THE It A LEW W EVENING TIMES. VOLUME 27. SECOND SECTION. RALEIGH, N. C., SATURDAY, JULY 7, 1906. PAGES 9 TO 12 PRICE 5c WASHINGTON HAPPY OVER DEPARTURE OF CONGRESS a - (Special to The Kvenlner Times l WashlnRton, July 7. That W. J. llryan Is still the bigRCst luminary in the presidential shy nt present, so far ns tlio south is concerned, would seem plain from the eampnitrn speech deliv erel by a southerner Representative UnrRess of Texas during the closing hours of tho session. Said Mr. Ilur. gess: "Wc shall nominate as our standard hearer In IflflS that man who has stood for years for every popular contention advocated by tho present occupant of the white house; for In tho language of the distinguished gentleman from Kentucky In this house, Hon. Ollie JT. James, there is not a single issuo ad vocated by Theodore Roosevelt that 4s popular with the American people to day but that bears 'tie bloody stain of Bryan's faithful feet.'" Of course, a cheerful indulgence in the' harmless pastime of listening to tho buzzing of the presidential bee is tho nnlyexeitement left to Washing tnnian stay-at-homes during the sum mer, but Air. Bryan's resolution to mix in no way with the friends of trusts nt the reception to be given him on his homecoming, shows that this bee nt least may have a sting. Figures just given out on the per centage of homicides in the United Stales show some , alarming although interesting results. Human life, com paratively speaking, grows chenper every year. The figures in question show that the homicides per -million inhabitants in Panada are 3; in Eng land 10; in France 14; and in' the Uni ted States 120. When the figures are considered by groups of states, they show that homicides are most preva lent in the southern and Pacific states, whore they number 11 and 14 per 50,000 inhnbitnnls respectively, while in New ISngland the number is less than three per 50,000. It is pointed out, however, that In spite of the high per centage -of the south, it is not duo to a racial question, although the proper explnnntion has not as yet been found. . Although the politicians have flown from Washington, the -city feels that it is recompensed, nt least in part, the varying with one's politics, by the coming- of a large collection of wild- fowls to be liberated in Hock frock Park. Some, indeed, have been so unkind as to srfilo that the birds which are coming are better than those which have left, in that the former of municipal ownership of various pub-!cllned to believe that this discrepancy tho flat country, covering five or six lie utilities! No wonder Washington ! might invalidate the ads of congress-' j ai ds with each strido, and quickly is grieved! But though grieved, she 1 passed during the closing hours, but .'n, easily thoy collect tho turpentine is unwilling to yield the palm, for, j the fear Is laughedat by the :olhYials. . , t ' ovc,.flows l10 littlo backets although the article In question do- Mr. Courts who has been the clerk , . ,. . . .. scribes ns an existing enndiiton a sfate'of the Committlee on Appropriations) !lI1Kin?i sl tlp 'n 0 trons of nfTairs which has long been an ideal many years, is familiar with th. pree-j " is for lwlii)K also tl,at tn in American polities, it neglects the ! edrnts. lie said a similar case n rose J stilts lira useful. Tho counlry is more Important social side. Wahlng- number of years and that the I very Hal, nml the herdsmen, nnloss ton does not feel quite so badly when i Comptroller of. the Treasury then held he continually climbed a troo, would she remembers that according to fig-j that Ihe seeming conlliet of dates was ho linahlo to keep all I ho members t make less disturbance and tend strictly to business. Various kinds of domes tic swans, geese, and ducks constitute the new acquisition, and they are to be given the freedom of the city. It is also planned to stock nil the city parks with squirrels, and to place swans at tho bathing bench, so that the city will more than ever add to Ha charm of rural openess. A little more than n year ago when the Internationnl Transportation Con gress wns held in this country, there waji little indication of the course of tho session of congress just ended. Hut curiously enough, just ns previous congresses have been remembered by names chnractistic of their industry, so It seems that die Fifty-ninth Con gress will be known as tho "Trans portation congress. That this is In a way due to the international gathering of last year cannot be doubt ed, for the discussions of that body showed that this country was wofully defMont in Its ability to take advan tage of that cheapest of all