ft ItivMmiiniiwii, THE RALEIGH EVENING TIMES, SATURDAY, JULY 7, 190G. Til THE FARMERS ' . Secretary , J. C. Kendall has sent Out the program for the third annual session of the North Carolina Far mers State Convention. I desire through your columns to call the at tention of tho farmers of Wake and adjoining counties, especially to this contention and the subjects to be dis cussed. A careful perusal of the program-will show there is not a dull subject and not one that the live, pro pressive farmers of North Carolina are not vitally interested in. A- review of the progress made In agriculture for the last ten yearswill be Instructive -and interesting. Our progress in that period has been won derful and will stimulate us to still greater achievements along agricul tural lines. "Problems iu Soil Management" is a great subject. The soil is the foun dation of all agriculture and upon our knowledge of "Soil Management" depends our success. Every farmer should hear the discussion of this topic. "Problems in Crop Culture" (what farmer has not had them?) embraces a great deal and should be heard by pvprv farmer in the state. The discussion on "Breeding and select ing of seeds" alone will repay any live farmer for the entire trip leav ing the information to be derived from the discussions of tho other subjects as a clear profit, for with out good seeds and good cultivation there can be no good crops. "Live Stock" "Feeding , and best of all how to grow the feed right on our own farms, will appeal to many of our most enterprising farmers who want to get out of the rut of plant ing all cotton of all tobacco. These and kindred topics that are to be discussed by persons especially selected on account of their knowl edge of the subject assigned to thorn will furnish a valuable spread of in formation that should forcibly appeal to every farmer and make this tho greatest fanners convention that has ever been held in the state. Many of tho speakers are success ful North Carolina farmers living quite a distance from Raleigh who not only do not receive any pay for coming to the convention but defray their own expenses. In view of this fact, surely the farmers of Wake and j adjoining counties who live .within j easy reach of Raleigh will turn out to hear their: brother farmers from ! a distance discuss these question;; that are of such vital importance to all' of us. I I desire to call especial attention, to the "Women's Department." (ho "Dairy Department," and tho ."-nut-, ter Contest." These departments, within themselves would make a ko.i I "convention. But with the other ilc- partments and all the subjects that nre to be discussed we proooi-e to have a convention that no farmer ran afford to miss. Therefore let tl iar-j mors encourage the r.iove:u.-r.t by their presence. . . I want to see and shak'e uaa.;:, n. . a thousand farmers .their wivo.ysonn and daughters during the convention. If you fail to meet me there the loss shall fall on you. Dear Mrs. Farmer, will you not bo there with vour husband? Do bring him out and let him get some now ideas injected into that brain of hi:. It will do him good and will help the children. Tiio .(invention is to be at tne & M. College in Raleigh next July 10. 11. 12. Do come. Yours for tho succes3 of the Farmers of North Carolina. ; C. C. MOORE, President N. C. c. F. C. BODY QT NEGBQ i SCOTT BROUGHT HERE. The ;t)ofly 'of the i hegro utlBr Scott, who was yesterday hanged at Wilmington by the United States mar jshal, was brought to Kaleigh- last night at 11:45 and taken to the Brown estab- lishment where it was embalmed. Scott was a man of powerful physique. He was 5 feet 10 In height, and weighed about two hundred pounds.: His muscu lar development was almost marvelous. Several doctors viewed the body. Scott was a Baltimore mulatto and possessed some education. His sloping forehead, the tattoos on his arms and several slashes on his body, evidently old wounds, showed the criminal and des perate character of