EIGH EVENING TIMES. 1 UlUCII, X. C, TUIDJLT. fEESUAEY , 1X4. rzucr PINNED UNDER WRECK SENATE SHOULD AND BURNED TO DEATH: HAVE A SAY NINE PERISHED BODY. OF MISSING SUICIDE OF BAPTIST ' IN It UU tS: DANKE FOUND PASTOR AND BANKER If 71 1) I T ... E::ri2jirt.;:iwJl2-;ittlUJ 13 F:::::;tr TrJa n tan) f RSOuM TO BE DEAD lit FHOBAEU 2 MORE i"w MiMn, IMrwggttssj tm Mmm HJaaartf. rHi (Ml t1 I Nu4 to lie Mr m4 Iter I laU II m m JtaMb4 All Brfom fb tf em mt Htm wrv lrw Nianh Itudy mt I'm kam Mm a Dr4 f Oaala. Hy lb AMorlatod rra) llataa ModU Feb. . Tb wutl dtamstroai railroad wrork tkat bat Ukea plao la tba rtdall at llelvea for laaay yttx occarrad bortly bo ford mldnlsbt aad hair mltr wct of Halen. ' A ronawajr jiortbera Paflflc fruikht trala rraaked lata a paaavnger trala oa tk MBa,lla, wracked H (on tletelr, bet tra to It and p to I o'clock tbla morning four pemM akuae ld-uMtjr la aHrarrd.were Vaom.n to oa 0c4d, with a iirulmbUlty tka( two aiore, whoae namue It la IiiomI We to tarn, may have been burned la tbe wreck. ' The known dead are: J. N. IkibiniMHi, MlMoula. - Chaii.t ltrkklc conductor inumku- J k Jaatuk. amrMi in Attfte Barter. FuNtrr HriMfrala merchant ot UI- IVNi i" ' " ' ' 'Pi' " j IWftkcuutit KUwant llmwn, oriouf- Ul.ivl U kv.nilnalliin alwtiarii u idiuicu. uua. Btx va&wiaiatiuu iavai not fatarty. - , - . " None ot the. pascngcr who es caped with their lives was seriously injured. , - . 4 The pasaengcr train voftgod through AusUn, about eight miles . went or Ifiilnnn on llnio Fnllnwlnsr It wua a long freight train made up ot box ' . . - .' i . . . .hi i i ' ana oav ear loaueu utiii muiurr buu ahlngloa,.. At Austin tho engine was uncoupled from, tho freight to tukc water and tho train was left stand ing on the track." There Is a tco;i gTado east of Austin and by. some moans.- til freight' train got starteJ down the till. .? . c The passenger train,' when it ar rived at the Montana Central cross ing stopped,' when the .engineer heard a sound behind htm that warned, him ot danger. He started his train, but it had gone but n few feet when the freight crashed into the rear car. s There were but two cart In the tram and they were smashed and thrown Into the ditch. ,The . engine, became uncoupled but did not leave the track, and Engineer Pelty managed to lcecn ahead of -the flying freight. The freight went probably 500 foet when it too went oft the track.: In a few minutes fire started and for hours the cars. and the dumber burned fiercely. , The crash - ot the collision ' was heard by persons living in the vicin ity, who immediately started for the wrwlt When . thev Brit there an awful scene met their, gase The combination - car" was on fire and pinned under a mass of wreckage was Jeseup. fHe was conscious, and heroic efforts were made to release' . him from his situation. Flnojly the fire became so hot that the rescuers lad to give up the. task." ' . , ,-Jessup, still conscious, cried: "It is hard to He here ' and" burn to death.", He struggled to release him self as the fire took hold of his limbs, but, the effort was fruitless and after a few screams ot agony . unconsciousness came to him.: , ' ; Exposed to full view, with blazing shingles all about him, and his bod a mass of red. hot ' coals, . was the body of an unknown man. V - . i It was slowly consumed until . all that was left was the skull and out stretched were two stumps that a tew : hours before bad been arms. . V : There are supposed to, have been Vigil fa jyuaociifcci n uu - nc . cituu. vi which number two are still unac v countecl for. t . - - . v . Senator Heyburn Better, v. A , (Uy tho ARSoclutcd PreHs.) f Washington. Feb. .