HUE RALEIGH EVENING TIMES, WEDNESDAY, JULY 25, 1900. STRIKE CAUSES FREIGHT TIE-UP Frciyiit Handlers at Oakland Quit Work DEMAND HIGHER WAGES! iiamHnnBaDi I 4 00 Different Styles IS DESPERADO WILSON DEAD ? From $25.00 Upward Serious Nature of the Trouble us Ollicjals if Soul li i n ISoail Tryliii to Solve (he It-iii Congestion of Freight i.illj Lumber Sir ini(-iil s. l-.i-.i- I'ncilie j l'loh- J i-:sh- S (l!y the Associated Press.) San Francisco, Cal., July 2. Be tween K'O ami "ilio freight handlers in 1 1 i i ? employ nC the South. -rn l'acitic Company ' in Oakland went on strike yesterday. Their action eoniplieates the freight -lie. up in Oakland. The freight liamllers demand an inerease ii pay from' 22' i to -j rents an hour, suc'i iim was granted the freight f indleis nil tills side of I lie bay over a, week . ago. ... i -livery day. adds to the serious nature of tile freight lie up which threatens to become a sil'.iation of the greatest peril to the lity. Ill spite of the fact that all shipments of lumber have been forbidden from, the north to this city about 400 cars of freight added to the congestion yesterday and increased the confusion that already exists. A con-, feiviicc was held by the leading offi cials of the Southern T'acilic yesterday and li. li. Calvin, (. W. I.uee and other officials devoted their time and energy to solving the problem. Julius Kruttseliuitl who has conn; to th-i city to give ids attention to the meeting lias left the details to the local otti ci ils alter warning them of the grave Munition that Confronts the city and Over One Million Dollars Worth of National Cash Registers Sold in United States in June 1906 and Three Quarters of a Million Sold in Foreign Countries. - - - - - - - - J, E. 0'DONNELL, Sales Agent; C.UCOI.IX.Y TKIST iU l!.ll.(i Raleigh, North Carolina Madison Murderer Probably Not Killed BODY NOT DISCOVERED Xews Keceivcd at .Ashcvillc Today From Vai'ious Quarters Mors Not Conlirin Story of hilling of "Most Ib-.sperate Man in Western North Carolina" Sent On) Vest rday. . TRINITY COLLEGE Pour Departments Collegiate, Graduate, Kiiglnoeriiig and Law. Large library farilitios. Well equipped laboratories in all de pnrtnicnl.s of science Gymnasium furnished wit Ii bust apparatus Kxpenses very moderate. Aid for worthy students. Yuan;; Men uishii.g to Study Law should in vestigate tin- superior advantages oil c red by the Depai'liiK'iit of I..r.v in Trinity Col lege. :: :: :: Km- catalogue and further in forniation address I). V. XIOWSOM, lSogistrar, DuiuiAM, :;. c. 'uglify TRINITY PARK SCHOOL! ABOUT THE WORLD'S BIGGEST BATTLESHIP (l!y the Associated Prefs.) Washington, July 25. The publiea tion oOlie "Whye.. Uook" in Lundm giving some Information concerning ; the main features of the large ling I lisli battleship Dreadnaught lias caused nreniir 1 1 n -ft i In lake ilr:islie niciisur As a result of this conference lholwm ' " naval oltlcers ..Jlicials of the South i n I'aeilie I but the fuels made public were already rided to do luisslonarv work am .ngk"""" l,y ,m' l,Ill',, "f l"'' :v' " the consigners and show them the ex- j i"v '"(crested in naval architecture, tn miiv in which (he cilv and the slate ! Tllt''" isl ' K'eal cntliusiasm aniong iire placed on account or tin; lack ,f I '"' lllt' val otbeers in regard ears, and appeal lo them to do their tllu onst ruction of a shir, which part and help clear the crowded tracks. wi" l'ml111 the Dreadnaught as a sea ' If Hits nircih,,.! is unsuccessful . mid "KhllM! .machine. It is pointed out the consiirnees ai-e stilt umvilllhir to Iniliiml III ..111,.