iV. 1 - f a m ; . a a a e a a a a a to I at.,.. a tea "T. j u a It ILL m ta WWM ae k, t feat et i,ih.uiuL:: . ta Mum e aa rv l,.ea-a at aru4 af m .4.a .4wi. eta4tg a e-a awhatat H. a-a..j4 .a I t c W lae trf ta tlx 4 aue aa e nam aa 7 a i . , 1 ( IMi Iwmi IVf "i-w -! -r-- I' r i I.e..';.- :rt la ClTCU- (U i4tM) Oi If Ur fcotli. ...... I.H Xil tWvt(k tUXX K. C i MOXDAT. reWltJART 11. 1M. 4a'r ( Abrahua Ltecotm. BaaMaa lc( eaa of iba pra-amlnaoOy craat maa lha 4ba cwibMT araAtoad Ja tba liu( fw iirDaraaQVa m tba.toatb'a tnpA ta b4. aad hla birth amstt to ba obrfr4 ta.lhle part .at Um. country far mora'nerallr tbaa it la. for at a tuiitar a faot ,Va hanUr 'toaam tt ta ui day aa.ve for aoma of tha new from the nonharn stock 'eschanaaa. I , ' , Tbaaontb flmla if bard tooatampm4 , XJWaa U beat Weo4 but of bor-dbra-tt tha aa-ful ayof forty yaara ' lao aacauta kl""aa '.the 'hand that altoetf'tba anjaticloatloft -procUmittoa. .- that waa- a war raaaaura and wblja fx 'aJ. responaiUe, comlncaa It did aAd at tba ttma t did, tor mucb or iha cbaoa fhft foJlowadi Ull 1t.U.a fact ,eiat jra? iiiu i aubaaqtwnt yeara'hava prated bt tha aboUtton of alarary .waa the treat Induatrlai boon to tha aouth, and fhe chaoa that fallowed' would not have Allowed had K not boen for that dare devil madcap act -bt the handsomest and perhaps vainest man in America at that time v , , . v He killed for some reason that has iiever yet been found out a leonine con- ' tractive .atateaman who loved all the people-of hi contir with a yearning for tbei -well belnff that is at seldom seen as Jt ja often talked about.; ."Then ' you and 1 and ait of ua fell down. -V For moaths - beforo .; bia ' death the faun -tutted,' giant ' had Jtood up Ag-alnat the pollUclaiui that beset him . to retard tha aoUtn aa, a conquered na Uoiu'VjHa fought terrible' fight and was. Vinnlim; M-the, south bad had op- portMaJty.to aee time and again. ; ;.,Ue jwould nevei have consented to the enfranchisement of the - negro, for he bad uald ao ovef and over again, nor the thousand 'and one indignities that 'came in its train., And congress knew Ihahe would, veto and they Would have to get that two-thirds ma Jrfry;.,HeiWtts one of the. few men In .public1' Life at the national- capital that ' knew, the wur, wn, ver 'after. General ' Jtjce had. surrcudorcd. ' ' I f XA -.Vi ..- ":. Wi ,i'"-v."ji ";i t- ' ! , "'An otlll tf;BuV6 to wouder and ln-qan-a what' day is tuls man's birthday. r. -t" ; r ;'( Je Horofs of the lull. ' f vTI) ..nerve,. afut 'courage of :Eugtnt!er -John KbbortBon in: the weck'on the (Seaboard Air.' Line latft; week, who thought 'of Ills aasengers rather than , himself, ia-worthy of- aH praise." -11 he had Jumped without waiting to Apply , hts air brakes,' many lives might have been lost, but he stood at ids posV un til .his duty was done, t He is none the loss a hcror though .no partial pensman. paints hts, praise. Charity and. Chll I'he . factrtbat this same heroism Ja displayed almost ' bvery day does not take away any of the praise and glory , that rightly belong to the Raleigh en gineer, but it shows that the men who ;sit in the cab and look, to our safety . ,' we .whirl along, are-; the .type and -kind that deeerv6 the plaudits -of the Wdrld,. It. invariably happens V that tliey ould save: themselves, by jutnp- ug, but they seldom do ft and they are . crushed, roasted and scalded to1 death , I because they know that duty demands , that they stick to thd post,' They stick and die. .. The public, concerned