the murderer of five men on tne lilrfutea scnooner. ine body will be sent to the medical school at the State Lmvcrsity for dissecting purposes. "SPRING CLEANING" NEEDED. The Body Requires It Just as Much as the House Does. "You look sick this morning.' "Yes. I woke up with a dull head ache, a coated tongue and that dark brown taste in the mouth." "Didn't you have pains in the joints and muscles?" "Yes. As my old negro mammy used to say, 'I have misery in my joints." " "Better get a bottle of RHEl'MA CIDK and take it, old man." "What does RHEUMACIDE do?" "Why RHEUMACIDE is the most powerful and effective blood purifier in the world. It sweeps all the germs and poisons out of the blood and 'makes you well all over.' " "Ever try it yourself?" "Sure. I take a couple of bottles I of it before spring begins. Give my blood a spring cleaning. And RHEl MACIDE puts me in such fine shape that I never have that tired feeling." "Well, I'm , going to try this UHEl'MACIDE you say is the best ever." "That's right. All the druggists sell it. Better get a bottle today. You start to get well with the first dose. The proprietors say that RIIEl'MA CIDE 'gets at the joints from the in sidji and 'makes you well all over.' And that's the truth, old man." OUR STORE Corner Morgan and , Fay ettoville Sts. WILL BE CLOSED SUNDAY Uhe Tucker Build ing Pharmacy WILL BE OPEN HICKS Drugstores i , "'SCELLAlfEOUS. WANT AD. COLUMN. OAK CITY- PRESSING CLUB WILL make your Garments Look Like New. Cleaning, Pressing, Alter ing and Pepairing neatly done on Short notice. Ladies' Garments and Cleaning Kid Gloves a spe cialty. W. W. Jones, Manager, S16 South Salisbury. Bell 'Phone 1182, Interstate 639. NOW ARRIVING. Chase and Hackney Pianos of which there are no better made for the price. Com plete line Organs, Sheet " Music, Etc. E. P. Baker, Trade Buildinsr. We Give S. H. L Co.'s Green Trade Discount Stamps Free JULY CLEARANCE SALE IS NOW GOING ON IN GOOD EARNEST BERRIES, SNAPS, POTATOES anil Vegetables. All other good things to make your meals a sucej33 this warm weather. White House Oof fee on the side adds to the Break fast meal. Prompt delivery a faat- ' ure appreciated by those wanting things quickly done. Geo. S. Ter- ; rail. ... 'f- ' -.- WANTED. WANTED Will pay cash for .1,000 .pounds df old feathers. Uring sample to 11S East Harget't. street. WAXTEI) Will pay eash for .1. "00 pounds of old feathers, ltring , sample to 318 East Hargott street. Killed by Locomotive. (Special to tho Evening Times.) "Hamlet,- X. ('., July .7. When tn.in No. in was coining in n ruloivd mail jumped from it and killed himself. Ii is supposed that : ho v;is Imbuing his way ami wanted to get -off-the train before, it stopped at -.J he station, hut the ' train' was going faster than he .thought and threw him against a cross tie, breaking his skull and anil aiid causing him several other injtn ies.He . as Uikv n to the doctor's olilce where he died wiihin fifteen minutes, lie lias not yet l.c . n. identified. : TEACHERS WAXTEI Several hun dred splendid openings princi pals, superintendents,.' assistants, music: long terms; Rood salaries. Can place every competent leueh er. Guaranteed enrollment propo sition...:.. Sheridan's 'Agency, Green wood. S. C. TWO TK.IYKLlXt! SALESMEN' IV each staie; week and all irav oling expenses; business1 estab lished .. 1 G years. California Cider &': Flavoring' Co.,'.: Box lillT, SI. . Louis, Mo. Vnth of a Little Boy. l.ee, agd 13 months and i, son of Mr. and Mrs. M. W. did last evening at their home on Saunders street.. The remains of th;? bright little boy were taken to Clayton today for! interment. ion da;, l.e owd, . reliable 'man locality io act un- 1 ) ET EC T I V 10 Sli t wanted in every " dor ord 'i-s; no -oxijjjrieii.ee neces sary. Write-'Superintendent,;' Box 7-,: Indianapolis, hid. SCHWARTZ docs not send you any old thing when you leave vour odors 'with him 3rou simply got tho ' cry choicest there is of lamb, veal, steaks, roasts, etvJ. Schwartz's