WEE RALEIGH EVENING TIMES, WEDNESDAY, JULY 25, 1906. STOCK PRICES MO UPWARDS An Active Demand at the Opening Today A MORE CHEERFUL TONE Jinny of the Snecnlative Favorites Showed a Gain of a Point or Mori Animation of lie Foreign .Markets Contributed to the Advances in New York Market. Olv the Associated Press.) New York, .Inly 25. Prices moved upwards lirisUly in the opening deal ings in the slock market today on an aclivo demand, many of the specula the leaders showing sains of ; point, or upwards. The more clioer- fnl tone of foreign markets helped tin) rise. Anaconda gained 2, Cana dian Pacilic 1, Nortiiiin Pacific and Delaware & Hudson 1 i, and Si. I'anl, Union Pacific, Rending, llull.l tnori! & t)hio, Kindling and Colorado Fuel nhoul a point. Southern I'acilie and Amalgamated Copper were up la rge fracl ions. There was a sprinkling ' of sales t tak" prolils en the opening- advance but. they wire well absorbed and prices ruse afterwards abnve the 'opening level, Clival Northern prcfci;eel gaineel 2 1-2, liilawaiv & Hudson ami Sunar 2 1-1. St. Paul 1 7-S, I'nioii Pacilie IteadliiR, Colorado Fuel and American Agricultural Chemical 1 1-2, South' :n Paciiie 1 l-t anil Pennsylvania, Kansas St Texas and i;ikl:n Transit, about a point. Prices continued lo work gradual ly higher Willi a modorato degree of activity. Sen! intent was influenced by the conspicuous .strength of HI. Paul, Union Pacilic and Southern Pa eilic. Sugar rose ;i in all, Denver & Kio Grande National Itiscuit and Na tional la-ad 1 :,!. , and .Atchison, Kan sas & Texas pivf 'i retl, Louisville & Nashville. New York Central, Amal gam:, ted Copper and Cieneral Electric I. Minn;i'ioli; and St. Paul fell 1 anil Northwestern 2. ...Honda were Ir regular at noon. The trnnsr-cont incntitl rouil roads c-nn- tinued lo had the advance which was slower at ' other points. St. Paul, I'nlon Pacilic. and Southern Pacilic gained 2 to 2 3-S. I. S. Steel.' Republic Steel preferred, Tennessee Coal, Corn Products, St. Louis. Southwestern and Kansas city Southern progressed to the extent of a point or more. The demand subsided and trading became very dull but only slight price recessions resulting. Southern Hallway and American Car rose 1, Lake Eric & Western, I'.' S. Really, and Republic Steel 1 1-2. hnd Republic Steel prel'i red 2. Consolidated Gas ran off a point., , There was enough realizing in St. Paul and the Pacifies to hold them within the limits of 'their previous rise while Canadian Pacific advanced 3 1-S, United Slates Realty 2 1-2, Atchison, Heading and Amalgamated Copper 2, Louisville & Nashville 1 Colorado & Southern first preferred 1 G-S, V. S. Sleel and Missouri Pacilic 1 1-2 and Krie, Rock Island preferred, Texas & Pacilic, Toledo, St. Louis and Western. Kansas City Southern preferred and U. S. Steel preferred, a- point or moiv. Prices rose again in the final dealings and the closing was active and strong at the top level of, the day. Atchison . . . . 'Atchison prof'. '. . . . V. . . Atlantic Coast Lino ........ Haltimore & Ohio .......... Canadian Pacific .... ..... Chicago & Northwestern .... Chicago- & Northwestern prof, Colorado Southern ......... Chesapeake &. Ohio ........ Denver & Itlo Grande....... Denver &.itio Grande prof... Krie . . . . .'. ... .... . , Great Northern pref. ........ Illinois Central . . ......... Jnterboroiigh-Mct. . . ...... liiterborougli-Mot., prof. . . Louisville & Nashville Manhattan L ............. Metropolitan St. Rwy. ...... Mexican Central Missouri Pacific . . .... New York Central ......... Norfolk & Western ........ Northern Pacific Pennsylvania .. .. ........ Heading . . ............ Hock Island . . . . . Hock Island prof. .......... St. Pan! . . . . . Southern Pacilic ......... Southern Railway .......... Southern Hallway prof. Union Pacific ......... Union Pacific pref., ......... Wabash .'.'. . . . Wisconsin Cetnral Miscellaneous. Amalgamated Copper.. American Car end Foundry.... American Locomotive... Am. Smcltlns and Refining.... Am. Smelting and Refining pfd P.moklyn Rapid Transit Colorado Fuel nnd Iron.... International Paper National Riscuit National Lend Northern Securities Pacific Mail People's Gas Pressed Steel Car Pullman Paaoe ar ,. Standard Oil...... ,.. Sugar A Tennessee Coal and Iron 20'H 92 133 S7 202 Vi 12S 12314 24 G3 1SH4 73 35 99 14S 94 1S 23 . 9STf, SB 14 im , 14fiVi 117 74 49 . 17 . CGVj . 75 34 . 90Vi 46A 222 , , 592 V , 137' 152 United Stales Steel... 36 United States Steel pfd 1044 Western Union ,.. 91-T4 Mackay Co.'s 71l,i Mackay Co.'s pfd 71 American Cotton Oil..'. American Tobacco pfd American Tobacco l's American Tobacco ti's Sloss-Sheffleld Steel Vir.-Car. Chemical Vir.-Cur.' Chemical pfd , A morican Woolen , American Woolen pfd........ 997i 112 34 New York Cotton Market. IiV the Associated Press.) Now York, July 25. The cotton market opened steady at an advance of 1 point to a decline of 1 point, and in spite of steadier cables and n better feeling abroad as to the Rus sian situation sold off right after the call tinder a renewal of bear pressure and liquidation inspired by favorable weather reports and predictions of a bearish August condition report. The market worked off to a net loss of about 1 In Ti points under this pressure but steadied later on cover ing which seemed partly due to the failure of stop-loss, or.lers to mate rialize under 10.10 for October. Prices during the middle of tha morning were about I to 2 points net higher wilh trading quiet and the tone steady. Cotton futures opened steady. July in.ilil; August lfl.iiil: September 10.10; October' 10.17: November 10.1s; Decem ber 10.21; January W.W February 10.31; l id. . March lo. 10. . : Cotton futures closed stead v.' Clos ing bids: July M.fiO: August, 10.01: Sep tember 10.1."i; October 10.23: November 10.2".: December 10.32: January 10.3(1; February 10.37; March 10.17. 'flie market was very steady dur ing the lute morning and ruled about I to 5 points net higher on covering of shorts who worj disappointed thai the decline! to a new low level early did not uncover stop-loss orders and who were also influenced by reports of heavy rains in north Texas. Spot coil on quiet; middling up lands 10.!t0; middling gulf I1.ir. Cotton spot closed collet; ''middling uplands lo.'.K); middling gulf 11.15; sale lol ball's. Estimated receipts at the --'ports loday 4,500 hales against 2,M 1 last week and 17,090 last. year. For the week 30,000 -hales against 25,047' last week and 102. 031 last year. To day's receipts at N 'w Orleans 1.2S7 bales against 3,(119 lasi year and at Houston 102 bales against 5.2S0 la;,l year. , Yester day's Open. Close.. Close, July, . . . . . Hum lo.oo 10.00 August . ... . 10.00 10.04 10.00 September..-. . 10.00 10.15 10.10 October . , . 10.17 10.23 10.1(1 November . . 10. IS 11125 10.18 IH'cember . . . 10.24 10.32 10.25 January..'.-. .10.30 10.3R 10,30 February . . . 10.81 10.37 10.31 March . . . . 