mm ms. uiu us mi in;. i TnrjiTnicjiia. 4. - .. I... - i .D rai iuil1 I If. . i . I ll VI r I-;-. t::::j if a i:ht t: vt Ut , Vt U"tt J ) a. fauwata too t.aU.U4 mm uta t 1 1 a A - - 4 tW a I unana K li- a u t k a a avaiwa) twal tot . Ml ii II m.4 tba ax a ef -S ... rfc) 114 HUk d IW ul ii i. m " f mi v a W lii i I i.rM ta t u . ar km taw r M fern IW tua lwidl a t-ttaitMAa 7a aaaa tant4 l la ! Ufa -' Wnt (ha, Hpin aa hea aW!'rw4 Wr flr iMa-ai tW a. !. I a4 ki4m4 tda ajayu UHlvaa aamanrtlwg Ik) l futar anal r4i I iimt aaa. NATIONAL J. O.U.JLU. BOAED C02HK0 HERE. Ta Cai'tvaJ Oiy Ca ll f taa I. O. t. A. X. It arranflrj tar -able at a)r Bit Mwdir lt Tee aalfataal aaJ4 cf offiAara aill V la anttoa la tkkltitoa air tkls a akd-Taat NaliobmJ Councilor W. . ralaaa la arracnlaa far Ufa la Can (Vow .WaAalntfaa la) Ba Mck. Moadar ker a4 tbea to Haltrbanr tor Ikt avamUMI Of tba auto council ihera ai( tH Ifcla drlt Railoa a 111 Inrlada KaUawal tou m Dor W, U H. CJIcreaat of Me thura, Via. Katloaal Vlca Coaa Uor II. C hlitarUrr of ftaa rra rlaco, Calv National Janlur Faal Couarllor V. IC. raiaow of RaleJcb, Kaltueal Lotiarr E. S. Dnrmor of HiUadelttala. Maaarrr of tba Dea efll Iiannimt 8tepba Colllaa of IMiUbars. J.. , OacraJ Councilor BiuHh Bennot. a ho la aiaiaUnt at- lornr' ceaoral Of Ohio at Columbua, Ohla. I TURKS AND. , tDy tha Ataoclatad Preaa. . UitlXiada.' Rarvla, Feb, II A arrloua l light haa occurred In old, Servl keta-een . Tia-fclali irouo and two lrvlun baudn ; nciir, tha vIUoko of Nlkuj in, ,Draa;9- . Mnnat and Chvliiavk. J. Ttia Tuika.'ho ware tha attackera. . ' ' A R fcM I. I 1 1 A.I A. u... .. n .1 T k. n BcrvlaAa toal It killed or arounded! ' r ' ' ' ' ' ' " "A KNIFE IN ' , THE VITALS." ,(By tha AasoclatM Press.) y . Washington. FebU. Hayward Leavttf of Omaha, Neb., who Is large ly interested la Nebraska sugar fa& lories, today declared' before the sen ate committee on the Philippines that the pending tariff bill with the Island ,wa "a knife In the vitals of the reclamation service and the de- velopment of the jrest' ' i,-'- ... He .said that the government has estlmatod that it will cost $36 an Acre to Irrigate large tracts of land . a order, toA suppont that value In- ,t leubineo ai'ming wm ue necessary, and this could be accomplished, he tnslatedrf only oynslng; the"8ugar beet as a rotary crop.- He believed (hat svigat produptloiV Jn the Phillp , Ulnes woljld Increase fh two or three .years, if the tariff hill passes, -sufficiently to destroy . the market of American sugar, which costs so much more to produce. - . v ' POSTMASTEKS AT WEST ' Dl'RHAM AND KIXG8 MT. (Iy the Aflsoclalod Press.) ' .v '' wasnington, f ee. iz. iBe pres Idcnt today - sent to . the senate the following nominations of postmas ters: n North -Corbllnac Cy: W:Teague, West Durham; t E,' I Ware, Kings Mountalik.:;.,. . w ; ' . XJ5LEPHOXE EXTEXHIONS. Reach Farnirs lii Gastoii,' (Icvcliiiul, ' l.tAnrhu ' flinwilf