THE RALEIGH ' EVENING TIMES, 'WEDNESDAY MAV $ 1906.' " t- THEVNiNGWIMES: Every Afternoon Except Sunday. The Visitor- Press Publishing Co., JOHN C. DHEWRV, President. It. W. SIMPHOX, JR. ... .'. . .Editor. GKOKGE It. CRATER. . . .Publisher. Full Leased Wire Service of the Associated Press. 'ptponIiigJmanlaVc or avoiding It al together." Poverty, therefore, seems to be one 'main cause, and in a word it may be explained that the size of tlio family decreases with the size of the loaf. ' Insr centres everywhere, with Its dls tlllcrles and other subsidiary manufac. torlcs wedded to its interest, and ably and aggressively championed by politi cians of immense popularity who are entrenched in official positions of com manding Intluunee. the state itself, with the free people who made the Recently, the Washington Post sent a lMe an" "no al' lne mat0- has comc .... v ....... , to look small, picayune and puny. "A a member of Its staff to Panama nnd pernicious political machine" has when he cabled thut there was a water 'grown of course.: "the beuvered lobby" famine in Colon there was an indie- ' 's Inevitable, too, and "the "willing: nant denial from the war department. llnR 1,1 cvo,y founty" exhibits Jthe .,.,, ,, , ... , , enersy as well as the eagerness of Chief Engineer Stevens branded the pwlne who scu,inBlv t.Uimbn. ovor ui report as false and cabled that there obstacles to th. swill i..,inh t iiiu The Evening Times Lends all North W18 nn abundant supply. It has since outh Carolina reduced, and for rc Curolinu Afternoon .Newspapers in i been proved, however, that the mains I li,'C from lhia ia tlu' U'pcal "of clli- t ii'-- ,. .,,i i , ,., , , . !'" r !-oum Carolina" to the r fel- uele Hooded with salt water, the fre.n loiv t.itizi.nS) whlch ap(.a,.s ,.lsowh(1,.e. ouppiy naving ocen cxnausieu. Ac- ; Happily these citizens have a due Circulation. I answers . the same purposes us the cording to the department ha!f a lie ; understanding of the task which they essay. T he signers include men who have been members of one or another 'of a'l former democratic fucli"iis. They ' J include every phase of opinion as to A fearful report comes from Xewport ; handling the whiskev problem: except . fXews. Va. Not long ago a woman was !"e. Against that they are locked in Entered through Raleigh. N. C. ! discharged from an insane asylum andi"nkm' a"d t,,c"' opposition to a com . postofflee as mail matter of the sec- v, hen she returned hon.e she made her i!""" al,d known evil is their single and una ciass, in .utuiuuu im mo -nusbancl swear tliut he would kill her: TI; SCIkSCRIPTIO.V RATES. (In Advance.) , One copy one year One copy three months. . . One copy one week IS NO HUMBUb Graduate of the Institute Tells How He Was Cured of the Habit of Strong Drink. .$4.00 i truth. . 1.00 . .10 After having been on a protracted spree for nearly five years nnd hav ing squandered all i had saved in the ten years previous thereto, my at tention was called to the Keuley In stitute at Greensboro, then a com paratively new thing In North Caro lina. I was begged to go there, but I told every one that asked me that i I was too far gone to bo saved ex cept by the grace of God. Finally I was over-persuaded and yielded. I Act of Congress, .March 3, 1879. TRAUffcOUNC?L if her condition became such that it i would be necessary for the authorities ; ti. take her In hand again. That ghast ly look the train for Greensboro and i in my is of honesty against lai-:""n arriving tlvre was mot at the of virtuous citizenship against jstation by one of the attendants of Institute. He conduced mo to Institute and introduced nio to but two sides and the lime , i,,, nmnniMn- who.' m..r .. vm-v cein', vicious government, of common de-itho cency against spreading eorruption. it he There are Norma Martinez Cig'ar We would like for men who smoke to try the Norma Martinez v-igar ai3 uems g Smokers who know a good cigar have cheer fully recommended it as the best Cigar for the price on the market, llo.v trade a specialty. BOBBITT-WYNNE Drug Company Drink .Movie and lie Cheerful. IMPORTANT! t "Dm GX FS' Gold Trading Stamps. Registered - Ho ntifii riii i; FOR " "-u uu. tiiiv uu'i i.-s v:iiv- in itif 11 : C u I f II 1 . t' i.:...n.. i . ... ,...k , ... , -, .., ..... .-., ,..""" save me a nearly welcome WEDNESDAY, MAV !'