forma of freighting that is, by water. In pari, I the name which soeins likely to cling to the-Fifty-ninth Congress Is due of course to railway regulation, but back of that seems to be a real desire for a scheme of waterway Improvement which will not leave us the laughing stock of Kurope so far as this form of transportation is concerned. That the improvements which the organization known as the National Itivers and Harbors Congress Is working would mean a saving of hundreds of millions to the country, cannot be doubled, and when the people of the counlry are once brought to a realization of this there can be no doubt that congress will make the appropriation of $r.0, 000,000 which Is needed for the work and which will bear fruit a hundred fold. If, as is honed, it falls to tho lot of the Fifty-ninth Congress to make these appropriations as a result of popular desire for lower freights, that body will Indeed become tho transpor-1 tat ion congress. j .-' :" . . ' The .'pride of Washington has re-' ceivod a severe bum!) through an arti-! ele nn. Glasgow by F. C. Howe in the! current issuo of one of the .largo mag-, azines. Washington lias always rather' prided herself on being the model city,' but in the article in question the in-j habitants of Glasgow are pictured as ' asserting correctly that their city is tho best in the world, nnd all because ures compiled population of in mm 700.000, out of a total a legislative tiction, and not a fai t. thorn were in ot his flock in sight. ibont on his stilts, he Hut, striding com aia miss a s, as it the city of Glasgow Sil.200 persons liv-I It is up to the fin to Department to " s,llls. ll! eomai ing under tho crowded condition of issue notice to Americans preparing ! v' 1lu I,roKIc(;t; 110 s nlwayi from 3 to 12 In one room, with l!)4i30O to travel in Germany that red cloth- "01'. "POll a Hill. living from .1 to 12 In two rooms. ing of any description Is tal d iu Tho stilt-wearers carry a 15-foot Nearly two-fifths of the whole popula- 1 the land of "dor Kaiser", ami that the staff with a round, flat -top likn a lion living In such an undeseribnble ' wearing of it may lead to compMcn-j dinner plate. When it is lunch tim? nnd unhealthy compression this is the tions. In the light of latter day liber- I or wlinn tliev are tired- I hey plant social development (if the bugbear of ty -this may have a mediaeval sound, j 1,.,,-jglit under I hem Ihe staff ami sit municipal ownership. Washington has but a case is just ,reiKt led of a school' . ' . .. ' ' nothing like that. Indeed, this dnn-1oy, who was arrested because lie re-j n,n l lts " "" "1. I non, gerous concentration of Its population fused to take off a rod tie, which, after 1,1 rf,rlnl'. waled nn dizzily -high, makes Glasgow ,seem like a walled , his trial, was eonfiseaied. The whole ' ' iw' oat and ; rest . and . dialler a town of tho middle ages, the confining affair was due to what roughly our-' si range sight' lobohold. Now York wall in this case being one of poor responds to our blue laws; thai i.s a Press. transportation faciliies and graded Inw piissed In 1S49 prohibiting the wear- ' . . fares. Washington may have her ing of red clothes of any kind even in-j Watermelon Wont her. gralt, but she Has not Rlnsgow s tor- eluding socks, since red. the republican riblo social congestion, and remember- color, was calculated to offend loyal i incite ing Mr. Da'rymple's report on the dan- subjects and gor of copying Glasgow's policy In ; pence. this counlry, she still holds up her head, although shorn of congress, the Washington, for a breach of the president and most ot her foreign am bassadors at one fell swoop. Although forty-six stars will not be oflieinlly accepted for government (lags for another year, the number of banners displayed on the fourth con taining the new star of Oklahoma was groat. Indeed, following the action of congress in admitting the now state some local stalisician and bis name is legion began a nerve wracking com putation of the number of new flags which this action would produce. lit spite of the hot weather., he is still at largo, and with some interesting re sults. Enough (lags, largo and small, according to his figures wore manu factured in I Ik? country last year to give every man, w.vmaii'and child in the I'niled Sates at. least one. All ot them, placed in a line would reach goodness knows how many times around the earth, and so on. But it Is true that there has been a great boom In llag making since the Spanish war, the smaller ones being in great demand for table decorations, favors and the like. No one knows how many of those small musllii affairs