FuICES HELD AT GIIEI! LEVEL': f J A-l'-" l"Jt-"w4l aUr4 Teu I -' f 4 1U ' i I II II L I II km a j"s m 4 A M m t a a J1' 1 &wt aWeta . , nWe hr m4 sWkj ! SHI leas kkwTts l"krsJy at Mttwr UwC f T Asaw-iate frewa I K Terfc. rh. I.-4)1 sckraei 1 a eik aaarkat Way gr 4vaae gteeUy f atotW fra ). (Wan r4 mm i i i rm. burg Cel nxntrnf M yvastrtv tr ioml VkkMi rrae. (. ri frtrUoftU tftlac CkB41t TkdBe 4rllal a oikL Tk twllip r M K4rmi arald Frir roM krUUr oipom4 by aajr BrllUf r4rm. Oreat Nortkrr rrirH Cklka S t-i. Nortkra f- r8e kad Ka41ac t !. Laa 1 i . aa Ckoa faclfte. St. faaU Mia aoart Pactfl, IHIaoia Central. boirW vtlla A fcartTlll. Kaaaaa Cltr Beatk arm, KaUoaal Railroad o( UnlM pra ferraa. Amatcamatad Coppar, V. S. Staal, tba local tractloai. Twnmn Coat. Locomotiva a ad acvaral otkart ntda 1 la 1 l-J point galaa. Ilia aaapolla, 8t Paul aad Siull 8ta Marie I oat S l-t and Ttilrd Aveaua 1 3-4. Tradlag bacama dull at tha higher lat bat prlraa held Ann I jr. Tha rapid advanr of i In llllnoii Caatral aru a ullnln Influanr la tha markat but tha voluma of dcaltnaa waa aotabJy contracted from the ra rant avaraaa. t'ntoa Parlllo and Pt Paul wmd ta ba affctd la nympathy with I!!lnnla Ontral. th former rllaa 2 1-4 and tha latter 1 HeadlAa and Northwaatara roaa 1. Colorado Fuel S l-t, Loulavl'la Naahvllle end Dla tlUara RacurltlM 1 -, Propla'a Gaa 1 t-L and Houthm-n Prrldc and Kaa aaa A Taxaa and Altnntkt Coiat Unt I to 1 1-4. . Tlia ireaeral Hit movad nar rowly. Toldo. kit. Loula A 'Waatem daeiiaed 1 -4, and Piltaburc. C. C. A 8L UmiU 1 l-J." Panda were atearfy at noon. ' ' 1 " ; Thara waa mora of an Inquiry (or tba auaclaltlea, notably locomotive, wbtcb lmproTed SH. The earlier gaini In tha repreaantative atocki were inaUitained and added to allght . ly In apota. Delawara A Hudaon moTed up 4, Pressed steel Car, Amer- loan Car and United SUtes Pipe 1 ' to 1 and Rock Island, Wabash pre ferred and Norfolk A Western 1 to 14. Iowa Central preferred fell off IK and Virginia-Carolina Chemical PMfertedjl. '.': .'. . Ilestrloted dealings caused aomc fractional reactions among the active stock, but the ' speculative effect - was offset by strength. In .minor stocks. Some of the, gains reported were Gen eral Electric Havana Electric 2, Rock Island preferred, - Woolen arid Cotton Oil H4 to 14, and gloss-Sheffield Stee! !.. . v ''--. .?v ':: :- i , The jrise extended id some new stocks after proflt-taklng) had commenced to affect those: already advanced. Wa bash, ISouthern Railway. Chesapeake r A Ohio, Consolidated Gas, Locomotive, preferred,, and Pressed Steel Car pre ferred rose 1 to 1. 1-4, and Wabash preferred 2. The reaction ran pretty generally from 1 to 11' points and Jo 2 '1-4 In Illinois Central.-: Some prices were carried below yesterday's prt(9..j Canadian Pacific lost 2. The closing vaa easy. .... .-;-. Si"-;' New Vork Closing Stock Iilstl' Atchison.:. ; , . j. . . v . 91 Atchison pref. . . . . . . . .103 BaUlmore & Obio.... . . : . 114 . Canadian Paclflc. . 