Full Leased Wive Service of the Associated Press. Leads all North Carolina Afternoon Papers in Circulation. LAST EDITION. ALL THE MARKETS. THE RALEIGH EVENING TIMES. VOLUME 27. RALEIGH, N. C., MONDAY, MARCH 5, 1906. PRICE 50. PASSENGER COACHES ROLL DOWN AN EMBANKMENT Terrible Accident May on Southern Near High Point TWO MAY BE INJURED FATALLY All But Two Were Hurt Mow or Jiess -A Broken Fish Plato on :i Sloop Curve Sent Two Passenger Cars nnd a Box 'Car Down Stoop Fnihnnkmcnf and Aoross Ditch. (Special .to The 'Evening Times.) High Point, X. C, March 5. This morning a few minutes past nine o'clock, a serious wreck occurred on Ihe Asheboro division of the South ern at the eight iiilie post from High Point nnd one mile this side of Glen ola. The wreck was caused by. :i broken fish plate, which broke a rail, and it occurred in a steep curve. ; Two passenger coaches with some twenty passengers and one box car went down the hinh embankment, and fell across a ditch. The seriously wounded arc: Conductor Kck Burns, head badly slashed, spine wrenched and internal injuries. Capt. MoKiilght of Greensboro, hurt atioiit neau anu nouy. K. I,. Build of Winston, cut nlwut face and body. Sir. Fruador, mail clerk, head badly mutilated and oilier serious wounds. Those not seriously wounded are: Lawyer W. P. Rugnn of High Point;: Mr. Dandridge,' Baltimore;' O. Wntton. Charlotte; Thos. Stewart, Charlotte; 55. V. Stout, High Point; Air. Adams of Southern Railway; A. .1. Smith, Chattanooga; Frank Doihl, Winston; John Davis, Philadelphia'; W. G, Poindexter, Winston; . lames Waddell, Grand Rapids, .Mich.; -James Craven, Asheboro; A. T. Whitehall, Thomnsville; A. J. Burrow, Troy; The only two that, escaped injury wore Misses Exic and Oliver of Thomasvllle. - . '. Mr. Waddell of Grand Rapids held on the top side of the oar as ft-went down and suffered little injury. Capt. Kck Burns or Asheboro and J. E. Williamson of Worihvillo, two of the seriously injured, were carried to their homes, and the rest of the wounded brought here and taken to the Junior Order hospital. When the news of the wreck was learned and all ihe doctors of the city were asked for, several citizens and newspaper men went, with the physicians to the relief. Ths wreck presented a horrible sight, and it is remarkable that no lives were lost outright. ; Messrs. Burns and Frazier are very seriously injured and their death is not unexpected. PIPES BURST IN fiOTVTMTTTEE ROOM. (By the Associated Press.) Washington, March 5, Water pip.s burst in .Senator Komi's committes room yesterday and tloodnl the com mittee rooms on three lloors of the old library space of ihe Capitol. For tunately the water did not break through the side walls or ceilings, but in every case rose through the lloors. None of the mural decorations was-Jn-jured, but more than a dozen line nigs were i ruined. MANGLED BODY OF N0T0RIQUS NEGRO. (Special to The Kvenlng Times.) Charlotte, N. C, March 5. The man gled remains of "Frog George" a noto rious negro character, -were found yes terday morning oil Uo 'tracks of the Southern in this city.,, Tho body .was cut in two, the rlht v.-as off. . A coro ners Inquest revealed no evidence of foul play. BIG FIRE AT DES MOINES. . (By the Associated Press.) ' ' Des Moinea, Ia May 5. Fire of un known origin destroyed the grand opera house and damaged the observa , hiillrlfiifl. enrlv Indnv. The total loss will aggregate $SO,000, partially covered by insurance. Tlie effects of nn opera troupe set for a .three nights stand wore totally destroyed. THE PLOTS Inner Circle Marked Their Agents for Death Orchard Said to Bo One of the Tools Doomed to Destruction. Wesley Smith, Doss Miner, Who Disap peared From Tclluiido in 1002, Said to Hi- a Victim. (My the Associated Preps.) Portland. Ore., March ;: The Orogoninn prints today a dispatch from iis P.oise, Idaho, 'correspondent, which stales in substance that the "inner circle-' of the: Western Fed eration of Miners did not confine it self to ihe murder of non union miners and stale .officials, but that the tools who committed the crimes were themselves ihe victims of the "inner circle." Orchard was one of the loots marked for destruction, and the cor respondent, says that the confession of Steve Adams is said to show thai Orchard had been shadowed for a long .lime, it