10.40 10.47 10.41 Liverpool Cotton Market. (Ry the -Associated Press.) Liverpool, July 25. Cotton spot quiet; prices 2 points lower; American mid dling fair 6.51: good middling fi.23; mid dling 6.01; low middling 5.S3; good ordi nary 5.59; ordinary 5.39. The sales of the day were 5.000 bales, of which 500 were for speculation and export and included 4. G00 American.' Receipts 4.400 bales, all American. Futures opened easier and closed firm; Ameri can middling good ordinary clause July d'Ti 5.77; July- August 5.73fi 5.74; Aug ust-Sept. 5.65(1(5.66; Sept, -Oct. 5.5!li5.(!0; let. -Nov. fi.55rii5.56; November-Decem ber 5.55; Dec-Jan. 5.55; Jan. -Feb. 5.56; Feb.-March 5.5S: March-April 5.5!)iiir,.6l; April-May 5.6065.61; May-June 5.6K! 62. - Raleigh Spot Market. (Reported by Chas. E. Johnson & Company.) Strict good middling, ll4c. Good middling, ltVsi'. Strict middling, 11c. Middling, 1 0 c. Receipts todajv 15 bales. Hubbard's Cotton Letti'iv (Spee ial to the Kvening Time's.) New York,-. July 25. An essentially mid-summer market with an advance elue to the rains in northern Texas on i suppose d Injury more imagined than eal, Liverpool showed a fairly goeiel oiu hut buyers here are ephemeral, realizing quickly on any advance. No permanent advance appears probable without crop injury of a more, serious nature' than has yet. occurred. Mean while', the season progresses nnd new ci. Hon comes nearer to the market. ' 1ICRUARD Rl'OS. & CO. Xew York Money Market. (I!y the Associated Press.) New York, July 25. Close Prime mercantile paper 5 1-2 (ft 5 3-4 r cent; sterling exchange wdtik at 4S5 (if 4S5.05 for demand and at 4S2.10f(( 4S2.15 for sixty day hills. Posted rales 4S2fe4S3 and 4S5 1-2 (ef l.SO. Commercial bills 481 3-4 & 481 7-S. liar silver 05 3-S; Mexican dollars 50 1-2; government bonds weak; railroad bonds irregular. Money on call easy, 2 1-2 per cant. ruling rale 2 1-4, closing bid 2, of fered at 2 1-2. Timo loans easier on short maturities, CO days 3 1-2 tj? per cent, 90 days 4 to 4 1-4, six months 5 1-2. Chicago Grain Market. (Rv the Associated Tress.) Chicago. July 25. Wheat opened strong today. The Russian situation was again a strong bullish factor and additional reports were received of rust In Manitoba. There was but little wheat for sale. September opened 1-4 to 3-8 to 3-8 1-2 higher at 77 l-4ee3-8, and sold up to 77 l-25i5-8 and then re acted to 77 3-S. " The higher opening did neit hold, and about the middle of tho session prices broke on realizing sales the September option going down to 76 3-8. The close was weak and l-4i&3-8 lower at 70 5-8. . September coin on buyinjr by local bulls advanced to 51 IZIU'51 7-8. The market held strong all day. The high price was : 52. The close was steady and 5-8 higher at 51 5-8. September oats on good general de mand sold up to 34 l-S!'l-4, then de clined to 33 7-8. Sc(pt inber provisions opened steady, pork at 17.30, laid ut fc'Ji 1-2 and ribs at 9.30. . Chicago Live Stock Market. (By the Associated Press.) Chicago, July 25. Cattle Re ceipts 22,000; market steady to 10c. lower. Beeves 3.S5(fi 6.40; cows and heifers 1.25 (ti 5.30; stockers and feeders 2.50 (ft 4.25; Texans i.2lip 5.20; calves 5.00 7.00. Hogs Receipts 25,000; market weak; mixed and butchers (i.50(f( 0.95; good heavy p.55(!i' 0.05; rough hnavy .15!( 0.50; light (i.500.95; pigs 5.75(Jf li.SO; bulk of sales 0.05 0.S5. .'; '.'... Slice)) Receipts 1S.O0O; market i steady. Sheep 2.90ii? 5.50 ; lambs 1.75 1i, 7.75. Xew York Provision Market, (Ry the Associated press.) New York, July 25. Flour steady, unchanged. Wheat Decidedly S3 3-1 ; September December SO l-Sd1 higher; .liily (. . ). 1 1; ifc l- m'.