Full Leased Wire Service of the Associated Press. Leads all North Carolina Afternoon Papers in Circulation. LAST EDITION. ALL THE MARKETS. THE RALEIGH EVENING TIMES. VOLUME 27. TWELVE PAGES TODAY. RALEIGH, N. C, SATURDAY AUGUST 4, 1906. TWELVE PAGES TODAY. PRICE 5c. STRIKE LEADERS THROWN INTO JA L Some Doubt of Success of General Strike 30,000 OUT AT NOON Workmen's Unions Without Funds to Carry On Protracted Struggle Real Power Behind the Scenes Arc the Rich Jews Who Would Strike Russia's Credit Position of the Army Is Important. (liy the Associated Press.) St. Petersburg. August 4. -2: 1I p. m. Probably not more than thirty tnou- sand workmen were out when lite gen - oral strike went officially Into force at cession carried clubs. The governor noon today. The final decision to call gunera refused to release tho pris- a strike was so hastily taken Thursday ou,.R .md whon (hc ,n.ocogajensts nigbl, and the police declined to obey a summons to dis horn so busy pulling the ringleaders . . . ' f , behind the bars, that great confusion lerse a detachment ol dragoons prevails among the various organisa-jaw.upi uuwij uu iuchi w.ui sanies ami Hons which were scheduled to begin whips, wounding about a hundred .striking at different places and at dif- persons, some of them seriously. Cerent times. Whllesnlo arrests were made? includ- Therefore the inauguration of theUnj? the leaders of the strikers, strik,. lacks snap and it is evident that More )nan 2g 000 m)nor8 llTQ now its success will depend upon tin- temper : , ' , ',.,,.,.. i on strike and 1,000 ol hem have or- of the masses. The leaders ha e been more or less demoralized by the energy ganlaed themselves into a military displayed by the government in breaks body. They are armed With rifles, ing up tht workmen's organizations,! The governor general today issued and unless the iMople spontaneously , ;. proclamation announcing that at lespoml to (lie call the strike must eml; t.,niI,S , destroy the mines would in early failure. bo severely punished and promising All eyes are turned on Moscow am m, protection to those willing the provinces. St. Petersburg the: ' government's stronghold, is expected to ' ' be the last to succumb to the state otjeiMi .-.oi lausis I rgoii TO I'lgni. anarchy Into which the revolutionist I Warsaw, August 4. The Jewish have undertaken to plunge the coun- socialists in a proclamation' today urge, t,-.. the Jews to be ready to flglll and The battle cry of the strike, "a re-I should the signal bo given, they are re COnvoCafion of parliament for the pur- Attested .to appear in the streets aimed. pose ol clalioi .it nig a law providing lur a constituent assembly," does not ring liue and Is ill fact simply it peaceful slogan to be abandoned if tho govern- lure. Stringent measures have be. -a mi nt toilers, when the true colors will adopted for the preservation of order, be run up. The Polish socialists today Issued a The members of the workmen's coun- proclamation admitting their responsl cll, in conjunction with the radical billty for the recent train robberies groups of the outlawed parliament j and acknow ledging that they murdered have made definite arrangements to twenty polieement during the course of proclaim themselves a provisional gov- last week. eminent if success crowns their efforts. Plan to Liberate Prisoners. Hut,. unless the whole army sides with Warsaw, August 4. A plan to 1.1b tlu revolutionists, those in control of erate the political prisoners here was the government are convinced that the betrayed to the authorities today, strike will end In failure. Several servants and policemen were A prominent member of the govern- . .. , - v ' . . . 1 , , . , . .... I implicated and have been arrested, ment who is In complete sympathy! ' with the decision take.i at i'eterhof to ! Robbers seize Government Money. fight the revolution energetically points: out that the workmen's unions are; without funds to carry on a protracted struggle and he was disposed, like many of his class, to contend that the real power behind the scenes are the rich Jews who ure interested In striking a blow at Russia's credit, which wouid compel the government to come to terms on the Jewish question. St. Petersurg, Aug. 4. The Novoe Vrcmya, the only unofficial paper to i appear today declares the nation seems determined to commit hari-kari ; and reviews the bestiality of the mu- j tineers at Cronstadt in their attacks j Upon the officers as show ing what the i country may expect if the mob gets the upper hand. The paper says the ; mutineers tied a rope with a stone at ! one end around the neck of one. of the I ollleers and threw him into a