. ..- . a. ...... . -..--- . .-- 1 ltd 1 j joIife -I a. lii II v t T. 1V - 4 Li . w . . ; 4 - St. a r, I a a ..taaa aa l mm n J... ta i. a .a a aa .k4. a .fcj f- 1W a. Lm ag.a ' 'am a- . , I V 1 - i .' . S, i ...... . Lai aV. k k. i:.itn r a. (at la I w MM aa.Ha aH- 1 - a-- B ij . t,,. lM, a1 . a i a-a 4 J .i i4 taw t Im auk a--ae la ta dt taw m if. aaa tas lWa VM . . aaa, - - w - - J. " Anas Mia iMM cm ffr t4 r' ( Om ry -mQm i .it M. C mi - ivrtaf f tM kBBM f U AlWnllc kJid Xonk CixoHm juttru BtMui to v7 alaw-l at m Wih Una, at tM( to IU xhAi u J - fcuAAtac MkA bnct promte. W MyoCktet tk tsRltrtng II vouVt Un m tka 11. bv tkat (of t IHMM tt irt km'ft Moon u oto tmI t0 tlMltrlal.,UBibl 4imj thkt K wuM fccUX U U Umv ad bu Imot oT that l-rto die of tb ut.'"' ' It to anaim for via t ramlnd oar rekdar tHt' th rtnciJ Ittduatrtoa ol tWvr'lfortk Carolina, ara trucking itd abtnr,' alao that tba cawnUal par vtUvftoa-vCnhoatHwa actlvlttoa U . .nVhi4t 'fld'ripWI tranaporUUoa ot prxlu ! t toba. Wat'marmrt. ; Tfi- tOnia 'capital, that now oprat l'.).' At '. ajhuI and North Carolina Rati. ro4 'haa' Parted th'-buildtnt of 'v ernjjlihM'CoinjetUuf therewith throurh l,i0lvfart,of 'the.irrat trucking reg Joo ud ttwcrop giowra and their ' torAvepra and hankra are all hap py '$n the' tnUclpatlbn of an tinparal ' lata) era' oC proaperlty. 4VtatJ-oi11l aiiSL WhaonaWe b!toesa ' nua''aatpo..WoMM. ' happen if- the codrta' of the atate should aay tffat theieaae bff the atate of the Atlan 1 tic iiV North Carolina Hallroad to the ilowOind Improvement Company was UUlil and "volC Alter it had been'aafe guardcd by the best lawyers and busl aeaa'men of the atate, after, on the atrength"of it the Honland 'Coxnpany had atib-leased Jt to another company. - , 3d ufier vast sums of money bad been i expettded'-oti , ita dm-elopmentf Wfcat , heartwyud Jhere be left In theae cap-v- ttallrta to' continue spending their mon " ' yj in,iorth Carolina, if )th best con tract cao. draw, "up cannot stand in ' iM'CDMrtaTTSven if ;they might atlU . bfpeVfisctly wiHii-g to o on with their V jtntorpriae, the' great lever that moves all capitalists' would be paralyzed, the 1 lover of security. For every one who has. 'ever had anything to do with a capitalist has observed that no mat ter what huge prpJHs are held out, the really big fish never bites unless he has f .every reason to be sure that he won't . be Jerked out of the water. In other words, big protlts are nothing to the moneyed man without security. He makes sure the returns are coming, . then he concerns himself about the size of, tbem. V it this lease is thrown out there will , be no assuraooe alprotectlon for cap-: Hal in' North tfaroUtia. : Tb, IwdJAmetot of Mr. Blackbora. ,' Tre-(nkrtite'-h1clhftve bee'n--"lurnSJ Bjf. tha "-federal ' grand Jury "at .AShevUltf against iE. Spencer Black- ' ' bur!j.""ttemb1( ot' congress.', front the "f ' eighth ulatAcH'ol 8 Korth,. Curolina ' brings a aolijiattlafidicourt, sensation : 'vid th-frantmnd-prpniiec8.tha beginning ' of a actional pepublican . fight more v ' bjtler "'than any It the numerous ones ' "which '-liave 'engaged public attention - Itoretpfore. - Mr.- Blackburn ie the one republican opsttSamll r4 jNorth - Carolina. That fact of itself has noth- ing whatever to do with his case. We are uot concerned personally 'or other '-"wise in the devulopmeJnit;jr.-thi ver- w. aicc. ana e have nOj,ipinions to ex : - press, 'm IoiUa Ullt vv Innocence of the : accused.