ft THE RALEIGH EVENIN G TIMES;; WEDNESDAY, -MAY 9, 1900. CHILD LABOR LAW CONSTRUED Supreme Court Decides Against R. J. Reynolds ROLLINS WINS SUIT Hoy Hurt in Tobacco , Factory Wiih Viider JVlye,t Years of Age, and His Negligence Was Xot Contribu tory, Court Holding That Lower Opinion Was Wrong Other Cases. The 'supreme court, in the appeal or Willie. Rollins vs. R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Co., from Forsyth county, decided yesterday evening, construes for the first time important phases of the North Carolina child labor law Chapter 473, section 1, Acts of 1903. The Rollins child was under twelve years old, was working in ths R. J. Reynolds factory, had his hand caught in a lump cutter and torn off. A suit for ?10, 000 followed. The child told in the court the manner in which the accident occurred and de clared that no effort was made in employing him to ascertain his agi. The Tobacco Company, through counsel,-entered a demurrer to the evidence on the ground that th? child's statement showed that his own negligence caused his injury. The trial judge sustained the de murrer. However, in ; the .appeal the su premo court, Associate Justice Con nor writing the opinion, orders a new trial, on he ground tlmt the trial judge should have, in ths light of the testimony, submitted the case to the jury instructing them that 'if they lot' nd the facts as tesiilied to by the child the Tobacco Company was uniliy of negligence in employing the child, either knowing his age to be Hurler tvT.sTve or 'failing' to have the i certificate of his parents as provided j i- ti,o ciutntc- .hot if thev found vt 1 " ---- t ltot uurh nodtfotiPH Wl till llVflxi- mate:cause of the injury they should ; answer the first issue "Yes.' "The court declares that: To "permit the defendant to es - - ' 1 iiuiiiiitv u viuititiuii ui me ; ii i n.-,.. p k . statute by saying that it did not an- j ; this particular condition, t ictpato this p with Its disastrous results, would be to nullify the law. Of course it did not anticipate this particular re sult: if it had done so, the employ- nientjwuuJd not have be?n negligent, but ctfmiBal. The state says to oni- loye hat they must not take the children ? tinder twelve years into loyeiyt "hut their milte and factories, that to do so endangers their life and limbs, dwarfs them mentally, morally and phvsically; that it is npon the '-children that the permanent power and wellaj'Mof the state depend. They must not, uelow the tender age fixed bv the statute, be brought into con tact with iron and steel machinery piopellod by powerful agencies of supreme court rules that the verdict dor: Mrs. W. C. Morton, past com stimuli and electricity. Considered ,' of 'the jury below shall stand except ; mander; Mrs. ,1.' R. Bissett, sergeant; from any point or view, the right of us to the fourth issue "What -Mrs. ("has. Smith, mistress at arms. Hie child to grow to at least the age amount, if any, is the plaintiff eliti- named in, the statute in pure atmos-jtiea.io recover, ot tne defendant lor jihero. .without danger of mutilation . failure to exhibit the machine at. the of body, dwarfed of mind, and to at-., .exposition?" This was answered be tend the schools provided by the low $5,000. ; A new trial as to this state, the legislation is founded upon issue is ordcrsd. . ii vi i'i(? and humane policy." ; j The court lays down the ruling; that the'' principle of contributory negligence does not apply to children under twelve . years of age. The court says: "Adopting the standard of law in -respect to criminal liabil-j itv. we think a child under twelve years of age is presumed to be inca-: pable of understanding- and appreci- ating danger from negligent, acts." In concluding the elaborate opin- ion the court declares that "The