. : u: i .. 4 "tw- ' ....... . . I W-.4 a.. r. it t ..-w In iwa-n-! -.. .. i U M I. !... la U 0 U k 1.4 m w i i . Vh' t tJ an IrBwM , 1 t . ! t4 l f ' . J I' ir-nt ! M Ni " . ' ' - - . rCIvAaT. f tfca A"-M4 fi I Vt ; if ufc. It roranaat t 'r . a Carvlaa WUW 1 " j ; ! t lt a4 Yaeawa; WrUk til riB-aat I4l Tk i nwtfcrr nw la atUI fctcw M of IM h M nW, kaa) IM t k firwwr M talMM U ; hr lb hm ) kaa Ira r4 M BrmtiU4 1I-i-.tcir ( no to lugwatufi. TIM rptir W tew IB Uk ntkr(' 4 mi-M la waMi rn" tb hav Wi tMvrrml rt; In Ik xwwanjl and la T'lM ralar ft4Hlea MM I ara. vail. Al tha kla pruiurt raa ta la aatara ariiaa f IM raantry a4 vant at III firiaar to la aaat, tka traur will (all n4 raaaa ra'a t aiM ftM Toradar la into vHnltr. A. U. THIKHkEN. ' tartloa I ran nr. lUlTA,a ".PERTH. lalrprato4lo f H rr4 U Rtlr CM- . Agaiaai Aaafrteaaa. B tha AaanrfaAaA PraO . ElvJiana, Waaa, IV k. , It-temaal tUanjmv, ataaacar ( a inUlInc rem paay of Spokajw an4 kVattla. aaya that Ilk Ka rK-alvafl fna William Bnitt. Chinraa rpreariUtlra of ta company. nfpaiara and lettera which aajr that tha ChlhfM Interpretation of a apracb, tnit by William J. Bryan bffora Chl nm UMrfhanta at a dinner given by them In Ma hoaor, haa baeu wacd by Chtnnk acltatork to atlr up renewed antipathy to American products. rrevknuily to thla apeaok by -Mr. Aryan, th lettara aay, at a raoetlof hald by about fifty, commercial repr nenlatlvea and delegate. from the var Kmir iullda of. Bhanrhal,' Canton, and - Hong- Konr. the delete tea had asrreed oil tt waive -propotod modlflcatlone ot tire American Chinese' exclusion law: The American repreatattvea asre to have thsir hottse ur-s these on eon- fTsa,.and the Chinese agreed imme diately to cfcll off the boycott. Than, according to Hong Kong papers, .Mr. Bryan was entertained by the Chinese merchants at -a dinner and made a speech. . .' -. v.. "! . r One tti the Chinese merchants at the dinner reported the proceedings to ChU tlese newspapers. -He quoted , Mr. Bryall ks declaring that the tabor party vrtm to strong In the .United States that , Chinese workmen, skilled or unskilled, unuM ttevt 1 rtArmlttiiul In ahter as drawing k. gloomy picture of what would happen to Atnerican 'workmen If ' tha Chinese were allowed to take away their ' mployment..'-' This -. Informant said that while Mr.- Bryan had agreed to support d namber or the proposed .chknges; be had not been Able to draw ; from Bryai.s any. definite assurance or support of the policy which the Chl ,nesk would fnsist on ks the only condl tlon ort -wWch the boycott would be - After , this ' Interpretation of Mr.fl Bryan,' s speech was circulated, the Chi nese merchants became convinced that ' congress would not adopt the changes recommended by the American mer chants and that their best policy was v. to put on the boycott screws tighter than ever. , Don't think that pileB can't be cured. -Thousands of obstinate cases ' bave been cured by Doan'a Ointment. 1 60 cents at any drug store. . . r..or,ilay and Tuesday, Fel. 12 and 13 - ' ' ' ''".' ";!',JS"" !, on6 of the IBgh Art Cutters" and Designers will be at our store for the purpose" of '- showing-4he lino of woolensin suit lengths for the coming Spring. ! .You are invited to call and see the line and hate your measure taken. It will not place' you under obligation to ?)uy. only want to have your measure booked. : ' i, ?u. .f , -i , A . " -.'