-v '' J ' ' ' . C SS 1-2. Rye Dull, nominal. CornStrong ami higher; Septem ber 5S l-l. , Reef Sleaty. Pork Firm.. Lard Firm; prime western 0.00 Ci !).10. Sugar Haw, 3 1-4; cvnlril'n firm ; ;ai, :: fair refilling. 3-1; molasses sugar 3. ; Hedini'd, steady; .crushed, powdered, 4.90; granulated. 5.50; l.NO. Coffee Firm ; No.-7 Rio Molasses SI eady; N;'W S. Orleans, '.(Hi 3S. .Hotter Steady, unchanged. Cheese Steady, unchanged. lOggs Firm, unchanged. X.w York Poultry -Market." (P.v the Associated Press.) New York, 'Jul v. 25. Poultry alive, fairly steady; western spring' chickens 17: fowls 13 1-2; '-'turkeys 10. Dressed irregular; western spring chickens lSfT22; turkevs llffil3; fowls 1ltl4. . gi'lT SPKKUII TO LICK A MAX. How Maj. Harlow and Col. 1'iaini He canie I'asl Friends, The fllasgow senatorial district, now represented by Senator E, V. Gillen walcrs, has been the scene of many political battles," said a former lvsl ilent of that section, "and once when Maj. Harlow, who represented the dls- trle t several times,-, was proescuting an active canvass that trouble in plen ty was furnished the speakers. It was some time -after, the -close of the war, anil race prejudice ran high. In Mon roe', one if tho-counties situated on the bonier, where the ravages of war had been most pronounced, liveel Col. John M. Fraim, a financier of whom it has been said that he would spec ulate on any thing from a hen and chickens to half a -county in Kansas, anil during Monroe he which Ceil. During the the major's canvass In made some statements to Fraim took exceptions, speech '"of the major Co!. Fraim disputed his utterance, but the matter was dropped and on the fol lowing day the speaking was to be helel at what is now the village of Fllppin, near the splendid estate of Col. Fraim. "Hefore reaching the appointment, Major' .. Harlow anticipating further trouble1, stopped at a country store and purchased a. huge ' butcher- knife, but Immediately altered his mind and requested the -merchant, who knew nothing of his intentions, to excuse, him from the bargain, and left the store empty handed. The house was crowded with mi'iiand women when Maj. Harlow, are; speak and al ker's desk sat most, against th Col. Fraim. Whim that portion of his obnoxious to Col. the major reached speech which 'was Fraim, he at once pronounced the major a liar. Unex pected to Fraim, Major Harlow stepped out of the stand, and, without utter ing a word, knockeel him down, and, following up his advantage, gave the colonel an unmerciful beating. The crowd, though composed of both Dem ocrats and Republicans, was wholly in sympathy with the ''major, and no In terference was offered until Col. Fraim suggestevl be was satisfied. Major Har low then resumed bis speech where he had left off, nn el concluded his canvass without further interruption. Some time later Col. Fraim sought Major Harlow and npoligized for the inter ruplion, mill during the remainder of their lives tho two men were devoted friends." Louisville Courier Journal. CIIAMPIOX FIKKT XH5HTER. Poor Man In London Has Seen More Than 2,500 Premieres. " That more than 200 persons waited all night around the pit-doors of Drury Lane Theatre In-order to make sure of seeing the Kllen Terry benefit perform ance has been mentioned already in tho accounts of that memorable theatrical event. It may be added, however, that this crowd of indefntigable waiters numbered one who Is undoubtedly the champion first-nighter of tho world. This, in nn elderly enthusiast named Ciieen, whose boast it Is that with one exception 'he has not missed