4 - - a c ft 1 J ft- a A 1 U i i i i . 4 w i L i:J Lc;3 Asiatics li III w A 1 4.1. j 1 i b4 I DifAUr.E.'il SK-E ! as aa -, -a r ryetlnl.t tire.. t I s ' . I I ! ) ' I vi t- I . . ft- I i i i ! it I b ft ifc 1 k ! .. . . . t-- ' - 4ft.. . iiti i -aa am a - I kJ I. a 1 4 1 1 . ae pn" 1 1 t i , mm.: 4 teaate'iaa, Do You Skate? If So Buy ail Jccldcnt Policy with the J njitttrWt Strtet i i iMMt tt 4 It 4 I 11 . 4, au b ta tn ( tool f .a ft OS, iJETTABn ft... 4- 4 I. .4 liilC,;:!:! . n.Ml.'Xi.K.iw """ - e...e .. 4 Mft-a I . ", fttl . - m . - . a 1 RALEIGH, N. C. t 1 k d tft j-i I i ii f . i H MM... W I h4 rWMW It ti U. e.: ltH baM aa riM.iro at I I . bfc a tMft II H " ft.wi i M. 4 aK ft au m kkvft-MtM I . Wb ! to 11 mii ; aba. II It 1 i. J ILL' I t I L . fc-.w WtiLAJ (I toahi - 4--e 4 - j . tW all I m4 - . i . ' " 7 . , r --I, - i mm Wftfts aa a ft 4 TW tftM H . niftwil at t il i Mqf Ivft. 1V fy U-4 I WW wti k a UXWi, Wt lUHr m Ki Aaaa4ai4 11 J nt t( aawvttaw tax rhaaa ran4 T ' frmctta kr ftftaraar. Kiftfiai 1 1-1 XaMlwr IWlr C'ra rwl t. Branaim TraaK I ft-t. Ori Nvnfcani t i4 II- ltMral UiW I ! Wi tw. rt4 ul AattHMMfl 4teft- ftw l-t. r-N.MlaM. MrfUi Wmdi, (Mart Wavtam M. IW. Cm a4 UmIuiii tnat TW Hairja, ajU 1J altar f t'BUa4 Ikuta u4 al 44 r4 - 4BrM Ilk 14 I I a lr4, fnrcft4 pracrrtlv wmw k teaM murMta, a4 ktra r4r bfta to ili thlr Pwaranca f t fcf th market ka4 rm aBurh lawar. Lamm ar ara ajali (raJlr r4itr4 alkM rractloa briar 11 'rlork Urt tbf mark at 44 Itot hmtd M t nmr, Tn run. i Coal an4 1 1-4 RaturHay'i rtan J4 NorU.ra aa4 Oraai Nartbcni prrfarrftd prtoa war bald ul MM OP rl" tttt' hlcW thts bafnra but th d ma4 414 oat 4 Inkdla brm Vary 4utt Nortliam Padft tot 1 1- rar Saturday and Oraat Northarn pra Hm4 4 1-4. Da'owara HaAaoii loat 1 1-4 aad Cantral Railroad erf Nrw Jar Mr aad Cooaolldatad On L Tha r ral tea bacaina aaary vnaii fuadtng waahaoad acaia ta Uia Joaraat.' but tha raw la Amalcamatad Copper ta above 111 Taa foantaraottiaT Influaqca. Bondi irara baarV at Boon. ' 4 . Flifull flHea and rttctlona wara MfltlAMt MMIBrll 4. lit II Hr4 k fta tanalva market movcDMitta and aa a conaanucnea thara waa little alPort mad to awing larga llnea of atocka. A antral aetback ocenrrad after 11 o'clock. : but, an bour later the market waa 'tlainfc Sfatnl Cnlon Pcinc peiltnc a ' fraction above laat waek'a closlnf and Amialcamared Coptter and People' Qaa a aotnt. There wiia aot rboughanefty In thsf- buylnr and filing or the' afternoon to alter Piiova;miich,'aUhau'rti (here waa a leatilng towarda heavmeaa.' Reading trept-iip 40 within A point bf 8atur ' day'a 4oing and the whole' market wa.4tardi.tnjr aH 'ciooli. , fteading practically completed It re covery, - Amalgamated Copper, National.- Blacuh., and Canadian - Pacific . got over. BaXurdaV.' Wheeling 'A Lake Brie first' preferred . -and- Tennenaee , Coal Jl-J and Wheellnir aV Lake Erie and ; Colorado . FUri 1. . American Express fU-4 Mlnneapoll At St. Louis 31-2, and piuabwr coi li-..''; " There, waa ttealtatlon again on the advance and aome yielding. The clo Ins ' wa reather. aaay. : . New York Closing Stock List. Atchison 1,,, 92 Atchison, pref j j v,-. . . , :. . . . . . 