I Iiie Handicap at Oakland Track This Afternoon 4. MA MrAH nwal This rr:nrtnLr . f ..MMK a". f Oil tat a.- T. t t- J Sfcf.4 . t'W etMvaMs.;. w.f Li L L, l w tat W a a .a as tt .- ... rt ki, 4.H a -t af IM aM n.iwi. fci' A. I sat. aa atu iwfV in. 4 Vw ttWM, V 'I T it t I ttf w ..'iPfc tWMt a W Ikt as 4 TV iwi a TW a. tOTa - w M .4 tWS M dl tfcll a tm4 tlf nt(irliiMtMi t m4 r a- i r. -rina ," a '. at . .'. A Iter J"" l K 'va ! BV AaaM-amf. of t'alua iii; "A Tmiimi rMMttry r m i.av Vr "antrttaartme", Mw.' turn fv Ml, a , -!" - II-rW1 JarluMt, f llcnf..rf nulls " M rt 'ri -1M. FYtasaA r,i t'U(w uf lmhef "ArrfcMfrtmv" h J tt. I r. 4 M.4 cur. 1 wit B " K IkttlMI I " rU.- b -tifnaartt." Mr. I k ha r J .Jwrr, wm W at V41.A. fcaa a nip (r K Wa aat halt Inn. II at'I btJ rw. try 4 la T arM ai4 In 0rtakHrc. f I' . aant T M. C A. ! l Wlord . t'olt: otM arlife ta T. M C. A ff trtitalaavlaBWTai ooa with l T U A. mt rtarw. aa othwt blr'i har jmH X btQ 4tMt4 uefl drflniirly. -A Tt1 ! runi.klvin" bt In tha syaiaitatum aail Tuvadar MM fc umbrf of inra arta-ttx from lh rarioua rymiuKlum rUaa. , for 1B wn!k uf th alh'atk- iwofta ttOB. Tha lit rlH la In trxiit roarcu i roiMllttua. Much lBlrrt -taa pr.-lall) mtirrattxl ut th taut iriMtlnf of lha clarx ha mxganlattlni aa oltrrtrd aul the fn'kmlnc mrn rhoatm to tha Tarloua offlr 'ohn at. Plcot. of Halifax count r. rhowa Jurlra: Ocorca J. Rptnra, of Paaquo Ui county, aollcitor: Btnj. T. Hold ing, of Franklin county, aharllT: J. W. Hall, of Yadkin count v. clerk: Terry A. t.yon, of Bladen county, coroner. IWlh of !rs. ChappplL Mr. Ella ChappelL lfa of Mr. Charlea cbappell, died yesterday af t.raoon at her home on waat Peaee at reel. The funeral waa held from Ibe reatdanoa thla afternoon at t o'cI.h and tha Interment waa In Oakwood cemetery. . 8h. leave, three children. Don't let the baby auffer from enema, aorea or any Itching of the akin. Doan'a Ointment clrea Instant relief, cares quickly. Perfectly safe I ior cnuaren. au ornggisu kii it. 1 ip Aniirnn m. ENTIRE ORIGINAL -NEW YORK AND LONDON PRODUCTION OF THE k AMOUS MUSICAL SUCCEwSvS SHE'S DAINTY SHE'S PEMVRE SHE'S CLEVER SHE'S CHAIOltNG L'J3MgfA ..." c ,Cj I EH " - - . . ,l v L x "t- ' i! J EXACT PHOTOGRAPHIC REPRODUCTION OF THE OPENING SCENE IN ."THE SCHOOL GIRL." 60-WELL KNOWN METROPOLITAN FAVORITES--60 . . Carrie ReynoUla. i : HeteiM Bjrrae' Ai.-y Vs ' Artlrar- Woolejr ', , ' .'Robert Wj-the Mabello Raymond ' . Harriet Merritt , Barry 'Maxwell J" ' Qua Vnnghan Lucille Villlers , Gladys Coleman ' ' Blm Inlem , ' William J. Smith Julia Brinkerof , ' Evelyn Cam Alamo Douglas , ,' Jerome Hayes , AND THE ORIGINAL DALY THEATER SHOW GIRLS. To get good seats secure them . Price: 50c. iMi m Mat U4imi aMtt at M lid M 4at-t (! tt.t tMM at taa ii.tkUatI t t a i M IM ! M l H raa a a tuaA a a W T W a a 4 - v. .' m ta a.lia4 a a't"4 a A i mwi Iv. w i4 Ht4 a I V ' ma at aa raiiMrt t ta. TW t nw4 r wtw awita fc4 a a ' I kMl .aK k UtkWM h4 ! tJaatia tt ..4 M aa nwwi If tlx M tmm 4 I t.tiM nana a Mini I k I a . M to I. turn 1M tia-a aaa 4 a J Arts and Crafts Workers j Meeting at Pinehurst fAlwriaJ ta TlM t nli TlllM-a ) lMM44na, M I Jan C t mMlit ! of a it a aa4 rrafta .mtwn Un lJI ! rtyt it ntailrea kiiIii In the Iwulh ara. V,rtiaeateeti rvirl M New Jt,W4 aHaiea. a l eld hm outtat ta werk fu( ll. uraaiar "1 lni a naltiWtal aaa 1a I lutt. ami aa a re alt I he foltoMi. runimlt:eee a a a fnla4 Clialratan. alra M r J o Rtoet, HMiBMMtX .laA., wri.'