n, single "first night" or festival performance In 50 years, or since "The Thirst of Colli" was presented at the Adelphi half a century ago with Renjamin Webster and Mme. Celeste as leading members of the cast. In that time "Uncle" T.. A. C.reen, as he Is called, has actually witnessed no less than 2,500 first performances, and the carefully treasured programs of these he recently presented to tho O. P. Club of London, Avhlch Is composed of actors nnd leivers of the theatre. He la now more than 70, ' and It is, 'of i 10c. Bottle." 25c. Bottle . .2 Doses. .8 Doses. 'ASK YOlIt DKALKH I'Olt IT coiuse, limited means that lias oMic.d li i in from the first tei palioiilzc I!n- ,or tion of the house whie-h is uiu.-.a i vol in- all Knglish the atres. I'lom He- pit. fhen, en "first nights" he l!:is- se-n .Mae'i'-aily, '. Adclaielo Ne ilsoii. ill" Raii ereifls and Nellie.' Fai re'ii, .-not in in uiion all the players of the- pio.ni d.iy in Knglund. including Kllen Ti iVy. in al le ml. .whoso bi-ne-llt the" ve-iie-rabb- play- g"1'' waited lrom h e-ioe i m. u... i v''-n-ii il t II ael- II! g lrece elinv; the pei'lorina i.;i.... ! noon em the following day. ;. II ! mil le'd. 'however, that this ellile the hinges', wait of his I'sp.'i i. n. ... next I.'al l'.-ll eiitti; ill HI I '! - in diiraliou being tins Nellie be ne lit, which he saw all' i' ': la line, for in 'ill I lo beans. .: I spollele lle:e of N..W )''! I: i'l-. One AVcinhty guest ion Di e ided. V. very no wand -then 1 1 : e-ourts hand down a .decision 'of. 'vital .im portance to the nation. The I'nileel Stats Sumvnic Court ha.-; jus!, divid ed that dried lizards are "drugs." -Kansas City Journal. Malaria Causes Loss of Appetite. Tho- Old Standard Corve s T.isleess ("hill Tonic drives out malaria and builds up the system. Sold by. all dealers for 27 years. Price 50 cents. Raleigh, N C. July 1. ;' 190G. Hon. Jas. I..-Johnson,; Mayor.-- Dear Sir: In accordance ui'.li law I hen with submit, to yon my report of 1 he- condition of the sinking f'iml of the city of : Halt-igh on July !. : tuoii. which is as follows: Dr. Cash in savinss bank Man !i 1. r.Hiii .. ... Cash in .March 1, Si'Cui -Hies . 20.173.50 Poltimori 1906,,..,.. hanks 3 50 33,200.00 1,622.17 ' 81S.3S Re'Ce'ive'd fr ieiin J. S. .1 s. 1'eillee'llir ............... Received from Intercast. $ 66,046.55 ..Cr. ; paid since Xl-nvh 1. per cent eoueoiis..,. .$ 13.50 paid in I'.aUiiiiore; . , 7.437.50 Coupons 1 !'(!. 6 ( 'unpens $ 7,451.00 '.'$ 25.lSS.fl5 . , 207.50 . 33.200,00 .11: Cash in savings b Cash in Haltiinort Securities ........ iiiU,...., banks.' $ 58,595.1 1, ; r Rnlance on liaial : ; July . 1906 .... ..... ...$ 66.016.55 Cash in ba nk . . . . . . .... . ........$ 25,395..". Securitii's: Note II. fi. I'.oseiiliial. .,....$ 5.000.0H Note F. H. Aicnilell. ......... 5.000.10 Note R. '. SlioiiK'. ....... . .. 3.500,00 . City '. -of - Rale'igh 6 pea- cent . bonds: , 4,700.00 City of Ralcili t per. cent bonds ... .................. . . ... : 5.0oo.(io IClks consiriiclii.il bonds...'