lake where he was drowned; beat in the lace another officer with the butt of a rifle and broke the legs of a poor, mad woman, after bayonetting her. It .turns out that the servants Of Colonel Alexandroff and Captain Vl'Ich Insky delivered them up to the mutin eers and these servants were among the murderers who were tried by drum head court martial and shot. When they were offered the services of a priest six of the men sentenced to death refused to accept the sacrament and only expressed repentence. Prom personal talks with workmen In thu different quarters of the city the Associated Press finds a strong sentiment In favor of a strike but a disposition to hang back until Its suc cess Is assured, since it involves mis ery, privation and bloodshed and In the case of failure even worse conditions. So far as ascertainable the revolu tionists have no great supply of funds. The leaders say that the major por tion of what they had has been "con fiscated." Secret infonuationlwas received here toc'ny to tile effect that the workmen's council of Moscow proclaimed a strike thero today. The railroad men have not yet issued a proclamation calling a strike but the leaders expect to call 'one no later than Tuesday. The revolutionists claim to have positive information that a conference of the chiefs of the military secret Secret police was held here last night which was the question whether the troops will obey orders to fire on the people was asked. The officers ex pressed great doubt as to whether tho soldiers, espe, tally those of the guard regiments would obey without provoca tion. The revolutionists add that It , was arranged that government spies shall give the necessary provocation I by firing; on tho troops with revolvers. A proclamation was therefore prepared by the revolutionary leaders reciting these alleged facts and warning the workmen to be on their guard against such provocators. Prince Nicholas Lvoff, who saw the emperor (luring the negotiations with Premier Stolypln looking to. the prince's entering a reorganized minis try, gives a remarkable account of the Interview. He says the emperor in the midst of the prince's explanation if the extreme gravity of the situation Interrupted him and questioned him regarding the conditions of the roads in Saratov province for motoring. LateMUie emperor Saul he was certain the army was perfectly loyal to him. Large Additions to Strike. St. Petersburg, August 4. Tho printers and longshoremen and a number of factory employes joined in I lie strike this afternoon. A very great number of meetings have been called for tonight. Uzovka, Russia, August' 4. The situation here is very serious. At Donetz, tho center of the mining and smelting industry, a procession of over six Hundred strikers marched today singing the "Marseillaise" to """""" uuiubuuou uio i wcusu oi ine orators arrested at last, nigiu s ! meeting. Many ot those in the pro- 1 "I't" '" iinu io a nei mux t panic and fears are also expressed that j a general railway strike may break out Warsaw. A.ugus.i . a telegram from Lilian says that train robbers today between Lilian and Haffpot stole $40,00(1 of government money. Eight passengers were wounded in defence of the train. Among them were the consul general of Brazil, M. Von Rupnicvski, and ax German named Grundmann. Using the Romb. Moscow, August 4. A bomb was exploded in tho Kazan Railway sta tion today. Two persons were killed. Renewed Fighting at Crondstadt. Reports of renewed fighting at Cronstadt reached here this morning, but telegraph communication is cut and it is impossible to ascertain what has occurred. A squadron of warships arrived at Cronstadt last night. The vesssls are anchored under the guns of the forts. According to the reports from Roval the trouble there is not over. It appears that the crow of the tor pedo boat Ahrek and the destroyer Posioutshny which (he cruiser Paniyat. Azona summoned to join in the mutiny, ran their ships ashore and took to the woods. The loyal pari of the crow of the Ahrek openad tho vessel's seacocks to prevent her from falling into the hands of the rebels. INCREASE PENSION OF OLD SOLDIERS (Special to The Evening Times.) Scotland Neck, N. C, Aug. 3 The "Buck Kitchin" Camp of Confederate Veterans in regular meeting yester day decided to make effort to have the next legislature pass an act to In crease the state appropriation for pen sions of Confederate soldiers by add ing Jino.COO more. They will take up the matter with the various Confeder ate camps in the state and will ask the United Buaghters of the Confed eracy to cooperate in' the movement. IMike of Holland Dead. (By the Associated