r ME'ftJttfilGH EVElNG TIMES, MONDAY, JTTN Sfrij o o ' - 0 C0CIALCIBCLE3 :V('vt. - ..Miss Mary Dughl has gone to Dur ham on a visit , ,Mra. H. T. Hudson and children pent Sunday in Shelby. :; yi.'fi-v.-- The. '. Htthi child: ot Dr. and Mrs. John McKee is critically ill. :,.., 4, O S Miss Bessie Law left this morning for Morchead to spend a few days. ' .- . S O , Hiss Florence H. Jones and Mrs. Emily L. Jones are spending a while In Louisburg. " 8 0 Miss Tablor of Nashville, Tcnn.. is visiting Mrs. Van B. Moore on north Wilmington street. .0 ? Dr. and Mrs. J. C. Dye of Fayetle Ville are here to attend the Dye-Davis ruptials tomorrow. - There will be a lawn party at the Edcnton Street Methodist Sunday school lawn tomorrow evening. S Mr. H. W. Jackson and Miss Ethel and Master Herbert left this morning Tarboro to spend a few days. O $ Miss Boenla Welsh, teacher In the School for the deaf at Morpranton, ii visiting her sister, Mrs. F. H. Briggs, On West Hargett street. 4 Miss Leah and Miss Tvclyno Ept lng of Bollngbroke, Ga., are in the city visiting their uncle, Mr. -.' , Richard Koonce on Hillsboro street. .'" Mrs. C, R. Williams and .'.children, who have been the guests of her mother, Mrs. L. C. Neil, left yesterday lor their home in Hamlet. S O 8 Mrs. U. L. Perry left this morning for Beaufort where she will spend the Ktiimner. She was accompanied by Miss Etta Perry and -by Mr. Frank Perry of Beaufort. $ 0 S Miss Mildred M. Jones, who has been attending the nurses training school at the Presbyterian hospital in Nor folk, is here on a visit to her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Alf A. Jones. , . j ? Misses Maggie O'Brian, Pearlle O'Brinn. .' Cassio ' O" Brian, Mr. R. A. Manship, Dr. J. M. Manns unci Mr. Lee ' Began were a pariy here Sunday guests at the 'Yarborough.'. ?? : Miss Mary Pruden of Edcnton left today for Henderson to visit Miss A. L. Pendleton, after having been the guest at the homes of Mr. Charles Root and Mr. F. H. Busbee here. '',.' O ?. .. Marriage Tomorrow. Tomorrow morning at ten o'clock at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Sears on New Bern avenue the marriage of Miss Eula Rives Davis to Mr. Robert Hai die Dye will take place. J S .'.- The literary and social meeting of Edcnton Street Church Epworth Lea gue will be held this evening at S : 1 ;" o'clock. Among the features of enter tainment will bo be recitation by Miss Jessie Bumpas, and Miss Nina Oreen. Miss Susie Tucker and Mi's. E, C. Duncan will sing. O. ' Marriage licenses were issued Sat urday afternoon to Benjamin Caley Dickens and Miss Mamie Clara Dick ens, both of Holly Springs; Duncan J. McDuffle and Miss Bessie Iola Wlm berly. both of New Hill; William An derson and Miss Delia Standi, both of Willow Springs. PERSONALS. , Mr. Richard S. Busbee of Charlotte Is here. Col. W. B. Rodman -arrived'. from Charlotte this morning. Col. P. M. Pearsall arrived this morning from New Bern. Mr. J. L. McMillan of Red Springs was a Raleigh visitor today. Mr. R. ' M. '. DeUney is fjuite sick at his home on North Person street. Mr. A. C, House of Weldon was a guest at the Yarborough last night. Mr. F. L. Fuller of Durham spent the day in the city on professional business. Messrs. Gordon Whitted and Mr. J. F. Koso of Durham spent Sunday in Raleigh. Mr. W. E. Manor leaves tonight for New Market, Virginia, where he will spend a month or more. Messrs. C, Bailey and J. R. Rich ardson of Aberdeen are In the city reg istered at the Yarborough. Mr. Shell Jones, son of ex-Sheriff Ham T. Jones, leaves today for Rich mond, Va., to accept a position with the Cobb Manufacturing Co. Prof. Cyrus P. Frazier, who was ap pointed postmaster at Greensboro by President Roosevelt but not yet been confirmed by the senate, is spend ing today