STOCliilRIiET at Ooenina y Upward Movement Repeated Tod MANY FLUCTUATIONS St. Paul lii't a Profit-Taking Move. hient. Followed I!y Reaction of Short Duration A Broad Rise in Many Important Stocks Succeeded. Quotations. ....,,.,,,..,, . Am. Smelting and Refining pfd.. 116 American Wooleh..... ....... 83 American Woolen pfd 102 American Cotton Oil. i 3014 American Tobacco pfd. ; 100 American Tobacco 4's..., American Tobacco 6'a lll Brooklyn Rapid Transit 76 Colorado Fuel and Iron 49 International Paper 18 Mackay Co.'s : 72V& Mackay Co.'s pfd 73 National Biscuit.. 63 National Lead.... 71 Northern Securities... ...... Paclllc 32 Feople's Gas. "89 Pressed Steel Car 46Vi Pullman Palace Car..... 21S Standard Oil..., 591 Sugar 130 Sloss-ShctRold Steel 71 Tennessee Coal and Iron.,., 143 United States Steel 35 United States Steel pfd..... 101 Vlr.-Cur. Chemical 35 Vir.-Car. Chem. pfd 105 Western Union 92 (By the Associated Press.) New York, July 7. The upward movement of stocks which was in pro gress when the market closed yester day was continued tit the opening to day. The notable strength was in the same quarters as in yesterday's move ment. Reading rose 1 1-4, St. Paul 1 1-S, Northern Pacific and General Electric 1, and Great Northern pre ferred and Canadian Pacific large frac tions. St. Paul led a profit-taking movement that began as soon as the first prices hud been made tuid a re-action of a point in St. Paul and loss of as much Jll JSIUUKiyil llUtW pillJCS uain. Not mucn stock came out in tne general list, and a demand which developed later caused a broad rise In many Im portant stocks. Prices were a fraction off at the end of the hour and trading dull. Great Northern preferred rose an extreme S points, Northern Pacific 3 1-2, Wabash preferred and New York, I Chicago & St. Louis 2, St. Paul and Reading 1 3-4, Delaware 1 3-S and Pennsylvania, Norfolk & New York Cotton Market. (By the Associated Press.) New Yolk, July 7. The cotton mar ket opened steady at aii advance of 2 points, which was a disappointing re sponse to the high cables and bullish visible supply statement. The weather was considered faborable, wecK-enu crop reviews were bearish, and there seemed to be little desire to buy In a week-end market which ruled very quiet after the opening and hold around theinitlal prices. Cotton futures opened quiet; July 10.22-24; August offered 10.34; September 1C.35; October 10.35; December 10.3S; January 10.42; February 10.42; March Cotton futures closed barely steady. Closing bids: July 10.19; August 10.29; September 10.32; October 10.33; Novem bei 10.33; December 10.34; January 10.39; February 10.40; March 10.48. Spot closed steady; middling uplands 10.80; middling gulf 11.05. No sales. Estimated receipts at the ports today & HudSOil WU OtUUH, UgUlIlSL ,01t liL ftlTH liu u.Uiti last year, i'or me weea sso.vw Western,-Louisville & Nashville. Mis-1 b."- inst 25,572 last week and New York JPpuJtry; Market. (P the (Associated Press.) New York, July 7. Poultry alive, Irregular; western spring chickens 18; fowls IS; turkeys ll(ft12. Dressed quiet; spring chickens 1721; turkeys 11iQ)13; fowls 6 13. Chicago Grain Market. (By the Associated Press.) , Chicago, July 7. The weather was the main influence bearing upon the grain markets today and all of them were weak. Commission houses and pit traders were free sellers of the wheat, and the only demand camo from shorts. A decline in the Liverpool market- also depressed prices here. September wheat open ed 1-8 1-4 to 1-4 3-8 lower at 78 3-4 to 7-8 and declined to 78 1-2. The low point for September was 78 3-8. A slight rally occurred in the last half of the session on talk of revived export demand, hut the ilrmness did not last. The market closed weak with September off 5-8 at 78 3-8 01-2. Favorable weather reports sent September corn off to 51 l-43-8. There was a better demand in the last half, but trading was very light. September 30ld up to 51 3-4 (?p 7-8. The close was,steady with September off 1-8 at 51 5-8. On extensive profit-taking Septem ber oats sold down to 34 1-4. September provisions opened firm, pork at 17.07, lard. at 9.00 and ribs at 9.45, souri Pacific, Canadian Pacific, the U. yv '"D 1 , T ' , , S Steel stocks, Sloss-Sheffield Steel,- uneuns uaiun JitiuiiiM. i,an ; Colorado Fuel, Pressed Steel car,,yand at Houston 641 bales, against Amrrlfiin Tnlmrcn nrcfoi-lpd and,-'" lml Chicago Union Traction a point or more. The subsidence o' buying left the market very dufl, but there was no July . important recession of prices until the Aug. . appearance of the poor bank statement. 