r - 7 E 1 JlLJlSJT 4 ! LAST TAPS AMI !JC3 m Q:us DENMARK'S KING GOING AFTER ISTATEIIDOD BILL i.T.coRcmPARcoNiD;o OF TfJAL LIGHTS OUT PASSES AWAY TOWN TOPICS REPORTED TODAY Sd? NOV IN SIGHT trie! Alltrtijil'p v ; Irca fefera! Prlsra EVENING TIMES. j li ii tea's Eixssy THE .FUNERAL CDHTECE ml MW Ua-SaeraJ r0. far IU MrM TM la thi Vaaaai. as Ar Varaae "MM a Me La k faaaaa mktm0mm U Waaaaag II Vrt Caaaiiaali.iaa 1ti far m art MAw Ma. 'led Krrjti'i ti tetJertxe t:i Cituxe Tl!$ Afttrtcca Cc!::ii K::i's Trail ca seller mzni LUrea Esycclt Eesc!.Iica IS a aaaaaaa I im l.aara aaaa ai Aw .a-.lJ .-a. .J ta Ma. !, II Mi Ccrrl Did Ss:a 19 Q (Df IM Aaaarlalaa fiaia) WuMir. I salutary kooon Mm hod of Ct-aaral Jowvk hwlr. th wnm ! vara, a faraaer rnwnUw U tmm graaa aad a r Ureal oVKvr the tatted ButM arany. tg UM at fast today ta tbe Mttoaal cmeteTy t Ar llagloa. The (pot aWlertsai for ' tul rpoM He ts rT slops ta froat f tad ths right ( tbe historic U uuilM, aad rcgardsd aa on of the naoet beautiful iIim U lb bom mt lb soldier dead, a it overlooks tha Mtlaa's capital acroa . a, i mm rvwwMi Homage u paid by lb blue and fcr lha trar. VaUraaa f tba two caattlcU la which. General Wheeler dlallnittlihed himself a a gallant aoldlor aad a daablai Cavalry leader. fieraoaal friend a, repreeenUtlvoe of tba two branches or confreaa aao mlliury In payln trlButa to tba dead Kenaral. Tba funeral corta aa a moal ImnoalBK oaa. Tha honora dua a major . airaI Fra paid. Al though but a brigadier general In tba regular army OeneralvWneler held tha rank of major general ot volua teera. and waa honored accordingly by tha government ha aervad. A. guard of honor aelected (ram tho ranka of tha Spanish War veterans hera. which, met tha body on lu ar . rival from, Brooklyn laat, night and eaoortad yit tm Ht. John'a Episcopal .church, remained It! charge of tha casket daring the night and inttl ra ' I laved thli morning by the regular army guard. 8t John'a church la at the corner ot Sixteenth and H atresia, Northwest, opposite tAfayotea aquar: and thero from 10 a. m. until 2 p. m.. th body lay In state, nd ths hosts who desired to paid their laRi tribute to the dtsttnguished soldier. From - this church many , man con spicuous In'publlc and In private life have been burled. At I, p. m.' very brief services were conducted at the church by the Rev. Dr. Roland C. ; Bmlth, rector of the church, and the Rev. Dr.Ernei.t 8Ures,of St. Thomas' church In New York, who conducted . the funeral services held In New York yesterday, and who accompanied the body to Washington to perform the last aad rltea here. T. ,. " -v. . When these services were con cluded the solemn procession to the cemetery was started. First In line were the United States troops de tailed by the war department as tho military escort. In the absence. of an 'Infantry organization in the lnv mediate vicinity . of Washington a battalion of engineers from Wash' ington Barracks represented that branch Ot the . service. ; A squadron Of cavalry from Fort Meyer, and tha cavalry band and a battery of -field artillery, also from Fort Myerycom ' pleted the escort. With the cavalry was led a riderless horse, denoting " that one of the country's soldiers had been lost from the ranks. The body " . was borne v on a caisson drawn by four horses, and the casket was draped with the stars and stripes. Following the caisson came the ! veteran organisations as follows United Confederate Veterans' As- noclation Of Washington," under com mand ot John T. Callaghan, presi dent; Grand Army of the Republic, commanded by Corporal James, Tan- War Veterans,: commanded by the department- commander,, ' John L, Lewis; Company A of Wheeler's