THE RALEIGH EVENINfl TIMES, WEDNESDAY, JULY 25, "1006.: f i THE EVENING TIMES :' Every Afternoon Except Sunday. The Visitor Press Publishing Co., JOHX C. DliEWKV, President. ; Rv W. SIMPSOX, JR ....... , Editor. GEORGE B. CRATER Publisher. i Full Leased Wire Service of the Associated Press. The Evening Times Leads all North Carolina Afternoon Newspapers hi Circulation. . ; In all parts of Fcteiliof proclamation!) SOME CHARACTERISTICS OK -THE DIAMOND KINGS. The death of Alfred Reit in London : on Monday- recalls his association with c:lcel Rhodes and Harnett Hamate In; announcing that Mcboluu and those close to him must die have been scat tered, and the fear Is that the threat will he carried out. Anti-Jewish out breaks have begun again at Odessa, ! exploiting the Kiniberlv diamond and thronifhinil the kingdom there is ; mines. Uaruato. in lllheatlh and suf- bloodshed and rioting. Meanwhile, the czar, sate in his palace, is trembling lest MAD E HOME SUBSCR1VMON RATES. (In a4vance.,) One copy one year ......... .$4.00 One copy three months 1.00 One copy one week ; ........ .10 the storm should assume greater proportions. There will not ba peace in Itussia while Nicholas reigns. I Letters have been sent out by the rhnlrman of the national republican eongressional eonimittce asking good men to come to . the aid of the party, with one dollar each to help elect another congress ot that persua sion. And thus will the wage earner suffer because of the end of big con tributions bv the trusts. fering from despondence commuted, suicide by Jumping overboard trom u, Cape lines in issli.- at the age ot 4,. Cecil nippy ONE Ichodes was less than ;0 when: I learned to '-Ove stroi'u: drink he died, and Allied licit was 5!. It is when young, and it grew on nie rtailv probable that all ot these great pro- ,mtiI ,t became a disease: so much moters suecumbeil to the strain of .... t),f t ..., , , ... , , . .... , i i s0 I could not control unse t, managing their business allalrs, which in the case of Rhodes and Heit weieii1ml U,It that 1 was .-doomed to le eoioss:,!. nn.i n that of li.i.nato fn-;s""'n. In April, IS'.):;. I went all I trlcatelv speculative and hazardous. ! the Keoley Institute at liivons- Harnato was nierelv a daring and . boi-o and took a four weeks' treat reckless gambler without education in incut .and was entirely cured IJeinir refinement; but it was no small thing cured I am in n nnuitlc.ii ... :iv thai o .-ouvji tm, K(HJiey institute is th- place for those aflltcted to go. The treatment d "Entered through Raleigh, N. - C j nnstnfficn t m.-iil matter of the sec-1 - ond class, in accordance with the Act of Congress, March 3. 1879. SCOUNCIL WEDN ESD A Y," II t X,- Z 5 , '"T.r ii " l'JOti. The New England Conscience. The Springfield Union endorses Judge Shaw of North Carolina in describing lynchers us a mob of cowards, but, after denouncing lynch law, savs: In the pioneer days, when rugged snirits pushed the frontier westward and the machinery of the government and the law lagged behind, it became necessary for the respectable element to take the law into its own hands to euro the vicious and protect life and prop erty, but it was done in an orderly manner and with a crude but sincere attempt at justice. This Was the be ginning of lynch law, a necessity in its time and place. Since those stressful days law and order have been rirm'.y established throughout this broad land, and there are courts everywhere competent and sufficient to deal with all crimes and mete out justice to all offenders. It did not become necessary for the respectable element to take the law into Its own hands in the west, for the settlers did not go beyond the reach of the law. The mob epidemic of the present day was encouraged by what happened years ago. The Springfield Union puts itself in the position of de fending mobs that lynched to protect property, and it denounces mobs that lynch to protect white women. There is nothing on earth to equal the New England conscience and the Union has an aggravated case of it. We have never defended .