103 Atlantic Coast line ..........161 Baltimore. & Ohio. ......... .114 Canadian Pacific ... . , . . , . . .174 Chicago tc Alton ; 32 Chicago A Alton pref. 75 Chicago ft Northwestern. .... 231 Chicago & Northwestern pref. . Chesapeake & Ohio .'... .... . 6S ,. ColbradD Southern . . . 34 '-. Denver Jfc Rio Grande. 48 1 Dearer & Rio Grande pref. , v." 88 Erie.M-.,.,.,...' 46 IUtnold ; Central ..' '...".178 , Louisville; 4 Nashville. .-150 aranhattan L . . .,i . 159 54 Metropolitan St. Rwy. ... r. .tl r Meiicah Central .' . . 25 -Hissoari' Pacific . : . . .101 Northern Pacific . . .... .... 21 New York Central 149 . Norfolk A .Western 89 ' Pedwlvanfa 442' Redding ',. 137 , Rock Island x. 26 Rock Island pref, . v, 66 - '. 8t-Paul . i.'. ..184 Southern Pacific r .... . . . 67 Southern Railway, ... . v . . . . . 40 . Southern Railway pre(, .. , . . . .101 Union, Pacific .155 UnioPaelftc pref."s. 97 Wabash-;, i..,,..,; . .':. 23 Wlsconaln.-iPentratV.ii;; 29 , '.. Miscellaoeoas. 'f , Amalgamated Copper ., .. ,.11G a American Car & Foundry .. v.. 43 " 'American Locomotive .. ., ., .. 74 - American Smelting .. . (.164 , American Smelting pfd.s. .. f,.12 . Brooklyn Rapid Transit .. ..' IB Colorado Fuel ft Iron .-. ..73 International Paper vi . .. .. 24 . '-Watlonal Biscuit .. '.. r. ,.t70 National Lead .. .. .. '','. a .. .. 85 Northern Securities .. , y.'.---- 'Paciflo Mall ., .. . ., .. 47 - People's Gas '.; .. -i. .. 98 Pressed Steel "Car .. ... 1! (1 Pullman-Palace Car .. ., ., ..240 ' Standard Oil . i.m 6ugar .. :. ' ., .t ..14G Tennessee Coal ft Iron .. .4 'i."..l'8 United States Steel 44 UU. At tlMW. Kf ! I.HIUVU r i f. al ar It 4ft (4l u a HMiaad arft-t ti4 a4. r-rftrfTiftif . mm a Aa 14 atar wa, iaa Ma ItM. Aaaraat tar. In ! t. bar HI Tba lt4 aar aMAaar awaaar a(aaaaa e4Ma? aatal aaatr. Tbe arttw m NTI tm Mar a4 a -a j taa anarata raa ajaan anm ai a a eUaa 4 Hl lH4Ma (Ujm (anal tat; a4d4iu( af4an4 It J; aaMliwc aaX II fMtia aa4 r4 ajaiat. a -au rriimi anftad'tag aManda II V mid dtiaaj ratf IIJ: aakaa I a--- ILatlnaaiad rarrMe al lb kuru ta dy MM balaa. aaaiaet tlT laal ara aad M.nt laal rar Par lb waaa IB M balaa, agaiaal 1M.M? kaat aak and fl.'M laai year. Tadar ra fpta at New Ortaana t.TU balaa, agaaaat I at tea) raar aad al Hoaa toa .n bale, iplwl lM laal year. Patar- w -kat II U ItM 174 It as ItU It M ItJl It 17 ion its day' ("toftf. 