THE RALEIGH EVENING TIMES, MONDAY, JUNE 11 1906. 5 OPENED WITH LOWER PRICES Features of New York Stock Market Today ONLY SLIGHT LOSSES People's Gas 92 Pressed Steel Car . .. 62 Pullman Palace Car , 228 Standard OH 615 Sugar ........ Sloss-Shefflcld Steel.. 78K Tennessee Coal and Iron ir.r.iK, I United States Steel 40, United States Steel pfd 106V Western Union.. Mackay Co.'s Mackay co.'s pfd : '. Virginia-Carolina Chemical..,. Va.-C'at. Chemical pfd 93 74 74 Vj 41 111 New York Cutton Market. The Market Later Rallied to a Small Fraction Above Saturday's t'los' ins Figures Still Later KcudiiiK Dei-lines and l'riees Generally Are Again Forced Down (Quotations. (By the Associated Press.) New York. June 11. Opening prlees in the stock market today were below i-aturday's closing, but the majority of stocks suffered only Blight losses. Con solidated (las yielded 2, Colorado Fuel 1 1-4, and Missouri Pacific 1 point. Louisville Nashville, Haltiino'e & Ohio, Northern Paeiflc, Amalgamated Copper and Smelting were off 1-2 to 3-4. Supporting orders were placed oil the market and St. Paul was bid up to 1-1 above last week's closing to offset any further sympathetic losses through the 3 1-2 point break in Consolidated lias. These tactics rallied the market to a small fraction above' Saturday's final figures, after which speculation hecauie (ulet and steady until there was a rathei; precipitate decline in Heading from 142 1-8 to 111) 3-4. Other stocks gave way again to about where they o;ened at. Speculation was too narrow to admit ot much independent action and the result was the entire list was swayed by the professional operations in any particular stock. The decline caused by the heaviness off Heading was read ily checked and prices, brought up to about the best of the morning when the bull' party in St. Pali! resumed their buying and pu.t it up three fiolnls to 1711. Auaeoda improved 2, Liic tnotive and Iowa Central , preferred 1, Illinois Central 1 and Peoples tias 1 1-4. Consolidated lias rallied over 2 (mints from a. lowest and Head ing made up all of its loss, l.onda were steady at noon. Very little stock was offered and slocks for which there was the slight est Inquiry sold higher. This was noticeably the case for Heading. I I'liion Pacific and Amalgamated Cop per. St. Paul hovered above 170 and Delaware &' Hudson made one of its characteristic advances of seven points i n a tew transactions. Other advances leached 1 to 1 1-4 ill Union Pacific, Col. orado Southern, Colorado Fuel and llepubllc Steel. Conditions in the stock market were not essentially altered in the late alternonn. The market presented a very firm front and any efforts at ac- mutilation ' caused very notable ad vances. A '.lumber of representative 'industrials and railroads ruled in the i:cighboi hood of a point above Satur days dosing. .Northwestern gained ;;i-2, Colorado Fuel 1 3-4. New Vol k Central 1 3-S and Pennsylvania and Heading 1, while Hocking Valley lost Uailinads operating in the -wheat tel l itoiy were -bought heavily after the - publication 'of the government crop I'm Met in, especially Atchison and the Hill stocks. Atchison gained 1. (ileal Noilhcni preferred 2 and Northern .Pacific 2 1-2. -Moderate advances oe ccried also among various oilier .stocks, but tlie general Improvement was soon checked by realizing older 111 Heading and St. Paul. In the final dealings 'the market stiffened up 'again and closed :n. (By the Associated Press.) New York, June 11. The cotton mar ket opened steady at an advance of pa3 points in response to higher cables. (iooil wealher and crop advices cheeked tile demand, but. the market after sagging off a point or two firmed, up in sympathy Willi July in New Or leans, which sold fourteen points above the closing prices of Saturday while new crops gained about 3(fi4 points. The local market was firm during the middle of the morning and about fiftr!) points higher on covering of shorts and a few buying orders from New Orleans. New York, June 11. Cotton fu tures opened steady; July, 10. (!7; August, 10.5(i; September, 10.46; October, 10. 