tht - t'V II. Tl . .wq.vmiu.Vl .. ..j, ' (Special to. The Evening Tiineu.) v -, nastonim, .C.A Februnrv 12. The f J'ltxlphoiit Telephone auiL Telegraph Company are preparhig to make vaxt FOR Ain&nificcnt new line of Ladies' Oxfords, representing the . - , , t , v,.v " Very Latest 1906 Styles " 'Ic11 to Pool for latest tind best in footwear He's tlif&ys first to show tew styles 'r.. -n- ? phi i r IM a..M- U ttwM a - 4 . .4, a4 Uul -a I ) TU fuIWief Utwr la om' na of r tlxaaaaauta maw ara oa ta Va , lUu ta.kaaaa ptm aa4 n to ) ; Mfua.4 riatin Utai Lfi X. i'uik- aoaa a rfrWi4 C an pnuajl asaat aa a raaM4r af rrral aaarti, otaerwlaa l aoa)4 ( pro4oa aark raaalta aaMMf alrk aad alaac Daar alra, ttaabnai- . AanulaWaaaaaaaarMataaf larararua liam araniu. .4 an4 Baa ra- raua4 a raam aaa. 1 crtad Lnti B tlaa- av) Vaxaabu t iaaiiiaail, aa4 tlam a aWI tliaa 1n aatiar. aa4 aJW alia Sa aia&aaaf II I waaanuralr aaraa. 1 tT r nanii il "a Cfiaiial 4 1 1 11 aii narv ll aataatiaaawi b mpar aa4 naoat aaia:aa4 Utir ntai ft1 aat a faavd afW aa aavir Ouranra kul aa aal ana. I am Ii an 4 a rapraaBa4 U to ail aulVrin tam Kr M Uaua, U Ka M buaat, Ciaria aaM, OaM. ' If jrom aaa anpprnaaJ nalaful aartod. araakaeaa of tha alAmaeh. (adlraioa, bloaUnf, orlHa eatarrti. oerrooa praalratioa, diixlnraa, faiat- aaa. doQ t-eara" and Hwaat-to-ba-Urvalooa" faaltnr. aaciUbllitjr, baelc acha or tba blurt, tbaaa ara tnra Indi eatioa of featalo waalcaeaa, or aoaia cWraarenrBt of tk orfnna, la aock tbera la oo trtro. aad traa rcBody Lydla E. Plakuka'a Vacubl Cost- I Improvaiaanla In tha aervlce. Among Ihrm will ba Ihr rntabliithniont of on xrhanire at Ciruvrr. which will tx'Kln with nbnut fifty aiil-iHMr, 4S of Whom aw fsrirtorw. Thi- txchanirra at T" k- vllli" and Ulav kHlMH j; will bu rrlulltrd fltlril with IKc Iiitt'at lmprove:nenta. The -niiony la alrai gulnit to build toll HneM from Illiirksbure to 8 lml by and fmal BUclby i laaorentrai-o. Cjjo- fwn, JU'lii I'tu ailui r iniai v iv f w , RulhertorUlon. It l the object of Ihe compwny to plare the very, beat BMtvlre within the reach of every farmer In Gaston, C'rve and, Lincoln, Catawba, York and Cherokee cotintlcs. BRIBERY CHARGED Ifj . ENGLISH ELECTION ' (By thi AsHoclnted Ires.) lonlan. Feb. l!.-KSlr Francis Uonry Evans, liberal. raCMitlv. defeated, nt MallMone. Kent.. England, hna peti tioned agalAMt the return of the Mar quis jt "Londonderry's son aid ,;helr; Viscount Coatleieirlv, unionist, aiag Ing bribery' and other l'.tega!:t"es asalns: Castlereagh r.ents.: X v Lady Evans, who Is a daughter of the 1 n I a Rami, At Rlavnni n- !i .1 wnn nftiumair ' nrri r kw vA- .v i hr ' f ' husbanila electoral eamnalan and Is greatly chairiined at his defeat bv the narrow majority of 133. . A hrf-kiit Kin 1 1 a Ar.tin rai luno .fctn at a i 4vui null, -nr 1 uvui.ii viiiivnn lilt v i- been lodged against other elections op similar grounds. i CAS BARNS AT V s NIAGARA BURNED. 