-'lynch law. We shall not, but thorp is' more reason, perhaps. for the killing of a black brute who. would assault a white girl than llier Was for killing a man who took an other man's horse. ".Most of .the people 'who suffer from n sickness." savs the l;n liin,nid News Kinder, "will envv Velv ll.allllv the girl' who roll" into a catalepsy the day her steamer left . Kurop'e fur this coun try and remained unconscious all the way iiver," Still, we would rather b seasick than subject to fits.. la the for a man who began hie Africa as a clown in a circus to London and Cape Town exchanges and uws w,ult "9 Cltiimo.l lor it. sit in the legislature of cape count v ("Ils- '""1 those willing to lie cut as the member from Kimlnrlv. One lemain so. I have no more desire of llnrnatos transactions was Hie sale lor strong drink than I had before I nf a diamond mine, of winch lie wns : had ever tasted it mid I eiv the .. !.:.., r.... rnrt nr,,i i ..... ... ...... ' 11 "" creim to me Keolev Institute lor i iioui ne maicneu mis hus ngaiiisi .lie w(.k nf reloilslll HIH'M 111 lllf fJHM'i;ilIJLi (.HI UH J-jlMllI'iH vliii'tf veil ri iif-n ihrit In n lYt vm1 nfliny WilM lilMi ruilKIIIinniZ IV Uye ONE PIANO That faithfully meets Every requirement is &fe Artistic STIEFF Hut for a time he him. and the rush I shares ofiered bv th original slum name l;o, it having by a profes 'hicago' who There is war on in Chic: lieen .caused by the Iceturi sor of Hie .University. uf contends that pii'liaiieiiary maiiiagif of six months are the proper thing Divorce court statistics seen to in dicate that Chicago has its full shar of it nowadays. The directory man of Ashcvill having his troubles. In rinipiling names an asterisk was put behind those citizens who were colored, and naturally enough mistakes occurred. Some white folks are ' suing because they were not properly designated, and now a negro has entered suit because he was published as a white man. ariieil all before tit subscribe for ex-clown, whose was Isaacs, ex ceeded in enthusiasm anything of the kind kiinWii lirfniv in Kngland.- At .me time he was rated at $k."i.iwio.i"ii; and he had .the doubtful distinction of be ing mentioned as one of the under writers of the Jameson raid. It was charged against him in the old days i that he got his first start in -"finance". "' as an illicit diamond buyer. : Their association with Hamate was 'only an incident in the lives of Khoiles island licit. They' -were- made of liner claw and each in his way .was tin idealist, I'.eit as a genius of business Uhodcs as an empire builder.- - They, had to ti-oik with I'.arnato, as a gambli-r bora under a lucky star, until be could be eliminated as a factor j in South African affairs: but Rhodes; and .licit continued to be partners in tilings lieancial and political after Kiunato's star had paled in the sp. cu- : ; Hie from ill ' lliraldotu ot tho drink habit, which hodv. blind and soul. While at the Insiitni - I was treated as kindlv as 1 coald have been fit homo; the nianager. phvsi i ian and .ittendiinls never wear ins; in ll'.eir good work for me. For all in ibis owe them mv .-rai t l tnaaks. II made mv home a hai ou,: my health good 'and me losti lute is always ready and able to r smre haiipiness and ln-jiili in a ailln ted as 1 was. T. II. LlTTl.lMoliX. If you have friends wlin mialil be hcnelited by this treatnieni send their names to the Keolev Inst it n t (ireenshoro, N- C- INVESTIGATE ! I STIEFF 66 Granby Street j. NORFOLK. VA. ! Geo. S. Nussear, AWr. -1 CntH September 1st our btore will close every afternoon' except on Saturdays at 0 o'clock. Ae ask our patrons and customers to ' do i their shopping early in the day. Our store will be open and ready for business every morning nt 7:30 o'clock. DOBBINFERRALL GO, Send for descriptive booklet and Special price list. irsnijj; Mothers and Malaria. The Old Standard Grove's' Tas less ( hill Tonie drives out malaria and builds up the system. !old bv all dealers for 27 vears. 1'iice fir) rents. - We congratulate Editor Ashe, .of the,. Wilmington Messenger. He was a pas-1-! sengor on the Seaboard ti-ain - which ! laiive skv and he had found his level Alfi. d licit was probably the greatest : ! . business mail in the world at the times NOTICK! f his death, his .interests including' ; upper mines In the United Slates, goldi. ITavind this dnv ntlaliiied its ad . . - . 1 I I... I,.. ,. i . . . . . .