. v - v f ' - LAST WEEK OF THE GREAT SALE, V' ' ' . ' The sale closes Saturday nighi, February 17th.- Up to that' time you have?J choice of all Winter Suils, Winter Overcoats, Winter Underwear, Winter Gloves, f or J men and boys at 25 per cent less than regular price.- ,,' j SIIIRTS This will be another week of rapid shirE selling. For one more week we give you choice of all the $1, $1.25 and $1.50, Negligee Shirst for 75 cents.' Sizes ntoi7i2. " - - i , . v. at law tV V44 11 "I Tw UM ataa. aw It L. Ha iraU ta ! i. fcnii iiH t "- fca Ifb",- aw tal "Ta 11 rr-it KwrHU t ufc tra (rip rarail aa kUrtl wa rrr4 MH wf rV K. C k tfc !rv! 14 a H7 la It MrlM Ut N UI la r U4 UM Wraakfaal War tar It hi Ik my. Aa tka eo.-M ae H t n the rear bUirorai fee f4 a MetlMdist rterc'Mk, Ik k ra.kar eklay Mark enat. Uk k trail sWaker waaMa, aa aiai.ly dreand. kat k wore aa aaireeaxly aae RMiaieaaaro. Tto kaakaad was cr ryU ! aaaaU cktMrea wkiie alt wife ata4 keklad a kaky earrtac. TWy kad waited aa fcewr tkere ta ae ike KoaideaL Ho at ao, akklaa kskde, ke(ta to rkst wHk tkeea. Tke wtkee said U tlaa ta k d lUklfslly aiki)e way aa abo look lb little) ee at ml tke eeblrle, 'I waated ta ahow joe tbla aWr baby of-wsrm. Too bare boe eery kappy a prealdeat. kat yoa bare aot beea a kit kippler thaa we bare boe wlib tkla bkby.' The prealdeat was (-realty loathed by this Incldeat. He recocaUed thai aero vera people who wore literally harlBf k atrvtiU to rear tbelr chll-j droa, denying themaWrea many of the oomforta of lite akd, perhaps. thlnr whkh would kelp Ibe haabaad la his aar red ralUaf. But they were eajoylaf their etraKcle Ik the lore of their Uttle ones; they found k de light greater thaa enrthlnn that the aaabltlona of the world eon Id irJro. r real dent Roonerelt told hla anao- clktes oa the trala that ko had more re pert for tkla klad of t woman thaa for any oher typo of peroa In the world, man or woman.' ( To IVrelop 25,000 Hneae owe. It la stated that Messrs. Hugh Mac Rae A Co., of Wilmington. N. C hare derided to besln la the near fnlare the construction work re quired la the development . of, the Blultt Falls water power on (he Pee ttee rlrer, It miles from lileevllle, N. C Estimates have placed the possible development at K.OOv horse power, and It la nnderstood that It will reoulre two yean to build the ni-w, oam Th- nrnoge i. 0r co,,r8e to tran8mU thu poWer by electricity to the various manufac- torlng Industries. In the territory around Lilesvlle. Messrs. Lock wood, Greehe ft Co. of Boston Mass.. are understood to have been engaged as engineers In charge ot this work.' Manufacturers' Record. ASHKYiUiK corirr. If Lask Ik Right Many Buncombe Marriages Arc Null. (Special to The Evening Times.) Ashevile, N. C, Feb. 12. Superior court, Judge Allen presiding, got donrfllo business today. Three petty jnrles hare been drawn for service. and the jail cases are being rapidly disposed of. It is not likely that all the 'case will be disposed of If the F. M. Stevens murder case is called. This case Is set for trial" next week, but If the docket is not sufficiently cleared by that time there will be a continuance. ;.