'Sept. . Selling which followed wiped out the Oct. . gains abruptly. Union Pacific was Nov. . carried a point below yesterday. Ana- Dec. . conda lost 4 1-4, American Telephone Jan. . 4, Smelting 2 1-4, and Interborough- Feb. . Metropolitan preferred and Consollda- March G:is 1 Ori'At Northern deferred' 'reacted 4, and Northern Pacific 2 3-4, Central Leather rose 2 1-2, Virginia Carolina Chemical 2, Tennessee Coal 1 5-8, and some others a point. There was some rebound from the low point St. Paul regaining a point. The clos ing was steady. Yester day's Open. Close. Close. 10.24 10.19 10.23 10.34 10.29 10.33 10.3-j 10.32 10.33 10.35 10.32 10.83 10.33 10.34 10. 3S 10.34 . 10 M 10.42 10.39 10.40 10.42 10.40 10.41 10.48 10.4S 10.4S Liverpool Cotton Market. I "X New York Closing Stock List, Atrllifon Atchison tfd... ,. Atlantic Coasi unit.-.. Baltimore - and Ohio. Canadian i-aeiiic Chicago and Northwestern..... Vhleago and Northwestern pfd. Vlorado Southern........ V-Si.peake anil Ohio. . lymr and Rio Grande.... Dlivcr and Rio Grande pfd.... Kr ............... Great Northern pfd Illmiis Central , .... I nlcrbi trough Met liileibiirojgh Met. pfd Iyouisvllk- and Nashville Manhat I nn L. Metropolitan St. Ry Mexican Central... Missouri Pacific..;.. - New York Cuntriil. .. ............ .. Norfolk and Western............ Northern I'aciiie. , Pennsylvania .. ............... Reading .. . . . . ........... ......... Rock Island.;. .. .... I'uck Island pfd St. Paul... Southern Pacific....... Southern Railway. I. ............. Southern Railway pfd....... Union Pacific. ..... ...... Union Pacific pfd......... Wabash Wisconsin Central Miscellaneous. Amalgamated Wpppr. . . , American Car end Foundry;-. .. American Locomotive. .. .... Am. Smelting and Refining...... 87 100 (By the Associated Press.) Liverpool, July 7. Cotton spot quiet; prices 6 points higher; American .mid dling fair 6.61; good middling ,6.34; mid dling 6.14; low middling 5.96; good ordi nary 5.76; ordinary 5.56; the sales of the day were 5,000 bales, of which 600 .were for speculation and export, and included 14.500 American. Receipts 2.000 bales, all '"""-""rfrBn! Futures- opened and closed 11754 Sti'ililv I'litolmT- lulv --,. ..i 159 5.S2; Aug.-Sept. 5.74; Sept.-October 5.66; 19U Oel.-Nov. 5.62; Nov.-Dec. 5.61; Dee.-Jan. 220 15.61; Jan.-Fob. 5.62; Feb.-March. 5:63 33 5-61; March-April 5.65W5.66; April-May 56 5.C0&5.67; May-June S.67-5.C8. 40 ' : .-' ' 84 Hubbard's Cotton Letter. 10 (Special to the Evening Times.) 296j New York, July 7. Our market i'i, opened with sales of December at' f 111 -'V on .....1 Pi .... ....ill,. in )n; aim cilici auuiMj, ui v. o J ruled at 10.39 at 11 a. m. and closed Chicago Live Stork Market. (Bv the Arsoclated Press.) Chicago, July 7. Cattle receipts 1,000; market steady; beeves 4.00fifi.l5; cows and heifers 1.30 5.25 ; calves 5.00 -1.(6.00. Hogs receipts 11,000; market strong to 5c. higher, Mixed and butchers 6.40&6.S0; good heavy fi.COfrO.SO; rough heavy 6.35(Ti6.52 1-2; light 6.406.85; piss 5.751 6.45; bulk of sales 6.7Aji 6.80. - fjheep receipts 3,000; market strong. Sheep 3.23 6.25; lambs 5. 00577.35. 10.59; mess 8.00 8.50;" packet 9.00 9.60. 