TIIE RALEIGH EVENINQ IMES,', MONDAY, "APRIL 9, 1906. V : 4 : 7 " p".7 mi r fllEWORK ON SOUTH & WESTERN . -V r . , Connect, at; Rutherfordton With the Seaboard COST $100,000 A MILE Seventeen. Tunnels in Eighteen Miles Over nine Ridge Graded Wid" Enough fur Double Truck 3,000 Lahorci w at Work. Iti-twecn Spruce I'ino mid Afai'iuii. (Special to riie Evening Times.) KulhciTordtoii, April 9. It is now iilmost an assured fart that the South ii. Western will come to Rntherford toit mid connect with the Seaboard Air Line at this place. The old route first surveyed down Cove and Moun tain creeks, it is said .by reliable par lies in a position to know, has been abandoned, and the line will now come by way of Thermal City and I'nion Mills and will parallel the Southern Railway from the McDow ell county line to this town. There are now two surveying corps be tween Rutherfordton and Marion go ing over this latt?r route so as to locale the best, possible line. The corpse which has been located here lor the past .month. Is now making the final survey of thr route from Thermal City her?, alter which ihe locution will'tie' made. So the p res perl for l nis new road is most flat tering indeed. Th? only question that now seems to bii worrying our' cUIzjiih is: Will Hie road enter the town or connect with Hie Seaboard Air Line at their slatlOn and leave us out by a mil?, as the others havs don?? Two lines have been surveyed for the Seaboard connection. One goes directly. to the Seaboard depot, and th -Other down C leghorn creek through the western portion of the town, 'he latter of which it is hoped and believed will be s lected. . ' : ' The outlook for the building of the South & Western Railway from llii! coal' fields of West Virginia anil Kentucky via Rutherfordton to Spar tanburg, S. C, and perhaps Clinton, is good. It is estimated that, the average cost, with s3venteen tunnels in eighteen miles over the Blue Ridge, will far exceed ?1 00,000 per mile. . The excavations and 'embank ments are being made from 20 to 22 feel wide. large enough for a double track railroad,' while' the grade, one half of on ? per cent., is an ideal one for heavy coal trains carrying 00 to tin cars. ' Three-thousand laborers, scattered in fourteen camps, are tit work be iween Spruce Pine and a point four miles south of Marion. At Toe river, near Spruce, Pine, three piers of con crete masonry have been finished, and a splendid ste 1 bridge is now being placed across ' the stream. There are five tunnels .through solid rock on top of the Blue Ridge. These luiin 'Is are 2,2(55, 1,900, 1,600, 9S0 and :!00 feet long, and are located between camp No. 1, near Spruce Pine, and camp No 8 on the dividing 'line between Mitchell and McDowell counties. The most .Improved, ma chinery, with compressed air drills, is being used on the seventeen tun nels piercing through the Blue Ridge mountains.. Twelve boilers of 00 horse power, each with ten drill ca pacity, are boring with all possible speed. Five more boilers and drills using compressed air will soon be at work. Working at. both ends of the tunnels with two sets of laborers, for it ight.v and day, they bore in rock under the mountain only 12 feet per day on an average. Yet it isclalmed that this work will be completed in one and ona-half years. Seven steam 'ishovels--on.!near Marion and six beyond the mountains, are hastening the grading work. From Spruce-Pine lo the top of the Blue Ridge is seven miles; from Spruce Pine to Marion is 21 miles by dirt road, but by the railroad it will approximate 33 miles. There is not a trestle on the entire line. The company is asking for no bond's, and" is' moving rapidly in its work. It is said that, the grading will 'be finished, and the track laid SPRING'S MOST AT TRACTIVE SHOWING Ladies' Oxfprds Now that Spring has at last arrived there's going to be a rush for Stylish new footwear. Our Showing". LADIES' OXFORDS is one of undoubted merit, there being a showing here far grander than ever, includ ing all new leathers and positively all thet new stlyes. - S. C. POOL, RALEIGH, N. C. ' . and