-, , .. .. , 1 . . . . .... was near jiaiue i, nm. m; '-- mines in f-ouiii .merica, e'liierci ami nilnlsfrator Ot the estate of ! lenilng caped with few bruises, and did heroic ; urea, and shares in sicnn and -l'---, Uatos.- derensed. this is to notil'v a! work for the wounded. . I""' ''!'""il" "' a;1 1'" "f th- wild..-,how having claims against, said -es tate to present them to me on or he- b The irood deeds of Uussed m coming into life in print. i ae .w York World, for instance, says tint Mr. Sage read much and could quote long passages of Shakespeare trom memory. : : - his enorKious invi'stiii.-nts in f',-icaii minis, lands and indus- hl Sou 11 , I trial and tract ion c l'.oth licit and Clio Africa originally in is- verv ' young iuen inipanies. ii s went t. . ..,,1. e Kilodes without i South health Tore June 29, 1!07. ! HENItY H. 11 Administrator ot Klenuim deceased. 1 I 1'.; .'The New York physician v.-li. con tends that a person can get along without a stomach thinks so, perhaps, because he knows of ih'isoiis who suc ceed fairly well without brains. faiiy resources, at all. aiid Ceil as the son ei' a piosperous Hamburg raer-'j chant. Horn in the same - year, l i'.'i. J thev became interested' in the Kimberly iliainonil mines at about the .same 1 1 in- made' great fortune: and succeeded in 1 justly be called tin The Telephone Nuisance. The corporation commission which has heard the evidence in the telephone case will ; render a decision at the proper time. and 'we will know what it thinks of the monopoly of the Iiell Company. We doubt, . however, if il will undertake the great task of deal ing with telephone etiquette,-'and yet that is something which ought to be improved. In the city of Ualeigh there are three systems. The bells in a busy place ring continually. Just how much time is wasted in unnecessary talk may never be determined, and the public and not the companies, wa believe, is at fault. In most cities the rules re tfuire a person to give the number de sired, but if there are numbers hero the average person doesn't know it. Very often we may lift the receiver and request . the .'operator at 'the--Hell exchange lo. connect with a certain number. After awhile tin. re will cone the reply,: "Who is it you w-ant?" and then the name must be given. Being wiser next time we ask for such ami such an otiice, and' soiife'body there w ill t Peenise he was never maiifed the .-issumiiiion is that I.Albert TV-it. the j richest man in the .world, was a woman hater but we believe there are some men with wives who are that. XOT1CK OF MSSOM TIO. r.y mutual cnnsentT.ritton Venn r.iio ,-;iniui'i li. lowns rjae oc-soim !co-iiartnership In butcher business, ae at an early age. -.parties having claims against the firm inning what may will present to Ilrltton I'earce- for set diamond trust, tlement in full: and those owing us wil Samuel II since it controls the prior ,-f -diamond ninke payment to me the world over. The dream of imperial Towns expansion was Ifhodes-. hut he was j TTRTTTON I'FAItCI The issue.lii Russia depinds upon thei army. Perhaps, it may better than! in tho war with Japan, for now it may, flcht in a more righteous cause. J lb on ill-st the A southern newspaper cab men boll weevil democrats, ground, perhaps, that the boll weevil is about extinct. Steel passenger coaches arecoming. hut they are needed mostly when tlie telegraph operator goes to sleep or forgets. '- What Mr. Taft would like to have is knf,wi.nff K)ua Mr. Koosevelt other would be luck, easy. With that the ilways able to enlist his friend B it n the promotion of. bis railroad and charter company enterprises. If KM was involved in the high-handed Jameson outrage lie had Rhodes, to thank for it. Tin1 firm name and busi ness might have read: '"Rhodes & licit, Exploiters of Africa from Cape Town to Cairo." - - The two men had many tastes in common as lovers of the arts and asl collectors..: Rhodes was an ixford man and read the classics in editions spe cially 'brought, out for hint. They were both generous givers for educational and charitable purposes, i'.eit was a man who -shtiuned notoriety, and his methods were., subtle and ;' soundless. Rhodes was -proud of his fame, and !did tilings on a livish scale, and in a jlayol way, as one who should have been born in the purple and could