THE RALEIGH EVENING TIMES, THUBSDAY,5 If ARCH 29,1900. I i UYtpriog and Pub lishing Defamatory Words Formal Complaint Filed Yesterday ( Evening it 950,000, Damage Suit f,; fiy Mrs. C. A. Norris Against North 'I'tvarolina Home Insurance Com pany.' " ' Yesterday evening the complaint in the damage suit brought by Mrs. 9iA. Norris, wife of Mr. M. T. Nor rjs,' against the North Carolina Home Insurance Company for $60,000 on account of alleged libel and slander, ws- filed in the office of the clerk of the superior court. . Summons in this stfft was Issued the other day,, as re ported In The Evening Times.- 'The complaint, after ' recpitulat ing that Mrs. C A. Norris has beefj many years a resident here, that the North Carolina Home Insurance Com pany is a corporation of the state, that Mrs. C. A. Norris on November 17;and prior' owned a tract of 51 acres on the , Ayents Ferry road, known as the W. H. Norris home tract, upon which was located a two story frame house which -was burned and. consumed by fire on the night of 'November-17, sets forth: "That at the time, of said fire the said building and additions attached were insured in the sum of $500. and the said insurance at that time was for the' benefit of the plaintiff. "That, on or about the 14th and lSth days of March, 1906, and on di vers nthtr necnslnna nrlnr tn Hie in stitution ,-of this suit, as the plaintiff is .informed and believes, the above 1 named defendant corporation mali ciously and with intent to defraud frill injure the plaintiff, uttered and published the following ftlse r and defamatory words, to witf'That the saide''fmeanlng therenjgthe fire referred to in paragraph four above) by which said building' (meaning tnereby the dwelling house and addi tions described in paragraph three above) 'was consumed was the work on an incendiary and the circum stances attending said burning were such.. 'that the .defendant' (meaning thereby the , above named corpora tion) 'Is informed and believes that the same was done by some one ir. the interest of the aliased owner' (meaning thereby the above named plaintiff) 'and in order that she might recover the amount of said insurance' (meaning thereby the in surance referred to In' paragraph five above)." . Further, that the corporation, "as the plaintiff is informed and believes uttered and published of and con cerning the said plaintiff certain false and defamatory words of like import and meaning with those particularly set forth in paragraphs six and seven of tnls complaint." HOW HKAKT AKFKCTS AVATCH. : Timepiece- is Viicertaiii if That Organ Is Irregular, Says a Watch Maker. Nobody would , ever think that, something the matter with him would cause something to be the matter with his watch, but a watch maker is the cause of much uneasi ness in an East End family, and all because he Insists that he does his best with a certain watch and that the reason it does not keep good time is because the man who carries ir. must have an irregular heart beat. It came about in this wise: The head of the family has a gold watch that cost him $200 ten years ago. He has carried it ever since, but a year ago It began to act queerly. For some days it lost time, and then It began to gain time; again it would gain time mysteriously and then strangely lose a minute or two a day. It had been to the watch re pairer th'tjee times in twelve months, and wU . still acting irregularly a week ago when the man's wife took it to the--watch-maker. i "I think I know what is the mat ter with this watch," said the crafts man. , VI -don't believe that your hus band's, heart beats regularly. Now, don't get alarmed. It is not neces sarily disease. He may be just one of those men who can't have a watch . that keeps good time, simply because of their irregular heart beats. "You see, a watch has a regular Very Latest and B?st j Ladies' Footwear ' . . , n. , We ave keen eminently successful in securing for our Spring trade the most per feet and most stylish makes LADIES' OXFORDS and Pumps. We have the fashionable lines in Gun Metal, Patent Leather and Suedes at exceptionally reasonable prices. S. C. POOL, " : EALEIGH, n.: c. Treating Wrong Disease. , :ManT times women call on their family physidlans.itsufferttig.