4- Niasara Falls, N. Y.i Feb. 12. The car barn Of the International Railway Company, located on the Canadian side near thetvhlrlpool, was burned today, together : with twenty-seven cars, the proplerty of the International B!lt LlnOv Loss JW.WO. The ft i-0 is believed to havo been of llicendlary origin. I 'Farmers meehunics, railroads, la- borovs riHy oir J)r. ThoWas': JEcloctric OIL, Takes thoaUug; out of cuts, burns or bruises at We. Pain can not stay where It is used. 1 LAMES ll Wi !' II, IT. C. la tult laa tuUNnrtl td i U V-4 la ltt (iW ai tba .saif. twa, f Mta'-J 1 1. ' luaa aif..(j aoar ia I tJ ki U ..1 a) a rkax) aaut ara U4 War af L4 ttaataa (Ui K la Haa m n la u .1 atUa aa IW (naM titiUl 4a fttlar ax laa Tl h,t( Mar(Mt a tlaiuat af tba N M tolte4; nrtarana I f lt larl a4 ta (fa! rrm'.a.iiaa ! ial ia t-a anaaa la rrr of la lwk( la (Wa l'n"4 Hiaiaa. ft v lta litaaa of t-laiaal taaaua ; aa4 H la Haa aliavailat taa af . a lalrjr it, a Ha alt Ua aaioitiajia. Iar4lna, aatWttlaoa ka4 aartU iaalraa !f k axaa aortra4 ia rtaar aa4 Jaxrtktac baa4, 4 lk liaauai rf Mia jara taagal aa aaasiatakakW trrtaa I 4aaw tr4H aa "Maarf Otaaa." T eatg to IVI JaMa Keitl IHWl lor tat law aa 'aar aa taa tauiiraUr atar la lao It-aiar "Taa Taa Oraaa" Co, taa laritka oraia4 kta jtcrfarBia. kal jlaatat4 tkat ko rat ara la "Moat :Crtaia.' No srooral aa4 ktpraa4 '"M tkt " tkat Mr. O Nrlll kaa !rrWl,lr P"c 0lnl aa4 la tbla )aar trraratla( aa rtabo- ral rarlaal nf lka iaImi I Kit I ka kaa Biada faatona. Tk atrouf ai'!xr1lii ooupaajr larladaa JaBM O Nrlll, Jr.. kla aoa. and Cbarloa Birtraa. Kick ard AUva. J. W. lillk. J. il Crra. Bart Wallaoo, Taoiuaa Kdwarda. WlllUm McKi-tTii). Alfred Lour. Jobb Parka. Joka II. Ortxa. Kd. Short. Edala Laae. Jamra Hall. TA. Smllb. Allva O. Mryvra. John benja nil a. Robert Lauvr. Abigail Mar ball. Kat Ftolrnrr. Sara lelk, Loulaa Miller. Academy, February 12tk. Tbe la The Academy of Mualc opena M"d aeaday nlghl, February 14, for four algbta of modera reportolra by tbe three Payton Slalera, who enjoy tbe reputation of carrying one of tbe best popular ptioa organisation on the road and this season tbey hare tbe Iron rest company erer aeon la their support. , Much care has been taken In . selecting tbe repertoire which Inculdoa some of the ntRhost royalty playa ever used by .any popu lar price company, and they ure Biased. In a nianucr that would do credit to tha average ono-nlght staud playjng at advanced prices. The coa- ... . 1 1 - . 1 .. . j ... , . ray ion oiawn. .roaucnoua. io. tensive wardrobe , consisting or. an almost unlimited number of exqultilte gowns that are the latest creations of the dressmakers art The numer ous vaudeville artists also form a distinct feature with the show and are seen after every act. DID YOU KEU MAKE 23 PEIl HOUB BY READING ADS? Suppose that, in tbe course of half an hour's reading of the classiiisd ads. you come across an announce ment like this: , fX)H SAIE To close caUlo, plot 100x100, corner Hnilth ami Jones streets; price, $1,000, part cash., Ad' lire, X rtc. You know the neighborhood and the property, and. having $200 to in vest, yetf buy the property, paying that amount In cash and giving a ' mortgage for the remainder, -V Ik. J it.. a.H.. .Jkl.A I t I H ua ""'.J 'insert this advertisement under heads "Real Estate for Sale", and "Business Opportunities": . VOW SALE Four lots, 25x100, sliiKle or together; $500 per, lot, cash. . Iiletl factory site; or favora' bio loan may be secured for building apartment houses or stores. Address, Y, etc. , In course of ton days several pros pective buyers are interviewed. In eluding one who Is looking for a fac tory site. Coming to terms with him, he assumes the $800 mortgage and pays you .balance in. cash. ,- ' Your total expenses in the negotia tions, Including title Bearch and ad vertising, amount to $00. Your net profit on the deal is J900. Counting the veutire actual' -.timc consumed in tho negotiations .as 38 hours, including tho original hour devoted to reading tho ads. and find ing the chance, you will have earned $5 an hour. ' Business deals paralleling the one cited, many on much larger scales and more' or much smaller," aire not rare in this city they are occurring continually. , And nlneUenths of them have thmY origins fn what are commonly, called the 'Want"Bds.rt 1 Special llcdnccd Rates Via Seaboard. Pensawln.- Fta., . New . Orleans, c La., February JB-27V, . onr.iaro., plus 85 l-ound- trip, .tickets sold February 21-26 inclusive,, final limit March 5. Tickets eui. be extended until March. i i ; Louisville,- Ky.Aecount Dcpaiitment of 6uperJntndents National Educa tional Association, ' Febmai-y 27-March 1, one fare plus 25c round Hrlp, tickets sold Febi-aury 24 25, v 2ft,, final limit March 4. - ' ' C. H. OATTI3, T, P. A., ;.v- Raleigh, N. C. restitute for College You'"? ; Wc aO- CC'-TSCS t v cf 4 Cc' ' - 1 0 Aunts. ' JlS-Ciwi.' "',9 fo' -ll 4T - . w ! r a rT w ia.rxb . t x f n BOTfcAN - -.-.J Emphatic v v OVERCOATS This is Our Season to Offer Special Values. .... This AVeek It Is Overcoats. The Reductions are Enormous ;;-,Asill Be ClDttM jEaSS! a$2000 Overcoats go for cash at $15.00 Overcoats go for cash at $11.25 $12.50 Overcoats go for cash at $9.38 J.00 Overcoats go for cashat : . . . . ,. . $7.50 Cravenetts Coats are also included in this telling reduction sale.i Liee J, H. AHERII GO,, ...Banken ' Ant) Dealers II Stocks, Cotton, Grain, Provisioi 43 Broadway NKWTORK. - We Issue the most comprehensive and Instructive Market letter published. ' WRITE' FOH IT."