not but make a noise in the world. Had Rhodes lived to old age there is no part SAMri:r, h. towns. Having dissolved co-part uership will Samuel II. Towns in the butcher busi ness I wish to announce to mv friend? and pntrons that 1 will continue ti conduct the business on a more im- pioved and np-tn-date .plan, having just installed an excellent meat .ditto, ami -other improvements. . Thanking .you fir vour past lavor and soliciting your trade in the future : RRITTON PKAUClv O A W Tuesday XOTICK or I'iiist mi: CJ5i:iMT01tS. :tix; A X I AVO.MI'A. liustav AV'olff, it sign painter of St. Louis, has had two pictures; promi nently hung in the l'ans Salon.- I,adv Durand ambassador to "Dickens room home. wife of tho-, laitish this count rv. has a ' In her Washington Sir Cilbert Talker, the novelist, likes ! to go from one room to anollier, wrn ' im a litlle ill this.and a little in that. shout -.--.'into - the -phone, "i..i ty-tour," n,, also lias a weakness for changing That is so liiuch (Jreek, under the . present manner of telejiluining, anil ex planations are in order. The fact is that every person has his owri code, his nwn system, and none is perfect, it is very trying on tho body, the soul and the nerves. If we must give the name and not the number of the sta tion -desired, all well and good, but when the "hello" comes we might ask for Mr, So and So without that old stereotyped utterance, "Who is that?" Suppose we all get together and make the best of it? chairs while composing. A dispatch from Atlanta says that heavy rains and scarcity of refrigera tor cars threaten the peach crop, which is unusually good, all things consid ered. Reports from the peach section state that in the day time the planters curse the railroads for not providing cars, while at night great prayer meet ings - are held, tho people uniting in asking the Almighty to close the flood gates of Heaven. Prayer availeth much, to be sure,, but our idea was that it was offered for protection and Salvation not for refrigerator cars and dividends. Archbishop Ireland has accepted an 'appointment as aide-de-camp on tip staff of Commatider-in-chief Jann-s Tanner, of the O. A. It., and will ride with him in his carriage in the grand army parade at Minneapolis on August 15. " he might have still played as a liritish statesman; had I'.eit. long survived he would have heeohie a billionaire, liarnato would never have been anything but a happy-go-luekH 'jtujiil ler.--Xe,v York. Sun. , - . - ,Ll-H-.-;., r . -, ,:. . Ail l-.Miinale of Sase- Kansas was the first slate In the Union to adopt the constitutional pro hibition, and Senator Henson. the suc cessor of Ilurton, was one of the three lawyers in the state senate in 1SS1 whoBivi,n Jlinl ..,, framed the lust prohibition law Kan sas ever had. Putting aside the ipiestions of re iigioii and Of Hie future, and consider ing only the actual work done and re suits achieved in tins world, how doe tho life of Russell Sage compare with that -of the ordinary, average, obscure preacher, teacher or docior? Air. Sage is 'stated to have accumulated eighty million dollars. Rut what has lie 'done? Has he made humanity any better, happier or wiser m Ins ninety years ol lite? Has he established or left behind him any great or small institution, any visible, actual, claiming evidence that he lived and thought and labored? We do not wish to judge any man harshly. Mr. Sage may have ban some most ex cellent qualities. Iiunng file last thirty vears. however, he has been a kind ol standing joke and object of ridicule be cause of his supposed miserlv personal habits. Wo have never known any man In have less sympathy than was misfortune overtook M- Coquelin. the French actor, as cribes his success to -hard work and persistent study' When he hi-st went to the conservatoire In Purls as a boy of 20 he was told that his voice and face would, together, make a success ful stage career impossible. ,v The situation in Russia la exceed ingly grave. The dissolution of the douma has been follower! by violent outbreaks arid ' the' people; vevon the armies, are turning against the czar. Rev. J. W. Van Kirk, D.D., pastor of Grace Methodist Kpiscopal church, Youngstown. O.. has returned from his missionary trip around the world. II started