-4 M! ' Blackburiij, ,who t .msjtl m tfJetJWl tnat "h'lthejiVlc-;: : ' uW of . persecution ani , tliat these Irumped-ujl chaeges have been i'pre- K fcrrecl because of bis antagonism of , l the BpUon'app6Intment, will have am : pie opportunities of "defending himself t and It hiay or muy not be true that he tan;onviace' the Jwjr without' special . tffor' that his hands are clean and that .. he has ao violated the statutes. What i lam I at M 8 -a a4 '" I IM . at a) CWa nwatl i hHi ll tint iw4 ati Um ln a aHavaaaaa 4 Baai am ta A. - k Im ra t-a4 av -I ns Ml laaa vj ta tm f uaa ta taa ftfk Umm d'v. tBt a BMaitoit. oaa a4 t-i Ia m4 af kf taaiM tm an p ' ! IM aM f a.i kn a ihaa apr Brtkg la f T 4b4 Max a law AtUx t ' Ifcn I "i. W Um t wsiniM aawaj r inwi v "Ka aaaw. rrs iiwuoiif or teattwta aJiar aat it- i.4 swra k4a nMkwKt Hi a. at&U rT i ira a rrt kii) muMl bktow ac. Ui t "VcHntiatt." Wntkuui nn4rti4 u. gl a )wJtal tr Okui0 ln(kii taal H mxaJia mnftrV kmd mis tit a4 ! nkkl dta tia ikjii ur SiRVrvtm toiaara ra b4 IwllikiJ laniwrir. Tbrr rmtlially amount tu rh aao In thr nd It ha urten ht)4nd. bHIrt-r. that aria tot and hs ta n bar ar (rarrC tMfur the depart nint lit aa- rura a (iutrumiM Ijr a aoa stlturnt. Hat lug Our regard f tb toller. II M Ua salrit vt th la they declUkad to aocp( raomy fur lr arrvk-ea. but (ur this la bur lor eeiM. tiwnt and th outunllurnt f i Ha frit In duty bound t auppoit the oAVIal la future cajiipatgna and rtortkMia. lu which rvrnt th latter revrlved nr, parhapa, than If h had ben pa'"i a few. Bealdea. h did nut auiKi blra-st-if to lndlctm-t Thai. hovrr, will not allect Mr. IlUiaburn ur weaker the pruaerutlun, yvt It la a puint which might be worthy if a moral, pol'tival or judicial Interpretation. In matter of thta kind the toast ex pensive plan la fur the offending dis tiller to pay the congressman a fee. That aettlen- 't and does not place hlui under everlasting obligations to the man who represented him before the guvemtnet.t. But It Is nut the cheaper1 plan for the congressman and It is the more dangerous. Mr. Blackburn, however, should aek vindication and not -vengeance. When his own skirts have been cleared he can well and properly afford to attack Mr. Holt on. Warfare pn Holton now la not a defense of Ulackburn and the luttar can be better prepared to give the public the startling and astounding and sensational revelations after he Is rid of the charges which hung over his own head. The FVce Skating Craic. V Nobody, of course, will be inclined lo object seriously to the harmless sport which the boys and girls of this town find In skating along the sidewalk, for all of us know that It is a craze or a fad which will soon pass out of popu lar favor. Those of us who have grown older and those of us who have .not, find a certain kind of amusement In watching the antics of the young- I sters and the skill they display in tak ing care of their bone? and hides while cutting in and out of the crowds that pass along, if the streets are to be given up to the skaters, however, the skaters should be children and . not men. and Inasmuch as this la a free country we take it for granted that the colored people have as much right to enjoy themselves as the whites. But there 1b danger of the thing being car ried to extremes and the spirit of bit ter rivalry may not be well for the community. For our own part we are glad that the 'boys