in- dustrial lif3 and development of the slate are not only consistent with nut promoted by the exclusion of children from the mills and factories. The child educated and developed be fore beginning work of this kind be comes not only more useful and ef liciont but in all respects a better A Stock Of TR.U Without an Equal This season we are making a specialty of Trunks, Hand Bags and Dress Suit Cases A new trunk that will be hailed with delight by the ladies a new invention with conveniences found in no other trunk. Easy to handle, light, strong, unbreakable. - - TRUNKS, HAND BAGS, SUIT CASES AT MONEY SAVING PRICES. S . C . P O O L, RALEIGH, N.C.- COVERED FROM HEADJO FOOT With Crusted Scaly Eczema When One Month Old Could Brush Scales Off Body Young Lady is Now 17 Years. Old and Skin is Without a Scar Cured By CUTICURA REMEDIES AT EXPENSE OF $4,50 "When I was one month old I was taken with eczema. After being under the. treatment of two doctors for one month and no improvement, mv -mother was advised by a druggist to try Cuticura Soap and Ointment. 1 was one crust, of sores from head to foot. My mother could brush the scales off my body; and my finger and toe1 nails fell. After using six cakes of Cuticura Soap and about as much Cuticura Oint ment I was completely cured. I am now seventeen years old and my skin has not a scar. I am still finding wonders in Cuti cura; after washing a fever blister two days it was completely gone." Vour Cuticura friend, Miss Eola Glasscock, Oct. 27, 1905. . Marksville, La. The attention of parents is called to the fact that the Cuticura Remedies were used on 11 one month old baby with complete success, proving what we have always claimed that these great curatives are so pure, so sweet, and so delicately medicated that they may bo used on the youngest infants. cuticura"rbibies Are the Best for Skin and Blood "About throe years ago my face be gan to get rough with acne and kept getting worse. A year ago 1 read in a paper of the Cuticura Remedies for the skin and blood. I sent for them at once. I used the Cuticura Soap, Ointment, and Pills, and in three months my skin v.as soft and smooth, and the pimples have all disappeared without the services of a physician. I think the Cuticura Remedies are the best that any one can use for the skin and blood." May G. Sehipferlc, Sept. 5, 1905. Santa Paula, Cal. Cnlli'iira Soop, r intmrrtf,anl I'iili arc solil throughout Iht' wurU 1'olh-r Itru Clmii. r 'iFp.. Solr f 'rnpn., Uukton, MaM OJ- acud for " How u Cart lyr the SUu.'' citizen." Incidentally the court calls atten tion 10 an omission from the chap- i '4 . of 1903. in its incorpo- i ration into tne lauj Kevisal, the first section being left off. This! changa, the court says, makes the - ; 'nowi inS the knowingly and willfully" employ- in. The reference to this in the opinion is declared to be to bring the matter to the attention of the General Assembly in order that 1 section 1 may be restored if so de sirde. Damages Too Vague. Another Forsyth county case of interest decided is Winston Cigar- ette Machine Company vs. The Wells wnteneau company, in wnicn in : ine irun oeiow a verenct ot ? i i actual expenses and $5,000 estimat-1 ed damages was allowed the plaintiff ; for the failure of the defendant to i exhibit a cigarette machine made by the-plaintiff at the St. Louis' Exjiosl-j tiou as they contracted to do. The , Siiiiiiner's Sentence Stands. ' '-.'..In' State vs. Summers, the appeal from Guilford, in which the Singer I Sewing Machine ngsmt at Greensboro was sentenced to a term on the roads on the charge of embezzling .money collected by him, the finding of the court below is affirmed. His defense was that the company was due him commissions to the amount of the money retained. On the witness stand Summers had exhibited $l,41fi (the amount embezzled) and the trial judge had declined to allow him to answer a question as to whether he was willing to deposit the amount with the clerk of the court to await the result of a civil suit testing the justice of his claim of arrearage in commissions. This refusal to allow the question was the in onimuon oi PiiiHi in nor rinnpnn on,1 N KS .