I THE RALEIGH EVENING TIMES, WEDNESDAY, :MA&fe 28, 1906. i f ' 'mm f tf it "Iff ' DOUGLASS OLDS DEAD Passed Away at Southern . Pines This Morning Remains Brought to Raleigh Was Youngest Son of Col. F. A. Olds Had Bceu Brought from Texas In Hope That His Health Would Im prove There Funeral Announce ment. , Douglass Olds,' youngest son of Col. P. A. Olds, died tills morning at South ern Fines. i Telegrams to this effect were received from Col. Olds early this morning and brought deep sorrow to a wide circle of friends in this city, and the news will be learned with sincere sympathy by friends of the family throughout the state. The end came this morning r.bout 1:30 o'clock and Col. Olds and Mr. und Mrs. R. E. 1 Hunch were at the young man's bedside. f ' The remains were brought to Raleigh on the Seaboard Air Line fast train No. 66 which being one hour and a half late, tiid not arrive here until 1:15 this af ternoon. At the depot were numerous friends in waiting to extend their syin patry to the bereaved father and sis ter. From the depot the remains were conveyed to the residence of Mr. J. F. Ferrall on Hillsboro street, where they will remain until the funeral service. Which will probably be held tomorrow ut an hour to fee announced later.-' The pull-bearers who served this afternoon oil former playmates of Douglass, were James I. Johnson, Jr., Dan Allen, Jes- . sie Primrose, Tom West, Walter New som and Ben Johnson. Douglass Olds was Just eighteen years old and was a boy of exceptional prom ise. For about two years he had been with his older brother, Mr. Fred C. Olds at Waco, Texas. For nearly a i year the young man had been in failing : health, but his condition wus not ' thought to be serious until some three months ago, when In his weakened uhvslcal condition it was found that tuberculosis had developed, affecting ! his lungs, but more especially his. throat. Col. Olds went to his bedside and everything that loving hands and the very best medical skill could do was done for him. Col. Olds accompanied him to various points In Texas and elsewhere in the west where altitudes and climatic conditions weie such as were 'best suited for those afflicted as was Douglass, but without any per ceptible benefit. Then it was decided to bring him back to North Carolina und try the famous Southern Pines re sort. They arrived here last Thursday and went on Saturday to Southern Pinea, where they were 'when the end came, having followed a few hours nf ter the sudden collapse of yesterday as reported in The Evening Times of yesterday. Douglass Olds Is survived by his fa- 1 ther, Col F. A. Olds, one brother, Mr. Fred C. Olds, of Waco, Texas, and two sisters, Mrs. R. E. L. Bunch of New Bern and Mrs. .Thos. J. Depree of Memphis, Tenn. Mrs. -Bunch Is now in the city and Mrs. Dueprce has left Memphis for Raleigh, being expected I at 0 o clock tomorrow afternoon, t p to 3 o'clock this afternoon Mr. Fred C. Olds had not wired whether he would come for the funeral or not, but it would hardly be possible for him to reach Raleigh lit time anyway. The funeral will be held either to morrow afternoon or Friday morning, most probably Friday morning, in view of the late hour for the arrival of Mrs. Deupree tomorrow afternoon. , New Jersey's Trial Today. (By the Associated Press.) Rockland, Me., March US. Tim new battleship New Jersey, built fur Ihe United Stales government, was given her official standardization trial on the Owl's Ilrad niile -ours; today Her contract requires the-' development of a speed of 1!) knots an hour. The. weather was showery, 'but was not ex pected to interrupt th: arrangements. Died in Staunton, Va. (By the Associated Picks.) Staunton. Va'.. .March 28. Mrs.'.; Ten nyson .Smith, wife of the English tem ' iterance advocate who is touring this country, died suddenly last night from heart failure. Tho body will no temporarily-put' in a- vault here,, .-though Mr. Smith expert to huve it removed to England. When you arc wearied from over work, feel listless on languid, or when you cunnot sleep or cat, take Holllstcr's Rocky Mountain Tea. One of the greatest tonics known. 35 cents, Tea or Tablets. Henry T. Hicks & Co. BS5BIT52BE2B Very Latest and Smartest rallies v We have been eminently successful in securing for our Spring trade the most per-'-feet and most stylish makes UAblE3S' OXFORDS ' - ... and Pumps. We have the fashionable lines in Gun Metal, Patent Leather and Suedes at exceptionally reasonable prices. . Women Obtain Mrs. Pinkham's Advice and Help, Rhe Hat Guided Thouundf to Health. Bow Lydla K. Plakham's Vega table Com pound Cured lira. Alice Berryhill, It is a great satisfaction for a woman to feel that she can write to another telling her the most pri vate and confiden tial details about her illness, and know that her let ter will be seen by woman only. Many thousands cases ot female diseases come be fore Mrs. Pinkham every year, some