IIMM -. K ! .. raaa ImW J,- ! ta s.r r rtaartA. aBaUaslsl t rf aaa. ,a' u .r (.. a a irnnn I rrw, mt a- a l . r . . - - - ( m t mmm &w fi i i a"i -aa. raa , a-s a- it 1Mb M r4i w V aar. " " Ct-kM a.a aw. : 1 t Ca"t SCXTr.fLS TU&SO i a Monday Tth:u:ry 5 Tt Fir-: -i FrcmontStoc!;C . k r 1 1 1 1 I . r UL ' " " ' ' " "" wm ! a4 aa mt Kt aah. W - III i. ia,aa iwuv&u 4i J C k. Inin, afca a aa i i COMPANY .! a4 a,iana 1tri4 Smm aa aaa U r to ; aiu4 aa at at atehaaaa .la a K ' ' TVl H.STT. ITI4 fkrttk Mi 4br w V 7 Mstard llakft. till 1 1 mil il Mark Oaaapisy. T roKiiwar to tfca km k rom- naay iKat ku Oared ar thai aa aoa 44 a Uri bona r7 la.rt tU, it raltlee IUlrixll Majr liar 'amoa Orrhra. rra f Half Hm)rr4 Mairlaaa U Ar1Ua Ja Tat mi (cp. Tti ofponnlty la ao Ufora the mltora and naatc-lorla; propl of Rll(k to Mf vhrtliar khall hara till . acaaoa tb Krandcat mailral la fh blatorr of laa cltj. Tka faqioui condunor, Walter Damraarh,' and lha, New. York Rytn pboar Orraaatr of half a hundred mufcleJaaa will paaa through North Ifcfolrna lha I tit week' la April on ihla.thHr flraf aonthera lour.1 , Thla aaprb oraanltatioa trill .not be hoard la more than alt aouihem cliiea aa they, co ao further aoutU . ttiaa South Carolina and It It rreatly "AO be det red by all InteiWad In the niuslral and enltoral development of thls.aectUta lhax they ahall.be beard ' In'Hakelch, the raplial of (hit great p ; 'lfi accorapUfth tkla It U aeeeasary k'l'f onr.cfiUint'Blnilfy their khlre ofi'tiaVlngrthlB orgatilatlon' Visit, " b .fadkarybhs : for aneh' tlekt.,aa . each peraon may. wlMh and In . Qffl eleaF nomher "to i aanure' hoth" the Dam Mac B management and the local management that the required aura ; Itcteaaal-y to aecure for Balelgfi a date win be.torUjcomlng. , . ; A number of the prominent people of the, clty ha t already subscribed liberally and the vent now prom r l?ea to ba not only the greatest in ' th history of Raleigh but as well to bti'ot. social Importance Inasmncb as . ' such spontaneous Interest in the pro ject haa been taken by the official ; and social leaders In the community, . The follolwng have ' already sub- scrlhod:- Governor Robert B. Glenn, lJeutenant Governor Francis D. Witi , iton; Mre, R. S. Tucker, Mrs. Ashby Lee Raker, Mrs. John vH.m Winder, . Mrs. Charies B. : JbhnBoh.'Mra. B. Andrews, Mrs. B. Cameron, Mrs. ;A. ' B. Hawkins, Mrs. CharlSs McKinj , , ttoa, Mrs. R. B. Raney, Mrs.- B,'..B. ,;. Moffltt, Mr. J.. M.. Heck, Mrs. W. J. Andrews, - Dr. 0eiia : IMxon-Carroll, Mrs. Walter Grlniop, Mrs.", Wm.v B., Grimes, Mrs H; W. Mljler, Mra. 3'. t). A: Boushall, Mrs Sherwood Higgs, Mrs. y Henry M. Wilson, Mrs. PT. Ward. ;! Mies Jane JWard, Mrs.. ;Thos. 8. : ' Kenan. Mrs. Ashley Home, Mrs. Su- nles Fuller, Joseph G. Brown, v Leo D. Heartt. Rev. Alfred XH. , Moment, D.D.,- Qen. Carl A, Woodruff, , Dr. Richard -H. Lewis, Gen. Julian S. t : Carr, A,' J. Ruffln, Dr. ; H. A.' Roys ter; IV - - x t - v ' ' , The railroads will be asked to "grant excursion rates for. the occa sion .and iwill brine many of the . ' . vrominont people from Durham, Hen derson and other surrounding towns. If Raleigh' is to keep' pace with other cities of like Importance in the : 1 ' $3.50 LADIES' SHOES r V .: $2.50 I, 7 - V , ' I offer as a special a number of pairs of late style ' :j - Ladies' Shoes, ; - t"- ';; " 1 a-!V Guri Metal Color, , ; At a great reduction of $1.00. It is not every day you can save a dollar on Stylish, High-Grade Foot wear. Only a limited number, of pairs. Be quick. r'Sl.G.'POQL - ,. R ALU I G II, N. C. M k far mmm Bc4 ; ;M mm4 pmri it rf hitM Imwn, I j Ma jla4 an Krt Tat . ta rwt flWi Ml rUaa taal Aa- , nuaxalti Mw raa.atia, ajra ,j hi . Ma aaa Nl la Urtina tt , at laknra mWI ta la.tia Ctrl , As Ratarday. FVkraarj 1. av' praarkaaj itlk Utfrvw la laa ar aoaallty of tha daachltfr of Ik ra tdt laroaaaa. ttaa to oot aalita la aaoavaajiloaalltj. frrahafwa tm4 latautalvrataaja, kr fatttar. Hc arteg iria op ropa ladder I) lag a iba. aide. of aa otwaa lr was tkarartertatk of tha Rooaevaita. Bad ao aba may be aaid lo be a (U .rharwlag o off tka family block. Fae la bat il years old. a ad eror alar aha left school aba k&a livid la tht putll ey, Tka 1lfit tkat kaata apoa I he throne has boat apoa all ber romlncs aad goings, and the has atond the last remarkably wall. She hja beon a natural, spontaaeoua youag girt, and yet at no time baa she done anything tkat railed for criti cism. As ber wedding day approach es ao unklad Words are said or print ed by friend or foe. Not that she has any foe, '"bnt her father haa, and even they apeak kindly of oar Amer ican princess. Miss Alice Is perkapa more talked about in thla wide country, and really round the world, that any other woman In It, and only kind words coma to her eye and oar. Many kind thoughta of her are taking the form of marital gifts, and It would not ba surprising ' Indeed If '- those gifts Coming all tha way from Tsl Ana capital to Havana dM not ex ceed those of the'PHnceaa Ena, or of any, other bride the world baa ever known. BlrmlngKm Age-Herald. IS BKF.lt A aXXM,rROni'CT? Department ' of Agricaltawe ' Takes rp Inveatlgatloo, . .' , Washington. Fak . 6j--That beer is a food product and thawHt is fast coming to be classed with the least harmful beverages, is a claim now receiving the close attention of tha government experts connected with the department of agriculture. The department of agriculture is, and has been for some time, pursuing an Investigation of the nature, effects and value of beer. Doctor W. H. Wiley, chief of the bureau i of chemistry, of the depart ment of agriculture, is especially In terested in the subject; having refer red to it frequently in lecture's. Doc tor Wiley is not yet ready to make any, statement or report on -the ques tion as to .whether beer is a rooa product. - I will siiv this much." he said to day, "that the. use1 of beer and wines aids in the work of temperance. TO Illustrate, tnere is not near so much intemperance in Germany, ,' where wines and beer are used to such great extent, as there is in Scotland where spirituous liquors are princi pally used." - Germany. Great Britain and the United States, in the order named are-,th-Harge8t producers of malt beverages, and s the general good health of the Germans,' English ' and Americans is pointed to as strong proof of the-argument that . beer" Is a food product and : that its con sumption aids, Instead of retarding: the work of temperance. , . trvm Mm r ii im L Mf lrb. M W 1 1 1 M tan oU M ik iai Wllitant It lrraa aS Aitava K T- ia antr umjb CfciHwiH tarr of I T. N C A. U laa