Full Leased Wire Service of the Associated Press. Leads all North Carolina Afternoon Papers in Circulation. LAST EDTTTONV ; AliL THE MARKETS. THE RALEIGH EVE TIMES. VOLUME 27. RALEIGH, N. C, TUESDAY, MARCH 6, 1906. PRICE 5C. ATY SENTENCED TO SHUNTS DEPENDS TO REFORM THE ON PRESIDENT ELECTION LAWS HALE THINKS WAR UNLIKELY 'i . n? .- ft , ijj LIFE IMPRISONMENT I NING! i WAR CLOUDS ALARfi CHINA Verdict Murder in First De gree With Recommenda tion of Mercy THE JURY CAME IN AT 6:15 THIS MORNING Saved from fallows liy Mercy of the Twelve. Men He Takes an Appeal The Case Went to the Jury at "i Last Night A Torrille cgal Hat. tie Hetwoon the Counsel on Oppos. ing Sides. (Special to The Evening Times.) Oaffr.ey, F. C. M.rch . In Hie cold, dull gray of tlio early morning Hie 'jury which had been deliberating all nigh: on die case of Ororge llnsiy. pro piletor of the Piedmont I mi, charged with the niuriier of .Milan Mention and Abbot Davison, members of lite" Nnlh Inb But .'Money"' 'Company. tiled in to court anil announced hi (1:15 o'eloe! that it had agreed '.noon a yprdict. The small crowd of anxious watchers in the court room was silent. ".' "(lent lemon of the jury h-iw you :. agreed upon a verdict'."' indeed : Til? clerk in' solemn torn :!. "(iuiliy of murder In the tlrsi. dogr.c with recommendation t mercy." was the answer. Hasty was 'apparently unniovel Later ia-lhe morning he was senteucd by Judge lUcmininKii' to tliR peniten tiary for life, bur bi ailorne.es Rave notice of an appeal t o tit" stale supreme court whh h wil' stay tin sentence until a ."final ruling is line from tlie -highest - tribunal. There ar; long delays in Fouth Carolina ami .11 may be u'yenr or more beforp Hasty rtosis ;; he swipes if the, judgment toda.. must stand. - -" '.' ' In many respects the trial, was the most sensational in the annals of tills county... Davison and Bennett .'Xfrc killed because they had protested K Hasty against the hitter's utu'inpt t enter the actresses room' at night.' : tlie morning of December l.i last the actors met .Hasty in the hot ! lobby. Hot words were passed and without much warning-' Hasty 'drew.. a revolve." and shot bis guests to death. 1-1 Is pic at the trial was that lie h id be o attacked by Davison, whti held a knife. ! and that he was forced to defend liim : self. ;" I The trial has been in pi-ogres! li 'ii ' for more than a week and attracted j .mention all over the 'country.;-:. 1 j culminated yesterday in a sensatlona' j encounter between tleorge . ' Jolinsione leading counsel for the defense, ace! Lawyer Otis, who lias been assist iuti the prosecuilou n which the lie was ; .passed. . . There was a. strong play o:i t'n sympathies and sectional feeling of the jury, Hasty's lawyers endeavoilng to show that the actors and actresse' were "foreigners'.' whose word ough' not 'to be accepted as readily as that of the home people. Judge Memniinge rebuked the attorneys for tills, holding that in a court of law one person': evidence was as good as that of an other unless one was impeached, While opinion. liere Is naturally di vlded the general belief is thut It wa a righteous verdict, yet there is tin feeling that, court delays will block the ends of justice. The case will not tie rem lieu ny me supreme mm i io some monllis and In . the 'meantime Hasty will remain in jail. Intense public interest has been .!.