is noi neiieven mat wiciiiirti i.uew nun in- was it i nit. r Mil- j pleiolt, hut there is every reason 10 believe he stood in fear of 'death, at the hands ot those-by whom no was employed. The correspondent states that hrotigh a resident of Boise, still an other victim of disturbances connect ed with the Colorado mining trouble is added to the list. This is Wesley Smith, 'n boss miner, who disappeared from Tel Utricle in .1902... WOMEN'S DRESS LESS EXPENSIVE THIS YEAR (By the Associated Press.) . Chicago, Alaiv'i ". vt'inn' dress will he less t-xpensive tiiis yoar Ibati ever, before, In the i i 1 1 iov .of MisS Kliy.abt-tli ('. hile. pi t fifk lit of the DvcssiuaUers Proleetive Assoeial i'i:v, who arrived here last, night, to prrside I at lie- eonventiim of file - association which opens today. As ;o -colors -M:s Wlii'o sniil white 'and ' gray wi'.l b: siylisb. Ian the plain black runabout dresses, trimmed wiih. while lace will be ihe "pioier thing" for this season. White silk glovts must be Wciu inva riably. : "QUEER" MONEY FOUND IN ASHEVILLE (Special to The F.venins Times.) Asheville. N. ('., March 5. While en gaged in tearing down the old Buck Hotel in tlie center of 'Asheville today, workmen found hidden in one corner of the o'd structure a box containing a large amount of counterfeit money. The counterfeit was mostly in $1 de- nominations, nnd a splendid imitation, of the genuine ,,i, ,,,,. , i, i Ihe nione.v bore the date of 18. The 'Buck huilillntr has been oecu , I pled by numbers t.f fmailies at onetime I during the past few years, and tho gov- ; eminent officers have all along believed j that counterfeiting has been carried on there, although they were unable to; obtain ihu' clue. CARRIAGE AND WAGON WORKERS ON STRIKE (By the Associated Press.) r.oston, Mass., March 5. Five hun ivd carriage ami wagon workeis of tiiis city stopped work today to enforce , demand for a nine hour schedule, a loscd shop and a Saturday naif holi day during the slimmer. About forty firms are sITei'tcd. 150 FISHERMEN ON A BLOCK OF ICE (By the Associated Press.) Cronstadt, Russia. March fi. A block ot lee from the Culf of Finland With about one hundred and fifty fishermen on it, has been driven ashore here. The Ice breaker Yermak has gone to the rescue, of the remainder of the fishermen. MORE OF LINER ASHORE OFF CAPE FEAR , Clyde Steamer Navahoe Sticks in Low Water RESISTED MANY TUGS Vessel Driven in When Attempting to Put Back to Wilmington Bad ly lasted and Position is Danger ous in the Front of Strong South oast Winds. (By Ihe Assoc in i 'oil Press.) Wllininglt.il. .V. ('., 'March :..-T!ic Clyde. Lino steamer Nav.iho Captain Hale, .from Wilmington to New York, Is inshore 'on Middle Ground Shoals off Cape Fear liar in ten l'e?l of water.' She clou it'll fur New York Saturday wuh a niiseellane. his i iii-so and was caught In the southwest storm that night. day and the work of straightening In a i templing to put back fur harbor, imu li records as were saved is now it is n inters: noil that she was driven! ,. . x. .,..,. , , . , ,. ,, we under way. No announcement ashore, drawing -fitl.-en feft ot water. . . The n venue cut tor Seminole nnifis made regarding .rebuilding with three tug.-! went lo .her assistance last :t,0 execution' that the hurtled build night, but wei e unable -move tier ai . ' vnnPi,,, .... ,, .,., .,..,., 1 high v.alt r. : her posii ion I: -lie badly listed and1 g.' riled as dangerous j in ease of .strong I The cargo in being iother attempt lo !! iiihwosi . winds. i'ht enei! :nd ner will be made j I Ills a I I i ' I I too : i , WiliniiigloM. . ; .. March i .tlie Cy, W.l.l I 1'OS; -Karly , Lino : ... rilay night- ;-.i-iiiaii -Mi.itiMic a., t i ..imii.h 1 1 j . i 'ape Fear bar hound for New York with passengers and a: heavy cargo of Irrighl she wer.t agiouinl. She is stil' Jield f isl ,in seven feet of sand and mud despite 'the (-.Torts of the cutler Seminole na;l three tugs to move her. This afternoon at lii.'vli UiU' another effort will be made to r.-H'aso Hip av- idioe fi-om liei- tilti'bl.. Caol tin Ha.' i.,.,. a. .- riw, ti...,'... i.. ,,,,, --.,,,,111.,,.: Willi these waters.- and ii. was-. duo-.to ibis mill In the fact thai lie reat lied t!!