i B' 4XSrQ THE RALEIGH EVENING TIMES, MONDAY, APRIL 9, 1906. In To-Day's Times. Co. Vent Asceptlc Store Window Tucker Drug Tooth Brush. Ellington's Art Shades. . Wm. Woplcott Easter Millinery. Htcks' Drug' Stores Great Variety of Puritan Hats. . . ., W. R. Dorsett Best Northern But ter. Bobbltt-Wynne Drug Co. California Prune Wafers. Klng'-Crowell Drug Co. King's Pine Tar Cough Cure. D. T. Johnson 4 Son Tho Best Coffee. S. Berwanger The Berwangor Spring Styles. Gowan Medicine Company Durham K. C. White House Coffee. W. C. Stronach'8 Sons Co. Buck wheat Lithla Water. Mechanics Dime Savings Bank Make A Saving Rule. Sherwood Higgs & Co. Spring Milli hery Effects. WEATHER FORECAST. . (By the Associated Press.) Washington, April 9. Forecast for North Carolina for tonight and Tuesday: Rain tonight, cooler in west por tion; Tuesday fair, cooler; fresh to brisk southwest to northwest winds. Weather Conditions. The predominating feature of this morning's map is the storm area central over Lake Michigan, having moved there from the west, and at tended by moderately heavy rains, and high winds especially on the Lakes. The temperature has risen somewhat in the front of, and has fallen in the rear of this storm. In the extreme northeast, the pressure is high, and in the south and south west it is moderately high. The weather is generally clear west of the Mississippi river except in the north, and along the gulf. East of the Mississippi river it is cloudy with rain along the lakes, in the middle states, and in Virginia. The storm over Lake Michigan will cause rain tonight, and as it advances to the east will cause the pressure to rise and the wind to change in this vi cinity producing cooler wsather. Tuesday will be fair and cooler. A. H. THIESSEX, Section Director. FIRE OX ttAjrote KANT'S GOLDSBORO FARM. News is received from Goldsboro of the burning of the superintendent's house on the farm of Major H. L. Grant last Friday, the loss being $1,0C0 partially insured. Superintendent A. S. Williams also lost his household goods and P. T. Dennis, superintendent of the brickyard, who roomed in the house, lost considerable personal prop erty. The fire is thought to have started from a spark from the smokestack of the Enterprise Lumber Company, There was a hammock on the front porch and the sparks are. thought to have caught in this and tho blaze was blown against the house under the window sill. It was only by the most strenuous effort of a large number of workmen that the farm barn was saved. ANNIVERSARY OF SHERMAN'S KXTRAXCE. "Do you know what anniversary this day is?" asked Mr, C. Ringgold Harris as he greeted a Times re porter on the street today. Mr. Har ris is one of Raleigh's confederate veterans and served in the famous Manly battery. He never fails to re call that April 9, torty-one years ago today. Sherman's army entered Ra leigh. William H. Harrison was then mayor of the city and he bore to the advancing army a letter from Gov ernor Vance asking the invaders to protect the property, especially the public buildings, the charitable insti tutions, the library and the archives of state. Today Prof. George D. Meares showed a reporter a copy ho had in his pocket of this letter writ ten by Governor Vance. MRS. SARAH E. DAVIS DIED THIS MORNING. Mrs. Sarah E. Davis died this morning at her home, 109 west North street, after an illness of several days. Mrs. Davis is survived by one son, Leslie Davis, who holds a position in the Martin hosiery mill. Mrs. Davis was a good woman, a devout and faithful member of the First Baptist church. The funeral of Mrs. Davis will take place 'from the First Baptist church tomorrow, Tuesday, at l'u:"0. Mrs. Davis ami her son were both mem bers o this church. SPRING Has Not Caught Us Napping Spring time, when all the popular new summer drinks are introduced, lias not slipped in upon us unawares We are ready with a Grea.t Variety of Fountain Drinks the finest am! most palatable " drink ever devised by ex" pert, whose duty it is to pin vide the very liest of every thing; for the fastidious trade we command. HICKS' Drug Stores WANT AD. COLlIMNi memm NOTICE OF MEETING. There will be a meeting tonight at Rescue Hall at 8.15 o'clock, at which Mr. Luther L, Zink, represent ing the woodworkers of High Point, will make an address explaining the sit uation in that town. All friends of organized labor are urged to attend. The general public cordially invited. T. AV." Adams, Secretary Central .Labor Union. We Give S. II. . Co.'s QreeiY Tra.de Discount Stamps Free ...Millinery Preparedness... Our Growing Millinery business necessitated increased facilities which we promptly put in we are now prepared to outstrip all past achievements and thus far have don8 so. More hats have been sold and orders taken this early than ever before. Expert designing, pleases our customers and occasions the bringing out, many of their friends to this store. All work artistically executed and the modeling is of a distinguished high class order. We are busy, very busy, but amply prepared to care for all orders placed early. ; Prompt deliveries assured. IMPORTANT TO RALEIGH. Profit by This ami Find Safeguard Against Many Ills. Nothing is more important to Ra leigh than the good health of her people. How can they fill their place in this busy town unless they are well? No one trouble is responsible for more nervous ills, sleeplessness, gen eral debility, weakness, backaches, rheumatic pains, even ill-temper and peevishness, than indigestion. Fortunately, a combination of remedies, called Mi-o-na stomach tablets, has been dscovered that ab solutely cures indigestion and re stores to health and strength the whola digastive system. So reliable is Mi-o-na in curing all forms of stomach weakness and trou bles that W. H. King Drug Co. give a signed guarantee that the remedy will cost nothing unless it cures. Mi-o-na sells for 50 cents, and is in valuable to anyone who suffers with indigestion, nervousness or weak stomach. Royal Arciiium Notes. Raleigh Council. No. 551. Royal Ar canum meets .tonight at S o'clo.k and every Arcanum member is request ed to be present. This meeting will be of unusual interest because of the presence of Grand FJesrcnt lirooks and Grand Secretary Way, and probably Past Supreme Regent Lindley will also be present. Tlif.sc ,'istir.RUishecl visi tors and prominent members of the lo cal council will have something ot in terest to say to aeh member.' Coun cil meets at 8 o'clockUn Odd Fellows hall North Carolina Home Building. Hollister's Rocky Mountain' Tea is a wonderful spring tonic. It drives out all impurities. A good thing for the whole family. .Keeps you well all summer. :'.5 cents, Tea or Tab lets. Henry T. Hicks & Co. A Side Line It may not be generally known tliat in ailditon to our COMPLETE STOCK OF DRUGS AX1 SUNDRIES, we carry an exceptionally at tractive line of Stationery it line that appeals particu larly to the ladies. The Prices are "right." W.G.THOMAS : : The : : Northsade Druggist. FOR RENT Three unfurnished rooms. Apply to iiOS N. Person. FOR RENT. A Very desirable fur nished room with excellent board. Apply to Mrs. J. Sterling Price, 127 West Hargett street. A NEGRO ENTERED THREE RESIDENCES. A negro sneak thief or thieves made quite a raid Saturday night on south Dawson street. The residence of Capt. Thomas W. Davis was en tered and his overcoat was stolen from the rack in the hall. The negro walked through the residence of Mr. E. S. Dunn on the same street and carried off a coat, lie then went to the house of Mr. William' H. 