-.asiithev imagine, one from dyspepsia, another 'from heart disease, another from liver or kidney disease, another from nervous exhaustion or prostration, another with pain hereund there, and in this way thev all present alike, to themselves and their easy-going and Indifferent, orover-busv doctor, sep arate and distinct diseases, 'for which he, assuming them to bo such, prescribes his pills and potions. In reality, they are all only. symptoms caused by some uterine disease. The physician, ignorant of the rmrne of jiufl'erins:. encourages this prac tice until large hills are made. The suf fering patient gets no letter, but probably worse, by reason of the delay, wrong treatment and consequent complications, A proper medicine, like Dr. Pierce's Fa vorite Prescription, directed to the mvxc would have entirely removed the disease, thereby dispelling, all those distressing symptoms, and instituting comfort in stead of prolonged misery. It has been well said, that "a disease known is half cured." ,Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is a" scicnti lie medicine, carefully devised by an experienced and skillful physician, and adapted to woman's delicate svstem. It is made of native medicinal roots "und is perfectly harmless ill its effects in, any condition of Qie miKtcm. " .; ,. ' As a powerful invigorating tonic "Fa vorite Prescription " imparts strength to the whole system and to ( the organs dlsr tinctly feminine in particular. For over worked, worn-out," "run-down," debili tated teachers, milliners, dressmakers, seamstresses, "shop girls," house-keepers, nursing mothers, aiitl feeble women gen erally, l)r: Pierce's Favorite Prescription is the greatest earthly boon, being un eqilaled as an appetizing cordial and re storative tonic. As a soothing and strengthening nerv ine "Favorito Prescription " is unenualed and is invaluable, in allaying and sub duing nervous excitability, irritability, nervous exhaustion, nervous prostration, neuralgia, hysteria, spasms, chorea, St. Vitus' da ncn, and other distressing, nerv ous symptoms commonly attendant upon functional and organic disease of the uterus. It induces refreshing sleep and relieves mental anxiety and desponUency. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets invigorate the stomach, liver und bowels. One to three a dose. Kasy to take as candy. rythmic movement," said the watch maker. "It is carried close to the human heart, which ought to have a regular rythmic movement, too. Now while the watch is' beating away the heart is beating also. If its pulsa tions -occur regularly, punctuating the rythm of the watch at specific intervals, the rythm of the watch movement is undisturbed; but let the heart pulsations occur irreguaiiy, now pulsating with the tick of the watch, again stopping discordantly in between the ticks, the watch is bound to be affected. Leave this watch here, and let your husband carry your watch, which, we know, keeps regular time. Let him wear it. a month, and see if I am not. right." So the woman handed her hus band her watch to note the result. She wanted him to consult a special ist immediately upon her return from the Watchmaker, but he com promised by agreeing to try the test suuggested by the watchman. Pittsburg Gazette. 7 The most healthful, upbuilding medicine known to science; gently soothes ;' the liver and nerves, makes digestion easy,' -.brings to all the sweet sleep of youth. Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea. 35 cents. Henry T. Hicks & Co. NOTICE OF SALE OF YAIXA1ILE CITY PROPERTY. Under the authority and direction of a power of attorney made to me by M. T. Leach and E. B. Barbee. I will on Monday, April twenty-third, BOG, at 12 o'clock m.; expose for sale and sell for cash to the highest bidder at the court house door of Wake County, the fol lowing lot of land situated in the City of Raleigh, North Carolina: That lot of land situated at the south west intersection of Blount and Martin streets, the brick building on which was recently destroyed by (lie while used by Mr. Geo. Harding as a livery stable. Begining at said S. W. corner of Blount and Martin streets, runs thence South along the Western line of Blount street 137 feet to the Frank Stronach line; thence West with said Stronach line , 105 feet to Mrs. Lougee's line; thence North with Bald Mrs. Lougee's line 45 feet; thence East 46 feet; thence North 22'i feet to the' S. E. corner of the brick storo formerly used by . J. .E. Pogue as a tobacco factory and G. S, Tucker & Co, for .furniture, continuing said line North along the Eastern side of said brick building 70 feet to Martin street; thence East with said Martin street 59 feet, .more or less, to, the begin ning, containing 10,182 square feet. This 20th day of March. 