V : v. i r YOU AH i; I OKTV-1 IV!. a,4 .wa, Ito t.iinna 4 --.. a .a ., tiaa ..a Uof aar ! a '. w. a lw r... t w mS t a asfa.i.! a am aaf a'la'ara, , i nw fv.i4.n S- aa . -bm a.a.ta t utmm aa M a aiar rtw taa.a u. a aa a4 aa mm Mrajr t tfremn aa a H. MAHLER'S SONS Jeweler, t t InlIh. N. C. kl J t . aaa ' a .,4,m t - a k rw ata k.M.Mt at v )H kw4U aa ".- a U 9 I ID Q . ...... a Quality ef Gtn. Uf4Httd!j CM DE3T 5c CIGAR ' 0 IS AAfitL King-Crowcll Dru Co. i'ilLrii A i ILiv SOLD UV THE. KICKS Er.CB-STGr.ES ,. v ..... i - ui. i if. ml I - t -a 4 aa" .laa .. . -" a ... a... a J . Ja' - I I I' .-!- a- ' . ; )... t ti ( Bta aat af M T K. !-.' .-i a waj ni'ii ,-a. a tsto (a...) tvtea mM i i 4 W I I nn ,. al ta ila aT ai hkiwt M l M ati T at Hum mi Maaaauaai mamml i aw aaa M aa nMw kaa km a4 Ul aaka ataa I mt . M A It t . I t H Mr r Ik hat: af (V. (Wxa ) I W a fc4 rat-ra-4 W'naaa tkU MUI k4 aaa " k HUM M UnMti at Mr C ft- kwkx lai -- V Mr. m4 Mi. Vhtt U aaK-a n t he ta a.aaa mt lt Mmm Idritnt e aibMk L tl IkN hM Mr Ju rrr. tartaartr Hum ( Mklla rru af lljr. e W la f ti Ik pat ef U. IXrCarrall a rtUk) rt Mtaa Canlt IU liar af Ha'ttlaaura. N. I', vm lMlr nuiM K Mia Ui- o Wkm af Vrr, V aaat Taea I o.Y. M Um kfM af UM k1 l aUtae. Mr. W. W. Ave., ! Rots lUtB. Te MotMiml Mtaa LMa.W. litg r of tstor. H. C ta Mr. Bda-ard j R. MtKeihan af rWllK I kiiiwvBOM. Th inarrlkB 1U Uk t p)r WedMday nurBlnc. lh four- trnth Inataat. kt lh kam ! th biid. Mia Bina tm 4kUfMr of Mr W. f H. Whllk ad cislkr of Mr. J. Crs fortJ Vlw'frWnJ of Mr. Frank Mrr of rharivaton. fl. C. will be rtlolrtJ to kMkrt ef Ma Imurovad khyaJcal eodl . tto. Mr. Myra hu had acrtoua Ul- mm t tyotaoia fever. rearrrt to ' har that hi Jauthtw. Mltn Joarphlat, P ha contracted the fever. Mr. Charlea MVer. who haa Wb I Chkrieatoa i nuralnc him. hu returned home, W II- ( mlna-toa ManMitcer. (Mra. Myrra waa . formerly Mtaa Joeephlne Smith of Ilal- lgll.J . ' , - 1 ' , : . -, A VfctUta" Loheo. I '.Mi.' A. B. Andrew wIU tomorrow ' afternoon entertain. t her home on ! north BlotiBt atreet, a few young Indy f rteada at valentlna hincheoa with ' ' "allaa Bue Rutmrda ' of Henderaon ' ' - RUit of honor;-and Mr frank, tVrd or -Co1nstMk Ky. Mlna 6ue Robrd ia the guest of Mia Mary H. Andrewa and Mr Ford la vlaltln her daughter, Mr Wra. i. Andrewa. , . . - . f ; . " ' r lrivettHodgM. ' " '' 1 . 4 (Special to The Evening Time) Clover, S. Cj. Feb. 12. A beautiful wedding waa aolemnlaed here. In the Metbodlat church last Wednesday at t o'clock, the contracting part lea being Mr. Samuel Piivett ' and Misa Kffle Hudgees, RaV. F. F. Eure Of Btanhipe ' . offlrlatlng. Mr N. U Finch pf Wllsjn i: - presided at th organ.' The ushers ware Mr. Robert Morgan and Mr. Cle velar d m Glover.. -The bridesmalda nd grooms men were Miss Kittle Taylor with My. Clarence Bergeon, Hiss Aim Morgan with Mr -.Wesley Privett. Miss MattlA Westray with Mr. Irvin Morgan. Miss Effie Bunn witU Mr. Hllliard ' Finch Mis Vivian Strickland with Mr. Vance Morgan, i Th maid of honor wa Miss Mamie Powell and the best man Mr. Robert : Prlvott. i After the ceremony, at the home of the groom's mother a - reception was tendered them.' v , -.! " '.V'' ''j' ,;' ' - ' ' - . i, : j . Hotchklsa-Atklns. .