-At tho apart ' menls ; ot Senator. Hepbuin 4oda.v ' it was stated that his condition Is greatly improved, l wn irn rv r r i r M lll I M A Liu UAIL ! txm Truck Has TW ( a Mil-4a IWaUa la Mr TWf aas I T Mrrytrag Srt Ittwr, Wa hf-Uri CM Aaraj. (parta! to T Kvaln Titos ) Itlgh Point. N. C. rrk. TaU MrtlM at lit kxk a hot 4 at tra4 at robbery waa at lb at Mr. Johaaoa. nett la tba Mudiirt Cootuaai. R. K fUgaa aad Lvl Kaywortk. who alapt rrr tbe Ullrr store, heard ta enwk of a window paaa. aad ealally rata Us -taa wiadow ixtk4 tea oa tha kirilui brkv. However, tber aaada good their ntiiw. Ttta Hoilkrrv tCiprras Com paor'l . . . k- . L 1 in barcltra to carry off tk soodt, bat It u ot b44. Tk burgUm ktd cvldenll Ubb4 bolamJ bfL ! ll there men lira uoU Brad. NEW BERN BOY LOCK JAW VICTIM (tiperial to The Evening Tlmra.) New Bern, N. C. Keb. . About lo works ago Uaw, the H year old oti of cx-Folluo Cblof James Lewis, felt aad broke both Atones of his left arm. Yesterday he developed symp toms of Jock law on account of tbe Injur'- He uad 30 convulsions dur ing the a.-rly. xaiU-oMa aight lt,postnr"Brdtt. 'r1 the antitoxin treatment administered and a quieting effoct On htm, and this morning his condition was thought to bo a little improved. The rase is a very rare one and the real caune for the lock Jaw nas yet to be found. The doctor gives the friends but slight hope ot the boy's recovery. WALLACE WILL HAVE TWO BANKS. tspeoliu to I lie r.venin -nines.; , Oolddboro, N. C, Feb. . Hie little) town of Wallace, located about hair , way between this city and WllmtnBin. i Is to enjoy the distinction of having two banks. There are only n i.w hun dred Inhabitants- In the town, hut It is a hurtling community. - The bunk of Duplin, fathered in Wll mlngtou by the Murclilnon lutcichts. hus been in operation for s.mio four ei five years, and now Mr. V. 13. llordcn. cashier of the Bank of Wayne of this city, will establish a bunk there u:ider the auspices ot the Dank if 'Wayne. The capital stock of $r.o.(ioo hao nU h'.'cn sabscrlbed and a good iiit or :t raid (i), The new bunk will be known as the Bank of Wallace and will no doubt get its share of the business. MINE WORKERS STORM AGAIN. . (By the Associated Press.) Pittsburg, Pn., Feb.. 6. At the second day's session of the Pittsburg district convention ot the United Mine Workers of America, the rcsolt lion demanding the resignations' of President Patrick sDolan, Vice Presi dent, Uriah Bellingham and Secretary-Treasurer DodUs, for their action in voting to accept the old wage scale at' the Indianapolis convention, was again introduced., ' Following the presentation of the resolution there was a , 'repetition t" of ' yesterday's stormy scene when the same motion was defeated because it was not properly presented.- The. resolution Was placed before the convention to day by the committee on resolutions and when the noon adjournment was taken a vigorous debate was In prog' rcss among the excited delegates. 