only - In the .welfare- of the passengers,- sel dom stops to regret the slaughter, and jthe real heroes are quickly forgotten. , TTkto is always certain element ut : C mjit in the handling of trains., Clr j.:U';, anct'8 over which human bein li ive ro control bring sudden disaster, i , . ( w is -i wc think that brave rat n reei B. ta a . tart ba taf a-aal at a eve Ml ar ia IW U mnu ta4 w4 eai a la lh a ttav e WuMt ii wc'ii eaa sanaai af Ikai etas ta mm ea aye a WaieattMa. rjw stews' a fee emianiaS ewe, ta II Cnwrgfe aaraa4 rtt4. Own f la tkisis le a (hs Ui Ka M 1Mt1eta4 aaiswaia la sty thfa4 earuOa Wal ta atel Is Ut twa e( M lal i LrtMtg yiw i ait nt M mmm Ike trMrt to toad Cleit , Ml Maa MaUia to t- Ik tottareaa lajertad IM tW MM Vf ! of tee aeiniit W At hMi Um rwtotc atlgM bar mm Utt A fcaad awerud rrt aa euatoca Um Iktrd aaavr ftwa earae tog ttoitca. Here af late Um JvwtmJ and 4be OMMthettuei have mi Mik ImbIi Wat tWr raH lto ftt: mi train itt. ' We are kkferwed tbat terttr ftU) ef per4-rias eatw4l eeUUahnca teuk a bead prtwary, ;ac reeutt bitwg tbat Bmlta feed alartera support are a ad UowcH ee . Tbe Ceo tHetlon. aiul to be boat at that gniae. sent tellers to local trains and the acet censee tbat tweaty paaacngere w4 tor Uowett erhh a Hoke Smith man to sight. Tbe JowreaU U-h is tbe Bmlth orgaa and a trifle more yellow, new odertakae ta prove that ne avx-h train was operated and tbat tbe Howell people staffed the traveling ballot bos with UM ballots cast by a carload et melea Aad so tt goea. Afternoon and morning tbe dtiseas are fed on party politics and tbey are growing desper ate, with the election more than six months off. There are ether candidates for governor, of course., but little is beard of them. They are crowded out to make room for the' heavy-weight Tbe campaign Is not helping the Mate or tbe statesmen so anxious to occupy the manalon on Peachtree street. M was amusing attlrst," "though it has reached that stage where It la more ridiculous than 'dlgnlOeid. The real Issue confronting the poeple Is hbw to And and elect some other man, ' ' Worthless Testlmooy. Testimony by so-called 'handwriting experts is much like a two-edged sword calculated to cut both ways. In the Mann trial in New Turk one "expect'' testified tbat the endorsement on a pa per, was written by Col. Mann and another smears that the signature in nOiWay resembled that of the black mailer under indictment. In many notable murder cases this sort of evi dence has played no small part, but nowadays Jurors are less Inclined to accept IU We bave in mind a case from another state, the main facts of which are of interest, A farmer was arrested for killing his wife. She wai lying In bed, with the. bed clothes up to her chin, and when the neighbors found her, her head had been blown off by a shotgun, when there was noth ing to Indicate that she could possibly have pulled the trigger.- The husband was convicted. He secured a now trial, was convicted again, and finally the supreme- court held that the verdict was right. -The next step was to ap peal lor executive clemency and to make sure bis position the governor employed one of those New York ex perts to deterndna whether or not the woman had written a note 'which was the basis for tho suicldo theory. Tills note, to which the woman's name was signed, said brledy, "I committed sui cide," but tbe argument was advanced by the prosecution that the husband had written it to- divert suspicion. At any rate,., the governor, ignoring' the evidence and 'the Tverdictaf ; three courts, commuted the sentence and the murderer was not nanged. 