personally, others by mail. Mrs. Pink ham is the daughter-in-law of Lydia E. Pinkham and for twenty-five years under her direction and since her de cease she has been advising sick women free of charge. Mrs. Pinkham never violates the con fidence of women, and every testimon ial letter published is done so with the written consent or request of the writer, in order that other sick women may be benefited as she has been. Mrs. Alice Berryhill, of 313 Boyce Street, Chattanooga, Tenn., writes : Dear Mrs. Pinkham: " Three years aso life looked dark to me. I hail ulceration and inflammation of the female organs and was in a serious condition. " My health was completely broken down and the doctor told me that If I was not op erated upon 1 would die within six months. I told him I would have no operation but would try Lvdia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, tie tried to influence me against it but I sent for the medicine that same day and began to use it faithfully. Within five days I felt relief but was not entirely cured until I used it for some time. " Your medicine is certainly fine. I have Induced several friends and neighbors to take it and I know more than a dozen who had female troubles and who to-day are as well and strong as I am from using your Vege table Compound." . Just as surely as Mrs. Berryhill was cured, will Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege table Compound cure every woman suffering from any form of female ills. If you are sick write Mrs. Pinkham for advice. It is free and always help ful. SEN. DANIELS OFFERS AN AMENDMENT "(Hy the Associated Press.) Wahington, March 28. Senator Daniel today introduced an amend ment to the house railroad rate bill making railroads liable for damages to employes resulting . front ' negli gence on the part of the railroad. It provides that contributory negligence on the part of the employe shall not be a bar to the recovery of damages when such negligence is slight com pared with that of the employe. It provides that no contract for insur ance, relief or indemnity of any kind that may have been entered into be tween, employe and employer shall be a bar to an action on the part of the former or his heirs to recover dam ages for personal injuries or death. I'RAZI MIS WAXTER 15V ; VIRGINIA, AUTHORITIES. SpcinI Agent A. M. Richardson of the Chesapeake & Ohio Railroad was here last evening with a requisition from the governor of Virginia, for W. .1. Frazier ,a white man arrested at Moneure. Deteetivo Cooke went. to Monroe and brought Frazier here tor the Virginia officer. He is charged with larceny from the railroad com. mny. "- - Chicago, March 28. A conference Involving a 10 per cent wage in crease and betterment in working conditions--for-more than twenty thousand iron nioldors throughout hie United States was begun here yesterday, Committees: representing Ihe .Stove Founders' National Defeuse Association and the Iron Moldcrs' Union of North America opened ne gotiations. A GUARANTEE CURE FOR PILES. Itching, Blind, Bleeding, Protruding Piles. Druggist are authorized to refund money If PAZO OINTMENT tails to cure in 6 or 14 days. EOc. - of Footwear BENNINGS RACES. " (By ;the Associated Press.) 1 Bennings, D. C, March 28. First race for three year olds and up; 5 1-2 furlongs, Columbia course Pater 1 to 5 P. ml out won; Laricate 8 to 1 and 1 to 4 second: Baby Willie 50 to 1, third. Time, 1:09 4-3. Second Race For , maiden two year olds, 4 1-2 furlong3 old course Computer 3 to 1 and out won; Bath Maria (! to 1 and 2 to 1, second; Campaigner 10 to 1 third. Time .58. Rarge On The Reach. (By the Associated Press.) Norfolk, Va., March 28. The barge Dendron is on the beach near Chincoteague, in imminent danger of destruction. She was loaded at a Long Island Sound port with something like 1,300 tons of garbage tankage, and sailed for Norfolk, along with the barges Annie E. Embrey and Norfolk, in town of the tug Margaret. WheE the Margaret went ashore in the fog tho barges anchored, but the Dren dron was in shoal water and pounded severely in the gale. Fearing that she would pound to pieces, her mas ter. Captain orter, slipped his anchor and let the Dendron go on the beach. Free Alcohol Rill. Washinglon, March 2S. The free alcohol bill was presented to the waysxand means committee today by the sub-commitee, and soon will be introduced in the house. The full committee decided that further con sideration of the bill should be had before final action is taken. The bill carries an appropriation of $250,000 for the additional force necessary in the internal revenue bureau to ad minister the new regulation. For any pain, from top to toe, from any cause, apply Dr. Thomas' Ecloetric Oil. Pain can't stay where it is used. NOTICE OF SALE OF VALUABLE CITY PROPERTY". Under the authority and direction of a power of attorney made to me by M. T. Leach and E. B. Barbee, I will on Monday, April