aal a tar u.t i i - nisu.iiLii.: - DinTlLlSQl'lUlC in H ! tm .r M a,ta a., at aa t . . . . " . . a aia UN J , at aa k , , . . ' .- aVaK. kfcaat riMt rfj it- kk..'. k , .. . . .. - d . I taat a r -mumm, l a. . I a y kwaa a a mm-i . kraa. faiiia a A .a-a a ima tka sataia a k. W. aha li k aw a kA i - - k a i as taa 1-a.a., a, . -r - M m m mm I j. I ai taaaaa Sta a-a l,iim aaaana4 aMa Si -m a-' a aa at rM Vvaa, atjamaat a k aatas a av a a a . lalM knaaa a-- aaa kTi l aa aaa aa a- m1 mm rvMara aaaaaM. r a mmmm aaaa a aiM a4 r-. 3 v a.. . m . . . , . a) . a,a l-B - t v U i 7. T-a -a a- a tutu t m - i 4 t -., Tv Hun urt lnl 4 I Hit lihli t4 aiwOT Itfc l"MMtr UmUmim aiir, Af ter tut. ia 1 t t. ruuki L4rk.l. ha k J(tt Vim. (- 1tk V imii ctar trmii$. Wdty tkmt u l!!f4 la Uan k. Tfca Va tuvaiiM4 kHkMlf tte laa ra4at f IttMl aaiiV r1aa. bcmrVfis ana Ika Moat ki trie ta Cvrapw Waea taa attW fear foatltaaaaa tde Ula, aka ' maaoav aal afiar apa4tBj Mm aaaar rrvttaicL aow tlvaa la England. hra aka kaa bautl fal iwilry flana, lr waata pm far la tka morl (earroi laab- . obf kar kaakaad. Ii 4xs4, ka ka bakavail la ba BaUnr l(k all la chjralrjr ikat vat. U- i-i wpactod of a waa of kia brwlim; iwl llnaaica. . Buhatijbratlr thr '.leant MIra ora borama la roh 1 1 t all aorta ol aaaelaJ aajteaulm'n.. maklnfaa linpropar aa af ibo tnf. of bla rof- : ai father, oM KlnR Vi:'.; r Eiumaauol. and aqaaadaiici tko ' . ana of hl m(kr.rb vaalkt i u chirr of ii dramaajor a a 1 1. Ir-titoaa recl maat Indeed, bad ii t been, for tha fart that aa a a imlural aoa of on Klac and Ihu lli.-sl Imata balf- brotbar of another , night hare Kona bard with him. A It waa, the lata Kln Harotxtrt alini Icrod all bla flaaaclal reapoanlhllliiw dbilnteraat ed financially tho )ton; j whom the .count had wronRod and who wanted ."to proaacate him, rompi-onjluod mat- tera with bin ti-ollora, nsaumod charge of tha catutcn of Mlr&llor and fot Fontanafreddn, , wtich' iho ' Re Hialant'uomo bad plvcu to '.' pWloa, Md armaped it rIvi an annuity to tha eount. ' . ma iwver mxi in is6, riui ana - rfw utiinHiwf tmitw -Bniti - nip1 last by bla balf-brotbur Unmborlrund having redeemed aln oat onllivlvlhe abortcomlDKa Of bla earlier life, lie left'-twO aons, Vltt wlo, wbo wa! .killed, by a, fall from ills borab. while (tne outer, uaston ny name, became a; particular favorite of .his uncle,- King Hutifbert, who aont him a'vefy hand some wedding yrosent when he mar-' rled ulanalnu lloasco,. daughter and helrest n ono -of the wealthiest con tractora and bulldors of Rome and of . Turbi, - Not t,hat jtDung Oaston Mlra flore was In Bod ot her money;, for, thanks to the excellent' management . of Humbert, jail (he Incumbrances on the two Taluablo j estates, . namely, MlraRore aud Kontanafrodda, have ' Boon paid off,- and, ,belng . free of rcharge,' yield a' large Income. The ' young 'Couplo have several-children, and both are very popular. Youn rrinct) Aleiaader of Batton Ncre, brother of the future Queen of 'twin, i ?A "ho was over Jiere last lull wlt.i h' '-ncle, Admiral Prince I oiils of Hi. iceberg, serving on board ;o r3f, Che iMis of the. British, cruiser sqttadroitr Vishes lit to be known 'that fhi'M-inVbto tnith whatiuvVA. in tkn Ktot los, etkt 'A diiCsome of the French; Iiafiei'f. i:iifd tni the FngUsh press, and cauieil -to- uiib country,--to , tni ' efte-.l Jhat 11! had become engaged, to Pi-lnccsa MntgUerlte.'Muiial; IAs' the prlua. Ik not yet