'Rand, 22t west Hargett. and was trying to enter through a window when he was discovered and an officer was 'phoned for. Mr. V. A. Wynne went from the Raleigh telephone exchange, but the negro 'escaped.,.. However, he dropped the stolen articles in run ning away, and all was recovered ex cept the overcoat belonging to' Capt. T, W. Davis. He seems to have made away with the overcoat. SIR. TBKXT SUFFERS PAINFUL 1SRUISKS. Mr. ,1. H. Trent, secretary and treasurer of the Raleigh Milling Company, met with a painful, but not serious, accident Saturday after noon while unloading a car noar the mill. Ho was knocked down by a bump ot the train and bruised. He is now confined to his home on Fir wood avenue. Accidents will happen, but the best regulated famililes keep Dr. Thomas' Eclectrie Oil : for such emergencies. It subsides the pain and heals the hurts. If Postum Don't Agree, Use Coffee. : $ We Have The Best. J Sovereign Java-Mocha stands for the best of line Coffees. Try JjJ this brand and you will be convinced of its exceptionally good Jjj m qualities. One pound can, ;5c; 3 pound can $1.0O. DEWEY ARCH A high grade Coffee is packed especially for $ us, and can not he excelled for the price. 25c. I pound can. 2 OUR SPECIAL ROAST is undoubtedly. Hie best you can bny S g for 20c. pound. ' 21 Just 'phone us tin order and try some of our Coffee. D. T. THREE 'PHONES J OHNSON (SL SON . 16 EAST HARGETT STREET FOR SALE One Goss Press. In good condition. The Evening Times, Raleigh. N. C. FOR SALE Eight H. P. vertical boiler and eight H. P. vertical en gine. A bargain. Tho Evening Times, Raleigh. FOR SALE Gentlo and well-broken horse and run-about. Will sell cheap. Address "Horse," care this office. . LOST Dark fur scarf, Monday, be tween Capital Club (via Fayctte villc Street) and Miss Reese's, West Hargett Street. Please leave at Times office. LADIES FREE. U n t i 1 further notice hulk's ' ad-i mission will be free. Spe j cial inducements every! ' night, and the result will be announced Saturday night. See Perry iV. Ro senthal's window ; for further information. Ka leigh Skating Rink. , FIVE DOLLARS REWARD for the return of mixed Shepherd and Water Spaniel dog. .Body li;rlit ; brown and face darker. '--'Return i to Methodist Orphanage. : : - . '. i BEGIN APRIL RIGHT Let Terrell ; have a slice of Jour grocery or ders. You get first quality in ' everything in groceries and table ; delicacies at reasonable prices. The i very best service.- Prompt deliy j ery. Geo. S. Terrell. ADVERTISE your lost articles in the i Times. If found by an HONK?.':' person, they will be returned.- j NEW FIRM in the market house Johnson Bros. offer fresh meats of the highest grade. Choice cuts steaks, roasts, veal, mutton, pork. Everything the very best. Prompt de li vey. Interstate 'phone : 183...;-:": THAT EAST Fit HAT. Prior to Easier we arc making u ! gorgeous display of the most claim- rate Huts for Dross and street wear. Tin new styles lire most becoming land effective. Pattern Hats marked ' down to ....... . .$10, $11 mid $12 Dress Hats of our own designing at . . ... . $7, $8 and $ (age and Bergrssor's Tailor-made Hats ............... $5, .fid and $7 Ready-to-wear Hats in all the new braids and popular shapes, $2. $3 ! and ..'...- ....... . . . ... . $4.00 Complete showing of children's Dress Hats . . . $5.00 down to 1)11.00 INFANT'S MUSLIN CAPS. The largest variety of Infants' Caps in the city, enough to rover the wants of the most particular at prices to please all, anywhere from IKc. to S2.o(). COAT SUITS ,ANI SKIRTS. A more successful selling of spring Coats, Coat Suits and separate Skirts was never ours, yet. some ol t.'ie hest numbers are here.' Covert Coats, tan only," short length, new style, .$!.((), (tO.30 and .17.50. Tailor-made Coat Suits, Silk Shirt Waist Suits, Panama Cloth, 'stylish Oxford and Gray mixed plaid Suits, $15.00 to $25.(!0. Peter Tompkins Linen Sailor Suits in White ami Alice Uiue at . .