.,', 10,000.00 . $ '33.200.00 $ 58,595.5 submitted,. II. F. SMITH, - Com. of S. F. Respeel ida Wafer CURES ALL FORMS OK KIDNEY AND BLADDER TROUBLES . AV1. IS NATURE'S OWN PRESCRIPTION FOB. TI1R Digestive Organs. t'OIt KALIS BY Tucker Itiiildinc Pharmacy, Hicks Drug Company. W. M. Vesrby, Durham, N. O. Thomas itrug Co., W. Durham. :" . C. Hubbard Bros. & Co. HANOVER SOI AKE, NEW YORK. MEMBERS OP Xew York Cotton Ex change, New Orleans Cotton Ex change, Associate Members Liver pool Cotlon Association. ORDERS SOLICITED For the pur chase anil sale of cotton fpr future delivery. Correspondence invited. : . a . n ' AN EXQUISIT II Beverage Put Up in Family Packages and Shipped to Any Part of the States. Wholesome: Mild and Assimilating. Write for Our Price List. WIEDEMANN, Inc., 6th and Columbia Sts., NEWPORT, KY. CUT643 Why not lie comfortable during the hot weather. Oct nn Electric Van n nil you will lie. Come in and try one. Raleigh Construction Co. 133 Fayetteville Street. A useful article to the happy home is the Ice Cream Freezer., Wo have a good line of the most improved Freezers. Lawn Mowers, Garden Hose Wire Screen Doors, nnd season nhle goods found in the Hardware line. -. v : . Carolina Hardware Co., East End City Market. The June Coupons of tlie Mechanics and Investors Union Will be paid ;is usual upon pro senat.ion at tho Commercial and Farmers Hank. MONEY TO LOAN. We are prepared to make imme diate hians in Raleigh or in other cities and; towns that are not fully suiiplied by local Building and Loan Companies. Our now plans just ar ranged are very liberal for persons desiring to own a HOME. APPLY AT OXCE for full partic ulars. GEORGE ALLEN, Secretary, ' I'ullen flu!lding. Family V.m,.y .SUMMER AT AND NEAR COST Hammocks Must Be Sold in Next 30 Days to Make Room For FALL STOCK It's an Opportunity! Swings, Rockers, Chairs, Benches Settees. REFRIGERATORS I-"- g urnisnin AT A SAVING. our desire to save our patrons on their pur in order to command their friendship and con-patronage. It is chases tinued CASH OR CREDIT. The Raleigh Furniture Co., JAS. M. RIGGAN, Mgr. LA K$$9 TRHES TH Hundreds of liiisolicilcel leslinioniiiN, Willi the ring of sincerity. Kiniilar to enclosed are on lile in our ollice. Jti'loved pastor of . JCaptist Church emphatically states: Carrollton, Ala., June 14, 1000. Tlie l,ao Conipany, Diirhain, N. C. Hear Sir: 1 have tried liaxo a iiumher of times. I find thut It never fails to take the place of eiiloincl, does not Kripe, and leaves the system 'five and clear of liile. Laxo will certainly prove a bless ing to the countless victims of calomel. This testimonial is unsolic ited. Yours very, truly,.. E. I". Smith, Taster of Carrollton liaptist church."' J-iiixo is rapidly scllinn at HICKS' HltUG STOKE. THE STRONGEST, SOUNDEST AND BEST SELECTED. HILLY TAYLOR, Manager. Always hero for tho person want Inu a seiii.ire deal. Hi THE CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK RALEIGH, N. C. ASSETS ONE AM. QUARTER MILLIONS. Safety Deposit (oi-s for rent $1.00 per milium. For protection of your .le-wi'liy. Insurance Policies, Deeds, Wilis,' Itonds nnd other valuable p:ipcrs. i t i THE MARKED PROGRESS OF NORH CAROLINA. IS BEST SHOWN BY THE CONDITION OF STATE BANKS In Five Years the Deposits in Slate Banks Alone Have Grown From In 1901, . ' . . ... $ 9,800,000 In 1906, . . . . . 33,600,000 . See How The Tide Has Turned! THE COMMERCIAL AND FARMERS BANK 1 of Raleigh, N. C, STANDS FIRST AMONG THK 254 state ranks which v& NOT PAY INTEREST ON DEPOSITS i .1. J. THOMAS, President H. S. JERMAN, CasUhjr A. A. THOMPSON, Vice President H. W. JACKSON, Assistant Cashier b'UUUS . If Porch Shades, Mosquito Canopies, Comfort Reclining Chairs. TUt? . . . . ir Home Our Furniture Stock Is at its best and com bines absolutely every thing desired for fur nishing the house from cellar to garret at a marked saving. Positively the Very Best Terms PLACE oF CALOMEL '.'' y'O JOSEPH O. BROWN. 1'renldont, , HENRY E. L1TCHFOHH, CMhler.' f

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