1 - SENATOR PKTTUS ATTACKED ,. - IJV BTUEF ILLNESS. ' ' Bv tho Associated, Press.): . '. Washington, Feb. 6. Senator Pe tus of Alabama, had an attack of 111 ncss in the democratic cloak room early today,, but soon recovered and look his seut in tho senate chamber, Senator Galllnger, who is a physician, was called to see him by seuutors who thought Mr. Pelt us was in a serious condition. ; The ; Alabama senator 1b 84 years bid. , llJ.Ice i:i c:sc:r laii!Ircf:j EcatElAUve Ke::l!:l!:3 1 Trutiss MR. BACOVS ARGUMENT Mr. TillmM't ! t at ton A4n44 Mr, tWrnttm rallrtwi Will a Km RtmI Itraanrrattr Cm- 4 Dy the AarUt ll. Waahlarto. Frb - Mr Till taa's reaolalloa dlrwitag tb -oia-Biltlt oa laiaUgratkoa to snakr an lavaaUgattoa af tbe Cblnvae boycott of Amertcaa goods was rrportrd by Mr. Kaaa from lb commit tte on coatlngrat axpensea and adopted by the areata. Wkos tbe routine morulug bul- was concluded Mr. Pattersoa'i latloa relative to tbe recent democratic cancus was laid before the aenat and Mr. Patterson stated that when yesterday he gave notice be would speak on the resolution today he did not know that Mr. Bacon had glvoa a previous notice for (todays He tbeerfore announced that Ike would not speak today, but that 'he would addrvas the senate toinm i row at the conclusion of the morn ing hour. I Mr. Qnttm then pi ove-did with hU i argument on hht Moroccan riMolu jtion. He announced at the outset that he meant to be entirely Iuiixt sonal, and aald'ihal thorn Ih no JuhII (leal Ion In the charge that this dis cussion is an assault on tba present' occupant oi me execuuvo cnair. no thought such constrncttoa an - evt- 3enoe of the weaknoas of the op- The s pooch was in the main a plea (or the right of the senate to "ad vise and consent" In the matter of (Continued on Page Seven.) ENGINEER WALLACE BEFORE COMMITTEE (By lhc Asuoclaled Pi-ess.) Washington, Feb. . John F Wallace, former chief engineer of the r.ihml..,. rnl una ,.r:.in Kaw.. t r w.v.v ; jen ate committee on inter-oceanic finals today. Yesterday ho- was dl- rerted from a description of condi tions on the Isthmus, which be made today. lie gave a minute account 3f the conditions he fouud there and the difficulties be eucountered in get ;ing material und supplies and tho lelays that occurred in filling requi sitions. While he was cabling 'to have the Diders expedited, he said, ho received word from Admiral Walker that ca blegrams cost money. It was a del icate hint, he said, that he had bet :er not use the cables bo much. Mr. Wallace said to the committee chat he did a year's work und that hi-i mccessors had no benefit of his anal" ysis or recommendations "because," ie said, "the secretary of war told me he did not want it and had no use 'or me except on the Isthmus as a directing -engineer. Ho was so angry In his treatment that ho all but cursed me." . . 12 MORE BODIES . FROM VALENCIA (By the Associated Press.) Victoria, . C, Feb. 6. Thirty-! MKlles of the Valencia victims have Seen : recovered. including twelve brought In. yesterday nlno men and 'hrec women. , , ' j Of tho former four haw been Ideiitl leU us t. W. Inglehorne of yernanfJale, Wash.; Gu Erkkson of Un Jose; It. M. liters ot Los Angcels, and Pfcter Jlude of brownvllle,' Wesh. : . ,v . - A. T.'Gcts Another lMniit. r I (By the Assoolated Press.!' in : '. Itichmond, Vo., Feb. 6. Th-j But ler and Bosher plug: tobacco niunu- tncturing plantof this city li to bo merged wilh the P. U. Mayo