lti4 Hmaa. Ha la a jan tttar trw-a4 ( faaat Oaafcy. tka talaWI fmri aaa rata (rttal a4 saaaj kkt taal acaiVi al Rrrarlu Wttia. na Itaut'i prra rr Itas prramiad Cwlama.a t'nlrrra l altk mfaaa af aj I Iba ftvaaUa atat paprra laauad for wanv )-aara. ar thria data aa far fcarksa lint All tha It at. at an srrraDteM 4nrls iw :a cl il bavr haan nrHada4 Hi tkr rift. Tha Ormaa ar v irrjn of A-rrr-Ira ara (olna to praarni a punth boa I to Iba amparar and miim, f Ger man r on FVbruarv II lha ocrjalnn fK lhair ailvar w-addloa annliiraai . Th bnwl la In lha form at a tailor, ralxj four and nne-ha!f ful frn'n ih- fl a IHI a ivdaatal. Tlia quaan of Hnrinnd in slwayo ilo ng a klnrfnras. A woman ll In- nar Han- rinaham racanilv gava btrth tn a child, and Ihr ouera Inalatrd on bclna godmmhar. After tha rhrlairnlna nh aent to the uuraarv anil aroia upon ha winlow wli '"cr 1lamont ring: GoO a hlrasJiia on thla houaa ami all 'ho llv In It." William flandolnh He?.nit rtrnal to rongraas tvla after a month or mora or sojourn In the pleasnnt pliers nt California. He ram with a rush. Ha dashed through lha swinelns doors of the hoii io antrance jt lih an imnrtuoa- ' tty that sent them both flying bark o it of his way and. ruxbed dmrn tha mrrU dor like ftarrla's anan, who'wis "In such hAiTv.that-whrrrvar tut was aoUic lie waa sure to bn tbera vary soon.: lino the coat room-snart Mr. Hurst with the same display of energy, rtppsd off his coat and started Tor Ma seat. Thrca or four running steps down th aisle took him to his place, and w ith the air 6f a 'mm who, bv desperate ffot. and strenuos hste bad arrived lust In, time to csst the deciding vote for tha bill tvat stives tho nation h dropped Into his seat and .'turned to listen to the. debate on the railway r,U regula tion. New York Times. 'Mixed Urrlajres." Another unhappy ending of anoth er international marriage in which! European "blood" was regarded and. I taken as an equivalent for American ' money ,. ought not to surprise Or to' shock anybody. This Is not the moat i conspicuous failure among such, mar- rtagea. ' But It Is a grievous failure, and the chief consolation the unhap py victim has should, be the con sciousness that bier fate is a warning to her sisters. Such marriages are "un-American" In another sense than that of being international. ;v International . mar riages may be entirely happy and sat isfactory.. Everybody knows ih stances of such. But a, marriage which is ."arranged" between a male foreigner and a female. American, aa the basis of an "alliance" the "Quid" being carefully set off against the "quo," and in-which personal in clination plays a Braal part, such, a marriage seems almost foredoomed to failure. One titled foreigner who married, an American girl had : the bad taste, according to American no tions of bad taste, to avow, In ad vance -that the marriage had been "arranged' between his friends and hers. ' Excepting in a smalt, sophisti cated, and alienlced section of Amer ican society, such an avowal would have cost him his bride. As a rule American girls do not make mar riages of ambition. , When they do they must take the . consequences. And evidence multiplies that the con sequences are not likely to be satis factory. New York Times. , - Change In Pullman Service Seaboard. i j TI t. Seaboard