moats .Tnke dainty dishes for h i weather meals. J. Schwartz. Our object is to close will cause them to move. E lots is our earnest desire. T the Bargain Counter and des vestors and bring about spir quicker, you respond the bet do yourself an injustice if yo cut all seasonable stuffs at once and we make prices that apid selling and a quick clearance of short lines and odd his is the time o'year when jolly crowds gather around" irable goods shorn of its rightful profits always find in ited buying. This is a free-for-all opportunity, and the ter will be your chance for selecting the choicest. You'll u do not improve this occasion. f Fine Millinery At a Fraction of Former Values The 08c. Table of Ladles' Dress and Sti t Hals Brows in popularity. lilts to the value of $:$.00 heretofore but for (his week you may choose from Hits that Here .$3.50, $4.00 mid $l..0 and S5.00 on this table at .'. 98c. UNTRIMME DHATS. . . ClloONe fi'fim ihe entire Ktnek or ftiKhiiiimlile Slvmev nr. Iinlf nrlw mi.l less. $1.00 and 81.."0 Hats for 50c; $2.00 and Hats for. ... .$1.00 B. ft B. TUBE CKEAM KISSES. Wholesome and refreshing. Have no other. I DESIRE to ' announce to vy friends rmd anyone de siring stenographic .work that. I am in the Tucker building (l?oom 1201) and 5? ii a r a n t o e sal isi'actovy Voi'k. Court: roi)trfing a specialty. 0liss A. V. Morel. ': At; K X TS - '-1 -es;i I i ill a t e snbstittite .for slot machines; patented: -".sells at sight for .l.''loo(J, territory open; particulars. Ciisha Co., Anderson, ind. ','' A. week, WANT AD. COLUMN. FOR SALE. l-'01l SALE One bay mare, gentle and tractable, can be driven by ladies or children : with perfect safety; goes well tinder saddle. Also fcne Babcork top buggy, rub ber tired, in use one year. Apply for further information to Mac Maclirfn's Stable. .WEATHER FORECAST. tod Press.) T1V 7. Forecast- for Knrlh Carolina for tonight and Sunday . Partly cloudy tonight and bunuaj light to fresh northeast winds. t,o iitrh bnromrter area occupies isition as it dirt yes J If tit 1 J in.- x- terday. It has spread out more to the n, ...I hi diminished in energy in the north. The distribution of pressure nt the Rockies has changed but -nJhtiv There has been no important -i.- m t..miierature: in the Middle Atlantic States it is somewhat cooler. Maximum temperatures registered yes terday along the Gulf coast -to 90 de grees and over; also at rhoenix, Havre and Nashville. Itain occuiTed yester day in the South Atlantic States, Texas and Ohio. The following heavy precip itation, in inches, has been reported: Cleveland, 1.02; AuRusta, 1.78; Wilming ton, 1.26 and Tampa, 1.12. The center of the high pressure area persisting north of this section will cause a con tinuation of easterly winds which will produce partly cloudy weather in this Vicinity tonight and Sunday. A. H. THIESSEN, , Section Director. Henderson Graded School Plastered With "Tite Hold." Henderson, N. C, March 21, 1906. Guilford Plaster & Cement Co., Greensboro, N. C. Gentlemen: Replying to your fa vor in which you ask for our opinion of ybur Tite-Hold Wood Fibre Wall Plaster, will say that we have used this plaster on the Henderson graded school building, and same has been satisfactory to both the proprietors and ourselves. We consider that you have a material equal to any of the patent plasters. - Yours truly, . , .(Signed 1 B.L. WEAVER. v FIXE FARM FOR SALE Contain ing 300 acres, 1 miles from de pot; 175 acres cleared and in fine state of cultivation; 1 million feet pine timber. Some fine past ure lands. Modern dwelling," 2 stories, 9 rooms, and all necessary out buildings. Price reasonable. Call on or address S. R. Flowers, Real Estate Dealer, Clinton, N. C. FOR SALE A very handsome an tique Mahogany Bed, in first class repair. Will be sold cheap. At Ph. Hubert's Upholstery establish ment, Trade Building, Raleigh, X. C. - MAN ACER WANTED Every sec tion, to select agents for "Ganieo science. ' world's . greatest now lawful game for drinks or c tears', takes'' place. '."forbidden slot ma chines; -'plays '"-'with nickels ")r flu'artws; one to seven persons can play at once; finish beautiful, like cash register. Rented or sold on Easy Payments: sample sent free. Proposition will please you if wa still have opening in your section. .. Cnlted Sporting Goods Mfg. , Co., Dept. 14. S, Chicago, 111. WAXTEOAgents to sell wrapping .'