172 Chicago A Alton J. . ;'. ....... 31 ' Chicago A Alton pref. ."75 . Chicago A Northwestern ' . . 2 3 1 V4 Chicago A Northwestern pref. Colorado Southern , 34 4 Denver A Rio Grande. . 48, ; Denver 4: Rio Grande pref. . . 89 1 . rlO : - -f:': f " ,'.., 46Vi IIllnoiB Central 'nlh 178 ' Louisville A Nashville . . . , . .151 Manhattan h . . . . .... ;1C0 Metropolitan , St, ; Rwy . 123 - Mexican Central , .' I . . ; 26 Missouri. Pacific .. . k , ...i. . .101 Ne ; York ' Central ; i .' . , ..149 , Pennsylvania 142 j.'. Reading 'iV;!:-- if:j;;7i?ij f y fn. ,,138 Rock Island 27 ' Rk Island: 'pref;::-'K.;t . .V' 7 ftt. PaMitVWj'...185 touttat!ifloV4v"reV-;:. ""8 Swtherik.Railway'. , . . . v. , . , ' 41 ' SoutherriRatl w"a pref. ii . VidMifall'ztM:tfg&$. ,,U55 ' Union Pacific pref, ; . V. . . . 97 Wabash lk t-y, ..... . 24 WE PAY 4 PER ANNUM COMPOUNDED 5EMI-ANNUAUY COUNTY 1) SAVINGS OANK." FICH, N C. " i iar fi - - CuaJ V.,.- W fctt . ...; toawM Urn n a a m mm t , . Mbh-Iih.hi 111 V tr fweuUUi At ofciuM A Wt4 m a ,ita r4 In V..t tOss-aH ,, ii at tM Vesrt - Wmtai . !1V . ua ffVaaMMW4l HiSJalsJ a lrtaaa rW Car . . , HiaaAar UM Ktoaa aftHA flunad , . . . 41V aW . , T ' a laai A Iraa. . rlid auaaa IkaMd.... raltnd Sutaa rH af . Ua ra Vakaa Aaawtea CtMltm CMI.. Aaaariraa lafeamr pref. tantai "abaar a. . , ImarUaa Totwfr ( VlrftaU-Caroliaa C k-a Vlrtlata Carol I aa Cfc m 1 1 ; 1S H 1H ta 1 1 i rw Turk faataa. B Aaaurat4 rut ) Stir Twrk, Te t Tk mam tnark 4 a,r4 alaay ai a ar ta 14 aama In rvi9t)w 4iafctlr diaa antiMtna nhM hut ntklir rattled hajvr kr taadiac ka4 nprmtora aad eoTartna of aharta 11 k prtrea durtaa lha anUdta of tha mnrelM about 4 la I potata net htrker. Tera awmad a be . anme anuthem aelllnf la the t"ra. mark- at but Near Oilnea rw'et frm and higher rwri rwmora arerw Hrctilatlnf , that loig Hnea tha bwara kiva ber- Canning tor ere liquidated oa the , break yaeterday. abfe larc lnteret vera onoa mnra coming to in au(po t af ta m-rket. future opened ateady. Frbruarjr ItU; Marrk ItH: April I4T0-T.. Mat lC.7t; Jane 14.ta.ft; July 1J7; Auguat 10.74; Jteplemher lata bid: On.. be: 14.14. Naw Tork, Fb. t Cotton futuraa rloaed ataady; cloalng bid: Fcbruar) ' 1041;. March 10 M, April 10 4; May ' 14.74; Juaa 14.M; July 10 IS; Auguat; ian; Pwntember 10 tl; October 10 :o, ' Novrmber ial: Dacerober .R. Tba market at midday waa 3 or 4 polnta off from tbe top but steady in tone and a couple of polnta net i higher on a continued demand from i local profeaalonala and ahorli. Spot cotton quiet; middling up- ! lands, 11.25; middling gulf. 11.50. 'Cotton apot cltiaed -quiet 10 polnta tower; middling 'uplands ll.lt; mid dling gulf 11.40; no aalea. Estimated ' receipt at tha ports were 32,000 balea against 30,023 last week and 17,508 last year. For tha week 125,000 balea against 114, 147, last week and 91,741 last year. today's receipts at New Orleans 9,- 48: bales against 8,143 last year, and at Houston 9,937 bales against 3,106 last year.! . "1 Tester. . Open. Cose, day's x Close. February r .. 