-. , r Itnslv which ter- l mlnnted this morning in the verdict of .riit win. vr,nmm,b,iin io mer- i o...... ...... .. cy, which will save the slayer of Milan T.ennett and Abbott Davison, member ; of the "Nothing But Money" Company from the gallows. The killing was ap- ! parently so brutal that tlie indignation I of the publie was aroused ami the ' Actors' Society In New York under- ' took to rais funds to assist in the prosecution. In South Carolina il rare- j ly happens that a sentence is imposed ; ' without a bitter fight by appeal or mor : Hons for a new trial, and if the old custom is followed it may be months, I perhaps, years, before Hasty is sent to the penitentiary. Aside ;froni that, however,, the action of the. Jury will meet with general approval. . ; The company appeared, in Raleigh a short time . before the.jtragedy.at,,?aiT ney. It was not a high1'' class attraction, but there was nothing vile or indecent about it and Davison especially, was popular with those who attend the theatre regularly. Tlie facts of the murder are well known. Hasty was the proprietor ot the hotel at which members of the company stopped and instead of mak ing it his business to protect his guests he was the first to offer insult. It was shown that ho had made repeated ef forts to enter the room of the two ac (Coniinued on Page Two.) GAPON'S DENUNCIATIONiSUSAN ANTHONY DYING Calls Petroff Traitor, Tool of Socialists Proposes Plan for Complete Investi gation of Mis Organization by Rep resentatives of tlie Various Par ties Petroll' Had Charged Corrup lion. (I'.y the Associated Pro.-s.) St. Ii t. isbiiig. Man li. I!.-Father 3apon in an 'open letter today de nounced l'iithtr (ircguri Petroff Ils a Liallor ami a tool of the social demo crats, who lie savs are fighting again.'"! the line interests! of the Workhigmcn. Pat her 'lapon iilsn promises a plan for 1 cnifiilele Investigation of his organi onion by rcprcscnlal Ives of the various .inrl ies. Father Petroff.- during ? investi gation, of the .-charges against the 3apon organization of accepting mine., 'iom tlie government, eh n ged a man lamed - Sechnff with liaving obiained .'2.5" from Father Capon. SeclintT ,hcieii. on declared that he. could not aippoit the infamy involved in the charge, and drawing a revolver hi' Dlew oat his brains. GRAND JURY TAKES UP CAMPAIGN FUND f!y- the. Associated Press.) Now York, March ti.--Tho Nov. Vork county grand jury today made a presentation reciting I hat the grand jury had. been informed by. the dis trict attorney that there is reason ahlo ground to believe that within tho statttto of limitations ofilaers or trustees of large corporations have contributed money to political cam paign funds. The jury asks advice of Justice O'Sitllivan of the court of general sessions, to whom tho present ment -,vas made, as to the future course to lie pursued by' (ho jury. The pre sent ment is accompanied by a long statement of fads setting forth that it can ho. .shown by lawful evidence beyond a reasonable doubt that such payments of money have born mnde. COMMITTEE ON FOOD STANDARDS (I!y the Associated Press.) .Washington. '" March 0. The coniml! :ee on food 'Standards of the associa :lon of ollieial cheiiiisls is holding ils lemi-linnual niec iiug at the dcpartmeiil f agriculture; Its purpose is tlu a:lo.) lon of Hdditional food .'standards, landards to be decided at lilis meeting .vcre submitted to niaiiufiic turers. (Kal is, chemists, and oilier inlcrc s;ed pai les two years ago. nil ) i remicsts fir xprcsslons of opinion and evidence ot he justice or injustice of the proposed tandards and all Information, so ool cclcd has been classified and compiled. Hid tlie prewnt-work of Jie comuiii K e is to consider that imorniat ion .Mid irrive at a just stand.'iil. 'I'hoso attending tlie sessions are Dr. .."...... .... .... ........ . .... .... 'e' ior oi uic f;uu.- HgncuiLUiai espei .- station of Pennsylvania: Prof. A- Hcovnll. threclor of the Kentucky ixpeiimeiit station: Prof. H. A. AVoto'-. if the Ohio State Cntversity: Dr. K. II. renkins director of t he Cinnecticu: tale -Experiment Station; Dr. S. AV. 