in Raleigh. Daniel N. Lockwood, the man who nominated Grov r Cleveland for mayor of Buffalo, governor of New York and for president of the United States, died last Friday la Buffalo. Ho has held many prominent political positions in his state. FASHIONABLE WEDDINGS the proper shape and size, phraseology and arrangement are correct, Btyle ot engraving just right . .d everything in accordance with the dic tates of social usage. bVll, work done in our own factory bere. Low prices and strict 'promptness . Send for free samples and booklet J. P. STEVENS ENGRAYTNQ CO., 47 , Whitehall Street, Atlanta, Ga. WHY TAKE CALOMEL? When Mozley 's Lemon Elixir, a purely vegetable compound, with-a pleas ant taste, will relieve you of Biliousness, ' and' all landred diseases without griping or nausea, and leave no bad effects. 50c. and $1;00 per bottle at all Drug Stores. MOZLEY'S LEMON ELIXIR. "On Dose Convinces.", LOCAL BRIEFS. A charter is issued for the Youngs' Grocery Co. of Lexington, capital t,500. by S. S. Neal, Chas. Young and others. The team from Walnut Creek council will tonight confer the work on the candidates in Capital City Council No. 1. A charter was issue:! this morning for the Best Chair Company of High Point, capital. $."iO.0fl authorized and $1.00(1 subscribed by B. A. Best and others. The memorial eercises by the Odd Fellows of Raleigh were not held yes terday. The sermon which was to have been preached in the Central Methodist Church last night by Rev. E. Pope has been postponed. The round trip tomorrow from Ral eigh to Lillington for the judicial con vention will be $1. The train leaves here upon the arrival of the :i:)5 train from Goldsboro ami connects in the afternoon with the &:30 train f ir Goldsboro. The Seahoaid will operate special train from .Kalcigh Durham, and Wel don to 'Oxford 'Saturday, June mini, account St. John's Pay and Masonic celebration... The round trip rate Is Sl.t'O. Leave Kalcigh S: tr. a.m.. return at 7 p. m. 'Since Alderman Grimes lias not re turned to the city Mayor Johnson lias not called the board of a'derineit to meet tonight to pass on the' petitions for.' a yirohibilion cloetlon. The -board will meet next Friday .night-or e;..rlier for this purpose. A big delegation -will go from 1! il i.'lgh tomorrow to attend the sixth dis trict -convention at Lilltiigton. This convention will renominate Sol lei tn Armisiead Jones of this city. The Raleigh delegation will oave here over the Raleigh and Southport Railroad at S:l." in the morning and return in the afternoon. A ladv who was out driving Sat urilay aftornoon rcim'sts The Times to -call the attention of the county authorities to the 'dangerous condition of the bridges on the nrul between Taylor's pond and the cemetery. One of these bridges had a dangerous lu: in It, on another .throe- planks were loose and on the third a -'plunk was off and the occupants of the carriage h id to get out. Mr. C. H. C.attis. T. P. A. of the Seaboard announced today that dipt. W. P. Clements had been appointed excursion agent for the S'-aboard this summer. Capt. Clements is one of the most popular conductors on the Sea board and a better ...selection . .could -rot have been made. Those -who go on his excursions will certainly be assured of a delightful trip and train well conducted. I IMPORTANT XOTK'K. The impression seems to have got ten out that the Baptist Tabernacle Sunday School will run an excursion to Norfolk on June 2iith -t ho date asked for by the school. There has been nothing definitely decided in re gard to furnishing theni an excursion on that date as yet. . It is also ru mored they will make a rate of $2.00 for those not connected with the Sun day School. This is erroneous, as they will make no rate less than $15.00 for outsiders, The only