- A wedding of Interest to North Caro llnlans ' will be celebrated at ( o'c'osk Thursday In the Preabvterlan church s Thursday In the Second .' Presbyterian ehurch, Richmond. V. The contract- . lng parties will be Mis Li I Ian Atkins and Mr. Henry Starke Hotchklsa, both of Richmond.' - The officiating c!ergy . man will be tbe Rev. Dr. Russel Cecil, - the pastor of th churchy , Mrs. Richard Meade, miss Atkins' sister, entertained handsamely at -cares Saturday evening In honor of ths brid; to be and her maids. . - Mrs. it Taylor. Kllyson, wife of the lieutenant governor, will give the bride and her maids an ante-nuptial lunch eon toinnr-rtw afternoon. ? 1 - . s j' Wednesday' afternoon,, after' the " rs ?J liearsal. the biWal party will be given a. supper-by Mirjs Kllzalieth. HotchklH?, at :Which Miss Sophia Whits, Mr. Henry Hotchklss, his bestjniun llr,i K.."T. Hotcliklss, Jr., unl ' IIir grwmanicD, MesBts. Wiilittin Langliorae, Biaut-li Jolinnoti of Nortolk. ,Va! Miles Helden f Blokes. Csar Fuller. Alonzo Jenifer, George Mason, .Tames Coward In and tjeslin. Keed, as well as Miss Atk'ns and ' ' her attendants will be present. ' Miss Atkins is the daughter of Judge : rtrul Mrs, Thomas Stanley Atkins. Her mother before: her marriage - wa the beautiful Mlas Ellen Pflir uf Fayette vlllej N.- C. 'Mr. Hotchklss H the sou of the well konwn ' Chesapeake . A Ohio , RuHway official, Mr. EJ more D. Hotch klus. - ", riARRIAQE r : INVITATIONS Ccrrcctfy and Promptly, Engraved frr.d fcr S:rrp!;s and Prices J. r. si;..r 4? S i at oat kMt M i ill waaa t Mr T r iWiMa aa k bai Mr i' - air B a n.. 4 4av M t". hmw tiaij a4 Is kMMrMk Mr i. t BMAkwt rrtaa tt taa4y M tttt I" ki Mr. aa M. lkakcU. tka Hrr aala na awl H k a ataia. afaM laiaay fca U'wajkwrw. Mr. W. r VkUaW, tie riftiKal MkrWf rw e the MnaJa. rg Hnlal M Cttaas CRr. hat uaiay. Mr. r4 U MMttft af OuMakMra. tetaat tm lb aaHl 4 ike Allaa ft aad Kanh ( arvllaa KallrwU. iw ar kwt Ik la warilng aaatoaai f lb rwl I LVXOiKD IX ALABAMA. Daw -4 rMf Xrgrara b Attar-) I I Waaa A Aaaoclated Praae dtepatrh from Gadade. Al. laal algal :, Bak Btrkardaoo. rbargad wttk th luarder and aaaault of Mr Sarah Smith her July IS. laat forribly Ukca tnu the jail herm,rt! n ta ' lwvln at aa early hoar thU mornlug and kaagad to th bridge of th ljoula- rlll A Naahvtlle Railway acroa tbe Coo Rlrcr. Tweaty-four m inked nrt wrnt to the jail, overpowared th sheriff and the Jailor aad made abort work of (be prisoner. Kor negroes were charged with the crluM against Mr Smith, on of the most fiendish erer committed In tbe ilate, and two of then have been le gally ejtecuiTO. ina uu.u. wa. ,r- ceatiy convictea ana semencoa to, death,, but last week