- . Ilnbbard Bros. Co. HANOVER 6QUARE. NEW YORK. MEMBERS OF He Ydrkr CottOA Ex- change, New,; Orleans cotton- m ohanye. Asociat Members Uvar pool Cottoa AsociaUon. v " I' ORDERS 80IJCITED For the pur- chaM tad sale f ooitoa lor ruture delivery. Correspondenc .Invited., j . - I Ul I V ' . , . ' - I VO.SPfCMlTrS , NO CUT PZSCE Cut lieSZzLte Goads ' ASI the Time , T.,Lii.!cG'::!:rs & Go 401 Fayctteville Street r Alt 'Phohts COM PA N Y 3Ju A I Oct cmt? Boy est and doat gti okL Edispe and Exirbow art thf "rigaig" (iToritM la Riia CoU. fkey look to "nMf too La dry weather. .Tfcey trt troJj a doub! izj coat Tron bow oa then 11 bt chUly raiaa a plenty, and no top garment meeU rtragh weather exlendea ao completely or ttth to comfortablt or looks to dresiy Ecliipe" and "Rainbow" are thf beat SMALL NECESSITIES. Erery day we receive Email warea that are absolute nece&iitiea and are also new and of the latest designs and patterns. In Ladies' Belts we are showing the latest in white wash, silver, gilt, silk and leather. Prices range from 25c to $1.00. Also new Embroidered Neck Wear, the tailor-made wash kind, beautiful in designs, new and crisp. Prices range from 25c. to $1-00. While in Shopping Bags we show a complete line new styles 50c. to $3.50 , PEARCE BaLrgacins in. . Observed by the Following Figures: 50 Overcoats go for cash at $16.50 Overcoats go for cash at Brought iil Orders given imm ediate attention. GANGER HOSPITAL Wa want every man and 'wo. man In the United State id know. what we ar dolni "Wa are curing Cancers, Tumors and Chronic Sores without tha use ot the knife, and arc en doraed by the Senate and LegislRturS of , Virginia. It you are Seaklnt 'a cure, com , her and yon wilf ft it, : wa guarantebJ OCR , CUREiS.' Fl THE KELLAM CANCER HOSPITAL The CrovvcII Sanitorium Co., i - (INCORfORATED.) ; s , CHARLOTTE, X. a r-For the Treatment ot --i Whiskey, Morphine ancU Nervous Diseases. r Special apartments and nurses for lad'y patients.' All forms of electric ity for treating nervous diseases, and various methods of massage. Includ ing the Bllbnialor vibrating method, 't he stockholders all being physicians constitute a consulting hoard. ". . Specially trained male and female nurses and attendants. " . ' K. M. CROAVELL, M. P., Trci. M. BTROXO, M. ., Ilebideut I'lij siciun. , t 1 1 .$16.88 , .$15.00 $12.38 on. MID-WIMEU STOVE SALE. . i WE ARE ttinXO A, , CLEARANCE SALE ifej:'f 'op ; hiWM'fi'0l ' HEATING STOVES:. alt; aloxg the .xixm we HAVE MADE "EXTRA 1EEP CUT. ' NOW IS THE : TIME TO GET THE GREATEST STOVE, BARGAIN ' OF YOVH LIFE. ' lIAItr-WARP ll.VllDWATlE CO. r X N. C. COMPANY '!.v.i-,vv:'.v-a 1. RALEIGH, ll C. , J" IT H Va T w ia virrf - ' t aU4ka Sfcalam. aWja ar C'.i.a. hi". m Uaa .1 la a ara, . O.lui.i'4 Taa aaa l atla aa aW(irr tk, Mr, aV. IWY tHIOtBl larrAltTMLkT. t nt if. .,' Kr Lia MM Caaxla. Kalaa. t4kr. Illr 1 V. ClactaaM. rvmJaa. mala. LaL. Orfakilaa, Etc ITW ARIUT AIA. rait Matlraaiwa, 3, .JM, . CUaa raaif J ara, iv, t'c Tlaaara. EaaJBMlvar. Plova. Cahlvatora, akH ooltry Wlra ta 4 f.r Ua-Btt.ladd-ra. I.V. pr hfl. "r Albania. Eaaala. thalo f ratrxia. Dry Good. all Ouoda, tit Mea's FMrta. OvcraMt. WherbaiTos,'fx , . Ladle Park Wra'pixrt. BOr.N I2-o. Roll ToOrt Piper, tWe Slaa tkat