-;' bar i"v a bliudini;- rain- s-iorni tint', he lost bin course and wool aground. SUICIDE OF CAPTAIN TAYLOR. (Spo AVI I mi i ll lo Tlie .livening Times.) iglo.u, N, C.. . .March 5. From the effects i f a lethal dose of laudanum Captain Thomas Taylor, .'sometime master- of llie sle.imer Vi',niiugtoti, Itlietl ai. his home in this city early Sunday moinlng. i 'wing :o tlie fael that '.'.'! pi.. Taylor liad bee:i tlrinUing Iio-.ivlly for" the past few -weeks, it is j probable that tlie drug. was .taken wi h suicidal intent while in a tit of melan cholia. The dead man was ,"! years old and a ti:ilive of Soul Ii port, lie leaves a willow am! six children, otic a babe of the months. ' NEW INDUSTRY FOR ASHEVILLE. (Spocial to The Kvouing Tini'-s.) Asheville, N. ('.. .March ii.- A new nianiil'acturiiig industry will be start- jed her in Ihe near future..' The en terprise, win no iviiowii us ine Asue ville Veneer Company, and will be located a short distance above Bilt more. Local and New England capi- tlal will go into the concern. The ' . ... '., , concern win nine pani in capital oi i $.".0,000. TWO POSTMASTERS ARE APPOINTED. (By 'the Associated Press.) Washington. MaiMi f., Appointments of fourth class p.isl .misters were an nounced today as follows: Ninth Carolina Lola, lilbridge C. Daniels: Saint Pauls, Lock A. Me Ceaehey, : Russia's Japanese Minister. (By the Associated Press.) New York, March 5. Course- liakh metieff. the recently appointed Bus-dan minister at Tokio. ariivcd here today on the steamer La C.iscogne. He is: accompanied by his wife. They Willi visit friends ut Washington for ten days and the proceed to Japan. FIVI FIXF HOUSKS PKBISBFD IX A BKi FIKK .IT Dl'XX. Times.) A serious (Special to The lCvcninj Dunn, N. C, March 3.- fire destroyed the barn and slables of Dr. C. ft. Sexton and also those of Mrs. W. F. Pearson. . Several resi dences narrowly escaped. Five fine horses belonging to Dt Sexton were burned to death." Several vehicles, a large quantity of feed nnd several bales of cotton were lost. In the fire. Two of the horses lost by Dr. Sexton were pet horses of great intelligence, nnd could not have been bought at,..' . was held today. It is believed any reasonable figure. THE FIpE IN S.A.L. OFFICE!Negro Co,i!ests South Car- ! Valuable Records and Papers Destroyed MONETARY tOSS SMALL Blaze Broke Out at Half Past Eight Yesterday Morning The Malls Are Practically Intact Prospects for .Much Large Building Won't Disturb Koad Operations. (I'.v Ihe Assficiateil Press. V Norfolk, Yn., March ". -The offi cials of the Seaboard Air Lino Bail way whose general office, building in Portsmouth, Va., was burned yester- dnv- iill secured temporary quarters in diffeernl pails of Portsmouth, to- " tutor;.- and the space below -lilted up :or temporary quarters. Alfred W. Towsley assistant" to President, Bail', of llie S-aboard, clnie to. Norfolk today and engaged all available, space on ill lee Moors in the new National Bank of Commerce building just completed. This is taken in some quarters to be the first move towards bringing all the general offices to this city. Leigh It. Wilts, general counsel for the Sea board Air Line, said -.today .1 he en lire damage by yesterday's lire could be repaired for $'?.', Oi'". The gen eral office building was insured for $10,000.. ' A . i-onst i vaiue eslitnatt of Ihe damage today is S I a, 000 to the building and sr,,00o lo furniture. No cause of the lire is yet otlicially assigned. . j Tliere was nint h local interest yes terday and today over Ihe news that the Seaboard's office '-building at Portsmouth had been burned yester day morning, - An -Associated Press dii.palch from Portsmouth lusi night says: The general oliice building of the 1 Seaboard Air Line Railway hero was entirely destroyed, ext epl ihe walls, by a fire which staried at X::!0 o'clock I liis morning, 'and while the mone tary loss v.as only approximately -;f ".1,000,. there were many valuable .records and official papers of Hie road desi roved. The building cost about $."o.nno and' the loss is esti mated at 'one-half' that, amount, Ihe ! walls being apparently intact, " Presi dent.. Burr. . whose oliice was in the I burned building, and Vice President 'K F. .Cost, of lite ...Son-hoard, .'reached I Portsmouth.