Ooternor Jclka.j believing there waa strong doubt otj the prisoner's guilt commuted the negro's sentence to life imprison- ment. Richardson, the man Jynched this mornliiR, had n6t Vet hd'tf 'Indlcti-d but waa in jail awaiting the action or the grand Jury. - Montgomery, Ala., Feb. 11. Shortly ' before leaving Montgomery for New Xork ""tonight. Governor Jenkins was notified o( the lynching ot Bunk Richardson at Gasden. by a telegram from Sheriff Chandler of Etowah county..; Governor Jelks said that as soon, as he returned from New York he would take acUve step toward bringing the lynchers to Jus tice. '- - yite Police Conrt. In the police court today William Hall and William Taylor, both col ored, for an affray last October, were tried. Hall was fined $2.75 and Tay lor was discharged. ; John Faust, for disorderly con duct, was fined $3.55. John Taylor, colored, drunk; Judg ment was suspended. w Henry Horton, for disorderly con duct, was fined $7.S5. . . . Ada Williams, for disorderly con duct, -paid $6.15, and William Hall, for disorderly conduct, $2.75. It arouses energy, develops and stimulates nervous life,' arouses the courage :ot youth. It makes you young again. That's What Holllster's Rocky Mountain .Tea,,wilrdo. cents, Tea or Tablets.: Henry T. Hicks Drug Company. same. Fragrant and delicate. Kept so by the sealed package - ' STRONICtt'S, syg, s400l4r PACKAGE 1 fimft'-.T , I Sanborn's! I Pacfcigo Va4iikjJ1 Nootherl , J I "They are always the atu v f:;snAVIi;G CO , Engravers ' l SK-IIT,' ATLANTA, CrCS 1 ' 1 Vaw immw t ' raa at- ;iaaaaia aa -Tka aWanaai IUIy traia, Ka laV .k baa kaa Aia a l rve a M a. a. baa kaaa aie aa M t bara M I k n . Oavaraajf Ulaaa Hi ka aa araa tba r aaat m m af Kaaa a T awaaatar aaaxt ta air I iana M. (aa aaaaag aa ka ka M M. aaiK faa aia ana- T ra Ukaaa af Oi'naa bar ai aahl la tbe InaWatftaJ Nrae the key art tbat be bi aatalksaie fur e4lar.ar af Ik aetata AlauirL t kl bftar Me aSVa ad eaaart anaa. aa a aay Tka Wake Fare! Catltw taaba laam. rajnetaimg a wf. a baea laday mm Ha ay bm flae te nia) aallford CWlere, OiwiBkM, Chart t M HtanabMC. Tbe Uwlhrle Laaibar tanapaay IHUleetUla U tbartaraa abb K4.kar lt 0thrte Ia.1 nrr. aaralta-. aad laa FarMn-4kigta Cu- baay f Uraham la aallwaliad ta ln rraaar Ita raattal ta M WaY A Irltar rraaa ftaie Traaaarar II R. Lai'l . a bo ktft laat aar far Art auna la the Uur nf gttttiig relief frMi chnk- rear of aaihtaj, ta I Ihr ll a ill rbarl aajrtd aeteral Bamtka there if h conilnyaa ta Imnrot'e. Mr F. K. Ellingtan. ff th Kalrtah Ral Eatat and Truat Omipknr, a as In Ureenabxro laat week aad an I til auction ve kig ahkh tbe company ana on thr aam hUtrk iirrupUil b the muit houar The lots bruughl over Sll.ene (or th Ralelgb company. Vlrx MAX KAKK? iit,rrm tn Mrr rj. a Claw cwiay aibtm. "la the Young Man Safe?" will I I the aubjert of aa address by Gov- jernor R. n. Glenn befor the B. B. Claas In tbo Sundav-erhool room of i the Haltlch Rantlat Tabornarlc