.i) Mia Maud Bamma-ia. Uot,.n r Allen Whltlna. lliiet,Ml. Mia Jane AiUmi. Tliao: Charltia llenty Ki'Ji Kama Barbara, twl: Mra Kurw D Hard MUldlaton. Oa.; Gualaf Htukl. r. Kra cuae. N. T . Kla-wid Wioxlaaid. Ne Orleans; Mra. N. T. Durgeaa. Nmfolk. Va.; and Thomas B t'otter. Plnehurat, N Thla committee la tmpoaerel with fall authority to accept resignations aa neceaaary. All varanclea, or Increase Its membership to not more tnan Df teea .and la requested to consider aud report upon the following propositions: To brine about a closer affiliation of all arts and crafts workers of the en tire country. To consider the advisability of form Ins; a national association to represent these Interests, or broaden the scope of an art. and crafts department of some existing national organisation. To act upon the Invitation of tha Jamestown Exposition Company, to advise with preference tu exhibitions and concessions In the arts 'and cm Us village, which Is being erected within its grounds. Mra. M. T. Johnson, of Richmond, Ind.. the chairman of the commute and who Issued the call for the meeting. Is chairman of the Arts ant Crafts De Pavrlmeat of tha American. .Civic Aseo. elation. She haa developed the Inter M ATTRACTION 11 13 EXTRAORDINARY! FRIPAY, FEBRUARY 2. THE SCHOOL early.Sale begins Wednesday, ' to 91.80, 'Oarrias Carriage at M... st M a I a-1 a Itnno tut ; lol mb .m i M t , , w :M tmt waaa M a twit tami aa tatl aw aw a m n k f r --. la ttw wi mm n-i ttw aa t- a r--i I t to am MHa, In I I t. I i taao. I wax. N .... ti i t-a at I tk- t M I r t IM w t. t M ,4 M t hrl ii.mi,ii I ) !. . taf I nlu fiv. t.i nk i ,i 1. n Ai- afl ,k xiiii .;i an aaU)r- ta. aalll t l.at a r, ng kaal aa mt lat v h ! ! i iaflari -e put.Hr t,prtt u. i..i u au h a p'aiie ''ml l'a! -.ll'-' .i n' l4ig f n4 t tndUwiita ii a, Kxa'.a, a ha h rtce4 In ' .i oinemiii la an u n . aiaa In ih Mlaa Maud Kumniera ..f !.. i SMTetarv Is s aidel kii'iei nm and lartutel ,n i-iiui atloi Hi uJ ,t it aulic1a pKimlnent amung ,lhrr u.ii!ilr ,.f the conimlttee la Mrs Kugn I' Mul l of Middletitn. i!a , tbe d n i i -J hr Carnegie fiee travrllng llhiM. hi' h tioa cuter eight humtie! ti.wit in tlx or eight of the fwiorfei -..uiiurn rtyes Thin oik. nmitng I it-.r iIt tenilon of Mr. Anirra. I'arti'K" in Haled a aupimrl a hlch he h alucc given io freely and In hi. h hr lm expreaaed great Interest heoauae II reached a people who could rvt acure the advsntarea of auch libraitea a he waa establishing In the more .i.ih nits communities. Mr. F. Allen Whiting. Is the director of the Massachusetts Arts and Craft Shop, Hoston, snd was In charge of the Arts and Craft Exhibit t the St Louis Exposition, which wss given a place in the Fine Aits Building: a recognition not prevloualy received. Mr. Charles Henry Eaton, of Hanla Barbara. Cal.. Is oneof the best known arts and crafts worker. In the coun try, and his producta have always re ceived high recognition whenever shown. Mr. Ouster 8tlckley. of Syracuse, N. V.. ta the publisher of The Craftsman, and direct of of the well known Aits GIRL f SHE'S CHIC SHE'S .PERT SHE'S PRETTY SHE'S REAI J9- ' ' Free list suspended. 