mm ' " IOCIAL CIRCLE Mr. and Mra. W. R. Marks of Ports mouth are guests at the Yarborough. 8 O 8 I Miss 'Dixie Moore is speeding a while on Wrightsvllle Beach. 3 J l Miss Bessie Knox Woodward has re turned from Morehead. . Mrs. J. C. Sharp and little son have returned from Ocean View. Mr. and Mrs. B. Grimes Cowper. Miss Mary Mary Orlmes Cowper and Miss Pearl Heck returned from More head and Seven Springs. t 0 $ Miss Lilly Skinner and Miss Rosa Skinner have returned from a stay at Morehead. A ? Mrs. Margaret Wood and children accompanied by W. F. Wood, left last evening for Fuquay Springs. Lilting ton and other points during August. 0 $ Mrs. M. A.. Smith returned this morn ing to her home at Auburn after a visit to her son, Mr. S. M. Smith, here. 4 S Mr. John S. Johnson is quite sick at his home on Harrington street. Mrs. Johnson is Improving after her recent illness. $ i Mr. and Mrs. John M. Wyatt and two children of Richmond, Va are In the city visiting Mrs. E. F. Wyatt on , N. McDowell street. 0 S Mr. John C. Drewry and family have returned from Atlantic City. Master John C, Jr.. who has been seriously 111 for some time, Is now Improving. - 0 Mrs. W. G. Thomas and her daugh ters, Misses Mamie and Grace, returned yesterday from Ocean View ami Vir ginia Beach where they have been spending some time. O $ The Atlanta Journal of August 2 1 contains a double column cut of Miss Leonora Balsley of Greensboro, who Is the guest of Mrs. John Barry of At lanta. Mrs. Barry was Miss Conkltn Carroll of this city. i O Lawn Party Tonight. The ladies of the Hpworth church 7! - T ft5 Mozley s Lemon Elixir. I THE BEST FAMILY MEDICINE For Constipation, Biliousness, In- I digestion, Sour Stoma.h, Colic, I Dizziness, Headache and anything I fl caused by a disordered Liver. I Remove! " That Drowsy footing H ! aH bv puttiDR your digestive organs I I to work, increasing your appetite. I and, in fact, makes you feel like a H "MEW MsiJt." SOc. and JI.OO pe - Bottle at all Drag J troi. One Sox Convinces. M LOCAL B&IEFS. boon received here of I 1 1 News ye.8terday l- It, Tonrplej hi of Mr. A. 11. nian years a f Kal.iuli. Mr. mid one child. Temple, is the 1 1 1 ef Ibis bjf the close; very exoiung lied 1 to 1 up I Ulick Harris with; logical HIM UNI H THE RALEIGH EViSKO TIMES, IN LUMBER CASE. "r,40 tl-.tW.B. A. L. EXCEPTIONS o'clock shqrp. Brethren please attend proniptly. Brethren of sister lodges cordially invited. There may be work In the masters degree. A. E. Glenn, W. M.; Ei B. Thomas, secretary. Mr. Walters Durham, cashier of the Mechanics Dime Savings Bank, Is the owner of the only thoroughbred regis tered English bull dog In Raleigh. He purchased the puppy, which was se lected by Mr. A. C. Jackson, in Bos ton. The dog is a little beauty. His sire Is HIghgate Jack out of Lady Dis dain. The youngster betirs the name of HIghgate Jack II. Mr. R. N. Simnis as commissioner went out to Barton's Creek township this morning and sold two tracts of land. COVs acres in one and 30 in the other, for an average price of $22.f0 per acre, ami that ten miles from a railroad too. SATURDAY, A TrQUBT 4, 1906, . iiilM'. i km. .Uli a j AT THE CHURCHES News has the Ipath In N morning of Mr. Walti formerly of tliis city, j Temple, who was I'm- respected citi.en Temple leaves a wife tHis mother, Mrs. A. ft. I sister of Mr. W. A. My; The B. B. B.'s ilc feaP Men yesterday afterluxu score 01 i to .i, an I Mulsh. The game was to the ninth Inning, Children's Meetings There will be ;t children's meet ins at l lie Tent Sunday 5 p. in., led by Mr, Jo H. Weal Iters. Children from all parts of the city invited. Rain docs not Interfere with these nieetinsg, Now tent