Con federate Cavalry ot Atlanta, Oa., and ' the Army and Navy, Union. These were followed by the citizens. v The honorary pall-bearers were as follow?:, . - Representing the United States army Ganeral Bates, chief of staff, ' and Generals McKlbbin, Wilson, Hawkins, Randolph and Humphries, Representing General Wheeler i T staff and associate officers of the v Confederate Army In the Ulvtl war- General Howard, lienerai , Harding, Colonel Anderson, Colonel Marcellus (Concluded on Eighth Paso.) itMMKTC. h. r. 4. -T Ia4 Ml M M mm lltal Mr R i Unflu, UIWf m iwiwrt f iKa pmmm0U. IN fc (Ipm IM , tkm mt iniw auanr ioaw mb- i imDIM A. H. rv. mt (kNrtwi I Mr. tWttaWa kla faiW. JbA tna- I Im aM CMMiar at c. Pmkm r-- ' 4 tram WaaatlaatMi arr mr4i t tmnrwmm. Tr al la aWnrt IhMr ti t ta WaatelnetMl ta r IM priaHi al la aHMraat ala awlwalt mt C. f "VaaWc, aa Uiimtml SURROUNDED BY FAMILY THE EDITOR ARRESTED.GDES TO COMMITTEE 4 JMaVLN Pit REFUSED II. aa la Ma Uataf- ragWh rm imrmmmtmt hw ml la Wa) K.w ml rmmf mm4 t mtmrnt ml tfan Atraaaora. rwr 1 1. rr(t Bui! aa la la. I'I'm mmn IW a lta- Imn la lakr t p Haa4akil f ajj mt Ibarr mm mm , Itur flwi 4img Hr Hrxa laatt- ' IWrai. Mr I iNthnt Talari 4 l.aU la I feua) la 1ilrr la aauaaatH r- -Ttllmaa kaMl ( .aH. 1 tmm la H4alh Umv Itai la gti WMlwHM llrtlirf Mil ha rxm I f I ...t , ' I.. . 1.4 WBlta arvrrtatdr lra aattaAa4 villi Mr i Mr la AMtt,i IvHa. ) t.lab-ai a J" at-lh. king Otamaia tllaal .1 IM it'Niwui I Tha ainf mi 4 in) uri j rMjt4 ki1 ; rvatilH If) Ika rmai mii, mi. I ih. laiula a prtafaaa n Ikrli lu..l,i, mI pnmi maMar. tkay ar aWai rontamiaa have Mr. Fraalar aatt aara toHla4 la him mora alttr H aa raa-(l thai at)aritua la alia br In tnar rarlta era la W aaard on rttargaa affarllng hw moral ar aolilral imacrMr. It auada allrtaht aa a tKt kaltan vaatrr. rem lama a aad arlxlar. la ta PRISONER TRIED TO SHOOT THE JUSTICE (By tha Aaaorlatad Praaa ) Copeahagan, Jan. It. An attempt to shoot at. Albertl. the minister of Justice, today was frustrated by tbe bravery of tha minister who grappled with his aaaallant and wreatrd the re volver from him before U could be discharged. The minister's aaaallant. who waa promptly : arrested, was formerly aa Insurance agent, named Boye who had . been sentepred to a term of Imprisonment tor bhrglary la spite of hla proteate that ho was Innocent. ' Boye called, at the minis try today and drew a re vol tot' Imme diately after he had been admitted te the presence of Minister Albertl. Friends of the prisoner, say he has bc-come mentally unbalanced by hla alleged wrongful Imprisonment. 0iaSr r tt xva ltu a llir aaaa til ala atajaatr'a Oacith ii.l U fraal ra4ditr. anJ aiana itir (ravftlaat gilpr aw l la- mi inv ar harr. Tha klrtf'a aaaiA iiaiir auM- A llhoufh tir ax.nta lima laiat Na hui haan vll rx'aa tha lha ariclil "f M' yaara aaa baainnlnf lo Irll uim him lhar waa ttm IrMlrallun 'f lua ap Itmarhlng and. Ilia niaj-i i,ht Inrid aadlaniva Ihta murtiiiig lall ihn hourr Al lunrh aftrraarcla ihr kl( anoarad alana of traat ta(lur anil al mnat culiapaait lri alrlana haai M' aummonad. but Ihrf mMa nnahU la rally lha a"J minarrh' alrvnah. and al I M p. m. h dlal In hla tx J rom, lo a hlih ha had rallrrd. The Cruan liln-a Fradrrlik. Ihr rnivn PriBraaa lxulaa and thrlr rhllilron an l Ul dnaagar rmprra of Ttuaala. Maria j Oamar aara iirearnt at lha king a Daname wnfn na iufmii nwijr. Chrtatlan IX. kln of Denmark, was born April I. 1SU. and waa tha fourth on of Ih ltv Duke William of rk hlra-mlg- Holataln -Pnndarbui'R- Olurkoburg and of Frtnraiaa Ioulaa of Heaaa-raa-ael. Ha waa appointed to the curcra alon of the frown of Danmark by the treaty of London of May t. 18:.2. and by . tba Danish Jaw of aurrcaakia ot July II. 1853. He ucea,lad to the throne on the death of King Freder ick Yfl. November 15. 