, t m Jut Every Afternoon Except Sunday. The Visitor Press PufeJWung Co., f JO.-.. P&EWItX, fnaldent. L W. BIMF80N, Sr.... . . ..Editor. GEOJIQS CRATES, mhfla. Fgll Leased J7ire Service of v: .the Associated Press. The Evening Times Leads .all North Carolina After noon Newspapers in Circu lation. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. . (In Advance.) On copy one year J4.00 On copy three months....... 1.00 One eopy one week. ....... .. .lu Entered through Raleigh, N. C, poetofflce aa mall matter of the eec ond class, in accordance with the Act of Confreas, March t. 1879. THURSDAY, MARCH 29, 1906. Going Higher Vp. The arrest of George W. Perkins, formerly vice president of the New York Life Insurance Company, on charge of grand larceny, does not mean that he will go to prison. Indeed there Is no reason to believe that he win be convicted, but the start has been made and the result will unques tionably put such safeguards around : the tunds of stockholders and policy holders as will prevent the making of contributions to political campaigns In the future. That is what the coun try desires. Mr. Perkins, of course, is not the only felon in his class, if lie Is guilty. Hundreds and hundreds of trust companies and corporations contributed to the McKinley and Roose velt funds, and they did so because they believed it was in the interest of the properties they controlled. They were afraid of Bryanism and the de preciation of the money value with free silver as a live factor. There was none of that issue, however, in 1904, and the insurance companies helped again, being of the opinion that they would suffer less in the event of Mr. Roosevelt's election. According to Mr. Jerome, Mr. Per kins did not commit grand larceny, but, when Justice O'Sullivan said that he had, a warrant had to be issued. Justice O'Sullivan, however, will not si t in judgment. It is hard to under stand this talk of a jury trial and the propriety of having democrats and republicans serve when it seems clearly to be a question of law. Mr. Perkins has admitted that he turned over a part of the insurance money to the treasurer of the national re publican committee. The highest Ju dicial tribunal In the state must say whether the act was grand larceny, as technically charged, and if so, then it must determine the punishment. A jury cannot say whether or not the act was a crime. However much the public may de mand in its desire to have the insur ance grafters punished there is such a thing as law, and it must govern all transactions. To the lay mind it might appear that Perkins and the others were guilty morally, and cer tainly there can be no defens? of their conduct, yet it may be necessary to enact new laws before they can be adequately handled by the courts. But it would be unfortunate if they should escape on technicalities. The conviction of Perkins would place an equal share of guilt upon the post master general of the United States, who took the money from the insur ance companies. Indeed, the presi dent of the United States might be included in the "sweeping indictment, Because ins victory was due in no small part "to the nioney used to cor rupt the ballot box. We are certainly "going higher up." Not all of us will believe that Mr. Roosevelt was Ignor ant of the work of his associates in the - campaign for funds and the abundant success which crowned their efforts. In the end, however, it will be of small concern whether the question of laceny is settled in one way or the oth er, for there will be few. If any polit ical contributions in future elections, ami the evil will have been wiped out. : The republican party will not be able to count upon the trust powers as the most formidable asset In the fight for the control of the government, but re gardless of political faith or affilia tion no decent or patriotic citizen of this country can "condone that which has been a national disgrace. Hon to jjputhern s cities '( during the Winter months, and the tourists atop uyM'v tunuB nuciv un junta mc rcu, The 1 establishment; '--or creation, - or formation of a country club In Ral elgh would be an institution well worth the price. It would not only be a source of everlasting