v morrow evening at T.30 o'clock. All the young men in Major Heruard'n class aad their friends are Invited to hear the governor on this occasion. This la the first of aerie of month ly entertainment ' given under' the auspice of this class. ThU class Is composed of 130 young men between the ages of 18 aad 25 years. It is an : aggressive body of Christian young men, and the governor's ap pearance before them will stimulate Interest. PKAVKR VOil STIDEXTS. Rev. IL F, Bumpas Pleads . for the Yonng People In Schools. Sundaj-, February 11, was the day Set apart by the Federation, of Stu dents throughout the world fof pray er In all the churches for students. At thf even I n ir Rprvlce In the Eden- ton Street Methodist church Rev. R. F. Bumpas, the pastor, read the call, made , an apppropriate talk and offered an earnest prayer that the special blessing of the Almighty might rest upom the J.,5u0 studentjB gathered In Raleigh now. The mln later said that there are 150,090 members of this students federation and a great gathering o fthe federa tion will be held in Nashville, Tenn. beginning February 88,- THE ONLY Sewing Machine in Raleighj No Owned and Controllea By a Trust. I 'uuve a' beautifully arranged . lng 'Murliine Emporium at " ; If VVKST.H.1RGKTT STKKUT where I keep constantly on barf all the--, newest! and Improved v !liig Maclilncv Farts, AllachnientH un He- pairs. . - I I lmvo eold ljMire tlian 1,000 Machine within Hie past, Is months und l lifost thahkfully i-efer'to' any or all bC .niy customers. Tou are all welcom My Machines-are sold on- MERIT. ad as cheap as an body. 1 buy direct) from IfllU i ci fro 3; factory. -",' r; u. green; . -; Sol Own'r , 113 -Aiwa' coiumund our llret t Ev and Jforemost attention. erjr prescription : is prepared by REGISTERED and EX .. PEKIENCED PHARMACIST. No apprentices work here. r-T -p" -rrrm k. . V a a. PRESCRIPTIONS CWwa atarg mm raarCU. SIX PASSENGERS - WERE INJURED. tly tbe Aaa. laird PiaaaJ X'aalirlUa. Tu. N a II-It mr: aaa taoWr bal la tna aVtai'ntaet af ; lb MufltiaawnaV h'aaliillka aa Uatilai tm Uat llln.e Ontral Kail 1 road aaar tnapavtn.4m. TVua.. Ua alcht ai iiaaaina'H aial tare I rata- j man war lajaraii. ily was killed. Anaaf I tea tnjuml aaa fc. A. McAllister, f Uualua 21 BODIES HAVE BEEN RECOVERED. tOf th Aaanrtate.1 Pi-raa I ' Oiartn.'W. Vs. F 11 Twrnty- ir laMlles t'f be-n iwmI f.-jn the Pal tl rata ki Kavrus count r. It la auppoeed that nly anr body remain o be recovered, m.iklng the total fa- alltlrs twenty-two. Ground Hog Win. Fallb In, th (round hog Is at a premium paw., Buniln r of Raleigh men. notably Col. Harry Skinner. have been jjcptical about the ground hoc; as a. weather, prognostlralor. and when the Utile anlmnl saw bis shad ow February i tbeso Kkt-plics re solved to obscrje closely this year and test. the adage. Colonel Skinner surrendered, iadigr a.nd U this westh-er-eoniluucs. hp may soon, he rolled amoug ('tf p ground hog disci- pies. , Ihrnin 'at Boasal. . T. M. Cross has J aid out a town called Bonsai, in Buckhorn township, at the feint where the Durham and South CaroltnavRsllroad touches the Seaboard .Air Line-, U E. Rollins has sold to M. J. Boiing two lots there 90x20Q feet for 200 and one on First and Broad streets, contain ing 150 acres. The consideration Is not given. , , SAW: OV VAIXAlBLK IAND.; -tinder and pursusl, to.