and it turns the water. figured largely for the three U la three-bugger Just at the psych 1 moment. Senator F. M. Simmons has returned to the city from Crtiven and Jones counties, lie says that ratii has de stroyed a third of the crops in Oravcu and one-lialf of those . in Junes. ('apt. T. VV. Mason and Mr. W, K. ' Trenehurd spent the day in the city on business connected with the 1'iiited States district court In the noted ease of Kcll v. Tnuchatd, ''apt. -Mason being receiver in the ease. In the absence Of both the pastor itul the junior pastor, I; v. T. X. Ivey, I Presbyterian Church Rev. Ed ward M. Battis. Service 1 1 a. m. Sunday School !).o0 a. ill. Wednes day service 8 p, in. Fuyottevillc Street Itaptist Churi'h. Services by ES. Y. Pool, pastor. San day School ft. 45 a, m., John T. I'til len, supertntennt. Subject for 11 a. in.. "Mini's True Belaflon to the Doctrins of Christ"; for S p. in., "The Profitableness of Godliness." P.rayer service ,s (. m. VVednesday service conducted by the pastor. Music well selected and well sun;;. Services spiritual and helpful. St. Saviour Chapel -Sunday School 10 a. in. Night service s.i." p. in. The Seaboard Air Line Railroad Co., in filing .exceptions to the recent order of the corporation commission for the Seaboard and the Raleigh and Charles ton railroads to join In the erection of a union station at I.umbeiton, declares that the commission is without juris diction to make such an order, that the order is in violation of the fifth and the fourteenth amendments to the constitu tion and also in violation of the United States eonstitut Ion in that they compel tho Seaboard to enter into a contract with another railroad company, tncreby invadlng their inviolable right of con tract. The answer declares that for these reasons the ordoi' is "unreason able and arbitrary and unjust." In The Best Of Humor HI Lec Chicago advertised for five free lunch Inspectors under the pure food law and received 5,000 applica tions. Hi Low-Still it's no wonder. Some men are so reckless they would go against awythinK- -Indianapolis Star. WHY NOT A DIAMOND? If yon wish to make -someone an especially fine Wedding other Present, choose Diamonds. Surely there's no one who would not welcome a gift of dia monds; even small stones have an aristocratic quality that no other gift has. Those who think they cannot afford to gtvc Diamonds might be surprised to find how moderately priced some of our smaller but fine Diamonds are. A very choice selection of, Diamonds, both unmounted and set in beautiful rings, and other Jewelryw H. MAHI.ERS' SONS lewelers . m R.aleie'1. N. C. m UNCLASSIFIED WANTS. WE WASH Laundry. TO I'liKASK. i;i UKK.V WAXTKD CohipOtenl fpretuan, wn can bring good help, for new wood working plain. Address immedi ately, with particulars and stamp, "H.," care iSyefllng Times. COLLARS, CUFFS, SHIRTS, OAK CITY STEAM LAUNDRY Laundered and made to look like new. No tearing, no rough edges the quality of work approved by the best dressers of the city. DEPARTMENT STORE 326, 328, 330, 332, 334, Fayetteville Street RALEIGH, N. C. AUGUST NEWS. The Very Latest. Handy Egg "timer" iSc. Bread Roxes 48cH 50c, OOc. Preserve eKttles, SSc to 75c. Rogers 12 dwt. Knives and Forks 9:1.00. Beautiful Pictured $1.00. Men's Ribbed Seam Drawers 40c. Straw Hats at cut prices. INGERSOLL WATCHES. New Stem Wind Yankee $1.00; Eclipse ... sue a. nwri puny lonipt irom o.ji.D., editor of the Rutefgh Christian till 11 on the church grounds. Music and refreshments on the lawn. ? 