SHE RALEIGH EVENING TIMES, WEDNESDAY, JULY 25, 1906. WEATHER FORECAST. (By the Associated Press.) "Washington, July 25 Forecast for North Carolina for tonight and Thurs day: Fair tonight and Thursday; light to (reeh north to northeast winds. 1 In general the pressure has risen east of the Mississippi River and the temJ peratui-c has fallen except along the Lakes and in the Ohio 'Valley; . west of tho v Mississippi the pressure has fallen with centers of low pressure over tho Dakotas and over Arizona. There has been a rise in temperature from the Rockies to the Mississippi River accompanying the fall in pressure. Rain has fallen along the Atlantic and east Gulf coasts, also in Utah, Okla-1 noma, .northern Texas and Nebraska, At Jupiter 2.70 Inches of rain fell in li hours and the following heavy pre cipitation occurring during the past 2t hours has been reported: Tampa, Flu., 1.86; Sherman, Tex., 1.S2; Wcathcrford, Okla., 1.72; and North Platte, Neb., 1.31. The weather in this section will be dominated by the high pressure area to the north which will cause faii'j weather tonight ami Thursday in this' vicinity. A. H. THIESSEN,. '-,: Section Director. WITNESS IN LIQUOR CASE PAYS COSTS. Gladys Webster, a white woiuan, was before Pollco' Justice liadger today charged with retailing 'liquor without license and the trial brought about a curious state of affairs. The warrant had been sworn out upon -'' information given by KUiel Young. The latter declared that she had bought liquor from the defendant and gave the name of a young man who had also bought two half pints from her. However, when the trial came off today the Young woman went on the stand and swore that she had . never . bought a drop of 'liquor from Gladys Webster and attempted to ex plain her previous statement by saying that she was drunk and did not know what she had said. "When this evidence was. in Judge Hadger promptly turned the Webster woman loose and taxed the Young wo man with, the costs in both eases, amounting in all to !s.7t. WE. LIKE TO TALK ABOiiy OI K PEACH Ice Cream It's so 'good and so different from any other cream you'll find anywhere, no matter where you go. It is the- quality of twain that is demanding such patronage as is overworking our expert Ice Cream maker. OU; PEACH CREAM REMOVES THE FROWNS FROM YOUR RROW. : : : : : - : HICK'S Drug Stores Ih-iuk Vnde Mrrnm Water. LATH COL. ItONELSON GOV. UKAXCH'S GRANDSON. The people of Raleigh read yester day with regret the news of the death of Col. Samuel Donelson in Wash ington, lie was scrgeant-at-arnis of the house the lour years John tit Carlisle was speaker and at the time of his death was assistant sergeaiit-at-arms of the democratic national committee. ! Colonel Donelson was born ; in Nashville, Tenn. sixty-one. years agt). He was a gallant Contederate soldier, servina on the staff of t!on. Forrest. 'Col. llonelson was 'the son of (Jen. ! Daniel S. Donelson of the Conl'ei'.er- ato army, a graduate of Y est Point. His maternal grandfather was the late Governor llrauch of North Caro lina, who was secretary of the navy in the cabinet of President Andrew JaeUson. Hence the deceased lias a number of relatives living in Raleigh. Fort Donelson was named in honor of Col. Donelson. Q WANT ADSf ONE CENT A WORD. No Ad Taken For Less Thau $ 10 Cents. CASH MUST ALWAYS accom- pany orders. I Watch The Raleigh Ev il ening Times Grow. 0 A SEWING WOMAN RAN A needle through her finger applied Vlck'a Turtle Oil and got relief at once. : 25c. at Pescud's Drug Store. SAID THE MAX FROM MISSOURI, You will have to show me. Wo want to show you. Eureka Laundry.' NORWOOD SELLS ..THE' "GRAFT" Cigar the longest and best smoke on the market for a nickel. Norwood's. NOW ARRIVING. Chase and Hackney Pianos of which there are no better made for the price. Com plete line .Organs, ' Sheet 'Music, Etc. E. P. Baker, Trade Building. CHARTERS FOR 3 NEW CORPORATIONS. KEEP COOL. HURRIES, SNAPS, POTATOES and Vegetables. All other good things to make your meals a suec'sa this warm weather. White House Cof fee on the side adds to the Break fast meal. Prompt delivery it feat ure appreciated by those wanting things quickly done. Geo. S. Ter rell. .,'" MONTKEAT LOTS AND STOCK Lots for mountain homes free with paying stock. Proposition only open for a few days longer. For particulars apply to James R. .