'Vlley. chief of the bureau of chenis ry, and Klion Fuller, of the chemical igrictilturnl experiment, station of the tale of AYashington, representing the itandards committee of the state food onimissioners. CHINESE PRESS SAYS WE ARE UNFRIENDLY (By the Associated Press.) . Pekin, .Match (!. The principal' topic In the Chinese press' reiales to the reports coining from America that tho United Slates Is making complete prep arations to send it ' military expedition to China. The newspapers regard these eports as a manifestation of an un frelndly policy. The imiwris of New Chwang for 1905. largest recorded. The total was $53. WO.ftOO' gold, of which i-'.ii;O.M0 came from America, $9,e00,(k;0 beuifi In cotton. Has Pnenmonia and is Not Expected to Live Left l.'ung is A Meet (Ml, but Physicians Hope thai Her Strong Constitution Will Help Her to Pull Through the A III id ion. ' .'...- (By the Associated Press.) Uoehester, N. Y., March . Miss Su san I!. Anthony is seriously III al her home here of pneumonia, which de veloped on her return from her recent visit to Washington. Her physician. Dr. 'Mars'na S. Kicker, said today: "Miss Anthony's left lung is now af fected by pneumonia. Hit right lung lias practically ( lea red. As a result of n.'HFsea last night she became very weak but she rested well from I until 5 o'clock this morning. She is slill un able to retain nourishment and conse quently is very weak, f if course ihese conditions in Miss Anthony's case are serioiis. We hope thai -her condition which lias been vigorous even In old age will carry her through to an im pi rived cr.ndit ion soon. It is difficult' to say now what the change may be. This -morning she was able to breath Willi less labor ihan yesterday." CLYDE LINER NAVAHOE STILL IN THE SAND (Sppri.il to The Kvenlng Times.) "WilmiiiKion. N. C, March C. The condition or the Clyde line steamer Xavahoe which went aground be tween the inner and outer Capo Fear luirs'o'n Bat urdfiy last, is .unchanged.. The Xavalioo is in eight feet of sand and till efforts to move her have proven futile. This niorning three lighters from this city wore carried to the "distressed steamer and tliey are now at work .unburdening' her of the heavy cargo. The Xavahoe is in a perilous position and should she ho not Honied- soon it is feared she will lie a kreck. There were only two passengers aboard when she grounded and they were taken off on Sunday. READY FOR THE ROYAL WEDDING : . (Ity. the Associated Pifift.) ;' : S.mciia.stiji:-., Spain. March II. King Alfonso and Piincess Kua -"of llatteh-l.t-rg ariived here together today pre paratory to the ceremony tomorrow, at 'which the king will formally ask fu tile hand of the princess and receive. the iis:--ciit of King Ktlward. The royal party was awaited at the depot by the mayor and n viiri crowd of people, who accorded the king and Princess Kna an enthusiastic welcome. no man called for cheers: for liberty . and wits immediately arrest, m1. The king and princess" smilingly 'acknowledged the "popular' greetings. Kins? Kdwnrtl eill arrive 'here tomorrow.. Paris. ' March l'.. King wins iiccouipttr.led to K.lwai d, who I lie railroad saltioti bv Premi' resentalives of Pre Pouvier iini'. rep ident Fallieres. Io: I here loday for l'.iarrilz. wlience he wl.l go to San Sebastian to ' participate in the -formalities of King Alfonso's be trothal. A crowd ''cheered Hie king ils hi? deoai led. . HARTFORD CAPITAL IN PHILIPPINES (By the Associated Press-.) Hartford. Conn.. March (i.The I'liil ippine Railway company of Hartford has filed a certificate of incorporation with the s-tate secretary. Tlie atitliov iKed capital stock is J.