and the girls can ba,ve this .free. sport. . They cannot af ford to pay the admission price Into the halls where it holds forth, and as the sprlnp. comes on the number . will naturally be increased wonderfully So it is just as well to designate the "skating line of demarkatidnli iittefore the rush begins in earnest. New York is one ctty where trades men have their names and advertise ments painted on . tho tops as well as on the sides of theif delivery wag ons. In other cities upper floors of buildings are mostly used for sleeping, and parlors and sitting rooms- are usuv ally on .the first floors..'. Ja New York the majority live at an altitude from which , it Is impossible to- see the let tering on the side of a "wagon, and. the merchant's advertisement ' would be seen by va fern, it it were not tn the roof. t , Bhe is t years old, and her father is a travelling mah.-' When tha cnrtaln rises he is at home and -she. Is saying her nravers ' -i t Little DaughterY-'"Ooa .bless mamma and uno:e win' Mamma-'"God bless papa too, dear,' J iJttle" Daughter "Oh, no, Kb ilocsnt need it. He's home oow!"v ,s 4aa MMMM4 1 4 ! kvM ( at Sa BJ a SW ai S be4 BNftSi SVt atraaaav IMS abstain av ai as to m aal tlM bavreaaa tlua ak7 Cwa Lks taf mm : a tk Uf 0 JaatNasH,.! ,4,. to ., 1mm, inifiaaa.iaat hV4 tit to a a t-autM Mar,! aa.tfcot aaea Vav tUto. to swats' vu t n t frtoX. huw ltoa aa.tojr eaaay watoai- L,e4 la k ) n. ISf ttos UM; ta ttoj iftaisaia ito fHfct.R M , , iu-w ew ti4 as a saaa r haa eJt the kU ea4 ttos to S a kt 1 sfr4 !' lto aaaSJ aaaae T. SaT Ito ats-a. .rr ! Ikh. iia." tol kshiI) aa4to Ika ras. a4 lt'j,4 tWm kafaeaa rU.il! a IMartall istost " , mA. . au,4 i. , ttoa Ha TV saaaalaai torfaxa ls sa- tag toaair at taabhaaabW saitsta m Saul saMawe a aaxM atkksi rald aawMr a toae4 atf U Srm Tate. Tr yaMMbfal aiiUa f saaakky fasa- Utoa tkat aMaaae tsMase a boals arrtw ttk a ratiaa that lorava a asaatl sad ril sbaa4 , sae la tnaat c4 tke balMiag BMaiUBa rraaarb kuM nana tk tktMresa. aoaawlaaaa a I Oaraaaa gurrraraa. aw a gTiaass artlli 'Baparaa tbrm I lrir at ad to, sad ! a cklldrra are brvuckt - I eaM aobool dally by a Jaaaaaaa baUar. Maijra aad prtvate Woagaaou also drlhrr U Ir loads, aad It to net aa soaimo to oa la rlrex aaolbaa-. lsr or tares awBUivarr Tnicara anrraj m a buol by tb Otiaxar ftu ( going ho her toaan She Is Badtor tke OOS- troi of groom, of sears. ad a la anotiMtr eiMrtosood buraewosaak of alt ye, vbo oa evry fair day drlvra bor I wo etatrra to aa Sptcwa arbool la an open wagoe. The botbouar graK- that coeae to w ork durlag the Inter mooths are largely the crop trom tae sot- tanaura of the ni-n who own couotr plaVa oer the clt). The supply Is too much for thi lr own use, and the drraand Is ao great that the grspe And ready sale in 1hu market By dtspcwlns of tbew in ibis way It Is poaalbW for the owners to pursue the tuJMTattoti. of .such .luxurlea on scale that produrvs better and- more sbundHni (rult. Kor a loug time the most famous nectarines sold here came frvtn the grernhousea of a rich New Torker. H was rather more Vuslncasllke in such matters than most men of hbi kind, for hia guests never got any fruit but what was too poor to sell. Disposing of their fruit ia this way makes it possible to keep the country greenhouses open all winter." ...... X'H always takes a cold spell of winter to 'bring the electric fans Into th shop-, windows on Fltth amie. A sudden " drop