1906. ' JAMES E. SHEPHERD, Attorney. M-20 4w. : a CANDIDATE FOR SOLICITOR. To the Voters of the SLxth Judicial District: ' I desire to call your attention to the fact that I am a candidate for renomi nntlon to the office of Solicitor of this District, subject to the action of the Democratic .District Judicial Conven tion. During my term of office I have ndeavored faithfully and impartially to execute the duties incumbent upon me, and in asking the nomination for a sec ond term at the. hands of my party 1 rely, upon tfie record made by me in the performance of these duties. , : , Very respectfully, : . - V . ARMISTEAD JONES. r- FINE TIMBER friAND -FOR SALE, By virtue of authority conferred by an order dated IJarch 1J, 1906, ih .the special proceeding! pending before the Clerk of the Superior. Cotirt for Wake County, N. C and! 'entitled Bettie R. Knight, Guardian of Cassie M. Knight i and others, Ex parte. I will on ; MONDAY, APRIL 23rd, lpoo. r sell at public autclon to tha highest bidder for cash two valuable timbered tracts of land in Little River Town-, ship. Wake County, N. C, and de scribed as follows: 1st Tract, containing 212 acres, 1 rod and 20 poles, adjoining the lands of G. A. Syirboro, A. B. Marshburn and others and bounded by a line as fol lows: Beginning at a maple on Buffaloe Creek George fcarboro's corner, i thence N. 87 degrees W 112 poles j to a stake and pointers, thenca S. 2 I degrees' W. 32 poles to water oak, j thence N. "2 degrees W. 51, 2-5 poles to I a stake In L. Marhburn's corner, ! thence N. 16 degrees W. 17, 1-5 poles to ; a stake and pointers on the branch, i thence up said branch 8 poles to a Biy j tree, thence N. 40 degrees W. 14, 3-5 poles and pointers, thence N. 15, 1-10 poles and pointers, thence N. 67 degrees west 6, 3-10 poles and pointers, thence S. 65 degrees W. 12, 2-5 poles to a maple tree, thence W. 71 degrees W. 9, 2-5 poles and pointers, thence N. 26 de grees W. 11, 3-5 poles and pointers, thence N. 24 & degrees W. 21, 2-5 poles to a white oak, thence N. i!! decrees W.:6, 3-10 poles to a black gum .thence 6"'& degrees W. 20, 3-10 poles to a pine, thence North SS degrees W. 6614 poles to a stake and pointers, in W. W. Weather's line, thence North 254 de grees E. 64 poles to a stake and point ers, Jane Krarboro's coiner, thence S. 89 degrees E. 287, 3-5 poles to a black gum on Buffaloe Creek, ' I hence down the various courses of. said ciek t the beginning, containing 212 acres 1 ro I mid 20 poles more or less, and be ing the same conveyed by s. C. L?cs in to H. II. Knight by deed dated March .", 1!H:0 and registered in .the.. office of the r.egister of Deeds fur Wake County. X. c. in book 157. at page 200. 2nd Trict. containing 18.", acres, ad joining the lands of Berry Young, S. C. Leeson and others lying on Buffalie Creek and bounded by a line as fol lows: Beginning at a black gum on the West side of Huffalo'.! Creek S. C. Lecon's corner thence along with the said Lee- fou's line N.' 87 - degrees W. 288 poles to j a stake In th? lino of Wavland Up- ! cliucli, ; thence North .1 d grees E. 19 poles to a siuke said Upchurch's cor ner, thence N. S6 degrees W. 12 poles to a stake, George Robertson's corner, ! thencVN. 3 degrees E. 45 poles to a rock in George Robertson's line S. F. Leeson's corner, thence S. 861 degrees E. luS'a poles to a stake Miss Valeria Scarborough's corner, thence N. 2 de grees E. 55 poles to a stake tn Miss Col lumbla. Scarborough's line .thence S. S754 degrees E. 193 poles to a cypress on the West side of Buffalo Creek, corner of Berry Young, thence down with the various courses of said Creek about 120 poles to the beginning, containing 185 acr.-R. ami being the same conveyed hy Y. .1. Teele and John M. Fleming, Coiirv'ssione-s, to H. H. Knight, by deed d U?il January 7. 