-- mctlmlu will I COllstl UCtilMl be tried to force them to take tile i goods Ihey have ordered, j As soon as the ashes of the fire had; cooled large orders for alt kinds of i goods were sent cast and the goods were rushed out witli the greatest pos sible speed. .These goods arrived in j tile cilv but tlie inrrrhiints found tint! instead of In nig 'provid'-d with ample ucciimitindaliriis they had ii hard tiinei to get-uny. The result was that the freight .stood on .the sidings waiting to lie unloaded and tile consignees had no place to put It. that the I'uited States now has under tw;o shins, the Michigan and Smith Carolina, which are equal to the Dreadnought in broadside bat tery. These two ships can lire eight 12 inch guns on either side and that Is all that can be done by the Dread nought. The latter however could lire i six 1:1 inch guns dead ahead whereas the Michigan and South Carolina could; lire but four. It is pointed out, bow-! ever, that very little fighting is dune: head on and that effective lighting of! a battleship is her broadside. An- other (Inference between the latest j types of the American and English i battleships is that in broadside action I be WILD SHOTS OF A LOVER WING THREE WHITE JAN WANTED TO WED INDIAN GIRL (Special to the livening Times.) I.iiniberton,: .. C.. July L'j. The re mains of Kngluecr Frank It. Lewis, wlm was killed in the wreck at Hainht last night, were brought here this af ternoon lor Interment.' Mr. -Lewis' home was in lauiihcrtnn and his death was a source of much regret among his friends here. The remains arrived on a special train and were accompan ied by many relatives and friends. Some days ago the register of deeds here rcluscd to .issue, license lo John W. Scaly to Marry Novella Chavis, a Croatan, because her father objected tnat he was not n genuine Croatan. Scaly is about (i(J years old. He mar ried a Croatan about :w years ago, but since that lime a law has been passed that makes intermarriage of tlie rac s illegal. This item is interesting for tin fact that tlie frontalis are trying banler than ever to keep their race distinct. . : . Superior court coiivehed here this afternoon for the (rial of cilniinal causes, will) Judge Council ,i! esiding. The judge's charge to the jury made a very favorable impression on those who heard it. Tlie judge said that ever since he had been on the bench had been trying to impress upon f good that (Special to tlie Kveiiia Tim. .-.) Ashevillc, N. C July .Sunn 'i ni' a mystery -.surrounds III allc killing of Hiram Wilson ! :, county.- near the Tcnnesyc line, wi ck. Tlie story that ill Ih-ii killed by a mail carrier ;if ;:i out here yesterday . I'pen s. v sources, hut today tlfie is :i n l I Wils.on is alive and licit lie- had I seen Home lime last Frt.l.iy in si el Ion where it is - alleged in inquiry at Marshall, Mailisoa (mlay ri suited In. the slaleaieii1 news was received there .aiii Wilson had been killed, b'ui'l nil i' inlnnnaiioii wn im-kiiig stated, however, that lii. ci.imty auilioi ilies bad i.n.inf An Ashevilie man who retui Madison (Utility Sunday said d 1 I on lliai t Ii. isv that h:ll d.el' ll was .i.liliso!l raiatio:i. ii d f ro'ni Id- peo ple of the' . eo'jMV ' weii? diseussiii;;' fi ce'y the allcgi d killing 'of Wilson. A relative of the supposed ib .nl tnau was here yesterday and ul.-o said- Unit lie uiulelstond that Hiram had been killed, but knew none of iln- puiiieu iars. Definite informal ion 'is larking generally, it seems, in all ijuarit-is. and it appears probable, that the d-vprrale man may not have been killed at all. I A firstclass preparatory school. Ceriilicates of graduation ticccplcu for eiitralil'o Id leailin ' Solllheril Col lirev j - lMSt leges. ft;,d!1!est l-;Uippeil i'l-epai-atory Scliool 111 ;ie'n ' tbe South. Faculty ot len otneers and teach ers. Campus ot seventy-mo ticres. Lilirary containing thirty thousand ( luinos. Well equipped gymnasium. High standards and modern methods of instruction. Frequent lectures by prominent lecturers. Expenses ex ceed i ugly moderate. Seven years of phenomena! success. For catalogue and other in uirma lioti, address. . li. M. XOilTll. Headmaster, UritHA.M. N. O Fashion's Deer N i ee O woman's wardrobe, if