THE RALEIGH EVENING TIMES, MONDAY, JUNE 11, 190G. O VUATHER FORECAST. 'i (By tms Associated Press.) . Washington, June,.; 11. Forecast for Jorth- Carolina for tonight and Tuesday:;'. Rain tonight and Tues day; cooler tonight in interior ex cept extreme west portion; brisk to high northeast winds. The atmospheric pressure has risen over the Upper Missisippi Valley and the lakes, accompanied by a. fall in temperature in those regions. ' In the southwest the pressure is low. There is also a low over the Gulf which has caused heavy rains in the southeast. . The following heavy precipitation, in Inches, has been reported during the past twenty-four hours : Hatteras, 1.32; Wilmington 1.14; Jackson- ..111.. 1 11. .1 ttlnntn 1 Aft T .1 ffVl f rains fell over the North Atlantic i States, along the Lakes and in the Missouri Valley. Maximum temper- . . A A Annrwnao ami nva, Mi. HLUrea Ul iU UfelCCO HI'U v. .... . curred in those states bordering on the Gulf; the highest reported were: 98 degrees at Taylor, 100 degrees at San Antonio, and 102 degrees at El Paso. The indications are for rain tonight and Tuesday in this vicinity caused by easterly winds; and as the area of high pressure moves farther to the east cooler weather may be expected tonight. A. H. THIESSEN, ' if ' Section Director. REVENUER'S RESPITES ARE EXTENDED. Governor Glenn was again too un well today to be in his office and will probably not be able to attend to any official business for the next several days. In consequence of this he di rected his private secretary, Col. Ar lington, this morning to extend the respites in the cases of G. W. Sam uels and J. W. Hastings from June 15 to July 2, by which time he hopes to be able to hear the applications for commutation of sentence. They are the revenue officers who are un der sentence in Wilkes county to serve terms on the roads for cow hiding Editor Deal of the Wilkes boro Chronicle for publishing charges against them of corruption in office. WORK BEGUN OX WASHING TON & NEW BERN RAILROAD. (Special to the Evninjr Times.) New Bern, N. C June 11. Actual work has been commenced on the Washington and New Bern Railroad at a point on the river, con necting with the Pamlico,--Oriental and Western Railway. The survey is about completed. A large force of men In charge of B. B. Collins is at work on the road. This is one of the new roads which was mentioned when the merger was made. The length of the new road is thirty-live miles. JOE HARRIS, JR. DANGEROUSLY HURT. '' Joseph Harris, Jr., a young white man, is in Rex Hospital in a serious condition as the result of injuries re ceived in the Caraleigh cotton mill. .Harris,, contrary to orders, so it is said, put his hand into a piece of ma chinery and was thrown. His right arm was broken in three places be tween the elbow anl the shoulder, his collar-bone was fractured and he got a deep scalp wound on tfte side of his head. It may be necessary to ampu tate the arm. P. D. Gold, 'Jr., for House. (Special to the Evening Times.) Greensboro, N. C, June 11. Mr. P. D. Gold, Jr., state agent of the Providence Insurance Company, will be a candidate for the democratic nomination for the house of repre sentatives from Guilford. Death of Mrs. King. Mrs. Glaseow King, aged 22 years, daughter of Mr. J. T. Barrow, died at her home in the country. The inter ment took place this afternoon at three o'clock at Millburnle. Malaria Makes Pale Sickly Children. The Old Standard Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic drives at malaria and builds up the system. Sold by all dealers for 27 years. Price CO cents. Vacation Electric Fans KeepYoii' You Enjoy The Most Delicious Creams and. Drinks It Is Possible For Expert To Devise. Cleanliness Always Prevails At Our Fountains. HICK'S Drug Stores Drink Vade Mccum Water. Awarded $1,800 Damages. (Slieelni to the Evening Tlmea,) Greensboro, X. C., June' Jl.v In tho superior court the jury' has awarded J. A. Canady Jl.SOO dam ages against Atlantic Coast Line for injuries received as -engineer in a wreck four years ago. At time of injury Canady was member of Coast Line Relief Association, a fraternal order composed exclusively of em ployes of the company, and signed an agreement upon