0 ? Davis Cranford. (Special to the Evening Times.) High Point, N, C, August 4. Yesterday at the home of the bride's parents Mr. and Mrs. Dougan Davis, on south Main street, Miss Tessie Davis was united in marriage to Mr. Cranford of Asheboro. The cere mony was performed by Rev. L. A. Falls, pastor South Main Street M. E. Church, in, the presence of the members of the family and a few friends. Mr. and Mrs. Cranford left after the marriage for their future home in Asheboo. ($- Bellamy Clark. (Special to the Evening Times.) Tarboro, N. C, August 4. Mr. and Mrs. William S. Clark of Tarboro, N. C, announce the engagement of their daughter. Sue Virginia Clark, to Mars- den Bellamy, Jr., of Wilmington. North Carolina, the wedding to take place on November 14, 1S06. Miss Clark Is known to a host of friends throughout the south as one of the most beautiful and popular young society women of this state. Mr. Bell amy Is prominent in both a business and social way in Wilmington, holding at present the responsible position of city attorney. Owing to the popularity of botli parties and the prominence of their families both being among the oldest and most distinguished in this state the wedding is looked forward to with very bici interest inrougnout the en tire south. Advocate uill preach at Edenton Methodist church tomorrow at 11 a, and S:13 p. m. Mr. H. T. Cha'pln, chairman tf tho republican executive committee of ! Chatham county, requests The Times to slate that the republieaii primaries will be held In that county August J8 and the. county convention August L'5. Tomorrow the new schedule bh the Raleigh and Southport Railroad will go Into affect, and round trip tickets will be sold as far as Fayetteville for one first class fare. These tickets are good on no other than tomorrow and every Sunday until further notice. The C morning train leaves here at ?:50, L reaching Fayetteville 10:4n, returning leave Fayetteville 3:10 p. in. and ar- 1 rive hcrfe- 6:30. Morning train leaves .Fayetteville fi.15 and arrives Raleigh 9: OS! returning leaves Kaleigh 4.0,", p. 1 111. and arrives Fayetteville 6.5",. There was no meeting of the board Ot aldermen last night, the time for! the regular monthly session, as no ' quorum was present, onlv Messrs. Grimes, I'pehurch, Lee and Cooper re I s muling. The meeting was postponed until next Friday night at half past eight o'clock, Mr. ii. B. White of Franlilinton 1 spent the day in the city on business connected with the. office or the state; superintendent of public instruction. ' He was on Ids way home from Mount Pleasant, Nash county when- he deliv ered an address yesterday at an edu cational rally. There will be a regular 'meeting of Christ Church Rev. M. M. Mat hall, n. D., rector. Eighth Sunday St. i after Trinity. Divine service and m. 1 sermon 11 a. m. Sunday School 4.45 In. m. Evening prayer fi o'clock. Rev. P, V. R. Arthurs will officiate Services during the week: Monday (Feast, Tarnsfiguration 1 , 10 a. m.; Wednesday, (i p. in.: Friday, 10 a. m. Edcntlon Street .Methodist Church, Res. R. F. BttnipilS, pastor. Services at 11 a. m. and 8,15 p. in. Sertndn at both hours by Rev. T. X. Ivey, 1). 1). Sunday School at 9.:!0 a. m.. Jos. Brown, superintendent. Epworth ii,rne meets Monday night and prayer meeting Wednesday evening at. 8.1 5. Communion services will be deferred until next Sunday, when the presiding elder will be present. First Baplist Church Preaching at It a. m. and S p. m. by Rev. Liv ingstone Johnson (the pastor being absent). Sunday School 9.30 a. m., T, H, Briggs, suporiiitendent. HAVE YOU TRIED PERSONALS. Mr. H. M. Bancroft of Wilmington is a guest at the Yarborough today. Mr. E. B. Hatch Is In the city from Ashboro. Mr. G. B. Cooper of Clinton is In the city on business. Mr. VV. R. Kimball of Oxford arrived