-an prdar of the Superior tourt of Wakc County, made in the Special Psoceedlng entitled ljaney May uat d t al.vs. Nancy A. Sears, being -.lumbered 1272 , on the Special Proceeding i Iocket of said fcourt, tM 'unilerslgrned will, on Mon day, the 12th day of March, 1906, at 13 o'clock S.. at the Court House door. In the City of Raleigh, N. :.C. offer forjji sale to (lie highest bidder for cash the follQwinfe described lands lying and be ing In "l uke County : . . . First jn-act. Adjoining the laiuls of Aaron 5cott, P. B. "Sears, Seth Htnad well sntl others," .bounded asy lul nws, vis J Beginning' at a stake In said Sears' fend Fuller's corner, turning South 34 poles t Blafc and iiointci'H in Se;h BroadweH'a line; thence North 87 acgreus, Wrest Ci 1- poles to sfcike and pointer; tnbnfce North i dt-gn-es. Hunt 79 pules to a.ftako anT polntcrK; Uit-nio JHJast -49 -polcs (. to,- stukc, thenco South 30 pules to a stake; .tbcucv Kus'. 30 pules to the beginning, continu ing' JO luiua (ind -18 polos, more or hiss, and being tlm same .Wid .which was conveyed to I B. Sean by Ituflln Kul.er and wife by-deod dat.i March 1. 1S78 .and Tccoi-dcd hi Book 71. I'age S3I hi the olllce of the Register or Deris of Wako TjouhfV. K ' 1 - Second Truct.-- ' Adjoining- tbo lands of Iiufflu Fultor. vMaryl'Wimbtily. M. J. Johnson, and (formerly) 1. B. Sears, being the land .formerly t allohed to Mary H. Hudon, , widow of Hllliard Hudson, (afterwards JUary H. Mitch, ell) for dower .and being the same' land mentioned ,Jn .a deed, grren to P. B. Sears by RufUsBarbee and wife, Adna V. BarUec, dated the 10th day of Jan. uary, 183, and recorded in Book 71, Page 332, in the, office of the Register ot Deeds of Wake County.. . - . l iThta luill day of February, 1906.' ' t.' ' Jt. N. SIMMS, I ii' tf 'ContmlsBloner. VJe KsUd a C pedal ty c Repair Vm'crhi 1 , : -v, -( Watehcs; Clocks, , " - Te welry repaired ' v promptly.' Our . t f . ; work . is .flawless. a il.iL. J u..vivf ' " , Next to Fxprt'ss Ofilce. 1 iV 5 " V&luibla Let For Sole. Vr nta mt laa aa ioiaim-a sa a certain itrJr derl from Kama! Hl"J W 3 I' MSMVy , rwuraaj I Oit f tee rerlalar f Ara4 f "0 Spautv. Kwtlh llilM. H kinh ri m. re t. I. TTuate I na ruplry nl J. I' Whitley, trailing aa J. r. Whitley A Cn banfcruH. UI oTar fr aale t.i lite re.t-a M.I.It fur raah it I ha (ujit lluuiv Ur In Vk CUB . wa , TL'EltOAT. MAltrH 1 at l; olock ni . the, following duactlbej kit of UnJ. I) Ins aail lring In Wait Mtunly. RaJelcli toanalilp, and nnmg th city of l:axli and drarrtbH faltuwa: thia hit Na. C. bt-elniilnir