Press.) London, August 4. The I hike of Rutland (John James Robert Manners) died today. He was born in 1S1S. SEC. PHILLIPS HAS RESIGNED Accepts the Secretaryship of Greensboro Chamber TO TAKE EFFFXT SEPT. I Placed Itesignatioii in Hands of Pres ident Jon. Q. Brown This .Morning. .Mr. Itrowu Ivvpresscs His Regret At Seeing Mr. Phillips Leave Ra leigh Fine Opportunity For Some Live Man. Secretary it. M, Phillips of (he cham ber of commerce ami Industry has de cided to accept the position of secretary to the Greensboro elninfber of com piercc, which was tendered by. a unani mous vote at the last in. cling of thai body. Mr. Phillips this moiliihg placed his reste-nation in Hie hands of President I Joseph ! Brow n, w ho w ill present it ito the best meeting of the chamber. The resignation is to go lido effect Sep j tember l, but Mr. Phillips will not as- sume Ins duties in ureensporo unnt after September II. He date of the annual meeting of the Raleigh body, in order that he may wind ui any work now on band. .Mr. Phillips wrote this morning lo Secretary Oeorge F. .Newman of the Greensboro chamber ol ally accepting the pi: mmerci tender form d him the first of litis week. President lirown said to a reporter for the livening Times this morning dial as president of the Jiulcigh cham ber of commerce he regretted exceed ingly to see ilr. Phillips leave the city, as he had done some most exCNicnt work in the short lime of his incum- I 'henry in the office of secretary. Not i only did hi- dislike to see him leave on i account of his gixid work for the Ral eigh chamber, but as a citizen and personal friend he felt that the city would lie the poorer without him. The association, said Mr, .Brown, is in line condition, composed of the city's leading business men, and there is a fine opportunity for some live active man, not only to benefit the city, but also make a reputation for himself. Mr. lirown said he hoped the chamber wouid be fortunate enough to secure os good a man as Mr. Phillips to suc ceed him. WILSON IS SATISFIED Eastern Slaughter Houses M Bad, He Says crttary of Agriculture Swoops Down On Plants In Philadelphia, Jersey City And Xew York And I i nils Conditions Tolerable, ' (By the Associated Press. Washington, August 4. Secretary Wilson returned to the department of agriculture today after visits to Phila delphia, Jersey City and New York Where he inspected slaughtering and packing houses. The trip was planned so as to give the packers no hint as to his coniing, "On the whole," said the secretary, "conditions in the packing houses in the three cities named were good. It was apparent that efforts were being made to comply with the law. In only a few instances did 1 find it necessary to make suggestions with respect lo remedying evils which existed, such us the re-arrangement of toilets, the tear ing Up of lioors and putting down of new ones and greater Ventilation." The trip just ended is but one of a number which the secretary will make, in every ease ho will, so far its pos sible, keep his movements secret, lie declared today that he was practically through Willi his inspection of the Philadelphia houses before his presence in the city was known, and thai his Inspections in Jersey City and New York were made entirely without any previous knowledge of his coming. AGENCY "DETECTS" TOE WRONG NEGRO (Special to The Evening Times.) High Point, N. C.. Aug. 4. It was a disappointed crowd here when it was learned that the negro arrested In Hoanoke was not Bolvinnon. It was hoped that with the arrest and lodg ment In jail of the other conspirators in the rrfiirder of Road Foreman Beachain the murderer himself had been caught so that the whole gang would swing together. There are par lies who knew Hnharnott and would go after him If a larger reward was offered. TRIAL OF NEW PRIMARY Much Interest In Chicago Election Today The Voting I'ndcr the Xov T.aw Is For United Stales Senator As Well As For Many Other Officers Un certain As To The Result. (By the Associated Press.) Chicago, Aug. 4. For the first time in its history Chicago: today, while the primary elections ate being held, an absolutely "dry" town. . The law forbids the selling of spirit uous or malted liquors timing elec tions under iron clad provisions which make it mandatory upon Hi it-ies to cancel the lie. use saloon-keeper Violating the 1 law is anew one and today' furnished the first tes( rf i t - Should a license he taken n saloon-keeper could nut in author of any aw. The ! election efficiency, way, the any way secure another one for at least years. Hitherto on election days It ways been possible for tin' th secure relief by back e'litruni side