1471 Ittl 1144 11.11 11.14 11 It 11.47 14.M It 0 1441 FVbrwarr . Marrh . April War .. - . J una . . . . ll U 1-1 11 l II It ii. or 14 u It 41 Jul Aufuat .. fWp4ambr Orlobar Nmtmbfr Llm-pool CottOa. (Br the Aaaociated Preaa.) Liverpool, Pb, a. Cotton Cloalng: Cotton) apoC good bualnaa dona: prlcae I pointa higher; Amertraa middling fair 14; good middling 4.11; middling I.M; low middling I.KS; good ordinary 1.41; ordinary Mt Tha aale of the day were 11.001 palea, of which 1.00 war Cor arwavlaUoa and export and Includ ed 11090 American. Reeelpta 11.400 )r"T Including 11.704 Aimrku Fu ture opened ateady and cloaed eany; American middling, good ordinary clauM. February L7I; February-March 1.71; March-April I.M; April-May t.iS: May-June I.S8 Junjnly I.M; Juiy-Au-guat Ml; Augut-8eptembr 1.15; Sep. taw be r-October- 1.17;, Ootobr-Novm-bar I.M; NovemberDeaember Llf. Relgh S'llarket. (Reported by Cbarlet) X. Johnon Strict good middling. 10 e. 7 Good middling, 10 c. Strict middling. 10 V4c Middling, lOHc ' Reeelpta today, 4 bales. - The New York Money Market. (By tht Aaaociated Pre.) New York. Feb. Prime meroantl e paper 4 1-206 1-4 per cent Sterling exchange steady- with actual buslners In banker bills at 487.30li487.25 for de mand and at 483.75483.80 for slxtv day bills. Posted rate! 484 1-2 end 488. Commercial bills 483 l-25-8: bar sil ver 65 1-2; Mexican dollars 50 1-2; gov ernment bonds steady; railroad bonds steady. Money on call easy; highest 4 1-4 per cent; lowest 31-2; ruling rates 4. last loan 4, closing bid and offered 4. Time loans steady, sixty daya and ninety days and six months 4 1-2 per cent. New York Provisions. (By the Associated Press.) New York, Feb. 5. Flour, steady, quiet. - Wheat, irregular; May AO 5-891; July 89 7-8; September 87 11-16. Rye, nominal, i Corn, dull and no transactions. K. Beef, steady. ' Pork, steady. Lard firm: prime western steam 7.85 7.96. Sugar; raw quiet; fair refining 2 15-16 3; s centrifugal 3 9-163 1-2; mosasses sugar 1 1-162 3-4; . refined steady; crushed 6.40; powdered 4.80; granulated 4.70. -, i Coffee steadv; No. 7 Rlor7 1-2. gutter Firm; creamery, 16 26c; state dairy. IS 0 24c. Cheese Steady; state, - small and large, coolred and white, September 1 1 J !' . ' 1 . . . u , ianey, ao uctooer, best 13 13c.;,do late made, 'small aver age best, 12, do large, 12 , do fair, 11 1 2c; skims, full to light, siic; 7 - Eggs Firmer; nearby selected, 26c.; southern. 16 20c. ' , . ; , .' Chicago Grain. - f , - v (By the Associated Press.) ! , : - : Chicago, Feb. 5. On conflicting bear ish and bullish news May wheat here todav steadied around 85.1-3. Later the. market .became , weak on bearish ne,w and a poor demand. ' The low point for May was reached at 84 6-8. -The close waa-weak -with May down CH at 84, Small local receipts and firm . cables steadied Mav corn around 44 7-8.- Tha drop , In wheat 'cauaed heavy li quidation In corn and prices yielded,. May dropping to 44 1-4. The close was weak, with May lower at 44 3-8, May .oats, 1 on fair demand by com mission houses held around 30 8-4. ' May provisions opened weak, pork at 4.imbi tm rmiaTii in tut t Akir tyt tarri.1 lftirlia. r4v fc limawaa axaaa at tha ftirviera 4aa ra;aruia tlx Aaftararaaa ta'g M rl lad Ik lull aaUai (ftftl .! - - - - - - - mm. A. M. tl- lk.