--I principal fb(iitd for, ' jtfie appeal.1 .The trial judge is sustained in his position on the ground that the fact of willingness to restore property does, not constitute a defense for em bezzlement. The full list of opinions handed down are as follows: ' State vs. Summers, from Guilford; no error. Dickerson vs. Simmons, from Surry; new trial. , Machine Company vs. Tobacco Company, from Forsyth; new trial. Rolin vs. Tobacco Company, from Forsyth; error. Rankin vs. Michim, from Gaston; affirmed. Puett vs. Railway, from Caldwell; new trial. Martin vs. Houck, from Caldwell; affirmed, State ex rel., etc., vs. Gibus, from Burke; plaintiff's appeal docketed and dismisssd under Rule 17. "X suffered habitually from consti pation. Doan's Regulets relieved and strengthened the bowels, so that they have ueen regular vcr. since." A. E. Davis, grocer. Sulphur Springs, Tex. l-ADV MACCABEUS EXTEKTAIX KXIGHTS. The Lady Maccabees gave an en joyable entertainment, last night in honor or the Knights of the Macca beus in their hall here. A large audience was present, i The address of welcome was deliv ered by Or. V. C. Morton. Alter jthis there was an interesting drill by i twelve of the Lady ..Maccabees, the ! evolutions being given without one error. The ladies taking part in this ! were .Mrs. ,1. R. lUsseil, Mrs. George : Kelly, .Mrs. Charles Smith, Mrs. J. E. j Turner. Mrs. W. ('. Morion, Mrs. W. I A. ISuck. Mrs. B, Koontz, Mrs. B. E. I Rogers, Miss Bessie Gill, Mrs. Robert ! Conrad, Miss Margaret Woodward and Mi's. William Garnet t. ; State Auditor B. F. Dixon delivered J a magnificent address on "Fi aterni j ty." He told of the value of frater nal OrdJis and then spoke at length 1 concerning the -Maccabees and the ! growth of the order, telling that since i its reorganization in 1SS6 there had i been paid out twenty millions of dol-i j lars in sick, relief, and death bene-1 ;lit.s. As to the Lady .Maccabees he! told how in the four years existence j of the order it had enrolled over two hundred thousand members and had out over two millions of dollars ''. . Miss Frances Renfrow was then 'rd in a number of recitations that Each lady had brought a basket of fruits, cuke, and other delicacies, and ; these were auctioned off to the gen tlemen present. In each basket was lM" u ul lne laa' w na Prc- pared it, and the buyer then had the pleasure or sharing the dainties with lady who had prepared the basket. The. baskets were auctioned' off at figures ranging from ten cents to one dollar and sixty-five cents. The Kniirhts of the Mjicealiees niini- i1P1. in i?i0ii, ,..i.,.,H f this fraternal insurance order -133 members, while with an existence i,ero of only three months there are 35 members of the Lady Maccabees, the oflicers of the order being Mrs. E. G. Horlon, lady commander; Mis. .Martini Dowell, lieutenant comman- ! Henderson Graded School Plastered With "Tite . Hold." ' Henderson, X. C, March 21, 1906. Guilford Plaster &' Cement Co., Greensboro, X. C. Gentlemen : Replying to your favor in which you ask for our opin ion of your Tito-Hold Wood Fibre Wall Plaster, will say that we have used this plaster on the Henderson graded school building, and same has been satisfactory to both the pro prietors and ourselves. Wo consider that you have a material equal to any of the patent plasters. Yours truly, (Signed) E. L. WEAVER. Weight In Go TO REMOVE FRECKLES AND PIMPLES IN TEN DAYS, USE The