-.Young; Raleigh, N. C. WANTED Four or live bright, hustling young boys between the ages of 15 or It! yeaiVold to carry papers itnd assist in collecting. Apply at this ofllce at l.oO o'clock tomorrow afternoon. AVe Give S. H. CSL Co.'s Green Trade Discount Stamps Free Red Letter Days PRUSSMAX WANTED Experienced man with cylinder and job presses for position as foreman. Must have good ha hi is. References re quired. "Apply to Mutual Publish ing Company, Raleigh, N. C. I . HAVE P.I VIJRS FOU WELL located homes, at right price, in Raleigh, or good farms. What have you for sale? li. H. Prince, Tucker '.Building. Raleigh. GREEN TRADE DISCOUNT STAMPS ARE THE BEST. For the three remaining; days of this week, - THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY,. we will give Double Careen Trade Discount Stamps, (hat is, two Stamps instead of one, with every 10c. pur chase on the marked down goods as well as the regular stock. Ten free Stamps to start your book. $."t0.() lills a liook. A book when filled is worth : Two Dollars in Cash, Two-fifty in Merchandise, Premiums up to $4.00. Mind you, our lxioks hold only iji.iO.00 worth of Stamps, while other companies !!. 00 Imok and yet give yoti no better premiums. We have just (he articles (lia( you will soon have (o purchase. So by saving . Careen Trade Stamps you will lie able to ge( exactly what you want absolutely free. oipiirc you (o (ill Discount FOl'M) 1'ininvlhi with iuilials en graved on hand lo. . Owner apply at my store. Win. Woolleott. SCHWARTZ doe not send you any old thing when you leave youi' odcrs with iiii!t you simply, get the fly choicest there is of lanil-Vveal, steaks, roasts, of-,-. Schwartz's : meats Take dainty. .-' dishes for hot ; weather meals. J: Schwartz. and The secretary of state issued a charter today for the Southern Live Stock Insurance Company of High Point, capital $2,"iil,0U0 authorized and $50,000 subscribed by 10. SI, Armfleld, U. T. Perry, F. C. Uoyles and others. Another charier was to the Clay Printing Company of Hickory, capi tal $25,01)0 authorized and .$2,000 subscribed by J. W. Clay, J. A. Mar tin and others to do a general print ing business, deal in books, station ary and other branches of business. The Carolina 'Improvement -'.Company, of. lielhavon, l!eaufoi't county, was also chartered, with $100,000 capital authorized, the subscribers to stock being W. E. '. Stuhhs, W. L. Oden and others, the business pro posed being mercantile and real estate. Sniidav Excursion Via Atlantic North Carolina Railway. Now is the time during the "HOT WEATHER" for a .rp.11 down to More head Cify and Beaufort and take a ilin in OLD OCE.VN and enjoy the I health-giving breezes. All sorts of attractions: Fishing, ! itoating, Uathing, Dancing, etc. 