( ,t . ralaaaal arraaaw wiawl Iran t'auad baia aba Oetmeav la aaatou l ( a la''" ar aad la gtval . l. la 44 in mana.il a HI. 1, s .wi.t n t. ar a liirr) airatia-amml aMwtlut till a treaty ruald a axiltat4 l.ui N la KII lhal lb faraiga 4t. n gara lb ue)iia biibxriu maa t lit failed BHi aa anaal tafatiar ll laarawd al lb ram tfi'r thai lb bwaHlaatath baa ax i i-it w4 llaranany'a rwara aftrr Marili I h-n lb tm a ()mu tai Iff gt ini ffr 1 1 la lb vrnl of n arrangnrtii ti.e ba mad baiaaari lb ta ront ri Flat aaatMblag la raavtH to mtur within fear daya an lb iw-lihi batwara b I'nllad Wiln and (In many, whb will tend toaeidt (lur ing up t Im altuatkm. 4.ERMA.H tlPPOHITION- T( FRKXCH COXTROl. OK POI.ICK. 'Rv lit Aaoclatd Pr Berlin, Feb. 6. Germany's attl- tade toward tha proposition to place the fontrol of the Moroccan polio In : tha hand of Franca and Spain U one I VI 111 111 v)iiuiuva, WUW IIIV llIUT- ment would, according to tbe Ger man view, amount practically to giv ing France full authority over the police, which Germany hitherto ha teadlly restated. Tha foreign office aa ys that the delegate to tbe con ference at Algcclra will devote the next few day, while the conference Is not sitting, to an Informal ex change of views on the subject of the management of tbe police in an at tempt to shape some acceptable plan tor adjusting this vexed question. A TRIE BILL AGAINST , . . . ? MlsT ALft SON'S SLATER. (Pv the Aaaoclaied Press.) -Mt Holly. N. J.. Feb. 5. The grand jury today found a true bill of indictment against Rufus John son, the confessed murderer of Mins Florence W. Allison, at Moorestown, on January 18. A plea of not guilty was entered by counsel In Johnson's bchair and the trial will take place Thursday next. Scrub yourself dally, you're not clean Idside. This means' clean stom ach, bowels, blood, liver, clean, heal thy tissue' in every organ. Moral: Take Hollister'8 Rocky Mountan Tea. 35 cents, Tea or Tablets. Henry T. Hicks Drug Company. Dr. Ralnsford Resigns. An Associated Press dispatch from New York last night says: Rev. Dr.lWm. S. Rainsford, for 22 years rector of St. George's Pro testant Episcopal church, this city, has resigned the rectorship owing to continued ill health, and Rev. Hugh Birckbead, the assistant rector, has been elected to succeed him. Dr. Rainford is widely known as a preacher and writer, and has been very active In philanthropic work. He became rector of St. George's parish in 1883. He was then 32 years of age. The church was prac tically without a congregation. He lays down his charge leaving a con gregation numbering 7,000 souls and an endowment fund' increased by $300,000. St. George 'is one' of the wealthiest churches in the city. "I suffered habitually from consti pation. Doan's Regulets relieved and strengthened tbe bowels, so that they have been regular ever since." A. E. Davis, grocer, Sulphur 'Springs, Texas..' ' Get Rid of the Wolves. (By the .Associated Press.) ... i, Lawton. Okla.. Feb: 5. lUe secretary of the Interior had 'Instructed t?o one.1 Bi ;T. Morrlssey, game superylsor. to