Complexion Beautifier T A 1 Is guaranteed, and Naainola a . it tails to remove the very worst cases and beautify the complexion in twenty days. Mrs. Edward Jones, of Mount Sterling, Kentucky, writest "I feci it my duty to tell you the. benefit Nadinola hai been to me. I had suffered untold mortillcation with freckles, since child hood. Having used all the highly recom mended creams and lotions, with much hesitancy I bought yonr entire treatmeat After giving, it a fair trial X most heartilj recommend it, for it's worth its weight in gold to any woman having freckles. Youi Nadinola is the only tiling I have ever used with success. Your Nadiue l'ucn Powder it grand. Wishing you the deserved success, 1 am sincerely." Price 50 cents and $1.00, by leading druggists or mail. Prepared by the Vfctional Toilet Co., Paris, Tenn. Boylan-Pearce BOYLAM-FEAKCE GO. CANDIDATES CARDS. CAXDIDATK VOll SOLICITOR. To the Voters of the Sixth Judicial ! District: ! I desire to call your attention to the i fact that I am a candidate for renoml nation to the office, of Solicitor of this District, subject to the action of the Democratic Disiii-jt Judicial Conven tion. During my term of office I have ! ndeavored faithfully ami impartially to execute the duties incumbent upon me, ! and in asking the nomination for a sec- j ond term at the hands of my party I j rely upon the record mado by me in the performance of these duties. Very respectfully, i : ARMISTEAD JONES. ! AXXOrXCF..MF.XT. i To the Voters of Wake County: i 1 hereby announce myself a candi-1 date for a scat in the House of Rep- j resentatives for Wake County, sub-1 ject to the action of the Democratic j Primaries. ; : ! Respectfully, CHARLES U. HARRIS. Announcement. After being solicited by many of my friends, I wish to announce to the public that I am in the field as a candidate for sheriff ot Wake county, subject to the primary. J. II. BOBBINS. - 10-tf For- the House of Itcprcsentativcs. To the Voters of AVako County:; I hereby announce myself a candi date for a seat in tho House of Rep resentatives for Wake County, sub ject to the action of the Democratic Primaries. :. Very respectfully, ROBERT H. JONES. NOTICE BY ADMIXISTKATOR. Having : qualified as administrator upon the estate of Mrs. Annie J. Stain back, late of Wake County, N. C, this is to notify all persons- having claims against the estate of said Mrs. Annie J. Stalnback to present the same to mo on or before April 2nd, 1907, or this no tice will be plead in bar of their recov ery, and all person ' indebted to said Mrs. Annie J. Stainback are hereby notified to make immediate payment to m- TMs March SOth, 1906. LEO I). HEARTT, Administrator of Mrs. Annie J. Stain back. Ernest Haywood, Attorney. March 30th, 1906. 1 w. S w. rOU'VB TRIED THE REST, NOW TRV THE BEST. OTEY & Son, Barbers Tile Yarborough House Co. EXTRAORDINARY ANNOUNCEMENT Ladies' Spring and Summer Tailor Made Woolen Suits at Special Prices These Suits of the best manufacture and latest styles, ETOX, 1'OXEV and ENGLISH BOX COATS with llaiic ami circular Skirts. Please note the reductions. Also that no TRADING STAMPS are given on these Suits, and all alterations are charged for. Remember this oli'ci'ing includes the best styles of White, Black, Fancy Mixtures," ami leading colors in woman's tailor made Suits. $l:5..- man tailored Suits lor $10.00. .