last night. Mr. C. A. Sawyer. Jr., of Greensboro was a Raleigh visitor last night. Mr. C. G. Galloway of Mt. Airy Is in the city on professional business. Mr. J. G. de Roulhac Hamilton left for Wrightsvllle this morning for a short visit. .Mr. Charles Ross of Littleton ar rived this morning and Is a guest at the Tarornugh. Mr. J. H. Shore of Sniithfield spent the day in Raleigh. BAND CONCERT LAST NIGHT. The weekly open air concert by the Third Regiment Band last night In capitol square was heard by two thou sand people or more and won enthusi astic praise from all. The band, al though organized by Capt. W. F. 1 Moody within (he year, has taken Its j Place as the very finest military- band in the state. I Central Methodist Church Rev. C. W. Robinson, pastor. Services to morrow at 11 a, m. and 815 p. nj- by pastor. Sunday School 9.30 a. m., R. R. Prince, superintendent. Ep worth League meets Tuesday even ing at S.15, L. M. Johnson r presi dent. Mid-week prayer service every Wednesday evening at 815, conduct ed by Ihe pastor. The Junior Ep worth League meets on Sunday even ing at ,1 o'clock, Miss J. J. Woodall. president. WHY NOT CAM. AT KIMBALL'S tc get your hartier work done: the neatest, most complete ami up-to-date shop the city of Raleigh ever bad. A call "ill convince you. Under Hart-Ward Hardware Store. A New Shipment of Glassware ICE TEAS, CLARETS, WINES, HOMiOWSTEM CHAM I "AG X ES, sherbets, cocktails, ' highballs, Champagne ice creams, ONE DOLLAR Itl'AYAIll) FOR AW wound or cm which Vic It's Turtle Oil will not bed without Mtppora tion or sta. 25c. at Pescttd's Drug Store. Uhe WILLIAMS-NOWLAN 127 Fayetteville St., RALEIGH, N. C. CO. RALEIGH Wil l. GROW. Two more railroads, improved electric com pany, cheap electric power from i holh Neuse and Cape Fear in ft few months, banks more money than they can lend here: every im portaat Industrial enterprise on dividend basis, property .steadily rising, lowest tax rate of any city in North Carolina. No boom. No hot air. Also no bankruptcy nor receiverships. Kverybody at work. City more prosperous than ever, and upward movement jusi begun. If you would in this prosper ity, in. 3st in Raleigh; And Glen wood is the sjfoi. IF YOU WANT A NICE ROAST. A NICE STEAK. A NICE PIECE STEW. A NICE CUT OF VEAL. Call us at all times and we will be glad to serve you with the best of meats. Yours very respetfully, Robbins9 Cash Grocery. ALL 'PHONES 'iilH. OUR TliVlE TO GO TO CHURCH. Store Will Be CLOSED SUNDAY Tabernacle Baptist- Preaching by the assistant pastor, J. W. Ham, Subject for the morning set 1110;;, "Things Which Cannot hi .Shaken"; levelling, "The Rambler." Sunday School 9.15 a. m. I'iiiehurst Ice Cream made un der the supervision of EXPERT TOMMY A IK EX, is the limit, it cannot bo Improved upon. Kim"CroweII Drug Co. HUNTER BROS. & BREWER CO. 210 Fayetteville Street DRY GOODS, NOTIONS AND SHOES MEMBERS OF MERCHANTS' ASSOCIATION. Tent ins The regular Sun ; day afternoon tent meetings continue al North Hlount and Peace streets, i Preaching at 4 p. m. LARD tuieiy Vegetable. w. C. We Raleigh Baptist; Church Preaching by the pastor, Rev. R. S. Stephenson, at 8 p. in. Sunday School has been changed to 9 a. m. Sunday morning., W. C. Douglass, superintendent, Sunday School at First Baptist Church Mission in Northwest Raleigh at 3.30 p. m., John S. Johnson, su perintendent. MARTIN SHOOTING STOPPED IN DURHAM Stronach's Sons Co. MARRIAGE INVITATIONS AND PROMPTLY ENGRAVED SEND FOR SAMPLES AND PRICES J. P. STEVENS EN8RAV1NG CO., ENGRAVERS 4T Wliitclialf - Street, . Atlanta, Ga. Warden J. H. tlpchureh ,f the Audu bon 'So"tt ly returned thin morning from Durtiam where lie went w