1903, and regls istrred In the office of the Register of Deeds for Wake County, N. C, in book 177, at page S55. V Thes? lands are finely timbered are also well suited for agricultural pur poses and are located not far from the new Raleigh and Pamlico Sound Rail road. ' Time of sale, 12 o'clock M. Place of sale, County Court House Door In Raleigh, N. C. This March 21, 1906. : BETTIE R. KNIGHT, Guardian of Cassie M. Knight and others. ERNEST HAYWOOD, Attorney. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the District Court. (Casern Dis trict of North Carolina. In the matter of W. II." Proctor, Bankrupt. , This petition of W. H. Froctor, of Durham, North Carolina, for a full discharge in Bankruptcy, having been filed in said Court, it U orderei by the; Court that a hearing be had on the 10th day of April, 1906, before the Referee.Victor H. Bovden. of said Court at Raleigh, North Caro lina, at 12 o'clock, noon, and that all known' creditors, and Other per sons interested may appear-at said time and place just cause, if any they have, -why the prayer of the said petitioner , should not be granted." " V - , This 26th day of March,' 1906. ' ' H. L. Grant, . ClerkU7'S. Dlstrfct Court, V Raleigh, N. C. D2t' .'.... . - Real Estate and Insurance 126 Fayetteville St. ilJoylan-Pearce ; Ihe largest and most enthusiastic assembly of Hat seekers were to day; at the opening of Sprang and Summer styles at Boylan-Pearce Co. There are hundreds of Hats for Ladies, Misses and Children, and each jOne has a characteristic of its own. No two a like and no similarity in ; style. The opening continues for Friday and Saturday and lots of hew ' patterns for these days. Remember that all pattern hats sold on open- ing days will not be coppied or duplicated, also hats sold on these days are noj; exchangeable. ' All silk, 24 inches wide, heavy weight. Usually sells for $1.00 per yard. Colors are Old Rose, Pearl Gray, Cream White, Nile Green, Black, Reseda, Lavenda, Alice Blue, Pink, and Baby Blue. Special val ue per yard 59c. Our lines of dress linens are now complete. colors and white all weights. Our reputation you get the best values. All grades and prices. BOYILAM-PEAMCE CO. j BMWWWMK-giiraEl , ......... . Ml Charming White Godtls for Gommoncement Frocks, etc. We have not forgotten the Lady in White. V are i-.-ady for lier with almost everytliiiift' necessary o omplete her Spring; and Summer wardrobe. lieautiful Krench lnwn 4( inches wide. Any price. The swell est thing for u comincncement Dress. Persian Lawn. Very sheer. 15 to 40c 34 to 48 inches wide. To see this fabric is to appreciate it for di-ess or waist. India linons, just ns staple a can be 8 1-3 to 25c. The latest thing in n. inercerizHl IjIiwii 40 inches 20 to 25c. Korty inch Lawns. Sheer Quality. 10, 12J and 15c. per ; yard. ,.- Linen Lawn Sheer or not 36 inches wide 50c. to $1.00 per yard.-- In white linen we are showing the best to be found at 25c. to $1.00 per yard. I'iquas, Madras and Mercerized Goods for Shirt Waists 10 to 25c. a yard. Lltieii finish Century Cloth. Special at 1 Or. ; others at 12J and 15c. per yard. -": : :;--' : . HUNTER BROS. & BREWER CO. . WE GIVE SOUTHERN; TRADING STAMPS. ' ' 210 Fayetteville Street. : ' Horses for Sale. $75 Doctor will sell his fast trot ting and road horse, Baron, 6 years old, bay, perfectly sound, lB1' hands high, weight about 1,150 pounds, prompt roadster,' can 'beat 2.25, has gone a trial in 2.17 V; positively safe and reliable under any circumstances, for ladies or most timid person to drive, and for a perfect family horse he las no superior'; ' he is large enough for any use; also, J75 will buy a large pair coach horses, bays ! in color, 6 and 7 years old, weigh about 1,200 pounds apiece; would make elegant pair of farm mares, as ithey have been used to all kinds of farm work; I have used them this past year with a great deal of satis faction; also farm harness and stable ! utensils will be given with the horses ;as I have no further use for them; i my only reason for selling is because I am getting an automobile; positive ly no horse dealers need apply.. Call at 1017 Master St Philadelphia, Pa. Go SPECIAL OFFERINGS SILK DEPARTMENT Crepe de Chines 59 DRESS LINENS l , NOTICE. . .. Special rates, via SEABOARD AIR LINE RAILWAY