6e was not set free, however, and he Is in the pen itentiary today although as a simple proposition of law he is unjustly held If he was saved from tba gallows by the ex-parW evidence of a fakir who was never sworn. He is either a mur derer or a persecuted puui and yet en this flimsy testimony he received the half-way. punishment when he should have been hanged of acquitted. The best thing to do ts to tct such testi- mony alone. ta the Grand Stand, Toa. . The Sutesvllle Landmark, for in stance, which la supporting Mr. 81m mons, with alt the warmth of its na ture and being; Is of the opinion that this talk of defeating hint with Glenn, Aycock : or anybody . else is idle.-- nsiuiBu limes. , . The Times was never more mis taken In Its life. The Landmark did hot support Senator Simmons when he was a candidate before, and is not supporting him now. ' It might support him if somebody' more to Its notloa does not come to the bat. A Ksea is fcC.4 M To 'l Um brnXa. Tbe sUi v.fc ebtd be la tbe sn so truta Stw lure Ut a !' e aaw.W ed tkis sayre tbat Um awe'bera RaU way feesaear "M'" tame feeetas Na tbe asMnat af It ees.sM rr 'aryeeaa af diiilaaiaaC Tbe aaatb-a- era baa smm tbaa aay acber uM aad aavacy aided tbe ftaelh ta taantog mm. Me aaterat ristsrtsi and Ha eere mmm it tea aa a aaore eateaalee acate tt )at tbat saare afaatage U tba . eartloa aalltbary tast- Ml CM I UTTUS. The err4 ItMaaat TVr ai tae Valee to Matm, aad aar IM to toM a tto rve (Ward toet bat aaaat ithwy ca Ttaia. Tar awaetaiiiit aaalaiaiae M aa 4MHeita atatlaas to Iratoad M bat ter Um ihmHit aar that tolaad. CHar Ltol aaratsac bare beaa awat tale rear to tMwmete tee Irtoh aveMry latrreeta Tbe total aambrr af Irttara, pa para. etr. furward4 by to tbe Oeretaa empire last vaar waa UdbM Cn- ktad and Pranre was aest a life CaK.- ate. rot sad i.e.ot.eo, reapeptlvety. It is ealy alihla a rMory thai by artdlsalloa ar tba rreaa arardlng of pleats baa bars practiced. Yet U saeene le have barn lu linrd Bacon's mlad. as a thUMr to be achieved, more tbaa 9e years ago. Tbe transportation of tbe Russian aoMlers from VhuMvoatock to llitasla ky stramahlp will cost IK for each troop aad UN for each officer. Contracts have been let. eo far for the tranapor tattoo af about St, tot men. - It costs money to live In South Africa K woman resident In Johannesburg pays IM a month for her cook and ! a moeth to a Hindoo earvant. In India ape .would have had to pay only U a month for the Hindoo's services. tt ta expected that the Yosetntte Val- UW in California m soon be made as socesaaMe to vnmors in wimvr aa summer, through the completion of the atw railroad, which- Is being built from Merced to .the entrance to the park. -'capb Towsr (South Africa) Jewry re cently dedicated a new synagoaue, a magnificent structure, capable or seat ing l.SOS persona. The president of the congregation. Councilor - H- Idbermaa, J. la also mayor of Cane Town. Not satlsned with the usual grafting adopted by floriculturists,, a French- man. M. Pollard ef Paris, has started Into transform vegetables.. Already he has succeeded In turning a radish Into a potato according to a recent consul ar report ' - . ': '..t , . ' ' ' "VThll some Cambridg students were pulling down a fence "for fun" the oth er day tbe owner of the fence entered so warmly into the humorousness of the occasion as to empty a bucket of hot tar over one' of the festive under graduates. MEN AND WOMEN. Henry,, Labouchere's beautiful daughter, the Marchesa Dt Rudini, will soon visit this country. As a girl she was the toast of London. f Frederick. ,,' Morris of Kew York, purchased 'In - Boston last . week for $8,950 the first four folios of Shake speare which were printed .in, Lon don Beween IS23 and 1685. , . .It is said that Prince Louis Napo leon, now, in the RuBsIan service - as governor general of tne uaocasus, recently objected to having soldiers fire on unarmed mobs of workmen. 