10.53 10.49 10.55 March 10.69 10.58 10.64 April 18.70-72 10.64 10.74 May 10.79 , 10.76 10.8". June .. 10.80-S5 lO.fW 10.8? July 10.87 10.85 10.93 August . . . 10.76 10.71 10.81 September .. .. 10.30 10.31 10.37 October ... 10.25 10.20 10.28 November j.. 10.21 10.3o Liverpool Cotton. (P:- th Associated rross.) Liverpool, Feb. 6. Cotton spot In fa'.' demand; prices 13 points lower: Amer ican middling fair 4.36; good mldd'tng 6,02; middling 5.86; low middling 5.70; ood ordinary'' 5.52; ordinary 5.36. The sales of the day Were 10,000 ba'ea of which 1.000 w?re for Tecuiation and export end Included 9,500 American. Receipts 23,000 bales, including, 15,900 American. T Futures opened easier and cosd steady: " American middling, good or dinary clause, February 5.74; February- March ,5.74;; March-April 6.77: April May V SJSOr i May-June 6.83: June-July 6.85;- July-August 6.85; August-Septtm ber 5.81: Seotember-October 5.62; Octo ber-November 5.55; November-December 5,52. -i-. z : v - , Raleigh Spot Market. (Reported .by. Charles E. Johnson v- ' 'ft Co.) Strict good middling, 10 c. Good middling, 10 c. Strict middling. 10 c. Middling. 10 c. Receipts today,' 6 bales. , - '" Hubbard's "CoUon Letter. New - v York, . 'v February -j 6. the liquidation -continues. -Still . with heavy selling by those who were the most- prominent buyers during the ad vance last December. :: It Is noticeable that the cotton seems to drift Into the possession-of those who. have looked for this decline because of tbe pressure of India cotton upon the- continental 'markets.:' Whl.a tha rnnrkets Jnay de cline l further,:, we consider ,' present prices' reasonable until planting season is reached. ' We' notice that tha tostf Crop deliveries are , no longer pressed Mr sale. 'showing tho decline has reach ad f. point wierfi the mills are willing to buy these de'iverles. We consider the buying to-day to have been bsttar than the sel Ing and looking forward to the comparison with the heavy re-, celpts In March and A'ptll last year, we 'look for Jsetter market ,tefore long. ft ' ' ''. , . ' V ; ! V HUB3ARD BROS. t.CO. Chicago Grain. , - (Pr to Associated Preak.) -: Chicago, Feb. ' 6.rMay wheat epsn ed steady here today at 84 8-47-8 on a nredlctlon of rising temperature. After May had- touched 84 8-8lJ2, the market experienced a sharp rally. I 1 M U kV k e a-4 a Ss k-A j S lllMWl ,,! v w a ' ShSISs e !-. t iwf e e - UllI.Hl fcS If mt - OS'S 44 It " n r " a kg r a . M Ii4 t hi ni .. 14. . . Mkavst sssvs fcl 3S Vfje. Hv fwwkst. m wnl , - MM. M iSllllIU m j ,t r Wnli aiaa Mt a i - rwa mmm tt :v 1 Ai aim aMM.am w mr raa f.i, lit lk einrvf.i I II I l : at I ll-r n4lM4 irW. k e aid t (rSl.,.,.i ,i tt fXae aia4 No ) ! Mmaaa t Ni !, J- t. Uallef hia kkliiri4 t'tmarf Strung . bt-at-V- k. i.) HQf.t, HMcra tf' rS' ana i beta 1((i;Sp Uve H4ok. ip t' AMWtle4 I OtkrftA f ' 4 -4'it li i W n i 1 atradi II. 1 : iill raw nl hetN-ra I44rt i.tt and tVvdrti 2 a 4r4 k Truni )!.' Huge Keol(,i tt.aia). mik-( Vd bichra k k "! 