excursion so far booked over the Seaboard to Norfolk in June is on the 19th-21st and the rate for the round trip will be $3.00 and on every other excursion during the sum mer this same rate will apply. t". II. (iattis, Traveling Passenger Agent. : BUCKHORN LITHIA WATER IS BfiXKFICIAIi IX ALL. FEV ERS, ESPECIALLY TYPHOID 6 Gallons for $2.00 W. C. STROXACH'S SON'S CO. require invitations that are in ac cordance with forms adopted by' fashionable society. Invitations which we engrave are FAULTY MEMORY (Special to the Evening Times.) Washington, June 11. Herbert J. Truesdcll, who was on the stand In the trial of George E. Green, and W. D. Doremus when court adjourn ed Friday, again took the stand to day, when Mr. Stanehfield continued the cross-examination. Reference being made to the letter introduced Friday by the defence which purported to have been writ ten by V. D. B. Ainey, attorney for Mr. Truesdcll and in which was stated that no action would be taken by the government should any dis closures by Mr. Truesdcll implicate him, Mr. Baker asked where it was obtained. Mr. Stanehfield . replied that they had notified Mr. Ainey that they would -subpoena hira when he sent the letter. Mr. Truesdcll did not recollect saying in the statement he made to postofflce Inspectors at Rush that he had sent to the hank to cash checks for $400 or $500 the pro ceeds of which were to be paid to Reavers. Cnon being shown the statement in which he said $100 or $,")00 he said he felt certain now that the chocks were for $.')00 each. The witness would not say that the com mission account did not equal $7,500 Instead of $1,500, but said thaj H was all paid to Beavers. The witness could not say how many payments were made to Beavers, or the time of such payments. He said he usually paid him in bills and ir. Washington.- He Siiid he did not tell Mr. Doremus iJuv.it the arrangement to pay Reavers in coiine: t mil with the first order for 'cancelling machines; nut II after the arrangei ieiit had ln-en made. The witness would 'not swear that he had talked with Mr. Green prior to placing til-- first order. f-T . ;m.-lling ; machines nijont. '"any : i Ta'm.-nlciit . t.ij pay Reavers, the witness having tost I- lied 'that Mr. Green had not come into (he company at 'that time, One payment of $:.H0 lie testified was made to Heavers in a c.ib In Now York. The ".witness .. having testified that statements were sent to Mr. Green showing the commission accounts paid to Heavers, and having staled that, ho diiectoil .Mr. Fish to prepare state ments showing the condition of tin' company wlii.cji . lie approve ! before sending them to Mr. Green, Mr. Stanehfield exhibited statements dated September 1 and .". and asked liiui .If' he could find any reference to i-omuii-i-sion '.accounts. He said lie could not. The statements were ruled out because they iiuriiorted only to ) tlv nature. of trial balances, and pot in dividual accounts. The witness said be was friendly with Mr. Green up to the time he left th" Doremus Company. Mr, Ti uesdoll ad mitted Unit he made a claim'-against Mr. Green of $".0 for each machine sold to the goveuiment after lie (wit ness) left the company, which was never paid. Mr. Raker objected but the. court admitted the . tuestton for j the showing animus. I Mr. Stanehfield asked the witness if in a talk in the presence of Mrs. W. V. Allen on a farm near Rush. P.i.. he had said that "Green lias ploily-of money and we have got to. have sonic of it. and if we can't giet it we. will put him -behind the bars'.'" The witness denied having made such a statement.. Mr. Truesdcll ! denied ..applying an epithet to .Green and denied having made other statements. Xeuse Lodge Oflicers. Neuse lodge, No. 97 A. F. A A. M., Saturday afternoon elected officers for the ensuing term as follows: Worshipful master. L. M. Green. Senior warden, J. H. Fleming. Junior warden. W. D. Dean. Secretary, G. B. Ponnv. Treasurer, S. S. Richardson. Ocean Steamer Aground. , (By the Associated Press.) Philadelphia. Pa., June ll.