v r r f,"r .k . ( I .. . 1 14.(1. JvWt f-l4 ar V. . " ? Kt ., k f WlK' 1 14. f. tj t?tt&a tat t-t-V ft M-t i. tVB nrwart wul aa t i f.r.!tl VUt - K. I i 1 , .-4 t I clkaa ! u . ..... . TOOTH BRUSH I U tmrf. a a . .i . taw W jMr k :.." YVaa (ram ijv praaat, vf.Q.Tiiar.ifis tit n it Nort hnJ Jm Cray-11. 2 T'5''4J44 ILt4 aw --... a !ua " U 1 I 4. ...( kva rwwin rj 'KM U r- w Castas I ( 4 Da ki k-'Wa V-4 (Nam fctl k. -"fXwa iinug Ti ii im.'J l(Mk f1ir ttte l-v WN-4IM4 IrfMk Vr'AhT AD. COLUMN. I t UUt0 Coa Praaa, ! , r 4 4. :. TM tM f fct kv. tkmM aaa a. I ak Wjmm. :n., UU.t, X. C I .akt U C. IX Abar. t r- lr r. - lar v w. a T N U a wrATnrn forecast. V.UCTED To bur tl! ru-wia oaaku a. uu. ' r-tur. 'M-t -4 Bandrr f TvL 131 Mjvriin trtxt;. i ..kr.ru n . . kftBTM CAMtUXA MOB MUD !. TcttJI E.O.n0ST0N wUlbuyand k U tttt wttu him u b " mil 4!ltvrr rrW " C D nr- x. r. note An mxn khi tu. Robblat Cl1 CnrM-jr. " 4 t" . t u. J Mt-i k tan lakw Wai M (W IV IM'f Of 4l!t "!. ta Ml i he LV.ST DAY OF MILL-EI ID SALE Ke Saved the Best for the Lnst..... . Saturday s Specially'. far kattt CorottM far t hi k! aairay 4at: 11 la rraa twHWat .4 W j Aa aa f4 () j rmtn mvmt itw I MiMi VaJlrt wif i Itaa mil !trMf wtW tmtwralarva alaftfi lit llUMkr MtnkHI Aa arM ' of tow bnmnit ata xroiv4 ! r1wia arvv aantili I ha Mtaxl la (Itr anuihxaM M I aa - ! lrri4 ir I iilahmi ! iMlwr haa a ar4 la th amh i4 tWv IWa ir CaKad anttk nf tK lahaa. Tf ataP4 nwra m o! lb at w loa hma niiml ht)trr lentfimilaiTa la iht MKtali44 ! and Trva. al onlf tnerm tf rmin la h wnka Iba pn aaura I high a4 la lh Irrm nncihavtM l( 1 lua. It ta rafti Ini N1 lh aonh lai iftr raaat, anoalnf ta Nata. aa1 ttwmll) patlf rtnoflf In lh MlirU.il,, .l Vllrf end ahiaf tl Bait. In 1 t rmlaW of tlf rounirr It I W-ar. Aa th HiVim hlti auxra will farther to th raat Havlac Atojt 4A HoaH af Hntw anij up,, (hc appmarh vf th tprn and maraa. from l to ITS. hn u-1 ; lo buunirtrr fr the ultvU In ihia WAXTKI Hevral younc women; In our cf buln. all rx1 fi. arr- vlrinlty all) chancv to uthrrly iti- tteady irorh; aorrounrtlnca pl xlcrabla alnrk; rihi ut nf th hm- tnc fair ant aarmr rihr t.mlht t. Applr t Oak Cftjr Iuntlrj. , art kind or worn ..m a mui in , ,., untunlaj !- It . Kkivi iaal tka rt J UU. k aaa a'l rA J tka k4t, TW tn.niail t-aif! ( aukpAtt hnit) i knl tka aM W . ha M, rfvrj aa4 trt. rtOa ta tka l.uaaw ' "" akl k lai.ka) pay the bent price for all Norwood ham ruAdi a ijk! pecond-hand furniture. In-, of tipr. Brwa-k. j tenttatc hilmnc 3rtl. Con oner .Mount and Martin street lt:x r.lR coMPr. NOTlCIv Dr. Norwood O. Art Store. aora from rlty u. It l tir ruim Carroll lo "'"P of our auiplua io k. u our SOI r-rettevllJe ilrl to 11 J Fay- qulrvmfin. p.,,,,,,,. m, mMMhi. , etetTUI kiraat, orr ElllitRlon offer tum If yu buy h h-ra and It do not oiiva