1 Li held a A r a Z . r . .. " . . i w.t j '.rva ri.au.: i . j, iA Cavaj t j a t tja w " :L'.d a:j scalp, m urn o -- . . .... ;..I5 I. l I i .:. f f Are xu dirry? IXs-ourheji4rAin? Do yois eyes b!nr? Is-eurrt:h sick? This j :; V,'.5.U:.LI 1 JL C;:k Arrt::.i ftaaaaOt I'.l tw J rj w. ta Afwe m4 at cm r-a4 iv Mm tVa aa t WJ'7 -r1s fc.ll V:SH$ c; cut; ci jTfllL hi OilELOlTE I Ha a.ks - AU4 lit rr try tae Aim tel. CVtoa. J.a IM at ea st r.f.j r..t M the sa-l, r fthaaae, ta afclrb be fc aac.a.1 ws earaait ree. la ram ... Itaa iu tta Inn,!! I tiara W be Waiab liakfca. It ae tarw. feta InduMM a4 J "Hlf that IHa rkan, M fsaaaMtise lae laa at I w Uaa akWe) ajaa Swt late 0-r ab. lb InattwluM rtowC Mr, rM4 pr sate InuthM vrsat) 4 tkM iht rM4 va aoarr . Tfc MBmHi hU In win wUh CtnBrltv of tk CMrrMM-y KMlr)r for kwnk vtlnlf Mrtvlnc U M aolallaa of th impatidbif 4iaaatr. It M tot at Btcht uidn Mr. natd M irim 14 t. Ha nval frata kia raldK U kra tka CtUrMi snanrra war ta aaaatoa Tk MlttUM k iUr nuinnol nd ha lmm4tt4ir prmM4 tha aolo tfcn. vrt of lha rommltlaa a- atHB tha raapnaalbllHI (or tha poalta f tha Wklah kanka, Mr. nl4 mtotg out tha ahork t fhl- ! flnancUl cradlt l tha bank notila b JrmKta4 to fail aa4 Inalal. 4 that Jila iaa ba adoptad. It bam aaM that ba avan 4wlara4 b wouM ro ahaad. hlmaalf f tha ba.tki would not. Tlia eommittaa and tha comptrsllor kdoptad tha plan and tha financial cradlt of tha city amd thouaanOa ol dolbra of dapoaltora wara aarcxL tona. Into ar pa rata rooma p diacoaa "W had dlvldad up Into grow pa and too Into aaparata rooma to dlacuaa poaaibia aolatlona," aaid Jamca - K. Kckela yaaterdajr. "Evary hour wa wamad to ba (attlna; further from an acraamant. Mnally Mr. riald arrlad. propoaad tha only poaaibia anlutln and Uia affair of mtlllona waa aettlaa In a faw mlnutaa," j, . : aa a.i.w R.H t4 u4 t. aa tii ..a (. a. ka.h -J iwaa, I BU m m m t wutaa I mill aoaa M ua U.XW iiua U. 1 traa la r Imw. a4 I m aaat H'y I auf t( bHM a j W4. a4 tMrW m4 md UkA Ika I ulKoir Kr4tlM. I tts 1 mm4 MI aa U (., BMaa Utnw baa) tf ( itMaarL al rwa l " 1 aB Auual a4 I aaaaa M(dd tka IMoara )kaaMMa, k tbry ba Vm ana auad. aa I kaa tlw-r j an, UaM Ua am. W m k tatal wai tor Tourawm- Mm VaiUaiatAaaa, Jmm II, I. Mono, kj. 'mm body hoi 5i!;;:iti'Cli!c2go 12 YEiRS' SUFFERING Cura4 Soa4 and WaJI by Cti ' curt Sp n4 Caticura Otol incnt at Cxpa ( 75c , I Ui htm auffarW for tai 7ra iLk a an a any Umb, and U4 liiTMriaaa gio ata traaintiat, aatd nan y PaiW UOUl 1 fni of tha Cutirura fp aad Omaraant, and I araa eurad aotnd and aM ana ana aaa of t,vtk-ura Boas aa4 Um of Ouitmant. hia mm ti lai t an ig n and I would hot t&k tan oWlara lor on oox if 1 knew that 1 aould not got any mora." IX M. Aubartanti. Srpc it, 1904. .Newton, XHaa. 4M aa Man ra-a M-a. rw Vb a ka a tmmmt iwaia b., l. iu. (w fkat. laawraJw C w miaia m.r J Oi ii 11 tia at ., tw IMiWf M v MilMf ( Wtn.r 1 1 Ihmmm, kMt. awMiM.w k. t ta Ktw.iaa,Maa' a4-awainj 1 aajl i i -T WEST. 1V0.YT ;400USf Foolliall too GccJ'a Oamtrl ftprclal TralBv Lrft NeW Vork at 1 1:30 O Oock Today Oty Where . .Merchant Prince Lived Win Pnt j O Monraing Ont of JReapm to tha ' Dead. , v.: " : New Yorit, Jan. 17.Tha special train ..bearing the ' body of Marshall Field' to Chicago left this city7 t ; u.vj i m, to-day. and IU route Vill bn over th n Vii ft t t and the Lake Shorl Railroads. It . is expected that the party, will arrive . . ' : in' Chicago about noon to-morrow. The special train r consists ' of live cars,? a baggage car, two sleepers, a timing car ana observation -car. j, Dr. Frank BUUnes. Mr. PtnM'a .n,n physician, 'who is one of the party ramming 10 unicago on the special train, said to-day that all h mom. ' ' berg of Mr.