i'lt-iL.: ill mmi DrcmGnla Fr3 f something new I . , M . 1. .a .i : . A f 1 . . f t ft.-i,j--e f TW la, .an a Mvt 0 lwei I a"tf ad - I t f afi pia, tae ta-i . ( i4rw f iin ; j . . 111 I I a iM IMMrt a Vesananniat Ink M Va wla' aw t eaa w k ! tUM W Sl IIMS MM ! UM Hlwiwi M aaa ' eweAe- MiMWWI eet ' 0mmi MK itriM e4 wfw It taat Ml wwUi illH. Cn mmunm IM ilMU kat fa it NKKM M ( tk IM' at4 .far tklM wrwi ta mm Ma. iwa ta tkr hMM a Veae ax. VUMM1 lf rim mmmt WaA r, aaa a ba ta i r r e I Te BMWtlnC aa "I mk imwn urf ik rWi" a "t Mb ta fc earrtad aa) la a taeta ar saae itanC Cnateen. ars SMrtant Ifc.a an atnar avtaarHr k"ra Ml, kM aw-read tail ) Vakan- Una a ir ra hoth I aad a4w mm jao. for lhal wattar, ' attottid aa.iMUk iaa1aa aa4 r !, . Altar roajita or awulatamal. la klra I , lb fotbtaa af iba inatar r laa of taa aattaar r tortk ta Iro, I la rn an4 la mDWmtle pHaia. Kaa-, tbart la ao uaa aart rna. Bat tha maaa fnr tBla r aot aa toun4 la lh Ufa of ba tod aaiat wka la ajtmda la aadaraa Iba rua loai wtta ata mama. Ua WTHa no tara anara. N'a ona Hum a la acraaa hi) at caatlnt sharp T any Romaa anatdca. I la aa btahna or popa of llama, who ataoo Maadfaat to tho (alia dunnc Ua Claudlaa anomtlnna, and tor laai talta vaa eaat lata JaU. vhara ba aurad hla kaara dauchtar of aUadnraa. II to tna ptoaaura of capld la Mlod ttlmaalf .to Wrta upon hl ro Urtaa a similar bilodnrea, not ta rur It. Nor vaa tboH aaylblng. clthar comle or aantlmanul. In tna fata of Val ostlna whan I ha mlracla was made . known to tha anthorttkaa, Thar flrat oaat blm 1tb cluba aod thrn bahaadad him. What Waa Irft of blm la pro arrvad In tha Cbarch of 81. Fraxadra, ' at Rome, ahara a cat, now known aa , tha Porta dal Popolo, waa formariy namad la bU honor, Porta Valmttnl, or Valantlna'a rata. . . In tha daya of quill pena and hl(h poatai tha tranamtaalon of valantlnea through tha pout waa an expanalva lux- s ury. Tha amoroua awalna of that per iod bad to content thcmaelves and their - ' Idollaad fair ona wllh thick aheeta of 1 glltdced letter paper, onvelopea had not come Into uee and book postal waa stilt unknown, tho first pace : of ' each sheet being adorned , with a cut cupld. carefallr cummed on, aurmount , tnc a few line, the lavorlle formula ' announcing; In terms still held aacred to BU Valentine, that because the rose M red and tha violet blue, therefore the v adored ona la as sweet as sugar. With the reduction of tha heavy po- - tnl charges printed, valentines cradu t ally came into use. The valentine of - , a generation ago consisted of a gaudy colored picture- .representlnc a, loving couple .seated Id a,', bower," with ' a church in tha distance, with a tew lines descriptive of tha tender sentiments of ' : the persona forwarding the same. The desUnera of these amatory billets ' . seemed to have entertained rather sin gular notions respecting the proper at tire of the ladles ! and gentlemen ol whose feelings they sought to become - ' the Interpreters. The lady was Invar iably dressed In a scarlet gown, with a blue or green shawl;' the gentleman . was attired In lavender trousers, yel low waistcoat, blue surtout, and green '. or crimson cravat. The effect thus ob- 4 talned was, as might be Imagined, " 'somewhat striking, but the fathers and ' mothers of the present generation were apparently 'satisfied With these quaint productions. The Introduction of the cheap postage of today laid the foun dation of -the present trade in yalen tinea, the, manufacture of. .which) now - constitutes an Important branch of tnt dustrial activity, furnishing directly or v , indirectly, employment to many thous , ands of persons of both sexes.. '; ' '' , Cheap postage la also responsible for K thelntroductlon of the comic valentine, that hideous bit of Impertinence sold for a cent, -which still remains ono of , the tribulations of the day. ; But side by side with this monstrosity grew up v -the pretty, and .fanciful earda, whose use in a modified form has neen ex - tended -also to Christmas and to New .Year's. ' v . x.r-.t:-.