15 : November, 10.42; December, 10.17; January, 10.51. Cotton futures cloyed steady, dor lug bids: June 10.7.".; July 10.72; August 10. 59; September KUH: October 10.17; November HUB: December lO.fil;. Jan uary 10.57; February 10.38; March 10.65.. The market at midday was quiet but steady, with prices at about the high prices of the session or 6 to 9 points above the closing figures of Saturday Spot cotton (iiiiet; middling uplands 11.25; middling sulf 11.59. ' Cotton spot closed quiet and steady, 5 points advance; middling uplands 11.25; middling gulf 11.50. Sales 1,4X bales. Estimated receipts at the ports today 1,000 bales against 10.078 last week and 12.1112 last year. For the week 40,000 bales against 05,170 last week and Si,37C last year. Today's receipts at New Orleans i2 bales against 3,595 last year, and at Houston 455 bales against 3.8'J6 last s ear. ceipts 26,000; market steady tw 10c. lower. Beeves 4.00 6.00; cows and heifers 1.655.10; stockers and feeders 2.75 4.60; Texans 2.75 4.40; calves 5.25 6.75. Hogs receipts 44,000; market strong; mixed and butchers 6.35 6.62. Good heavy 6.55 6.65; rough heavy 6.35 6.4 5; light 6.35 6.55; pigs 5.C01i,6.30; bulk of sales 6.506.C0. Sheep receipts 27,000; market strong; sheep 4.60 Hii 6.10; lambs 5.50 li 7.10. COMMERCE COMMISSION New York Provision Market. (By the Associated Tress.) , Now York, June 11. Flour steady, but slow. Wheat unsettled; July 90 r.-fW)91; Sept. 88 3-KiSU 3-8: Dee. 90 l-Sfi.3-8. Hye dull; No. 2 western G7 3-4; nomi nal. Corn unsettled; Dec. 57 5-8. Beef and :101k steady. Lard firm; prime western S.Sj'tS.DO nominal. Sugar, raw, quiet; fair 'refining 2 15-lllfi31-32; centrifugal 3 l.-32i 1-2; molasses sugar 2 ll-16i 23-32. Heflncd steady; crushed 5.30; powdered 4.70; granulated 4.60. Coffee steady; No. 7 Rio 7 5-S. Molasses steady; New Orleans 30i38. , Butler steadier; creamery 15di20. Cheese weak: new state full cream large and small Sfu 10 1-2 skims 2'o 8 1-2. Kggs linn, nearby selected 22: west ern firsts 17; southerns II l-2!illi. Hearing in the Coal and Oil Stock Inquiry Testimony Adduced Today at Hitting of Commission in Washington Another Meeting Tomorrow at Philadelphia. Satur day's Open. Close. Close. June . . . . , 1(1.75 10.60 July ' . . . . PI.B7 10.12 10.65 August . . . . 1o..-,fi -10.59 10.53 September . .10.16 10.49 10.45 October . . . 10.45 10.47 10.42 November . .10.42 10. 16. . 10.42 December . . 10.47 10.51 Ifl.46 January . . . 10.51 10.57 10.5U February . . . 10.5S 10.52 March ... .-.! 10.65 10.57 ".' Liverpool Cotton Market. (By the Associated Press.) Liverpool, June 11. Cotton spot (jillet;, prices 4 points higher; Ameri can middling fair 6.51: good -middling 6.27; middling 6.05; low middling 5.87; good ordinary 5.07; ordinary 5.47. The sales of the da;" were 7,000 bales or which 500 were for sueculatlon and effort, and Included 5,7(10 American. Hteeipts 13,000 bales. Including 1,200 American. Futures .opened firm and closed steady; American middling good ordinary clause, Juno 5.84; June-July 5.8.V,5.S4: July-August 5.81; Aug.-Sept. 5.77; Sept. -October 5.70; Oct-Nov. 5.65; Nov.-Dcc. 5.6lii5.65; lce.-Jati. 5.619 5.65; Jan. -Feb. 5.65: Feb.