are stamped out yearly, but an indication is given in the fact that one New York ooncorn alone produces 57,000 a (lay. 9 Considerable interesting discussion has been going on among those . re maining at tin- Capitol this week over the discovery that while the Journal of the House shows the adjournment of congress as of the legislative day of June 29, that of the senate shows the date June 30. Some persons were in- th more than a year, is free frpm small pox., state of affairs must indicate that in tho first time in today ah.!.. lately This delightful not lie taken to1 past tic caiiilal ,has been plague-ridden, f j 1 1 i t r the con trary, for smal pox is almost unknown, ;l!ut in tho poorer quarters, there are 'always two or throe submerged eases, i and it is to the elimination op these that the health inspectors are pointing I with such justifiable pride. Mark Twain, philosopher and. phy sician, once wrote a story to tell how a kins was cured of a certain illness by eating a lirpco, riif, juicy watermelon; As usual, his story had two morals. II is too hot to re member Ihe other moral; one was tho watermelon. Fussy dictists .who argtio ll'.a.t. everything ;;nod to cut and drink must lie injurious have long tried to give the watermelon :i bad inline. The safe and suno instinct, of plain people is vb",r, iind liii'lrnis come by carloads. Water is a mocker tin loss typhoid g't'ms can lie kepi out. of it. heller than in . Philadelphia. -Milk is raging-,-tinl il .Mr. Roosevelt gets his -federal cow-barn inspectors nt work. But the Rood old water melon is incorruptible. II is pure water, distilled and up hy nature herself, who need: for lied. government label- to ' cert if..: ' to tf i" 1 11,1 j olcanlim-is of her methods and wearing ot suits in ine t urp-uiitnct j,i,,oe.;neo of her sun-kissed country. The other is the herdiiu: ; j,.y..-.. (; indelicate.' aroma of tho great Hocks. Lliirhllv a food. ireneroiislv ind tillogellier poetry.-: (loorgo has deserved well of the People TIIHV MVH OX STIIIS. In Turpentine . DM rids Of France I'se IjOiiij Ones. People live on 10-foot stil's in the rr uarknhlo turpenlino-growing coun try of France. Iioy don these stills al'tor Invakfast' and do not reain'.v. them again until it is time There tiro two reasons NEW YORK'S NEW BRANCH POSTOFFICE THE BIGGEST (Special to ihe Bvening Times.) I cents per 100 pounds is really very New York, July 7, Now the dairy "mall, considering the short crop of trust, a company hacked by $:;O.iO.O00 last whiter, both In New England and and the .loneliest in tho world woi.l.j"n lne Hudson, which was an impor of New York capital, subscribed byj,ant fnnlor in setting the value of Ice. Levi P. - Morton, Thomas F. !van, The unusually early hot wave, too, has miericreii very muon witn the calcu lations ns to supply and demand made earlier in tho season, while the diffi culty and expense of delivery increase every year In proportion to the con stant spread of the city over new areas and tho augmenting number of tall skyscrapers, every story of which 11. P. Whitney, Anthony .Brady and oih'T financial loni'lds, has seen red pos session of a new but ter-niaking pro cess, said to be f ir superior to any previously in use; it now -operates but ler plants with a capacity of piO.fKit) pounds a day. and is .sunn to erect a factory in the west which will double. this production. KL'gs and poultry are:'"""1 ''" solved with ice. Almost every also to lie handled hv the trust. The I hud.'iiss condition is different In New object or the company is to receive ", K 'mnl what it is In other cities, the 2.i!e0,(iii,0(ia,iii;il pounds" of butter an'l problems. of price and service here which the country annually produces', nn,st .' considered and adjusted en purify it and reinanufaciure it. into I lll'oly In view of local circumstances, the. highest .grade. of butler. Thecios-i . . est scrutiny by the 'government audi lln ".-' nve-nundrcd-clollar-a-day the public .- is to. lie facilitated, it. is said, and ev.-ry prodm t is to be safe- ! ferry upon its hands now, the city of '.Greater New York is planning to buy i trust announces that it hit ends to elim-1 a baying 'proposition before the city inate the middle man and to nav the! '"'""hi if in in eider to reward a lar- fartner more for hts butter. New the sil chased si al ion, world. It !,:;7."i York's new . bl anch postofhY-e, for whicli h-'iM just been pur- iir. the Pennsylvania.'' terminal will be .li. largest in tin- wit !i ; square .nml ," far of the poslofliee in poor spaci surpassing in London, until gir number of faithful political heel ers, but the .Hith Street, Brooklyn, Fer ry gave little promise of dividend, oven though operated by a private company without impecunious friends to look out for. . Two years ago the city offered, through the board of esti I male and apportionment, to purchase he n,..t e.l..,,u;er. Tl. 1 . 