comfort and pleasure to the home people the year round, but It would be a fine draw ing card, and it would induce many of the travelers to tarry here In the winter and the spring. We have am ple hotel accommodations, not as el egant, perhaps, as the palaces at Palm Beach, but accommodations which will answer all requirements. Raleigh, moreover, is noted for its delightful people and its delightful homes, but' a club is needed to tempt the visitors to remain once they have arrived, and coming once they will come again. Al ready there Is a committee at work on the project and good men have th-i matter in charge. With the proper en couragement and support fro.n the olt izens there will be no difficulty in mak ing the thing a success. Xobody in this town Is trying to bring the tour ists here to hang them up by the hee!s until all of. their nioney rolls upon the Hortr, and many will be anxious to come because they know that the mercenary spirit is not in our creed Above , all things. 1 however, we must not frighten the merry crowds away bv making them believe that they may stumble into a hell hole while walking to the links. . . ''.,Th ChadwJck ilevlTal.; , : : From the beginning the Union Evan gelical meetings at Raleigh. Which be gan early last week and will Jast until Thursday, have been largely attended. They were , widely advertised-. Three Methodist churches, two Baptist (Tab ernacle and Fayettevllle Street) and the Presbyterian church united , In the came with Dr. Chad wick and In the afternoons delivered the ad dresses which some of our read ers heard from him at Jackson Springs, and others have read In one of his books. So far (Sunday) the meetings have been devoted to Chiis tians; and the doctrine of Keswick and Noithfield has been insisted upon. That ts.tlie special and sudden incoming of the Holy Spirit, immediate cleansing and the enduement with power nave been the general themes. If we un derstand. Dr. Ohadwlck preaches immediate holiness, and blameless, though not faultless sanctifimtion. The meetings began in the Metho dist church: then went to the Pres- CnITEFUL FOR F BEE M Victim of Drink Tels How He Was Cured at Keelejr Institute. ' When I went to your Institute I was a confirmed drunkard, whereas I now am a perfectly sober man, and have been ever since 1 left your In stitute in 1900. I foel very grateful to the managers of the Koeley Insti tute for what they have done for me in curing me of the drink habit, which j was dragging me and my family woe and misery. They are ;it home, and I every man who drinks would vl,l.,1 .n.-h Hav hot .:,, i lWn tO odist (Central) and the Baptist Talier-, now happy with me nacie. jn mis way many people ure -jsn reaehed. Mr. i'hmlu-ipk is nn uniisii:it!v i impressive preacher. Whether in prayer u lo mlr msutuio lor lu-auucm, or speech he is master of the power of -for I know that he would be cured j deliberation and the pause. He has'ai tm. f . i.., v-,.i., i. remarkably effective" vrm-e. . low but !,.,,,, , ... j . ,,.o, . i penetrating and remark;1b!v governed, i"""' " '" ' He impresses one as deeply in earnest recommend them to any" man who and .ye; thoroughly self-restrained. We . S and le cured. .o treatment heard him on Sunday' afternoon in a!?ould be better than what you got sermon that seemed in tliouglufulness ; there. I consider it a 'blessing to md literary setting the work of a life any man to lie able to p;o to the time. Every sentence wont home.- Mon'-nnuin.hnm v-i.,, i,i,,,, u-i,,3 he may be freed from the power of alcohol and made a now man. God's Rheumatic Remedy.... The Complete Guaranteed Cure For Dyspepsiajndigestion and all Diseases of the Digestive Organs . PRICE 25 and 50 Cents Bobbitt-Wynne Drug Co. DBBINFERRALL : COMPANY In its unjust attack on the Philadel phia Public Ledger, Collier's Weekly seemingly lias little regard for the truth, for it undertakes to say that nothing appears in that newspaper which is calculated to offend John Wanamaker, the inference being that its editorial opinions are controlled by the Wanamaker advertisement. It happens, however, that the merchant prince does not advertise in the Led ger, but that did not keep Mr. Hap good from assailing it. Hnpgood