-March 5.66; March-April 5.67?i5.6S; April-May S.tisy 569, New York Poultry Market. New York. June 11. Poultry alive steady; western broilers 26; fowls 13 1-2; turkeys llffi12; dressed firm: western broilers 20125; turkeys 1141-13; fowls 104(13. ENLISTED IN THE NAVY To Qualify Himself for tlie Ministry Xow Me Wants Release The Queer Story of a South Carolina liny I nfolded to President Roosevelt Today. Raleigh Spot Market. (Reported by Chas. K. Johnson & Co.) New York Closing Stock Atlantic Coast Line ... . . . . Atchison . . . . ... . .... . . Atchison pref. . ..... ; . . . . Baltimore & Ohio i . ... .v. Chesapeake: & Ohio .. ... . Canadian Pacific . . ...... , Chicago & Alton Chicago & Alton prof.;... Chicago & Northwestern . . List. . .M7Vi ;. ill ..102 .:.u(i'4 ... ... KiO . . 28 . . 71 .'.2M6 Strict good- middling, II '.rC. Good middling, II1, 4c. Strict middling 11c. Middling. 10c. Ileeeipts today- f bales. . Colorado Southern . .... . . Denver & .Rio Grande , . . . . Denver, & Rio Grande 'prof. Erie ... . .". . . ; ..... Great Northern pref."...... Illinois Central . ........ . Loiusvllle & Nashvile Manhattan L ..... . . . . . . . Mctroplitan St. Rwy. Mexican Central ......... Missouri Pacific ...... . New York Central .......... 140 Norfolk & Western ... . .. . . . 88 j Northern Pacific .......... .212 Pennsylvania . . . . . . . . . . . . .134,s Heading 142 Rock Island '26 Rock Island pref. .......... 65 St. Paul ................ ..179& Southern Pacific ... ....... . 66 Southern Railway .......... 38 Southern Railway pref. . . . . 99 Union Pacific 152 Union Pacific pref. ... . . . ... 94 Wabash ...... ..... . ... . . , 21 Wisconsin Central .... . . . . . . 25 Miscellaneous. Amalgainated Copper.. 108 American Car and Foundry 41 American Smelting 156 American Smelting pfd......;.., 11!) American Woolen , 40 American Woolen pfd... 107 American Cotton Oil v. .......... . 33 American Tobacco pfd.......... 108 American Tobacco 4's... 7S American Tobacco 6's.. ....... ... 113 Brooklyn Rapid Transit 84 Colorado Fuel and Iron..,..,... 58 International Paper -20 National Biscuit...... 67 National Lead....... 76 Northern Securities........ Pacific Mall..... 38 New York Money Market. (liv the Associated Press.) New York, June '11. Money on call 2:!l (S 3 I'"1' cent; ruling rate ;j per cent; closing bid 2 offered at 3. Time money dull but retains its strength; sixty clays 1 per cont ; ninety days 4 ; six months 4 (n 1. New 'York;- June 11. Close Prime 5ier;i utile piper 545 1-2 per cent sterling exchange firm at 486.O54i4S6.10 for demand and at4S2.Wi4S2.ll5 for sixty day bills. Posted rates 484 and Bar silver 65. Mexican dollars government bonds steady. Rail bonds Irregular. 487. 5oi-: road Chicago Grain Market. (By the Associated Press.) Chicago,'.. June 11. Wheat opened strong and somewhat excited today be cause of the fact that Liverpool cables were 3-4d. higher. Tlie cause of the advance at Liverpool was a rumor that the Russian government Is about to prohibit the exports of breadstuff's. The weather In this country is favor able for the crop, and this, together with realizing sales caused nearly all of the advance to be lost. Commission houses were heavy traders. , July opened 1-8 lower to 3-8 higher at 84 1-4 to 84 3-4 and declined to 83 .1-8. The low point for July was 83. After the first hour of trading the market held steady at the decline traders being indisposed to do much because of the government crop re port which was expected during the day. It came in the last ten minutes of the session, too late to have ef fect on today's market. The close was steady with July oft . . at 83 . July corn on prolit-taklug eased off to Fl 1-2(05-8. Covering by shorts late In the day sent the price of July up to 51 . The closo was firm, with July higher, at 51 fi. . July oats eased off to 41 5-8. . July oats eased of to 37 0-8. September provisions opened quiet, pork at 16.55; September iard 8.95, ribs 9.32 to 9.35. Chicago Live Stock Market. 