we'nty, atid as lit l ias. onl, niethe glrl onca hi his llfo. It la dfiliouHto understand how aa sclt . report,! --can''t 'have'-'originated. TJ1 (tV-.ivi,mtlA HJTlirfti'a irttil.l , i I 0 . ktii 0U aim 411 m w i.. v. . . v ; i " . - FORLMIES 3 -Jmahfflt&hii lievf'Hnel of'.Ldfos Oxfords. i representing the v v to .Pool for litest and best In footwear fle's always first to show new styles . - 1 f itALrian, ;ir. a fnra ml kr kto, lk Wia a4k 4 9 tut 4 k4 auokai, a aa r mt tk Ui Iim vt tu4k4, aal M la i lMt lUl by k a 1 I IVa 41 ag. f kanaaaj. kaa t vIKi tka l-l tiaruw a4 a cvatar) fctijH -itmi tka iua af k taw. T wa. r'. aawwa l4 ta (V a arraaat. ravlm a Uat W 11. taa, ae aa rra ar1aiaa a w)arala alkaar a4 l.t. kkk kraafMta. It aiaat ka aoafiMMvdl, a ra'fcar aarry raalraM Is tka 111. Ml ran ky tka fttan of ala troaa tka BrKlak (rraaary aa a aaaataJ altaaaava fm aaaaat kkaald tka araaa rrtanaaa iwai a wtaaw, ker aaaalty i14 k la cra4 ta 111. Ml Ta JriahaM lk aotorWty wkkk Baal 4 Caaiatlaaa la aaw ae)a)lo4 la aoaaaotloa with kta aaatrlatoalal 4lmtaitlaa atay recall the fact tkai 11 la ea tka CaalaUaaa laa . oa tka Rivar lMra that la altnatvd Ibe aa- rtval rlwrrk af SL ratrVa. wkkh for keadreda af yaara paat kaa bra at CkrUtmas llata tha boorna of la aaatarabtd pllgflmaa'ae oa Ike part of iloaa Catholics fro the K: jcrl4 Ma.' Tka kaad la that tka fatroa aalnt of Irrlaad raate lo leach tba gosal la Brittany aa4 tba tnl of franca.,, and found blmarlt obllRpd to aalm acreaa tba Rlvar Loire, as there waa ao other nsana of rroaalng tbk Btraaai. Hedaude dnear a ha tborae baah, oa which ha apread his mantle to dry. Since then tha both, which ued only ta Bower In the urn mar, brake out again la lavish bloe aotna every Christ man, .oa the anni versary of tbo aaln't coming, no mat ter what the condition of the weath er, nor how cold a-il cr icl the winter. Transplanted ruttlbF of th buh only come out In flower lu the normal aeaaon. v Efforts have been made to explain tho iccullarlty of the bush by the pnwtnco of a warm apriag passing near tho roots, but digging and re search have failed to discover IC The bub blossomed aa. usual last Cbrlst aiaa. and the ancient church Of SL Patricka close by, waa vialtad as usual by a number of ollgrlm from Ireland. The estate belongs of course, not to Bonl da Cawtellane, but to his riiolft 6r',' ne"marUlBeraTrd" tberctor of 8L Patrick's church Is her chap lain. ' It Is; tndeed. In that church of St. Patrick that 1 Bonl made his premiere communion. ' . MARQUISE DK FONTENOY. Many tnon glvo, lavishly of gold. To build bridges and castles and tow , " era of old; If you want everlasting famo, a hpne factor be, ' Give the poor and needy Rocky Mountain, Tea. Henry T. Hicks Drug Co. Mark Twain, talking to so;nr! : li f frlonds tTt downtown club the otlir day, said that hs had received recently some vrss which tha writer hal ff-nt him becStuso he thought the vorscs "ap plied" pretty well to thes humorist. Here, was the "poem:"., ' The lightning 'bug la brilliant, - But It hasn't anv mind, H' scrambles throush existence v With ltd headlight on behind. "Good poetry," said the humorist, 'but I. don't llkd the spirit of it." ' TO LET. fienbmchts privileges, at Ful- Jc liU tolwv 5. i rrom Marcn lb, law, to uc- ,1904. AU pcwioiid doBirlng to (Vj.vtkld urivUdRca are requested to uonilt sealed bids for same to the Park Committee, on or. before March 10, 1906, The right to reject any and all bids Is reserved. ' .Vvv-Very,' respectfttll, ' i; . ; -.' Jd. L. ROGERS, Chairman Park Committee. 