trains running to Spartanburg by May, 1908. ' The Pennsylvania Railroad and the Thomas' F. Ryan syndicate, which rcontrol the Seaboard Air Line and the Atlantic Coast Line, are the financial backers behind the new en terprise; and thut the road will now Be built is a fact that cannot be fur ther doubted. The election of Mr. Alfred Waler, chairman of the board of directors of the South & Western, to the presidency of the Seaboard Air Line,' shows conclusively that the two rpads are closoly allied. HAVANA STRIKE SMALL AFFAIR. (By the Associated Press.) , Havana, April 9. The general strike in support of the striking em ployes of the Havana Electric Rail way which was threatened at the big mtatings held here last night did not materialize today to an appreciable extent. The men in all Ihe Important, cigar factories are working excepting I hose where the tobacco leaves left to dry over night are in an unworkable condition. The linkers who have va rious grievances of their own did not slop working to any great extent and the street, cars are running in in creasing numbers, but much confu sion is caused by inexperienced em ployes. -".''Nothing has developed so far to convince the public that the labor leaders have very great Influence over the workmen. CRAVEN COURT CONVENED TODAY. (Special .to The Evening Times.) ' New Bern, N. C, April 9. Craven county criminal court converted to day, with Judge B. F. Long on the bench. About one hundred cases are on the docket, many of them being continued from last, term of court. There are IS blind tiger cases and about :!." larceny and house breaking cases. Assaults complete the list of the offenses. While there are none of great importance, there are some of much local interest, especially blind tiger cases, it. is believed true bills will be returned in most, of them. Georgia Techs Heat Trinity. A special from Atlanta Saturday night says: Ju a good game Trinity lost to the Oeorgia Techs here today. The scire was j to 1 in favor of the ("ieorgin team. The features of the game was the good work of Lafayette, in the box for the Techs .and the steady work of r.antt for Trinity. The score lv innings was as follows: It. II. H. Trinity , . . .0 0 0 t) 0 (I 0 0 11 I :! Techs. . .-'. .0 0 0 0 0 (104 15 ft '5 Summary: Earned nins, Techs 4 and Trinity 1. Two base hits, Lafayette and Johnson for the Techs and Justus ami Wrenn for Trinity. Struck out, by (iiuitt S, by Lafayette 14. Base on ball, off GanU J, off Lafayette fl. "' SWORE HISHANH WAS DEEAI) SO AS TO RE-MARHV. Marriage license Vas today granted to Alyra Jones,-colored, upon her" affi davit that she believed her former husband was dead. She is 32 years jWI and her intention is to become the wife of Will Partin, aged -27 years. Moth live mi I'. F D route No. 5, Raleigh.- ..The .-woman swears that March 17. 1S!I7, she was married to John Jones. April 10. 1S3S. he left and in Ihe following llavo. J. Voirl, York town Heights, N: V.. wired her -lb it John vas dead, fhe was never' able to lcarn'anyihing further -The lie Mise was issued upon hei' sworn statement. MENINGITIS HAS CLOSED SCHOOLS. Norfolk. Va., April 9. As the result of the appearance of spinal meningitis or spotted fever In the Pinners Point and Port Norfolk sections on the other side of the Eli.abeUi river here, the Pinners Point public school was closed today, when only one out of 110 pupils appeared, and as the result of a small attendance the Port Norfolk school will likely be closed. The disease is alarm irgly fatal, and sometimes brings death in u few hours. Already several deaths have '.occurred,' and there is a panic in the sections named. Its equal as a curative agent does not exist. So perfect is the medici nal action as to challence the admi ration of the i medical profession. Such is Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea. 35 cents. Tea or Tablets. Henry t. Hicks & Co. FINE TIMBER XAND FOB SALE. By vh-tue of authority conferred by an order dated March 17, 1906, in the special proceedings pending before the Clerk of the Superior Court for Walre County, K. C, and entitled Bettle ft. Knight, Guardian of Cassie M. Knight and others, Ex parte, I will on MONDAY, APRIL 23rd, 1000. sell at nubile autclon to the highest bidder for .cash two valuable timbered tracts of land in Little River Town ship, Wake County, N. C, arid de scribed as follows: . . 