181, and mar ried May M. WK. Queen limine, tha il r tha AaaiHlaaraj If r i Nra THk. Ja. 9 lri r. , la., t o la b Janaaa . I ..rr, ,..ai f.H Nfi-maa Horauad, vdlim ! ' -Mratir is ht' i aii niai un a , Kr- f ininlaal 1 1 Wat. lo f . up tha .'I. naauraa M allliniai i li (h- haat-trg ..f il,. I aaV TodaV S m l- in lha ,11 leallian of John D' l-.lliiga a! rareaaaltatlre aaf hi 1 lia a ai uranl , f'-'Xi. a llr magH a i.,aa n aul-l-.-naa liar wHttaaara alt.uia uL-ntl yj map Bal iltajrUaaaad. M' hi.,iii. a, I'M-, naf-nlailva lula lk- i iK'-u.ilr thj: Mi ilaiU.ine raiwloai I . ro-.ijienilr llh tHatrtrt Allornry J n,:w In ivn liui'tlnc lha iMxaVaadlnr- v in, h h aad wmilil lr haae4 on Ih t iil-u-e givfii In ihr Town Toolcaa rM II la aineol iil i tin I nltnaaatas wilt I, Hiimmon'-d la-r.ia- i't- r-mml Jury. (I i , I'm,,!. -a rtkl, A aM It t Jan a a i i l-Hlaa l. I ha- I.I,-, a Mi , I I v '1,1,1... 1,1 I.. I Mi "'ii ,, , U I a aa,-, 1 1 I , l',fti.;!n ,iw land In . -i illw i llnlnal !,,n by Hi.- IU.Hi tha allogi-il i . l l'a 1 - 1 h. ti--u-. l ad fa "i-a IM M Kaaeiiag- atl I r-l-f II . a-n liiiilai ianalil .v.'aa f.ir (hrra i m aai Ttlda k.l 1 1 I -g I tir lull imiill I ra Jab Ik It,. iii la labia ol. tlH ra- laiu III H ll.( diana I t'ui 1m during Harrla thai hi' aald 'ha: tin aa-r r m r ' i n r aa-ra- !' ul It, 'a-rta;. ra - aa-it ' a i I.. I, u. V Wa"aai na TaaataT Tkaat MaaakaftaaaaaM l-lmati al Al 7 mmm aiB ai;i.g n.i.taa I laatavg Hy SMaa d mm Bka a a l.t. k iBaa- Mraa4 taar I llllg mt Mil fill a a Ttj ay . . ,. - - an ! Ikar WkUa. , I II.. I l.-u. . 1.1,1 . -1 la-l .wji I I la au-aj 1,1.1 I n. liaa baaaa aa i ' Ilia klailM- 1 1 , 1, !. i.m aaa a. lad ttt Lad la I ti la In ia ) f I. luia-r (,-aaa-j to Inaiat hi aaa no' guiln and ni la- .( Na-in a ho h 'to i 1 1 1 ii mat am-a-a i ii.li't, itu' nl.-fi i f tka Ai Aa,araha Md nia it lai la ai aiaim laaoaad tha Wra. H M TODAY'S RACES : ON THE BEACH. n, .mi Minn, lha a-.iu.H ,,r T.m n Ti'l. a. waa arreajted h'ulunliiv i .anlrg n a i-htiga of fiargi iv i,lni'1 h Rob ert J Colllrr.' ft ra alleged that hf had rndnraed certain paei a. hla alg;i i lure waa there, but frtlnne: M -nn de nied that it aaa bin a-rltlne lnv il N Calvalho, tha harujarttlnaj rirrt. rhv' na hla opinion that it ana ill, Hlgnn tuie of the defendant DlatiU-t Ailoi ney Jerome la. looking over the evl drnre at the Hnpgoo,! Iilil with n Wv lof nai-ertalnlng If fur! h ft cliiurri's Ui j tw prefi'ired agatnat the Town Toii i win or. x 1 I Colonel Munn win reieiiaed In the turn of tlO.tOO for ylit appearanf c al leonrt o-. ThuradnV. if v - j Later a conferl'no was held In ! District Attorney Jerome's office ? jtween Robert .1 Collier, publisher of 1 1 1 I I.. i I I II - .1 ! I llarli 1 Uia i ..f i li gli.l.i ligmal ii- A i Hi,, '..ii lluil ll I. 1 1 , ml I (;.., k Ku in I .-- .,f i-iaai' --MIIIlK f.tlir tin, i ,-"ii,i ir.i ,, l.llll.n.l fill ,,t daugher of Ijuiiljrrnve Heame-Oaatl, 8he van born In 1S17 and illl JS9X. (Continued on page seven.) Wllllsim oflCoH'O'' WeeVih (Bv the Asanelated Preas.) Ormond, Fla., Jan. 29. With the! who Is the com plainant again; i ( olonel W. D. Mann in: In tho perjnrv charge, Mr. Osborne and AftKistnnt iMsirlct Atorney Hart, ho acted for Mr Jerome. Prenent at this qpnferenco were two hand- I writing experis. Colonel Hav of i iWushinKton, I) . and A. K. DhIioi ik of Rochester. N Y. Both of lliesi Col aucl 1, ih-iiiiIi Ih.