-,.!tM,fii!0. Arthur L. Shipnian. Charles AV. Cross md Alvan AV. Hyde, all of this city, are the incorporators of record. The com pany proposes to own and operate steam and electric mads in the Philip pine lalands and elsewhere and aho to do a general transport at ton busi ness. . , May or May Not Give up EMPLOYES' CONNECTION Chairman mission Senate of Isthmian Canal Coiti on Stand Today llefore Committer He Protests Against the Way in Which Conces sion Had Keen Granted to Mnrkel. .. if By tho Assofltlnd Press.) Washington, March . Theoiloro r. j Shoals, chairman of the islhniian canal ! commission, today resumed his icsti- iKony before the senate . coinui: inter-oceanic canals. Senator l ee on Tal'in - ferro had read the protest '.of Hudgiiis I and Dumas of New York h Itoosevell against the niaiim the commissary concession ' granted to Jacob K. Mnrkel i President j r in iii'-n 1 1 had. been j of i miaha, ! and urging ils 'dlscoin inuuiiec on the I (.oneern to the people of this, country, ground I Via I It had been 'eiiiered' into j irrespect ive of paity alliliaiions. than irregularlv. The N' iv S-W. tirm said'"'" principles .of popular govern- ment shall be handed down from' gen tile proceedings in '.inneetio ..Mil. tbeici.(it.(n RwnUin ,.,. n,(J. Idling of the contract in', i mated col- . tiled. lusion and a ..predisposition in award it K -"The. bra ye and fearless conflict- lic- lo Markel. Mr. Shouts said, i he pres! detii had referred .this--proi est io him rind he read the reply he 'had made io I lie president.-- These iloeutip-ms. were made public at the time.' Mr. Taliaferro asked .Mr. Shouts for. fiames of employes and their former railroad connections. The .witness mentioned himself as conpecled .with the Clover Leaf route: '.purchasing Agent Tlos's, the Illinois t Villi al : Audi tor Benson, tlie Soul le i i Pacilic and Chief nginecr Stevens. ;.i he i.'hicago Kock Island and Pacilic, "Do you intend to . continue your con nection as president, of the. Clover Leaf?" asked Mr. Taliaferro. ...;.'.'.'. That depends." rcpliVd the witness. , "t n what V" "Well," said t!i" 'witness, "the presi dent spoke Io me about that and 1 told him that on ncci'iuif of my large hold ings I did not wain to give up the-presidency.' I talked willi President Koose-, yell more-frankly 'ihan f am talking wilh you. I dirl.iioi want to embarrass him. He said li.-. thought- there would he no obieclion to-my holding the place I if I served wii houi salary ; that. is. if 1 was -merely .the nominal president: . 'Then you do n,,j know what your intentions are?" aie asked Mr. .Talia ferro. : ' . The president will lell me what lie wants ino to .o. 1 suppose," replied Mr. Shouts. In response to a .-number of rtuesons Mr. Shouts said ilini he was now ne gotiating m get lid of his interests in the Clover l.ea'' hut that he did mil know: hovv these would terminate. Hartford Expert Backs Dr, McKee Up SAYS MATHEWS CRAZY lOvidence Concluded at liune Pe-ces ami Arttiiineiit liogan at fi O'clock. -. Dr. Crotiiei-s Says Alorpli.'n ' i)cle rioratcs Tissues ActiiiK on Uea-icn-insj Powers. (Special to The Fveiiing Times.) (Jreenshoro. NYC. March li. The evi dence in tlie Maili. ws murder trial was concluded lit the dinner recess' today, and argument began at 2 o'clock. 