.paper arid bags, a side line; agents covering territory every sixty or ninety days L preferred; samples can be carried in pocket. Address Paper Dept. Tho Kemper Thomas Co., Sta. II, Cincinnati, O. WAXTEIl I'or Detective Service, good men who cat give reference", experience not heeded we give full instructions. Addrss Superin tendent. Lock' Box 391, Indianapo : lis, Ind. ; . ; FOR RENT. STROXACH 1UILD1XG, Corner of Wilmington and Davie streets. I have rented two of the stores this leaves one for rent. Apply to Frank Stronnch 219-221 and 223, Wilmington street. FOR SALE- A very handsome an tique Rosewood Piano. Excellent condition. Emory & Koonce, Trade Building. N. C. Hams Sides and Shoulders just wlmt yon need at this season of the yenr, especially for seasoning vegetables. This is an extra fine lot of meat. See it at once, ta our store, 16 Hargott street. D. T. J O H N SON (St. S O N ALL THOXES. ECItEKA I HAVE FOCXD IT. Tho best corn meal on the market at the most reasonable priro. Ask your grocer for it, and insist- upon having Eureka in the original mill package. ? ' : Dress Goods Specials. Clearing up the little lots at half of former values. Xovrlty Dress (nods in various weaves in new Plaids and Checks 12 l"2c. Ivimoim Crepe Cloth in all plain colors ............... ... 17 l-2c. i'olka Dot Mohair and Embroid ered Wool Witistings, summer weight, a( Kiilf price .... . . .li.lr. Shantung Silks. These ISiingalon-Khaiitiing Silks come ii all tlie l.isliionaidi- shades of tin1 season. rOc. values for. .. .19c- Silk Ginghams. Fill!"' woven .Mercerized Ginsh'sm, in rich variegated plaid eil'ects and neat checks. 2."ic. values far ..le. Silk Mulls. Complete color line of Silk Mulls in I tie most wanted evening simplex. Iie:',!ll:ir Itlc. rallies. '..Closing price . ......... ... ... ........ 10c. Newport Cloth. Extensively used for making While Ci::tt Suils and Sepuf.ite Skirts; takes the place of ditcher Linen at half the price 2.r. Pretty 5c. Lawns. . One special table on which are thrown a variety of Cool, Crisp Lawns. Values up (o 7 l-2c for 5c. Nottingham Lace Curtains. A clean sweep of Lace Ciii tnliis in spray and llowerct effects. Standard widths $1.00 Ltice Curtains, 2 1-2 yards long Tide $-.00 L'ice Curtains, :J y:mls loii! . . .SI.OO JjiiJ.fiO Ltice Curtains, : 1-2 yards lonrj ... . ... ..fl.50 Men's Summer Neclcwear. Ctimclnmiia Silk Ties and Fotir'in Hands in White and Solid Colors. Xenl Vlu'( Figures on l!l i( k and Viue and Chick Figuri'S on White. This season's best styles. . . . , . .2.c. Notion Specials. Fancy Japanese Capcr-foldim Fans ....10, l." and 2.V. French Fans, L:ice Triiiinusl, fljinngled anil Hand-painted, . Ivory Handles r0c. to $Ti.(r Xeck Ruchings for Tourists at 10c. a yard or box of 0 yards for. . .I50c. Lndies'Liice Hose in AVhlto, lilack mid colors. 'cry special lc, or 3 pairs for Hue. Aiinour's Lettuce Soap, 3 dikes In a Imix for ioc. Meniien's, Folgntes and Rykers Talcum Powders . . , , 15c. l"iulressel Panama Jfat.s for the seashore. oOc. value 25c. Special Mark-Down Sale of snoes. On tliis table in tho Shoe Depart ment you'll find: Children's r0c. Tennis Oxfords at 2Bc Children's 00c. ISai-cfoot Sands at 0c. Cblldien's $1.25 IWnt Leather Sun-' dais and fJibson Ties for 7Sic. Ladles' slil.RO Ilrlght Dongoln Hut- ton Shoes at t $1.00 i-oy's 3.25 Tan Oxfords for. , $1.50 Men's $1.00 Can Metal and Tau Ox fords ............ ... $2.00 Ladles' $1.00 French Heel Rills for . . . $2.50 Turner's $5.00 Patent leather Kid Oxfords for $;l.fi Turner's $0.00 Patent Leather Hals . .anil lllucliers for . . .... . . .