- Ki-.l P.i ii k , .,, l coiiie lni" i ",,ia 1 1; I., , i ,i I, i 'u- , , from I lie 111110 - In M Im Ii Ih- i.iiln.al 1 tntt rcatt-d I hc It'tti i H"kn fin ,111 In enitgullon of all I1I1 uuiin ui. nai 1.11- I cytna louila An niiti'i fumi Uie ti.i i atHte iiimmci'-i' 1 uMiniiKviiiii t , ilfiiat front the illaM riititn itlnnv pt art lr -il w.ia aNo reinl. w hii li oiiIim . i'n",,ial i"ti-p.-iny n:tv.s, haa Imi-ii iKtini-it. I 1 commiMil inr: on thf cnai- Mi. T,U mun "iiilil II aiH;ird to hint the n-'lcf could be olitnlned uinU-r al l!.' iiiw 1111I If thin whs liniioK.Kilili- unili'i tho laup of Wet Virginia lint si tic Btatcls din Braced. Mr l'.lkins nai.l the 1.11.1 onl.1 b hud nntlcr West Yiipinla laws, but bf did not know why the coul company had not reanrlcd to the rnurt. Th? nvnlutton of Mr. Ti' tnan askln Ih? ro.ninittee on ImmlK'.atlon to Invpa tlrac the farla of the Chinese boyio't of American Roods was laid before the Reniile. Mr. Tillman read fro: 11 thf prcyl.trMt h iucsi::iyc on lite hai sIiTich-i of II"' rxclunloi- I 'Ws. Mr. luhiil.a aal'l I iij he would vo'.:' 'or the rerolnt Ion. but aaa not gutll Coloti.-I Mama im that he. aa alat.1 lai hi J Nolil.. of Srlma tha laiii r la-lug k luial fi l.-tid 10 ('01 taelt. got up a Miotig 1 - it ion for otlaet! atid uh.i1 i-ii-M fftitt to h.it blin parjotied Mi Knot thi-ti at torncy general, liut una Mtiatur from 1'rnnaylvanln. d ld-d aualnai the iwtltlon for iatdon Jtnliti- 1'urncll and Dlairlci Alloruci SWInnci rtiim inenU'vl comtniitatlon afi t Cot heit had atTviil a aliori lime The adurw at t ion of the uttornc K'lu'i il l-unK the application until J tint before last mate fair alien t'olonttl Harris went to Wahhlngion and had an Interview with the prehl di nl and he j;reed when he returned from hi- Southern trip to take the matter up and see what could be done Mr. Harris then saw ex-Senator Marlon Hiiilcr and asked him to look after the case, which he did without fee. with the result that Corbet waa pardoned last Saturday add la now at home with his family. M. AXU WITH Kltil.KP. Traill enr CollMca.1 With llnrge. (Hy the AaaoeblPd Piiiw.I Norfolk Vn Jan "1 The Itrills'i weatner fair ana warm, ine oeacn , gteamshlp Meinblnnd, from Haiveston lexiierts were employed In the Patrick course In excellent and the first event! to Bremen, cl -nr-'d from the Norfo k an,j (np Molitii n murder cuvx flnlht hefore ft n'rlnrk this custom noime t,inv nuei ivivias n-1 in collision on 1110 lyiitioeris roini fnranann all lha anrlv Indtenttonai -. .. 1 ... , . .w.....u.u, ...v it coui piers yusicrony won mt; ouiKa today pointed to a speedy finish for Oeorge W. Kimlcr. which oame from he automobile tournament. Had the I V , .. V i s regular schedule been carried out tho 0()W hv the towing tug. The Kugler last event would hnve been run off coal laden, was considerably damaged, j but the Memblnnd was but little hurt Tho latter anils for Riemon tonllit. tlmURht an invi I show that the "x I loo 1 iRlillv I'lifo: 1 Coth Mr. Hill" laii'tl I tint in. hams were not would not vh had bnen i HEAD-ON COLLISION ON THE BIG FOUR last Saturday, but unfavorable weather during much of the week made numerous postponements nec essary. When the racing enaea Sat urday five eveits remained on the card, and It was decided to make every effort to finish them today. The first race scheduled for today was the thirty mile championship tor American built cars, and the con testants were lined up ready for the start at seven, o'clock. . Marriott, in the cigar shaped steamer which has shown . sensational bursts of speed upon several occasions during the tournament, and - which set a new mark for the mile tor all cars, won -the event, although delayed more than five, minutes at the start. yHls official time tor the thirty miles was 34:18 V S. t. . The actual time consumed by the car In covering the distance was 28:3d 2-5. , ' " - . ' . AT BAY ALL NIGHT Insane Ex-Policeman Block " aded by the Force stiR-at clusio: -.'