branch ot tho 'American Tobacco Company, ulso located here. The merger will take place in 30 days, it is otfldatty nnnounccd.i . . - kMa4 T rrw Itoa Hrgardiag rw. Kc Eiltlncre Otf MM ESCAPED Hum a ItUMMg 1U KW, .CW- Wi c-igW- ; bar Artivod M the Ixw Kmmmt tti IHIbms aad Trarni Wa Vme tut fUild fcbafliMg (Wis mj tW IW liarta !. lUHiBMjra, HI, Yh t-Atul ihi. uilwk tbla aaornlnc an iutil nn fiamc bouM ar th llluarv of Curtta Ua. In Anna ArunUrl . unly. aa (onauiiMid by Bra In hih n burnnd to dra i h mi mm aolarad t' ". only vn rf the tnmatM ea.-a.lr. alive. Th nanitsa of UioM Who tbrtr llvaa ci v ; lilt HARD TATlvUl: MUHACK JAOKN KL1ZA JACKSON. (ir, i KAMl'EU JACK8UN uu(h of 17. MH8. RUSBJACK'N a widow and hr chlldrea., I OA JACKfHlN, a gun duuahier. Kl'SAN JACKSON. It vrara old. ISAIKJH JACKSON ! eara old. A als months old tmiix The only Inmate who rs. .i-U with her Hfe was Ella Wi-om.i a woman, who managed to ft t . liuloiv and Jumpoi! fitjiri tha hmihuI Kim-y to tli gniuiid. For a few oilnuuv uft-r atrlk. Inc the ground ahr uniiK'lou, and on recovering ln nmile her way to neighboring houxix .nnl gave lli ulurni. When the nelghl-'ix arrived tin house was a pila of blxxlng and amok Ing debris and wfcrti the bodies were recovered not li trie but tha charred bonwr. ot the vktl'fci'jwera. l-et. Ae rot-dlnV o ""the VuMnent vt thb'liurf vlvor, Ella Vc l.Ktcr, the' flro was caused by onv the younger children, who got up t tli i lie tire in the chim ney place uii'l .u i Mentally wuttoml coals on the lli BAGGAGEMASTER STOLE On S. A. L Between Atlanta and Monroe ' (jut AlMiut $2.tHH AVorth of (nnIs, He Ssj-n. Itorovered by Polire Ascnl nt 1oiiisvHlc Hays Several New Aork I'ooiile lU-porttxl Jew elry anil ( lotliing Lotst. (By tlio AssociatediPiess.) Louisville, K.v., Feb. 6. A young man who gives li is name as Walter K. Bo wen, and who -says he is (lie son of n former mayor of Pelliatu, Gn., was arrested last night suspect ed of a felony. He later confessed that he hud stolen about $2,000 worth of goods from trains on the Seaboard Air Line while he was employed as a baggage master on the run between Atlanta. Oa., and Monroe. N. C. Tho alleged stolen goods were recovered by the police in a room on West Broadway According to the Seaboard's Louis ville agent several New York people reported losses of jewelry and wear ing apparel., The owners will now recover their property. TO CLOSE RATE , DEBATE TOMORROW . (Bv the Associated Press.) Washington, Feb. e.-i-Agreomcnt was reached in the house today to cloBe debute on the railroad "rate bill at 4.30 6'elock tomorrow afternoon. r Burr Not Going. (By the Associated Press.). Norfolk, Va , Feb., G.- Prosldcnt und General Manager J. M. Barr, of the. Seaboard Air - Line, has denied the rumor that he will accept the presidency ot the Missouri Pacific or uny other roud. He said he knew nothing of tho rumor, which ,orlgI? nated in Richmond or was reported to hi m from there. Mr. Barr repeal ed with emphasis that he knew noth ing about the rumor. 1 la i imel Ec:t:lc Tl EiJJj CccczpcscJ BULLET HOLE IN HEAD tdcMiSkalkua Hme ISaM4t4v bf mmm- met of Araa a4 ISrftry mm Mm Krf Ibaarhl-Mki lie Hrllnn He Had lln an Itrraavfed froaa (Hevwort aad Aaabrty. I'l the Aaawv-talvd hin ) I'lttkbuig. Pa. Feb i Tbe Uadl; , di oin ikmm-4 bod) of a aaaa with a Lull.