-,f-:- ' , f Valentine's Day -will be properly cel ebrated here FUiV the sending out of tno cany, colored pictures and ' With ' S numerous private parties, The aBsort , ment of valentinesm iarger and mare , varied this year than ever before, and .' the letter carriers on that day will be 't' ''overtaxed in order to deliver the nu- merous toIbsIvcs of Jove and affection, j.,. -... 'Conditions Have Channed. 1 . :' & I'Kind words go it great way In this , world,'" said the gentle philosopher. .j vyes,' answered Senator Sorghum, ; ''but ; people - are getting ;' wary. It Isn't as easy to trade kind words off , . for votes as it used to be.'V-iWaBby ;( ington Star. " " , , - t.. f,; , ',', ,;,.t,y-; i .' ' Tlie Fwiusivo Keyhole. ' 1 -Mrs. McSoahIt's. the little Ihlngg . that worry ono the most.' - . ' . Mr, McSosh-f-You're dead right. It's usually ea3y for me to find this house when I come homo at night, but the keyuolo alwffj-s stumps me. Chicago Leader. .v . You vrill llcve a be so soda taste the one Cracker Unccda Biscuit So deliciously baked so tender and flaky so won derfully preserved by a moisture proof package. It is the only rw Soda ) Cracker. KxncKu lucvrr comfakt DELEGATES ARE RAMED Uniform Divorce laws Are Eeqnlrcd Fhr KaMh Carol! aa Law Ap poHKd kf Oovnanc ta Attnad Csa fraraare In WaahJagtoa fit rVhn ary It. Oov. R. B. 0la a kaa appointed flva prominent aiambara of tha North Carolina bar delegates to attend an important conference of lawyer and membera of Ua American bar Asso elation for tha purpoae of bringing about uniform divorea , legislation throughout tb United State. This conference will lie held In Washing ton city February l. , The meeting waa to hare been held last summer but was deferred until winter when congress is In ses sion. Governor Glenn previously commissioned Messrs. F. H. Busbee, J. Crawford Biggs and A. B. ' An drews, Jr., who were attending the esstoa. of the American Bar-Aaaeeia- tlon, as delegates-to this conference. Since the date has been changed Gov ernor Glenn has appointed as dele gates Messrs. F. H. Busbee, Raleigh; J. C. Biggs. Durham; J. C. Buxton, Winston-Salem; George Ronntree, Wilmington; Judge B. B. Wlnborne, Murfreesboro. , Mr. Andrews notified the- governor that be could not ac cept this time since It, will be im possible tor him to attend. Governor Glenn has requested the delegates to bring before the con ference another; matter ..besides di vorce. Some of the states it appears make charges for extradition papers while others do not." North Carolina charges those states . which make charges. Governor. Glenn thinks ex tradition papers should be free and he' wants ' the conference to bring about this agreement by legislation or otherwise. VALENTINE DAY ; AT MECKLENBURG. 1 St, Valentine's day will be cele brated in royal style at the Mecklen burg) hotel In 'Chase City, Va. ; Mr. W- P. Whitaker, advertising mana ger of the, Mecklenburg hotel and the Mecklenburg ! Mineral Springs Company, Bpent today in Raleigh and tells something of the plana for the celebration . at this ' popular resort. Wednesday - night there- will be a grand! dance at , the hotel, and Thursday moraine ' a big fox hunt. iThere will, be guests from New1 York, Richmond and many Virginia and North. Carolina cities, Jtnd 4 gay time is promised. ' Specltil trains will be run' to accommodate tbe visitors. : It is 'expected that several will go from Raleigh. 