1st Tract, containing 212 acres, 1 rod and 20 poles, adjoining the lands of fi. A. Scarboro, A. B. Marsh burn and others and bounded by a line as fol lows: Beginning at a maple on Buffaioe Creek (Jeorge Scarboro's coiner, thence N. 87 degrees W 112 poles to a, slake and pointers, thence S. 2 degrees W. 32 poles to water oak, thence N. 72 degrees W. 51, 2-5 poles to a stake in L. Marshburn's corner, thence N. 16 degrees W. 17, 1-5 poles to a stake and pointers on the branch, thence up said branch 8 poles to a Bay tree, thence N. 40 degrees W. 14, 3-5 poles and pointers, thence N. 15, 1-10 pules ami pointers, thence N. C7 degrees west 6, 3-10 poles and pointers, thence S. 65 degrees W. 12, 2-5 poles to a maple tree, thence W. 71 degrees W. 9, 2-5 poles and pointers, thence N. 2(i de grees W. 11, 3-5 poles and pointers, thence N. 24V& degrees W. 21, 2-5 poles to n white oak, thenee N. 2!) degrees W. 6, 3-10 poles to a black gum .thence 67 Vi degrees W. 20, 3-10 poles to a Pine, thence North S8 degrees W. 66 poles to a stake and pointers, in W. W. Weather's line, thence North 2Va de grees E. 64 poles to a stake and point ers. Jane Scarboro's corner, thence S. 89 degrees E. 2S7, 3-5 poles to a black gum on Buffaioe Creek, thence .down the various courses o'C said cre."k t the beginning, containing 212 acres 1 rod and 20 poles more or less, and be ing the same conveyed by S. C, Leeson to II. H. Knight by deed dated March f, 1900. and registered in the office of yie Register of Deeds for Wake County, N. C, in book ir.7, at page 206. 2nd Tract, containing 185 acres, ad joining the lands of Berry Young, S. C Leeson and others lying on Buffaioe Creek and bounded by a line as fol lows: : Beginning at a black gum on the West side of Buffaioe Creek S. (.'. Leeson's corner thence along with the said Lee son's iine N. S7 degrees W. 2SS poles to a stake in the line of Way land Up- chuch, thence North . 3 degrees E. 10 poles to a stake said Upchureh's coi ner, thenee N. S6 degrees W. 12 poles to a stake, George Robertson's corner, thenee N. 3 degrees E. 45 poles to a rock in George Robertson's line S. F. Leeson's corner, thence S. S6'z degrees E. 1081 poles to a stake Miss Valeria Scarborough's corner, thence N. 1k de grees E. 55 poles to a stake in Miss Col- lumbia Scarborough's line , thence S. S74 degrees E. 193 poles to a cypress on the West side of Buffalo Creek, corner of Berry Young, thence down with the various courses of said Creek about 120 poles to the beginning, containing 1S5 acres, and being the same conveyed by W. J. Peele and John M. Fleming, Commissioners, lo H. II. Knight, by deed dated January 7, 1903, and regis- istered in the office of the Register of Deeds for Wake County, N. C, In book 177, at page 355. These lands are finely timbered are also well suited for agricultural pur poses and are located not fur from the new Raleigh and Pamlico Sound Rail road. "Time of sale, 12 o'clock M. Place of sale, County Court House Door in Raleigh, N. C. This March 21, 1S06. PETTI K R. KNIGHT, Guardian of Cassie M. Knight and others. ERNEST HAYWOOD, Attorney. VALUAIILK LA XI) FOR SALE. By virtue of authority conferred by an order dated March 17, 1900, In the special proceedings pending before the Cler kof the Superior Court for Wake County, X. C, and entitled Bettie K. Knight, Guardian of Cassie M. Knight and others, Ex parte, I will on, MONDAY, MAY 7, 1906. sell at -'public-auction to the highest bidder for cash all that tract of land containing 2114 acres In Cary Town ship, Wake County, N. C, adjoining the lands of J. P. II. Adams and Claudius A. Adams, Hattle Adams and Alphous J. Adams, and others and bounded by a line as follows: Beginning at a stake S. E. corner of lot No. 6 the same drawn by Claud ius A. Adams, Hattie A. Adams, and Alpheus J. Adams, as appears on ref erence to book "A" page 145 Record of Partition in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Wake County running thence S. SS degrees E. . 