-! I.ulr throagb bla head, wbkb m, round eatrrday In a tbkket oa thr outk,lTi of Koanoke, S . la bo liewd u. Ik- that of Kturley C Arm latrook. th- laahlrr of tbi- Waahlng- ton Natlt nal Hank, a bo nitaterloua ly dlMiiiN-ail from tbla city on January :' The Idi nilfli atlon wa made plllr arl toda when the number : 4 3 2 4 1 altaihi-d to a bunrh of keys, which were fouud on the body wa Identified an the numlier of the accident luauram-c polir tariu-d by tha mlaalng caahler Mr. Atmatrong'a wife and four children were prostrated on hearing the newa. Since hla dlaappearance they have hoped he would conic ba k Kafo, and the news of hlh death a grout shoxk to theui. Mr. Arinntrong well knoan In buuklng circles in thla rltr hdiI hud held responsible ponltious for tcni years. NotwIthKtandlng the fact that lilx accounts were found lo bo entirely correct many of the foreign deposi tors of the bank, becoming fright ened at his prolonged absenre, with drew their money, but the deposits from others far exceeded the amodnt iUhdra,wn-nd. confldenca wa uk k- ly restored. . . . ; ..... Mrs. Armstrong, the cashier's wife, declared it was her belief that her husband's mind hud become do ( Continued on page seven.) REED SHOOT'S CASE COMES (IP TOMORROW (B:- the Ahyociuted l'less.) V Hshlntrton. Feb. 0. Hi" resumptior i if tlie hPiii iiiKS- In the ea.se of Sinati) Sinoo bv the senate connnlMee on pilv lieges und elections, which vasl to have begun today was postponed until tomorrow A Iiiibo nuui- bcr of witnesses and uttor- i neys were present In Hie committee room, 'but It was found at the last nri ! rnent that so many members ot til committee Imil otl-'.M- eonimlltee en gager.ients that it .vould he iinpossiblt 1 to niainliiin :i ouorum. PI lr: announce- I i mint was niaile liv ('liairuian Burrows when the committee was ea'lcd to or der at lO.'ilO o'elork and Mr. Hopkinr moved i-n udiourmnent until 10 o'clock tomorrow. There whs evident disappointmen over the postponement on the part of the pco'ile assembled. John (J. Carlisle, represented by pro testants in place of Judge- Tav.or who appeared nrevlouslv In the case. As In' the former hearings a largo number .of the spectators were women. SUITS AGAINST PHILLIP S. HENRY (Speciul to The Kvenlpg Times.) Ashevllle; N. C, Fob. 6. Two suits have been instituted In the superior court here ttgalnst Phillip S. Henry, the New York multl-mll-Itohalre, who has taUen up his rest donee In Ashevi'.'e and who owns val uable property hero. The plaintiffs to the actions are John F. Jackson and Joseph L. Hen derson.. 'The suits are for fifty thousand 'dollars each. . Jackson and Henderson were terribly injured in a dynamite .explosion at Henry's rock quarry last 1 year.. Both men were, rendered totally blind und otherwise permanently hurt. ' ; i :vW6mu Seriously Burned. New Born, N. C. Feb. 6. Mary Moore, a colored woman, met with a : serious accident j yesterday, ..and death may, result. . . , , , ' DID HIS VERV BEST l2?I OurtcanI 2nd Swa fronUitta) U r tort Mart W Ha w anaiK.-t I iir t Ifa lrm-4 tm Ihal. 1( Imi. Hmi HaHaWrf m lU-ata. Htm I laa.l) ard a iIm M,a-o, I . ,. .. I ,S t.'l I I i I . I i -V. ' ! ,.!' a ar .! I -, .r ih, - . , m rl C !,. i . , (. . .. , , e! I-... . ! i S.m lil l a ho. fi . .1 . -.j 1--H--J n ' i ahal I' mil ln.-. ",p . . .. j ,-a .111 . hlft fa.