artli for Hap. tmr Sr. - ( KaloMari tache tUc fark. r; Pol lar , Waubea eot Ingvrsol't Make. 7tT VV. . ' Ladlef Red Wool Yosts, ft grade TBc. . r-t, ' 1 RARDWARK trCrARTMKVT. Plasms. STt, I,"YV tt.fK), tlJSo. Hand Saws, I4 as, S7, ftOc, $145. Xest Basra. $1.15 to 1.7,. Levant, 1, as, 4, 0c . . ' Braces, J, S5c' . Ratchet, SOr. . , " Chisels, SO, 25, BO, 85, 40c . Hammers, 10, 25, SOr. IxKks, S. li, 15, 30, SS, 50c. " Slagla Barrel Cans, M.A5 ma. Double Barrel Cans, 9AO ap, Rlflea. flJW, $2.25, $2.75. Tbe Kver-Kady Safety lUaor. ' with 7 bladea, la Uaadaotoa lesUbeeo ette ease for $1.04. . ,.. v -I Coffee MUla, 17, 25, 40, 80c ' Food Choppara, 60c, 90c, $1.0- ' ' Rogers lldwt. Knives and Forks, $3.00. i Bt&ei Barbers Shears, 80c ; ' STOVE DEPARTME XT. v . Wood Heaters, $1.25 to $3.50. Heavy Wood Heaters, $3 to $0. Coal Stoves, f 1.05 to $4.00. . Cook Btovee, $0.00 tb $150. Grates, Flredogs, etc . ' Coal Hoday BO, 25, $3, 45c .. clock'departjiext. , Ntckle Alarm Clocks, 65cA 70c -Eight-Day Oak Clocks. $1.00. , Office Drop Octagon, $3, $3,35. Marbelized ; Parlor , Clocks, $a5. $1J)0.,. ,v - Gilt and -Fancy. 35c., $1.25. .-v ' CARTET DEPARTMENT. Granite Art: Squares. $1, 95, $2.00,' $3JW, $440.,., . , . Wool and Mixed. Art Squares, all sixes up to 4x5 Tarda. AH piicea, $3.56 to $13.50. ':". Rugs, 25c tO $5.00. ' . -tr '. Hemp Carpet, ' 10, 13 K,' 90c . t ; Ingrain, 25, 85, 40, 57c -V' ;i ' I Brnssel Carpett, 60c yard.1 -Floor oilcloth, 25c yard. 1 , ! Door Mats, 43c up. . ' , ' ' ' 1 Curtain Poles and Shades. FURNITURE DEPARTMENT. " Iron Beds, $225 to $10.OOK ' Cots, $1.0, $1.60, $2.25.. ,r " ! Springs,$1.35, $1 JM, $1:70, $2.00. Mattresses, $1.00 to $025. y '-: 1 Sideboards, $9.75, 12.50- up.' Tables, 45c to $5.00. Bedroom Suits, . Drfesses,; Chairs, Halt Racks', $3. 75," $4.50, $0.75. t Ueed Rockers, $2.40 to ,$4.00. I Bud Lounges, Couches, Safes and i Cupboards. : 1 1 " '"''" .' 7 I Chiffoniers, nice mlrrf,'$0.G0. i . ' TRUNK DEPARTMENT! ' , 1 : Mev lot Trunks, $1.00 to $12. uO. Bags, 25c' to $3.00. ;- , ' Buit Cases, $1.00 (t $6.00. ! 4 BABY CARRIAGE DEPARTMENT. ; ' Our hew lino Of Go-Carts Is open , f of ' Inspection. TheyV certainly fcft beauties. . v ' ' ' T Prices: $12.50, $11.00, $0.S0, $8.00, $6.t8. '' -4"1 " - 'Folding Style: $1.73, 2.33, 3.C3, $4U50. $6.00, $8.00. CIX)THING DEPARTMENT. , v A A few Overcoats at eut prioes. - : Sweaters and Cardigan Jackets. ' Rubber' ConU and Hut , v MCSitr DEPARTMENT. Good news jto tnuitic lovers The price, of Victor Records have tr,n , reduced 10-lnch, 00c. i 7-l.idi, te Autohnrps, $2.00, $3.00, C3.C9, . Accordions, $1.25 to "3.00. 1 Guitars; $2.40 to $3.00. ' Banjop, $1.00 to $5.00. Mandolins $1.75 to f 5.C0. Violins, $1.00 to $3.C0. ' Stringii nnd Repairs, Cms. - A 50-RecOrd Case, $T.r3. , . Victor ; Talking Machines, (.:.; to yao.oo. . ' . , .'" 'Our special, tlift t ;;:t 1 I' t Tulklng MaoUne 14 Ce I .t I J money, ?!""'',.( : ' ' , -