2I-&U 'V ; iim aaa k M tm ti k4 m at aiks ewm aaa m"l , mmn." k itt4 Mt A lk my akwa n -to a ak aaad tkM k a4 lkli tal I ka kal tnwoiaaa Maukk 'IM 1 fcavMt Tka s(ttr 1V Mt am I. w ta wife k toaiai mm 4 akwrt tlnn kr4n IIm k.x m- ta ika aMoa a avMia Bia4 fca tka t'Mtra ktin r4rwM nni1 kt IUi aiMr an -! ut rmtum tm aav liaa-h Tl Mtttaa aal4 Ikal tka alair awk1tMa ar taMlaaawnaa la ar-ai Hat M 4 ikaa f Ika fniriia tmiaiinnil i4 Ik antuaHattna t. 1 Xtml pl -raaa , laa A a raall 'r tk Msai -niiiatlf. Jalktf n niMMiiH'aa Ihta . laa tkai lha raaritai iid W WI ed aat II Ik aii'Hl a fur a i a: Hakaaa r aa rauld ka aaaa-t na by BMa ywaaa la Ihr fadrral ui1 Aftar a PMtaultalkai allb mir AI- tarary HaWr tka aH amrlata dniaod lo arlay tha aaarallnn If aarraaary an. IU t p. in.. Ika la hour nanwd In tha court artilf nca .n-vldtna for ih hng- , ln Tha aaiiton f thr fourlc-rnlh amnd maot on wh,lr Hark s b.lnt i kt ton la kaaad. la raj fullnaa: "Ka stale aha It make nr rnrnrra any law a tik-k ahaU afcrtilgr tka prtvllrrra nr Hnmitfllllaa of rltlaana of lha VnMad Blataa; hpr ahall any atala drprtvr any prraiMi or life, liberty or pmfarly aim. out due proroaa of law nor daw any paraon within Its jurladlcihtn the equal prolvctloa of the laws." Itafnra FadataJ Jula Kriwahaw U. Landla. Horh'a attorn) rontrnih'd that a writ of habeas turpua ahould Is sue forthwith. After bilrf omsldi ratl.in Juilac l.'.n dls aald: "The petition la dvnlrd. Thr prier remedy for omnarl waa a writ of er ror from Ibe darlnlun front the at ate au premc court ro she United Htatea au preine .court. The counsel failed ta take advantng-e or that mnT. The writ Is fatally defective and can't bo made Rood." Hoch's attorneys asked on appeal from JiMltre Landla' decision. Judge Landla repllrd: "Later In the day I will enter suck art order aa will enable yon to have thla case reviewed by tho supreme court In the absence of your client, t will- nut now complicate the matter by further dvfay. It would be much easier for me to grant this man ten days' time In which to have this case reviewed by the United States supreme court, out respect for orderly procedure compels me to' do what I have done. That ,1s my order," and the court threw the pe tition to one sloe. Preparations for the hanging were immediately begun ' following Judge Landls' refusal of a writ of habeas cot pus but Hoch's attorneys strenu ously continued efforts to secure fur ther delay. While the death march was starting In the Jull, the attorney were Just leaving tho federal building o got Hoch's signature to an appeal l.o:id. After Judge Landls had apparently cloned the case. Hoch's attorneys hastily pre: in red an appeal bond and ugaln advanced to the court and re newed the demand for an appcol. Under the circumstances I don't think you have any right to appeal," said the court. 'Any cltlsen has the right to appeal," said Attorney Edward Matter. "In view of the fact that this matter was delayed until, within an hour of the execution, I don't think so," replied the court. Thereupon the three attorneys repre senting Hoch began all to talk at once. 