1 :- "l ) 'a ' Pork Firm; mess 17.7518.00; family 10.00; short clear 16.75 0 18.50. Butter quiet, unchanged. Cheese and eggs steady, unchanged. . Weekly Hank Statement. (By the Associated Press.) New York, July 7. The statement of the clearing house banks for five days this week shows that the banks hold 36,405,075 over the legal re scrvo requirements. This is a de crease of $5,590,075 as compared with last week. The statement fol lows: Loans $1,050,578,10(1, decrease $6,306,800. . Deposits $l,0'.:o,343,700, decrease $13,273,300. Circulation $4S,435,000, increase $73,200. Legal tenders $84,270,000, de crease $3,005,500. Specie $1S1,2S1,000, deccrease $5,903,500. " Reserve $205,351,000, ducrea! $8909,000. Reserve required decrease $3,31S,:;25. Surplus $6,405,075 590, C75. Ex-U. S. daposils $10, 301, 22 crease $5;582,800. $259,085,92."., decrease $5,- de- Xew York Money Market. New York, July 7. Close Prime mercantile paper 5 'ft 5 1-2 per cent; sterling exchange steady with actual business in bankers bills at 484.75 484.S0 for demand and at 4S2 482.10 for 60 day. bills. Posted rates 482, 1-2 and .485.1-2.'.' Com mercial bills 481 1-2 (j 3-4 ; bar sil ver 64 7-8; Mexican dollars 50; gov ernment and railroad bonds steady. Money on call nominal; no loanss. Time loans easier; 00 days I 1-4 ft 4 1-2 per cent; ' ill) daj's 11-2; six months 5 1-2. CANDIDATES 1CARDS. To the Voters of Wake County: , 1 hereby announce myself a candi date for a Beat in the House of Rep resentatives for Wake County, sub ject to the action of the Democratic Primaries. Respectfully, CHARLES U. HARRIS. Announcement. After being solicited by many of my friends, I wish to announce to the public that I am in the field as a candidate for sheri!T of Wake county, subject to the primary. J. H. BOBBINS. 10-tf For the House of Representatives, j To the Voters of Wake County: I hereby announce myself a, candi date for a seat in the House of Rep resentatives for Wake County, sub ject to the action of the Democratic Primaries. Very respectfully, ROBERT H. JONES. July S5 1-2 11-16S5; De ; May 88 7-8 v New York Provisions Market. (By the Associated Press.) New York, July 7. Flour Steady but quiet. Wheat Declined; 3-4; September 84 ceniber SO 3-4 87 15-16. . Ryo Dull; No. 2 western 67 1-2. Corn J uly 58 1-4 ; September 5S 1-S. ..... Beef Steady. . , Pork Firm. Lard Quiet; prime western steam 8.90 fj) 8.95; nominal. Sugar Raw, firm; fair refining, 3 1-4; centrifugal, 96 test, 3 3-4; molasses sugar, 3. Refined, steady; crushed, 5.40; powdered, 4.80; gNinulatod, 4.70. Coffee Steady; No. 7 Rio 7 7-8. Molasses Steady; New Orleans, 30fff 38. ; . ' .-, '.; Flour Steady but quiet;, Minne sota patents 4.35 fr 4.60; do bakers 3.Jyi3.85; winter patents 4.00 4.80. ' . . Beef Steady; family 10.00 ft House Of Representatives. To the Voters of Wake County: I hereby announce myself a candi date for a seat in the house of repre sentatives of Wake county subject to the action of the democratic primaries. Very respectfully, THOMAS L. HONEYCUTT. Wakefield, N. C. To the Voters of Wake County: I hereby announce myself a can didate for state senator from the county of Wake, subject to the action j of the democratic primaries. Respectfully, JOHN C. DREWRY. We can Through this Register Force You To Charge All Goods Sola on Credit, You can have it for a dollar a day. Order it at once and pay for it out of your daily losses which occur throuaji the careless way you con-, duct vo or business. TWKN'TY-OXE OF THIS STVLK SOLD IX X. C' IN JUNE. THK NATIONAL CASH RK(ilSTKK COMPANY. Carolina Trust Company Building, Raleigh, N. C. Knglish Imports and Exports. London, July 7. The' June state ment of the board of trade shows in creases of $21,676,500 in imports and $23,269,000 in exports. The principal increases in imports are meat, grain and food, $15,000, 000, and metal manufactures, $10, 000,000. Cotton from America de creased $10,000,000. The increase in exports included new warships, $1 3,750,000. The rest was in manufactured articles. To Democratic Voters. I take this method of respectfully asking tho democratic voters of Wake county for their support in the forth coming primaries for the Office of sheriff. Respectfully, JOSEPH H. SEARS. New 20,000 Ton Itattleship. (By the 