i UU U ..4 Li. lOillliLLY'S .. i . t tit ' ' I t 3 ta . i 4 i AN inPOin'ANT J.:, IVvlV ie : i rrt, t. t ' lur ia 1,1 i : i llll I . . - t jtinei c:. t f ! ii.-.t:t 1 t .. $ N..wa I1"" k b a i Made VlISTHIvDAY on our counters TODAY a : jtr. A J . ( : m r ,i tka m-1a'p f t ik fbr-i Cw.Jl a !. -.u;:aa. i ; t i in ft-apaay i-4 kJ I! ; W f . lwkt niM 4 L T.XJLTHISrOILECJLST. (!r U aucatad ! tkk:kro. Jan. I T trrat far Karth rarwllaa for lo-a!kt aad Tfcre4ayi Fair to-alikt. waiac la tiw?a wei jmrt k , Tbareday raja, waraa- or; Kfkt tarlakl wtnde e-elil antubeaat. Weather I Tk "nliK Hum at aaavad raa ktt Inland aad aww wawiUae la Ie kutaa. lie eaatward marvawat to ot leaded by a aeral rla la temperature fmnt IM facta- M to tk Uk and atae b awUUaiwwi at wieny ela tion. The hi praaa Ufa araa evwrty th tha kHaalaotriM Vatle yaaterday baa wiavaa la a amitBeaatertr direct lot aad la now cantral w Oeorala ana Soutk Carolina. Theeeatwardmoventeni of lata hth, aad the motn to lb n of tb Lake atoem baa cewaed a ml fall la temparatwre la n I or ta Ktte east of Ik k Mertdlae, TtH eouihaaat hick will dominate the wea the l ihta wllnlty to-night naln ftilA waalker: Tkll radar tha kuiumll mill fall upon lit advance of the weat era atortn and rain and warmer wrath er ma? br ranwtad. A. II. THIBSSEN. ' , ' ' Section Director Worry la tha mother of tick, aerv on tad troubled mentality. apaeU the antlra phyalcal ayatem. The bod) Is a net-work ofnervea. Holllater! Rocky MouBlala Tea aootbca and r build tha entira ayatem. SS renu Tea or Tablet. Henry iT. Hicka Drui Company. FIGHT OVEU ORPHANAGE. Hraa ka ktm tm t Vno- THE HOST PAUTAEltr -LT AT Drugstores fw minx H aV Vrr. ! lira biarfaa Lk ak matta, ( t kudajr a ttrial aw Ik( aawra la Nanfc Catwliaa ikal aia t el Unrwt la titb ki ail tba 6aia aad ataa la la eaadiM kiML. Oa twatfwrtM at reperta far 1 1 I aad Mr. ara tada laal tbara tr-t mom iaUitkd la Nonb CiHvliaa a aaaail aaar at ' a- taciwr tkaa la rt ka rirrwUilwa aaa tarraaard avwr 111 II eM. Mr. Vara Ulaka froai tkta ikal boib taa aUtara mt aarra aad taatf 11 1 1 r4rMdw!ulM 'ZZ. rtr:A RESPITE FOR alt aoacaratid, aad ibat tka laadeary j ' JESSIE MITCHELL. toward a rvdantoa la laa aaak-r al aaWtcatloaa, aad laa aabaaat) oar lmprarax-at la thrat. abowa by ibaitTk" rW la Ji Mltcbetl tarrfWMsl rlrraUUoa at a a ma liar 1 Kwaraary 1! Ha la to banc aaaiher of paprra la a baaltby alga 1 roaaty for tb narder rf aad a caaaa for eoecratalatloa allj"'1'8 ril rrrt ti tit aroaad. jOwreraor tbat tbejr dalra ta ab Tba report for 1M1 ahowa tbat aim Importaat anodkral leatl aiaa morning daillca wer anbllabwd wtroa roadlttoa. In Ihta 8uta, barlai a total clrrala-k'kml ' weaal eoaanioa Uoa of J.i:S. aa avarac of ,hlt woaalb Tba lfl$ report ahowa tea moralaa!- " faatnr of tb eaat la dallltw wltb a total clrralaUoa f,h kow t aeera friends of 10.171. making Iba arerar 4.07. MUenell ara eoatendiag tbat ba I ar aa iarreaa of mora tbaa II pari laan becaaaa be named oo of bti 5aat. la four voara. Thla. of eonrna. ! rnuarea uror LIcvelaM v tv .b B.U4 ra . i m am . o t Toa, Ui tKp It C ri f aJI lUas a tmrh tmrtt, Ml da ar awl au Aatiii t kraitue a aji ". k rKkM, Traea Vattfiag. tUtefb N C . WAICTED-To tar all niture. Mfore i. Battier-' ford. 131 Mrtin tmL II At i a , , c; : . :.