- Field's family were in , gooa neaitd ' that they had boron wnii - the strain of watching at his bedside aonng his illness. - ' It was announced to-dav thut Wr - Field Would be burled in Oraceland , Cemetery. , It . is still ?. Undecided - wnemer toe funeral will be held irom bis residence at 1.800 Prairta , aven ue or from the First Presbyte rian cnurcn. ' , w- Chlcagojan. It.-Ont of rpiwt c to the memory 4 of Marshall Field, . wno Qiea yesterday In New York, the . Field wholesale and retail establish ' rmenu in Chicago, were closed to-day remain so ttntil Saturday All the stores on State Street. Chi , caK greatest retail street, and probably the largest establishments , elsewhere in the business district, will be closed for two hours Friday. Directors ofthe Field Museum of Natural History have ordered the in stitution Closed alt Aav KVM. 14. .j , ; iaches of the museum J will I wear v. vauaca ui mourning ror thirty days. - Chicago, Jan. ' X7.-The following resolutions were adopted nnanimous- ly by the Chicago aeafing House , Association at a , meeting held yes terday; , ., , ' . ;.'',:-r , -.VV "Resolved,' That the City of Chl - cago has suffered an irreparable loss in the death of Mr. Marshall Field. . . "The members of the Clearing , House Association from time to time : enjoyed Nthe benefit of his judgment and advice.. His views were always wise and Just. "'His life, which was passed In this city, accorded an example of Indus try, Integrity and ability which well ' entitled hlra to the affection and re spect of his fellonr citizens." 8 Say Anthoritla at the rVvprhy of CJilcago R-form 'are Krdd. ad That la niy' Comferrttce of Wfatrrn Collegos Has IWa Callrd. (By tha AaaoclatcdTIrrW- Chlcaso, Oan. t7.Mambara .of the fatuity of tha University of Chlcaau believe the wave of football abolition will not -atrika the cotiftreneairjf l legea of tha Went Dr, J K, Jlaycroft. acting head of tha department ofnhys leal culture, and dean fcirl !Hur!beR. head of tha divinity school and a mam. ber of tha athletic board, hold that ncno of tha mlddla West Institutions will id an-av with th m "I know that wa .would nnt, iSi;ir ,t aDoiismng tne sama at. Chjcago," aiU Deon Hurlbejrt last nlsht, iIt la by tur to. I tcttA a. nma tn IrtOni 1KaarMk Ja Mak to-i ir.any level headed men In the We n ractaaltate doing J'tiy. lth ' the iniit, Ueforms are needed, t"i true, and it Is ekpreanly for this reason fiat the football conference ?ll ba hM h.r.. on Iriday.' All talk or abollahlns: the Kooio fit any Wentern college-'in 'the ii nine i pure nonsense' " . ' K-Of. Albion W. SmalL hna nt it.. department of sociology and on. of the most innuentlal men- on tr$facul-y. H is nonsense' to ta'k of ahnttiO.in fowtball. i I do not belle'. ny .rep-e sentatlve of the college will. vpdrnj. to cbf iirhing the Kama at the meettji ,m rnday"; I am certain Chlcag-o,. wi not Changes In rules will not 41 