up to our ttiar antr In tn itvii from day of ruvha lOR'Bt"RniT3S mt i. B. Grmt Co. return him and will rvfund you , . . . your mone . We ar no d Ur. A W.4VrKlk-!on1e Of ' Tb "Ralctnh j reliable Ami In rhllulHphl will bnrk Tltaet Of JnBTJarr I", 190. Ap- un "' advertlwmrnt Amnrpi th rt t)ir'"tnUl Ofllre I lot two iT d"',," Iron-irrar. on .... . - - pair or nnnomr crown mart ana four pair of hay mure. ramrtttR In an from b to 7 yeara three youn marea , . , . in foal verv rhonp: alao 7-rar-old i W ANTr.lt An. xpennc(I nara- brown home, weight 1.400 pounds, $M: .vwaMnT agricultural Implement i dapple ;ray horae. -yeara-old, about man dMrrW , a position at one; i . poutidx. 7B: rhunky brown mare, TC. care I 140; alao rubber tire RrouRhm, couple, harneaa. etc. Call PKN'N CAB CO., ! 18T7 Filbert atreet. rhlladelphln. Pa.. A H TllirjWKN. Hei-tlon IHiwlnr, HICKS' ALMOND ...LOTION iUHr Ikr k.t r.taWlr f Trr fcaa. H.rf1 Hp, at. Make ftarMlla lkr ritr. Htcblr reHtiai-n.l'-l by I Knar who hara aard M Out) al niCKS' Drugstores 1 dse5C7 Dciea-Spool Sk, at Jit a EpcL. Ttii Epod Eilk li cxrafdurJ ty tht best Spool SDc Uasuf&cturcr, axd la f st op ttfider atpfxlU taisa for Splil SaJca. . " . ." '..,...:..,. TLtj na M to CO yirdi cn a rpo. usuiJ retail price, 5c 7i rUl put till Cut en salt for th laat day of tie Mill Eni tUI at the Mill End Ptltft, 2Ue iroL Dreaxnakert will tad this a jjeat asd kelpful barjalit 4 i - B0UVEN1E3 FREE. U a SooTt&ir of the Mill End Silt we will present to each nn terser whoae purclaifta axnooat to $1.00 or corf tomorrow, their choice of a beautiful Jap. aneae work basket, glove, r hi&dkerchief baaket. Theae are gitei ta ihsw cur appreciation of your libera palronage during pur. Mill Ecd Bale, t III LAWNS. C'ALKXK (HALLUX ('AN'n)NS. TUP iVtiT A MVnV 'DO (ILNdllAXIK. irr tutiiTiivi 1.1. iii.111 1 ir.n. UU LAWN'S. Sc. see TiiK 40-iNni 1.AWNR. n. 1 n A. F. ('. ClINdHAMS.- i I1 PIMNTEl) 11ATISTH -I A KMllltOlDKllFIDXINEK. I I'L THE PIQUE MADRAS. l'ANCY MAUIIAK,. J'LAHI 1IHSH(J(K)I)S. COlXHtKI) V01L1X; T rt- JUi I T I k" .4. I Ct nt:f JOWIJI at 3. n. Crre Co. beet 'references given. 4 ot Times. boo mlm-s. "bobbin. cash oro- 'hrt 'uarcr T .f o p-nn,5"v"nU " . Railroad atatlnn. Loula 8. Farlea, man. eery i,qmpanr. i Bplr Typhoe. Loruat is D. KGCS IV 0-3 eekis at J. B. Green Co, Ileadarhe and XcoralKia from Colds. v 1 ' n t. J ' - Laatlve Bromo Quinine, the world wlda nro In at Bretarh " ami Ret oo CoId nd 0rlpeme,ly remove, the w .wii.i " " caue. Can for the full name and look nickel. : -r for sisnature of E. W. Grove. 