11 P. M. , . am iinl at aa m aa aa.t iia a -aa toa . wtua aa nta ata a al Hha PcrkviiCil pihs vs iU cctti'm?)' mike xu b-? our rJ koks, irvi qukkly hukc -ou o'J, bcfife our time. Do not sdfef. Refuse uka vwini. You can be curcl uni our (u:v:tkns nuie as rcuhr, easy and piLnlcs, as ruture meant Uem to be as nature planned all our (unctions, Lke digestion, hfcathiry, etc., to tv. When vj sufftt perkidical pains, like hcaAuhe. tvickache. drarin'n tions, pain in legs, arms, side, etc., it Is tveausc xur weak (mule parts are in need of a tonic, trntvi!lgiveUmemtunlstrrwhkhth hck. This tm will findinWinaclCawUU the cenuine. old. remedy and sjciik. for female disease, which, for over 70 years, has been in comtant use, in thousands of families throughout Ue cuuntry. during which time it : has been of uxjnderful benefit to over a million women. Try YOUXG AND OLD ajegad a am aa at aa.a fw I r sant"f 4era, al rw 11a. eta tag ag.aa aSrke. la I a, aaaM4 .a -i tj , . .1 . h II ih "'gas V w Jane A taint ' i . Hui ll'ta. !." '" ln,i'Mi mort 4MllIJlel"-l in .id in ultra on a.ail'i' I" 1, She has asse ('aii a.1r.. . I lmn.1i. raft wk. n' iht'us' ' ! I.. it. many anrtaj a4:i, mem hatt lii mah'KM la varWH .11 in Ml Kloinld Von4Bi.l liiwtol ..( Ili art depart men! f i'.i Nftmrnb s. h'Ki al New rlei , ). made thla Ii.hiI tha laadlng exi- in-. i "f applieti an In the Hnulk. Its ei'uMi. n.tarialily i-ri.iiig high nv"'! fi'iin em Jirl 1 1 Mis Neva F. Buir-". 'f Noifolk, . hat tx-rn reapi.i. .!.,. r.r the de- ilopmi nt of home li.iu.mrt in this immedtste section. Hi i x.nk hat tieen along the Unas laid U"n t the arts and crafta wornare. rt...l that a lar ger range ha. hen ii.ilnMied by not plaWng so high a tlun.Ui.l of cxcel Irnre as to exclude ih"- who hste not been trained by ftei workers. The object of the aii and craft a workers la to develop the Inventive genius and art' lnun-it "f the In dustrial workera, ftpecially In the home .and to altcoumfi them to util ise materiala In pii'iluiinx home fur. mailings and ornament, much In the aame manner aa wan done In the early days, before the Invention of machfh ery. By ao doing they hope to rals. he standard of pulili' tte so as to lead to n marked liiiii"vement In the way of artistic treeunent by marhli.e worker, and It la otiiudanlly expected that the formation if a national or ganisation -will reKuit In quickening of Interest through. mi the entire country. TEACH Kits ASSEMBLY. Raleigh Invites the Body to Meet Here Next Summer. The executive i ummlttee of the Htnte Teachers' Assembly1 met last nltrht In tha office of the Suiierintendent of Pub lic Instruction, nil the members being present. These were: W. T. Whit sett, president. 11. D. W. Connor, sec retary: R. T. Viinn. F. L. Stevens and J. I. Foust. A commitee from the Chamber of Commerce, consisting of President Jos eph G. Brown, secretary, R. M. Phil lips, C. J. Paiki r. C. J. Hunter and Jo ephus Daniels, appeared before the executive commit tee and extended an invitation to the North Carolina Teach ers" Assembly to hold their annual June meeting In this iiv. The executive committee extended Its thanks to the chamber of Commerce committee for Raleigh's cordial invi tation to ha Assembly to hold Its 1906 session in Raleish .and then went into executive session. The decision will be unnounecd in n few days. It Is understood that charlotte has made Inducements to Inve the Assembly meet there. LECTVRKS ENDORSED. Supt. Stephenson Hopes 'Many Will Hear Cash Register People. "I wish that every' young man and young woman in Halelglt, especially every facory boy and girl, could have heard the lecture on village Improve ments by tne representative of the Na tional Cash ' Register Company," said Rev, R. s; Stephenson, superintendent of the Associated Charities to-day. "I shall strive to have many of our poorer people out for the lecture at 8:30 to night In, the Academy of Music. The lecture will not only be Interesting but Will be of great benefit, in teaching the people how to improve .their homes." 