1 They will Heave here at S.30 Tuesday' afternoon and take the special at Durham, reaching r; Chase City at 8.30 p. mvi Returning, they will leave Thursday afternoon and reach here at 8 p. m. CLAIMS TO HAVE ' RICH GOLD DEPOSITS. .. ,'ilr. Ctias. J. , Alston, proprietor of Crystal Spring Farm, Warren eoun ty, Is in the city exhibiting gome very promising specimens of gold ore gathered on his place.. He is look ing for some capitalists to whom he ran sell the wining right on tho place. , ' ' - , ' ' He claims that the ore is . very plentiful and with the Improved gold mining machinery can be made very profitable. The necessary appal-atus properly Installed, he says, would necessitate an outlay of $80,000 or $100,000, honce the , uecossity . for him; to interest outside capital in tbe development of he p;ace.-rt' - - It is on this farm that 'the well known Crystal Springs are located, the waters of which are .reputed to have very valuable mineral and med ical properties. scarcely be can cracker s I perfect until yea Hi ' perfect Soda "AUNT BETSY HOLMES Ralelgb Ctander Who Won . Fame Dead rtrtniTS af "A ant" IIHay IMring Hrr Jtorlle Hail Joe to aa Old naggj Pnhtiahed Thmeghoat the Mtoa. "Aunt" Betsy Holmes It dead. Tha brief announcement chronicles the paaslBg away of a venerable col ored woman whoae fame has spread to every part of the United States and her picture has even sppeared In a London paper. In Raleigh scarcely a person can be found to whom "Aunt" Betsy was unknown. Tbe old woman died at seven o'clock at her homo abou four miles from Raleigh where she and her hus band, "Uncle' ' BUI Holmes, have a little farm and raise vegetables for the Raleigh market. "Aunt" Betsy mustt. havav- baen- mora than ; eiffbty years old. In ante-bellum days she was the cook for William Boylan, the grandfather of Alderman William Boylan. She was a faithful, cheery hearted woman and she made friends with every one. For the past ten years she has been the character ' of the. town. "Aunt" Betsy, with a gay bonnet pushed on the back of her large head, might be seen almost daily driving about the city in a dilapi dated buggy drawn by a gentle black bull named Joe. The outfit was so ridiculous that she never failed to attract attention. In all the parades on Raleigh's streets for years, little matter what the character of the turn-out might be, "Aunt" Betsy drew up the rear driving "Joe": to her buggy. She was photographed . In numerable times and the pictures were sold ,as souvenirs or on postal cards. Her pictures appeared in. Tho Herald and other New York ; papers, as well as in Boston. Chicago, St. Louis and even San Francisco Jour nals and In at least two magazines. She was an old time southern negro. one of the last of her kind, and her passing away , will bring regret to many a soul Jn Raleigh. She leaves a husband and three sons. ' ; v Colds Cause Sore Throat. Laxative Bromo - Quinine, the world wide Cold and Grip remedy, removes the cause. Call for the full name and look for signature of E. W. Grove. 25c, l;V Funeral of Mr. Atkinson. : CvS" The funeral of Mr. Georse W. At kinson held from Catawba church In Swift Creek township Saturday after noon was .. largely attended byp people from all sections of the county, f Rev, W. S. Long of Graham conducted the services. The pall bearers were J. Mil ton Banks, J. T. Hobby, Paul Stephen eon, David Henry Smith, 9. R. Lee and F. G Banks.. . The interment was In the churcty grave yard. 1 , t 'Generally debilitated , for years. Had sick headache, lacked ambition, Was worn-out and all run-down. Bar dock' Blood Bitters made we a well woman." Mrs.. Chas. Freitoy, Mqo sup. Conn. , v " J fOC'VE TRIED THE REST, NOW TRY THE BEST. . 