1 - fl haary ITltttK. tough heair CU4ii .4 ught IkUitn ptg k i :. :. a. .u k aalra k Tketl ti Rheep HareliX It 4. n. '.( B.n -'heep H4lltC; lamba kTlit::. Mo4try Market, (ft tha Aaanrlited Prea ) New Tork. Feb. C Money on rail eaalt'r. blgheal 4 prr cent; loweat I-!: ruling rale 3 1-4. It loan 3 3-4. rloalng hid 3 12. offered ai I 3-4. Time loana firmer; slaty day, ninety daya and alx months 3 1-2 i 4 3-4 er cent. Cloee Prime mercantile paper 4 1-2 0 5 1-4 per cent, aterllng ex change firm with actual buainoaa In bankers bills at 487.25 ft 4X7.30 for demand and at 413 85 44 4 03 90 for sixty day bills. Posted rales 44 1-2 ft 48R. Commercial hills 43 5-x. Bar si i Tor 65 G-S. Mexican dollurx 60 --2; government bondit Rtcstl) , railroad bonds steady. ronltry Market. (Bv the Aasoclated Prea.) New York, Feb. 4. Poultry dreaaed. quiet; western chlckena ITlfrlS; turkeys 164730; fowla 04j13. A Carrie Nation Cat. W. A. Doollt tie, of 8abetlia, has a regular Curtis Nation cat. It la a big Angora. It waa formerly owned by a traveling man living at )cs Moines. One day tbe rut escaped from his home In Iowa and wandered Into a aaloon. He walked up to a handsome mirror and saw rls reflection in the glass. He Immediately bristled up. So did the reflection apparently snarled back. He made a cuutloua advance. The reflec tion aim took a step In his direction. He retreated. The reflection retreated. Then he made a mad plunge to . seise his adversary. In the onsutng scrim mage the mirror was smashed, and In addition )00 worth of cut glossea and wishes on the saloon sideboard was broken. The saloon-keeper was so mnd that he would not be appeased by the traveling man settling the bill, but swore he would kilt the cat. The traveling man was afraid he would carry outthe threat, so he brought the cat to Kansas, where they have no sa loons with mirrors to "Break, and pro- I sented It to Mr. Doolittle. If While Traveling In Japan. Or any civilized country, you can pro cure Laxative Bromo Quinine from any druggist. All nations use It.- . W. GROVE'S signature on box. NOTICE OF SALE. By virtue of a Judgment of. the su perior court entered on November 9, 1905, In tho case entlt'.ed M. N. An drews, receiver for the Park Regloi I Mutual Hall Insurance Association (I corpoiated), ex parte, I will on Satur day, the 8th day of February, 19C6, nt 11 a. m.. Bell at the Court House do) ' In the city of Raleigh, at public duo' tlon, for cash, the fo lowing office fur niture r.nd effects of said company; 1 Typewriter. 1 Iron safe. 1 Table. ' 1 Boob case. ' 5 rugs. . 1 Typewriter desk. . - 2 Chairs. 