. If (Hi. ' del-. The chances are that the wrong . member of the family went to the asy ! linn in the first instance. John Mitchell. After carrying on negotiations for nearly three months the sub-committee representing the anthracite mine work ers and the operators of western Penn sylvania have agreed to continue the a u a in! of the strike commission for another term of three years and the miners will return to work while the country will be spared a strike which would have completely paralyzed in dustrial conditions. It is the most satisfactory news of the day and Pres ident John Mitchell's part in the ex citing controversy shows that the con ndencc the public and the miners had m him has been more than amply jus tified by the display of commendable wisdom which characterized his efforts for justice and peace. One word from linn would have meant war, and if the plans are not carried out the blame must, tall upon the operators and the presidents of the coal roads. Mr. Mitchell acted with rare sagacity and courage, and there is no reason to ac cept the view that a strike under i present conditions would have alien ated public sympathy and imperiled the very existence of the .union..". It was not thut. The attempt to question . the. man's motives is dangerous and unjust, for he 'realized -what- a refusal lo work meant and lie appreciates the hanlsliips which haVo already conic to the .minors.- ...He was holding out for a principle and decent wages and ho has won a tremendous personal vic toiv by his Inanlv course. . proving thereby thai the interests ,,f air were, safe in his hands.. A long strike would have crippled our .Industries.- It would have deprived the 1 ii i nor would lia The .Jamestown exposition or ter-cen-tciiniul, or w hatever else 'it . may be called, will open in less than twelve months from date and great prepara tions are being made for the event. Norfolk is taking on hew' life and its people are anticipating a glorious show. It will be a noteworthy celebration and one which should be of Intense public Interest,, especially to the people of the south. ranks are enlisted mv honest - and nut riotic men. strangely Ignorant and . blinded to the Issui far from il--lnit He dismiss as idle and inconsequential any defense they offer for the institu tion. .Tile' "ro.. - corruption festers'.' i very w hero, it is too palpable, too. im-'i pudciit. and to prate of cleansing and j rehabilitating this thing, born as a j make-shift and subterfuge, .nourished ; for- partisan advantage, and 'through all its years reeking with ing offense is In tiille with facts, to I deny the obvious, and light on the y le. of a. public cl inic. The demand Is.'. 'first,' dial ail other policies being laid . aside, "the slate dispensary shall be destroyed."" Thai is platform. '"enough for all good cili- I zens this vcai Cnhappily. some of Mr. Rockefeller's trust has engaged : these good citizens will lie found limit r the services of the former editor of b,l!mo'-- u,al "'oasts the state's l snanie. OSS ! yellow newspaper who will act as pi agent and we may expect many lurid stories from .him .hereafter; I laving such an abundance of wealth it would seem that he could hire all of the muck rakers, and us they are after the coin they might gladly accept. Even Mr. Lawson may not be above his price. The New York Herald says thut President Roosevelt's .message on the Standard Oil was sent to congress along with the report of his change of base on the rate bill in order to Obscure, for the lime, at least, the fact that lie has yielded to his party in the senate. Evidently the president cares more for the future "welfare of his puity than for .the '.shippers. . A .young man in I'haltaiiooga killed himself, the other. .'morning after leav ing a note in which he. Said Hint ht; would take breakfast in hetl. If his wish w as gratified it s reason;, ble . to suppose that his beefsteak was served steaming hot. ... and shake of the hand. Everybody" I mot treated me with the greatest kindness, and 1 soon foil in lore with all at the Institute. The third day alter tha treatment was begun ''nil desire to take n drink had left me. ami I felt no tumpialion w haiovcr lo touch the bottle on Iho table by my bod. I can say will a clear eou- scicne? that the best investment.! ovor made in my life was the money I paid the Keeley Institute'ar Grooiis boro. X. C. ' The