'r , OTE Y 1 1 ' & Son. Barbers The Yarborough House ' 6-7t8 PER CENT. ' Preferred Stocks. ; 1 NON TAXABLE. ' -f In some of the strongest corporations in the ntutc, for sale-by F. q. ABEOTT & CO., Cliarlotte, t, C. - 1.::: Erd 3 mmm t Qjwm av k ia&f araaa a aiaEw eaMt u MtavuM wmmm ie ta mi iva- fcar tt "a a.MMat r.Mir aaaLMa Iwm Kur H nrMw Urn at at ar mnf V.I. T a , tit a aj a kuwi lawri ; imipkIiii arc faiiaii W k aattMnartva I M ta a rkoa ka H fnK 4 vtw af ftaaaia4 tl -l ftK4 a ttaa at IH ran at tk ! a4 , atn aa IMS MM'im ta fimirf ftiailara kKaax af k" a )nm la tka ak)ar Oaaaanitat t.ii' u a Urama U aaaiKgiua ri IU a maaa aaaa a gr-a . I - k rowniiT at BeaiaJ amfc Tt awraor. r KMit) Tv.- Carx.ltaa. Vli-a ami hi.atk . ri I tra Wraaj lavttaa and l ta k a that an ear ta ct tfcva all) attrnd , IWlJea tINa Warftary af Agriraliarr Wll Ma wriMa Itiat hr will h' rrprrrtiatia fwaarnl, Tk oavrn tWa la as pat tad la prnlurtlTt nf . much good. TWO RAILROAD OOMrAXtEH. Ilaatrr Itroa. A Brewer, Alao God win at Johanna. Hunter Brothers and Brewer Com pany of Raleigh was incorporated la the offloe of the secretary or state to day. Tbe object Is to conduct a mer cantile business, including shoea, dry goods, caraets and notions. The au thorised capital is 110,000. with $ IS. 000 sabacribed. The Incorpora tors are O. B. Hanter. V. R. Hunter, J T. Hunter, O. W. Brewer snd J. L. Gill. Godwin and Johnson (Incorporat ed ) waa also incorporated today wllh R. D. Godwin, J. Beale Johnson and R. N. Slmms aa Incorporators. The principal offloe Is room 408 Carolina Trust building, Raleigh. N. C. Tho objects are to buy and sell timber lands, own and operate saw mills, tram roads and manufneturies. The subscribed capital is $5,000 and the amount autnortied 125,000. A Death In thy "Masook" Family. with the misfortune of losing yes terday morning one of his famous jailer pug dogs, which Tan a great deal about the streets, and was fa miliarly' known to pedestrians as 'Jap."' There are other members of the "Maook" family surviving, and "Jap" will soon be forgotten by the public, but "Maiook" will tell you In ages to come that there was only one Jap." Real Estate Changes. Mrs. Harriet Andrews has bought from J. R. Ragadale a lot in Fuquay Springs for $200. E. P. Maynard deeds to Mrs. 'Annie Moore Parker for $575 a lot adjoin ing the lands of the colored Christian church on Manly street. The German Tariff. An analysis of our export, trade to Germany by an expert shows that the effects of the application of the new German tariff will not be as serious as has been apprehended. Our total exports to Germany in l904 were about $234,000,000, and of this amount $160,000,000 waa raw ma terial and only $54,000,p00 food products. Of the raw materials $133, 837,000 were admitted free of duty, as also $l0,u8G,2S0 of the fbod prod ucts.. The new tariff mates few cuanges In the free list, so thht $142, 000 ,400 of the total of $234000,000 Is not affected by the new 1 German tariff catea. T18 sports rially af fected amounted in 1904 to $65,000,- 000, ibut, as the expert Explains "The ichlet difficulty is I realfr nar rowed down to about $25,641 000, or less than 2 per cent of Amer san ex port trade." If there is to beja tariff war between the United Stales and Germany we ca nsustaln It mi ch bet ter than Germany. It will also serve to force American trade In otbir mar kets which have hardly. bee culti vated by American products.; Com pensations are offered