conduct a three-day hunt, cqmmennlng today, to rid the national game-prservt at Fort Still of Wolves; The- entire" gantionfat Fort BtlH will ..participate In the hunt and It Is xpctcd'that the hunters win number' 1,000. Thw'bAttrt 26,630 acres of the forest ressrve w111'"beH covered during the hunt. MANN, THE HAM HAN SIIAFEll HAMS ,ta-a 4. kl"1" jalft i ai I la raaaa a ra lint. ati ? BOO KB rOR BERIE3 ISO 2 KOW OPEN - 8UB SCRIBE KOW BEGIN PAYINO FIRST SATURDAY IN APRIL ' taabaaaaa THiMa R. 1UMH b. Nbi U h WIIaiK. btii-1pri..it PLAIN a. - and Ball-Bearing Skate Wheels Thos. H.Briggs& Sons ,-'-' i RaWn, "N. C. Buck's Stoves-Ranges CANCER HOSPITAL ' Wf want every man and wo man In the United State to know What we kr doing W ar curtng Cancer, ' Tumor and Chronic Sore'' without the use of the knife, and are en ' dorsed by th Senate and '1 Legislature of r Virginia, If '' you are seeking a cure, come her and you will get . It v7B GUARANTEE! ' OUR CURES. 1HE KELLAM CANCER H0SPI7AL RICHMOND, VA. ajajaffjajnajmafJBIain DRAUGHON'S RALEIGH, Corner Wilmington and Martin Sts. KNOXVILLE and COLUMBIA. gg Colleges in 15 States. POSITIONS secured or money Kbiii uutu. Also teach IiY MAIL. Catalogue will con vince you that Draughon's is THE BEST. Call or send for it. j. h. ahern: & co., ...Bunkers... And Dealer. In .. . i - Stocks, Cotton, Grain, Provisions. 43 broad way NEW YORK. We Isue the most comprehensive and Instructive Market Letter published. V V W RITK for ITv flobbard Bros. & Co. HANOVER ftQUARC NEW YORK. MEMBERS OF, New. York , Cotton Ex- ehange, New: Oceans; Cotton Ex . change. Aeoclate-. Member Liver v pool i Cotton. AaocJatlon ; ; , ORDERS SOLlOITED For the par- ; chase and. eaio oi cotton lor future j' delivery Correspondenoe Invited " "V- HOLUStER'S ' Rocky fountain Tea Ku&gefs A Buy MMHein for Boty PeopleT : "' a Btinn Boldtn Hultll iK,RMimt Vim ' A ipeetflo for Constipation, Indliresttbii, Liver snd Kidney troubles. HmiJles. Eczemn, Impure lllontl, Uad Hrer-th. SIumdHb Bovela, Headaobe und Backache. Ita Kocky Mountain Tea In tub let form, 85 cent a box. OeDutt.e made by lioixisTia Dkuq CpMPAMV. Madison. Wis. GOLDEN NUGGETS FOR SALLOW PEOPlf a. a ib ...Fire Insurance... It t nr aaraa. I na aaai . Kfti"cV b b4b aaaa Itr tanaaaaww I ia ia. liUat-hi wwlaab Itr lawjraaM I H9 al I.4i4iaaa-i Aftaaraav 4 1' ( all 4 alia lai imi I Mb ( 4b rtolJl lirl kllk lb bl E. B. CROW HELMS' CROUPALINE AN EXTERNAL REMEDY For ( roup Cold aad Wbaoplag Cough la chlldrea; Cold. Burw Braa in Cheat. Cold la Head. U. ta adalta Wbea )oa or your cbild bar a cold, rub lb cheat with CltOl TAUNC. tbaa aata r4t a flfttitiftl cloth aad apply to cbMt cloaa up to aack, aad yo 111 an almost Ineiaal relief. You aiil end It beneficial la pneumonia by robbing chest and ap plying a flftnnel atratd with CROUPALINE to same PbyalrUaa Prvarrtb M aad Gr4 th Drat of tVaalta. Don't take any anbatltutaa, a they ar not aa good. Sold by all druggist J CESTS FOR A SVOUXCE BOX. J. D. HELMS, Manufacturing Chemist, Sit BY. Elan MC, Op p. MeAdoa How a . Oreraaboro, II. C. REPORT TO THK NORTH CAROUXA (X)IU"OR.TION X)MMIH8IOX OF THE CONDITION OF THE COMMERCIAL AND FARMERS BANK. AT RALEIGH. N. C. Al the Cloae of Busiaras Oa th SMKh day of January, 1904 REHOl RCEH. s and discount other than demand loans $ 4 50, 996. 