away wlihi . lom iiy. op roufthness Ui football. It 4 its men behind the mnrie tha i.m. vmi una tne spirit or the" Universities luot count."' , , : j , we e aaawataat. caac A- ImbS arraaus a Artka A CTat. aa 3 . iw tU ' bnam.aa la Hank ra- Ua Mkawt kwaiaa. (lark ataad to a bXara bat triai abd fv Mia a m kuMA gwaa ia ika 1 1 at fuarf f MarbkHtbairf aawaty. I'M raa nnu aaaa anri faw taraa. la raana "a 'S BaaWUV (bat aara.ia ana., la Cbarawtta adjuatlnc taw taaaaa aa tha aaiaa arbk bad aot aaJa tha raaulrad lknaa Ua ta aa balaaa ia tbta Mate. Cast. .toat aat u Ctartotte Maaiay ornin ta Uvaatlcala tha aiattar. Ha want la I ha Borne af tha In aad fawna (naa thara bvatty anad adjuatlnc tba aoaa. A warrant wa mreurmA tt iu " aw A. A. CUrk aad. anaad with Ihia. Cart. Roott ratarsad and iaaal ad af Clart bis Moraa and what com. paniea aa ri praaul mA r-lara a tlL Mr. R. W. TboaBnana mi n..r lotta, at aad Clarfe'a ball of UX tor hla appaaranra last aftemaaa. befare Mag niaia niuon. Af tha hour appoint ad for tha trial (.narn aid not appear aad ba aaama ta hava skipped. Tba offlcara of tha toolbar CMtoa Mil la a ttl not mirm tha amaa of the compajilea In whlrh tha piani was inaorad. Tbey are aaid to ba New En land mutual aaaaaamaat com. Paaiea and have na licanaa la thia ai.ta Insuraaca Commlaaionar Toung thinks taara wars at laaat elfht of theea eompanlea and that tha Bute baa loet feto and poaaibia faea by Their oper ina- to Nertn Carolina without a cansa. . Insuranca CommUatonar Anna naa prohibited tha Good amarltana at washlncton, IX C a colored concern, from do In a buainaaa In tha ataia haa about Bfty-thraa lodges scattarad throua-hont North Carolina. Two of tneee lodcea are aaid to ba located In Kalelsh. However, thara I. ini branch of the Qood Samaritans which nas a license In North Carolina and M not prohibited. Thera la nna f una uraocn in naielsn. foua tou-ht cn by cuc!esnes in riihibs the menrjxrU fencooas. These iunzu tid even more imporunt to wvmcn thm the bowel functions to either sex. Even if thee is no steppe. rJll. a gentle, demsb-, menstnnl drauit should be taken now and then every dxtor will tell vou so. Oihcnv Vim'I rfp-aivf IrT s'iii r 4 "II . , . f .vva WWW MlJIui. tVUf una will be sbsorbeJ into our s-stem, ciusin- such pain and suffrrinj as will make you hut ' all interest in life. , To cure ourself. take U-omm'c rvct and pam reliever, is the old, reliable, time-tested medicine, which, for over 70 years, has wvi irvutiiuiu wuiu ui Amenca, viz: i VVRTTX CS ntAKXLT v aay ka. and atatwg yaav aa. aamaatat ffaa Aevta, la fatal La4aM AaSAaanr tant . K. I uaaaaBwta, laoa. IVIIIE OF n a Ililllltl I III Baaaaaanaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal k L1U VI I I J I r I I i n I 1 I ri I h I I T"a-aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaMaMLiil " m UULlllO LILLIUL Wean's National Ec:rd cl Trade on Railway, Leglslalloa Mrrlg Vaahiactea Today Dr. rllar-S ta rjadoraa Hmu Maklag rronaakioai. Rut Offr-red Ha bat i- tato WKirh M Ih-lk-m a More Hat-tafartory. DUEHAM WORKS t FOR ORPHANAGE. fSneoUl ta - ' " s.aa A IlllCaa. u Durham, N. C. Jan. 17. Tha members of Tar Heel Council. No. J, Of this city have Dledeed 11. ion far tne PUrDOSe Of hrina-fno- tha nmnnwl Junior Order Orphanage to Durham. ine e-aai and West Durham Councils win also assist in this work. In ad dition to the substantial : nlnria-M - ..... maae last nicht the counpii annnintoii committees who are now at work ask ing donations (from tha htlftlnAoa man of Durham. Two years ago the ques tion 01 establishing an orphanage by the Juniors waa agitated and then Durham offered a" site and tha lar. est casn donation of any town I A BIG BANQUET AT it , ? ; WILMINGTON JAN. SI8T, (Special to The F.venlnr , Wilmington, N. C. Jan.