1 11 :',x. 'i The Mayor of Santiago has sug gested 'that the plantation of which San Juan Hill la a part to be pur chased by the Cuban government as a woddlng present :from that country iri Tlaa Alloa nmuiavblt '- 3 w STsiwif aMH) atvwyv v vi Prbf.- Francis E. Llord. of tic do-8 1, of t(e partment of "biology of Teacher' Col legCi Columbia University has ye- signed to accept' a position Id con neetion with the Desert Labdratory of the Carnegie Institution.' Dr. Phillip P. Wells, llbraflad' In Yale Law School and lecturer in his tory in tha academic department; has resigned to accept - aa appointment in the legal department of the Na tlon Bureau of Forestry at Waahing- Prince Kblllhoff, -who has acquired fame in connection - with the Trans Siberian Railway, renounced his title and estate when a young man, and emigrated to this country ,f where he worked at a bolt machine at a salary ot ?.l0 a week; 'i'ti $ Lord Jdasham, one of the most re markahte men of his generation, has Just died in London. , By his inven tiveness he created at least three new Industries wool combing by ma chlnprr. th manufacture of velvet by power loom and the weaving of '1?nln5J containing 19 t-4 acres, and niSu losing tbe same Jand tlmt was conveyed ' . ' : ( to P. R Sears by Julitt Vpchurch and mi. '.' u ' ,t ,) .lw,fe by deed dated January 13, 1903, The club women Of the.: United: ThU ith nt j,nurv in I States are being asked to unUe in a Twa W - Is aar a bxaaa - - - , eiahi aad tlUharaa la tbe b e 0 . ' - t & I . -J.Mi - LM. J I tk 4 rtaae to not to a La I I ii -1 1 la taa aady sa aa tt I tl-fct at tba aady ?r.Lar-?sss: l-.it r MttM abfb I baea eanb aate riwa ar,eea sail rut as Is a '- dUMaae YW kveataf Treats! eta rare yer a yva win try p: sad tt a 111 aa ait tbat at atwatiaad lot n M w aid fed a unto. At Kw e I aaU. taa Kavlry treat awe! bas saved l at fire; It aaa beegbt ate a ate t sstt; tt baa at a air b eeae a fare- It has saade f dies taatravd ff a HoU: tt say 1le aad tbtldna karri; M bas pat iWa ta tbe bast aurnti It bas tode a IsaiTf af aa el say bfa; it bas saade a aMwrbaal ad est; t baa saada aay dsVgbteT graduate ta ' aistlc aad aba la today wwklag , aad saaAlac awt ttt sevaurt., Tbe Keetoy cera bst sad saa ta larlp tare ebrraJ New I a eat ta aay ta, all aaeAbere, aitas. atsifrs aw frtrada, , abea year 4 oaa gel dree do d for dortor, bet send far a gradsata af the Krrley laaitrste. aad , let klm Uke tbest ta Creraauure vkere tbey wi( pa rami, aad osae back ta yea aew tors front bead to foot. I know vbal I sol Ulklag i bo ML Aa tor 4he mtaagers. tbejr cant ba beat. Tbe Keek? IstUteu la perfect la every respect God ttleaa , Ibeot all. , . I I eaa'l aay oaabalf In Ibis totter i tbat I woe Id like concerning an that : tbe Keel latUtste bas doaeor ua. want to the Institute about thirteen yean ago a lost mas. sosl and body; without money, without friends. Ta dty I have alL I tbaak God aad tba Keeley Institute 'for all that tt has dona for m and mine. Now, friends. go to boom one" tbat bas takes tha Keeley treatment,' and he will tell you tha' rant , May Qod bless the In stitute and all of lu good works: both for, what It hss done and for abat It will do hereafter. . Respectfully yours, , i.'