-The steamship Wcsternland. from Liverpool for ' Philadelphia, is aground on South Shoal at the entrance to the Delaware Bay. The pilot boat Philadelphia has a line to the big vessel and is endeavor ing to tluKt it. Facing a Heavy Reckoning. When the Burlington railway was fined $50,000 for rebating those hottest tor more law against acts already il legal ridiculed such an inadequate penalty. Fines of only a portion of the profit were not sullieiently deter rent, it was alleged. Rut now comes talk of fines for 2,0'i0 violations of the rebate law, which at the average in the Burlington case of JlO.OfK) each run: up a bill of $20,000.0(10. Even Standard Oil would look twice at such a bill and would not feel Inclined to increase the salaries nor to pay the individual fines of such officials as placed the trust in position to be so mulcted. David Rankin, Jr., of St. Louis, Mo., is about to give $2,000,000 to found a big industrial school in that city. Good looks bring happiness. Friends care more for us when we meet them with a clean, smiling face bright eyes sparkling with health, which comes by taking Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea. 35 cents. Tea or Tabtets. Henry T. Hicks & Co. GENTLEMEN' WE ARU SHOWING A MAGNIFI CENT LINE OF OXFORDS FOB SUMMER SERVICE. You do not pay too much here for your Shoes. Perry & Rosenthal. ' BHOIA FREE The. mere statclhont that l'.ro monia is of such" tremendous clll cacy to the human system flint it practically fortifies the body ngainst the majority of diseases is not enough nowadays to con vince the skeptical public, deluded as it lias bcctii :W the past by the myriads of fakirs' and heartless charla'ans, who have taken the public's nioncyJ in. exchange for dangerous, insidious ami liabif formiiiK drugs. THE liKOMOM.V COMPANY WILL GIVE YOU AN EVIDENCE OF THEIR SINCER ITY AND RELIEF IN T11E1K WONDERFUL PRODUCT. .Many thousands of dollars have boon spent in order to get Ilromo nia info that shape that it can he taken conveniently, in the house, on the cars, at the fountains, etc. This lias finally been accomplished by putting it into the form of a Kraimlar effervescent. WE DON'T WANT YOU TO INVEST ONE CENT UNTIL YOU HAVE TRIED IT AT OUR EXPENSE. If you are run down in general health, if you have dyspepsia, fainting spells, subject to insomnia, bil iousness, kidney or liver, troubles, catch cold easily; if your system is in that condition that the di sease germs of pneumonia, la grippe, or the various epidemics are apt to take hold easily, if ymi have occasional of constant head ache, loss of memory , generally impaired vitality, ' then you need llit.monia. Itminniiiu is to the human sys tem what the scrubbing brush and soap are to the dirty wash basin. It stimulates the Phagocytes of the blood so that they aic more easily enabled to destiny all at tacking germs (the theory of curing all germ diseases). l!ro" monia so stimulates the digestive apparatus that nature is enabled to assert her sway. If your stom ach is in gooil condition, you are well. The Chinese are a wise peo ple. They accost each of her with, "How is your stomach'."' : " The V. II. King Drug Com pany guarantees ' that everybody who will cut mil the coupon at the Ixiltom of this page and viill send it to (In- r.romonia Company of New York will receive, free of cost, alt charges paid, package big enough for several days' use. If you think it is what you need and have already had a free bot tle, you will lind it on sale at alt first class druggists. Send coupon, no matter where you live, and you will receive a free bottle. For sale at all first class drug gists -7 and ."