30 poles to a stake, thence N 2 degrees E. 114 poles to a stake, thence N. 85 degrees W. 30 poles to a stake, thence S. 2 degrees W. to the beginning, con taining 21 acres being Lot No. 7 In said partition of Alvis Yates lands and being the same conveyed by Mary E. Williams and John Q. Williams her hushnnd, to H. H. Knight, by deed dated November 2S, IS:)!) and registered In the office of the Register of Deeds for Wake County, N. C in book 157, at page 117. - . This land is within a short distance of the town of Cary. Time of sale, 12 o'clock M. Place of "sale on the premises. This March 21, 1906. ' BETTIE R, KNIGHT.Guardian of Cassie M. Knight and others. ERNEST HAYWOOD, Attorney. NOTICE HY ADMINISTRATOR. Having qualified as administrator upon the estate of Mrs. Annie J. St.iiu back, late of Wake County, N. C, this Is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said Mrs. Annie J. Statnback to present the same to me on or before April 2nd, 1907, or this no tice will be plead in bar of their recov ery, and all person Indebted to said Mrs. Annie J. Stainback are hereby notified to make immediate payment to m- This March SOth, 1906. LEO D. HEARTT, Administrator of lira. Annie J. Slaln back. Ernest Haywood, Attorney. March 30th, 1906. 1 w. 6 w, ' Boylan-Pearce i We know what Is due those who confide in us. And wo direct our every energy to see that every patron cts such service and such treatment as they might expect. Do not fail to let us know when anything is unsatisfactory. Value, quality, satisfaction and style are four factors of the store's (-rowth. Our prices are always right. We see to that. Hut in many instances as compared to oilier stores our prices are lower than they rightfully should be. These-fuels npply also lo our Spring; oimIk and our prices are the lowest consistent withe quality shown. Umbrellas. If you wish a superior I'mhrella for a lady or for a child, you lied beauty and Utility combined In the selection we've made for smart trade. These come in Xavy, Brown, Green, Garnet and Black with natural and fancy handles. Special values at, $1.00, $l..0, $2.00 and $2.50 each. AVhile in parasols we show a strong line of While, Black and Plain Colors. Parasols will! fancy Persian Borders. Also embroidered borders, eye let cmiiroidercd, lace Iriiniiied and lots of while linen and silk. Shirt Waists. 'We have selected from the very bloom of fashion. It is realy an ..overflow of attractive styles. You'll go into raptures over these waists. Tile medium price styles are excellent.'- Trimmed ill luce and embroideries. Most, of them 'in 1 in" Herie -.efforts. The waists at $1.00 to $1.."0 are great, while other prices are from ."Oc. lo $:..10 each. Ribbons. - Kverybody buying Itihhon now for Easter decorations. Ribbons arc goods for dress trim" mings, Belts, Sashes, Girdles, Xecwear and Hut Trimmings. Our stock is equal to all emergencies as the stock was never larger or more varied. Fancy Jtiblions in Dresden, Plaids, Stripes and Embroidered. Ribbons have the lirsl call. We would like for you to see our line. Neck Wear for women. A wonderful range of styles. .Mostly vliite, and made of linen in the latest tailor fash ion. Also a great range of lace collars, in stocks, turnovers and collar cull' sets. Chemisettes of lace and yokes of lace are also in great demand. Xo larger choosing or smaller prices are found elsewhere. AGENTS FOR : Home Journal Patterns BOYLM-PEAMGE c If you are planning how to get a home of your own, rememl:;-r that the Mechanics and, Investors Union will, for about what you are now paying per month for rent advance to you the money with wliirh to build and own a home, to bo paid for la ono hundred months. "At maturity, after you have made 100 payments tho company will pay yon nearly as much in cash, as you received at first. You will then bo able to enlarge your house, - r to give a son or daughter a coliego