she would be I well dressed, is complete this season with out several pairs of shoes. She must have her Patent Leathers, her black shoes of Kid or Calf, her Tans and her White Tics or Pumps. And there is real economy in giving your shoes a test. They will retain their shape better, wear longer, and be in every way more satisfactory than if one single pair be constantly used. "Queen Quality" Shoes, because of their real elegance and moderate price, enable you to meet every demand of fashion without ex travagance. Let us show you our new styles while the assortment is at its best. i.uunwns; IMLKIGII. Comer Wilmington nd Martin Hi. POLICEMAN KILLS AN INSANE MAN. (Ilv the Associated 1' Cincinnati, (I. . July 2?..-? After siiiftin part of the hymn "Why Will Ve Die"! II. (.' 'Holmes, a ineieham of West! I'nion, Ohio, engaged in a pistol diielj with policeman J. L. Itossiier today! and was killed i,n front ol' the gov ernment building Holmes is beiieveiXln have 'become I KNOXVIMB COMMIUA. ! fQ Colleges tn fj States. rSITlONS secured or mouoy UB'FUNDED. Also I teach liY MAIL. CataCue will eou- ' Ifltiee you that Draughou' in THJ, I RKST. Call or m. lor It ; Other styles $2.50 and $3J0 HELLER BROS., RAIEIGH, N. C. Mail Orders Solicited AFE? (I'.y file Assodateil I'rtss.) New York, July l'lompled by jralous r.ige . halvatoiv Devc, -li years old, liieil four shots i t 'i'lieresa I.odito on West Cue Hundredth street today. Miss Lodito escaped uninjured, but lliree pedestrians Were struck by flying bullets, two of them bung seriously wounded. Tin wounded persons are Abraham NefiVky.'Sl . years old, slmi in the left side; Ciilogncro Farnce. HI, shot ill the Deegall, -. ill of the 1L! inch guns of the American I 1 ' ' ' people the necessity of bavin ships can be utilized' while two of the ! Public building and i-ecullcil 1 1' inch guns of the lOnglish ship must I w ithiii the i-asiK-v years more than be inactive. Tlie advantages of thu J twenty court houses had been built Knglisli ship is in greater Sliced but , '"d rebuilt. He referred to 'the fact I she has a disadvantage III a largerl'bat Kobeson county is lost in area, target surface. Naval olileers g( ner- fourlli in population' and among tlie ally seem to think Hit there is very lbs', in tlie spirit of progress and de link; difference in the effectiveness of I vclopnient, and sii-h a eouniy should suddenly insane. Hejiei at tile onieer befife being l'olicenian Uossiter stooped lo help him, Holmes slim powder burning the allien few minutes later Holmes i had come . to the ci;y to oi ids. veial linn iliot. When. over him j again, tin; ! - s face. Ary. AlMIV II. II'.' r . purchase policies, Bic, saie irotn nre Are your valuables: jewel- stocks, bonds, insurance C.IiASUOW SKI.LS l'KAXT. AVe have Sab" Deposit Itovrs in our 'ire and Hm-glar I 'roof ault. You lln-se. I. tin lib, 1 l)readnoui;Iit and the Michigan and i bavi ; South aCrolina. ! w ith NAT CRUMP THE NEGRO OUTLAW a public building eommen.surt its growtli and importance. ( to Hie. I.i xinglon. N. (' rumor was heard iliat Nat Crump, Kvcidng Times.) , A niosi' surprising SPEECHES WILL NOT BE POLITICAL right side, and Kli.abcih shot in the left leg. The shootiiii, occurred on the side-1 wh Uu. ,,0nit( lit Iai y wniK at an Hour wnni me sueei was; . . , , .,, , ,. , , i atlciti ilcd assassination, and who. cs- crowded Willi people. '1 he wounded- persons were taken to a hospital. Dcve fiied from the slate farm some weeks was arrested. The police say I he man ago, is in hiding in ltooue townsliip, was infatuated with Miss Lodito andithis County. It was thought that he that jealousy was (lie motive lor the attack. TAKE A GOOD LOOK AT IT. HIP had steered clear (if his old haunts, lest he be raptured again, fur the olli crs have been on Hie out vivo for him jsnice his escape. A few days ago it (was rumored that he had been seen at ' Newton, going west, heavily arincd land vowing never to be taken alive. Now however, it is stated that he raine ! hen- directly he escaped lruni the stat.; farm, and that ho. even made a trip lo High l'oint. last week in a wagon. H. Clav (Jrubb, the man Crump at tempted lo kill from ambush, offered $-,"i( reward for him us soon as the escape was known. (Dy the Associated Dress.) oyster Uiiv, L. .,.Julv 2.1.