'I'he testimony of Dr. Crotliers. flic morphine insanity expert from Hart ford, Conn, consumed most of the ses sion. He was emphatic that the pris oner was insane, and gave an inter esting discussion of the e.fecls of mor phine' on flic sysicm, saying li der icrhnated all tissues, but most' promi nently the hisTler nerve centers known I as those acting on tlie reasoning pow- j ers, which -con! rolled Hi? wil'. con-1 science-' and in n's relation to .man. f li:: lonsiani use moviuiuiv prouucing dementia or naralyfis. GREAT ALIENIST ON MORPHINE Tlie prosecution occupied but three 'guests from northern cities, and mimyj qunrters of an hour in inconsequential lliael narrow ; escapes;-; Neariv all of rebuttal of the strong expert testimony illiem lost their effect s'.' Including jew-I Introduced by the delense us to the.cliy and diamonds. The damage is prisoner's sunny. i estimated at ?50,000. . -. Second National Conference in New York OSCAR STRAUS' SPEECH Josiah Quiiicy, Former Mayor of IJos ton, Presiding, Said He Helieved .Most of (lie lleformci's in Flection System Could Bo Traced to Aus tralian Itallot Law. .f Uy. the Ass.iciated Press.) New York. March C Delegates ! from a ally eveiy section of Ills' country ivcre present- today at the opening of tlie second national conference for j the rotor I liiws of the primary election ruiu practice acts, under f ills' national civic fedu. - Ihc.'iiusjiii alion. tiscar Strauss, preside:;! of the - co:i - fei en opened the nieeiir.g wiih rt.i address on "iclonu ''of. the primarie.j and election laws." lie declared that itlKU'e is no subject 'today of more vital tween botiesi anil dishonest politics lias seldom, if ever." he said, "won so signal and precious victoii for Hu moral law, as was iichieved by io ?rnor Folk of Missouri, by Mayor Weaver of Philadelphia; by Senator Colby in,. New-' Jersey. . by' Jerome' iii New York, and by ihe prosecuting attorney in Boston. ,".nd by similar vic tories agiiinsr long entrenched bossism under the stiinuliitaig helpfulness and uncompromising attitude of Secretary Honuparte in .Maryland, and Secretary Tcfl in i Hiio." '..' llr. st raiiss sftid the p.-opie generally had b.i en aroused . by these; victorie auil from ibis awakening has resulted a 'Irenowod - effort to", bretl'k the chains of boss itile mil to rcclaitu IheliM-lglits tts nip.'iilii is of their pa it y a lit! as fro? ami indcie:nlen: Amerieaii citizens," Mi,' Str;iiis.;,,:iittodiic('d as. 111,? pre--iding . ofi'.. . f of flic s.ssion Josiah QuiiK-y.- l'i inner mayor of. Hostoit. " .Mr. gtiiiley saiii he believ.-d most. of Ihe rel'oruis in till' clr-.-.ion sysU-nt could be: traced to the Ausiialian bal- ImI law. which dales "back no! niore I lhah I'l'loen ins. . Herai-.-: !'.. Pem'mg. d-legate of the city, eluli of New Vol k. discussed "c'.ec tie ottiee in il represeni a i i'e lUuiloc- raey:.. .::'.' PENNYPACHER VETOES RAILROAD RESOLUTION ; , (i'.y ihe ;. . I li'l'i isburg. , l'( nuypaeker :ion pioidiug Associated Press.) I'a.. M.ireli : n.Coyernov uday vetoed 'he resolu for an investigation by. 'a. ' special '.emti.mittce ' into lite .affairs of Ihe Philnilelnhin and Keading I'.ail '. .-o:nl ( . 1 1 .. ; uy and ' t lie Philadelphia and (tending 'bat and lion Company, :tnd tlie resolmion (Inci ting lite attor-1 . i v ger.ciiil io Impure b vh if rigid j passe nger list as W. Mlilton. '- Hamilton .the Pennsylvania, and other rai roads j said that us; soon as h? heard Ithal in this state arc engaged in the antlim- icriniinal proceedings were ooiitem cite foal mining business,'- . ! plated he decided to return to lite . I toib ot tiu-se .'-resolutions, w ere passed j i by tlie recent extra session of the Penn-1 .sylvililia legisauuri' ami. were vetoed. 'tlie' governor slates, because they weic ! not germane to the Call for tlie .session. CHINAMEN IN CHICAGO TODAY. (By. the Associated Press.) Chicago, .'