'Exceedingly low rates. Excursions ! every Sunday. Week-end tickets sold every Saturday and Sunday I morning, good until the following (Monday, inclusive. Summer Tourist 'season Tickets good returning until j October 31st, litOG. Children half i fare. " j SPECIAL RATES VIA SEA- '". HOARD AIR LIVE RAILWAY. THEIR BUSINESS IN NORTH CAROLINA. Commissioner of lusu i" ' iire J. li. Young said in commenting on llie call he has issued for a se" iil niee: ing of the North Carolina policy holders of the Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York and the New York Life Insurance Company- in Raleigh September 12 for. agreeing on some cooperation in the ..matter of the-meeting in New' York Decem ber 18 for the election of directors in these companies, that both have extensive interests in North Carolina. The New York Life has C,0."i poli cies in force in the state, aggregat ing $11,171, -la", and the Mutual Life of New York 7,377 policies, amounting to ?1,"j,107,114. j ; Jlo:i(eagIe, Ten 11.- Woman's Cor- Kress, Juiy-' SOth-August 20Mw- One ! first 'class faro plus 25 cents : for f round trip. Charlotte, X. C. Religious and j Educational ' Convention,' tily 1 Jt Ii ;22d. One and one-third fares plus 2."i cents for round trip, j Lexington, Ky.-National Grand Lodge I'nited MroUiers of Friendship and "Sisters oLJffe Mysterious ten, .Inly. SOth-Auwist 3rd. One first class fare plus 2."i icnts for round trip. : Milwaukee,!1 Wis. Orand.; Acrtie, Fraternal Order of Eagles, August 1 lth-lSth. One first class faro plus $2.00 for round trip. For detailed information as to rates, schedules, dates of sale, limits, etc. address your Ticket Agent or the undersigned. C. II. OATTIS, Traveling Passenger Agent, : . Raleigh, N. C. NATIONAL DEPOSIT INN. C. BANKS. STItAVED l'ROSI t-'-t XI'.W I'.EISV Avenue, young ' plieasant ' seen weeks old. Reward. WELL, I liave some more of those cool, fashionahle, gl:id garments with which your "warm systems" should lie clad in. Have not met "Miss Fit." V oh llavnes, the llanimerless Tailor F;iyctteville . St., over Woollcolt's. SACCHARIXE MOLASSES .FEED just arrived 'which we will sell .at $1.30 per hundred. Carolina Feed Store. ' OXE DOLLAR REWARD FOR ANY wound or cut which Vick's Turtle Oil will not heal without suppera , tion or : scar." L'.'ic. tit Pescud's Drug Store. WAXTED ink-H ion as Night watch man "by Kohef ;nut -reliable' man. Ili'.st references. At liberty August ,rth.. Address "Ni;;litwatclinian," care Times. PEIXTER AYIIO MAY l!E IX POOR health and .-' wishing lo -'improve some by going to a line resort may obtain light work in small piint i:ig office in payment 'for his board. Address, iuier," care Times. '. I'OK SALE A very handsome an tique Mahogany lied, iu first class ''.repair. Will bo sold cheap. . At Ph. Hubert's I'pliolstery establish ment, Trade Building, Raleigh, N. C. KOli REXT Four liiick Stores and . several modern dwellings lor rent. Parker & Hunter. FOR REXTDesirablo six-room liouso with stables, three blocks of cnpitol. Apply, . Mrs. V. I'. Tin i er. ., ,-.. ; . ' . Closing Out Summer Milli nery. Reniarkarile season in the work rooms. With frames and (lowers at ball' price you can design your own Hat at low cos(. Our eyes are shut to (he losses 011 made up Hals for slreet wear, dress and social func tions, - .53.00 to $R:.00 Hals. Your choice . . . . . .... . . . .... . , . . !)i;5..'( . Turbans mid Sailors,' values up to $1.00. Pick (hem ut. , . . . . . . .i)8c. Children's White and Mix Straw Sirilor Hats, worth up (o !jil.O!. Choose at "...'... -oc Infant's Muslin Caps , .Half Price Ready to Wear Garments. Itninense reduct ituis in prices made on all (be Clack and Pongee Silk Coals, Washable Suits and Waists of all kinds. Some 1-;$ and 1-1 off; olheis ............... Half Price. Wash Goods Section. In (his department the waste of profits is' 'observable (o (he 11 n prac ticed eye. Wash SOill's are piled on separate tables for easy choosing. Lawns, Dimities, (Jiiighams, Percals, Cbanibrays, Organdies, Rat isles, Dott ed Swiss and Silkeue, ' .I, G t-U, 7 1--, ami . .... . . . ... . . .... . . 10c Lace Curtajns. All that remains of a large lot of Nottingham Lace Curtains will be sold tis follows In pah's: Curtains 2 1-1! yards long. . .. . ."Oc. Curtains ; yards long. . ..... .