al so charged that August Belmont help ed to dictate the policy. "Mr. Bel mont," says the Ledger, "has no more connection with, or influence over, or knowledge of, this paper, than has Mr. Hapgood or the emperor of China, or the man in the moon, and any sug gestion that he has, is a reckless, gra tuitous, imbecile lie." Verily, that is a fighting word, but it fits the case. could neither evade nor forget that message. There were, with all the so lemnity of eternal life and death, a number of line shafts of humor. We may say in passing that unless the re ports in our morning paper are read with the understanding, one is likely lo get rather an unusual impression of the meeting. There has been noth ing "wonderful" about it. although there has been very good interest. The Raleigh First Baptist church declined to Join in these meetings on account oi the tenor of their teachings. Bibli cal Recorder. WASHINGTON' DAY J1V DAY. richest blessings upon the Koeley In stitute. ALLEN (1R1MSLKY. Fannville. X. C, Dev.. 6, 1904. If you have friends who might be benefited by this treatment send their names to the Keeley Institute, Greensboro, N. C. zona today until they reminded him how he kept New Mexico out of the union thirty years ago. Elkins was formerly a delegate in congress from New Mexico. Once ho had the bill making New Mexico a state in such Representative Brownlow, of Ten-(shape that K was readv to bo called nessee, stood in the house lobby with i from the table and passed. Senator nis nand on the shoulder of a young ; Burrows of Michigan, then in the member from Ohio. Representative ; house, made a sensational speech Wachter. of Baltimore, came along, acainst thp bill. Elkins was not Hey," said Wachter to the Ohio- in the chamber. As he came in sorae- an, 'look out for that man Brown- bodv told him that nurrmvs hurt low, or he'll get your watch." itnade a great statehood speech. "What do you mean?" asked the ! Elkins rushed down the aisle. Ohio member in alarm. Ishook- h finds with Burrows nnrl Newspaper life must be one long, sweet dream in Asheville. Nothing up there shatters the slave of the quill. but he takes life as it comes and nev er worries and never frets. While some of us timidly serve the public without seeking glory, while others sit in ths "Just what I said," insisted Wach ter. "Brownlow is the greatest con fidence man in this congress. Look out for him. I come from a city dis trict and have not much use for seeds, so I made an arrangement with Brownlow last year to trade him my 4,000 packages of seeds for something that would be useful to me. It was a complete reciprocity agreement. He got my seed, and when I went around to him to get my plunder all he gave me was two! Mexico copies of a report of the department 'world. You' warmly congratulated him. He thought Burrows had spoke for In stead of against him. The democrats who were going to vote for the bill saw Elkins effusively tell Burrows that he had made a great speech and concluded that if Elkins, who was father of the bill, felt that Way to ward a man who opposed the bill they could not afford to vote for it, and they didn't. The result was that the bill was beaten and New isn't in yet. New York I We Offer Exceptional Values In the R S. Howard aco. PIANOS A saving of fifty dollars when compared to pianos of like value. We have a beautiful line of these line pianos now on our floor. For catalogue and terms see 123 and 125 Fayettcville St. North Carolina's Dry Goods Establishment ; ' ' ' ' 33f!I MERCHANDISE BOUGHT AT THIS STORE STANDS TOR STYLE AND QUALITY, BEARS IXSPECTIOX AND IS o'PPERED AT PRICES THAT IXYITE MOST RIGID COMPARISONS. Leading Die llilllll! i RALEIGH, N. C. We give Dobbin & Ferrall's Gold MAIL ORDER DEPARTMENT. Trading Stamps with every cash pur- We prepay to any point in North chase one stamp for every 10 cents. Capoli,,a freight, express, or postage , , , , , on nil cash mail orders amounting to tt e are members of the Raleigh 5 murCm Merchants' Association and by shop. The scope and facilities of our Mail ping with us out of town customers Order Department are unexcelled. can obtain the advantages of the As- Matrons unable to visit tho establish- soriation's rebate