hoard and accom modations were ill - best, the ollicers and attendants were: kind and ac commodating. I never had honor treatment at any ' in my life. If anybody 'wants lo give up the liquor habit, I do not care how far gone h may b. ,,. ;ln ,io so In going to the institute at Greensboro where he will surely be cured: thai is if he Wants to quii, line if he .does not .determine to quii, (and that is the reason why some go -buck), he had as well remain at homo: 'for. if he had rather be drunk than sober : lie can learn the habit iuM as easily ; after being cured as ho learn.'d it ithe first time, though it might lake j him a little time to do so. - : There is no humbug in tin- Keeley . XORTH CAROM .l ;ireaimtmt; it, is the groalot God- A.l .J.l.MESTOWX. j s,-u! pver.. vouchsafed lo .nun. -c- ' . . ' I .. DAVIU STI! IH.V. '..Congressman Williani V. Kitchen.:'- . l'nnama Park. Fla.'. Xov, 21, HKII. of .North Carolina, is evidently do-J II you have friends who might be eidedly off touching the Jamestown !beneflted by this treatment send their names 10 me Keeley Institute, GreenBboro, N. C. opposing u further Federal., appro- '" ' priation lor it ate clearly based on : --. Mallwutwl His Wife. . . . s:.A..a..i. . i... ... ..: .,.! ignorance (ir m saiimehension. in . ''" ' i mw.i the tirst place, no one has ever elTiiine.l rliaf .1 mn1 nw.i w.t llio! scene of the :. lisli settlers." nied the title llood ni"ii. t'onscicnt ious. 1 .1 a v. an! patriotic nicn. though. v a 1 - i - - 1 . nunle heavy the task of saving Louisiana' sixteen, years ago. The light here is the same, the issue is the saiii'-. it will be maintained with the same obsti nacy, and the result will "be. the same. Now t!i -so good, citizens-:. arc warned, Hie dispensary be' defended.' but let its champions be those who have taken oil its bloat. Charleston News and Courier. , . ...TONE,.. ;. of ZAo '" Artistic ST I EPF (REGISTERED) GIVEN AWAY WITH EVERY CASH WBCHASE ONE -BTAIP EVERY 10 CENTS. It requires only 500 stamps (150) to fill a book. .When filled with j Dobbin & FerralJ's Gold Trading Stamps, thia book wil be accepted at our store ror f2.50 in any merchandise you may select from our entire stock, or as part payment on same, or $2 in cesh. ' When sending your mail Orders, send the cash, ask for and .claim the stamps. Get your neighbors and friends to 'send !ln their orders through you, and you can very quickly fill a bopk. The actual value of Dobbin & Ferrall's Gold Trading Stamps Is many times greater than that of ordinary trading stamps. DOBrfRrm COMPANY Jtist as Pure as the Prima Donna's Voice INVESTIGATE! STIEEF, GKAMiY STREET GEO. S. NCSSEAR, Manager NORFOLK, VA. Send Tor special price list and descriptive booklet COR NEW SET We take pleasure in announcing that we have se cured the agency of the celebrated exposition. Some of. his reasons for V James .H'.. Tillman, .'the .slayer i( Edlr. tor i!oii7.ales. has been nuniinateij fuV of. thei.r daily pay, and it congress .by the . -county cunvetiiiou of thrown the burden and the j Edgeiicld. but the worst part .of it is ijexington, .May fl.- young, man uunied Yokely was arrested and tried was the yesterday lor cruellv mall ivaiini; bis "first landing of Eng-i wife, but as usual the wife would not No one has ever dc--prosecute. -and so the man was fined 1 of Roanoke island to : for dist nr'blng the peace. His wife. thai honor. The 'claim of Jamestown who is in a delicate condition, was is that it is the spot on which was made to sit out on the piazza until a effected the lirst perintinent English j late hour one cold night this woek innoccnt consumer. that lle uiislit be tie into the future; he cost upon ihe .Mil.'bell looked proiiicd by the record of the past. He proti-cU-d- his people and they .will re tain to ihe mines, satislied and con-t- iii. while the country will have ample cause to be satisfied with the conduct of the man .who held the question of ' ,uu " war or peace in the hollow of his hand. ' . tel. The board of eUlennen ( AVinstu has decided that, bur room licenses u;ll not be issued hereaflci- to dealers on the south side of Thiid si-ivet bi-tween Main and 'Church. That part of the least.. will have prohibition. . Tin and . uiarria t.rave I'rolilems Indeed. Ficnch government is alarrued iiicci lied over .the decline in ihe and birth rate which serais te --threaten the Cullie ;iace in the re publie of Krancc, Munv tuiincnt. au thoi itics . Iia ve., discussed the problem ami the Hovernincnt is making an in vesUK!itiii in the ho e of usccrtuihinB the icul cause. The same question is iillraetiiig' seiemilic attention in Eu rojie generally. ; l-'ioni sialislies lately published it ap pears thai there has been a fall of ill per cent in tile uiarriaKC rate in Eng land since 1.S7U. In the . English, birth : The openinH" of the base hall scaso.i in (ieorgia has niade the people' -forget' Clark 'Howell and Hoke Smith. ' . In .his latest position on ihe.i ate bill President Ttoosevell is gelling back to the original doctrine, he propounded in his speech at itaieigh. : Wliile th. public may liol ), able to 'Uiidcj.stund .Vfr. Itooscveli's posiiion on the; rate hill ii i;,- ev hleiit lo all that lie hasii't lloppeil ,,n the size of the' family. Aecordijig In the (.'arnegie the state capital of North ( should lie primed lianly. rale the decline has been continuous; since l.y.ia. but the rate for l?u4 is the low est oil record less than a per 11,000 population. Leading British physicians, scientists and statisticians have read papers betore ihe British Royal iStatis tieal Society showing that the fall in the birth rate has set in as a general ami growing movement all over Eu rope. It is shown that between the years 1S7B and 1U01 in England and Aules the birth rate has declined from oS per cent to 36 per cent; in the Ger man tiniure from 41) to 35; in Prus sia from 40 to 36: in Franco from 'J6 to in Austria from 40 to 36. It is pointed out by the investigators that while war, industrial depression, bad crops, emigration and other recog- i President- Roosevelt lereil lo Ihe iistiiurion J lierr is the bo.e that Ihe predict cold spell 'will .nip the budding pru t. settlement on the continent and hence was tile cradle of the republic. In t lie second place it is not proposed :to hold the exposition at Jamestown, as Mr. Kitchen' and others 'who 'have, not taken the trouble to inform themselves have stated in explaining (heir antagonism Id the bill. It will not be held In a sparsely settled ter ritory, as several members who are in opposition have declared. The location is in the immediate vicinity of three large and growing litics, is accessible by rail from all parts of tiie I'nited .States and by water from all parts of the world. ; And w hat is an especial '.-oiiiuu n Mai'x -'on ihe indefensible -it i tuJo of :.Mr. Kitchen is the fact thai :lie locu tion is nearer to a vast section of North Carolina than It is to many tions of Virginia. In the - nn'.iire. of tilings Eastern North Caroli,i.-. will reap more of the material: benefits to be expected from the exposition than, will the greater part of Viri- ginia. In our Washington letter tin- , bracing the interview in which Mr. 'j Kitchen commits himself as against' Hie bill, it is stated that it is bo-: lieved a number of North Carolina members will follow Ills lend. .Thai I may lie; lint wo would fain believe-- j in truth we do believe Hint on this issue lli-y will not represent the wishes of their constituencies. Fori apart from the close and senl imonti 1 ' ties that have existed betwo-n North; w hich a ne t-'aroliuii and Virginia from colonial and right", days down, and which have caused I them to siand shoulder to shoulder: in i to : for no other reason than that her lord desired it. She was then allowed to come into the house, only, how ever, to find a bed on the bare lloor. A PIANO OF MERIT Cheapest accident insurance-Dr. Thomas' :Ecleetric Oil.' Stops 'the' pain and heals the wound. All drug gists sell it. The Greatest Headache Cure BROMO-PEPSIN "Xote the Word I'cpsiii." riinpCHeadache, Indices vUIVlJ tion, Insomnia Nervousness. : On the Spot. No Opiates. : Absolutely Harmless. All Druggists' 10. 25 and fide. There is neither satisfaction nor economy in purchasing a piano of doubtful quality. The country is Hooded with tliem. The high place accorded the SHONINGER PIANOS in the musical world is due to its full, rich ami clear tone ivhicli . readily expresses the mind of (lie performer. You will tlo yourself and family a great injustice should you purchase a piano Ix-forc giving the Shoiiinger a thorough ex iimiiiiilioii. Price and terms made right by I i ti -Ik. M HiSPwi mmw - cii , , p . American ""'';. ..