.i- it R. D. OWENS. Rock 1IU1. & C. Dec S. 1104. , 'f-v-! ;m.?. : ( If yon have Mends who night he benefited by thJir treatment lend their banes to , tha Keeley . Instltuta, Oreacsboro. N (J v : testimonial to Mra'Lillle Devereaux Blake, a prominent nod consistent advocate ot woman' suffrage for the past , thirty-five years. ' The testimo nial' Is to Uke tha form of a "bag of gold," and will be presented on Sat urday, April 7. The amount of gold to be in the bag Is not limited. Judge Janles Wlckersham. , who presided over the federal court for the third district of Alaskl, with headquarters in ' Fairbanks, has' a sphere ot operations: Sbout co-equal in extent with all that part of the United States lying south of the Ohio and east ot the Mississippi. ' It em braces all of the great interior region of Alaskl, an empire within itself. ' Ask any "JAP" that yo,d' may soo. Why the Csar, wjth Bear behind," ' v had to cllmh a tree, ' The Yanks, God ; Mess the Ysaka, ' SajSI he, iv- ;'f.'i- 'i They give us Rocky Mountain j Tea. Henv T. Hicks Drug-Company. - i EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. I HaTing qualified as exocutor ot the estate of Clara Kand"dooeased,this IS to notify all persons having claims against said estate to present tbem to tha undersigned tor payment on or before the first day JOt March.' 1907. or this notice will he plead Jn bar of 'their recovery, j All persons in debted to the estate will please settle vithout further demand. . l, ,.: This February 1 1906. r i'. . WILUAM MITCHELL, " Executor of Clara 'Kand Deceased, - - t i - 'I ! ,, SALE OPIASD Under and pursuant to an order of the' Superior Court; of Wake county, mads In the Special proceeding entitled Lanoy Maynard et at.; vs. -Nancy A. Bears, btlnc numbortd 1272 on lh spe cial proceeding docket ot said court the undersUned will on ' iffg? . WEDNESDAY. FEBKUAItT il." 19M. at 11 o'clock nv,' at the Court House door in the city ef Ralelg-h, North Cat ellna, offer for sale to the hlRhest bid der for cash the following described lands, lying and being In Wake county " Adjoining the lands ot W B. L'p churchanj.v C 3 TJpchurch tand others, Doun3e4' as "follows, ''vis; Beginning at a stake in W. B.'Up church and C. P. Upchurch's corner;' thtnee west about 'Si poles to W, B Upeburch's corner in C' Fj Upchurch's line;. thenoa south' 94 4-5 poles to tht Ittsboro roadi' thence-with said road about 40 poles, to John Upchurch's cor ner; thence north to W. B. Unchurch and C. F. Upchurch's corner to tbe be- R, K. c"" Commissioner, ' c? SEED' JjSI F.EGEIVED ' H !L111tf : Coddi Aynne : yMM" " " ? SPECIAL CUT PRICES ON Guns, Pistols AND Sporting Goods ron. 15 DAYS ( HARDWARE (0. 225 ;.S. WILMINGTON ST ' East End of qty Market;; V pomAUjkijmfi The F; Milter ' & Son s ; . :, - "' ' :'" ' "- Grand and Upright PIANOFORTES The ' business - rotablihlicd mora than forty years always under one continuous manage ment today retaining its origi nal personality. ' -. r lie , M 1LLER is the . Artistic llanoforte of America.