( cents. W. II. KING DRUG CO. Distributor for Raleigh and Vi cinity. Free . Rroiuonia Coupon. Name ...... . . City State . . . ". ... ... . My nearest dealer is My disease is '.,'... The DrinKs at Ufic KING CROWELL Drug Gompany Are Di ff er en t Have you seen the magnificent new foun tain and the unex celled sanitary ar rangements? Drink at onr foun tain and you'll always be in perfect health. Drug Store DRAUqHbN'S BALEIPf. Corner Wilmington and Martin Sta. KXOXVTLLB and COLUMBIA. : 26 Colleges in J5 Btates. POSITIONS secured or money REFUNDED. Also teach Br MAIL. Catague will con vlnce yon that Draughon'i la THB BEST. Call or Mod for tt. King - Crovell CUT G LASS The beauty of cut glass, combined with, Its utility, is Ix-coiiilng more and more appreciated, and where it Is not in evidence. One can hardly have too many very moderate prices nt which wo other articles will allow one to own extravagant outlay. A largo variety of the best H. MAHLER'S SONS Jewelers, : : June Brides ARE DELIGHTED WITH . OUR Cut Glass, Odd Pieces of ChinaV Bric-a-Brac Etc. 15EKORE THE WEDDING AND AFTER THE WEDDING Our Dinner, Tea and Toilet Ware MAKES THE HOME ATTRACTIVE Efce WILLI AMS-NOWLAN CO. 127 Fayetfeville St., RALEIGH) - N. C, Did You Ever Investigate THE WASHWOMAN'S WAY? Were you to visit the home of some of the wash women and see the course of filthy water your- garments are put through you would not wear them again. Every single arti cle of apparel is washed by us in the purest tillered water in Raleigh and I lie best of soap s ate used. Tainted water and cheap soaps not only .stench the garments but cause them to rot. . ' ' ..-;. .".', OAK CITY STEAM LAUNDRY CHESAPEAKE & OHIO RAILWAY Senic Route to the West TWO fast; vestibule' trains tl'l'l'll itl vi d I'll s:i,'i.vi. ! .,. ........ -. iv ... Through I'lillnii'.a Sleepers to Louis ville, Cincinnati, 'Chicago and St. Louis. I. v. Richmond.-.. ' :0tt p m 1 1 :0( p m I.v. Cliar'sville. fi: i!) p in .' 2:5!!a in Lv. Lynchburg.. 1:1(1 p m - a v.- i in nail . on a in ." p m Ar. Louisville; .1 1 : 00 a m S: (Hl p in Ar. Chicago.. . . .1: "n p m 7 : 1 0 a in Ar. St. Louis. , C:L'S p m 7: IS a m Direct Connections for all I'oiuts West and Northwest. (QUICKEST. AND RIOST ROUTE The line to the celebrated resorts of Virginia. Cor descriptive matter, schedules and Cullman Reservations, Address W. O. WART II ION. ! I). P. A.. C. & O. liv Co.. Richmond, Va. Emcrson CUT64J Why not he comfortable during :the hot weather. Gel an Electric j Fan and you will be. Come in and try one. I kalcigh Construction Co. I 14 West Hargett 3trect. $59 fwJSs BLOCK MACHINE M&kei l different tkyitt 4 Mocks, fhu U different piece ff otttiat- Can Ma4 tinted in leu than a minutes t Men aa4 1 boy can male 150 blocks per day af turn hours. No progressive contractor sttooM bo without ooe. It's cheapur nia brick. J.C. HERRING GREENSBORO. N. C there are few, tables or sideboards V pieces of good crystal, and the are selling nappies, travs mid quite ). collection without an - makes to select from. - J . Raleigh, IN. C NEW FICTION At Low Prices. ELABORATE CLOTH BINDINGS l-:1,At 50 Cents. ADE, GEORGE'-.' ' Cables and Slang, ALI1EN,. JA.Mi:S LANIO Choir Invisible, ATHERTON, (ilORTRUDK The CoiKjucror BARBIE, I. Mi The Little Minister, CHURCHILL, WINSTON The Celebrity, CORRULU, MARIE The Master Christ iau CRAWrORD, MARION In the Palace of the King, DAVIS, RICHARD HARDING . , ' Soldiers of Fortune, DOLVR, A. CO NAN Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, lioiiml of the Raskervilles, EVANS, AUGUSTA J. St. Elmo, rord, rAyti IiEICESTEU '"' Honorable I'eter Sterling, GREEN, ANNA KATHERINE ' " :.'