1 (By the Associated Press.) Chicago, June 11. Cattle re- ( By 'the Associated Press.) Washington, June 11. President Roosevelt heard today 'a. .curious story of desertion from the United Msra navy and an appeal on behalf of the culprit. The statement was made to tile president by Senator Winger of New Il.-.inpslilre 011 behalf of Senator Tillman of South Carolina. Senator Oalllugcr was 'accompanied to tlie White House by Representative John son of South Carolina. A brief time ago J. Matthews Fort- ner, a mountain boy of rtcKens county, C. became Imbued with the Idea ot becoming ''Baptist- preacher. While in a state of exaltation, he encount ered a recruiting officer of the 'navy ind told him of his ambition. Tlie officer suggested that Former enlist in tlie navy and thereby obtain an all iiround education that would be of advantage to him In his clerical en nig. Former enlisted with the idea that the navy was particularly adapted to religiously inclined young men. He was senL -...aboard -.tlie Lancaster in The young man soon decided ihit the navy was not. quite tlie place for a man inclined ..toward the .minis try and deserted. He became a student at- Furman University at (Ireenville, S. ('. The police learned the history of hH enlistment and arrested hini. He is now in prison. The president lis icned to the story with deep Interest. He suggested the young man would have to stand ilia 1 for desertion and then all the facts would be developed. He promised to take up the case after the trial and ascertain what, if any thing, could be done for Former in the way ot leniency. (By the Associated Press.) Washington,-June. 11. Further testi mony with respect to the ownership by officials of ruihoads of cnai ami oil stocks and properties was taken by the interstate commerce commis sion today. Two witnesses were ex amined, Charles K. Ways, of Haiti more, assistant to the freight traffic manager, and L. R. H1u1k1.nlrough. of Pittsburg, general freight agent, botli of the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Coin, puny, in answer to cincstions by ihe commissioners Mr. Ways admitted that he at present owns 1M) .bares of mer chants coal company stock which he paid for in full, except.- 24 shares which were allotted to him in connec tion with a bond issue. In addition, lie said he had thirty-one shaies of dividend stock. The balance he paid for at' par, $100 a share. He declared tbat he became a stockholder when the company was organised, about tMt een years ago. Replying to commissioner Clements the witness testified that he had no interest in any oil properties or any other coal company or property. lie said further, annweiing a question by J. (1. Wilson, assistant general counsel of the bank, that he had nothing to no with car distribution or tlie mak ing of coal rates. Mr. Brnekcnlimugh .. described bis duties, saying he had charge of the rates on all traffic -except coal, eoko and live stock, but 110 such rales were made by him without first consulting tlie freight traffic manager;''' He was, he said, the owner of fifty shales of Urinsa coal stock, the prop erty being located on the Ursine, and Northfork Railroad, between ('umber land and Connellsville. an independent road. Tlie stock lie said was given to him 'by (Jeoige -Humbert a promoter, who