght, at New Hill, North Carolina:.' on Mon , day, February ,1906 at 12 o'clock m-i th . following described- .tract land (tor balance of JHO due on note),' s.ccurq , py ; fnii lH.ot lgago, - situated In tVake ountyi fcitate, aforcnuld, viln t. Kut kliof n, yow nship, , and pounded ak follows! ..'.' '. ! :.. ', . '-y 'i:;v Beginning at a stake in Griffin Stew art's line,' running West 42 poles to k stake iri' said llne thence South 3 poles " theuce "West with W. G. Goodwin's line ; Ml poles Rj & lu R. R.; thence with Baiil .R. R. 42 jwlest.to a etaga, J3. Q--Bnrker's corner;, thence North, 5 poles; s? thence East with B, Q, Earker'B line 101 poles to the beginning:, contaliiing twenty-Cve acres, more or less. -' : . ' . T.UAC COtTNCIU Surviving pnrlner of Barker & Council. 10IXA K. BARKKi;. AdmlnltVnH'ls. This Decembr 30. 1905. ; : : NORR1S & ROLLINS, AUonicys. 1 .12-50-500.