twenty-third, 11106, at 12 o'clock m., expose for sale and sell for cash to the highest bidder at the court house door of Wake County, the fol lowing lot of land situated in the City of Haleigh, North Carolina: That lot of land situated at the south west Intersection of Blount and Martin streets, the brick building on which' was recently destroyed by fire while used by Mr. Geo. Harding as a livery stable. Begining at said S. W. corner ot Blount and Martin streets, runs thence South along the Western line of Blount street 137 feet to the Frank Stronach line; thence West with said Stronach line 105 feet to Mrs. Lougee's line; thence North with said Mrs. Lougee's line 45 feet; thence East 4G feet; thence North 22i feet to the S. K. corner of the brick store formerly used by "J. E. Pogue .as a tobacco factory and G. S. Tucker & Co. for furniture, continuing said line North along the Eastern side of said brick building 70 feet to Martin street; thence East with said Martin street 59 feet, more or less, to the begin ning, containing 10,182 square feet. This 20lh day of March, 1906. JAMES E. SHEPHERD, Attorney. M-20 4w. SOUTHERN RAILWAY COMPANY. I New York, February 2, 1900. Notice is hereby given that a Gen eral Meeting of the Stockholders of , SoMthern Railway Company litis been ! called by tho Board of Directors, and ; will be held at the principal office of the Company-, in the City of Rich mond, Virginia, on Wednesday, tho , eighteenth day of April, 1906, at ten oVIot !; in the forenoon, for the pur pose of considering an issue and sale of -Development and General Mort gage Bonds by Southern Railway Company, and the creation of a mortgage upon tho property of the Company to secure the same, all as proposed in the communication of Samuel Spencer, President, to the Voting Trustees dated February 1, ' 1900, and of acting on such other business' as may bo lawfully brought l.-efoie tho meeting. The transfer books of both. pre-, fcried and' common stock of this Company will be closed on April 7, 1906, and opened again on April 10, i!H)G. . '..; By order of the Board of Directors. 1 R. D. LANKTORD, Secretary. : NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the District Court, Eusltrn Dis trict of North Carolina. In-the matter of W. II. Proctor, Bankrupt, This petition of W. H. Praetor, of Durham, North Carolina, for a full discharge in " Bankruptcy, having been filed in said Court, it :j orderei by the Court that a hearing be had on the 10th day of April, 1906, before the Referee.Victor H. Boyden, of said Court at Raleigh, North Caro lina, at 12 o'clock, noon, and that all known creditors and other per sons interested may appear at said time and place and show just cause, if any they have, why the prayer of the said petitioner should not be granted. This 2fith day of March, 190C. H. L. Grant, Clerk U. S. District Court, Raleigh, N. C. D2t Buy SHAFER Pure Hog Lard and Sweet Mild Cured HAMS 4 BE"- OUR SILK SHOWING. many peole doing the same thing. So it behooves you to call early m the day to see this great showing. While in "blacks" the indespensable black is always in de- Imand but when any one wants a black silk they are very careful to see that the qual ity is the best, for nothing is more disappointing than a black silk dress made up of unworthy fabric. We take sure that no store anywhere Boy MljUmilMMMt Will The Smartesi Creation IN With the new Spring se ason there has come to this store all that is befit, newest and most stylish in the lines of OXFORDS AND SHOES -FOR- MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN Nothing missing to make our new showing one of the most important and decidedly interesting since we have been handling footwear. The bright spring display includes positively everything from a tiny baby's shoe to the handsomest oxfords for all ages. HUNTER BROS. & BREWER CO. Wli GIVE SOUTHERN TRADING STAMPS. 210 Fayetteville Street. Horses for Sale. $73 Doctor will sell his fast trot ting and road horse, Baron, 6 years old, bay, perfectly sound, 15 hands high, weight about 1,150 pounds, prompt roadster, can beat 2.25, has gone a trial in 2.17 ; positively safe and reliable under any circumstances for ladies or most timid person to drive, and for a perfect family horse he has' no superior; he is large enough for any use; also, $75 will buy a large pair coach horses, bays in color, G and 7 years old, weigh about 1,200 pounds apiece; would Inialte elegant pair of farm mares, as ithey have been used to all kinds of ifarm work; I have used them this past year with a great deal of satis faction; also farm harness and stable utensils will be given with the horses as I have no further use for them; in v only reason for sellin.s; is npontisp I am getting an automobile; posilive jly no horse dealers need apply. Call lat 1617 Master St., Philadelphia, Fa. bi THE MILLINERY OPENING TAKES PLAGE Thursday, Friday and Saturday, MARCH, 29. 