-s i: t.rv Iioeal J. O. I. A. M. Oppoeea the! V Eatabliahtag aa Orphana Home, : When ' th , State Junior Order of United ' American Mechanics Council meets In Pallabury this year ther will be a warm contest en the question whether th 'order ahall establish a 8tat orphanage borne. A committee was appointed last year on the subject and Mr. W. J. Bellamy. Jr.. of Wil mington, Is taking- the lead champion ing the orphanage. Capital CKy Coun til here, .at Its last meeting adopted strong resolutions opposing building an orphanage on the grounds that the dues would have to be Increased, that th order does not need such an Institution, and third, .that , the education of or phans in this State may well be en trusted to the Oxford Orphanage of the religious .denominations. i in i ,i i i iii . .. . riCER DP THE STOMACH. Insidious ' Nature of the Disease r How to Recoglhse and Cure It. , : Vlcer of tha stomach may exist for years without Yery marked symp toms, excepting those caused by Indi gestion. ; In good health, the stomach re sists the action of the gastric Juises, but when weakened, yie membrane is badly nourished and the digestive fluids act upon It as well as upon the food, keeping up until perforation of the stomach occurs. In advanced cases of ulcer of the stomach . there Is much discomfort after eating, with a constant gnawing sensation between meals, pain from the pit Of the stom ach back to the shoulder blade. ; ' f; ' At the first symptoms of indiges tion, - treatment should ' at once be started with Mi-o-na. This is a sci entific remedy adapted specifically to one purpose, the cure of stomach troubles1 Jt is sd uniformly success ful that W. H, King Drug Co. give a signed guarantee with every 60 cent dox that the money will be refunded If It does not cure. shows tbat tba morning daily Is trowing ia favor wltb Ibe public, ta be accounted for, per ha pa. la large part, by tb establishment of tumorous rural free delivery routes, making It possible for country h-, le to get a paper the same day It Is printed. Tb afternoon papers have also Made gains In the four years, aad there Is one less such paper than la 1901. Then there were , 21, now there aw 20. Th combined circu lation of these papers la ltOl was 21.715, an average of 1,185. Th re port for the year Just closed 4bows the 20 afternoon . papers in the Slate to have a total circulation of 28,754, an average of 1,437, an increase In four years of 25 per cent. The weeklies have decreased 24 in number during the four years, but their circulation baa soared from 263,831.. average of 1,322, In 101, to 27,057, an average of 1.707 la 1905, the increase being over 11 per cent. In 1901 there were 198 week ly, papers and In 1905 there were 174. , Commissioner Varner has no pa tience with the opinion often ex pressed that the day of the weekly paper la passing. He thinks that the above figures strongly prove the contrary. He believes very much In the mission and the future of the first-class weekly and does not think that any other class of newspapers can fill the peculiar work of a coun try weekly. ' The establishment of rural routes favors the weekly equally aa much as it favors the dailies and other papers. , .". The semi-weekly papers four years ago numbered nineteen and the num ber in the commissioner's last report is the same-Thls report shows, how ever, that there has been an Increase in the circulation of semi-Weeklies of about 29 per cent. In 1905 the circulation was 38,530, over 27,480 in 1901, and the last average is 2028 over 1448 in 1901. The .total number of all papers published four' years ago .was 320. Last year the number was 289,.a de crease of 31. The combined circula tion ift 190l' was 612,320. Now, it Is 754,816, an increase of more than 19 per cent. , - , Commissioner Varner thinktf'f rom this that the newspaper business Is progressing as other businesses pro gress in the State and that consider ing everything, the showing made in four years is very creditable. . ARGUMENT SELMAN CONNECTION CASE. Attorney General XL IX Gilmer bat received a telegram from the clerk of th