doors, even when the pii tempted to keep th" saloons Rut il Is (he saloon keepers tie who are resposible fee tn'rliiy's cetlehted rnndMton of affairs. -t twenty j has al rsty to es and I al- j closed, i 1 1 n i ir Chicago. Aug. 4. Wei Which should insure a new primary law pri opening of the polls h though the weather clouds and a cool hrei lief from the high tern ilher i fair li v died ere to was . bri Ohditlons I of the at the lay. AI Stil.l ln(. night re- pern I un f Ihe past few days. The early poll Indicated Icrest on (he part of tin from the fact that Ibis I rial of the new act there certainly anions even il perieneed party leaders as able result of the vote, it that he republican vet county will exceed thai democrats foi. the reasoi 1 lively In volers. hut is the first s much un- most ex (i the proh is predicted In Conk ast bv the in that there fnetjonal con former party, been made in full v .te. Ks y today of a S.nflili which is primary elee- have been numbers of tests in the rinks of ih. and especial effort has such eases to get. out a tlmates were made ei probable total tote of r considered liberal for a I ion. The machinery of ti er's office will aitualiy elections today. fevi ry eomnnssion handle three voter In the republic, democratic socialist ranks wdll vot.-x'nirecy for lifteen party nominees a United States senator and state and county officials as well as for (he delegates to the party's six different conventions. The republicans will elect 5,7:13 delegates, the demo crats .",.441 and the socialists 1,969. SAVED FROM A WRECK Ijtiree Days They Were Cliny- ing io Boat's Bottom Imposed to (he Weather Three of Crew of IjosI Vessel Were Crazed Prom Hunger ami Fatigue When Rescuid Two Women Lost. (Special to the Evening Times.) Washington, X. C, August i. apt. George MeKinney, command. of Un iciroQheii Annie Farrow, which pott from Fairfield, as and rough wvath ottnd. He says t hat August 1, his crew i t's bottom in Pani ue miles south of arrivec report., at this heavy s er on Pamlico 1 on Wednesday . sighted a sclvoo lico Sound ,tfir Gibbs' shoal. After consh (Urablo to the difficulty he wreck and made, his Way fount clinging 1. A. Ballance, hoy, who had Wt'eck three bad tveather a Their minds' hunger ami fii Mrs. S. A. .ii BtliTiis of .Mid the cabin vh io tho boat's bottom Charles Foster and a heen clinging to (lie ays, exposed to the d nearly dead, wore deranged from igue. tuson and iss MJennio let on, N. C, were in a ihe boat canslzed and were lost. Tho shipwrecked men Were taken to Middleton for medical attention. Tho wrecked schooner was the Luther B. Ma . engaged in the fish industry and plying between Mai tevits and Hngleliart, Hyde counl.v. She loft Hat terns last Monday witli a cargo of fish. THE LONGr WORTH'S SAIL FOR HOME. (By the Associated Press.) Paris, August W- Congressman .Mis. Nicholas I.ongworth today s; from Cherbourg for New York on American line steamer SI. Paul and (lied the A (he I crowd of friends saw them off al. railroad station here. The compart ment In which Mr. and Mrs. Longvtortll traveled was filled with flowers and ether gifts, among which was an eiior nious basket of fruit soul In behalf of ambassador anil Mrs. McCormlck. BOMB EXPLODES OTHER BOMBS That Were Intended for the Russian Troops 30 BLOWN TO PIECES And A Many Oitlters Were Wounded IJy Bomb Accident Today At Mos cow Striking Workmen Had Pre pared To iieccpt ion Instead. Give itiii Soldiers A (tomb Got It Themselves (By th uidon, An ning SUn a numlx icln id Press.) I A dispatch I till Eve thai had deli (an Moscow, .says I'kuioR l here today he with bombs a sent against Ihelil tubs was itreina nccidi nt and ex- blowlng thirty id vvou'pdbig many of prepared lo chnient of 1 1 n one of tii fy exploded . win ! tur, hy mil b eded Mlllel urkinen lo pteces h.'IS. Tile soldie were umiijur1 d. CIVIL WAR RELIC FOR THE EXPO. (By the Washlnglon, ( alHHilcu Civil VVai Olll exhibit at 1 Insl.i ucl ions navy depart in such navy y low. d I in d it ion at il as will the NOrf she be stat will he restored o Ihe ri si'inldam 1 he government having al Us disposal about $in.iiiiii lor thai work. The Canontcus is the only one uf her class left, and she would not he in ihe navy but for the fact thai the navy department has never been able to find a purchaser fur the old hulk. The ship is li have Ihe appearance of being in lighting trim, cleared for acaVjpn, and that condition will make it necessary to provide her Willi many fixtures not used in time of actual hostilities. The batteries will be composed jof wood dummies of ihe, size, and shape of the old giins of the Canontcus. FEDERATION OF LABOR Politics in