1 Case for papers. , 24 Letter file. ' Together with certaimjudgmens and notes owned Jsv ar.ld comnany. ' : , The rlrjht lsreserved to accept. pr re ject any bid. w ,1 . . . - M. T - NrREW?. Redelver. ' WATSOl & LAMBERT, Attvs.. , H-iw.. , . Anfitt ' .... XOLUSTER'S'"'1 'A R::ky T'sur.tain Tea Kuggefs A Buy Medicine (m Buiy People. v . - : - ' i Brin golden Health and Renewed Vuoc, : AsrrealfioforConstipntlon. Inflleestton. Liver anil Kidney troubles, Plmi-les, Eczemn, Imimre Ulood. Bud nrarlh, SlumclKh Bowels, Heruloche md Backaohe. Its Rooky Mountain Tea In tab 'et form, ti cent a box, GcmilLe mada by iOLUSTia Dhuo CoMPaar. Madtaon, Wle. OLD EN NUGGETS FOR 8AU0W PEOPli SUNN, THE HAM MAN SIIAFER SELLS HAMS A TEC!LMCAUTY :m, k ( tr. 4 A b. .tt . fwa lkt; 4.w I . Km IW aw'4Ua 44 tn . iHr1 M k tmmm tl Va I. -.-. k fca bp ka ' ' aa aaar .. . .4 -raf ka ta . lu ae- HX1! ta araiataa it- Vkiiuaal Kkak a AaftarrU't 1 1 M e j miH kaanaaja ! I.. j cm gaa4 tk nr iuti kkd but td la taa 1 a atau I m4 J at faxk-. tarn i aha aaa alaat lade .. uivr "( aa gtrarae ANTI DISPENSARY BILL 18 PASSED iRr tk Innrti'.' I-...! ' luasWIa. A I . Tt, i. of rer , ...-d l.y IJ hai'i j i. kt ..:. t II o k tKUak tb i'i." Tl.. :ill already bat im-1 l, i. mlfkmrj Claasatirr f li'i' libBry, N. r. Kit. i it.-:. a ma,aayanKlcc tf tb n ii.n lai algbl lot lb purio' of or ta int X k rbkBtbar of romm r- Maui Ut.)dt-a prwaldad. aad euthuataaiu i l.irarierlied the mrmaj Two weeks, later Kitnumr) 14. thf-rf will be inn.r. i nut-ting at Mh all officers aiil i-- cU-ried The Raleigh. Building! K and Loan Association EXAMPLE FOR INVEST OR, 10 SHARES. Vnlue at maturity. 1 i Actual Coat Entrance fe. share U: payments at I: S v.ar 11 .!(. 00 !, r vjti.irti Nit profit .. .... 4167.50 The above represents tbe maxi mum coat and tlx- minimum proHt, and nets the Investor f,Jjer rent- taxea paid. Where pbto can you safe ly Invent small weekly- w monthly surplus funds to i-nrn. so handsomely? BOOKS FOR SERIES NO. 2 NOW OPEN SUB SCRIBENOW. BEGIN PAYING FIRST SATURDAY IN APRIL. THOMAS B. WOMACK, Presitlent. W. 8. WILSON, Secretary-Treasurer. PLAIN and Bail-Bearing Skate Wheels Thos. H. Briiggs & Sons Raleigh, K C. 1 Buck's Stoves-Ranges H Money Back Zell Nenr Tablets, ths (reitutmrta noa sod tonic in the world, are sold with a wrltita promise of your mosey back U they fall of the deired result t a. vi t. vi- ' , ' cure Ineomals, trervoue dyspepeis, lose ei .--vital eurgy, impure or impowuhed blood ; and restore yea to perfect bealtli and etrength. v i Zell Nerve Tablet have a long record at euoceasful cure of serrou dues act. Vou con oaily afford to ose the beet. . , , PRICE SO CENTS A BOX , to any address, la plain psckag. .;. -.?!" TUB JIELL H71VG CO. Gallon, Ohio, ' Bold by ' " " 1 t.. TUCKER BUILDING PHARMACY, ' RALEIGH, N. C. , 7 . Wm. Wooilcott, 31! aid 313 FaycitevifU Street 1.000 ftxix Trtz& Pna.ei OitzLu TLs Jfic kn.J t cr llc yvrJ i rrt t laj-fiis. lftrt frr B alter, ck pAttrr-i W AL WOOLLCOTT ITS WRIT1E RIGHT Do You Skate? If So Buy an Occident Policy with the Ry.L. IGtl INSURANCE & REAL . Y CO. 130 Fay tiler lilt Street u. ...Fire Irvsurance... Atlantic I-Ire Inkiu-anre Company. It li-ljih. N. ". North Slate Fire Insurance Company. Greensboro, . C. Atlanta-IUrtnlugliam Klrc Insurance t oiupany, Atlanta, tia. Itoyal Kvchangc Ai ranee of lomlo. Calrlonlan Insurance Co rpany of Hcotland. Wi: C.X H01.ll VOl' HAKK I AM OF THK AIIOVK tX)MPANU. E. B. CROW , CO., Agents CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK. , RAL KltJH, X. C. Statement of Condiiion uksouucks. V. 8. Itonds, par Loans anil Investments Cash Due from Banks .. .. 