-'.. Lady ... Corsets F0 . . vrBA B03T- tic-vik of which we now have a complete line in stock. Our as- i sortment includes all the newest models for spring, j American Lady Corsets are conceded to be the best Corsets made in America. No matter what price you pay, be it $5.00 or $1.00, if the name American Lady is on the inside, the garment is sure to fit perfectly and give absolute satisfaction. American Lady Corsets are designed in strict ac cord with the latest modes and create fashionable and symmetrical forms. The great variety of stylish models, of every proportion insures system . urolina ; merely- sur'ren-: I ' Shame. To r.cinove the State' The severest test by American state's decency eousnes has been tried was that which required Louisiana to wrest : herself so I'reuuentlv in sunshine and from the mip of a stale authorized and isturni. Xoril. f.M-,.li,.:, 1,:. ,. .. r,,i , , , c'J,,Uul-;gaiu from the success of the expos! legulalion and nionopolv of iramb njr .1 ,1 , .. When the lottery tlouris-hed it dwarfdi ti0'' 'lll,n U,,-V olh,jr outiiide "an other modes of Rumbling In Louisiana: ,V(,nld bo radically at vari: it was efflcient in restricting t he oner- i anct" '" "-'r progressive spirit not 1 1 1 f TV Country Apple Vinegar ations,of "faro banks." for it absorbed the money; it was a revenue producer of boundless capacity, as I he splendid mansions of those who managed it still ! exposition aiteai, clnu US UCIieiaCLIOIlS 10 SCtlOOIS, hospitals the Mississippi levees, the libraries and other oublie institutions iiied factors uecount in a measure for were noble, generous and princely, a the fulling birth and marriage rate, is to tne eternal honor of Louisiana ib-e pa.tlal faetois could not ade- ! tl,at thu.0.akt'n virtue of Its people t.;ucii tu me aciiievciiieni or seit- to sympathize to the fullest in every thing calculated to promote .it.'-From th-i utilitarian viewnolnt indeed the will be hardly less a Xorth Carolina than a Virginia en terprise -wil! he, in short, an inter state exposition. Itichmond News Leaner. . iiuately explain the singular regularity and steadiness of the movement. "The conclusion drawn by the investigation," says the Atlanta Constitution, "is that the desire for euse and comfort, the rising stundurds of living and the fear of poverty havedonemorethannatural and accidental influences to bring about the decline in fertility and the custom of redemption. There are slates more slavish in the worship of money which might have failed. In South Carolina the creature has out-grown the creator, and by the side of the State Whiskey Dealer in Co lumbia, with its three or four million dollar annual business, with its hun dreds of local ancf travelling employes, great and small, with Its scores of re tail grnggerics. distributed in the vol- When the baby talks, it Is time to give Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea. j It's the greatest bauy medicines i Known to loving mothers. It makes them eat, sleep and grow. 35 cents, Tea or Tablets. Henry T. Hicks & Co. A grafter is a reformer who is in. A reformer Is a grafter who is out. Memphis Commercial-Appeal. Jhafsmpldea of Good Coffee!' KX.UTXY WHAT VOL viill say when you try this delicious coffee. Tho vir tue of anything of merit is I focttt told ly test. Try White House Coffee und note tlie difference. All - i , J first class grocers : any where and ovfryM-Iierc. Ab"5olutcly Pure 3 Years Old J. R. FERRALL & CO. TrtciucaK tORSEf7 A Shape for Every Figure CORSET We respectfully invite you to call and inspect these garments. They are the all-essential to a fashionable gown. . y -; t: - IT'S GOOD! Kingan's Choice I Breakfast Strip.. OXIiV lot. 1EK 1WXI). J ;.; Cheaper than fresh meats. This j . with a cup of Dursctt'a "Favorite" ! ; brand Coffee maki-s tUe most delight- I rul breakfast Iminaginable. , ) W. R. DORSETT. - J Kverj thing In-nt in Groceries. CORSET COVERS Ready to Make 50c. and $1 A new idea. Just here. EMBROIDERED HAND-DONE Ready to Make Robes in ,-trrencn jsatiste a splendid j number just arrived. Only ($5.00. Splendid for com mencement dresses. READY TO WEAR WAIST PATTERNS. 100 styles to choose from, at only 98c, worth twice the money. COUNTRY CLUB WAISTS. The new Shirt Waist (for hot weather $1.25. LINGERIE WAISTS. Just here. From $1.50 to $20.00. Exquisite beauties. DOBBIN-FERRALL CO.