annouttoM: t Effective JUnuary 30, - they will Inaugurate through Pullman service between Jer sey City and Memphis, Tenn., nrst car, Boutbbound, to- leae Jersey iClty" 12.26 p. m., ' January S0;.' Brat,. carw northr bound, to' leave Memuhl February 1. This wlil give jaBsengers throusrh sleeping car service New l"ork W Mem phis without change and, the chra will consist of the Pullman Company's fin est eaufpmentijTor reservations from Xorth " Carolina points, call on your nearest agents write, t telegraph or' tel ephone the unTer'ia'ned. , 1 , i i " t Hj attis.,t. V. a., , ' , ' 1 " '" Raleigh, N. C. , Soothes . Itching skirt. Heals cuts or burns without a scar. XuVes piles, Bait rheum,' any itching, tooan's Oint ment.. Your druggist sells It. ; ELIBROIDEIIEO SHIRT WAIST For a few days we will show a very hand some line of Hand Embroidered shirt waist patterns. These goods come from one of the foremost Importers of New York City. There Is-only one of a kind and are beautiful in quality and designs. Remember there is only one of a kind and the early customer gets the best choosing. V Prices B0YLAN - V't s r . ' Emphatic Ba.rfia.ins in ; v V OVERCOATS " This is Our Season to Offer Special Values. Iks Veek It Is Overcoats'. The Reductions are Enormous As Will Be 1 2 $22.50 Overcoats go for cash at a-uaiWBT $20.00 Overcoats go for cash at fHiakJL $16.50 Overcoats go for cash at MUWS $15.00 Overcoats go for cash at fiMLIEjJk ' $12.50 Overcoats go for cash at $10.00 Overcoats go for cash at Cravenetts Coats are also included in this telling & MHMVINTRjB STOVE SALE. ; . AVE AlfK HWIVO A ; ' clearance sale heating'stoves. , ALL ALONG THE LINE WE , HAVE LPE AN EXTRA . DEEP CUT.. NOW IS THE TIME Xp GET THE GREATEST STOVE BARGAIN OP VOt'R lilFE "-"'" " "' , i i HART-WARD HARDWARE CX). i. Rnlclgh, V. C n L ? . -.aaaSBBBl from $2.50 to $15.00 PEARCE COMPANY. , ... .. Observed by the Following Figures : Brought Mail Orders given immediate attention. i VOLS. 137th AND 138th Price $1.50, or Some recent reprints, with annotations Vols. 19, 21, 47, 48, 40, 54, 65, 66, 57, 58, Vols. 51 and OA ready in a few days. Public and Private Acts, 1905 ;SS!:.?vi'''?'&5- ' ' '''1 " ' '' ' !'. ; Now Ready. Price, $1.50 and $1.80, postpaid. NEW CODE now ready. Your orders solicited. ALFRED WILLIAMS & CO. HELMS' CROUPaUNE - ' , AN EXTERNAL REMEDY - For Cronp, Colds and Whooping Cough In children; Colds, Sore- t - - ness -in Cheat and Cold in Head in adults. Physicians prescribe It nnd get the best of restdts. Don't take any substitutes, as they are not as good. .Sold, by all druggists, . 25c. TOR TWO OUNCE BOX. , 1 . , J. D. HELMS, UANUPACTURINO CHEMIST,' ' 310 S. Elm St., Opposite McAdoo Hotd' ' ' Greensboro, N. C. . i PATTERNS $16.88 XilL $15.00 $12.38 $11.25 $9.38 $7.50 reduction sale. on. Court Reports REPORTS NOW ON SALE. $1.80 Postpaid. by Chief Justice Clarks, 50, 70 anil 71 Kt and 81. KATUEE3 kcili::: : tin. Acu. ftomeOlrx D-"aT All t: : UEt." IU. tsUya. aw-w ia? ailitaa saaa saay aw -afc li sn ary traaW um. iaaa Msiaj I a mr4 -- a-niHig Iaaa aa raa' By. V.aa? ml 4ay a4 raamSM fc4. I -IWarai ainti laaaana ml t . OUR io MOOERfl CMlll HOUSES PRODUCE CUT FLOVERC 4 a r.n rvrmxTtov -as roNKinu: T1il rowbiaxd wttat asar raftsrtataaai fa- ' FAIR DEALINGS . , . Ar - ? ' PROMPT SERVICE SATISFACTION; :. Itoaoa,' ' t aVaaiVt-ia, VlulrtS,' KmlU. Wrddiax IToatrra, loral l)fsi(ate. f r . M'riie, Trio f hotw, TrVgrsplu J. VAN 11NDLEY NURSERY CO. POMONA N; CL 4 " v ' - ..r v" ; : . .", -r . Seatd t-lorranis ta Greaawhoro.