- 17.-Sa- tor r.' M. bimmons, Congressman O. B. Patterson. Coneressmnn John u Small, Hon. Joseph A. Brown and other distinguished speakers of State and. national reputation hTA nooont. ea invitations to address the bus ness men of the city at the annual Danquet or the ' Chamber of Comr merce, the date for which has been definitely fixed as Wednesday night, January Slst. ! The banauet will h at. The- Orton. .. ' . :L, In addition to the Bteaketa from aoroaa it is also proposed ; to .have brief addresses from a number of Wilmington; men.' each . oualified to speak upon some particular line of commercial endeavor ; at the port. sA GOOD bRIMJ RTnnp.'tj Are you lookinff1 for v a rcauy gooa drug storeffone max ; maKes you ; p-iad f vou came every time you trade there? " ' j ( Well, come hpfp hVirl coo j. , , - - . a.' V-V if you" are not please.d with everything. - ' . WE GIVK TRADING STAMPS. uAo TUCKER DRUG CO.F AT CnOVElL'S OLD STAND j The Student Movement. ' -.-? (Spwlal to The Evening Times.) ' iTrinlty College. Durham.' N. C Jan. 17. Since the visit of Mr. R. M. Harper, traveling secretary of the Y. M. C. A. in behalf of the student volunteer movement, our oreanlzn- tlon has been doing some eood work in tnis direction. . Trinity is expect ing to send the four delegates al lotted us, and a number of other men are going;. This is the fifth, of these conventions. It will be held In Nash ville February 28 to March .4. Special to The Evanlne Tlmea ) Waeblitglaa, Jan. K.-Tlie National Board of Trade, whk-h I made up of the leading commercial h-nllci throush- out tha country, at It .! here to- day adopted reentutiona advoratlng1 the determlnatkM of -eatkn o' railway ratee throush tha Federal rourta The meeting declined to adopt resolution. la favor of oonferrtnr imte making power UTtoaj tha lateratale commerce commtealon and took the course Indi cated a, a solution aatlnfaptorv la th commercial Interest of the country. The fveo'utlons read: The' National Board nf Trada ha. llevlni that tie' interests Of tha people demand not only thnt the rates of transportation' shna'd be reaaanable ana tnat there ah a 11 be no unjhiat dis criminations or preferenras, but a If 6 that thara shall ba aJTartlva-,. nm. mental suparvteion of - all ' Interstate tiansnortatlon aa-enrlaa. rnr..M tn. earnest hope that Cona-rera will. In Hi wisaom ana an epeadlly as possible, enact such further lea-lstatlon as may oa necessary, with Justloe to all con cerned, to secure nromnt and nomniota correction of any abuses In transpor tation : methods of operations whlrh may, upon due Inquiry,, be found to ex. 1st snd. to the end,, that rebates and personal discrimination, , In whatever form they may occur and bv what de vice they may be accomnllahed ha m-n. hlbltedji the corporations and Individ-1 pals who In any manner participate in them