in tne tempurattre rwill set tbem whirling during the morning hours. They are not there for purposes of ventilation nor to cool the air of the shop. They servo it very-useful purpose, howevur, when the windows, are cleaaed. , The. cur rents of air keep' the temperature In the windows cool enough to prevent the water on the other side of the grass from frecxing. That explains the mysterious presence of the elec tric fans when the weather is at freezing point. At the recent dinner of the Friend ly Sons of St Patrick in honor ot Justice FMigcrald, J. I. C. Clarke, who was presiding, made a clever answer to one of tho diners who in terrupted his speech introducing the guest of the evening. Mr. Clarke had just said that Jus tice Fitzgerald was sent to the Leg islature at I" ' years' of age, when some one shouted ont "From the gas house." ' ,: . ", '. ? V ' " "we don't care wnetlier it was front the gas house or - any other house," said Mr. Clarke, "and had It not been' for am accident "of birth 1t might end to the WBHH6use." Some of the trust - companies in Brpoklyn'are hustlingr tar business as though competition were keen. Soon after a social.directory was published recently a woman whose name ap pears in it received circulars from tbrea trust companies asking for her housekeeping account. Then adver tisements lauding this Institution and that appeared In the trolley cars,' and Anally up went :a big'poster on the billboards alongside, of the, pictures of : the Fluff-fluff ,'Butlesquers, It struck, some .persons with i old-fashioned Ideas about the conservatism of flnancial institutions as strangle' to see the . virtues, of a trust company proclaimed from a bill board Id the opening of the years fixed golf contests, the Florida open cham pionship at Palm Beach, the greatest honors were won by golfers wrho learned the game here." Travis; the only non-resident to 'wjn" a British amateur championship, led with .134 and A." H. Fenn, with JU7,' was tied with Andrew, Klrkaldie for second and . third prizes.. Bandy Herd and Rewland Jones. Britlshera aa famous as- Klrkaldie were among .the Deat- en.i'rFenn?; iWJjo. Vas about the beat of our homebred amateurs in .1896 and 1 8 ?7.. turned professional in the latter, year,: which jnarked the debut; at fonrnamonta- of Travis. Tehn Is proTessionat ttt'. Painv, Beach In, the winter and at,- Ppland Springs In the sunifner; r' Golfers often wonder whether Travis- would have rained j even preeminence on v the & eastern HnVs bart Fenn etijypd an amateur.--New York Sun. ; ' 1 SF aa 1ka . s rid ea4taai toy Car, as a Wat nrnon It a ideew M SM faosj ' ttlM of tkto teasta 1 a S ttoa stl lato at Orseaasjai. M r tuitr waaka. ; aad erwrsw 1 baft there I at a cafd I saa. Tat aaa V tout rs . j aad I SBI mliX a frr a.aa. wb brttrt baJlk tkas for )-r It a a aaosd Wlasnax lb aVad ! Ufa. I bad baa Ual& tb dmi regatoriy) for tftsaja years. J frl r if tara4 tm U cm cars noao. If, tb7 wIJ g Urre with 'a rigbt spirit.1 wlUlag ts 4 Ik. if part fsltb-, fully, thee is ftotklat to coeapare with tba GaU Oara, ibr irry allktr! f llfs. I veigjked IU Huada abr I west tbare. aad Hh lllj posada. Bealdes it aill t pleas-j sat atay to be alwaji rrmrmbrred. I shall erar hat the kindest rarol. krctkws of botH tba su.tiUanta sad! tbe bos. Will gtadli Kti-r any letters )a regard to my rur- R. O I Rt7.IER Oulf. N. Va. Ie. ! If you bar trtosds who might be banes tad by this traatmant