'Well," sixtd the court, "prepare your record and bring it in. I will be here all day." The attorneys hurried In a cab to the criminal court building to get Hoch's signature-to' the bond Just as word came that the death march had begun, The attorneys arrived at the jail with the appeal bond just in time to again temporarily stop the prepara tions for the execution. There was a hasty conference of Jail officials, .and then Assistant Sheriff Peters consulted by telephone . vAth Federal Judge Landls. . . -v " ,. Judge Landls said: "I have refused to do anything In the" Hoch matter. You need not dolay the execution on my account." y Judge Ladig declined to - wait . In the federal buildingv Baying: n : ."My oaths of office, demand that 1 do what I consider right, s i do not think that I would be complying with my oaths if I delayed this execution.' . Statea At tdrnoy Hlaley took a aim. ila,r view. Ho nMd: , r , "I adviawt thorn to: oang HrtsJi. av J talked with Judge Landls over, the telephone, He, told' me. no order had been entered., except, a denial of the wrtt'fThere was no way legally left for the hanging to be postponed.". , Judge Lantil. , after .talking Keith " ' HOLLISTCR'S ' Reeky V.zzT.lih Tea Kusgeh . ; n auiy nans nr amy raw., .: ' - Brlnn tjoldan Health in4 Rtiwwed Vk. - A iclno tor Constipation. Indlrestloti; LItst and Kklncv troulilo. Pimiiles. Iuicmm Imiture Hlentt, Had tlror tn. Hlumtlsb Dewnla, IlRAdsctae and Biioknche. It4 Kocky Mountain Tea In tab-, lut form, S5 eanta box. Uenult.a muds by noLLiHraa iihuo uohpaht. waaiaan, wis. GOLDEN NUGGETS FOR SALLOW PEOPU . - .-t-'il 111 lii a -JJsJj L-- li .Til1 t ' ? THE MOST COMPLETE SHOWING OF WOMEN'S " READY-TO-WEAR GARMENTS IN THE CITY WJuh W&ista ttc IaWik Baa Laa a aaal Ml, kra.rw kaa. awly Uwaw iHi af klMl atltitl) aaaawl ar e4kd. ht frafrrl wkra laaaxtrW. la 43 tar, kant an aaani . fra1 prtrr, l a, I1.2.V UN nv k tlmW ft lit White Silk W&ists. Made of Tateta and IVaa l s..i All tliia araauai'a atyie. Ib-aaiilally BaadV bimI -rfrt llla. 1aaMlMy lisalTrd. 4 aH akara of rail Mk. ktft anrry alar la the tuC Ibilur Ikpem a foJInaia: I.O M hitr Nllk Waists fur M INI. 9 1. BO and B.VOO WIUI kllk WalMi , for M-Sii. MOO ami 47.00 White Rllk WaUu -'. for i..1o. $H.OO aaal 410.00 Milte Nllk Watats "for 4i i0. 93.BO W hile Molialr VVslata for 4 1 -VI. a 4 Spring Woolens. '' The Iim- l aiw rnmidrtc, and aail alk nialt-riala fur Hreaajr (mt antra, lafhtr tiiadc anils, arparat walaia bjmI skirts --an lie had. Graya la Ibr dif ferent hhmlra innii-r lo lraL. tur '"Wiot-fhV K immense. All irirvs T yard Mk . lo BOYLAN i.. ... ai. 'iav,t.- ! with y ouc approval in style, design and price three very in teresting items. We will endeavor to assist you to select the cloth pattern in keeping with your vocation, age, figure and complexion. Have your measure taken at once for present or -future de livery. , - - , .... a. C. MNTORI,, Raleigh, N. C. . :. i : -vCAKOLlNA TRUST BUILDING ' , X Assistant Sliorift Peters, started to Ioave the tedoiul. building. Attornny Edward Malior, Ub tears In his eyes, bcRgcd .IuiIro Landls to stay in the bulldiiiH .-umllhpjj appeal was perfected. Meanwhile. State s Attor ney Hoalcy advised Sheriff Peters to give Hoch's attorqoys flfteen minutes to perfect t nc appeal before the death march shall liegliK - .,.. LIBRARY CL0SE.D UNTIL MONDAY. -, The stato 11 braryr and several of the state offices In the? supreme court building are closed and will remain closed until Monday,- while the car nets urn bcinir renovated by the appli cation at a patc'nK'so'tution while the carpets remain on the floor.,-... State Superintendent of Public In struction J. Y. Joyne? ia conQned to his roof suffering froin a deep coltri contracted from. work. In his office before the ' :i rcnovatett-; carpets had fullv dried out. .