.1. It; anil Mr Telle Htinli'iitM anil beck of th - hi ih in -r- Hit Their Automobile Louisville TiMluy. tltv the AssoclAted Press.) Louisville, Kv Jan. 29. Dr. and is. .1 11 . live ot liOtUHVllle were struck and instantly killed bv an oitt Koing tssi nuer train on the South ern K:ilwav this morning at Bnechel stalton, teti miles from Louisville. The doctor and Ins wife were in an Mt automobile hut anil that It oritnaU',1 with persons 1 1- Toft; (:(1 not set I crested in Kettlnj; nolle labor int. I Ins 1 ount rv Mr. Dubois referred to the sotiili anl demand for ('iiinamen to supplant o -gi-o labor, which remark provoked ills rlfiiniers from Mr. Clay and Mr. Till man. The latter said the south hail, conditions bad emuiKli now Million: j further mixing tliien up. owing to the train. a heavy Till-: SI X ACAIN. Storm Weill no farther Went Than Ashevllle. Captured This Morning Ity Strategy. Went to Police Headquarters- .to Talk It Over. Suddenly Knocked Down and Disarmed. Regular Ar senal at Home. TOOK LAUDANUM AND DIED. - (Special to The Evening Times.) : - Kinston, N. C, Jan. 29. -Edward Sellers, a young white man about twenty-five years old, v was found early this morning in an unconscious condition ' fro mtaklng laudanum, condition from taking laudanum, with' whom he boards' to awaken him early this morning. ' When she at tempted to awake Sellars ahd found It : impossible physicians were, sum moned, but he died within a few minutes.'- ' A "nearly empty laudanum bottle was found In his room, and it is sup posed he took' it with suicidal Intent, Sellars had been drinking some yes terday afternoon. 1 (By the Associated Press.) Peoria, 111., Jan. 29. After hold ing a large number of police officers at bay all night, Charles Harwood, a former policeman and Insane, was captured today. ' v ;' Captain Wilson of the night force, who had charge of, the squad sur rounding the house, Induced Har wood to talk with htm about five o'clock. Harwood consented to walk to police headquarters and talk mat ters over, butv stated that he would kill the first policeman to make a hostile move. At the city hall Har wood demanded that all policemen walk ahead of him into a back room, and as Sergeant Welsh and Officer Couch' passed close , to him, , they wielded" their, billies with good ef fect, , knocking Harwood down and out before he-could iflre a shot. Af ter being disarmed be begged the officers tor mercy, and asked them not to use him roughly. When his home was searched three revolvers in addition to the one he carried were found. He was also plentifully sup plied with ammunition. IBy the Associated Press.) Louisville, lvv.. Jan. 29. In a head-on collision between passenger trains on the Hie Four railroad near Nabb, Ind., lodav three trainmen were severely bm not fatally Injured, and several passengers were shaken up. The trains were the northbound local between Louisville" and Benton Harbor, Mich., and the southbound train from Greensburg- to Louisville, the latter carrying the. Chicago sleeper. Both engines were wrecked and the front portion of the smoker on . the southbound train was dam aged. . The collision pccurretl in a dens fog. RATE BILL TOMORROW (Specla Ashevilli I weather c. lormnl. l I'he Kvening T lines.) nj C .Ian L'!t. Ashevll.e inditloi'H have again become Yeslcrthiv the sun shon House Asks About Alleged iir Railroad Merger Bill Passed Naming Washington Street After (ieneral Wheeler (ihincrs' 1'lwtiinntes of Cotton Not et, Ginned Hepburn Kill Made Continuing Order from Tomorrow. tniglit and the heavv snows of Times Jay nlnht. Kridav att:l .saturiUy rapidly llsappeuivd. 