30 AND 31. Prepaations are now nearing completion and we promise the ladies of Raleigh and vicinity the greatest showing of high class head wear ever shown don't for get the days, Thursday, Friday and Saturday of this week. Fancy silks Its in the air, everybody wants it. Dress makers are besiegedwith it. Gowns are every where seen in fancy silks. When we learned that fash ion was demanding, insisting and having fancy silks, we opened the doors wide, but to only the best You hard ly get a chance to see them late in the day. There are so great pride m the black silks we sell because we area can sell you better grades at lait-Pearce Company 1 1 II I III III III g , NOTICE. : ' Special rates via SEABOARD AIR LINE RAILWAY account of the South ern Baptist Convention, Chattanooga, Tenn., May lOth-toth. The SEABOAKD announces account of above occasion rate of one fare, plus 2uc, for round trip from all points in North Carolina, tickets to bo sold May 8th, 9th and 10th, with final limit ten days from date of sale. THE SEA BOARD has DOUBLE DAILY service from principal points to Atlanta. CHAS. B. RYAN, C. II. OATTIS, 6en. Pass. Agr't, Trav. Tass Aff't., PORTSMOUTH, RALEIGH, ' . VA. - N. C, tOU'VE TRIED THE REST, NOW TRY THE BEST. O T EL Y & Son, Berbers The Yarborough House FOOT- WEAR EVEWT more moderate prices. SKEEE3?5iZ3iS2EH3E5 The Depositors in This Bank are tho merchants, the business men and the professional men of this city and section many of whom arc the young men with rich, "red blood" in their veins those who have built, and are still building, successful business en terprises. They represent the com mercial and industrial interests generally, and bring vigor and strength to tho bank along with their deposits. Have we your account? If not, we'll welcome it and will be glad to servo you in all banking capac ities and will treat you as you descrvo to bo treated with every Courtesy and consideration. Carolina Trust Company. A. J. Iludin, President. LO D lfnrtr Virn-Prflsidflnt and General Manager. H. F. Smith. Cashier. 'I''iiili;'5!!!'!'1 m the long run that it pars you to send your Laundry Work to the Ra leigh Steam Laundry. Not in the price you pay each week for our charges are the same as the others. It is in the wear and tear of the linens that will save you money, be cause the work entrusted to us is handled with care. Raleigh Steam Laundry A. CRINKLEY, Proprietor. See Us Before You Buy. WYNNE REDFORD Furniture Company Cash or Installment. i 117 10. MARTIN STREKT.' 8 B. P. S. PAINTS Best Paints S61& ONE aUABT Iji L0K INT0iT OFF and ON! SOME WEAR OFF B. P. S. WEARS on; Ask for R. P. S. Sealed Evidence (paint costs, color .card, and plates of colored houses) Free. HART-WARD HDW. CO. Arc you thinking of having a new . , . ' ;'..' .-' Rvil put in the house or a complete push button outfit, Including an annunciator? If so, turn your steps here and get our estimate on the job. ' Raleigh Construction Co. 14 West Hargett Street If you are planning how to get a home- of your own, remember that the Mechanics and Investors Union will, tor about what you are . now paying per month for rent advance to yon the morfey with which to build and own a home, to be paid for in one hundred months. At maturity, after yon have made 100 payments the company will pay you nearly aa much in cash, as yon received at first. You will then bo able to enlarge your house, or to glvo a son or daughter a college cdueatk i. : If you have a home, invest a por tion of your earnings in a monthly payment savings certificate for future protection or for the college educa tion of one of your children. ;j : Kor further information apply to GEORCiE - ALIiKX, Secretary, l'ullcn Ruilding. -' " . , i 1 NOTICE TO CREDITORS. North Carolina-Wake County In the Superior Court ; February Term, 1906. ; Supplcu Hardware Company, a corpor ation '' Young Hardware Company, a corpor ation. , ' . . Notice to the creditors of Young Hard ware Company. ' " . Havinfr been appointed receiver, for Young Hardware Company, in the above entitled action, this is to notify all persons having claims against th Young Hardware Company, to present their respective claims, duly verlBed, to me, within two months from date hereof, as ordered by the court; or they will be barred from participating In the distribution of the assets of he said company. Notice is also: given to all persons indebted to said Young Hardware Company, that immediate payment is demanded. R. E. PRINCE,, s... Receiver1 df . Youngr Hardware Co. , This the first day ot March, 1908.- ;i Norris & Rollins, Attorneys for Re ceiver. LIQUORS! LIQUORSI I am now located at 800 East Slain street, Rich mond, Va. and am pre pared to furnish :t Liquors of all Kind for medicinal as well as social purposes. Mall or ders solicited. Write tor ' prices and particulars." SAM T. SMITH. ' v'i ill sip t 1

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