account of the South ern. Baptist Convention, Chattanooga, Tenn., May 10th-15th. . The SEABOARO announces account of above occasion .rate of one fare, plus 25c, for round trip from all points in NortW Carolina, tickets to be sold May 8th, 9th and 10th, with final limit ten days from date of sale. THE SEA BOARD ha. DOUBLE TJAILY service from principal, points to Atlanta. CHAS. B. RYAN,' ' OS H. GATTIS, Gen. Pasq. Ag't, Trav. Pass Ag't.,' PORTSMOUTH, RALEIGH, "- -VA. - - - - ;- - n. c. i'Ou'VE TRIED THE REST, NOW 1 TRY THE : BEST. OTE Y & Son, Berbers The Yarborough House II Boylan-Pearce Co. Cents A great showing in on linens insures that The Depositors ih a his Bank -"aHe the merchants, the business raeu; and the professional men of this city and section many of whom are the young men with rich, "red blood" in their veins those who have built, and are still building, successful business en terprises. They represent the com mercial and industrial interests generally, and bring vigor and strength to the bank along with their deposits. Have we your account? If not, we'll welcome It and will be glad to serve you in all banking capac itiesand will treat you as you deserve to be treated with, every Courtesy and consideration. Carolina Trust Company. . A. J. Kuffln, President. Leo D. Heartt, Vice-President and General Manager. H. F. Smith, Cashier. I'iilll'lHi!!! !lill!l!!!lt!iH!R'!!'.!'.'!l In the long run that it pays you to send your Laundry Work to the Ra leigh Steam Laundry. Not iu the price you pny each week for our charges are the same as the others. It is ill the wear and tear of the linens that will save you money, be cause the work entrusted to as ' if handled with care. Raleigh Steam Laundry A. CKINKLEY, Proprietor. See Us Before You Buy. WYNNE REDFORD Furniture Company Cash or Installment. 117 E. MARTIN STREET. K:i!l1WlM!l!!h'0iiyiiit'j;i! IiiaiWiWsiilPw B P. S. PAINTS Best Paints - t$o Id INTO i1 OFF and ON! SOME WEAR OFF. ' B. P. S. WEARSON. ' ' - Ask for B. P. S. Sealed Evidence (paint costs, color card, and plates of colored houses) Free. HART-WARD HDW. CO. Ik T; !!T-' k 'I) Are jou Uiinidii of having a new Rell put in (he Iiouse or a complete push button , outfit, including an . .... unnunciutoi'? - If ,sp, turn your steps here and get our estimate on the job. . Raleigh Construction Co. 14 West Hargett Street ' If you are planning how to get a home of your own, remember that the Mechanics and Investers ' Union will, for about what you are now paying per month for rent advance to you the money with which to build and own' a home, to be paid for in one hundred months. At maturity, after you have mode 100 payments the company will pay you nearly as much in cash, as you received at first. You w ill then be able to enlarge your house, or to give a son or daughter a college education. If you have a home, invest a por tion of your earnings in a monthly payment savings certificate for future protection or for the college ednca tion of one of your children. For further information apply to GEORGE AIjTjEX, Secretary. Pullen Building. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. North Carolina Wake County In the Superior Court, February Term, 1906. Supplee Hardware Company, a corpor ation . , - vs.: Young Hardware Company, a corpor ation.. - Notice to the creditors of Young Hard ware Company. Having been appointed receiver for Young Hardware Company, In the above entitled action, this is to notify all persons having claims against the Young Hardware Company, to present their respective claims, duly verified, to me, within two months from date hereof, as ordered by the court; or they will be barred from participating in the distribution of the assets jf (he said company. Notice is also given to all persons Indebted to said Young Hardware Company, that - Immediate payment is demanded.. ,- , K. E. PRINCE,.... Receiver of Young Hardware Co. This the first day of March, 1906. Norris & Rollins, Attorneys for Re ceiver. ' .. . , '- -- j V '- ' LIQUORS! LIQUORS! I am now located at 800 East Main street, Rich- mond, Va., and am , pre. t pared to furnish ' '- Liquors of all Kinds for medicinal as well aa social purposes. Mall ' or- 1 1 0K ders solicited. Write fo prices and particulars. - - SAM T. SMITH. J