'I lie suit in ol list week iVus the l.-.ovt severe for a numbe- of vrurs Scow tell to a depth of mo. hnn IS im he", and street or traffic lv iiuert upled Fndiiv anl Silt The Western Union te.egraph ompanv has suff, ied great. v. The ilrst ineasige gotten through from Raleigh since Thursday nigh time Saturday night via Nashville The snow storm aoeran to have extend -d ro further west thn Ashevllle. On '.he Murphy 'ranch of llf South there was acarcclv anv ruouf.iil. aataat fim) Jan g Th aaaavKI at lha aaraj mtmmmmf trtal aaf Mtatartia a a ali in mm fear-gas mt hava- tiag thla iia.-alraaf Tha curt adVartaaaJ aaa. BailaraaaV at th. iaiurai ..f lha )lga araarmM, M for iu alio htm ta eiamtM aaithuea it a , taa p.aiiit ralaad hy lha adaa a lar auWanltted by Metvta'a aaajaaat. Tt,. iiueaiiaan ta lane of giaat Uaipaarlararaa aa if it la alloaed tba a note praw a) log a in ba davlara4 tnralaal aa4 IM auiiten.-ea of dtamlaaal already Impoaeai n a uuintaer of mldahlpaaaan vlll ha irndanHl nugatoi) Ii U HaMnad that the court aeiould have taaea fanavvaeaj kt he aerretary of the navy a radar taa i t of Hoc,',, instead of by tha aupawln endaant of the naral aradamy. anda the ncl of 174. aa meaded hy th ajrt f 1W5. Tbe board of In veal Iga I tun. wkkraj lio a produced lha data upon whack l the harace of haalng have beam foand. il la expeartsd to adlourn today, and hla Indlcatea that tha and at tha trial if midshipman for hastna la not fat diata- t. thouch It la known that there ' will be ol hera. The board will not ha linaolved. but will be ready to renew ' lla Investigation if the condition Of af faire at any time made It necessary. , Shortly after tha opening day tha court overruled the plea In bar of the accuted. ,i Melvln'a eounael then aubmitted an additional plea, raining tha contention that tha act ot IMS, waa Inoperative baiauee tha auparlntandent rt tba Tiarr -val academy had failed to' make rulaa, , and reajulatlona In retard to basing. which the plea alleged he waa required to do under tha ar. ... .' I' Judge Advocate Harrison stated that the act required no definition bub simply authorised the superintendent bj. , make rules to suppreaa haaing. The ' court overruled the plea. Midshipman Melvln then entered a plea of not guilty to the charge and speclficatlona. The prosecution called fourth class man Theodore II. Winters to the stand.' He said that early in December Mel vln had come to his roo.n and put hlim a on his head because he had looked at him. He said that he had gon ot his head from ten to twenty times and waa laughing nil the time. He fixed ths date as December 9, lHOfi. and said that Midshipman Sloan of the fourth class was present. John K. Sloan of tlreonvllle. S. C., said that he had seen Winters stood on his head at the order of the ac cused. Both of them were laughing, he said. .! Midshipman Alger H. Dreasel, of the fourth class, said that he had been told bv Melvin to learn to box the compass in a week and he did not do it. Mel vin. he said, had then required him to do the "sixteenth- nbout twenty-five times. On cross examination the wit ness said that Melvln had always treated him in a friendly way. Midshipman Scott McParlune stated that he was Dressers room "mate and had heard Mulvin give him an order to do something. Imposition Committee. (Bv the Associated Press.) Norfolk. Va.. Jan. 29.