$1.00 Curtains ;S 1-2 yards long. $' Men's Fancy Negligee Shirts These Soft llosom Shirts are the International Shirt Company's "Ar mor l!i and." llisli f;rade, best matt-rials and fast colors. Sizes 11 to 1 1-2 . ... . . . ........... . . $1.00 I The "Oai-land" Negligee Shhls in neat patterns root and breey in all sizes for Men and Roy's. Sizes' 12 1-2 to 17, ... .-, fiOo hit:. ) .i Ttr 1 lin Underwear. On a (able (o itself is a little lot of (owns. Skirts and Drawers for Misses and Children at oil' prices that you'll appreciate. .Muslin Gowns for aes from 1 to I 1 years, 2i, li and . . ... . . . Oc. Skirts, Eace and Embroidery (t-ii ed at .'0 and . . . . . ..... (iOc. Drawers all sizi-s from the little tot to Lfre nirls, 10, 12 1-2, 17 up to .,'; . . . . .... ... . . . . . . . . . . . Oc. Ladies' Ribbed Knit Vests. Ladles' While Jersey Ribbon Vests, Sleeveless, Silk Tapes, l.e. or two pali-s for 2.1c.; others higher priced. Men's Summer Underwear. Men's Rrown Italbiiau Sbiits, Combed Egyptian, Ioiik Sleeves, Drawers to match 50c Men's White Lisle Thread Shirts and Drawers $1.00 Knitted. Insertion Jeans Drawers, Stretchy Seams 50c. Ladies' Black Silk Hose. Ladies' Lace Lisle and (aauze Hose, lonx length, regular 25c. noods, to bo cleaned: Single pairs l!)c. Three pairs for .50c. White Canvas Oxfords. Pumps, Sailor 'lies, JSIuchcrs and plain Canvas Ov fords Embroidered or Cap Toes, White Kid Covered or Sole Leather Heels for Ladies. Were higher priced, now reduced lo $1.50; others at $1.25 and $1.00 Post-Cards. ('reelings from Raleigh. The lar gest collection of local views on Post Cards, Public Ihiildings, Schools, Statuary; views of historic interest, half tone ami in natural colors, 2 for . ........ 5c. WAXTEI An experienced man 'wants 'position as clerk in grocery stole. . Best references. Address, "Stoie," care Times olliee.' PIAXOS Wo have a few good mod ern square "'pianos in excellent con dition (one a Mathushek, just the same jis n.'w) that must be sold to make room for fall stock. School teachers, this is your op-1 porlunity to secure good practice pianos at about half their actual value. For general information, noil &, Thomas, CHICKEN' FEED, Wheat. Cracked Corn. Chick Feed, Scratch Feed. !e"f Scrap, etc. Carolina l'eed Store.; l-'Oll' KENT Two connecting font r-.i.K. -1.) North .East Sli'eet. I 1.1 itiiiipiiuil.lll!llJlJ!!'I" ' 'jJ''.W-V4iU.J.u'iUl.t''11.-! M I IF . Yl -P;;-- ,..Ff V t J:-; ; ENXS see or .'w'fite) Darn Raleigh,. N. C. WA'XT.KD I have one of tho best anil most" prominent stands, for business, in t'he city of Norfolk, Va., and want partner to join me ,. in any paying "enterprise. Address, ' O.'Uox 20, Norfolk, Va. REMFMI'.ER. IT4S liltiHT IF WE It.-":" Eureka Laundry. A Washington despatch states that I Secretary of 'Treasury Shaw has du-.j elded to dejiosit $12,000,000 among j the national banks of the country in addition to the $1 ,',000,000 previ ously distributed among the banks. Tho purpose of this distribution is to counteract any undue contraction of the currency as tho result of pay ing $110,000,000 into the United States treasury for the Panama canal bonds. In the. list of banks given out tho National Hank of Fayette villo, N. C, and tho City National Bank of Greensboro each receive $50,000 deposit. The Seaboard's (Jreat Mid-Summer Excursion. The Seaboard announces they will operate their next big three-day ex cursion from Raleigh and Durham to Portsmouth and Norfolk on Au gust 1st to 3rd. Train leaves Ra leigh and Durham 10 a. m. and 9:45 a. m. respectively August 1st; re turning to leave Portsmouth 9 a. m. August 3rd. Reserve seat coaches will be provided for this train at an extra charge of fifty cents in each direction. Seats will be reserved in advance upon