-. Filigreo Ikill. iioi'E, Anthony Rupert of lhirt.an. HOUGH, E.MERSON The Mississippi Rubble. LONDON, JACK The Call of the Wild. MAJOR, CHARLES When Knighthood Was In Flower. McCUTCIIEOX, GEO. R. Grnustork. TARKINGTON. BOOTH Gentleman From Indiana. Scud for our list of a 1.000 titles. The best values over offered in books. ALF. WILLIAMS CO. idaWater CURES ALL FORMS OF KIDNEY AND .-i ,i- -. ,r. AND IS NATURE'S OWN PRESCRIPTION t POU THE - Digestive Organs. ; FOU SALE 11V. Tucker1 ItuildliiK rhattuacy, ' ! W'l Ki: ITfarby, Durham, N. C. Thomas ; Iru Co., V. Durham, :- n. o. -:'. JOHN W. HAYS CIVIL ENGINEER u 1, MK1 AM. too. . t. HKXIK PiWElt A MUNICIP4L WCM . Tnc1 Ith9 Wsf prwntV.li. Srwcn Rteeutct .Rlitlnr. HtircK lll, hayii, HU.t jiii.rvritiniil. tin. SSoufli Adim St.. P.trrtiieo V CRINKLEY'S DEPARTMENT. STORE 326,, 328, 330, 332, .334, Fayetteville Street. RALEIGH, N; C fyaq'yttrft The Largest Store In The State. VACATION. Season is at hand and Trunks and Go-away Bans are in the mind of everybody. The wise (urn their steps toward Crinkley's, where they 'can Ket the same quality for less money. Canvass Flat Top Trunks, $1.90 lo $,).-'ltl. Canvass Strap Trunks, $2.7(1 to $7.(10. Linen-lined Trunks, large, $(!.()() to $7.00. I! 0-inch Veneer Leather bomul, $12.5(1. Metal-iovered . Trunks, $1.00 to $1.00. Dies:; Suit Ca::es $1.00 Id $t;.0(). Hand .litifw. -."c. t'ij JTi.tMl. I ARM TOOLS. Speiuil I 1-IiiiKer, Grain Cradles, worth $:;.') : 'for this week $2.2.ri. Cull iva'.nrs .'Hid 1'lnws., (Irass Scythes and Snatfis, Jl.lo. Wheel harrows. $2.0.1)'.''. Hoes, Kakes, Shovels. , . I.awn Mowers, $:1.00. (Jrasssickies, lde., 2.Vj. (irass Shears. I'rttil .lars, Kelile1-. RED 'SHOES AMI STOCKINGS. We have just had' n-Block of In fant's -Red Slippers and llo.se'-. niado to order for" us. THE LATKST FAD. infant's 2 strap, 2 to ..1, at (i.'Vc. Chilli's 1 i;lrap, i to S, HOc. Red hose lo inaleli. . WHITE CANVASS OXFORDS. iTadies', $1.00, $l.:). Misses', 80c, $1.20. Chilli's, it to 11, TOc, $1.00. Child's, 5 to S,' title, 00c. 1 Infant's, 2 to 5, title. Hose lo 'match, 10c. to U."ic. ROY'S OXFORDS. ) Tan Oxronls,. 10 to 2, '$ f.'i". ' : j Tun Ox'fords",'.' 2 lo S. $1-7.7. ') Cat. Leather, 12 to 2, $I.7.j. I'ut." Leather, 2 1-2 to H, $'-'.00. '"MUX'S OXFORDS. Vici Kid, $l.'5, $l.oO, $2.00. Pat. Leal her, $1,155, $11.00, $:l.00. .:.' Uuu .Metal, $.5.00. ; . ' LADIES' OXFORDS. $1.00, "$i.u.-t $..-o, $1.95, $;l.oo. WHITE 1TRSES. Wasliablo Hand Dags, 5c, 50c. Fans, 1c. lo 50c. Belts, 10c. lo 50c. CXDKRWEAR. Men rihhod seant drawers. 10c. ; DalbiiSRan Shirt's and Drawers, special, li:5c. each, 15c. Suit. Ladies' Vests, 5, 10 and 15c. CLOTHING DFI'ARTMKNT. Men's Washable Vests. White and Colors, C5-, 75c, Bile, $1,125. LADIES' WHITE SlITS.' White Linene Waist and tikirt worth $1.75 Suitspecial price GOc. each, $1,110 Suit. ilavo scild out of long white and black Silk Cloves. HAT DEPARTMENT. . .Rii; line Men's Dress Straw Hat at all prices. Panamas. $3.50. MISCELLANLOIS. Rubber Hose, 7c, c., J 1c. Lawn Mowers, $3.00. Hammocks, 00c. 1 $:l.00. j Fish Aquariuina,5c. to 5c. 1 Cots, $1-15 lo'$:l.25. ; ; Curtain StiQfcliers, $1.00, $1.10. Porch Rockers, Red or Ciecn $1.25 Freezers, $1.35 tii $1.00. Refrigerators, $0.75, $12.50. Progress Sfeel Ranges, $18 to 30 Red Canopies, $1.25. . Mosquito Netting, flc. yard. ' Buggy Lap Robes, 5tk'., 65c. . .Baby Carriages, $1.75 to $12.50. , Imitation Leather Couches, $8.50, $10.50. ', Water Coolers and Filters. Flowered Lawus, 5, 84, - 10c. yard. " . Wliito iron Cribs and Beds. Mantel Folding Bods, $12.50. ....MUSIC DEPARTMENT. Auto Harps,. $3, $3, $5. Guitars, " 93.45,' $2-05, $5, $7. Banjos, Vioiinn urandollns, Cases, Strings, Repairs. : Victor and ' Other Talking Ma chines and Records. . - If you can't conic WRITE