out without a penny in his pocket and made his way by preaching "The Fatherhood of God and the Brotherhood of Man' On the roll of students of the sum mer school at Syracuse Lniversity, tak lng advanced work, Is a professor of English and political economy in the Imperial Provincial College of Shan tung, China. lie Is Roscoe Adam Good cell, who, with his wife, came to America last January after teaching for seven years In the Chinese Empire. him and when it was announced that he had recovered, paid his debts and was making a larger fortune than ever before, there was little rejoicing. He pi of (till by the misfortune and the necessities of other men and helped to destiny manv careers, to embitter many lives, to wreck manv fortunes. Considering the length of his life ami Its opportunities, he was about as use less a citizen as this country ever has had. However, he may have left his careful accumulations to ba disposed of ho used them to very little good purpose and for much evil while he was In possession of them. Richmond News Leader. In Itiiiikriiptcv, Xo. If);!. In the inaiter of 11. Shipo. ISankrupl. lo tho crediloi'S'Ol II. Shipe of Dur ham, in tho cottnfv of Durham and Oisirici nloresaid, a bankrupt: Notice is herein' given that on the 1 Mil dav ol" Juiv. A. I). lDOt;, the said Ii. Shipe was duly adjudicated bank rupt: and .thitt .(he first. meeting of his creditors will he held at the of fice of Jliggs k li 'id. in tho ( ilv ot Durham. N. ( .. on the 31sl of .lujjy. A. I). IDilti. at 11 o'clock in the oi'e noon. at .which tune the said credi tors may attend, prove, their claim1:, appoint a Trustee, examine- I lie bankrupt, and transact such other business as may properly , come bo tore said meelitig. V. H. HOYDEN. Iteferee m UnnkrupLrv. Raleigh. N. C July 21, 1 900. JULY a vine- never hanic: safe money ol you 'my game!! is a t lie w isdem of been e.uesl ioned well known which has The Me-. Dime Savings Hank offers you means' io 'not only stive your hut also .make that idle sunt .-. earn so'r.icl liing as it pays 1 per cent, in tores' ' on'. all savings ac- 'ounls. Wlty no' open that savings tccount -today 'and - begin at once fo icquire. file saving habit? Once aarted vou will find it a verv easv ask " to lay aside sonie'liing every week, and before you know it. you ill have (jt'tite.ii tidy sum. This is Hie strongest -safeguard in all tnis- 'orlunes. Call at our bank today i.nd get . intimately acquainted with its modern banking nieiuods and ta- ties it affords for the safe handling ol yntir accounts. Mechanics' Dime Saving Bank FOURTH WEEK July 23rd to 28th. Never has n .Inly ( lea ran co Side niel with such success, ever Ins I In- shopping interest lieeu xo great, liar so continuous. a single hiv inlcival in Hits ".real cleai-niiee sale. All (he broken lines must n this week. .Ml (he odd lots, all surplus summer merchandise of every kind mils! lie cleaned up this week. A sweeping clearance is the goal we are aimiiii; at and :i great in-iiiy jttew clearance baiwiin lahlos have been made up. . And on all these tables (he prices have I i reduced lower than ever before. I'.elow we call special notice to some of the many bargain table offer ings that must claim the attention of everyone. 0 Sale of Anhialil'- City Property. PIANO MUST BE SOLD See the l-.J oil bargain Carpets. We are sure yon can be suited and uc will make fiicni lip into Hugs or Squares at no e.vti-a charge for the work. ' new table of YA lute Things regular prices. desir- very Bereft of All Possessions. Rambling Waggles I was robbed last, night and I lost fifty-three ar ticles of furniture. Everything I had In do world. Policeman Fifty-three articles? i Rambling Waggles;. a deck of cards and a corkscrew. Cincin nati Commercial-Tribune. ; Hy virtue of the powers contained In a judgment of the superior court of Wake county. Norih Carolina, entered on the 2d day of Julv. IMG, in a special proceeding therein pending, entitled Mary C. "Walker et als. ex parte, and being No special proceeding docket of said court. I w ill offer for sale tit public outcry to the highest bidder for cash at the court-house door In the citv of Italoigh, North Carolina, on Monday, the Clh (lay of August. 