- Its In dividual merits invites the at tention of all interested In tho. FINEST AKt.rBODVCTS OF, - THE WOKLI. ' Kend for fine ratalogue and ' full iBforntationlo ( 6.: - iV.f ;fcV;S;;'. Darnell ' aSt- .": Thomas Raleigh, N. C. g Instttatefor College Yorauc Courses Women Cb inrvDi i m . Music. Ti Best riace aiirttt, . for Your Jas.DinwidiIis Daughter TmUu College Yourt courses BUkSltalirl Conserva tory 6f ItacTt CataIon MUX Aiiittt. East, flics for Your MDiawldJlf Dan'ter ' HOLLISTErl'S ' r.:;!,7 r:":.::!.iTca llzzZ' , A B'!y Mtdlclnt for Busy People. : ' Bring Golden Hultrt tnd Renewal Vlw. A 8inl Ho for COTUtlon. Inilliretlon. Llvnr sod Kidney troubles. Pimplen. Ecxema, Impure JlliKKl. Hud Jderih. Stumjisli Bowels. HeiKiuclie sod Muclto .- Ju Rocky Mountain 7'ein IhI )e6 form. cents s box. O-imu-t n"a by .-if)i,UK ri.,u Pbwo CoMPaKT. in.:Mn, v i ZZlZtH KUGCCTS FCH SAltC.V fZZ. I AROLINA Henry fFEACEl B i m W , i n. V. : X.. V fry a wC i I't',' 1 A 1 I " I 1 . BALETflH f INCOXUCHATED North Carolina's Establishment 123 and 125 FayettevlIIe St. v MAIL ORDER DEPARTMENT Wt prepay to any point in North Caxolina , freight, ex press, or postage on all cash mail orders amounting to $5 or more. The scope and facilities of our Mail Order Department are unexcelled. Patrons una ble to Tisit the establishment are assured expeditious ser vice and the same careful at- Itention as is given to pur chases made in person. -i H -i We begin the ''Spring ' hibits of Fashionable Silks, Laces, Embroideries, Wash BEAUTIFUL WHITE GOODS .,..'. ; ' ' f ,'. - v, - :''" ' . r -..C : . -' . i V . f ----- - r " v ' -f i 1 .'.'.'' ". - V '' . "' '. ''...".:..- ! Our showing of White Goods is decidedly the most comprehensive that has ever been made in our , city. Every piece is this season's newest weave; and the Em broideries, AUovers, Bands, Flounces and Edges are the loveliest we have ever seen exquisitely worked on the sheerest inaterials.-V- ' " , ' ' The Season's Dest Things in Silks. SPECIAL ' MENTION IS MADE OF OUR SHOW-; ING OF. "RAJAH" SILKS , r; V in the new spring tones and colorings. - v This weave fulfils the de mand of , fashion for a silk material of bold and effective character. In it the handloom fabrics of Asia is skilfully reproduced. It has already received the recognition of the fashion . centers of the world rParis, London, Ber lin Vienna and New York. The rarest perfection in col or, is achieved in the Rajah silks and our trade will en joy; coming to see them. Rajah Silks are wenes wide. Price $1.25 a yard. The same everywhere. Spring 8trav Tailio$.: i VE NEVER NEGLECT THE' HOUSSHESPER. 7e are just in receipt direct from China overland from Portland, Oregon, of a shipment CCD 're1! c,f the hi"h:ct grade 116 v;arp China mattir. II 3 daintiest patterns and the prettiest coloring th-tfhave ever, been fcrcu::.t over. Tha price is only 40c. a y:rd, f th:3 in- r1-- f" l"tHT"r VIUtVI4 J a' Dry Goods. We gire Dobbin & Fer rail's Gold .Trading Stamps with ever cash purchase one stamp for erery 10 cents. We are members of. the Raleigh Merchants Associa tionand by shopping with us out of town customers can obtain the advantages of the Association's rebate railroad fare system. ; ' : U. U Season with inagniflcent ex Dress Goods, White Ooodv Goods, Cotton Fabrics, Etc. ri'. Gn CLIFTON ' "BOND" .TAF - FETAS. 20 INCHES WIDE. : 85C. YARD. ; ' Our Bond guarantee with every yardthis Bond ac companies each purchase of ; our Clifton. "BOnd", Taffeta , and insures the' refund, of money paid for samej.for un satisfactory wear. The en- tire gamut of "spring ifash ionable shades " is - being shown in our assortment .of . colors as well as whites and ; blacks. No better purchase can be made.,-' V ' , . ' V -'-, 4 C ' K (si , . '-1