1 3 I o n Overt erdrafts, sooured and unciired All other stocks, bonis and mortgages 1.560 09 Ranking-house and furniture and fixtures 18,702.48 Demand loans 1 1 48.986.33 Due from banks and bankers 306,278 92 Cash Item 2.628.10 Gold coin 13,135.00 Silver coin, Including all minor coin currency. . 9,018.16 National bank notes and other t' S. notes. . . . 60,165.00 : 540.210.50 Total 81,01625.96 1,1 AIUI.ITIKS. Capital stock paid In $101,000.00 Surplus fund earned G6.O00.00 Undivided profits, less current expenses and taxes paid .... 33,010.14 Deposits subject to check $800,488.41 Bank denoslts 3 1,884.1 S Cashier' checks outstanding 913.23 Total $1,016,295.96 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF WAKE ss: 1, B. S. Jerman, Cashier of the Commercial and Farmers Bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. B. S. JERMAN, Cashier. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this 1st day of February, A. D. 1906. E. B. CROW, Notary Public. Correct Attest: J. J. THOMAS, ALF. A. THOMPSON, ' JOSHUA B. HILL, R. p. RANEY, Directors. No interest paid REPORT TO THE NORTH CAROLINA CORPORATION COMMISSION OF THE CONDITION OF CAROLINA TRUST COMPANY AT RALEIGH, N. C. ut the Close of Business January 20, 1HOH. RESOURCES. Loans and Discounts other than Demand Loans $103,401.62 Overdrafts secured N. C. State Bonds Other Stocks and Bonds Premium on Bonds Banking House, Furniture and Fixtures Demand Loans Casn on hand and in banks $256,540.53 i LIABILITIES. Capital Stock $100,900.00 Undivided Profits Dividends Unpaid Bills Payable Individual Deposits ........ Due Banks . . . ..'. . . . ', . . . . Casnler's 'Cheqks' outstanding . . ... $256,540.53 I, H; F. Smith, Cashier of Caro.lna Trust Company, do solemnly swear that the above statement Is true to the best of my knowledge and belief..' . ''; ;'"'. H. F. SMITH. Cashier. Subscribed, and sworn to before me, this 2nd, day of February, A. D. 1906. r taraaaM r. aaniiaaj. AH aai THK Aratb HiMrtMl- L CO.. Agents 4,836.85 833.285.82 on deposits 2,163.25 1,050.00 32,175.00 431.21 53.761.96 18,255.20 , 45,242.29 j 6,473.49 1.270.00 11,800.00 $135,885.42 1,012.62 99.00 $136,997.04 E. B. CROW, Notary Public. Correct Attest: LEO. D. HEARTT, JULIUS LEWIS, T. WARD, J. D. RIGGA.N, , ROBT. C. STRONG, THOS S. FULLER, Directors. i ; rrxRUARY xozzs JUSTIN. -tZXTZ$Ozt llirl let cf i 0 tbri . . ( V AIXXTINE3, Air atiftaa. t4b gear, r ie Taatia. CaaUUW, INHa. Oraabnaa. abvaala. atafax CValA. 44a. Ma! law La, baa4la.rrawb. t'baraa Taka. Kaftbaxa, PaAA. Mb -m tbaablag Macbl i . cm out b4ia. l analaa. V, ta) M aair. H.il Cartalaa. !.) 4 H aaJr. ! Cullara, V , It, Ba, I T5 i.