- from their Cuban (rip jjirat as tlie lire had gotten under con itiol. The president lost many vnluu ! ble papers nnd records. The follow ing officials losi practically all of 'their records by fire: . I). B. Capps; auditor or freight iceipts; T. W. Ilohby, comptroller re- ; C. K. H. - Mix, general superintendent: .1.1. '-Cunningham, car service agent: -:T ,. T. H. -WHirhi . auditor nassentrer ro- ceipls, and V,. T. Itoseniter, auditor I of disbursement. Other records were !parially burned, and desroyed by water. The only pflicials who lost tiohing were (ieneral Passenger I Agent C. B. Ryan and Freight Claim 1 Agent O. B. Bid well, Jr., whose of fices were in .another building. Many river tugs and government apparatus from the navy yard were .called out, hut the fire gainod great I headway its the result, it is said, of Hack of water pressure. There were 325 men employed in the building, of whom all were away over Sunday. ! The prospects, it is said, are that the building will be replaced with a :much larger one, "although there is some talk of the general offices being moved to Norfolk as was planned some tinio ago. President Barr and other officials are 'arranging for teni- porary offices in Portsmouth. ' President Barr stated tonight that the fire damage will not. interfere ;Wjth die operations of the road in ; ,. NEGRO THOUGHT TO BE SUICIDE. j (Special to The livening Times.) Charlotte, X. ('.. March i. Walker t Crosby, a negro, went to the home of i friends yesterday 'morning and bor rowed a pistol which accident ally went I j'kflP iliA-itli .-i.unll inir InKllinllv An li. to have been suicide. AFTER LEGARE'S SEAJ una Members Kigtits 'Aaron Piiolenii, Who Appeals o Committee,1 Was Convicted of Rob- liing the Mails Lawyer Says; Whiles Ti-iiil lo Moli Candidal!' i Because lie Was a Republican, j (By the Associated Tress.) Washington. March T,.-- House elee lions commii tee No. 1 begun bearings unlay in the Logare-T'rioteau election j contest for the seat iii the house from j the tlrsl South Carolina district. -James II. Stewart, attorney for Aaron P. Piioleait. Ihe negro who is attempting to unseat (representative George S. Legale owned the ease with a review of Ihe eharges against Mr. Legare's eainpaign niaimgcis. lle allegetl that the sysiem of voting was illegal; that legal ballots were Kent from the bal lot boxes a gd that the South Carolina i consi it in ion of IS C) PiuHuiR the l iglit of suffrage was unconstitutional. Stewart denied the allegations of Mr. Legare's supporters that Prioleuu was not the regular .-nominee of the repub licans and charged llial an attempt was made to mob I'rioleaii l.eeuiise he announced himself as a candidal!' for congress. Jle also chargeil that I'rio Ieau who was a mail 1 1 -1 lr . li.-id to shut himself in a mail ear lo avoid llie mob at F.atuwvHlo, S. C. and was falsely charged wi I ii robbing the mails and convicted. TAHITI DISASTER newsconhrmed; (By the Associated Pres..,) Paris, March a. Minister of the Colo nies Clemeitiel has -received a cable message confirming tlie press reports to the effet't that the Fvncli establish ment i leeanli- was deviistated by cyclone and tidal wave February '.".and i. Tahiti wits partii-ul.irlv affeettd. . Tnreo hunilretl and twenty-seven house's at Papeete were destroyed. Two relief ships sent to ih scene of (lie disaster from tho Tuim.itu Islands lpve not. ret iirncd. "I'he governor of the colour has asked for aid. The lelemam which was S'-nl bv the governor of ( leeanii a ' via San . Kran ciseo .Miirch t. adds that- only one life was lost as a result of lire eyi lone and lidal wave. . RESULTS OF THE NORWAY DISASTER (By the Associated Press ) . Tondhjom. Noray, March 5.- Be sides eleven .fishing boats already re ported missing as a result of the re cenP storm live others are unaccount ed for. The toial loss of life, is esti mated at lll'ty. Several lisliing boats reported niiss ing have turned up m various poinls. ii in I. the toial loss'is now --.reduced to eiglil boats and twenty-five .men. GIVE EVIDENCE AGAINST POLICE. '(By tho.-Associated Press.) New York, .March'' .1. The Berllm Claiche trial was resumed this afternoon.