application to Mr. C. II. Gattis, Traveling Passenger Agent Raleigh, N. C. Plenty of coaches will be provided on this train and eevryone Is assured a "grand trip." oF rfurther information as to rates from intermediate stations see large fivers or address the undersigned. , C. II. GATTIS, .Traveling Passenger Agent, Raleigh, N. C. PURE APPLE CIDER VINEGAR, OLD AND .MELLOW AND STANDS THE TEST OF Ol It STATE ;: laws. V THE PRICE IS 35c. PEE GALLON. IT IS DAXG'EROIS TO PIT EMPI RE GOODS IN TO VOI R S'l'O.M ACII. NOTHING IS EASIER TO A!H LTERATB .THAX VINEGAR. ALTi 'PHONES. ' '-',- D. T, JOH NSO N SL S ON 10 EAST HARGETT STREET. "She cmn look out, but you can't look in" fr MTENTCO ..:;' PORCH SHADES vShopping Made Easy FOR BUSY HOUSEKEEPERS. See South Window for the "Best of all" White Enamel Cooking I'tensils.- See North Window for lots of little needy things around th" bouse. Also Hammocks, Lawn Swings, Ice Cream Freezers, Water Coolers, Fruit Jars and Rubbers, Jelly Glasses ALWAYS COME FIRST TO The J. D. Riggarv Co. 132 Fayettcvllle Street. , 1 RALEIGH : SAVINGS : BANK JOHN T. PCLLEN, President. CHARLES ROOT Cashier. Deposit over 050,000, and this bank ha paid oat to depor itors about $ 150,000 in interest 4 PER CENT INTEREST PAID ON DEPOSITS. MONEY TO LOAN ON REAX ESTATE AND APPROVED COL" ""'.."'' LATERAL. '"'"" ' " " FOR SALE BY Ellington's Art Store, RALEIGH, X. C. Wall Paper and Window Shades. M. V.SANDERFORD . HAS OPENED AX Ice Cream PARLOR AT HIS PLACE OF BUSINESS OX FAYETTEVILLE STREET. Ice Cream 5c, Per Saucer NO BETTER ICE CREAM MADE i L Seek the Cross & Linelian Company's Store at once. At this season just between Summer and Fall there are many men who wish only a garment or two to tide them over until the approach of new Styles, New Fads and Fashions that are always so liberally displayed here at the opening of a new season. We are offering unusual buying opportunities to those wishing lill-in-garments. We have an exceptionally well selected line of Pants in solid colors, neat mixtures, stylish stripes, etc., and not a few Single Coats, Extra Vests in White P. K. and Fancy Patterns. ; Of course the usual array of Negligee Shirts, a beautiful variety of Summmer JTeckwear, etc. CROSS (L LINEH AN COMPANY PROMPT ATTENTION TO ALL MAIL ORDERS. VAIE MECl'M WATER IS THE Pure, unadulterated mineral water Sold at a reasonable price at Hicks' Drug Store. x Wanted ! Women and Girls in our Sewing Room. Any one who can run a machine at , home can quickly learn our work. Experienced operators make from $8.00 to to $12.00 per week, and we pay (IOc. per day while learning. Alml'- . , .... a The Charlotte Glottiing Mfg Co. Cor. Tryon and Fourth Sts. CHARLOTTE, N. C. or A. L. SEARS, fiOl Xewbern Ave.. . RALEIGH, X. C- JOHN W. HAYS CIVIL ENGINEER MtMBtn Am. loo. CI. WATER POWER A MUNICIPAL WORK IiK-tuaing waterworks, Smtcth. . Electric 1 ijhting. Btreeta. Highwajr, ana Park ImprovtmenU. -No. S South Adimi St.. Petaribarg. Va. SELLING OUT A. B; SIMACHOMPANY SELLING OUT. Ladies' Kid and Patent Leather Oxfords and Slippers. Misses' and Children's Sandals, Slippers and Ties. Ladies' Ready-to-Wear Hats and Straw Sailors. LADIES' WHITE SILK and LAWN WAISTS. LADIES' WHITE and COLORED DRESS SKIRTS. Colored Dress Linens, Flowered Tissues and Mulls. Lace Madras and Muslin Curtains. SELLING OUT. At prices that will interest you. Broken lines from all over the house. Remnants and Short Lengths in Shirtings, Sheetings. Pant Goods, Overall Goods, etc. ':'. v SELLING OUT. TWO HUNDRED PAIRS SHOES, WERE $2 TO $3, AT $1 PER PAIR. , Headquarters for Trunks, Suit Cases, Handbags. At our Popular Prices. A B. STRONACH CO. : - i ' " - - - Dry Goods.-Notions, Shoes. ' " FAYETTEVILLE STREET and WILMINGTON STREET. ,

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