send their I namse to the Keeley lnitltuls, j IX THE BUST, OK HI MOIt. Soubretta I hear the oct singer Ming a lauauy last night ss n realteUd . V ' , Comcxiiau 1 ah cm Id sa so. Kven the audience webl to Uep - Chicago "Have" you uonTPoT the little fadB that leisurely 1etip1t)ii)iiloy to dis pel ennui?;' ''r ' ' "Only onej. answered Mr. Dnsiln Stax. "I'm a coin collwftor from the heart." Washington Btar. , . ' .,a . i i Jerky Jones .Think of It! That man that just passed In an automo bile is worth IlO.'OOMdOt , . : Weary Waddles Tee. but he bad to torV frrt-lU-f-Oatroi.1 rao ,Pea. Traveller I heafyo'u'bivc had u great religious revival fa Ihis town. Westerner Yes air, -Why, even the gamblers had to Jine-th' church or, lose their customers Phlladei-1 phia Inquirer. , McCall I tell you what, there's great comfort In sitting before a biasing coal lire iLcse frosty nights. Stlnjuy Not for in a. ; I can't, help thinking of the price of coali Brook- j lyn Citlien. ' .; "Yes, sir," said the man with the bulging waistcoat; ,"I as the only child of the family.", 'That explains,"" said ' the other man, yawning, w-ny you ao enottgn talking for six average men." Chi cago Tribune. ,. , Cadley No. he Jsn't In, cur socUU set any more, sj-'-r,--.- ' .Wiseman So-T nftdeystana. ,1 , Cadley- Yes, he dropped out some- time ago. r - f si Wiseman Why, hy, ' .heirgavee;? cllmW ont Phila? understand he cl delphia Press. Eva I hear that they eloped s'. midnight by a dark moon. Edna Yea ; and her father detdct; ed the' elopement and ran after them. with a whip. ! Eva Graciousl w Atfif oftf hVcatoh tnem? rV':3..S.j' !' ; . EdnaOh! he wasut vlrylng to catch them ho wi&vtwAr trying to speed the -horse. r Judged . " Yes, the doctor-tola my wife that I ought to take .thre glasses: pt vWhls- keya-day." "Is your wife going.to be at.h .home this 'afternoon?1' 1 ';"Yes;:"why? 4 "I'm going to.: have W wife "call OS nerr I'd lika fee atoA-maet. that doctor," HOHattMa-'POaL'ri'I'v I i'.t.'': ' r-'.flii&ssw'iM---1 Special Bates, via Seaboard Air Line Railway to ' Southern Tines . and -.- Itetora Arcowit Reuaion Blue and Gray, February 24 The Seaboara pnoun&es t Account oi .neunion wine n ouuiucm fines, February ai, tney win i.i., ti j. tlpns on their lin in North' Carolina,; to Southern Pby eii rrtnjrn at. rate of. inn fare'" ft rcfoJio" -tVlfl.- Tickets, to be sold February 83 and J4, with final rctnrtf limit SXibruarjr 20. -Rate I from Jtaleigb for r6und trip 13.20 . T fl. k TTTO . i i-l y '' " vf w a aw, f ', t. P A., Raleigh. C. . vf ft ''ft. f S 't nBalelgliv KC. ..SPECIAL.. A 10 Cctu Oz,ir for Kidd ttoatf aai sa a toaaaariaij a. fataas 4 sW itaf B0BB1IT-WYN.NE DRUG COMPANY nr ho Henry F. f.ier & Sons Grand and Upright PIANOFORTES . Tlte baaiaraa raUbtUord attars tba forty years always Baxter oawi roatlaaoaa snaaag. seat today rrtaiaiaf Ma orlgf aal prraoaalHj. rhe'.MILLKIt ia die Artlatsc Pianoforte of Asarrlra. Its tax dlrklaaj son-its tartars tb at t ratios of ell latrrrated la th KINE8T ART PRODICT8 OF THE WOULD. ' Head for flax catalogue aad full Informatio to Darnell Si 1 1 Raleigh. N C.; Sam i.i,iift,-i"ii,i .T SPECIAL CUT ON Guns, Pistols and; ' - v v y ' Sporting FOR 15 AT 4i' v-',1- r- V. 225 S. ' WILM1NGT0I ST. ; . Eaitliid cYC Market The Badge of Decline ' ' ' ' '" '.. J'- " ' ' ; i ' ft'bX'j&.'i'ii:''- ."'" A - Is resting upon you when the youth ful vigor of - your hair gives back. We wish we could get