-I'reKider.t Uoosr elt is Hot to make oil':.- r.olil i,. i todriy to the elfcct W,,.,.,,, ; lv!;sylvauia. Ibis fall.' To the negro outlaj correct an hapression llial lie' is to for speak in t'ittsljurg and I'hiladelphia in (.jj. i support . of the republican state ticket, . Secretary Doeli toi'ay - exilaiued lb it Uu . , ... me presiueni uonie tune ago hud prom ised to make a speech at Harrisburg, October. 4, w lien (lie new stale capilol building is lu be 'dedicated.-' He also promised to speak at the York county lair at York, l'a., am the' same day. Neither of these speeches will be po litical in character and thry ar-j the only speeches ne will make in Penn sylvania. .Municipal Telephone 1,in l'l-oves To K.vpensivc lor Scotch t'ily. New York, July .1. It became known in this cin today that the city of Glosgow lias sold tlie munici pal telephone -".plant established six years ago io compete wit li a private company.- ll was loiind that ilie mu nicipal company .was not a paying; venture, and tiie town council decid-I : ej lo sell the business to the posl-j oflice at- a loss ii!' $ Oil. 1)00, r;illier J L:o than contiuite the uiulerlitking. " When tiie ((ale. was decided upon more than $ I .Oiiii nmt had been spent . on tlie o(i t:i iiiu-i! ! . ;uil a further ex- ., pendititre .of . if.ltHi.iiuo had bjen found to be ni ce: .sary. $2.00 A YEAR. STRAW HATS SHOW Which way the Wind Blows lie cordially invited til inspect Carolint Trust Company. shape, the quality desired A. .1. Ki'rriW President. I). IIKAIiTI', Vice President and General Manager. II. K. SMITH., Cashier. s It" Jap 'I'risco ltV.the.At Washington, the slate depart lied Cross has si ( oiilribiilious, so. iatcd Press.) .inly IM. Through i'leni tin.- Anierii an ni" a (liKi::tcli to (ho'"; KEEP . AWAY . . TYPHOID 1 NOTED CHEMIST IN TROUBLE. DEATH OF WILSON BUSINESS MAN. This Can stands tor something for a Brund of Coffeo that is as near per fection as Nature and Intelligent handling can produce. The whole world cannof . show a better co(fee, a finer flavor, a more uniform quality. Try White House Coffee ono time for luck. All up to date Grocers. (Special to the Eveninc Times.) Wilson, N. C, July 25. Mr. It. T. Stevens, n prominent business man and popular citien of this city, died last night at lt:o0 o'clock of heart failure. Mr. Stevens was out yester day and at his business house last night, ye-wffs a member of the lirm of Wooten, Stevens & Co., large fur niture dealers and undertakers. The funeral wil! occur this afternon. Lightning Destroyx Church. (By the Associated Press.) , Chambery, France, July 2.1 A cloud burst, accompanied by lightning today; bill destroyed the church of Les Chavannes about 35 miles from here. The light ning melted the church bells into a solid mass. A number of persons were i injured. The storm caused an enor mous amount of damage along the Frnnco-Italian border. " Itallrond traf fic by way of Mont Cenis is interrupted. (I!y the Associated Press.) Xew York, .July 2,1. Waller K. Freeman, a chemist,' who was arrest ed at his summer homo at. Oscu witnu, N. Y., yesterday and locked up at police headquarters'.':" last night, charged by Parke, Davis & Company of Detroit, Mich., dealers in drugs and chemicals, with the larceny of $2,500, was found In an unconscious condition in his cell today and was believed to be dying. Ho had taken morphine nut tne authorities were unablo to ascertain whether he took the drug with suicidal intent. Freeman attracted considerable at tention in scicnific circles a few years ago by the claim that ho had discovered the secret of making cam phor by a synthetic process .