- I i whs learned that Bert he Claiche had offered to give evidence against the police, and that her coun sel -demanded t tint she be given her freedom as a reward for such evi dence. To this the prosecution' .'re fused to agree, contending that, an acceptance- of a plea of guilty to man? ski tighter in the second degree was tho greatest concession that could be made. .' . POSTMASTER AT SCOTLAND NECK. (By the Associated Press.) Washington, .March ,". The presi dent today sent to the senate the nomination of Klizabeih II. Hill as postmaster at Scotland Neck, X. C. NO TRACE YET WILLIAMS CHILD (Special to Ine Evening Times.) 'Elizabeth City, N. C., March 5. The searching for the little Williams girl has continued , without results. .o trace, is lounn yet, and the theory i of kidnapping gains strength. ' Morgan Has a Cold. (By the Associated Press.) Borne, March 5. Pierpont Morgan, who arrived here yesterday is suffer ing from a slight cold hut generally bis health is good. He will bo received by King Victor Emmanuel shortly. ISSUE UKASE FOR ELECTION j HllQCjflnQ VfllP IftT Assembly in April SUICIDE OF SECHOFFi Accused Mombcr of Labor Organia Jion Killed Himself Willie lnvosti galion Was in Progri'ss ChargeVl With Accepting (ioveiinnent Mohoj and Feared Ihe Beport. (By Ihe Associaled Press.) St, Petersburg, March An imperial ukase issued t inlay "orders the elections to the nation.- I assembly to begin April S pi twenty-eight provinces of central Russia on April 27 in seventeen other province:; of central Bussla and the Don regions and in two other provinces on Mav . The accused member of the Father ;!apoti labor nrganiza tion who coinniii , ted suicide yesterday while ihe scandal Involving th? charges of accepting money from the governmcn! was being ' invesiigal etl was named Seehnff. He 'enjoyed a high standing among his 'fellow workmen,-who are terribly de ! pressed us a result of the scandal in the organization, : It now" develops that Father Hapoii was himself present el yesterday's., session when Seehnff killed himself. Father Cregori Petroff had charged Stchoff with obtaining 2,.rn)fl from Father Canon and with iving .-accompanied a member of the secret polite in tlie search for M. Mal- ushensky, pre.'ts agent and counsellor of ihe Faiher Ihintin -movement, who lied with the organizations funds. During the progress of th? meeting Sechoff made an impassioned speech In which be -'declared that he could not suiport the .infamy involved in the charge I hut the urgiiiii.ation had been in league with lite government nor the obloquy-heaped on himself as both be and the organization -were innocent. Schorr then caled upon Father Capon to declare in the presence of his fel lows whether he. Sechoff had received a cent from the governmer.l, . Father Capon arose and exonerated Seehnff whereupon ihe inner said: , ' ' I will now give you .supreme proof of my honesty." and drawing a revolve: he blew i.'it. his brains.' MURDER VICTIM JAY BE FOOTBALL PLAYER (By the Associated Press.) Yoitiigslown. I).. March 5. ( me of the inon in urileri',1 ut Mount Carinel, ILs., some days ago is thought' to be Igni tius Cillen, whoso home was formerly in this city. A picture received here by the police led to the itlentllleation. CiiPen was a ineniber or Hi? Notre Dame, I int.. .'font ball team several seasons ago and played on local teams here. He was llie son of Peter Cillen, a wealthy livery, man and undertaker. DF.B TK AT TltlXITV PAIIK SCHOOL OX LA ISO K VXIOXS. , (Special to The Kvening Times ) Durham,. N. ('.. March "..There was a debate at the Trinity Park School Friday night between 'the Ciady Lit I erary Society and llie Callionn Liter 1 ary Society, both of this school. The ! question rea-l. . "Itesolvetl. Tlnti the la I bur 'unions are ami have been bene I fieiiil to Jhe iiiboring classes." The nf- flrniative was supported by Messrs. ! J. ;. Williams ami C, .M. Daniels of : the Calhoun Society ; the negative by I Messrs. Paul .1. Kiker and Clyde M. i Crawford of the Crady Society. . The judges' were Dr. Fetor Patter son. Uov. John MoCraoken and Prof ! ' l-Mwarrt Peirram. I Both sides of the question were well j debated, and the judges rendered their ; decision ill favor of the negative. The speakers on the negative were selected lor the ones to debate against the Dur ! ham High School, which will be the last of March or the first of April.' WELL BORN YOUTH UP FOR LARCENY. Wilmington, N. C. March 5. Herbert ; Blake, a youth of this city, is in jail awaiting .trial' at the April term of court on live founts of larceny. Blake I ionics of respectable parentage. His i father lives in Onslow county, where Ihe is engaged in the lumber 'business.' The present incarceration of Blake is not hi. eoll. first acquaintance with a Jail Miss Wilkes is Dead In Italy. Florence, Italy, March 5.