2,ric. JTORTtt CAROLINA SHAD DULY. : C.'D."Antior. , - . . BtVjrKR BE.A58 at B. Green Co. NOTICE. ; IWlelgh, N. C. Feb. 10, 1906. Notice la hereby given, that Certlfi- ." I r" 'cte No. 27 for 18 Bhares of the WAJlTTJCk-A'rioa cook for restau-Capltal stock of th0 Brooklyn Hills Trent ttn experience.' good wages improvement Companv, dated Feb. torihfl ; right person. Address A 1896 ,n the narae ot t. w. O. Plt 808 Halifax fltreet. jtenger, has been misplaced, lost or ' destroyed and the undersigned will tOtrSVAT LASTTha place to get !m March x 1906 npply for tne ,B8e -fresh home-made Bread, Hot Rolls ,of jupneate thereof by said corpo- 'f lain and Fancy Cakes delivered rat!on at your door. Call 19 Interstate All persons who may be claiming Phone and your order will bejany Jn certificate are fille4 promptly. W. H. Lytle, Ral- , nereDy notified to show cause. If any, ctgh Home Bakery, 212 East Ca-why a new certificate should hot be i : barrns street, Issued to me In lieu of the certificate i ii ii i j- i iro mlftnlacel. lost nr destroveifT AiiiiiLiUT tuK at j. ii. lireen to, CALL ROBBtNR' Cash Grocery for v all kinds of fresh water fish. '- fqaiMMMaa-i.i.ii.aii ' . Notice.! ""Tnever was In better shape to sup ply toy customers.. 1 have an up-to-date, place, and receive a fresh supply : of goods every day. , Give me a trial. Will guarantee satisfaction. y FURMAN BETTS, X f-. . S Morgan Street L. AV. G. riTTENGER. e. o. d. 3w. THE BIGGEST LOT OF COUNTRY Sausage ever seen In Italelgh. Rob-.-. bins' Cash Grovery. BEMEMBKll j6ur Country sausage - and fiog'ibain8. ' Robbing' Cash t Grocaiyf ' ' FRESH FLOHIDA CABBAGE at 3'. . b: Orco cuf : i 1 r : COCSTRY WTER-fJROUXD MEAL s at J. B. Green Co. " 1 . A GUARANTEE CURB FOR PILES. Itching, Blind, Bleeding, Protruding Piles. DruggiBt an authorised to refund money if PAZO OINTMENT faUt to cure in 6 or 14 days. ; 60c. Wm. Wdoilcdtt 3!l and 313 Fayettcvillc Street ' . ... ( , " New Arrivals Fiftrinrh Brilliant lnc ami Sicilian. 50rl VyrI. ""l'inimti- v In China Milk at 54K-. yard. A romilMe atnrk of AVIillt- Mfrrrr laed Wlilte tlooda for olilrt Walata, from Illr. to'lOo. yard. "1llo Lawn. IMmitloa, Prraian Iawns, Ijiot, and llnenacevT All new and dwdrablo goods. . . , , ' ..-j Rlioea for everybody.. r SEE!!! THE CURTAINS 25, 39, 69 end 89c A PAIR. SEE!!! THE EMBROIDERIES. . ' HALF PRICE COUNTERS Clean Up of the Mill Ends. Among these many Money Savers are to be found jus t those things of greatest tiso , and service. . , " " - t ; v v J ? Ladies Coat Suits, Skirts, Silk Waists, Wool and Co tton Waists, Sweaters, Long' and Short Kimonas, Muslin Corset Covers, and Drawe rs, Ladies and iCMdriri'a': Caps, Etc. ; . 