- It, Is al leged that while carrying on experi ments under contract : with Parke, Davis & Company at his laboratory in Rutherford, N. J.. he obtained a head of Baker & Company: of Japanese government asking that no further' coulrihii lions be made by Japan. to the San Francisco relief fund. This anion was taken by Red Cross ollicials bi cause they believe till tiie funds licrAsary for the relief of California eiut !niiaKe sufferers can be raised in ibis county among persons belter a hie to give than many of tlie Japanese who contributed to the San "Francisco fund. A total of $Mt;,IMK) was received by l lie Ameri can lied Cross liom Japan for the earthquake sufferer.-.-. OTHER . FEVER and drink freely (lie summer We have the Straw Hat you want the is here, and-oo, at Prices of high grade Straw Hats and Panamas. Right now is the time to buy a Straw Hat. You'll find service for it for a long time, as summer has only begun in earnest. -. . ; during MINING ENGINEERS MEET IN LONDON 3L 0 0 C 9 9 9 9 9 O EE BROUGfiTON MAIL OIlDFliS IIWK ATTF.MIO.V S.V.MI DAY KKCIOI VKD.' i now good Cllll- eiated rross.) A general ineetiiu ni the American In- Newark, :N. J., and turned in a bill to Parke, Davis & Company, pur porting to show that he had purchas ed from the Newark, firm $2,500 worth ot platinum. ' This bill, it is charged, was paid Jtp .Freeman by the Michigan firm. (lly the A London. July : of the members stltute of Milling Kiighieers was held here today under the presidency of iiohert W. Hunt, of Chicago, presi dent of the American Institute. Many members of the llriiisli Iron and Steel Institute nls.o atteinleil. In bis address, Mr. Hunt surveyed the progress achieved by metallurgy in America. A. Ladd Colby ot New York, read' a paper on the "i miipiirison of Amer ican and Kuropea'u rail specifications." He said that as America was now sell ing steel rails to' foreigners and Eu ropeans were selling to America it was desirable to agree on an International standard 'by which the quality of rails can be established. It If you will begin you will keep in " shape mid Ih- in lino ditioii to battle with the hot weather wbieli may pull you down unless you continually tone up the system with pure mineral water. VADE MECUM Is not high in pi-ice. Itut it is absolutely tlie best mineral water on the market, today. VADK MKCl'M can bo had in any quantity tit t" .! l2s'T-'!''ii' ! OS dm D I HICKS'DRUGSTORES OAK RIDGE INSTITUTE C ll lio IVopirnlnrv, Law. IVnlilii(ilr.!, MiurtlianH. ." 1 0,".(() pnvs fol PM-rvtMuki If r ww i-r. llOlh seauilon uprns .St-iitptubir llli. Ihlrlv-oiic years miib-r pnsiii: print ipiils. I In- lurl(-t iioi! i-milei'i'd (lllinii siho: (or h.iyv In thp .Smith. Mtiialecl over lOOO l. i t ubnvp Ilie ni-li Ifvrl, In view o tlie. luouutuins. Lxceb, lu utbletics. Tor bcjull'ul cutuluiiuc, oddrrsK J. A. & M. H. HOLT, Principals nr ;rer-nnhorol OAK RIL)(E. s. c. CASTOR I A lor Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of Real Estate and Insurance 11 W. H&rgettSt. ' THE NORTH CAROLINA j State Normal and Industrial College I it)iKsi:s. Literary Commercial j Classical t Domestic Science Scientific Peilus'oslcal Threo courses loading to degrees, other colleges. Well-equipped Training Manual Training Music Special courses for graduates of School for Teachers. Board, laundry, tuition, and fees for use of text books, etc., $170 a year. For free tuition studeats, $125. Fifteenth annual session begins September 21, 190G. To secure board in dormitories, all free-tuition applications should be made before July 15. Correspondence invited from those desiring competent teachers and stenographers. For catalog and other informa tion lid dress CHARLES D. McIVER, President, v , ' GREEWSnORO, N. C. I'

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