-i Other officials are profiting by his fate and staying out of their offices while this work is going on. ' . ' ' - : ,'. j1it.t-.;,.;l;r.i,;'-:''V' ' The "mW3 Derby." -.' -v Liverpool, Feb: 23.--The V Waterloo cury for icowslng, otherwise th annual "dog derby" j waa' - Concluded today, at Altcar, near here, with a Victory for H. Hardy's Hoprend. There were six-tv-four eritrlck and "th heats occupied throe dayaThii.-ibattlitrA'WcJf At ,thej , start was.' jj jjr fgsajisj, woprena mis morning waTl ta, ! on .Mr. Hardy' lMtt-rk ! mt M arr IhM Ml Mara SJ IWmUr at .Hi aad k4 rii apcrtinn mdiclled. PE ARCE COMPANY. I I READY WITH OVER 25,000 SUIT PATTERNS FOR SPRING AND SUMMER 1905, aaOwaatsk . And this magnificent array com prises a batter and larger" selection than we have ever displayed. We extend to you a most cordial in vitation to call early, believing we can suggest some new ideas that will meet Supreme Court VOLS. 137th AND 138th REPORTS NOW ON SALE. Price $1.50, or $1.80 Postpaid. Some . recent reprints, . with annotations Vols. 19, SI, 47, 48, 49, 5t, 55, 56, 57, 58, Vote. 51 and 80 ready in a few days. Public and Private Acts, 1905 ' ' WoW Beady. Price, $1.5 and $1.80, Postpaid. a NEW CODE mow ; ready, Your ; orders solicited. ., Alfred j Williams & cd. r eve1 t : a C. MCDONALD'S - i.Real Estate arid. Loan Office.. .m,ttll..0V LEND ,Y0U MONEY ON REAL ESTATE ' " T - ROOM 204 TUCKER BUILDING , '. - '. 1 . -If Anna PMnaa mJL T lHAKa 1a Dla. k . TV'..-, ! Bilk PetUcoiU 15 00. tkiaarakia ara. 4a4 attl4 MaaV kf Ikr faaaia kf" lr na4 "7 aklrt ka a gaar- aaa it al laa aMMM m ,f t 4a arr liclat. Mar, ral. aa. tlx-, kMr. Maaf, nai4a, li'li, siJ kamiailf ark .Ma Dress Sldrtt. Tka ax ava-iaa aiV4a arr rrdy. I'nanniialai; llir lali-at mli rtala aad atyha. JL fall akaofi meal f IJatk. grajs, blsa-s aad rraMi ahllr; alao lantvfble 4aada aad c tHika. All alara arr tM-rr aad r-ry war raa be lied price raaar (roiu 4 UK) to 4IO.OO. Tailor Made Suits. h axsnra. The iali-t roactrt arr Ihtt. Oalh Kails of tlxt avtiat aprntitrd malrrlala. In Mack, rokrs ami faiM-lca. Kloa and Moakry Jat k ri. wllh llic lalcM flalre Skirls. Judclng fniia the amount of haainrsa, thin la I Im- only rtimpk-lc llmHa live rttj. AImi quikn a ahottlnjc of ladk-a Silk Shirt UiMi Sulla. Vour la- mmmmmmmVm-mw V at ' :i . 'r-.V by Clilcf Justice Clarks, 59, 70 and 71st and 81. an ar arr Reports B Stwa, tkaiira Blaaa M 4a aaa I a laaaaaa v f r a a ka a4 . kaaaS ' lr ajia a aa a . aVaaak B (akaj k a kk. lk ka a t r Ht,ita mmtmS atar. L um jm-4 tiiaaaa ta taaaa TV 4a H. k IM mtmtm mt Ika afa a4 twaaa mt WatrraaaTv. Baaaaad Tvct. Aaaaaair tka taaBe af Kafha falk. ktaT Bjriakarta. M. 4 4aMaaaa. aad tftraawiyl T. U- aWs, knfl Ika taaal laraaartjp alluXad ta Mary H Ma lain, akkaar mt Mi 'lard MaAaua. laAaramraa MaT at. Mi mi; tw aWvar Jkml Wan- tka aaaa U4 aaiaK4 k a akaaat ta r. ti. aaar ky ttataa aterksa aa4 tnf. Adna V Hatka aatad laa talk day of Jta ay, lata, aaal aaaari4 la aaa Tl. -a m. la Ika aakoa at tha kWia mi Xmmm mt ta aaa raaaty. Tki laih a a mt Tmmrmmrv. IMC - it. N BtMalt, uu op v six. nut ml rsOr- fcimr. tr alrtaa or IBa-faara I a antala aaaal mt- inu mi-d.oa, lt Aral, 4ajr atasrk, IST'i, by W. $, Wyrka aad artfa. Vmcy W)ti, ia W. fl. IVaa-ry. and