be iiubicrted to ttan. and tha mriat afrWnfluA M..ki.. --, " "- ..uvvva.w mnviiiiit-i j, practicable be provided for their de tection and punishment: elao hpi lov ing thnt the government ahnuld. In tli Interests of the general public Includ ing the purchases of transportation as well as the carriers. Dosses mpnn. to pravent the naming of excessive rnte In, the schedules, it is recommended that whenever a United Stnten ! of competent lurlsdlct on. unnn nnm- plalnt of the Interstate commerce com mission (which romnlaint shall ha -iu. cn precedence) shall have determined that an '.existing rate la excessive, the commission, or fotio "ofcer competent authority be given power to compel the suoBiuutlon or c. reasoneble mnvlmiim rata, such rato to so into effect within a reasonable time and to; remain In lores rnr .nph n,,rf,i,1 . , one year.yas may be determined, the rate so fixed to be auhWI tn M.ti.inn In the proper Federal court,' upon proof mat ucn rate is less than reasonable compensatnpn. The resolutions were nrnnnaod v.. u Clinton White, of thi M..i., State railroad commission.- and ; were supported ITl the representatives of all the larger boaYds of trade such as New xarav Boston,! Philadelphia', and Ruin. more, t : They were passed practically without onpojfitlon. : The result fe considered slgnlllcant as snowina , tn; nrenondenninw f,.,Kiin courts for thfc determination of ques- wi isien inBieau or giving this power to a cent rallied Federal' tri bunal. - i. it CUT FLOWERS MUMiX rARKATIOXg. QrrK UrtlKK CARXATIO.VR, EXCHAXTRKXri CARXATIOKS, (The rUggeat ajad Brat) RRIDRM RtkSrX. BRIDEhMAID ROrili, rARMA noLKTH. MARIE LOllSK VIOLETS. MU, CAMPMCIX VIOLKTH. ULLT OP THE VALLEY. 8MILAX, la heavy ropra, AKPARAGl'H FERN, FLOWERI1 FOR MEDDINGM, BRIDES' BOCQCETH. c. RANIWOMR FLORAL DENIGNS. Prompt Hhlpnx-Bts and Katlafar. troy Bcrrlce. J. VAN UNPLEY : . NURSERY CO, POMONA, N. C. Send Telegrams to Greensboro. RALEIGH FURNITURE CO, 17 E. Martin and 15 Market Streets. ' ' Raleigh Tlione No. 244 - - Raleigh, X. & Large stock to select from, three floors, raining from Martin to Market streets, full of new and up-to-date Furniture. Kverything for the home at short crop prices. We sell for cash or not, just aa you like, or easy weekl and mouthly installments. Plain and artistic designs. Parlor rurailufc, Bedroom Furniture, Dlnlu? Room Furniture and Kitchen Furniture . Call us up on the 'phone if vou need anything In our line. me RALEIGH FURNITURE C0HPAH7, JAS.M. RIG G AN, Mgr. THe Crowell " Sanatorium For the treatment of Whtskar. Mm phlne, tto, and Nervous Disease. Al kinds of electricity, electro-massage various kinds, of baths, eto. Special apartments and nurses tor lady pail ents. All modern Improvements. S. M. CROWELL. M. D., Superintendent. No. 8 w. Third St., Charlotte, N. C. DR. GREEN L. RKA. A PECULIAR 8UIT. CASTOR I A Tor Iranta and CMldrec Tu3 KI..3 Ycj i.zvs A'n'cys CCwut 'Bears the xTV ,tr . 'm Blgnature of QZzZTd Oil Cup Flew from Side of Engine ' ano.jrut out Kngineer'S Eye. ... (Sneclal to The Kv.nln ' . Durham. N. C. Jan. 17, Next weevj win na tne. beginning , of .8, two weeks term of court.' One of the most peculiar suits brought here In quite a while is by John N. .Moore, against the South ern ljallway. Mr. Moore was an engineer, and while at work running the train An oil cup llew from the engine, striking him In the right eye, destroying the sight Of that eye and hurting his health other wise.. He has sued tor $25,000. The railroad contends that the accident was of such an -unusual order that the road should not be held responsible tor the Injury. .uUs..