was trying to develop a lot of property at Soutli Cnnnollsvllle-. Hum bert, he said, was a friend who simply was trying to help him in a personal way into secure industries. He never realized a dollar, he declared., out ot anything on the Baltimore 7 Ohio Road. j The hearing adjourned until tomor row at Philadelphia where it is ex pected It will continue for two days and possibly longer. ccai IS ON THIS BEWARE OF BOTTLE AND SUBSTITUTES. THERE IS ONLY ONE COCA COLA Bottled in the -c Raleigh Is indcntically sold at Priii; Stores- Raleigh Coca Cola Bottling Co. D. T. POIXDEXTEB, Mr. , Trade Buiiding. Again WE SAY ::DMT:: LET MOSQUITOES AND FLIES WORRY YOU Ibis Canopy is cllertual ami convenient and will save toii much worry and maybe keep oil' sickness. Mosquito bites are dan gerous. GILLETTE AND GRANNISS INDICTED. THE GRAVESEND RACES TODAY. (Ry the Associated Press.) firaveseud, I,, I.. June 11. First race About n(i!e selling; 3 year olds iiud up Rye Hi In fi and even, first; Keator 2 to 5, place, second; Nan nie Hodge, third. Time i:09 3-5. Second race Steeplechase: handicap about 2V3 miles. Knight of Khvay, 5 to 1 and G to 5 first. Dromedary 3 to 5 place, second; (rn third. Time 4:53 3- (By the Associated Tress.) New York, June 11. Dr. Walter It.-Gillette- and Robert A. Grunniss, formerly vice presidents of the Mu tual life Insurance Company were in dicted on charges of forgery and per jury today by a special grand' jury which has been investigating insur ance mat t'ers 'under the direction of District Attorney Jerome. Dr. Gil lette is charged . with having made false statements in the grand jury room. Five instances of forgery are alleged in the charges against him. Excitement in X. O. Cotton Market. (My the Associated Press.) New Orleans, June 11. -An abrupt rise in the cotton market of 2(i points in July today caused considerable ex citement and rumors of a bull cor ner. Later prices fell away some what, July being 19 points higher than Saturday's closing. It was said that a corner had been secured on all spot cotton available for July dc- V'rc tq U10 rtf .Tiilv touched X" points higher than October, the first new crop position 111 wntcn there is at present an acitve trading. . Mm - . ' nP. IfrtOinal I rnn -r- 11 run x:mmi:mA WOOD lp&::iix' 1 RFfi'v mmmmmam . 1 1 a wbw w . ,;;; '" ----'v 1 Fl tm-vi: -M"IN ;' I l't(M(ir "fmm I CEILING CANOPY $1.75 . rMlfSpT BEST SELECTED. Jy. ' , , lute i ii; ftRA home is (he Ice Cicani Kreezer. &Mj. We have a Kood line of f he most II WA II I a flA SSEIV;SS J. i. 16 lie l ighn Lawn Mowers, , : - n,1A'Y tavlok, Manager. WlmWWi ; Garden Hose lnZTl t,,c porson wa", m&mM Wire Screen Doors, and season" 1 abl. fcoods found m tin ll.udware - (IIIMIIIIIIIIimill llIH IIIDHmnBi line, m Carolina Hardware Co., East End City Market. i IX THE Tricliod (a . -business-iiki; piano man ufacturer) It vou (Ion t want to keep that -piano that. I let you have on ...pproval. Mr. sheers. 1 wish you would ret in n it. sheers (an absent -minded editor) Did vou in' lose a sta.mped envelope. Stray store's. ... Kehate Cases Dismissed. (By thM Associated Press.) Kansas City, Mo., June 11. In the United States district, court here today the' case against the Chicago & Alton and the Chicago, Milwaukee & Dibbles Isn't broker. In that Nihhli . i 1 rubbles- It s must have monev. Nibbles- ch. He has Columbus Despatch. that Hawkins, automobile. the flue machine, lit lot of mine. I UNCLASSIFIED WANTS, San Francisco FIRE Millions of dollars worth of secur ities and valuables were saved through the protection of safe deposit vaults. - Are your valuables: jewel ry, stocks, bonds, insurance policies, etc., safe from fire? The Carolina 'Trust Co. lias safe deposit boxes in its lire and burglar qroof vault. These boxes can lie had for .f.Od a year and furnish absolute protection against lire or burglars. Come and see them. . Carolina Trust Company. A. J. RUFFIN, President. LEO D. HEARTT. Vice President and General Manager. H. F. SMITH, Cashier. WANT A Desirable Sideboard AT A LOW PRICE? 