Meeting at Ashe- ville August 15 Farmer Burns ami Professor Qlsen I Will Pull Off Another Wrestling i Match Next Wednesday Burial of IleV. T. (i. Wet more. (Special to file Evening Times.) Asheville. N. C, August 4. The next convention to lie held in Ashe ville is the Slate Federation of La bor, which convenes here on Wednes day. August 15. It is expected thai delegates from every town and city in Ihe stat.' where is a labor union will be present. The Slate Federa tion of Labor affiliated with the American Federation was organized at Kaleigi) last, year and Asheville chosen as this year's meeting place. It is said that a number of mailers nl' importance, including the part thai Ihe Federation will take in poli tics will come up for discussion. The remains of Uev. T. C. Wei inore, who died at the Mission llos pii.il yesterday morning, were inter red at Arden today. The funeral services wire conducted from Cal vary Church, Arden, this morning ill II o'clock, Bishop Horner, assisted hy Uev. Mr. Sliihbs and Uev. .Mr. Whit a ker, ofticia I ing. "Farmer" Burns, he of the Iowa farm, and like, wis a one of the fore most wrestlers in Ihe country, is due lo arrive here (his afternoon fur an- j other contest with Charles Disen next ednesday afternoon, August s. When Burns and Olsen mot here a few weeks ago Olsen won after a 'hard struggle. Burns was not satis Hied. He said Ihe climate had much ho do with his defeat and offered lo deposit 1,000 that he could throw Olsen. The money has been deposil-j ;ed and in addillion the men will wrestle for another $."00 just to make (he thing interesting. Six MKN HKIil) FOR Ass.u'inxt; A Jl'ltlST. (By I 'in shun ihe Associated Press.) r, Ph.. August 4. The condi-1 ion of Judge William li. Haw kins, Jr., I Associated Press.) August I. -Tlie monitor el the relies of the h ill form l nt 1 1 of the naval ie Jamestown Kxpostl Ion. I have in i u gien by Hie ment I', have llle ship put ! the League Island .liable her lo lie navy yard where as much as need . e nl llel at I -, i I la 1 of (he county courts, who was brutally assaulted and robbed by highwaymen near his home in this city on Wednes day night, was greatly Improved today and no anxiety is now felt as to his speedy recovery. Six arrests have ben made In con nection with the assault, and the au thorities are rounding lip all- the sus picious characters. Clark DUffy, one of the men caught in the drag-net was Identified1 by the venerable jurist as one is assailants. OSBORN WILL BROEATED TODAY. (Special to the Owning Times.) Charlotte, N. ('., August 4. Will of the late Mrs, Mary Ann Osborne was probated this morning. Kstalo is valued al Jhie.nie. judge Frank I. Osborne of CTiarliilto, .Mr. James W. Osborne of New York and Mr. Thomas .1. Moure of l:ieiiniiud Y:l are named as joint CXeeutiirs. The property ci in Charlotte and estate is dl Judge and of f Itiell- llle pro) nlliei i isb . .Me, yided betwj Osborne, M the late Dr, i le II BOLT OF LIGHTNING SINKS A TUG. (By the Associated Press.) Philadelphia, a., Aug. 4. - The lug .1. .1. Ilageii, owned hy John .1. Hagen & ('ompan.v and leased by the j Philadelphia : Heading Railway company -sank at the poii (Richmond coal wharves some time during last : night. The hod of the fireman who was known only as "Archie" was j found in tile hold of I he I ng. It is j believed the Ing was sunk hy a holt Of lightning during a severe electrical stor lmvhich visited the city during Hie night. NEW GERMAN MEAT INSPECTION LAW. ( I ly the Associated Press.) Hamburg, August 4. The new meat inspect ien regulations will not seem ingly seriously affect American imports. he regulations require the inspection of Hie lymphatic glands with fresh meat, while with prepared meat, such as chiefly Imported from the Bulled Slates, only Ihe glands naturally be longing lo ihe cut must be attached, HEAD-ON WRECK; FIREMAN KILLED. (Bs the Associated Press.) St. Thomas, ( ml.. August 4. In a head-on collision between passenger trains on the Michigan Central and Pi re Marquette near here today. Fire man Goodhue ol" the Pore Marquette train and Fireman Hemphill of the Michigan Central Railroad were killed. The engineers saved themselves by JUmpIpg. A baggageman was badly hurt. Heart IM (liy the Philadelphia . 11:11111,1, pl't li Iphia orbh use Claims Jurist. Associated Press.) Pa.. Angus'. 