yon to try the XHtun auJTOursc.n 1 MarVclou in ita effects. ' Kot a dye.' The sauia. for kny hair, but XAlfTIIINE - ueTer Tails alls t to ; tttitoro u-o. or.nmlj. Stop soreness almost 'Immediately. Prevents Uondruff; promote grotvtb. Absolutely bsniiless.. Highest testi monials. In nso , for many years. Prtce. f J.0i. ' At dru agists or tent. express prepaid, for f 1.00 by us di rect. Circulars gladly sent. XANTHINE COIIPANY,1 PRICES CAROIA HARDWARE CO 133 and 135. Fnyttteville St? North Carolina's ... .. , , . Leading Dry : Gooas Establisliinent ; i hail order depahthejit';. . W prepay to any point In North Caxolixu'. freight,, ex press, or postage on all cash mail orders amounting to $3 or more. . , The scope and facilities of our Mail Order Department are unexcelled. Patrons una ble to visit the establishment are assured expeditious ser vice and the same careful at tention as is given to pur chases made in person. , Irnrnensc Showing of White Tilings for Lingerie Waists? for Spring 'and-Summer. Features: iiilQuality': andr DbWXferkUrizti'! Every Thing in this Splendid Assortmerit-Tand - Oass .Them V as .Totally me Diuirs in ; me jeaay THE MATERIALS FOR LINGERIE WAISTS. ; - : : " i: : . A .' "Egyptian-, and uOonfro' Cotton Sbecr rcrsUB lawiis, uandkerebler Uneas, rencb unejis, Bwiai Mans, Scotch Mullv French Lawns, St. Gall, Swltsv, ' Oilffa Mulls, Orgkadie . Vollles. Japanese Mnlls, ctcn etc; .... t "--s-f '-.a'H.a..' ' TTTT! TT?t-RfHfTKftR Waft T.TWflPRTTS WATRTS . Combination of AJUorers, anglais Embroidery and Baby Irish, Cluny . Insertings aad Motifs, rompadour Embroidery ia AUover - GoBBblaatioas Portraying vert new conceit -many of w bleu cannot be , dnpUcated V. later In the season eo that It ts Important and yoa have so much' to cain ". by bnylng bow-'' 'C ' i Sifh''' SPLENDID VALUES IN, ' ? ;2t-lndhj "$.00 , ytttGUic Taltetai. All: pure S' xatuTal' flnlsh In '- aJi'tbe new Spring loring9. This Silk fabric U eaniel); atyUsh for, aQ ' ' round yoaraug .i diycostnme j or ( simple coat suit or Klrt j. Waist 'dresBV;? W guarantee the satisfactory . ircu ot ,thW lahric.t,'V.'! ltv rm' "-!,i;1-.'!;,.-',4.:??S:'.f ; X tyK'i'Jf ,r v' 'V -i,i,v aaaaa aa Wft m m TTTTTITI TIT BS. nT WW9 m lijWawnted. Mtlsfoc RAJAH,'r-THE SILK OF THE 0RIENT3a INCH : (I $I25'yabd.v7":;.,.-'. C This rough finished. SiLK is tlio Wcet that'JU suprenclr prcparea aDunuanuy on --ajaa, , t . The" Dressiest of all this season's Mjrttoceas; stlofltting beaiitifully lower' part of the skirt. 1 ' 1 i - , This fabric cvenins; -gvviu CLIFTON BOND TAFFETAS '204NCH, &cLYXllbi. - The Taffeta With tho solo 'of every yarn goes "fo igueWJpJ .ti? ' ' '' ' ' ! ' - - . " - ' - -- - - ' the mahfrs nnu ourselves (unuivc,u -wa.vv.- ,. IT if'.!' it- -m ,We giye Dobbin" 6. Ter rail's Gold Tradlag Stamps' with ever cash purchase--- one stamp for every lO ctnts. V i -. .j . We are members of stha Ealeigh Merchants Aisoda- tion and by shopping 'with Ks out of town customers can obtain the advantages of the Association's rebate railroad 4 .'- fare system. . I ' . Different- and Unlike maae. ' ' , - " J- V.i . : , i.- r ait Wieer iuUtes,Wnrised BaUstei,, " - vr SILKS. TaTaTJm SB u Bar U V - ' most, prominently caU orfabrlc '. ' aum .i-a - ,r". rrr;V-j .a.;..ti , iltsocullariyapplicable to the ; f nd falling in tt.fofodta:tte't. is cxfremelw stylish tWaftetnoon tfnd- f A' f.

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