..March li. Prince Tsai ' General Hadloy today issued H. suli i Tse, ..leading, tlie Chinese imperial poena lor H. Clay Pierce, former i' commission sent to-America to study j president: of the Waters-Pierco Oil the Chinese exclusion laws, and the. Company now in New A'ork and for ; methods of the Aincrican govern-j Charles- 11. Adams, secretary of the j ment, reached .Chicago: early ..today, i oil company, commanding them Io Sixeten members of the party "came ' nppear in St. Louis and testify in the t in over Ihe Chicago Uurlington & ; oil hearing which is set for March 19. , Qnincy road today while twenty-three j The subpoenas were placed in Ihe I members of the commission passed; hands of Sheriff Clarke for service. through this city last night, going i They are not binding outside of the directly to Now York,. Prince Tsai Tse and his party will spend the day in this. city. and leave 'for the east tonight. i WINTER RESORT i BURNED DOWN. . . (l!y the 'Associated Press.) Mobile. Ala., March Fire loday destroyed tin; Spring Hill Hotel, , a wimer resort seven nines wesi "i - Mobile. The note: was ... ttPed with! With the Secretary of State Silling on Lid FEARS GENERAL STAFF Opposes Henry ment puri'd Cliina. liill for liicrciise of Kffi of Army .Medical Oi'purt Says (ii neral Stall Has Pre plans for the Invasion of (f?y I ? Associated Pres' ' Washingioii, March 11. The bill pro viding for the "increase of the efficiency of the .jnedjcal department of the army' was called up in tlie senate to- : . v , Varrrn. and Mr. Hale snoke j jn oppOKjtk,n , JIp llult 1 biu W1S ollo nf miiny prepared by the general staff of the army-intended to ; . ..ni,h v (.....-ense of the armv. ... ';.,,..:.. h,:,i I,. view of present condiiions such a movement was desirable, and called especial at tention Io Hie slate of the treasury as A reason why the plan of enlargement Should not be entered upon. He added a. word expressing his conviction that the plan was t lint of the general staff and not of Hie secretary of war. In this connection Mr. Hale said that the general staff had prepared .plans for the invasion of China by an Amer ican army, but be added that he did not moan to go into lhal subject, "for Willi the secretary of state sitting on the lid I do not believe we are likely to. have war." He added the state ment that tlie staff was taking upon ilself the responsibility for the conduct of tlie war department. It was, he said, the purpose of the roga nidation fo in vade 'China, which would be a declara tion uf wsr. Mi. Hate was replying to a question of 'Mr. TiUman. who asked bow many 1 1 oops had been vent to the Philippine wilh a view a yu'w io their being sent io China, and .Mr. Hale said: "I do not know , how many troop? have been sent there, but 1 think sev eral thousand.' Tlie purpose o." the general at a ft is 'lhal i hey. may be used If any 'emergency, either arises or can be made ''to Invade--China.- which nf course would be n declaration of war vhilc congress is in session." : , Mr. AYarreu called attention to the fact that i even wit h the increase per mitted" by. this bill the medical corps of the army would he still smaller than that of the navy, hut Mr. Hale con tended that there was no analogy be (Continiied on Second Page.) ANDREW HAMILTON RETURNED TODAY (Ky (he Associated Press.) New Yolk. March .15, Andrew Hamil ton, the legislative agent for several large insurance companies whose name was prominently .mentioned in connec tion Willi tiie recent; legislative insur ance . ..investigation, ' returned .. from Furopo toda. He was il passenger on 'he Hu-.iiliiug-Aiiieric.in Deutschland and w a v ivgistcivd i aci nic i'niied stiles..