In; many direc tions. German commercial . bouses, manufacturers and worklngmen will seriously feel the loss ' pt : Imports from the United State's, and the de privation will be reflected upon the government in Gorman politics.' , A GUARANTEE CtRE FOR FILES. Itching, Blind, Bleeding. Protruding Piles. v Druggist ara authorised to refund money if PA250 OINTMENT falls to cure In 6 or 14 days. 6O0, t . i 1 'A Card.'igSWfs'r,;'iJ To My Friends and Patrons: - y 1 I have moved my place of business to 8 West Morgan street, next door to Whltaker's dairy. My Ice Cream .de partment la entirely separate from the Fish and Ovsters. t t Thanking you for past Xavorst and trusting our Cream will merit a con tinuance of same, I am, . f . . ,. , f W. FURMAN BETT3. . ' ' -i -' m at aava wp i i iiBS aeauax tk . a-aa ikM powiaMi i ba akt kMAf it Ua mm I at j . ' ai aha .4 aaMiir. a4a4 aa m m Aa rw ml 4t 4 aaMaa aaa a l4aai k sxakbra aaaaw iSian a4 akti tarakuaj 4rmm m a a -ltaTTat I .milE MMTmtTT ilh Mliir vaifiai auiifBMi, n Mar ikHtai.a .'! t I Hra la a tw i in la HS apa tkl M ka lah rmm. j tka totMHaiMa. rtf Tl ta Ma CnaUy t0r9tl arr wamat-e k iaiC m' laaa " a grkrvtar rflx aaraaal w K VT WJIXT UK TO lVF3(T K CT I NTH. ifkT MVK i"11"' ,T T tH " "".SMI. " ton r raa doan la aiemrnl kaaHh. M 1 r havf ayapapata. falattnc aaalta, ubrt to laaomnla, btlmnaixaa. k)4 y or liver unubkra. ralrfc cl4 a tly: If your rtam la la that pondlttoa that lb dlaaaar arrma of poaamotita. U iripi. nr lb Mrtui attmV-a ara apt to Ukr hnld fall. If vou bava oc casional or roaalant hradarhr, Inaa of mrmory. rally Impaired vitality, then vou nrJ rtrnmonla. Bromonla la to tha human lyatam what the acrubhlng brush and aoap are to the dirty wanh rMinln. It atlmulatea tha Phaforytr of the Mood an that j they are more easily enabled to oa- ' stroy all attacking crm (the theory of curlnc all crm dlaeaaea.) Bromonla ao stimulates the diceailv apparatus that Nature Is enabled to aaaert her sway. If your stomach la In cood con dition, you are well. The Chinese are a wise people. They accoat each other with, "How Is your atomach?" The W. II. Klnr, Drug Company guarantees that everybody who will cut out toe coupon at the bottom of this pace and win send It to the Bro monla Company of New Tork will re ceive, free of cost, all charges paid, a package tlg enough for several days' une. If you think It Is what you need and have already had a free bottle, you will find It on sale at all first class druggists. Send coupon, no matter where you live, and you will receive a free bottle. For sale nt all first class druggists 23' and 50 cents. W. H. KING DRUG CO., Distributor for Raleigh and Vicinity. Free Bromonin Coupon. Name City State My nearest dealer is My disease is BAKER -THOMPSON LUMBER CO. ' RALEIGB. N. C. All wood work neces sary to BUILDA HOUSE Glazed Sash, Doors, Blinds, Wlndow and Door Frames, Rough and Dressed Lumber, FIooKng and. Celling, . , Turned 'Work,' Mantels and Mouldings. PROMPT DELIVERY. -7 HONEST MATERIAL. Phones: Interstate 403: Bell 136$ Wo buy Lumber and Timber. Write us if you have any for sale. ' onice and Factory: Franklin' . riace, North Side. ' Old Cat Company Stand. V u f. mm mwm avamjat ; Nadiaola ia a new discovery, sold ttndet a poiiUe (aarantea, and . aoaey will tM nfaaded ia erary sua where it falls to retaova rrecklet, implaa, liTcr-spots, aua-tan, eollat dlacoloratioaa, blaek-headt and all dliflrarlnf mpUoaa or tba akla, no natter of bow foag tandlaf. 