1 ZLl " bi.i o dining room is complete without a sideboard. This piece of furniture is not a luxury or made merely to look uiou, hut it is absolutely a necessity, and every home should have one. OIK PRICES Jl'ST NOW EOK SIDEJIO.AHDS AUK KOCK 1)T TOM. . In reach of all classes of buy" is. ou do not have lo have a wcll-lillcd pocket book to buy here. We make prices right and offer unusually reasonable terms. Always look here before buying furniture. The Raleigh Furniture Co., JAS. M. RIGGAN, Mgr. against D. H. Kresky, a Kansas City freight broker, charged with con spiracy to obtain rebates for ship pers, wore dismissed at the sugges tion of A. S. Van Valkenburgh, the district attorney. WilliainsWoodard. The marriage of Mr. Robert I. Wil Hams, a well known and popular pharmacist of Raleigh, and Miss Caroline Myrtle Woodward, will take place this evening. NO USE PAVING 5 CENTS EACH FOR 5 CIGARS When You Can Get Just As Good For a QUARTER AT . . NORWOOD, Maker of the Finest Cigars Ever Sold at the Price, LIST YOU. TAXES. -The attention ot the public, is called to the, fact that the month of Juno is tho time to list taxes. Any person failing to list will lie liable for double tax. h. H. Adams, Chairman Board County Commissioners. LOST On Friday night, on street car or between California Fruit Store and Blount street, a dove shaped brooch set with pearls. Finder will be liberally rewarded by leaving at this office. Swift's HAMS at 15 Cents The highest grade meat Helling the market today at the price. W. R. DORSETT. Everything best in Groceries. Hnbbard Bros. & Co. HANOVER SQUARE, NEW YORK. MEMBERS OF New York Cotton Ex ehinge, New Orleans Cotton Ex change. Asoclote Members Liver pool Cotton AsoclaLlOQ,, ORDERS SOLICITED For the pur chase and cale of cotton (or future delivery. Correspondence Invited. YOU CAN Eat II e rty- Eat Anything' IF YOU DRINK Do You Want TO UORUOW MONEY TO IU Y OR IJl'IM) v -a H o me ? 'Ille inoiiej you pay for rent will luiy a home within a few years if applied Ihrougli Uye Raleigh Building (SL Loan Asso. MONEY TO l.l.'ND. I-or further information call on (he .Secretary Treasurer. T. IS. OM.CK, Pres. W. S. WILSON. See. and Trens. Ofhrc at tucker Drug Company's Store (Crowcll's Old Sfaud). I HI ii rrouounced by Einmiiient I'hysic iaiis by all those who have tried it ABSOLUTELY BEST WATER FOR INDIGESTION AND STOMACH TROUBLES Sold in any quantity from a ulass ful at our fountain to a Carboy de1 Iivcred to your homo or ofllce. HICKS' DRUG STORES re in Keneial use thrnuBhout the ciiuntrv Hini never, fail to-Kive Ratisfactinti. , T h e y look well last well, unci is the must iinia incNtMl innf, made. They can't leak, blow ill' or break: as cheap as VVnml ihlnples. Write fur hmiklet, "( ioncei hIiir (hat Ilonf." ALLEN ItOOFIXt; CO., N. C. THE SOUTH GROWING. Tlie Assessed value of its property increased ' - Four Hundred Million Dollars diirinj; the past year. j THE CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK of Raleigh, lonpaltilates its patrons that, with them, it has been perniiXed to contribute to this marvellous growth. 2 Ol'R ASSETS One and a half millions. JOSFU'Il O, BROWN, President. HENRY E. LITCHFORD, Cashier. 3T

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