1 .VI. 00. 00 707,702.15 76,726.08 440.M5.68 Total tl.375.3M 91 I Total 41,375,391.91 NO IXTEREST PAID ON DK. OSITS. JOSFPH O. BROWN, Presiden A. B. ANDREWS, Vlco-Prcslde:it. iir..iti ASSETS $1,050,000 00 DEPOSITS 844,000 00 CAPITAL 100,000 00 SURPLUS 80,000 00 NO INTEREST PAID ON DEPOSITS. BUSINESS SOLICITED. Commercial & Farmers Bank, J. J. Thomas, President. B. S. Jerman, Cashier. A. A. Thompson, Vice President. H. W. Jackson, Assistant Cashier. GANGER HOSPITAL We want every man and wo man In the United State to mo what we are doing W ire curing Cancers Tumor in-1 Ohronk r4ores without the use of the knife and are en lorsed bj Mu Sena i nd Legiflxturi- of Vlrglntn If you are seeking a cure com here and you will ifel It VE Gl'AKANTKe ITH i'ITRES 1HE KELLAM CANCER HOfPITAL KH'HHOND Va BROADWAY; " CENTRAL HOT 1ST. I BBOADWAi; Cor.f THIRD STREET, And Dealers In , .'--v NEW VORK. . i . ' GREAT FAMILY HOTEL. itOCKS, CottOla, , Excellence Without Extravagance, fi i sat n PnnvtaUn American; Haww..SQ per dayy0i aln frovitions. European Tlan..;.,.. $1.00 per dayt4Q Broadway NEWYORK. ltua beautiful hatel':enjoys a reputa.; tlon, of highest respectability and free dom from all objectionable features, and recommends Itself to LADIES and FAMILIES for Its quiet, orderly man agement, clean, well-kept rooms, great public parlors, grand halls and liberal stairways, t : . Send for Large Colored Map of Nev. i Tork. FREE, - -DANIEL C. WEBB, Manager ': . $2,000 to $30,000 f ; , .North Carolina ls due 1016 at 1.10H -- and Interest, 1 ' , . , l'.C. Abbott Company,' , Trust IIuildltMi, CliarloK, N. i It THEY WD0TE IV A. P. Haamann. January 29, 1906. LIABILITIES. Capital t 10S.0O0.M' Surplus, earned, 4100, 000.00; Net Profits, 426,- 265.71 . .. 126.265.71 Circulation 100,000.00 Depoalts . iji i i lif oiiu, t as;:i;T. DRAUGHON'S RALEIGH, Corner Wilmington and Martin Sts. KNOXITLLE and COLUMBIA. 26 Colleges In States. POSITIONS secured or monej REFUNDED. Also teach BY MAIL. Catalogue will con vince you that Draughon's is THE BEST. Call or send for It. J. H, AHERN & GO. ...Bankers... ; We ,aSue tne m0st comprehensive and i instructive Market Letter published, t WRITE FOR IT- Hnbbard Bros. J Co. HANOVER SQUARE, NEW YORK. MEMBERS OF New York Cotton Ei . change, New Orleans Cotton Ex ehanye. Asoclate Members Liver ' pool Cotton , Asoclatlon. ' , , .. ORDERS SOUC1TED For the pur- chase and sale of cotton for future v delivery. Correepondence Invited OEPiiTMEMI SIC" - a r.t ra, ra 523, si.. RALEIGH, N. C. FEtBUXBT K0TE3 VALINTIKE3. . . kkkt AHUM ALA. rwi kJutresaaes. fA. kU-M, M. Uiaaa t.ady ksra. sV ?ti, Tisasrs KseaMlsere. rtaae Caltieataara, aka4a 1-i.elir, Kire M) ( fsM tlia xiei-ladat-ra. la-for Wciik, . Albua. Laarla, Pkota . IH Ooo4. Vt kit Good. Etc. Me tthlrta Ovaralla. W beelbarroaa. 