railroad fare sys- S!iur jiedltloM service ' and the same careful attention as is tern. given to purchases made in person. NEW SPRING H O FOR LADIES r sanctum at night and tear their hair wildly while trying to save the state of agriculture two years old. and the people from the dens of ini- 1UUK oul Ior nim, or ne 11 get your cpjity, the Asheville man lolls inn ham mock and dictates to a little girl Ith golden tresses about "The House of Mirth." It must indeed be tha ideal watch." IT IS A PARASITE. j That Causes Itching Scalp, Dandruff, 1 dont agree with all these at-! and Finally, Falling Hair. tacks on the senate," said Represen-j The itching scalp, the falling hair tative J. Adam Redo "I thinlr thn I j ,1.. j.i.... u.. ... tJ. , , . 1 - . auu 111c uduui uii uiui uuuens arc way of living, without cares, and sigh- senate matches up pretty well with the work of a parasite hidden in tho ing not if the state is lost. How easy any senate we have ever had. You j grain. That narasite must be killed is to write of l.lly Bart and Mr. know the constitution intended the m n,,ro ! HnnHmtr- iim nk aration that will do that is JCewbro's Herpiicde. "Destroy the cause, you remove the effect." C. H. Reed, of Victpr, Idaho, says: it Rosedale. It doesn't matter to him senate snouia De the britching on whether the chloral was taken by ac- tne legislative harness, and that's cident or with intent: it is the same to what U s the britching. the people of that town, who never think of serious things, glory was dimmed. since Olson's V".'" , . T, ,. 11 iau uuui una u quarter mis aiternoon discussing a point of order raised bv Mr. Andrew Carnegie, who is giving "-i"" '' ueorgia. me iiuiui was maae neainsr tne his views on the railroad rate ques- lon, says he does not think present rates are too high. He says they are rregular. "I think,"' he says, "that railroad companies should be required to publish full lists of their rates and that copies of these should be obtain able by every shipper, just as passen ger rates are published." Strange the senate had not thought of this before. was proposition in the legislative, judi cial and executive appropriation bill to increase the salary of a coal weigher from $720 to $820 a year. "Myself and wife had dandruff and falling hair several years. Two bot tles of Newbro's Herpieide complete ly cured us, after several other prep-; arations had failed to8 do good." Makes hair grow glossy and soft as silk. Hundreds of other testimoni-j als just as strong. Sold by leading' druggists. Send 10c. in stamps fori The discussion was constitutional in sample to The. Herpicide Co., Do its scope. It resultad in defeating the increase. The coal weigher will not get his $100 raise, which Is a great saving for the government, but the time used by the house in dis cussing and defeating the $100 in-: And now the Mutual Life Insurance crease cost the government more! than $1,000. That is a fine example of the economy practised by the j, house. , troit, Mich. Henry T. Agent. Hicks & Co., Special DON'T BUY A Range or a Cook: Stove Until AFTER You Have Seen and Examined the Majestic Liberty Range Valient Liberty Range Grown Jewell Range AT6 CAROLINA TO BUILD THE PARK AT ONCE. Company has charged McCurdy with having entered into "a fraudulent and corrupt conspiracy" with his son-in- law, Thebaud and Col. Raymond for the purpose of enriching the partner ship of Raymond & Co. That settles it; his jig is up. He might have sur vived everything else, but a charge of conspiracy never. It is reported that Speaker Cannon has buried the ship subsidy bill in the committee, that It is not to see the light of day in the house. Is the ad ministration going to add this to the price of that rate bill? It would seem mat tariff revision and some other things on the side were enough to pay for It. Old Uncle Joe didn't want the subsidy bill and he drives a good bar gain. tne disinherited son of a western millionaire is at Monte Carlo trvlnar to break the bank. It is much easier to break the will. The think poets. Norfolk Landmark seems ito that spring has it in for the If Mr. Perkins becomes the insurance scapegoat he will be of the purple type. Dyspepsia is America's curse. Bur dock Blood Bitters conquers dyspep- ;, Ijet Us Have That Club. TtruliA . 