4 . i Everything to be closed by Saturday night ' Wise people need no crating. ' Watcii the Window for Big Special Every Day. Macbetlv GKimp eys ARE THE BEST ' V We carry n full line and Can fit all Lamps The J. D. Riggarv Co. Now Renty -I , AAu". "I i AS SWEET AND TENDER AS CAN BE CANNED S Extra Pine Sifted Peas 20c. n. : - 2 Early June Extra Standard 15c, Standards 12ic. I Finest Maine Sugar Corn'15c.'Canr . $ X. Y. State Sugar Corn J2HC, Maryland Corn 10c. I I For Soup: Trv iCom and Tomatoes 10c, Okn and Tomatoes 10c., mlted Ve'tr hies 10c 3 ll. Can Stamliml Tomatoes 12ic j ? JT Kpecinl price on all canned goods by the case. ' Three 'Phone. . i t Vik nr - v m.T an . . av If 1 J U n 11 IJ U 11 l&L Dunlap Hats are if?1 srii,f WE AkE SPECIAL FOR THIS TERRITOR Y FOR D VNLAP HA TS 'j :) y AND HAVE Itf STOCK FULL SHOWING ...Of Spring 1906 Stylet... Si The Twlost Imnortant Cliine Sai& DUNLAP HATS ARE THE MOST POPU LAR IN AMERICA TODAY, AND MORE OF THEM ARE WORN BY THE STY-: ISH DRESSERt THAN ANY OTHER: : i - C!rc?55 $Lin1ehaiiCpmpai$ CROSS & LINEHAN MAKE A SPECIALTY OF MAIL ORDERS. WANTEO 'Ftfty ' yen '- to work at ' aftw mtll. .Good salary. Address, ' ' B. Vandegrift; LUUngton. WANTED To enlaffee ' and frame j your small. -Pictures in Crayon, PasteV - Water r'' Colors" and Oil. Please remit 50c.. with orders W. U. Talton, No. & West Morgan St HAVE Y0i", tried' I-NO Corn Mealt Ask your Grocer fof It. " 1 AM 8tlLL GETTING THE .BEST ..' oysters that come to Raleigh. ; C. D.'Artlulrl . . ' of the year will take place.beginning Monday morning, and will last for two weeks, ending March 3, , , ; " ? . All Odds and Ends W4 in Suits, Overcoats and Trousers of the Winter Stock are included. , Preparing our stock for inventory, we find not a complete line throughout the entire stock, one duii oi xnis, nomerAjvercoaii or anoner ioit one or two pairss oj Trousers in various lots and so -on. t- v . ' ' Rather, than carry , these few garments in stock any longer, or subject them to be - J - A. il. ' - 1 - L. - J.ajJ. m - T earned over 10 anoxner season, we conciuaea 10 pocKec our loss ngnt now, and offer them at the enormous discount of . -, v r It's Your Cain 33 1 -3 Pnr Rnnt It's Our to Thw sale Is for two weeks onry and the last for twelve months on Winter, Clothing? All alterations will be charged for during this saje - . r. Boy's Suits and Boy's Overcoats go also at 33 1-3 per cent off. ;y 'I , V Y.1 "' rT TTTjTT'TTnVt 71 A T Tt T7iT7T 1 lin..D.A .'eWwVrVVVkaVwVVMwMMVVVMVwVwVwVwVi VeJues Qalre IncreLsing 'aTf Real Estate in Raleigh has advanced 25 per cent some 50 'per centin the last five years. , This increase will continue as Raleigh is fast becoming a business center. ' " I , s aY--!'i ' If you wish to secure a nice lot or a good home you will save money by buy-1 ingnow; ' -v , '.V ''" 'VvVfin;d-, ' .; ..K- TTT 1 l .i J! j ' ..1.-111 I.J 1 1. " " 4 V i ' w b nave some spienaia properly we snau De giau .10 uow you. a .. PARKER (. HUOTER.. " Irvsurance eLiad Real Eotato .As ' Cornmercial SL Farmers Bank Building t " W ' ' Interstate "Phono 352 Let us collect those rents that are giving you so much trouble. ; 5 NV J, i jt . i