$ 1 7.50 mail tailored Suits for $10.00. $2.00 man tailored Suits for $l;S..0. $1112.50 man tailored Suits for $l;t r0. $25.00 man tailored Suits for $17.50. $28.50 man tailored Suits for $17.50. $ J0.00 man tailored Suits for $10.00. $;2.50 man tailored Suits for $l!M)0. $55.00 man tailored Suits for $22.50. $:7.50 man tailored Suits for $22.50. .' $10.00 man tailored Suits for $22.50. PLEASE BEAR IN MIND that (lie sales begin Friday morning May 1Kb; also (hat the store will be .closed Thursday, .May 10th, at 1 p. in. MAIL ORDERS RECEIVE PROMPT ATTENTION. Stockings Free If Not as Represented, AVc are continually soinsj ; after the j'o(l things ever on the watcliout lor the very best . I here is in all lines ol' iiicrchaiidisc, and our efforts are bciiiK crowned with abundant success. The latest ad dition to our exceptionally well chosen stock is a line of the I'A.MOI S "I'.L.U K CROW" HOSIERY; I'OH WO.MUX AM) .MUX. 10c, 1,-Jc, AMI (H'ARAXTKKI) A new pair free if not satisfactory. SI'KCIAL VALI IOS IX LADIES' rXDKRWK.llf. Rh ached A est, taped neck ami sleeves, 5,. It), 13, and cenls. Extra .size 0c A SI'ECIAIi IX VESTS AX I) I'AXTS AT Soc H. & W. WAISTS l-'Olt Y()l X(;STi:itS Siiinmer Waists for boys and sirls and little children. line camlnic and skeleton H. & AV, Waist, all sizes up to I I. lM-ict" for either, 2rc. Ol Jt REST SHOE SEASOX. So far (his lias been our very best season for flic sale of Shoes. 1'1'obnbly because our new lines are quite superior to all former showing here The person who knows the worth of a hard earned dollar can invest it to best advantase here. Shoes, Oxfords and Slippers for all ages at a marked saving in price. I. MWXT'S SOIT SOLE, and Slippers, all colors, ."Oc. flllLIHtEX S SHOESlila.k, Tan, Red and White. SWELLEST AXI) MOST I ASHIOXAIiLE FOOTWEAR FOR L!IES Rlack, Tan, White, rink, IJlue and ;ray, 1o maicli all cost nun's. . SHOES AM) OXFORDS F K MEX Xew tlisplay f anions' Doich Sliocs. Xone better. All new shapes and si vies black, tan, tic, $.".((. - HUNTER BROS. & BREWER COMPANY. WE GIVE TKAIHXG STAMPS. THE HIGHEST GRADE LIQUORS Can be obtained from me at the very lowest prices reputable goods are selling today. These brands are reliable: Lazarus Club, the cream of all Whiskey, $3.50 per gallon. Apple Brandy, $2.00 and 93.00 per gallon. Rye Whiskey, f 1.50, $2.00, $2.50 nad 93.00 per gallon. Mountain Whiskey, $2.00 pef gallon. Corn Whiskey, $1.50 and 92.00 per gallon. Yadkin River Cora, 4 full quarts, $2.50, express prepaid. Albemarle Rye, 4 full quarts, 93.00, express prepaid. ' All the leading brands, best quality, at lowest prices. Write for price list. l; LAZARUS Largest Mail Order House in the South LYNCHBURG. VIRGINIA Boylan-Pearce Co. I VAPOR STOVES FOR tMttJ SUMMER COOKING A SPECIAL const r luted STOVE ami at a special PRICE, within the reach of all who want a good, cheap stove. Rest line of Ranges and Cook Stoves in the city. Don't place your order until you have exam ined our soods. . Carolina Hardware Co., East End City Market. Institute tor College Young Courses Women 62 PEACE!w.:!! Conserva tory of : Music. The FREE Address. Best. Place for Your Jas.Dinwiddie : Daughter rresidenl College 1 institute for I Young Courses Women 62, PEACEasrM ; Conserva j torjr of i Music, lbs FREE Address, j Best. Place i for .Your Jaa Dinwiddit 1 Daughter rreeidcot Institute for College Younss Courses ' Women (B PEACE V;tsr!::l Conserva tory of Music. The FREE Address. j Best. Place I'or Your Jas.Dinwiddis j daughter rresidenl CURES ALL FORMS OF KIDNEY AND BLADDER TROUBLES AND IS NATURE'S OWN PRESCRIPTION FOR THE Digestive Organs. FOIt SAIiK I5Y Tucker lluilding Pharmacy, V. M. Ycarby, Iiirham, X. V. Thomas Drug Co., W. Durham, -'-n.'.c. ;- :.': v " Terminal Cafe Xi'.'ir Johnson Street Station OPEN DAY and NIGHT Fresh Pics and Cakes i Cold Drinks a Specialty. 1 Real Estate and Insurance 11 W. Ilargett St. trXKQl'AtED IX XORTII CAKOL1XA. 0 ui G'KKKNSROKO. N. C. Entirely made over ,525,000 ex" : pended, mid equal to the most mod" ern hotel in the land. Rooms with bath. Elevator. Long distance phones in rooms. Largo sample room. M. W, STEIJNK, I'l'oprh'tor, T s- t m I RALEIGH I V J r x f I RALEIGH I V N. C. X- -.-- A. r V N. C. v ; .J 1 GiiibnUuU i