4. William iding judge of the Phil- han's court died suddenly antic. City. X. J., of heart was 71 years of age. tod u at. Atla disease. He Judge Hanna i was one ot the fore: lie.' local judiciary, to ihe bench in 1ST! pposed for re-election 1 with many charities Host He and He mi label s of was elected was never . was ideutilii HUSBAND SHOT BOY LOVER AS HE FLED (Bv the Associated Press.) Knoxviile. Tenu., Aug. 4. Frank Brown, nged is, was shot shortly be fore midnight last night by Owen Kes bet, a 1 raveling salesman at the hit ter's home in this city. Nesbet re turhecl from Chattanooga, unexpectedly and win n lie entered the front hall of his homo, a man rushed by hlhi, hat less and coal less. He pulled a pistol d at the fleeing man. who 0 Ik 1 Mf lirown. The bullet look iwn's groin and after a " k's distance he pitched i a cieek. dead; his skull fractured by the fall, nderi.l to the police and s wife admits that she took with Brown yesterday after ill says she knew him well, stbel family come here from y some six rears ago. dm, The .'c Kentueti NEW $3,000,000 HOTEL FOR FRISCO (By Ihe Associated Press.) San Francisco, Cal., Aug. 4. It I definitely decided that the new Palace Hotel will cost $3,000,0(10 with ftOOJIOIt j ; allowed for furniture. The New York nrcKlteci preparing preliminary plans s who are lia ve been ! nist I'uel edto make cerium I which will Increase the cost $200,000 over the original estimate, There are lo lie 700 rooms. The additional ex pense will he for women and men's grills and the court. In nearly everv resneel the famous old coon win n,, duplicated, ! GAGGED AND BLINDFOLDED Missing Nan Was found By Police Today VICTIM OF BLACK-HAND Curious Circumstances Connected With Disappearance of Kalian Al leged to Have Beep Kidnapped Says He Hud No Food or Water During Eighty Hours He Was a Prisoner Police Suspicions. (By the Associated Press.) New York, August 4. Pasquale Greco, ''" years old, who was reported several days ago as having been kid napped by a black-hand gang, was found today in a hallway on Eleventh ' sire, i. gagged and blindfolded, and wiih his feet and hands tied. He told the' police that since late Tuesday night he had been a prisoner of several Italians, who had given him neither food nor water in the eighty j hours of his captivity. Bugenle Duche, a tailor, who notified lie poli.e of Oreeo's presence In the 'hallway was arrested on suspicion of knowing something of the kidnapping. Allure Rlcci was arrested on Wednes day lasl, charged wjth accepting a bribe of $f,00 to prevent the death by black-hand methods of Alfonso Schet tinl, an Italian grocer, and his friend, I Ireco. Rlcci then told the police that Greco hud been kidnapped and detectives were at once started in search of him. Greco told the police today that five nu n seijed him at Bleecker and Sulli van streets about midnight Tuesday and placed him In a cellar, the location of which he does not know, and kept him there until early today when ha was removed to a hallway, still gagged and hound. Greco said he would know, three of the men who kidnapped him. The suspicions, of the police that Gi ecu's story would bear investigation were aroused by the manner in which he was bound, the marks of the ropes indicating that he had not long been a captuc. A piece of rope similar to that wiihlwhich Greco was tied was dls coveid in ihs pockets of Duche. MAY BE JAILED FOR CONTEMPT (Special to The Evening Times.) Asheville. N. C, Aug. 4. Judge Prltchard has just signed an order citing J. K. Coburn a prominent lum berman of Western North Carolina to appear before him In Asheville Tuesday, August 7, and show cause why he should not be committed for contempt for disorderly conduct and using abusive language to a witness in the hearing of the North Carolina Mining Company against G. It. West- fe Id and others. It is alleged that at e hearing in the big copper mine lin en st at Bryson City Julv 28. while a witness named Walker was testifying, Coburn in a distinctly audible tone of vol ice said Walker was "a damn liar." APOLOGIES TO LORD DOUGLAS (By the Associated Press.) Portland, Me., Aug. 4. In the case of Lord Sholto Douglas who was de tained by the police here, It was an nounced today that the authorities had expressed regrets at their mistake and Lord Douglas said today that he de sired to have the matter dropped. Lord Douglas was mistaken by the police authorities for a bogus "Lord" liouglas, who is wanted by the North Carolina police on a charge of bigamy. Pan-American Congress Matters. (Bv the Associated Press.) Hio de Jaiftiro, August 4. The international American congress to day received the report of the com mittee in Pan-American Railway. The committee includes representa tives of countries Interested in the road. The congress then adjourned un til Tuesday when the report of the lee on arbitrate eel veil. British Parliament Adjourns. (Bv the Associated Press.)'!,'' London, August 4. Parliament adjourned to October 3.