joining that ho would forfeit all right ' to s'ue for damages upon payment of certain weekly indemnity-for any ' injiirL-s received, whether the company was negligent or not. He had paid $S2 dollars premiums and received $70 from the association for the acci dent. , . Found Dead in Red. Mr. W. N. Dean, a prosperous 'mer chant at Milbrook, v. as found dead in his bed this morning. He was well when he retired Sunday night, and on Saturday afternoon attended the ses sion of Neusf lude. No. 97 A. F. "k A. M., of' which he i a member. He was about (10 years old and was highly cxti'i nvd. The funeral will be conducted with Masonic honors tomorrow -afternoon; CASTOR I A For IfcAuits and Children, The Kind You Have Always Bought Boars the Signatury FRESH MADE DAIRY BUTTER . : Our arrangements for regular weekly sliipments through the summer are complete. WE GET IT FRESH from the dairy every Wednesday and Friday If you will give us a STANDING WEEKLY order, we will give it to you FRESH on arrival, mid guarantee satisfaction. The price is ;Oc. pound. CJive us the order and you will have no furth er trouble on this line. D. T. J OH N SON (EL S ON ALL 'PHONES. Be C o m f o r t a b 1 e A Palma Hammock can do this. They are the best. Our prices running from $1.00 to $4.00. One four-seated Lawn Swing left; none so good as this one. Price will be made to suit the buyer. The J. D. Riggarv Co. Iit2 Faycttcviilo Street. SCHLEGEMILCH CHINA. Apparel Count, the dags till your vacation, hut don't leave the providing of the wearing; apparel you'll want till the lust minute. It wold prove an ex cedent plan to get the clothing now and enjoy its service. If it's good Clothing, Herwanger's Clothing, it'll look as fresh a month or six weeks hence as it does now. There's a good in the quality of materials used and ployed. . We can dress you appropriately or dress wear. The stork anticipates every want. As to price, you . know (hat is the lowest, always. Straw Huts, Hosiery, nearly as thin as cobweb; I'nderwear as cool as a ClicunitxT, and everything belonging to the family of "leightweights" is here for your hot weather comfort. All hizes in belts are here again, 34 to 50. WANT AD. COLUMN. RESORTS. Want to be in tho country with the birds ; Or any thing of which you've heard? The Times' resort ads., if read will find '' Resorts of every daz:liii' kind. WILL YOU BE ADVISED? Rl'Y Vick's Little iLver Pills, Tasteless and see how much less doctor bill is. 25c. at Poscud's Drug Store. V - WANTED To buy a light, delivery wagon horse. A. H. Stronaeh. : : WANTED Position as night watch man. Call Interstate 'Phone J. L. Davis. U t 1 - . VERY WEALTHY WIDOW W'OI LD like to correspond with a gentlo ' man of . business ability. Object, matrimony. Lock Box 10"), St. .Iosr;ph, Mich. WANTED- Lady or gentleman of fair education to travel for firm of $2r0,000 capital. Salary $1,072 p;r year, payable weekly. Evpcn ses advanced. Address Geo.' G. Clows, Raleigh, N. C. . . . I YOU CAN (JET NICE, SOFT, clear-stone peaches for milk at W. II. Mann's. ; , , : . .i A Salt 'Lake woman who was com pelled to .rhuorc between her husband and her dog St. oil by tic , ' It's not an. easy 'mailer' to get a really gooil do;;. ,'rv York Herald. HOLLISTER'S Rocky Mountain Tea Huggcfs A Busy Medicmo lor Busy People. Brings Golden Health and Renewed Vice . A sivlllc for Constipation. lniHgntlnii. XAver and Kidney troubii-a, Plmil s. tCrzem-.v. Impure Klitnti, liiul lire tluiririsr. Bowels. H";iUiu'hc :ilut HacUiu'tte. its Hoeky Mountain '"eaiu luti U:t form, :;.'i i'l-nls a ?)ox. 'Jeniiii.e injul! by ltl,.,ISTKlt llPtt"! CllMI'ANY, Aliuiison, WiS. "50I-0EM NUGGETS F0H SALLOW PEOPLo substantial foundation for that claim the quality of workmanship cm for every occasion for ordinary wear 1 THE ONE-PRICE CLOTHIER JrVANTDLOJLUM oajToitHpkessi make your : Garments ' Look Like New. Cleaning, Pressing, Alter ing and Pepalring neatly done on short notice. Ladies' Garments and Cleaning Kid Gloves a spe cialty. W. W. Jones. Manager, 316 South Salisbury. Bell 'Phone 1182, Interstate 6 3 9. If your Furniture needs repairing call Ph. HUBERT, Upholsterer and Decorator, Trade Building, Raleigh, N. C. Phone, In terstate No. 221. ' NOW ARRIVING. Chase and Hackney Pianos of which there are no hotter made for the price. Com plete line Organs, Sheet Music, Etc. E. P. Baker, Trade Building. BERRIES, SNAPS, POTATOES and Vegetahles. All other good things to make your meals a success this warm weather. White House Cof fee on the side adds to the Uroak fast meal. Prompt delivery a feat ure appreciated by those wanting things quickly done. Geo. S. Ter roll. SCHWARTZ does nut send you any old thing. 