-at. , , 1iMlt MTABTMKrr. s.. t Alat at Ckarla. 4VW, T4. K.lil Day Oak Oaraa. IIJ. oB. 'ru Onagom. gA, ft. Marbellaad Parlor Oorba. ataw. , Ult aad Fancy. BUm $IJBX , CARPET DEP ABTMEYT. Or alt Art Raoare. IL 98, tX. M-tA. "40. Wool aad Mixed Art Saaarac, all alt ay to 4iS yarda AU artoaa, M-M to f It-AO. Ruga. SAc to H.mp Carpet lO, 13, tOe, . Ingrala. tS, S, 40. 87c- Bruaaal CarpaU. BOc yard. Floor Oilcloth. 13c yard. Door Mala, 4 Sc. up. Curtata Pole and Shade. FURNITURE DEPARTMENT. Iron Bed. 12.23 to 104M. Cots, tl.aO. IIM, 2J. Springt.ti-SS. ilJM), tl.70, fXOO. MattTMaea. $1.M to 4L23. Sldeboarda. gW.TS. 1SJM up. Table. 43c to $3.00. Bedroom Suits, Dreaaea, Chain, ' Rockers. Hall Racks, $2.73, $4.50, $0.75. . Reed Rocker, $X40 to $4.00. , Bed Lounge, Couch, Safe and Cupboard. ". j Chiffonier, nlc mirror, SHOE DEPARTMENT. ' JUST IN. I 180 pairs Baby Shoe, 10c, 25ft, 45c 5c. f 96 pairs C. E, School Shoe, th ' i greatest wearing achool ahoo made, : 00c, $1.00, $125, $1JM. , 360 pair Men'a. X41e,'ajvd Boja"! Shoe, all prices.. ' , 300 pairs Overshoes, ; ' i BURNERS, WICKS, REPAIRS, TRUNK DEPARTMENT. ' " . ' - New lot Trunk. $1.00 to $18.50. - Bags, 25c. to $8.00. v :,'' . Suit Cases, $1.00 to $6.00. . ; , ' BABY CARRIAGE DEPARTMENT. ' Our new, Una of Go-Cart it open ; for inspection. They certainly ar ! beauties. ' Prices: $12.50, $11.00, $0.60, $8.00, $0.75. Folding Style: $1.75, $2.85, $3M, $4.50, $0.00, $8.00. . - CLOTHING DEPARTMENT. A few Overcoats at out prices. Sweaters and Cardigan Jacket. Rubber Coats and Hats. HARNESS DEPARTMENT, h Saddles, $2.50, $3.00, $5.50, $7. Whips, 5, 7, 10, 14, 25, 50c Bridles, Straps, Parts, etc. Lap Robes, $3, $2.60, $1.85, 00c HARDWARE DEPARTMENT,' Planes, 20, 80, 75c, $1.00, $1.20.' Hand Saws, 10, 25, 37, 50c, $1.35. ' Xcut Saws, $1.15 to $1.70 Levels, 12, 23, 40, 50c. Braces, 10, 23c. Ratchet, 50c. Chisels, 20, 25, 30, 33, 40c. Hammers, 10, 25, 50c Locks, 5, 10, 15, 20, 23, 50c. Single Barrel Guns, $3.05 up. Double Barrel Guns, $8.50 up. Rifles, $1.50, $2.25, $2.75. The Ever-Ready Safely Kaxor, with .7 blades, In handsome leather, i-lte ruse for $1.00. Coffee Mills. 17. 25, 40, BOc. Food Choppers, 50c, 00c, $1.00. Rogers' 12dwt. Knives and Fork. 53.00. ' Steel Barbers' Shears. 80c STOVE DEPARTMENT. Wood Heaters, $1.25 to $2.50. Heavy Wood Heaters, $3 to $0. Coal Stoves, $1.05 to $4.00. Cook Stoves, $0.00 to $12.50. , Grates, Flredogs, etc. Coal Hods. 20. 25. 33, 45c Ml SIC DEPARTMENT. JMd news to music lovt'rn Tin i price of Victor Records have nwa reduced 10-Inch. 60cJ 7-inch, 85r athnrm. $2.00. $3.00. $3.0O Ircordlnna. $1A to $3.00 4 , Guitars, $2.40 to $8,00. Banjos, $1.90 to $3.00. Mandolins, $1.75 to $5.00. Violin. $1.00 to $3.50. r , Strings and Repairs, Caar. , BO-Rpcord Case, $ I. 50, ,l Victor Talking - Machine, $22.00 . ' to $60.00. . " Our special, the MKKeat and hmlj. TalklnK Machine in the world for tha , money, $13.00. i, ' ' r i ' . . ' Grinfaotfz c ' ,i t f t