'Associated Press.) Washington, July 7. Secretary Bona parte has issued." a circular inviting ship designers and shipbuilding firms to submit plins for the .20,000 ton battle ship authorized by, congress. The naval bureaus have also been instructed to j prepare like plana for comparison with mono submitted by private bidders. The preliminary plans are to be submitted by November 1, next. A STOCK OF ..... provcnient 20 out effect hero i ays ! at 10.34 barely steady. The ini- in Liverpool was with- nnd on a very dull 91 market prices ranged about the quo 130j tations of the close of yesterday, 'j holding fair in view of the wsek-end ?ow I private cables, saying thai, the ad- "4, vance was due to the statistical poai- j ,v ,tion, but that spinners are well pro- 62V&!viued again with old crops and that 17414 there is less dsmand for goods. From 66 j the south the dispatches are assnr 34 ing. Cotton is expected to bo moving 98V6 i f reelv within a month and the cronll 144' scare must soon develop in order to j ,A 1,9 effective. The feeling locally is 23 54 bullish, though tho effort to stimu- , late such a feeling is unceasine. r,;, Meanwhile the weather works ' for 36 .lower prices. The spot market was 6714 steady and unchanged. 145 I HUBBARD BROS. & C. TRUNKS WITHOUT AN EQUAL This season we are making a specialty of Trunks, Hand Bags and Dress Suit Gases A new trunk that will be hailed with delight by the ladies a new invention with conveniences found in no other trunk. Easy to handle, light, strong, unbreakable. TRUNKS, HAND BAGS, SUIT CASES AT MONEY SAVING PRICES S. C. POOL, Ralcsgh, N. C. MAIL ORDERS A SPECIALTY. For Legislature. To the Voters of Wake County: I hereby announce myself a candi date for the house of representatives from Wake county, subject to the action of the Democratic Primaries of the county.- W. C. DOUGLASS. J. WILL HUNTER. JOHX C. DREWRY. -:,, HUNTER & DREWRY, STATE AGENTS RALEIGH, N. C. FOR PENNSYLVANIA CASUALTY COMPANY. FOR CONSTABLE. I hereby announce myself a candi date for re-election as constable of Raleigh Township, subject to the ac tion of the Democratic Primaries. D. R. BYRUM. TO DEMOCRATIC VOTERS. I hereby announce myself a candi date for the office of Constable in Raleigh Township, and respectfully ask tho support of Democratic voters in the forthcoming primary election. JOHN It. BANKS. Underwriters of Personal Accident, Health (health with or without tho accident feature), Disability, Plate-Glass, Employers' Liability, Elevator, Teams, ami General Liability Insurance. s To the Democratic Voters of Wake County. I respectfully solicit your support for re-nomination to the ofllco of Register of Deeds at the Democratic primaries to be held July 21, 1906, J. J. BERNARD. For House of Representatives. Requested by many of my friends, T announce myself as a candidate for a seat in tho house of representatives subject to democratic primary. J. WILLIAM BLAYLOCK, Willow Springs Postofflco. Hnbbard Bros. J Co. HANOVER SQUARE. NEW YORK. MUMBERS OF New York Cotton Ex change, New Orleans Cotton Ex change. Asociate Member. Liver pool Cotton Asoclatlon, ORDERS SOLICITED For the pur chase and sale of cotton for future delivery. Correspondence Invited. LIBERAL CONTRACTS. PROMP TATTENTION GIVEN TO ALL CLAIMS. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE. M &n f D II l) ijgf ' J A n FORCE! FORCE!! FORCE!!! 11c. Package, Friday and Saturday This Week. ROBBINS' CASH GROCERY. ALL 'PHONES 888. 6-7-8 PER CENT. Preferred Stocks. NON TAXARLE. In sonic of the strongest corporation in the state, for sale by F. C. ABBOTT & CO., Charlotte. N. O. RaleighY Best Barber OTEY ! and Son ' Yarboroug'K House i t t f t t THE GENEROUS SUPPORT The Atlantic Fire insurance of RALEIGH Company Has Received from the Citizens of North Carolina Shows that Home People Patronize Home Institutions. CHAS. E. JOHNSON, President JOS. G. BROWN, Vice-President H. W. JACKSON, Ti easurer G. H. DORTCH, Secretary I:

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