-1 uL'f Has opened business at 15 WEST HARGETT ST. Manufacture Picture Frames, Window Shades, etc. Wonld bo glad to have my friends to visit my place. Eras, per dosen . . . Town Talk Hams F. F. V. Hams Good Lard, per pound. . Pure Lard, kt pound . . Baby Brand Tomatoes WPfk) Butter, 20, 25 and Tarbell Cheese A I more' Mince Meat, pound Pie Peaches Table PeachcA 20 and Can Corn, 10, 12 M and Cora and Tomatoes, S for. . . RdBBINSV CASHJJRQCERY. READ AND REFLECT. V 21 14 18. 0 10 (this 10 . . . .30 .15 .10 .10 .25 .15 .23 Vegetables for soan, 12 varieties . in each caa. Pew raw. , ; .10 , Cotolene, ier pound 10c. (All. . slse backets). - Arbackle's Coffee '.' . 1 5 j Gold Medal Coffee , ;25 Plantation. Coffee, special blend 25 ' Golden Drip ...','l7J4' Extra Santos ....25 ; Extra Mararalbo. ;;25' Grant's Cabin M. tH pounds for gl.oo NORFOLK OYSTERS DAILY. w.t.utleyI BOBBINS CASU GROCERY, ALL 'PHONES 238. DRAUGHON'S RALEIGH, Corner Wilmington and Martin 8ts. KNOXVILLE and COLUMBIA. 26 Colleges In 15 States. POSITIONS MM H n u 1 . . .vu.du ui uiuiiojr nt,f UXNUtLU. AISO teach BY MAIL. CatalosruA will cnn. vince you that Draughon's la THE 0001. can or send for it. LIQU0RS1LIQTJ0RS1 1 am Bow located at 800 East Main street, Rlch utond, ; V . and am C pre - pared to furnish Liquors of all Xinds ' for medicinal as well as j social, purposes. Mail or. , ' ders solicited. Write for , prices and partknlart. SAM T. SMITH. . BARGAINS IN FINE CHINA We have left over from the holidav spllino- srri choice pieces of China. Bric-a-Brac and Statiiflrv that you can buy at greatly reduced prices for a few days only. Come before the best tbino-s picked out. ' J. C ELLINGTON, Jr. - ReJeitf h, N. C. iVrrrrrrrVAArrraiaiaaaaa,Aaaa,,a.'alV HELMS' CROUPALINE - AN EXTERNAL REMEDY For Croup Colds and Whooping Cough In children; Colds. Sore ness In Chest, Colds In Head, etc., In adults. When jour your child have a cold, rub the chest with CROUPALINE. then satu rate a flannel cloth and apply to chest close up to neck, and you will get almost instant relief. . . v You will find it beneficial in pneumonia by rubbing chest and ap plying a flannel saturated with CROUPALINE to same. Physicians Prescribe it and Get the Best of Results. Don't take any substitutes, as they are not as good. Sold by all ' . J. D. HELMS, Manufacturing Chemist. .'-' siu . Elm St., Opp. McAdoo House ... Greensboro,' N. 0. Dr. B. Fa ARLINGTON, ..SPECIALIST... . Will be in Raleigh at Dr. D. E.Everitt'soffW the Tuesday and Wednesday of eacli month. -Practice con fined to treatment .vof 'dis eased gums, x, , ; llllIllllMWWWMllllllllltaaMn ! .a .a - ' ..i ' ','. '1 Are alf that one could wish. One capital to sufflciently strong to meet all reauirements of OU nnrmna.. mnA all iaMMK ... - r ' --a aM wiuutrjuiVUU mTfi offered the public that are consistent with sound banking. De. tKwItors are assnred of every ourtesy possible. We strive to merit your business by offering each faciUUcs as will meet four wishes. S z