education. If you have a home, invest a por tion of your earnings in a monthly payment savings certilicate for future protection or for the college educa tion of one of your children For further lulormatloii apply to GEORGE ALLEX, Secretary. Pullen Ituilding. The Croweil Sanitorium Co., (INCORPORATED.) CHARLOTTE, X. C. For the Treatment of Whiskey, Morphine and Nervous Diseases. Special apartments And nurses for lady patients. All forms of electric ity for treating nervous dfseases, and various methods of massage, Includ ing the Bilhniaier vibrating method, 'ihe stockholders all being physicians constitute a consulting board. Specialty trained male and female nurses and ttcndants. 8. M. CKOWELL, M. D., Pres. W. M. STRONG, M. D,T Resident ' Physician. JOHN W. HAYS CIVIL ENGINEER HiCM.tn . toe. t. f . WATER POWER ft MUNICIPAL WORK Including Waterworks, Sewers Electric I.iKhtinir, Streets, Highways. ami lurk Improvements. Wo, 3 South dami St.. Jtertburo, Va. Co. RIGHT SERVICE Special Offerings. SPECIAL OFFERINGS IN WASH GOODS This is Ihe day when wash goods are brought into prominence -.When these fabrics are in demand. Wc planned well for Hie great demand for goods of this class we bought away ahead of Ihe marked advance in price, and bought unsparingly and at, Prices Enabling Us To Offer SPLENDID VAULES. ALL TIIE LATEST FAP.RiCS IX THIX WHITE GOODS LAWXS, KATIKTH, FRENCH LAWXS, SHEER L1NEX LAWXS, PERSIAN LAWXS. Colored Wash Goods. Henley Serges, 27-inch, liOc. Wool finish Itattiste, very pretty, iiOc. Arnold Taffeta. El'ie. Mercerized Goods for Waists, 25c. -A new fabric in (lax cloth for Skirts and Suits, l.V, Silk .Mulls, .fresh, bright, iieiv colors white, pink, blue and gray, 2."c. .'' '--.fc,,-'-' Colored Lawns. New and fresh line, 10c. up. Large and small figured. White rgandies For School Dresses. OS to 72 inch White Organdies, 25c. to .Oc. A new fabric in u Paris Lawn. A full stock of wash colors, 10c. to ."Oc. Umbrellas and Parasols. liegiiining willi Ihe little tot for -.1c. to the very best colors ltlack Gurnet, Rlue, Green, .Tan and White Parasols. ;'.-; lie sure to see our line of -White Parasols the best to be found. -. .. Magnificent Showing Shoes and Oxfords. Easter Shoes for I lie little tots. aster Slides for Ladies and Misses, men and hoys. Remember every pair of our Snoes is guaranteed to lie Ihe best money will buy. Ease, comfort and style has been considered first of all. HUNTER BROS. & BREWER CO. The Raleigh Building and Loan Association SERIES NO. 2 OPENS SATURDAY, APRIL 7, 1906 Subscribe Now T. B. WOMACK, W. S. WILSON, PRESIDENT. SECIIETAKV. OFFICE AT TUCKER 1HU G COMPANY'S. (Crowell's Old Stand.) ' If you would lose that' dull 'old headache. And feel as lively as a flee, Make haste to your druggist And- buy some RocUy Mountain .Tea. . .. Henry .T.-. Hicks & Co. Boylan-Pearce Co. Millinery. This is so far the greatest season we have ever had. Every one suys our styles are the pret tiest and prices the lowest. It must be so, judg ing from the number of Hats sold. However, we are daily replenishing our stock, and there are lots of new and pretty Hats for tary Kaster shop pers. Ladies' Misses, and Children's Hats have to be seen lo be appreciated. You are invited. Belts and Bags. , Our showing of these goods are larger' than ever. Shopping Hags in exclusive styles in the best materials. Belts of leather, silk, canvass and linen. White embroidered belts with pearl buckles have the preference. Prices 2."c. to $.". Laces.!. : We are devoting more space than ever before to Valenciennes Laces. While this store always carried a good stock we know the present display goes ahead oof anything . to he seen in the city. Customers declare that I hey can find more desir able patterns in more widths than anywhere else. Vm MONDAY WE WIL1- HAVE COMPLETE SETS l-'OH SALE, RANGING IX PRICE FROM 35c. TO $2.01) FOR 12 YARDS. Women's Tailor .Made Suits, Separate Skirts, Dress Silks, Novelty Dress .Goods, .Embroideries, Fancy Mulls, Reloro Jackets, Hand Embroidered Linen Waist Patterns, and Woolen Dress Goods. Corsets. By special arrangements Miss Montgomery will be witli us for another week, and will take pleasure in showing you the merits of the La Marglirite Corsets. Come in and get a corset fit ted to your ligure. .11 costs nothing and you are assured of getting the correct style. Prices $1.00 to $(1.50. "MoneybaR" Silks HOLLISTER'S Rocky Mountain Tea Nuggefs A Busy Medicine for Busy People, Brings Golden Health and Renewed Vigor, A specific for Constipation. Indifrestion. T,iver and Kidney troubles. Pimples. Eczema. Impure Itlumt, Hail Brer th, fclutrgiKh Bowels. Henduche and Backache. 