'when you leave your odtTs with' him voir simply get'' tho very choicest there is of liinib, veal, ''steaks, roasts, etc. Schwartz's meats .make dainty (list ics for hot; weather meals. J. Schwartz. ' WANTED Every . householder in Raleigh to try our Corn Meal. Al ways fresh, always sweet.. "Eu reka" is the name stamped on each package.'-. If your grocer hasen't .got it, 'phone us. We have. Eureka Milling Co. FOR SALE The old .' established Commercial Hotel, iiith and Washington City of Newport News, Va".; 20 rooms, bar and res taurant connected, all ready fur nished, including three hiiths. liai son for selling, propose leaving the city to engage in other business. Address 1. O. Box 20!, Newport News, Va. : WANTED Good cook. Good pay. Do not apply without references. Apply at Times' office. HARDSHELL CRABS, the finest prepared steaks, de lightful soups, etc., at all hours. The very host cooking it is possible for expert cook to do. No long Avails you're served at a moment's notice. Jno. U. Smith's Cafe. ME.V AXD ROYS wanted to learn plumbing,-, plastering, bricklaying. Special offer life scholarship fifty dollars, easy payments;,, position and union card guaranteed; free catalogue. Coyno : Bros. Trade Schools, New York, Chicago, St. Louis. VADDE MECCM, THE GBEAT Stomach and Kidney Water, may now ho had in any quantity at Hicks' Drug Stores. B. & B. ITBE CUEAM KISSES. Wholesome and refreshing. Have no other. BACK AGAIX WITH A FI LL LIXE of home-grown early vegetables, consisting of everything good gar dening will produce. You'll find our wagon located every morning below market house. Delivery prompt. ; Moore & Son. ; INSIST I' POX "El'BEKA" COIIN Meal; take no "just as good" kind. Eureka Milling Company, SMITH'S (ELEBKATE1) LITIIIA Water daily to your door. Read '"What Baleigh man says: "I have been using Smith's Lithia Water for two months or more and am well pleased with the results. G. E. Hunter." Drop a curd, 'phono or call at Capital Warehouse for booklet, etc. ; OVR BIG $1.50 Combination Box, containing Perfume, Talcum Pow der. Dentifrice, Soaps; 'cost agent 15c; sells at sight. . Deal with manufacturers. Davis Soap Works, 34 Union Park Palco, Chicago. VICK'S CAROLINA DEAD SHOT Vermifuge never falls. 25c. at Poscud's Drug Store. " : . FOR RENT House on East street, ' between Morgan and Ilargett. Ap ply to J. M. Monie, corner of Jones and Bloodworth streets. WANT To rent modern house; good part of city; five or more rooms; would take furnished house for summer. Address, with particu lars, "Permanent," care Times. We Give S. H, (& Co.'s Green Trade Discount Stamps Free TO THE NORTH CAROLINA TEACHERS' ASSEMBLY AND THE- NORTH NORTH CAROLINA SUMMER SCHOOL. The Teachers' Assembly and the Summer School are so indissolubly linked that in addressing the one we are speaking to the other, and in thus doing, first we wish to impress both with the reliability of this store and to extend to each and every member of the two organizations a generous, open handed, warm hearted welcome ' and an invitation to make free use of our store and service. Desk room and stationery free. Hundreds of visitors will throng our city during this and the following weeks; to all of whom we throw our doors wide open and cordially invite them to enter, whether for pleasure orprofit we'll use our best end eavors to make things inter- ' estinf. V . . o Millinery Department. Ladies' Readyto-Vear Hats. Ex" trn large showing of Duck and JJii ticrir Mats. So popular at the Slim mer School. Ladies' White Sailors in variety of shapes for .50c. Colored Turbans of Shirred Silk or Chiffon and Hair. Wordi $1.50 to $:t.O, choice .... . . . . ..... .!)8c. Large Dress Hats medium and kiihiII size Hats .............. . .