-r .htniiit . ., ., (i . ' ftraniar tiaii i nr, vt, .), aaat lu him anil wtttiiL-tr l 1 ai'-ld tug bo"i M, -u,!!..! 1 1 j. hi n ( mhmlil r.nlh w n .! I., -i , -ITW irf a ulltl. 'Il'ir lu - v. : . r i ,1 jjvt tt.r i al' una ln i.i t I. .) t Ih i-.at rollar oul nf it., uin Tl mllnnirr ,iMimtn1 lujj.Hi Hi -uft.i 0 no bad cfTc-itii fin ii hli. rrtuiliril lu lb'- Hloo In i.l THE CORONER'S JURY NAMES MURDERER (! II AsMoiiHtml IVrm j Norfolk. Vn.. Krh. Tlie ioioik-i )uiy In M' i ;t.-c of W u'ii i I' Thutiimi. alio muni, nil l i M K ilamn oilglng Iioiihc Itriv I.i week ami hl body packed Into a trunk iiluwud n venllil IIiIk HrtriniHin Iiiukiiik tic murder to ln. Thuriiian, aiias I'litii lci. f. Taylor, who Is atlll at lurgr. The Jurv reroiiiiiii-niled tlmt M V. rArrerfrWrtlem Ketr ar-1 Mr Krnma L. Orimth bo held oa wittieaaea. Oar- rett la the proptirtiir. Mm. OHrnth the j house keerier and Km :i:i rmplftve at , the boarding hoiisr All k.iw anil know i Thurnmn or Tiior. r-ml an- hiulih impoitant wluieMms for liv slate, i Judge Martin Mxcil th" Imii l o" encli at J.'i"". hut said II I Iris ( imiil not l given li'- would again io;ifiri with Hie . coroner. Mrs. I'litrilli .unl liaintt bulh said ttuir hoi.n s were In oulh ' 'arulina. but the woiikiii mhs slie came h?rc fiom New Vmk. Jmois J. C Shid aolt and . H. ii iitcmi hoili cxpivused the helipf that tin- alliikdl nomk-rer could rot have placed Hi' hoi: or li.il sen lu Hi' trunk unass'M :il. Other luroi-s. ''iiwe'-ei. disscntPd Thurhian. or Ta: !oi. Ir; sti 1 ut large. FOWLER'S CLEAN MONEY BILL. (By the Assocl.Ued l'less.) 'Washington. Feb. t. -Representative Fowler. tN. .1.1. lias introdueed a "clean monev bill, winch provides that any person or em poriulon hav ing mutilated or worn cuircin v may send It bv registered mini to the treas urer of Hie I nilcil Stales and receive in exchange new currency without postage or registration charge either way. This bill also uppropiiatus SKH). 000 for the transportation of wornout currency from sub-treasuries and fis cal agents of the government to tin treasurer of t lie Culled States, and for the return ot new currency. THE HANOVER BANK CASE. (By the Assoi itiled Press. ) New York, Feb. (i. The alleged issue of ?:10,00() worth of bogus drafts on the Hanover Hank of Bos ton will be investigated in connection with the arrest today of William Leary of this ell v. Tho prisoner is said to .lave made a confession to the police that lie has issued thirty bogus drat Is having a face value of fl.duO each. Mo was formerly a Wall street broker. In the Tombs prison Leary de clared that he was an innocent vic tim of the promoters of the alleged swindle, and that he did. not realize its extent and meaning. He said lie was merely employed to dispose or the certiilcates of deposit, (not draft as stated heretofore) on tho Hanover Bank, which ho supposed lo be gen uine ! A FIVE STORY BUILDING BURNED. Philadelphia, Pa. Feb. 6. The live story building occupied by Qluza, Hull & Company, wholesale dry goods mer chants. 