rmrarOm la tka afltra af tba Ractaasr af Daada j tVaka eoaaiy N. -C-. in Ikjob IS. at rasa Da. I Ui effar faa aaJa at tna Court Hoaaa Door, ta tba CUy at Ra a4gb. Waka County, H. C, ea Monday, tba 1Mb ar at ataroh. IM k tha niakrat btdda faa sfc, tba fuUowlnf deacrtbad lot at land. ta-wU: . A crrtaln fiarorl af land, t1nj aad brine In Waka Qnair, It. C, hi Ral- I elsh Townahlav anal ailvatad partly ta tha City of Raleiab. lylrg on tha: Wcat ; aids of 8ntb VTIlmlnirtoa atrart, and I bring Intararrled by tba 0nUtW boUM i dary line of aald City of RaMca aad . drwrlbrd aa faltoara; Adjolaln. tba lands of Mark Williams .deceaaad.' Aa- ' na Nlnra, drecaaed. and John BuBato, droraard. fronting (t frrt on South Wilmington atrcH and runntna; back about IM feot to tha aald JotimBuffa- lo'a Una, the ditch, containing aboat one-quarter of an acre, mora or leaa. being the lot conveyed by John B. Nines to Th'ompson 8uggB. by deed ra corded in Book M, Pee T. In-tba t flre nr the "Register of Deeds tor Wake fount y, K. C, and by aald Thompson Suggs and W. H. High, ehjrrlff of Wake County, N. C. and by taro arp arata deeda,- - which ara- rasordad - la Book Pagaa 131 and Ut, and by Ed ward Teasiey to W. B. Mann .and others, by deed recorded jin Book M. Page 784 In th said Register's offlca, Waka County, deed ooaveredOi W. 8. Dreary y W. B. liana and others, by deed which Is recorded la Book 110, Page 29. in said Register's office. ' ' W. a DRffiWRT. Mortgagae. Armistead Jooea di Eon, 'Attoraeya. . . notice:;, ( ; -:.r. .- Uqdor the provisions' of the Road Law, every able-bodtod nan la tha conny between tka agea-of SI atrd 4S years- (except. preaidenU'of incorpo rated towns) are liable for road duty. Payment la lieu of, work will be. re--celved by the County Treasurer on or before February :8th, and no far ther extension will be allowed!, . h. H. ADAMS, , ; Chairman Board CommlssionerB.. .NOTICE BY ADMINISTRATORS.. Having qualified as administrators upon tho estate of Mrs. Adelaide V. Hodge, late of Wake county, N. C, this is to notify all persons having claims against tho estate Of said Mrs. Adelaide V. Hodge to preseutt' the same to us on or before Match -1, 1907, or this notice .will ie plead in bar of their recovery . ,f nd all: parsons indebted to said Mrs. - Adelaide V. Hodge are hereby notified to make Immediate payment to,.js . CHARLES H. SMITH,; '. WALTER G. MITCHBLl.,. .- Administrators of Mrs. Adelaide V: V. HQg;es, Deceased. ERNEST HAYWOOp.Atojrhey. 1 2-14-lw 6ws 3 EXECUTOR'S NOTICE , Having, qualified as exocutpf ot ttie estate of Clara Rand, deceaseds this Is to notify all persons having 'claims against- said estate to present them to the undersigned f off payment on br before the first day of March; 190T, or this notice : will, b plead in bar of their, recwry..i-All persohi lh debtod to the estate will please Battle without further, demand. , ' This February n isu. - t ' - WILLIAM MITCHELL, " Executdr -of Clara Rahd TJeeease - :.'.;. J1fi ".!jit " ''j "!" t'jr'y ''I'j' Vi 1 uonruv. tjrv;.: CIVIL E..iv,a..i Mcattn km, Sat. . I. WATCH POWER 4 MUKICIPAk KCnR ' - i lorladlBa Wattfaerkft, twn, K iBIcctrtc Ltahtliijr, Btrwu, Hifihwayi,. . - , . aad tor Improvements -4. N. 4 louth adamt U flr, V aa Sal Mtmmmmmm a4 aMuiara ts n a . tkaawa mm m tmtmt aa 'ka a aal II a ' aaU kniaj tka aaaaa k4 aainal It f 1 tmmsm raiaar aa4 a X f

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