3UST ONE W O R D that word Is it refers to Dr. Tutt's Liver Pills and EalEANS HEALTH. ; Are you constipated' . ; -' . r Troublea with indlgcstioar " Sick headacbe'r .. ... v Vtatigo? - U I Bilious'r , ' ., - ' Insomnia? . v -ANY of these symptoms and many others Indicate inaction of the LIVER. Take No Substitute. VIISE :0F Tas U BIG SPECIAL SALE HEN'S UNDERWEAR 4.00 2.50 3.00 Lee & Reliability on Prescriptions PURITY, ACCURACY AND QUALITY I'setl without stint will be the means of giving onr Drug Store an enviable reputation. LET IS FILL YOCR PRESCRIPTIONS WE GIVE TRADING STAMPS. S"e TUCKER DRUG CO. AT CROWE'.L'S OLD STAND The Crowell Sanatorium i For the treatment of Whiskey, Mot pblne, etc., and Nervous Diseases. AL kinds of electricity, electro-massage, various kinds of baths, etc. Special apartments and nurses for lady pati ents. All modern improvements. S. M. CROWELL, M,' Superintendent, !No. 8 W. Third St.. Charlotte, N. C. ! DR. OREKN I,. RE A, When in need of Groceries call J. E. RUDY & CO., CASH GROCERS, No. 108 East Hargett Street. 'Phones: Raleigh 181, Interstate 569. Rest Patent JHour, barrel. .$."5.73 Half Patent Flour, barrel. . . 8.00 Arburkle Coffee, pound.... 15 Granulated Sugar, Oc. ; 10- Mund lots ....... v , ... . iw Water-Ground Meal, peck ... 80 Busy Bee Hams, ponnd ..... 15 Pig Feet, pound . ",Vi Pickled Tripe, '; pound ...... 7 Pickled Chltling, pound 10 Try onr Butterfly Coffee, 1- pound cans, per pound. , i 25 f J. E. RUDY & CO., CASH GROCERS. YOU'VE TREED THE REST, NOW , TRY .THE BEST. O.TEY 1 & Son, .Bsvrbers The . Yarboroiigh House WE SHALL OFFER FOR THE NEXT TEN DAYS A LARGE QUANTITY OF MEN'S UNDERWEAR AT Prices Never Before Known Here FOR FIRST-CLASS UNDER GARMENTS. THE SALE WILL CONSIST OF $5.00 Suits all Wool for $3.75 (e ti " Silk Plush " Broughtpn; NO POOR LAUNDRY WORK HERE Our only ambition ia to produce auch Laundry Work aa wiU meet the approval of the moat particular person. We are not catering to tbe tew, but to the greatest number to ail and the aame Magalflceat finish, tbe same rare and attention is given every single piece whether a towel or the finest Utce curtain. 1 OUT-OF-TOWN WORK SOLICITED. OAK CITY STEAM LAUNDRY (Out Banking Facilitisql Are all that one conld wish. Oar meet all requirements of our patrons, and all inducements are offered the public that are consistent with sound banking. De potdtors are assured of every ourtesy possible. We strive to merit your business by offering such facilities as will meet your wisheav Carolina Trust Company. .rV ft,,&.M ,jf X W- W., WrfW- DO YOU KNOW THAT $2.50 PAID WEEKLY WILL CARRY $1,000 STOCK IN The Raleigh Building and Loan Association SMALLER AMOUNTS IN PROPORTION. Series No. 1 has closed Avitk upwards of Six Hun dred shares, representing more than $60,000 at maturity. Series No. 2 opens April 7th. Subscribe now. OFFICE AT TUCKER DRUG COMPANY'S. (Formerly Crowell's Drug Store.) THOMAS B. WOMACK, President. W. 5. WILSON, Sec'y arid Treas. Supreme Court VOLS. 137th AND 138th Price $1.50, Some recent reprints, with Vols. 10, 21, 47, 48, 40, 54, 55, 56, Vols. 51 and 80 ready in a few days. Public and Private Acts, 1905,: Now Ready. Price, $!. 50 and $1.80, Postpaid.1 " , NEW, CODE now ready. Your, orders solicited. '. ALFRED WILLIAMS & CO. Ycr.ifs Wttvl 2.75 1.75 2.25 capital is sufflciently strong to v S At .Jlr.aiaal J w- V- V M- V M M M9 REPORTS NOW ON SALE. or $1.80 Postpaid.. annotations by Chief Justice . Clarks, 57, 58, 50, 0 and 71st and 81. M.I'. ' ' V i I - If I ' ajafe fwrwi'''

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