raited States Supreme Court to the effect tbat tha argument la th noted Selma connection rana of tb Corporation Commlaaloa again! the Atlantle Coast Une. will be call ed the latter part of next week, us before th rcceea. It had been thought probable that the rase would go over until th week of Febru ary 19. REV. W. A. GI'ERRV IV . RAI.KIGIf XEXT St'XOAV. Rev. W. A. Guerry, of Sewanee, Tenn., Is expected to arrive in Ral eigh this week. ' fCext Sunday he will . preach at Christ Church in the morning and at the Church of the Good Shepherd at night Mr. Guerry is one of the promi- isent divines of th South, and large congregations will doubtless be prev ent at the services In those churches next Sunday,, , Stops itching Instantly. Cures piles, eczema, salt rheum, tetter, itch, hives, . herpes, acables Doan s Oint ment. At any drug store. ' T NEW LINE LADIES' EVENING DRESS SLIPPERS ?:;vv Latest 1906 SpHng Styles The most : modern Footwear and the best that expert shoemakers produce is always at S. C. POOL'S - RALEIGH, N. C. ' ' " Foor Sew Corporations. Charters were Issued this morning tar- the Chestnut Hill Drug Company, of Salisbury. Capital $10,000 by 8, C. Peaoock and others. .The Scotland Neck Iron Works (In corporated), capitar $3,000 by L. Alber sette and others. The Nahunta Brick and Improve ment. Company, of Fremont., Capital X5.20O by L. A. Hayes and others. The Bethel Hill Institute and Busi ness College. $2,000 capital by P. H. Fountan ' and others, established a School at Bethel Hill, in Person county. CArrrtiXK wiis. cvre m utwt ObeUaat tlaadara. II awvar rails. Caa b vawd with awerwae ta Ue Cla of keGrtrr. Colls, eta. i uid ; KM KKVT Tww faran.d aa a 1m eorar labia Uwrd, ply ta Mra. Jamaa Kit-rllng 117 West Hargett street A- TrUKlIX WOfU)T oa be would Biot paa a 'king off oa you tbat la not Imul.M. Ter rall's grocery offcHaci ttbould tereat every Ralrtsh houekeaperi having la mlad sating In rroreryj bllia. A complete and freah etcck i or all tba giapbw Rd Oellgbtful Tabl tMirMlea. Proinpt aervk. i All 'phoaea, Oeorire S, Terrell. TW KROXT RtJOMH for real, wltb board. Splendid Ins i Ion. 9 Eaitt Kdenloa a treat, opimxlie Capliol. IK MtkK.lt T. WASHI;T0, the world's great eat Negro, has writ-' ten an autoblograh ; arils likci lightalng; agents make 111 dally; writ for" fre outfit. J. I- Nlrb-1 ois It Co.. Naplesvlllo. Ills. I WISH TO AXXOl'Xt K TO MY friends and patrons that I have again engaged In tbe building and ) contracting business, and would appreciate a share of your patron age. W. M. Jliggsbec. Heir phone 1324, , - ,,. .,, . A GOOD TALCTM POWDKK lias ba- come a staple article and recog nised necessity In every .household. Tha Elyslan Bo rated Talcum Pow der la to be classed among the hy gienic preparations as it has a healing and soothing effect to the skin. Be sure, yon got Elyslna. 15 cents; all druggists. WALTER IftALEIGH MOXOIEXT. Woman's Club Devises Plan for Rais- ' ' Ing Funds. '; The executive committee of the Wo man's Club Is in session this after noon In -the Olivia RaneyUbrary trusi tees' room., , This session if called for a conference Wltb Mr, N. B. Urough ton and otheti gentlemen, and a plan win be formulated and anncinecVl for the purpose of raisin? fuh-.ls for the monument to Sir Waaer Kalclgli. th)Ic will be erected in this city. : - Hail Orders a Specialty. Mrs. Norton's Father . Dead. Mr. John A. Oldham. Sr;, aged sixty three years, died at his horn in Wil nr'Dgton after an lllnfss of tea days. He was the father of Mrs. C." O. Hor- ton, of Raleigh.'1 He served through the Civil War s a member of Company C, Thirteenth r North Carolina Artll' lery. He had three brothers In . the same company throughout : the entire war.. He leaves a wife apd four chil dren. -, . . - " , NOTICE I hare' moved my shoe. shop to 134 East Hargett street,1 over Robbins" grocery store. First-, class work tit .reasonable , prices, j J. E. Francis. . "' , , , . I WANTED Salesmen to tell our Une ' of tobacco and t cigars; good pay.: Permanent position. ? Pnw To-! bacco Works, Bedford City, Va. WANTED Two nnfurnlshed : room's, with bath, convenient to State Capitol, same to be occupied by two young men. Address Lock ; 657. . " - ; . ' t 1 1 '"" :' IyOST Fox Terrier, about 4 iinonthsl old; . black and white spotted; .short tail, black tip.'. Reward for return to Fab H. Weathers. , , k GUARANTEE CURB FOR PILES, etching. Blind, Bleeding; Protruding Piles. Druggist are authorized to refund money If PAZO OINTMENT falls to cure In 8 or 14 days. 50c 0 The Badge of Decline lis resting noon yon when the youth i f ul vigor of your hair gives back. I We wish w conld get you to try the 'XANTHINE." M ' "Kfeat Nature's second course." , Iarvelous in its efft-cts. Not a dyc.V The same for any hair, bu XANTIIINE ! never fulls to restore t the original j color to any hair In a few weeks. Sfops soreness almost Immediately. i Prevents dandroff; promotes growth. Absolutely harmless.; Highest testi monials. In use for many years. i Price $1.00, At drnggists or sent, express prepaid, foe $1.00 by us di- jrect. Circulars Eladly sent. , ' XANTHINE C0IIPAN7, j RICHMOND, VA,, ; r just opened ' . ' 1 A NEW .WOOD YARD . In -rear of Mills' Depot-; Orders j promptly" filled for .Short or Long! Wood.- Fnll measure at prices as low i as any. CaU J. A. 8ENTER, Raleigh 'Phone 708. . . . r , . ;.. : ". " " i f HORSES FOR -SALE, I 125 will buy one of the biggest! bargains ever . offered in this city, ! consisting of Hambletonian trotting and Toad mare (Bessie M.), bay la ; color, C years old, 15 hands high; ' free, prompt roadster; can beat 2:25; j has gone a trial in 2: 17 ; positively j safe and reliable under any circum stance for ladies or most, timid per son to drive, and for a perfect family mare she has no superior; she is large enough f of un? use f also falling-top buggy and harness, In' flrst class order; will sell tomplete turn out for 1126, or 'will separate. Also, $100 will buy pair of heavy draught horses, 8 and I years old, weighing 2,800 pounds; perfectly sound In every way, cojor bay; will suit farm, as they are used to all kinds of farm work; I bought. them 18 months ago right off a farm; large enough for any heavy hauling; will sell sepa rately. for $50 apiece; will allow 10 days' trial; positively no horse doal ers need '.apply,. Further information can be had by calling in person, tele graphing or 'phoning. Bell telephone Poplar 104 2-A, as I will not pay any attention to letters. Residence 2818 Oxford street, Philadelphia, Pa.r x Tcisi-T:: "ttu tiv-t-vl-V Lr.:i.-J.r.- : .a . . kill :ri is j Liit i. LTtzzl ii it vi ir ..:; Tihes tl.i ill utertsled ::i iv.r- : . . t v trt c! lis mrt;..; Ixrtr LAJDIEa' 1IAT3, A l-a aa I a aia H It ta an j4 ta (V -.-. la. AaWlstai atW tatr alt a aa atSM.h Wmih, r -a I 4apaiaa tM a ta4 Tartaa k ta, a aw M aa www ir..i..M I awata ejaawlMtrw ta (twtt'r aJI taataa. I nwi.lj lntsv4 tl W awkd at Ik lHi. 4M ton aa4 S. XI tw m-m a i ,' lm, , ISO a4 lk talava ! IVM; T -0 aaj wj ' , Hat far It Vv aM .! wlxla, Mth 4v 9tw afcil M kNry I.mim, a k lbra, M i( v lawaaa, (m-mH ad rrwa,r-t tit vhllMU 6c awanh a I fttar. tor tV, , t , ULDILS' EVENING CAPES. Trad ai ! "twi""I a aa ffmmmuf Aa and talerawl aa ( aa tWa fact that Iba aka aad I,t4ka are ad Ibia rania'a WoA. IdJkS Ctwrra tape far TJK. STYLISH LONG COAT SUITS. la af4l mt laf lat Hurt llaa aty'ira aa