$12.50 Round Length Skirts, whit; Mo hair, Panama, Voile and light weight Clay Worsted Skirts at Sfi.OO to $11 WHITE LAWN WAISTS. There's a: distinctive charm in the White Lawn Waists here. There's n deftness in tin work, a daintiness in tin trimmings and liiieness in the quality of materials, that ranks them superior in i-very particular." White Luwu Waists, perfect fitting. Lace and. Embroidery trim at $1-00, $1.25 and $1.50 up. . White Lawn Waists, plaited back and front ..... lc, 75c, and $5.00 , EASTER GLOVE. New, clean, fresh stock of Gloves of all kinds to select from at economic prices. Ladies Milanese Silk Gloves, white black mid gray 25, 50 and 75c. DAJNTY LACE NECKWEAR. Composed -of Embroidery and ele gant Laces that lend an "air" to your spring costumes. Ladies Fine Embroidered Linen, Lace and Silk Stocks and Collars at 25 mid 50c. Collur and Cuff S ts, 25c, and $1. Lace Chiniesottcs, 50, 75c. and $1. SILK AND LINEN PARASOLS. Fine Parasols with unique handles is the delight of every woman, the linishing touch to the finest costumes. Linen Parasols, Plain and Em broidered trim ... . . .91.25 to $1.00 Silk Parasols in Dresden effects, silk embroidered, plain and with fancy handles . . . . . .$2.00 to $10.00 EASTER NECKWEAR FOR MEN. An attractive display of Easter Neckwear for men. New weaves and color combinations in the most stylish patterns designed to please tin most tasteful men. Foiir-iii-haiids made up of $1.00 silks, for .................. .50c. Four-in-hand Silk and Wash Ties in full assortment. ,25c. SPRING UNDERWEAR. These for men and iKiys that are slipping out of their heavy Winter underwear weights. Phoenix Nainsook Drawers, custom made, knee lengths .......... ,50c. .Men's line Pcpporcll Jeans Draw ers with knitted insertion .. . . .50c Leather Belts for men and hoys in plain and grain leather, Hhirk, llrouii. Tan and Gray . . .25 and 50c. DRY GOODS SPECIALS. Two Specials from the Dry Goods section should -elicit your special in terest and immediate response. One rase ligured White .Madras fct Hize :58 Shirts and Shirtwaists. 20c values for ..................... ..Viliv. One case 28 inch India Lawns, line and sheer, 7gc. values for .... .5c. EASTER POST CARDS AXI) GREETINGS. There'll be a busy time around this counter. Every friend should be held in kindly remembrance. Good cheer anil glad tidings lift the bur dens of life make others happy. Tuck's Post Cards ..... .2 for 5c. Easter Greetings 5 and 10c '' WHITE CANVAS SLIPPERS. White Canvas ISlucher Oxfords with turn soles for Infant, Children and Misses, in all sizes. Ruy now, when choosing is best and sizes are to be had, then you will have them when wanted. All have flexible turn soles. White Canvas llluchers, no heels sizes 2 to 5 ................ . 50c. While Canvas Rluehcrs, wedge heels sizes :i to 5 ......... .Otic. White Canvas llluchers, spring heels sizes 5 to 8 . . . . . ... . .75c White Canvas Rluehcrs, spring heels sizes 8 i to 11 '. .$1.00 White Canvas Rluehcrs, low heels sizes 11 Ij to 2 . . .$1.25 Ladies White Canvas Oxfords Pinchers, Pumps and Sailor Tie Mixes '2U to 7 $1,00, $1.25 $1.50 and $1.75. CANVAS COVERF.D TRUNKS. Tin last lot of Trunks advertised went in a hurry. Now we will try you witli a better grade, stronger and more durable. If you are trunk wise you will buy. Heavy Duck Trunks, libre bound, leather -straits, brass hardware, ex celsior lock, linen lined, Itest trim mings, such as bolts, handles, dow els, Vallauce rollers, etc. Size ":' . ..... . . . ... ... . . . . . $8.50 Size !J ...... .... .$!.00 . . . ............. . .$10.00 MASTER GOODS Chicks, Hiiiiiiics, liaskets, Eggs and Dyes the daintiest that art can devise. These are very much more attractive than usual, being of domestic as well as foreign manufacture. We invite one and nil to call and have their Easter Egg Hunt wants, supplied at once. The J. D. Riggaiv Co. OUR WANT ADS are one word. Cash with order. cent The Berwanger Spring Styles ... lJNDJSi'JurJJJJKlNT ot an un usually large stock of Chase, Hackney ami Stod dard Pianos, I sell ickle-in-tiic-SIot Music Ma chines for hotels, cafes, etc., and complete line or gans, on easy terms. Full line sheet music. E. P. Baker, Trade Building. BRETSCH'S WASHINGTON BREAD j makes friends -wherever it is in-1 troduced. t i . t CO. WING OUR MEW SHO