-. . Little importance is attached to the point raised by Colonel Lusk Sat urday that the grand jury and petty Juries for this term were irregularly empanneled because a woman, a dep uty register of deeds, officiated at the (drawing of the jury instead 6t the regular officer or a male deputy reg- ister or clerk. Colonel Lusk took the position that TML(DESIIRJ(S. U U aJlX J VaJ i i .di ...C) i. fill ill P kwk Ajaiia bt w fa. to T r.fc T-a I Aafc.ie. K C. t U -4ms K l twaxk Mmu. j aM tK Mtt-v.a aui la ai paiawa ae iA a. ,. ih smmb t -a - i at ra eaavt.''a 1. aava it a - to to mmm ! tu to aiaii a. Hr. r M etoiaaa a I r nr-ia ad at fcwaAi koMml a to auar WW) tiMiire aaw ajua, totM tm be to tb Oaiw. w aa toS'r oaaiM" eoto a of at wwaiM a war. II to brtkFwd tfcal Ik aw w Ik W inw d ber k but to trtat ht W baa lMWlr M atanteaM ta the knb Caewhwa ria?traa 0u4. Try rtsatf lla aery SaV Aa Aaawdatod fewn Malrk fewaa Oeltor. S. C. leal aiaM aaya; Tlif St Haaty. af tkla rtiy. otto f lanjr aba ktllaa ItoaaMl 4 Ot a AkkHll DatHtoa. m lb "Kotbtoc Itot Maory" UMalrtral eaaanaoy Mr V eemtor U. ikav will M triad mm tM rMrt at aaidee Fwbrwary S. Haaty. a -ha bee Mm M Jail alnr IM kllUn. will M drHled by karal enonae. Tat arcawrwitoa will M eeednd by T. tow, a) at uioraty far IM rlrrvlt. ke till M aaadeted. at la nnderted. ky arwciaJ reaaaal eenptoyed by IM Ac tors' Assort it toa f New Terlt, whlrh baa tak) im matter aa. Heeeral wlt ntsma it tke lravdy. asenttore of the IheatiiraJ eotniwiar. w ill appear (M at and tor IM State. Trial win M lowed with, tke greatest Interest and private homes kin offered hoapliat ItV to tM anembera of the company a ho , will attend th trial." t EXHX.IKIIISO 1CTIM!. Rlefia ShnaM he Take at Once o Prevrwt Farther Trooblc. Hero la Raleigh, aa la other rillet and towns, dyspepsia or stomach troubles are ensnaring victims la k most Insidious way. t'se Ml-o-na now and soothe the Irritated walls of the stomach and strengthen the gastrlo follicles so that they will pour out their dally supply of d I restive materials with regularity. Then the headaches, sleeplessness, specks before the eyes, poor appetite, tired feelings and nervousness will disappear, and yon can cat wha voir want at any tpic you like. . Just one little tablet out ot a SO cent box before meals, for a few says, and you will soon regain per fect health and strength, and Have no fear of Indigestion or stomach trou bles. Ask W. H. King Drug Company to show you the guarantee under which they sell this remedy. - VALENTINES,, THE J. D. RIGGAN CO. ' -'VALENTINES." , V - Exceptionally fine assortment: r Supply your wants before they are picked over. , TOMORROW . SATURDAY, FEBRUARY i6, ' WE WILL SELL FANOY . WINE SAP APPLES at $4.50 per barrell4-Worth $5.00. AT HKTAIL 50C. This is your oppdrtunity. D. T. JOHNSON & SOINI ALL PHONES. 1 ' ' i JQ HARETT $t Ml Clollilcr I4W fu.l- M ft far) Ttoe M lawttth, tkataf ltkUU4 IUM4 tta44 to toa ktiUiai. Mal to VM T LowiaWfa M C. r i: C Ma bad Iwit iel a ttoaa tonm , kri ertaaai ad ray , ktr. kWb. my 4Miaaftj ewirto4 M s4siThB-SliBraodd.JliBES-TJill-Eiiil Said laratog a .We M kw tw J , 4a , liMMw; inw hfaar.tartg Oatw- ( M"F. IM UwOatoirg I U MtkV il LMtlatoug tk'ae lamny. owd IM Lowiatotrg khailt lfc.k Maaafa. I lartog fowtaw-ay. Mr. t. H. lllat rr.