$3.00 Ladies ' Ready-to-Wear De partment. While Iiiiien Eton Suits, Linen Dresses and Lawn Waists, Separate Skirts, White Duck and Butcher's Linen. - Corsets fitted free. Lawn Shirt Waist Suits $2.50, ..$:1.00 and $11.50 up. 1'iiioii Linen and Popliuette Eton and Coney ( oat Suits . $5.00 and $0.00 White and Colored I'crcal and Lawn Waists 50c, 75c, $1 ami $1.50 up. White Duck,' -Linen and l'oplinette separate Skirts $1.50, $2, $:) and $! Summer Corsets of Batiste and French Net. Medium ln'uli bust, dee p hips. Also mercerized Tape Girdles ................... 50c. ---.-.- - We arc closing out at a. sacrifice accumulations of broken lines of Manhattan Shirts. All perfect, good patterns and all colors. If your number is in the lot take choice of 'V:::; Manhattan Shirts fit like they were made for you. ; No better Shirt was ever made at the original price, and - now that you buy them at $1 you get a bargain worth considering. . C:RQSS . LINEH AN COMPANY PROMPT ATTENTION TO ALL .MAIL ORDERS. Whenever you see the name -. -, ,' WHITE HOUSE. ou the outside of can or tin of coffee you may count on quality of what's inside. 'Why dn't you drink the best? is acknowledged the world's standard of cof- j fee excellence hy every" iKMly everywhere. When yon want White House avoid the just as good ' kind. None quite so good by test. None quite so satisfactory. . For sale by flrstcluss grocers every; ; - where, '. - . The Dry Goods Department. .Special Sales of thin wash goods lias ever proven an attractive feature of this serf ion. Some extra good specials are offered for this week. Kinc fast colored Lawns, sprays and flowers on white grounds .... 5c. Fine '.' Batiste figures 'dots and stripes .................. . 0',2C. Flowered Organdies small, medium and large floriated designs on white . . , . '. .... ..... .8 Batistes, Dot Swiss, Dimities, Mcr" eerized Pongees, White Walstings and line Zephyr C.inglianis. Values up to 20c. 1 Oc. Notion Department. All the newest Bells, Neckwear, Fans, Hosiery, ISihhons and nil (he needed articles for slimmer wear. Crushnhle ami lilted Silk and Leather Belts and While Linen Embroider ed Bells ,.2." and 50c Ladies' Stocks and Collars Lace and Embroidery trimmed, 25, 50, 75c. French haiid-paiiited and A list: ian 'decorated Fans .... .50c to $5.00 Japanese Silk Gauze and Fibre Fans ... V. ......... . 5c. to f Oc. Ladies' Gauze' Lisle Hose in While, Black and Tan ....... .25c Wash Bihlions in plain colors White and Black ..... ..II, 10 mid 18c. Closing' Odt Broken M SHIRTS BARGAIN COUNTER. JUNE 11TH TO 16TH. A. B. STRONACH COMPANY BARGAINS IN Ready Ready Ready Ready Ready Ready Ready to-wear White Suits, to-wear White Skirts, to-wear White Waists, to-wear Dress Hats, to-wear Linen and Straw Sailors, to-wear. White Wool Suits, to-wear White W ool Skirts. Ladies ' Patent Leather ' "Datorit T.ootVioi Ladies Ladies A UVlUU UVUWM KJCbllUUillJ. - . ' VIA T31n nil rtTC nn4 nVinAvl Tf An U1U UlUVUUi) A. B. STRONACH CO . i - ' v " I ' ' . ' Headquarters for Trunks, Suit Cases and Hand Bags ,r at Popular Prices. 1 . Ladies' White Canvas Ox . fords. . Everything that is -new In White Stock While Duck and Sea Island Canvass Oxfords. Turns, Welts and McKays. Light weight for the re ceptions and the dances. Mediuir heavy soles for walking. All the popular kinds. Oxford Ties, Bluch ers, Pumps and Sailor Ties. Full run of sizes 2 to H's, at popular prices $1,00, $1.25, $1.50, $ 1.75, $2 White Shoes Dressings. Brown's Itenew White Liquid, 10c. Pickering's "Blunco",lniported 25c. Men's Furnishings. Bepresentative fines of the pro duets of the International Shirt & Col l:ir Co. Dozens of styles In fancy negligee Shirts. White soft bosom and pleated front. Shirts $1.00 Souvenirs of the City of Ra leigh. Oxidized Metul and Gilt Novelties for the Dresser and Desk, 25c, 50c, .:.,.' ......... .75c. and $l.OO Bapheal Tuck and Sons, artistic Post Card .2 for 5c. A Pointer For You. We are members of the Merchants' Association. First start your rebate book at our store so that you may have your railroad fare refunded. Ask any clerk in the store for a re bate hook and have amounts of all purchase entered wherever you shop. Full explanations with every hook. Lines Oxfords. CSotiloln U1UBUU. 11C. $1.00