11h Kocky Mountain TVa in tali let form, '.th cents a box. dcnuiLe made by Hollistbr Diuio Company, Madison, Wis. GOLDEN NUGGETS FOR SALLOW PE0PL& CHIM'S 326, 328, 330, 332, 334, Fayetteville Street- RALEIGH, IM. C. I 1 "! . I w The Largest Store In The State. SPRINGTIME. The first bird of spring, He attempted to sing, But ere he had sounded a note. He fell off the limb, And a dead bird was him, For the music had friz in his froat. Bullock-of-Course. Our EASTER oueninc of Men's Millinery eclipses anything jve have yet shown. Among others is a lot of manufacturer's samples which we of- ler at three-lourth value. ,; When we offer a hat at 25c. there is a good quarter of a dollar's worth iu it, likewise y.herj we offer one for $Z.(lfl there is Koine to be verv nenr.lv two hundred cents worth of hat on the spot. ...lust a word Come before the choicest have been picked out. Negligee and stiff straws 2.e. to $3 Panamas, $:i.r, $4.00, $5.00. Sundowns, ,"c. to 25c. A few soft and stiff fur hats at Bargain prices. MIIXIXERV DEPARTMENT. Our second lot of Ladies' Hats' will lie in about the 10th. Our first showing of Ladies' Readv- to-wear Hats are on sale 50c, 75c., $I.OO, $1..15, .$1.80, $3.50. Our line of Childrens' Sailors nt. 25c, 50c, 73c, $1.00 far surpasses anything we have seen. NEW ARRIVALS. Hammocks strong enough for two. $1.00 to $3,50. Nursery Refrigerators at a Bargain price $8.50. ' ',, Hardwood Refrigerators, $7.00 up. Freezer.?, 1 to 10 quarts. Water coolers of all kinds.; Filters, Fly Fans, Fly Traps, Fly Paper.. . Screen doors and windows. Mosquito Netting, c. yard. Comic Postal Cards, lc. ' Summer Underwear. CARPET DEPARTMENT. Ask to see The; Sultana Cottage Carrier. 25c. yard. Looks like 75c. goods and wears like leather. New lot Rugs all prices. Smyrna Rugs. 35c. 50c. 5c i. $1.35, $1.00, $2.50, $3-90, $5, $7. bmitn's Moquet, 95c, $2.10, $3.30. Matting, 12, 15, 18, 23, 25c. Floor Oil, Cloth, 25c. yard. Granite Art Squares. 1.85. H2.35. $2.90, $3.40, $3.85, $4.85. Wool Ingrain Art Squares. S3.50 to $10.00. Pro Brussel Squares new line. $5-00 to $9.00. Carpets, 10, 14, 20, 25c. Wool and mixed, 35, 50, 57, 60c. Rugs all prices 25c to $7.00. Door Mats, 43c. 'j Shades, Poles, Fixtures, j . HERE AXI THERE. - Choice line Shirts; 25c. 50r.. 75c. 90c. :- . - "Croquet. Sets,' 65c, 85C,' $1.15. Lawn Swings, $4.00. i? j- r Tubs, 25c. to $4-00. ' T Glass quart measure for measur ing anything from a spoonful to a quart; worth 25c, special 10c. Any old odd kind of Lamti Wick or Chimney. Lamps, 10c to $4.00. 1 Oc. size Roll Toilet Paper, 5c. Continued In our net. NEW LINE OP TALKING MA" . CHINES. ... Large, Loud. Special values at 15.00, $20.00, $25.00. Victors $00 down. New lot Victor Records. Come and see them. Come and hear them. Write for circulars, FARM TOOLS. Plows, Cultivators, Planters, Hoes, Rakes, Shovels... Etc. Wheel barrows $2.00. , Majestic Washer and Wringer $8. Revolving barrel Churn, $3.00. FURNITURE DEPARTMENT. New lot Iron Beds at prices from 2.50 to $10.00. Mattresses, $1.65, $1.95, $2.50. Combinations, $3.00, $3,50, $4.00. Felts, $5, $5.50, $0.00. ' All. hair mattress, $025. Springs, $1.35 to $3.50. . Sidesboards, $9.90, $12.50 up. Iron Cribs, $4.25 to $7.00. Imt. Lea, Couches, $8.50, $11.00. Cot3, $1.45, $1.75, $2.35, $3.00. Big line Chairs and Rockers. u Kitchen Tables, $1.10, $1.70, $2.50 We cut and fit mirrors for dressers. etc. Any ,( ' .11.,. , ( 'tf,: "t'i ft: f'i-1 -.; '.;w.:.

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