-' . - , HADLEY AFTER OIL TRUST MEN. ( By the Associated Press.) St.! Louis, Mo., March 8. in com pliance wiih the order of Special Commissioner Anthony, Attorney stale of Missouri. Italians for ICowan. ; (Speeiiil to Ine Evening Times.) Salisbury. X. C. March 6. The .Southern Railway's industrial depart jmenl has had agents here recently I looking over the soil of Rowan with a view Io locating a. colony here. iCapt. M. V. Ivichards has had his imcn here and it. is likely that a col- onvof (10 or more acres will be laid out, for worthy Italian immigrants. Senator Louis Roddenino. who has been visiting here, is much impressed if he does have difficulty In comma- j mealing as much. Edict Says Traitors ClrcH- late Wild Deports KEEP OUT OF POLITICS Government is Perturbed Over Ittt mors of Anti-Foreign Movement . Troops Sent to Province Where Christians are Threatened by the Chinese Keeling Now is Strained. (By the Associated Press.) Pekin, March 6. The Chinese gov ernment is greatly perturbed by the re ports of anti-foreign movements print ed in the American and European press and particularly by the dispatches an nouncing America's preparations for a military expedition in case of need. These reports it is alleged tend to em barrass the foreign ministers and create strained relations between them and the officials here. A long edict published in the official gazette loday after referring to the warlike reports declares that they ar circulated by traitors who -wish to separate China from her friends. The edict points out the great difficulties which confront China at present and the strong need for maintaining friend)t ly relations with the powers. It-reproves the Chinese students for med dling with politics and charges the of ficials, high and low, to thoroughly pro tect the lives and nronertv of foreign ers, specifying the missions, . under pain of the most severe punishment.. A strong force of the troops of Tudn Shi Kai has been sent to the southern part of the province of Chi Li whr the people, have been threatening the Christians. -v : NO INDICATION OF IF IK President Sloss-Siieffleld De nies Merger Humored (hut I'nited States fttoel Vould Include It in General Mer ger of Southern InterestsAfter Pope Tin Works. (By the Associated Press.) Birmingham, Ala., March 6. J. C. Maben, president of the Sloss-Shef-field Steel & Iron' Company, today gave out this statement regardinfi the story that, his company is to be included in the reported general mer ger of southern iron and steel Inter ests with the I'nited States Steel Cor poration. "There is absolutely no indication thai the' control of the Sloss-Sheflield Steel & iron Company has changed hands, nor do I apprehend any in the near future. I can hardly be lieve that the I'nited States Steel Cor poration will make an effort to get ihe Sloss-Sheffield Company through John W." Gates." Steubenvile, Ohio, March 6.' The efforts of the United States Steel Cor poration to secure the Pope Tin Works here through the La Belle Iron Works created a sensation at a meeting of the direct rs of the La Belle Iron Works'. About a million dollars is Involved in the La Belle plant hut tho independ ents were powerful enoufsit at the pre liminary meeting io block the deal for the tin works. " - ' LORD SEYMOUR BEFORE COURT. (By the Associated Press.) Jefferson City, Mo;, March 6! Di vision No. 2 of the supreme court to day transferred the murder case of "Lord" Frederick Seymour Barring ton to the court in banc; for a hearing before the full court. Barrington is now in jail at Clayton, Mo., under sentence to be hanged on March 15 for the murder of James P. McCann. WHOLESALE BOMB FACTORY TAKEN. (By the Associated. Press.) ' St. Petersburg, March 6. A whole sale bomb factory was captured by the police today at Ihe lodgings of a drug, gist. One hundred and twenty loaded iitna i nau ui-cii mc vuurAt vub ui Piuurin b ! fin1 I'oi'Aliitli'ktilBtn ta'bn'iv ef Mtrinrn WPrf vaptwe Another terrorist who Wtts arrested In the streets had a bomb in his pocket. - '" ':

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