-- SAUSOP.tAXD. -.1 .' ' .i Under , and''pursuabt,'tb''a,h "ifdar. ef the Superior Court ot Waks county. rnade la the special proceedlnaf 'entitled Laney Maynard et aU vs. Kancy A. Sears, being numbered 1572 on the spe cial proceeding docket of ' said court, the undersigned will on 'v'K WEDNEgDAT, rkBRtTAftt. fl'." 1(X. at 12 o'clock m., at tha Ctourt House noor in me cuy ot naieign, nonn var , ollna, offer for sale to the highest bid der for cash the following described lands, lying and being In Wake county: ' First Tract: Adjointng the lands of Rufus Upcharch. Ellen Barbe. and others, -and bounded as follows, via: Beginning at a stake the Dower corner running, west M V-t tolea to pointers, Hudson's " Corner: thence -south with Hudson's Una 117 potas to fc btackgum stake: thenoe east 10 1-2 poleH to a stake. Dower corner, the other Dower corner; thence north UT '"poles to Vhe beginning, containing 44 acres more or lees, and Being the : same : land Which was conveyed to P. P. Sears by Mary , H. MltcheU by deed dated March J, 1871. and recorded In the office of the Register of Deeds of Wake COtinty, in book 71, page 330. See also" book 71, . page 332. , ;i . Second Tract: Adjoining the lands ot Aaron Scott, P. B. Sears, Seth Broadwell and others, bounded ns fol ; lows, viz: Beginning nt a stake 'In . said Penrs" nnd Fuller's ffomep, ruh ning south 54 3-4 poles io tt stake and pointers in Seth " Broadwell's lln! thenoe north 871-2 degrees west. 6! 1-4 ' poles to a stake and pointers; thence ; north 2 degrees east 79 poles to a Stake and pointers; thence east 19 s-4 poles to a stake; thence south 30 poles to n stake; thence east 30 poles lo the tie- ginning; containing 20 acres -and 49 poles more or less, and being the same land which was -conveyed to P. E. Sears by Ruflln Fuller and wife ' by . in book 71, page 331 in the office of the Register of Deeds of Wake county. - c Third Tract: Adjoining the lands. of W. B. Upchurch and C. P, Upchuroh. and others, bounded as follows,- vlaf, Beginning at a stake in W.. p. iJp churCh land C. F. Upehurch's -corner: ; thence west about Ob poles to B. , Upehurch's corner In -O. F, Upehurch's line; thence south 94 4-5 poles to the Piltsboro road; thence with said nmd about 40 "pofrs to John iTpchurcih's cor nar: thence north- to W. D. Unchurch ami C. X'pchHrch's romeB to the be- ginning; containing,; W 1-4 j-acres,. and being the same land that was Conveyed to "P. B. Sears hy 3ohn Vpchurch and wife by deed dated January: 43, 1009.' : This lSth day -of January,-1906. '. V ,' t ;. Jt.-lC.. SIMt9, Commisstoner. EXKCUtdWs NOTICE. ' Having qualified1 as 'executor of i.h estate of Clara itand, deceased, thia la to nrrt I f y. all : persons . having claims against said estate to present thero-to the undersigned for payment ori or be fore 'the 23th day of January, '1916, or this notice will he plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to tlx estate will please settle without further demand. . 1 1 Tl)ls January 29, 1908. i - WILLIAM MrtCHELTJ, Executor of Clara Rand, deceased.