at N. W. corner of lot Nu SI at a alalia on Hay. wood Mrvet It fet north of Mttthews street runs at along ths north 11m o! aald lot No. tt two hundres nd ten feet to 8. W. enfner ot UH N-i. Zt. lhnc nitih akng the wral Una of sntj lot No. H on hundred feet to 8. K. corner of lot No. r. thenc weat atnng th aontn line af lot No. 21 two hondreil anJ ten fnct-ao the Haywood atreeL thenr aouth a'.ung hlaywood street one hun dred feet lo the brglnnl.iR. riave of ile. O'Unty CoKrt House daor.in IUU IkIi. ,N. C. , , Time i'f salr, 1- oVmli ill. a Terms of alc, t'uh. . This February J. 19K. : ':' M. ASH BT T.AM BERT. Trusle lr Bankruptcy ol J. P. Whl ley. Trading as J. P. Whit ley A Co., Bankrupt. -.-', CHAS. V. M'lUVES. Attornv. NOTICE OF SALE.; By vhtue of. a Judgment of the su perior court - cnteeed on November t, IsCn. in the rsae entitled (X N. An drewa. receiver for. the Park,. Region Mutual Hall Insurance Assoclatloa (In. corporated), ex port, I will on Satur day, the 17th day of February. 190s, av U a. in., sell tat the Court House dojr In the city of Raleigh, at public auc tion, for cash, the following office, fur niture and effects of, snid company; . s5 1 Typewriter, v'64 ' ' 1 Iron safe. ;v'-..4 '-..V'-"W 1 Table. . . i- :. ..s ' HX 1 Book case, .v Vf- f. Z rugs..;' t: . ' 1 Typewriter desk. K 2 Chairs. ' - ' 1 Case for papers. V X' 24 Letter files. ; .., '&:('' Together with cerlnln judgments and notes owned by said company. " j. ' 'I he right Is reserved to accept of re t anv bid. 1 ' M. N. ANDREWS, ReceiVo WATSON & 1AMBER.T, AtlyS.' r-10t , . , - J i - ' DIRECT .YOUR' ATTEN. . TIONTHIS WAV! ILyou are Iouking Jor a reliable firm to. do, your, re pair work, this is the place to come. V- ;-: ; .- v :Ve do electrical work and repairing of all kinds. - . -, , Bee Us! . . Raleigh Construction .Co. - 14 7est Hargett Street. 1d!3 Goriinipnts" sBy ISAAC tRWIN AVERY ' Pri3 $2.00D:!iv;rij Send orders to i Geo, Si: aliens, Cn::rm:.n Ct!,lOTT0, N. C. TMK Ml SHU Mlkln 4ir M) ear m a I tx ! I latl Is Nta. (HI IVfkia h I U uk t a Wrtl aat a tin H U ll aaiWaai I aar Iftrra U taa la I tl Aix r.)u!ia( I 't far laaae'f eaiHiraieri -ai (a t I ewra a far a It ta atiilU tor e Mt Bui fur ilih-gr4 Buail.lcry r anL lima UM-atf-To. a ltaUe4. To brgta the Jrr 10O4 bf ha ring something to show for th work jom are doing. IVrgi th year hy snak ing mom klad of naonthl saring 1. real meat. Kxamtn th Inretmrnt and Saving rtana f , ' . ' . The Mechanics' & Investors' - ; Union,-v; Which are among the best. Tbe will aUJ yoa rithrr to own a home for four VkUm or still aid jron (o save mttiH'jr. -..',, .... - 4 If jroa Imv lunne to invent our Kuli-Pahl Jer Cent. CXttxn Qrr tlflcnt will please yon. Wo are luaking Wn ,t boild. bosne very week. FtMr full Information apply to Ckorge Alien, Sec Fallen Building. Prepared. -! Buchvjhont 4 - AND .,-V v CHOICE SYRUPY ; j .. - ' A . " v Delightful for breakfast these wintry mornings. ; . .. . - t o "..'