11,1 1 1 roillJ;uiy vaiueu uie nnd -i.ill ..,.t ',,,,Mi.M,,,.iiei.y pal s no i I hoi t;,,: mis- II. . IS I a drill I: ell nation in presenting Iho wat term l:in The titriientine comes -.from the. t maritime pine. This tree i; taliped, a sliingla is inserted and irom .llio ,n ' """II... its ,lv need. ..Vow York should I which Iho turpentinodnps.; The tap-: (f) thn -x,w Y(.u j ping process is like that us. d on th;..jwf (j)) soiiUi....nW Vo',.k World. American suciir 111:1 it hi. . ! I iioiiih I'liie i.n.:s aie lappt.-o low, hut with each year's passage the in- etsion is matte higher, so that, it v: not long before most of lit.' trees lire lappod 20 or 30 feel, from flu ground j He- hinl boon in 1 h.'j consular service.; i Honco the luign stills of the work- j but his ret iretnent boca 1110 neeesr.ary men. On these stil's they traverse on account of age. ; are;1 now may be finished in Pins, four or live millions of dollar nearly all the giyyt railroads entering the city will ulliaiately concentrate thejr tei niinals in the immediate neigh borhood of tin- new branch, the work of haiu'linc the enormous masses of mail mailer brought in I y rail will bo cone Ihere. At the same time Ihe old pnslniljee will have plenty, to do in at tending In the downtown and steam ship mails, both 'if which al" steadily increasing in volume. There has never more striking evidence of the Krowlh of the metropolis and the steady march of . business nort liv.ard than this new poslollico affords; ami it is plainly to lie wen that, there must be great read justments and shifl lags of trade 'cen ters. -within a very brief period.'. Sine then (h ; Of Hilvai'd a nioiii h, S. hy iragg s iiensum ;i. special art of Udugi-oss, finds him in his SPlli year. ' Now York's allellipl to 0 delphia and T1 eouipanies tor nieicbaiulise. . nil the oilier aldermen ..have made nil How the or l'hila iledo in at tucking the ice raising the price of their Tlie coinpanies ' assert, hand, that the advance property at one million dollars. Since! -" eo, iiiut-cujiig wilii line usuai speeu in sucn matters, nas I been having the property condemned. Two years of condemnation have as yet placed no purchasing value upon the property, but two years of delay arid frontage improvement have ma terially raised the prices of all dock properly. "Jt is not unlikely," says R It. Bergen, an officer, at tho ferry company, 'that the original proposi tion which we made to the city two years ago and which the city then con sidered too high, will now, after this lapse of time, bo found too low by the valuation committee." Thus does a be nign municipality seize the public util ities for her citizens, and thus do the grateful citizens, in order to foot the bills, roach far, far down into their pockets after those coins of the realm which tin y have irTanaged to save from the grasp of private ownership. I hey- have, made from 30 cents to 40 Police Inspector Sehmiltbergor of the Tenderloin, addressed some public Continued On' Paze 10.) j& Two Fast Trains j& CONDUCTORS' THIRTEENTfi ANNUAL EXCURSION TO Two Fast Trains NtnNk. Old JUL Jr JUL y O ' VIRGINIA BEACH AND OTHER PLACES OF INTEREST From PLleigh, Dur ham xd Oxford, Over " Make your 'arrangements to go and take a (Icliglitful trip and enjoy the grand ocean breezes. . This trip .will be an unpar alleled opportunity for yon to visit Norfolk, one of the most attractive seaport cities in America. The Refreshment Car will be ,in charge of an experi enced caterer, and all kinds, of refreshments will be furnished. Train Specially conducted . by Captains W. P. Clements and G. M. Lasater. ' Round Trip 3M Itcinciiilier, this train ar 1 ives ;i Portsmouth at 3:30 Wed 1 n 'sda y a f t ernoon and d'K's not leave Portsmouth mil il !):()() Friday' morning, thus giving all those who go wi'ih us an excellent oppor li uiiiiy to enjoy a tiip to Old Point, Ocean View, Virginia Pencil and Pine Peach. This is the Trip of the Sea son! Don't M iss .Going with Ihe Conductors! Special Coaches for "White People! Special Coaches for Colored People! :'; Train Specially conducted by Captains W. P. Clements and G. M. Lasater. SBOARD AIR LINE R. R., WEDNESDAY, JULY 11, 1906, For further information apply to W. P. Clements, Raleigh, N. C, G. M. Lasater, Raleigh, N. C, J. B. Hogan Raleigh, N. C, W. S. Powell,Durham N. C, Committee, or C. H. Gattis, T. P. A., Raleigh, N. C. -