1. i . . . I .i..iy BU ana mis-i8(a every time. It drives out Impuri gulded persons have an Idea that golf j ties, tones the stomach, restores per ls' Immoral, and all that sort of thing, 1 feet digestion, normal weight, and It 19 certainly a game to attract vis-(good health. Senator Elkins was talking for statehood for New Mexico and Arl- THE EASY OIL. Scott's Emulsion is " the easy oil "easy to take, easy in action. Its use insures deliverance from thegriping and nau seating sensation peculiar to the raw oil. Nobody who has any regard for the stomach thinks of taking cod liver oil in the old w&y when Scott's Emulsion is to be had. It is equally certain that no one whose health is properly regarded will accept a cheap emulsion or alcoholic substitute for Scott's Emulsion. It fulfills every mission of cod liver oil and more, SCOTT & BOWNE, 40, pMrl Street, Kew York HARDWARE CO. 225 S. WILMINGTON ST East End of City Market Institute for Young Women B Conserva tory of Music 15a Best, Place for Your Daughter institute for Tounjr. Women C The Raleigh Athletic Park Co. perfected under its charter last even ing and the work of grading and put ting in order the grounds tendered by the A. & M. College will commence at once. A resolution passed author izing a J3.000 6 per cent bond issue, more than one half of this amount having already been subscribed. The purpose is to have one of the very best and most commodious athletic parks, including baseball and foot ball grounds, to be found anywhere Conserva- in me soinn. wry m Music T Prof W C RMrileL- ni-od.lonl- rir eSt PlaCC T.i .... '1J.. . for Your j. oicrai, vice presiueni; Mr.A. fianfhlni . . J v- , .--..VI V 1 1 1 1 t, 11 vi uciiauici,! the additional directors being Dr. IhsdttrtefOr George T. Winston, Dr. D. H. Hill, J?"" Dr. J. R. Rogers. Dr. P. I. S.ovpns. Women, Dr. G. A. Robeis, and Prof. W. A. ffjY' Withers Music T& Best. Place1 for Your daughter CHARTERS FOR BANK AND GLASS FACTORY. College courses PEACEV--; BALEIOU FREE N. C. M Ami. Oss. Dinwiddle Freiideal College . Courspie PEACEl8'5:"4"' FREE AddrcM, Jas Dinwiddlt rcaiaeat College Courses PEACEir.8" RALEIGH FREE C. Mints. Ju. Dinwiddle Tnuteut I A T VTAU E V . c. 2 Our New Spring Shoes for Ladies are Now Coming In THE NEWEST SPRING SHAPES. THE LATEST SHOE FASHIONS. THE PERFECTION OF SHOE MAKING. are most beautifully shown in this springtime footwear. Low Gut Pumps And One, Two, and Three Eyelet Ties IN KID, PATENT LEATHER, AND GUN METAL CALF. THIS SEASON'S STYLISH LEATHERS. Each pair the best that can be produced at the price and carrying our full guarantee. Children's Shoes The largest stock of the best styles for young people of all ages the infant to the grown up. j! ADIESV ONG iENGTH The Bank of Kenly was chartered J3AOOHAClJNJtti. today to do a commercial and sav- ; AX KXCIJLLENT COW PEED. Ings banking business at Kenly, ! t Why buy wheat bran at present Johnson county, capital $50,000 au-; prices when you can get Saccharine thorlzed and $10,000 subscribed by ! for $1.25 and sugar beet for $1.40? C W. Edgerton, T. W. Tilghman and , They are far superior to bran, others. The town of Kenly is named THE CAROLINA FEED STOKK. in honor of Vice President J. R. Ken-: Dealers In All Kinds or Feed ly of the Atlantic Coast Line. j -' ' " Another charter is to thhe O. W. . y . Tr . "T I ZT " Slone Glass Co. of Statesville, capi- ; UOCtOr Hubert A. Royster v j, j o, 'U". ,!,as Announce that His, Practice Is Purdym, D. A. Miller and othres for making plate glass mirrors and deal ing in glnss generally. Now Limited To : Surgery and Gynecology. Raleigh, N. C. Ilarch 1, 1UOO. Kid Graves 16 AND 20 BUTTON LENGTH GLACE KID GLOVES. We are just in receipt of our Import Order and are ready to supply all who have been so patiently waiting for these gloves to arrive. Tailor Made Suits Our Tailor-Made Suits are now coming in. We order our Suits as late as possible so as to have them possess the very latest innovations the very latest ideas that imported models can suggest. Our styles go through the whole summer. DOBBIN FERRALL CO.

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