-The house committee on industrial arts arid ex positions arrived here this morning from Washington and 7 are today viewing the site of the Jamestown Exposition. This afternoon a con ference will be held with the exposi tion officials, when the latter expect to get the exact attitude of the mem bers of the committee on the aryland bill appropriating 1,300,000, and au thorizing 11,000,000 In $2 -silver coinage, to be sold ta the exposition at bullion value. Of the sixteen members of the committee ten, It. Is helleved, will vote for the Maryland measure ass it stands. ' The congres sional , party returns to Washington tonight. v..-... - .' '.j - Vj'. Japanese. Ambassador. ;v (By . the Associated Press.) Toklo. Jfan. 29. The emperor today received in audience M, Kurino, former minister to liussla, and appointed him ambassador to Fiance, - (Ry the Associated Press.) Washington, Jan. 29.---The house to day adopted a resolution calling for information from the president regard ing .an alleged railroad combination between the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, the NorfoIIt & Western Rail way Company, the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Company, the Philadelphia, Baltimore & Washington Railway Company, the Northern Central Rail way Company and, the Chesapeake & Ohio Railway Company. By unanimous consent the Hepburn railroad rate bill was made the continu ing order in the house from tomorrow until a conclusion is reached. According to the regular order legis lation for he District of Columbia had the right, of way. Eight district bills were on the calendar. ' The name of General Joseph Wheeler was honored ln the house today by the passage of a bill' renaming a street In tfcls city "Wheeler" street. v. ...; Representative 81ms, (Tenn.),, intro duced' a resolution requesting the di rector of the census to compile and transmit to the house the glnners' . e timates of cotton remaining to-be ginned, which were collected In- con nection with Its semi-monthly canvass of January 16 last. - . New Postmnsters. (Bv the Associated Press.) Washington, Jan. 29. The fol lowing fourth class postmasters have been appointed: North Carolina Keha. .lames R nfli-ren: Kdcnlon. Lerov L. lirmkloy DEATH BETWEEN ... THE BU.MPERS. PASSENGER AND FREIGHT HEAD ON (Hv the Associated Press.) Peoria. III.. Jan. 29. In a head-on ollision between a passenger train and i freight train near EdelStetn today three men were ki "ed :-nd another fa tally injured, the express car with al its co-tents burned, r.rd much damage lone, to train property. . (Special to The Evenln Times.) Asheville, N. (., Jan. 29. News has been received here of the death at Wavnesville Saturday afternoon at 4.10 o'clock of Brakeman W. I. Pllley of the Southern Railway. The accident caus ing tho death of the brakeman- occur-' red about 600 yards from WaynesvlllB StPtlOV. The unfortunate rtmn, It is thought, slipped and fell .between the cars and" was crushed between the bumpers. Mt. Pllley was a resident of Morganton and was 25 years of age. He had . been on the road but a Bhort time. L. Senator Pettus Will Hnn. (By the Assdclated Press.) Selma. Ala., Jan. 29.-i-D. E, Neil, editor of the Selma Journal, today received" a letter' ftSom United States Senator E. W. : Pettus author- Irlng the announcement tliat Senator Pettus i3 a candidate tor re-electlott. Against Tariff Hill. Washington, Jan; 29.-Tobacco ' interests were heard today by' the ' senate committee ,0n the Philippines' ' in opposition to the pending tariff bill. A. Strasser of the Cigar-Makera international union or unicago ana J. L. McFarland of the Shade Grow ers Association of Florida werd the speakers. , 'Countess ot Yarmouth. -London, Jan. 29,. The Earl and Coun tess of Yarmouth wi". satlTor New Yorfc Wednesday on the. steamer Baltic. Tha countess was Miss Alice Thaw of Pitts burg.

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