1 Ouraa ordinary caaes la tea days, sad tba wont ia twenty dy. A few applioations will remova taa or SaUowaei. After these defects are removed Uia .iUa will' be clear," aoft, healthy and 1 beautiful. No poattbla barm dan result front' Ita Prioa 60c. aod tl.M, at laadlaf drag atorea ar by sum. Hatioaal ToUat Oampaay, rarls, Teaa. aaMf aa aja aat aaac a ska aVa (W a M am ffelaae a4 J. C ELLINGTON. Jr. T5he ' RALEIGH FURNITURE CO, 17 II Miiin uJ 13 Mulct Elm!. lUleich IIom No. 241 - - lUlelgh, X. CL Largf tvk to rWt from, thrt Coon, mcdr;: from Martin to Mark t itnrU, full cf new nr.! up-to-date l-urniturt?. tTrrjthiejj; for tb hosi tt fciiort Tfp pric. We ill for cakIi or not, Juit rs ou like, or ea? wfkl aM tmuthly initAlfrof eta. b;n and artistic dedpin. " ," Parlor rorniltirc BCalroom Farnllurc, Uinlr Room Faroi(oreud Kitchen Fcrclturc ' Call us up on the 'phone if rou ceod apylTilng In our line. " . , T5he BALEIGH FDENITOEE COUPM, JAS. &L R1CGAN, Mgr. ax A TRUE LAXATIVE Hicks Drug Store & Tucker Building ,'Ptorccy. E. B. Crew. ...Fire Insurance..; Atlantic Fire lasnrance Company, Raleigh, K. C : North Bute Fire Insarance Company, Greensboro, X. C , Atlanta-Birmingham Fire Insarance Company, Atlanta, Ga. Royal Exchango Assnrance of London. r - ' . , Caledonian Insurance Company of Scotland. J ..-'..- I ,t WE CAN HOLD YOU SAFE IN ANY OF THE ABOVE COMPANIES. E. B. CROW HELMS' CROU PALI NE AN EXTERNAL REMEDY For Croup Colds and Whooping Cough in children; Colds, Sore ness In Chest, Colds In Head, etc., in adults. When you or your child have a cold, rub the chest with CROUPALINE, then' satu rate a flannel cloth end apply to chest close up to neck, and you rill get almost instant relief. You will find It beneficial in pneumonia by rubbing chest and ap plying a flannel saturated with CROUPALINE to same. Physicians Prescribe it and Get the Best of Results. ' Don't take any substitutes, as they are not as good. Sold by all druggists. 25 CENTS FOR A 2-OUNCE BOX.' j . . J. D. HELMS, Manufacturing Chemist, ' 310 8. Elm St., Opp. McAdoo House - - , Greensboro,' If. C 4T aa. svaa ' - " gf a lUiur imanLiang itsceljulu Are all that one conld wish. Onr capital Is sufiiciently strong to meet all requirements of onr patrons, and all . inducements am offered the public that are consistent with sound banking. De positors are assured of every ourteey possible. We strive to merit . your business by offering such facilities as will meet your wishes. ' a ST ' "TaraiMtf AmsMMMM iL WaM M Commercial & RALEIGH, N. C. Assets Deposits Capital paid np Surnlus and profits earned .. " Accounts of Corporations, Mrechants, Farmers and. Guardian Funds solicited. We are prepared to make time and demand loans Upon acceptable , names, rollaterals or COTTON. - " ' 'i'At SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES FOR RENT. NO INTEREST s PAID ;t ON - DEj- , ( . rosrrs. f - ' - , ' I , 1. J. THOMAS, President. ' . , - JJ, S. JTERMAN, Cashier. A. A. THOMPSON, Vlf o President v ( ' . ' h -1 H. W. JACKSON, Aslstant Cashier. ' ' - i ST. MARY'S THBJ DIOCESAN BCHOOI OF TOT ZTAROUKXB. " , V ASTER "TERM OPENS JAN. 25. 19O0 Mow In Silh year.. Second Quartet; begins November 83rd. . For Catalogu itc sdress, at a -- aa aa aV aa TWaa aJ a- R&lcUh. N. C- Keea the liver la a beakJif Coa dtttoa and yea 11 feel cod all tbo tiate. Tho oaly reaavaty oa tha) aaarkK today, otUre than calnaarl. that alll rrajrh tbe liver aa4 eaaaa It to perform Its aataral dattra Is LAXO Calorael la atrhealag fliagrr oaa. Laia will ot aallTate 70a raa eat anythlag whila Uanig K. AT , s, , A. P. Baamaaa. ' 8L CO.. Afjehtp seaa faaa. ?-m. far far Farmers Bank $1,030,000.00 ; . 844,000.00 . , V i-)MjlM t ; , . .. .. . ' 80,000.00. SCHOOL, r.:'.:::". LT DUPOSTB, p. B. B. D, Rector, REV. M'Kri aaw

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