- Miss Mary Lynch Wilkes, daughter of 1 he late Hear Admiral Wilkes, U. S. N died here today of meningitis. She was 4.1 years old. ' i - MORE EVIDENCE OF INSANITY . Mathews DENTIST'S TESTIMONY Dr. Griffith Says That on Taesda? tiefore Her Death 'Mrs. Mathews Said Life Was Kot Worth Living Body Not Rigid as it Would Have Been If She Bled of Strychnine Poisoning'. " ' (Special to The- Evening Times.) Greensboro, N. C, March 5. In the Mathews murder trial this morn ing the defense introduced evidence that when the body of the woman was prepared for burial It was hot rigid, as the physicians for the prose cution had testified would be the re sult, of death from strychnine poison. Dr. Griffith, dentist, testified that Airs. Mathews was badly addicted to morphine, and on Tuesday before her death had said life was not worth living. That he went to her home within the last six months t6 work on her teeth and found her so deeply asleep from morphine It was diffi cult to arouse her. , Testimony from several witnesses, that Dr. Turner the day following her death declared Mathews was certain ly crazy to have committed Bitch a crime the way he did, was introduced. The burial permit - application; signed by Coroner Turner, stating death to have resulted .from mor phine and .strychnine poison,"Was "in troduced. -;';,; !j :' Many witnesses testified MathewB had been crazy six months. Police man Pugh testified he witnessed a meeting of Mathews and his .wife at the depot Thanksgiving night.,' Both were so effusively ' affectionate that the attention of many was attracted, both being plainly under the influence of whiskey or morphine, ' Mrs. Dora Gorman of Manchester, Virginia, told of the prisoner's attempt ed suicide at her home thirteen yearn ago; said he had been off several times before this, and had always been er ratic. Mathews' mind improved after marriage, and she had never known a more uffectlonate couple. When his wife visited her hi Manchester the pris oner not only wrote but telegraphed each day. When the telegram of hiH death came from GiUtnan witness called prisoner up on the longdistance 'phone. His voice was perfectly doped, and he cut the connection after say ing he had company, and told witneBH nothing else.- The only Information was by telegram, and reaching ihe house early next morning was horrified to find her brother in Jail charged with mur ler. Cross examined, witness said she met Ciltman first at Mathews' house ill Creinsboro, but never had intimate acquaintance enough for ordinary friendship. Prisoner married year be fore graduating at Richmond. His wife paid their living expenses. It is learned today that Clttmnn Railed from San Francisco for China on Febru ary 1. MICHIGAN .IAMKSTOWN - COMMISSION IN NORFOLK. (By the Associated Press.) Norfolk, Va., March 5. The Michi gan state commission to the Jamestown exposition arrived here this morning from Detroit for tlie purpose of vis iting the sit on Hampton Roads and formally accepting the location that baa been assigned for the Michigan building and exhibits. In the party are George Lord, De troit; Charles J. Bryan, Koshbeming! T .D. Seeley, Ponlaic, and N. J. Whe lan. Holland, Mich. The party at 2 o'clock left for the exposition grounds, accompanied by Barton Myers, governor of ways and means; C. S. Sherwood, governor of concessions, and T. J. Wool, general counsel. .... The Michigan commissioners had not Intended reaching Norfolk until tomor row night or Wednesday and their ar rival today was unexpected. The. party will remain here over to morrow. Before its departure a con ference will be held with officials of the exposition relative to Michigan's part in the exposition. Seaton Gales Reunion. Invitations bve been issued by Seaton Gales lodge of Odd Fellow for a buffet luncheon to be aerved in the hall next Thursday evening. The oc casion is the annual reunion of the lodge and will no doubt prove ex tremely enoyable. A tempting" menti has been provided and" there will bi short talks on Odd Fellowship.

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