MEN'S AND BOYS' Spring' and Summer Apparel it this establishment.. . No we were careful in our choos- Ph. HUBERT, Upholsterer and Decorator. Antique furniture repairing a specialty. Trade Building, Raleigh, N. C. CopyrlghledtSf y 11! SCHLOSS B Fine Clothes Makers Baltimore and New York ijnile overshadows all previous displays particular maker's goods are offered ing of tin new lilies mid scattered our orders, giving a number of the big tailors a chance to make up our clothing, thereby allowing us an opportunity to display an enormous variety of styles devised by a milliter of the most ingenious designers in the land. The fabrics are tin swellest and most wanted kinds. The Prices for the New Spring Suits Range from $10 to $30 Kvery garment we show is fashionably correct. Coats of the right length of skirt and breadth of shoulder trousers that are of the right width of hip and knee and of shapely cut. And they're model garments in more wa ys than one. They reach the ideal of fashion and they are absolutely per fectly made up good workmanship, good finish, good linings, good trimmiugs, and in the case of novelty fabrics the patterns are exclusive. AND THE GARMENTS FIT We have exploded that old notion that fit is impossible in ready-to-wear by demonstrating its fallacy to every man who conies hen. We carry styles enough to meet the individual requirements of every man, while the garments are so gracefully rut and draped and so well mude up that they lend much of their aid toward perfecting fit and achieving good appearance. See the men's top coats at 915. Men's Spring Suits, $10, $12, $15, $18 and up to $25. See the youth's suits $7-50, $10, $12 up to $20. See the men's Trousers $4 up to $7.50. See our Boys' short pants suits $2.50 to $8. No trouble to fit yourself and Boys for Raster In our store, in Clothing, Furnishing or Huts. THE ONE-PRICE -ssCLOTIIIER OAK CITY I'RKSSINO CLUB WILL make your Garments Look Like New. Cleaning, Pressing, Alter ing and repairing neatly done on short notice. Ladies' Garments and Cleaning Kid Gloves a spe cialty. V. W. Jones, Manager, 316 South Salisbury. MAKE A SPECIALTY OF MAIL ORDERS. J WANTED Lady of gentleman of fair education to travel for firm of $250,000 capital. Salary $1,072 per' year, payable weekly. Expen ses advanced. Address George G. Clows, Raleigh, N. C. THK TIMKS covers Raleigh like a blanket. Do you read it? Only 10c. per week. FOR SALE Intending a change we offer for sale our plant,., now. run ning, consisting of gas engine, corn and feed mills, shafting, pul leys, belts, scales, etc. Barnes Milling Company. 4-9-11-14. WANTED Twenty-five carpenters. State Hospital. W. C. Barrow. We Make a Specialty of BUTTER The most select country butter ob tainable. Also Best Northern Butter You can always depend upon our goods lieing as represented. W. R. DORSETT. ALL "PHONES. 8. WILMINGTON ST. DRAUGHON'S RALEIGH, Corner Wilmington and1 Martin Sts. , - KNOXVTLLE and COLUMBIA. 26 Colleges In 5 States. POSITIONS secured or money REFUNDED. Also teach BY MAIL. Catalogue will con vince you that Draughon's is THE BEST, Call or send for it Job Sale of Embroideries. VfS $1.50 Embroideries, 50c. yard. 50c. Embroideries 25c. m 25c. Embroideries,' 10c. yard. 10c. Embroideries 5c. yard. A. B. STRONACH COMPANY yard. & Thfe tfc tho Hxr6xin r.nrner Ufxtrh It .i -'" W (IV 9 'IV m $1.00 were $2.00 to $3.00 The cheapest Shoes sold, with composition insoles and heels, are $1.00 to $1.25 iter pair. We Offer 100 pair Ladies' Fine Button Shoes best materials were $2.00 to $3.00, at $1.00. 25 pair Ladies' Fine Button ci.....u -.n t si r.o iu !T pair. WASH GOODS BARGAINS Ynrd wide Manchester Shirt ing and Dross Cambrics. Ten yard lengths, 10c. yard, for 12$c. value. Yard wide Sea Islard.Pet cales, 10 yunl lengths, 10c. yard for 12 He. values. Yard wide Cheviot Shirt ings, 2 to 0 yard lengths 8 l-3c. for 15c. value. A. B. STRONACH CO.

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