4011 mid 407 Market street, was practically destroyed by fire today oi unknown origin. The loss li esti mated at $75,000. tectted tats a 13 D Herd We E:J JlCcz: . lo U;ll DSE OF EDI. I1U5' ill tvmm4 HraMb Klaa mtmmr4 laUb Maa I aaaMk- m llrwr Maa ( afiaalin fraaa It-.j. wi Hta wTgaUKa. ill- I- Aaaaxtalad PiaiaJ l -n.na III. Tab t-Kav. Oaa-r-ra H. Mm in. ia pftalor v4 Ik FVM Ha4 lat . iiun h piwtdrai of tha lataratat "atliur. Uai ana ih Peoplt's rVarlnai Hank and i-craiitly aaotntad fnmamrr .r ihr Y . i c-a artaatortal oaoipalra la I'riH-ia ei.unti waa tommA dead ta bd ihia mi.rnlna H haa baaa I Ha ebjert inmuratlia at tba handa of tka tat- attomer. tha ta bank, aad Mi- i-iMigi-fgallii4i uaj tka BTavat . hat f-ra Tbr ij waa found by hla wtfa wha thr .ailed him to braakfavt. Ha ra m iineil down town until bite hut Blfht. ill-li-x-lng of amir bualnaaa maltara. A l.lin f.iunil braille him above 1 IHat diKtlt "an pratiia-illlaled. Ha aald IhU wa. hla laat night on earth, aad Wfal iil in Wai a nmiaace of undying lova io uP Ir p'li. It aald: "AIh.i no blame muat attach la le.vernor Yatra nor hla aaasriataa. lit n i'l gave mt an opportunity which h'i npponiiiti' und enemlra have pre. vi n tod inr ualng." - The l)ut line, tlmc f at a ma ahould I attempt to writ ixraonal meBaage. Indhatea he waa dying aa hs brought t'to letter to a cloaa. i rl nil i .ii na w -us a-iwa .aaaaia- aummorMxl are of "tha nitloion that, death was eauaed by eranida f potaa atum. Coroner Baker ha taken chat or ine holly. , - The People s Waving Bank, of which MnimoRK waa praaldent, did not open Oil: morning. Csjihler Look aald the hi nk would remain closed until come plan of action could be determined. There was a run on tha bank yaster- . da nnd today a large crowd surround- n.l ,1... l...ll.lln.. Tl... tH.n..u..A Cll.' Ings Hunk., of which Klmmona wai president, up to yesterday when his ' reMgnatlon whs accepted, was als.t the obei of runs yesteiilav J--nd today. ICaily this moi-nlng the bank building was crowded with depositors demand ing their rnonev. Cashier Anleker, slid that they would be able to stand His drain. Dr. Mmmons came to the Fir-it Bip- Hsi church Ave years ago from Terra Hiiute. Ind.. nnd had been remarkably successful. He Kerured national public ity two years ago. bv advocating u dramatization o! the life of Christ. Ho became local maiiRrer of th? senato rial campaign of former Governor Yates a week ago. and shortly after serious stoii.-s affecting his morals were (ircul"t?d. Sl'tc's attorney Seholes u'dciiook en Inyestlgat'ii i yestenlav, and secured some sensation al confessions from boys of his congre- gatmn. Ur. .Simmons was 40 years old' and leaves a widow. He he'.d charges S in Tex'-s. in Juekson. Tenn., und i:i Louisville. K:-., be'ore co ning her:. TWO MORE DISMISSED. (By the Associated Press.) ashlngton, Feb. fl. Two more midshipmen of the third class were dismissed from the naval academy today as the result of court martial findings on charges of hazing, Sec retary Bonaparte having signed the formal orders dismissing on that ac count Midshipman Richard T. De-. satissure of the first South Carolina" district and Midshipman George Ht Melvln of the fifteen!!! Illinois UIs-1'': Irict. KEROSENE LOADED : BARK BURNED.1; Annimr. Island of Formosa,1 . Feb? 6-.-- Tho BiKish bark Mobile BV.. which arrived here January IB: from New Turk, July 6. was totally destroyed by fire toditv. Her crew was landed. Tre bark hud 7,000 cases of . kerosene o:f bojrd. PUBLIC SCHOOLS. Riehmpud, Va., Feb. d.- Tho houso today passed''' a bill 'ttpproprlatlng ' $400,000 a year for 'public school' purposes aud. both houses passed a . bill setting apart $76,000 a year for 1 the extinguishment ot the state debt.