-:: V'' Tb.g Hominy will add to '-(lie 'l-l'fy .0. dinner meal.' j?; s;: - These and Many More Good.;! Vnicn ln need of Groceries call ; ' J.vE. RUDY &,C0.f H ; CASH GROCERS, ' t f ; ? v ; . . . t . ; . ' ' No. .ton East Hargett Street 'Phones: ltdclgh 101, Interstate! 569. Rest ratont Flour, barrel. , $5.75 Half ratcut Hour, barrel. . t S.pO Arbucklo'iCoiTee, . pound f. v; (id Granulated Sugary 6c; JO- t -'4 pound lots ..... i 55 t Watcr-Gronnd Meal, peck. . . 30 Y LRusy Hoe Itatps, ponud. . ; ... kAS Pig Vcct, lsiuud ; 7 M 1'icr.iea a ripe, - pounu . . N PicklfWI i Hliltlinir.-:' luinnrt .M.' Try our Ruttcrfly, Coffee', . - - - pound pans, perpound..- S3 - v j.'B.;udy & ba, ' : vCASK GROCERS.' ; J - Real Estate i and Insurance 126 fayettevMe St EXECUTOR'S KOTICE. Having qualified as executor of the estate of Clara ItaT.d. Weceased, this Is to notify air .persons'"; having---claims asrainst said estate to present thein to the undersigned for payment on or t foro the 2Ilth day. of Januarj-, l'JCfi. or this notice will bo plead In bar of their recovery.- All persona indebted to the estate win please sattle without further demand. -, ; " , , ..,' :,: . ... .This- Jrtnit.'ii-v l!M-. VlM.IAM MITi.'llKl.T.. KXC'V-'UiUJ' Ul V-'luiii Hand, uuu';aauJ, m i. , - , 3 Its rr.Mi ; .n ii to riLcie tuf!ir.r !.Lr.ar.:tjr, rf tore di.vrr.rl trains to tionil rtiii 1.1k r.s, tnai.c w ork a j ItAf ure an I !r tiirr a j rTpcrou m.iA ca jvaU? t ar to" drii.Leri ef Nature cyn perfect jirrrription.' - --Try it! Bro if it's uot lljcr in kwpirj xxl rr.solaUons. Lal- ' J ta the luux ran that It pays yo to amd yow Lanndry Work to the Ray Irish Steam Lanndry. U.i th price yoaj pay each wix-k foe er rliarjrca r tlie same aa tit other. ' - - - l i lu tlic near and tear tt the limua ttial will satw yon money, he- rattw the stork entrusted to ' Is iiumlktl rtth care. " i" ' 1? Raleigh Steam Laundry A, CRINKLEY, Proprietor. LIQU0RS1 LIQUORSI , I am now located at 800 ' ' East Main - street, .Ricb moiid, Va, ' and aaa pro ' pared to furnish ' , t ! Liquors of . aU Kinds . for medicinal aa .well . -' sorlal purpose. Mail or - der ollcited." Write for ' prices and particular. . .; SAKT.: SMITH.' CAR LOAD J-INE MULES. . Just reqeived (a car- s ,lead of fine Mules ; , lie best obtainable . - -These - Mules were." s - selected ' especially !.r for our trade. - : :G. M. HARDIN, ; . Rear1 Yarborough House. Dr. Bi F. ARR1NGT0N, ..specialist;- Wilt be in Raleigh Dr. D. . E. Eycritt 's ofllcet the second Tuesdays and 'Wednesday, "of caclimouth.' "Practice ; con fined v toi trea tmcnt pf-' . dis( -cascd'in. ".V,; '- Fine tot of; mule3 and; HORSES. Just Jti!. . These were . spoclally , chosen -and evory auimal a thft pick xt hundreds i rpm horsus . and mules where they -were boUs'it- The' J. I I. Paca I'!3 Co., Itll.J.Y TAYLOR IN t'HAlMiH. EAST MARTIN STREET, : ; '.-.'.'...'''-;',V:,! . .- .s 1,

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