10G, tho fol lowing described lots of land, to-wit: Two certain lots of land In the north eastern portion of the city of Raleigh. Wake county, North Carolina, being known as lots Nos. !i and 13 of block 4 in the addition to the city of Raleigh, known as Idlewild. as surveyed and mapped by A. W. Shaffer, which said map is recorded in the office of the register of deeds for Wake county In book 112, at page 4H2. and Is hereto referred. Said lots are more naitleu- larly described as follows: Lot No. 5. of block 4, situated on the east side of Scawell avenue, being a parallellogram In shape, fronting 1-2 feet on said avenue and running back east 200 feet to an alley, bounded on tho north ! by lot No. 13, and on the south by lot No. 7, in said block Lot No- 13, of block 4, situated on the east side of Seawell avenue, being aKpaBalIelIogram In shape, fronting 52 1-2 feet on said avonue and running back east 200 feet to an alley, bounded on the by lot No. 11, and on the south by lot No. 15, In said block 4 WILLIAM B. JONES, Commissioner. This July 2, 1906. tf Wo have a few very able Standard Pianos slightly used; some only used as samples, and in order to make room for large shipments lor lall trade, the price is much reduced. I lu re are several of the "Old Reliable Slioninger" Pianos among them. Special cash or time offers. Delivered free anywhere. II interested please call curly or write at once. See the at l-l the si:k tiii: ; kakoains ix TDK lil;.lY-l.lI-: COAT Sl'IT 1)10 IWIt'l'MKXT. Ollering one of those memorable occasions for which our store is noted, i tune wl you can buy high class ( oat Suits at I-; off the regular prices and get (he alterations made at no extra charge. -bee. the great bargains in WASH Sl lTS and WASH WAISTS. See PAX" st - out. do, it. the great bargain m "PK1 Waists at I Sc. for ijil.OO and Waists. Just cleaning them And making a price that will See the new showing in lanene l inish aislmg VJ l-t!c a yard. See the new table of Knibroidered. While Swiss Muslins beautiful, hut they are to go this week at half their regular prices, splendid for later sum mer wear, and then for winter even ings. See the new bargain table of Laces at only one-half prices. This table is on the north side ,iust nt the front door mid is worth your liest atten tion. See- the new great bargain table of Silks nt only -IXc. a yard. This is practically a new table, just made up with so many additions that it is now, and the bargains are more convincing than at any tune iM-forc. It will pay an vprospective customer to buy now and put them away until you require them. SKK illK XlttV e. TAHLR. Odds and Knds of Wash Stuffs, worth way up to 2.V n yard, hut you may take your choice for tie, a yard. 16 i I RALEIGH, N. C. 1 floor. See the Big Centre Table at entrance, middle of the ..JUNKETS. .. MAKE .. ...DAINTY.. .DELICIOUS. ..DESERTS.. ....OR.,... .ICE CREAM. Ten Tablets Ten Gents ftnsy to nse, harmless and prcferuble to anything else of the kind. Wri SKLL LIXCOLX LITIIIA WATER. J. R. FERRALL & CO. . . LEADING GROCERS. Fine Wash Fabrics AT JUST HALF PRICE. This 1Mb Table In fact a Double Table offers the most attractive features ot this the fourth week of our great July Clearance Sale now sweeping every section of our store. To this His Special Half Price Table we have devoted ft convenient space near the entrance right in tho mid dle of the floor. You will find Half Silk Eolinnes, Cotton Ktamliics, and fancy weaves, Batistes, Linens, Sheer effects in bilk and Cotton and Organdies, etc. Thij entire lot made up of the newest fabrics and styles suitable for summer dresses and separate waists, and likewise suitable for winter evening wear. The entire table nt only hulf price. 30c. goods only 25c. 23c. goods only , . 12 1-fflc 40c. goods only .. 20c. 20c. goods only 10c. .13r. goods only .17 l-2c. 13c. goods only 7 l-2e. tfOc. goods only .15c. 10c. goods only '.Sc. See the Special Itnrgain Table near the? centre of store. Great sale of Table Linens, Damasks and Napkins a housekeeper's greatest hargulii opportunity. At tho reduced prices a housekeeper can afford to buy and put them away for future needs If she din's not wish to use them at once, lie sure to sec these great Table Linen llargnins. DOBBIN FERRALL CO.

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