-l aa raaktee ' I IM r't Natbaaal lt k uei rtetrw ary I and le ats', a l-a aad tialldliig Aaaat tatkna. Laaletoirg alaa baa a a tera of waterwwrks aad aer nl haa aler maatrwrtknw a ihuk thouaaad illar grooVd fkml huitdir.g A nut. Ire factory la al- Ivtng organ!!. IM nwtBtit of akark hw IMH itt yet beew , aaiertaiaed. t FREE DEMONSTRATION is being gira at onr Mttro totlay aad fite wet-It by The Herpiclde Ladies with hair hanging to the ground Qme aad - ace a nianrrlooa growl h of hair and loom lwr to rare fttr your jtcalp ami hair, ALL, FREE V HICKS Vrug Stores PECK - PL A IN Balf-Boaring Skate TJheelb Thos. Cris & Sons Ra!eish, N. C. J,' " Duck's Stove r-Pvanges . Yoa nTer txm such a crowd fcr Mocdiy. n Wo tvro certHnly miJdEg new record for Tebruiry. THE REASON The Extraordimry Eirjiiru OJTerei . Art you setting your share? One of the SpeckU for Tutsdiy One Case Yird Wide L5asda!e Cambric To go with the embroideries that were sold tody. We are going to sell this cse (? (Twenty yards to a customer.) ALSO ONE CASE OF PLAID DRESS G00DS-25C. VALUES- MILL -END PRICE 12 1-2c. - t New Tailor made Suits are now ready on Second Floor. .. These are the only Tailor-made Suits in Raleigh bought by a lady buyer and fit ted by an Expert. ; ' . ;"; ' . What is the use of buying last Falls styles in Tailor-made suits when you can get the newest Spring styles. ' v ; ".n ' ' , : Cur Solid Car Load of Mill Ends in White Goods are being arranged for this Mill End Sale. MILL END SALE CONTINUED THROUGH THIS Watch the M ve We have made arrangements with Schloss Bris. ' & Co., the Wholesale Tailors of Baltimore and New York, whereby onle of their best Cutters will be with us on the 14, 15, 16, and 17th. ' , ' " "This will afford' you an oppotunity to secure the very latest styles, in perfectly-made, perfect-fit.iig garments, at about the cost of ready made clothes. COME TO OUR SPRilW OPENING OF SCHLOSS TAlLOtam: This expert Cutter will bring with him more than six hundred samples of the latest and best fabrics for Spring and summer and the newest fashion ,; plate. -, You can selectthe goods you want, have your measure accurately taken and leave the rest with the Tailors.' ':', - -. - - This is a special opportunity to obtain real metropolitan styles, and the finest tailoring at very low prices. Come in and see the new f asUons . any-, , ; way, even if you are not thinking of ordering. ? iWe shall begladto see you. Cross &yLiiihhn(Smi:iy- wVwVV' yVwVVwVwNrVSrVeWVVVVrVVSN IMS OR A NO m Fitai, ' CASUALTY, . lilOlITXIXG, ' .' TOUNAIK), " ' KLKCTRICITY, " , ,ExriiOsioxs,' MlKAIiTH, IlPpKnontlnn ilio slrongpst oomimnlcs in America. Koprcsonlins nlso the safest Homo tomponica. i ' , fCOMHlXKO ASSKTS OVKK W.OOO.OOO. - . ftXIMBIXHII Sl ltmS OVKU $10,000,000.. v. . v . , y . NOT IN THE TRUSTS. ' ' . f; . , : ' PARKED (SL HUNTER- . insurance cxnd Real E ,l ' ' Commercial CI Farmers Dank Cuiltlin; ' Interstate 'Phone 552 li i ON THE: ' Window for Big Special Every Day.. Your Clothes Made to Order RALEIGH, N. C BONDS, OPK1C1 Uj, , ' ' , FIDIJIJTl", ACflDBN'T, . , FlDKLITr, , , t f TEAMSt t PHV8IC1AXS, JCDICIAL, , ' E1.EVAT0H, - " v SUKGEOXS, COXTHACT. 7 l t Bt'ltMNG, . it a t . t - WEEK COME ' EARLY. VVVVVVVVVSeWrVSrVNrrVVSVrrWVX ' LIABILITY,, t KMPIXIYEIIS; A A . t t i