all nt iha vrry ta-aa aa4 rtea gaatly anaite f kwl rrlala t!al I4 rarry yvai lar latw lUm apriag, WW alt glLOO, dlCOw aad Knt w at .HQ, I2.IW mo4 giaO. AU MISSES'-THREE QUARTER LOOSE COATS. ktaii'ttbaa Value grrtaf I Uw Itriawu Mra wtas bare waMad. Tb 4 w iMrw la brfurw aa r. , I or tb lHila aaiae or tba yvg lad ad alar froaa I IN rear, and wwrth aa la T..V, fur tA.ftt. Aajoilter KM wurtb mp lo OO, fiar .t.5d. CHILDREN'S SCHOOL SHOES. If e w-rve aake4 wtilrh wr-re the brat talarw It wrtwld be bard I dtarriaaJaat where all are wa pwi. IUta-w' Kid llatlaa It-inta, Mu k tin, e ring hevL radaed to SV. nuldrrw'a Nock Tip Kid ! l Koy Brwad Hhnra, fletHdo S I , V. ' - - . (ear laly Rrftoul Khne la wllhnut a peep Mrj A lo ............. TO ' Mara 4 111. ...fl.OO Mara til. ta 3 1.3.1 . IkaUnaUa 'Hrhool Khor are of that lardy kiad that rMnrls yoa to . eome again, i i .- Mere S lo .fl.lMI """" 1 w u to ii......... lis r" :rrnzi Mat-a lit, le3....X. IJJ -a- ' rhlldrea'a "Walkla" Hlioea, In Vki Kkl, IWix Calf and Patent Itaiber, extra heavy tarn anle. Are Ideal drraa 1mm- for little folka. Sisea S to H, $I.M and f 1.2. i BLANKETS, COMFORTS, BED SPREADS. . 1 loaprrtioai of quality and ronipartoi of prtrr Is courtrd oa the , entire aaaorimcnt of IUHnkrta romfortablee and Red Hreda. Every item in thii'ad" are bargains all marked; goods from our regular stock Done to clear them out at once and the prices quoted will move them. " , BUY- AN OVEtfcVAT AT A SAVING ITalf of Jatiuary; .nil of February and I -March tbe . worst months of theyearr--havc yet to come.' In fact, " AVintcr has just set in, therpfore it is not too late to buy a New Overcoat, and then, .too, at the- ' ; ," - ' PfesentlPrevhiling Prices . You can well affordto purchase now for next season's , wear. Our Orcrcoat stock is probably the 'most inter-vi cstinp; in the State and. prices have been split and .the big end severed, leaving "onVf a small margin for you to ' py., . ' : : ; v :-: : The special inducements" also include the alwavs sen-iceable Cravanctte. L . rj ! ' v- ' x a " ' a- . -M MAIL ORDERS RECEIVE ATTENTION SAME-DAY Cross -W-. w-iwwi-iw : . ax : -7 ' : : m ;i 1ULCJJU1VJULI... . ie i . .1 & LiifehM'UoEipQiiy , Dr. Pelve OlHSon-BclTor. who has been the instructor in the department of systematic botany at Stanford for the last two years' will soon establiah an extensive botanical station In Southern Mexico, where he will' experiment '. in rubber and coffee for lie benefit of the planters of that region. A NEW. COW FE"ED DISCOVERED And is being introduced on this mar ket under the name of Dried Kugar Beet Pulp, It is the only Feed known that will produce the same result in Winter that June pasture produces in spring. If you don't believe it give it a trial and convince yourself. Carolina Feed1 Store, 309 Wilmington Street. Thones Raleigh, 120. ' ... Interstate, 842. ' jc:::i v:. mayo civil- e:;2;;:er Mcmbch aa. Soc. o. C. WATER POWER k MUNICIPAL WORK Inrlndinr Waterworks, S-wer, Electric l.ithlinp. streets, Hiihwny and I'ak ituproveiueiL4. -No. 9 Srvrlh i1am St.. Prlenburt. V 2500 JUICY ORANGES . v:: -x 12 crura n oozzrj ' ' . : - : 20 t;znrh ncczz:j r TKe. X D. Ctoo. Co. -r r -- L i--'-j - WE SELL i i SOVEREIGN I.I0CIIA AIJD JAVA C3: II. i-roi'M) tins, 3,-,c; s-poinu ti.n-;, ?i. x i It is si'Ki'teil Im'iiiih,- thoroiiiily cleaned, rnrefii!!y roasted nnd blended by experts of reputation Their guarantee is bark C-t every impound they oiler for sale. , Vnder this giinraiitee wo f ii'an'O ;to you. Tiy n can; if it is not jU8t what you want, if t'so fjvor or cup quality is not entirely satisfactory, return it to v.h nnl we i i;i refund to yon the price pid for it, , D. T. JOHNCOI