9X tarmiAu l-adte Itark Wrapissra. Me. . i:-t Roll To! 14 Paassr. tba Cla that arils lor I Or. roc ge. aavelopaa I Ixtee tt rrlu- Dollar Waukaa ot lagaraol'a Make. TV. tW. ladles' Rs1 Wool Veata, ft (TaeW TV. HARDWARE V ET ARTVIXXT. . -Plane. 30, M, TV, llJkO, IM Hand Saw. IO, SS, ST. S4k&, IIA. Xrut Saw. $l.3 to 11.70. Level, IX. 43, 40, Ctsc, Bracoa, IO, 33c, Ratcbet, COr. Chisels. 20. 33, SO, S3. 40c. Hammers, IO, S3. BOc. lxvk. 3, IO, 13, 2U, S3. 0. Htagl Barrel Qana, till ag. Double Barrel Onna. goajM ap, Rlflaa. glJVO, .xa, a.T3. IIm KvKriMl ealei) Kasssr. hKIi T III !. Is) hadss test km in- ri- fisr I Mi. , Coffee Mills, 17. C3. 40, Me, Pood Choppers. BOtw O0, $IX0. Roger itdwt Knlvea and Forka. W.oo StesH llarrmm' Shaara, sjoc. HTOVK DEPARTMENT.' Wood Heatera. $IJEft to tZJMt. Heavy Wood Heaters, M to f4V Coal Istoves, $IJk3 to 4.00. Cook Stoves. f.00 to 9IXOO. Orates, Flredoga, etc Coal Hods. SO, S3, 9. 4Ac CLOCK DEPARTMENT. Nlckle Alarm Clocks. 3c TOc". , Eight-Day Oak Clocks. I4K. Office Drop Octagon, $X $3.23. Marbellzed Parlor Clocks. $-13, $4.00. ' , Gilt and Fancy, H.V., $t.S-V '' CARPEt DEPARTMENT.' Granite Art Squares, $1. 03, $2.00, $3.83, $40. Wool and Mixed Art Squares, all sizes up to 4x5 yards. All price. -$3.50 to $13.50. Rugs, 25c. to $3.00. Hemp Carpet, 10, 13 K, 20c. Ingrain, 25, 35, 40, 57c. - Brussel Carpett, 00c yard. Floor Oilcloth, 25c yard. Door Mats, 43c up. Curtain Poles and 8hades. FURNITURE DEPARTMENT. Iron Beds, $2.25 to $10.00. Cots, $1.0, $1.60, $2.25. Sprtngs,$1.35, $1.50, $1.70, $2.00. Mattresses, $1.60 to $0.25. Sideboards, $9.75, 12.50 up. Tables, 45c to $3.00. Bedroom Suits, Dresses, Chairs, Rockers. Hall Racks, $2.75, $4.50, $6.75. Reed Rockers, $2.40 to $4.00. Bed Lounges, Couches, Safes and Cupboards. Chiffoniers, nice mirror, $6.50. TRUNK DEPARTMENT. New lot Trunks, $1.00 to $12.50. Bags. 25r. to $3.00. Suit Cases, $1.00 to $0.00. HA BY CARRIAGE DEPARTMENT. Our new line of Go-Carts Is open for Inspection They certainly are beauties. Prices: $12.50. $11.00. $0.50. 8.00. $6.73. Folding Style $ t .73, $2.35. $3.50. JM .30. $0.00. $8.00. CLOTHING DEPARTMENT. A few Overcoats at cut prices. Sweaters and Cardigan Jackets Rubber Coats and Hats. Ml Kit: DKI'ARTMKNT JmmI iifwr. to i.nrsii- Iovits The- price if Vletir R.-cords liave bKen ntluced 10-inch, IM)c; 7-inch, 35r. . ViiK.lmriH.. $2.00. $3.00. $3.00 it-ordiona. $1.23 to $-1.00. Guititni, $2.40 to $8.00. Ibtnloa, $1.00 to $3.0O. " Mandolins, $1.73 to $3.0. , V iolins, $1.00 to $1.fiO. . Ptrlnirs and Repairs, Caaew. ; A 30.IliMtird Case. $ 1 .50, , Victor Talking Machines, $22.00 to $60.00. - . V "- t' M Our ifM-ljil., thei l)lttjstit anit tout Talking Muclilm; lit the world for tho oiomiy, $13.00. Griniiieyc . A

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