$1.00 White Canvas Oxfords. Never before were so many White Slippers' worn iu the world as arc worn this season, nnd especially in the Smith. Never wore we so amply prepared to meet your every want. White Ciinvus Oxfords nnd Itluchers v Ties, Plain and Cap Tn White, Kid or Leather Reels, all styles $1.50 WELL,'! have some more of those cool, ; ...fashionable, dad eaiTnciits with which v um . i ill m n v isi.i;iiir should bo clad in. Have not mot "Miss Fit." Dob IlaynoH, the ' Ilannncrlcss Tailor ,313 Faycttovillc Sr., over Woollcott s. VAI1K MECCM: TArATEU IS TH Pure, unadulterated mineral water Sold at a reasonable price at Hicks' Drug Store, HAVE YOU NOTICED those homo- ; grown tomatoes that are daily be ing offered at Moore's wagon at the market house? No tomatoes the equal of these were ever of fered on the Raleigh market. Prompt delivery of all vegetables to any part of the city. AN EXCI USION IUL HE IU N from ; Haleigh .... to Chalybeate Sjirings next Tuesday night, July 10th, leaving Union Station at 7:30, returning at 12 o'clock. There will be dancing,: and music wil be furnished by a good band. A good time for all. A. W. Math ews, tho Ice Man, Manager. Round trip, 75 cents. The bost speakers in the county will be present. NOTICE! S team Engines, Boilers, Saw Mills, Circular Saws, and "Foos" Gasoline Engines, will hereafter be sold direct to users, less the cost of traveling salesmen, and Agents profit. If you are in terested, get our prices. Carolina Machinery Co. New and Second Hand Machinery, Greensboro, Ijl.C. "FOOS" GASOLINE ENGINES! Leader for nineteen years. Relia ble under all conditions. Get cut prices from Carolina Machinery Co., Greensboro, N. C.' Jelly Glasses, Fruit Jar Rubbers, Fruit Jars, Water Coolers, Hammocks, Lawn Swings, Ice Cream Freezers, ' :..." i. '.""" i-: '.-' . .... ...... The J D. Riggarv Co. 133 FayettevlHe Street V.-: - MONEY TO 1.0AN on real estate. R. N. himms, Attorney at Law, S08-9 Tucker Building, Raleigh. LOST. T HUT r1 1, I Til. 4 P.... H .. t ,,t V-UI l ill. 1141111111 ntivlv Reward for return to this office. LOST-- Interchangeable mileage book. Return same and ' finder will be rewarded. W. R. Andrews, Box 217, Raleigh, N. C. LOST The party who picked up $5 bill, dropped in or near The Times office, will please hand to Geo. C. Hall at The Times office. LOST A gold belt pin turquoise set between Academy and Capitol. Re turn to this oflce. ; LOST Chi Phi fraternity stick pin. . Reward for retufn to this office. Biggest Clothing Bargain :':."';;v;:-:rof the Year See Window -Display and Note the Prices EBiggraaraeBKjSBSflg mi mi nni" i aanggEicgrasggBtiiH If You Want a Neat and Desirable .Suit for Summer Wear This s Your Chance . '; '-.- ........-. CROSS a LINEH AN COMPANY r rUOMPT ATTENTION TO ALL MAIL ORDERS. ' : , The Greatest Headache Cure BROMO-PEPSIN ff PEC Headache, I n d i -LlillEJ gestion, Insomnia, Nervousness. On the Snot. No Opiates. Absolutely Harmless. All Druggists' 10, 25 and EOc. . COME AND LOOK. If you come to look you'll stay to buy. TRINITY PARK SCHOOL ' A firatclass preparatory school. Certificates of graduation accepted for ehtranco to leading Southern col leges. Best Equipped Preparatory School in .the South. , Faculty of ten officer and teach ers. Campus of jsoventy-flve acres. Library containing thirty thousand volumes. Well equipped gymnasium. High standards and modern methods of instruction. Frequent lectures by prominent lecturers. Expenses ex ceedingly moderate. ' Seven years of phenonienal success. -! For catalogue and other informa tion, address, , II. M. NOr.TH, ITeaflinaKter, DURHAM, N. 3. A. B. STRONACH COMPANY SELLING OUT. 50 Pairs Ladies' Fine Ties and Oxfords $1.00 a pair. SELLING OUT. Ladies,. Misses and Children's Summer Footwear. - SELLING OUT. Ladies, MisScs and Children's Hats half value. . SELLING OUT. Ladies' Waists, Suits, Skirts. ',... - ' :'.. :-. -'.-. .!.- :--- SELLING OUT. Ladies' Organdies, Mulls, Uatistcs. A. B. STRONACH CO,