ith a view of oroseeUtiug a'fiumber of parties for si Mug martins. He says he failed to procure the wltnessesnecessary for the proseeutioii and abandoned the idea. He understood, also,' that the violations ( the law' regarding which complaints had teen made to him had been stopped. We, only have a few more Tan Oxfords for Men and Women left. '. '1 : f-A -. f itt- v'' ' $3.50, $4.00 and $5.00 Going for $2.50 While They Last. PERRY & ROSENTHAL REMARKABLE OFFER Remit us $2.60 for four full quarts, or $4.95 for eight full quarts, and vtt will ship you express prepaid, our famous EL? MAIZE CORN WHISKEY PUT UP IN A NUT PLAIN PACKAGE. 0 This la the product of the mountain stills of North Carolina, and is rich in quality and flavor, made smooth and mellow by age. After you've tasted it, if you're notsatisfied that it's the best corn whiskey for the money you've ever had simply cork up the opened bot tles, ship back express collect, and we will re fund you r money. Ask any bank in Richmond as to our reliability. the phil o. Kelly co., inc. RICHMOND, VA. Writ. A r free booklet. Add 50 cts. to aboV rn i l V put lTv. V C. NOTICE TO INVESTORS. We feel sure that it will pay you to consult us before investing your money. We have some excellent bargains in Summer Stuffs wliicll we will sell at a very low price to close out. SILK MULLS. Wain ami Embroidered 37-inch wide, 25c. quality for 15c; 15c. value for 10c. LAWNS. All Figured Lawns go at IOC., real value 112 1-2 anil 15r. MERCERIZED POPLIN. Only four pieces left, so we make the price 20c. He sure ami See Ibis bargain. RIBBONS. A small lot of Wash Taffeta ItibbotiN all colors. We make Ihe price 8 and 10c. SHOES. Every woman wants a pretty foot. Vo;i can hart- ii by wearing Irving Drew or Hartleys Shoes, the famous Shoe lor ladles. They lit when others fail. HUNTER BROS. & BREWER 60MPANY Second door north Giersch's Restaurant. WK OWE TKAMN'G STASirS. OAK RIDGE INSTITUTE OAK RIDGE. NORTH CAROLINA The Largest and Best Equipped Fitting- School for Young Men and Boys in the South. Prepares lor College, for Business, for Life. SSth year. 32d year under present management. Four courses. 286 students lost year. Terms moderate. Situated near Greensboro, N. C, one thousand feet above the sea level. For beautiful catalogue address 1. A. and M. H. HOLT, Principals. IIICHMOND, VIRGINIA. j The largest, most liberally con- ducted hotel In the city. Centrally i located for business, sight seeing and i pleasure, being on a direct car line ; to nil depots and places of interest. ! Itates are 91.00 and upwards. Famous for its celebrated Granite Lithia wa ter for drink and bath. TSO. MURPHY, Owner and Proprietor. JOHN VV. HAYS CIVIL ENGINEER MlKilcn Am. Sec. C. t. WATER POWER & MUNICIPAL WORK Inclttiitie Wnterwork sewer. Electtic 1 iB)Uur, Street!, Highways, ana ra.'k Inufcravr nifiit. tto. 3'Sculri Admits St.. Pettrsburfl, V.i N0RC0M HOUSE, On the Delightful Board Walk Facing OM OSAan. BEAlTFOttT. N. O. MIS. H. P. NORCOM, Proprietress. Open all the year. Summer Tourist and those wishing; a pleasant place to tarry during the warm season will find this an unusually desirable resort. Good Board. Terms reasonable. Write for termsyetc. $1.50; Ladies' $2.00. Midget Size. CUT PRICE. CLEARANCE SALE. DRY GOODS DEPARTMENT. In order to have room for our new fall stock, we wish to sell out every piece of Summer Goods, and have used the knife very severely in cut ting prices. One Table of pretty Flowered Lawns, Organdies, liatistcs etc: 5c, tic, 7c. Goods cut to 4c. a ward 8 l-2c, 10c, 11c Goods cut to 7 l-2c a yard. 12 l-2c, 15c. Goods cut to Oc. yard 20c, 25c. Goods cut to 15c. a yard. One lot of Mercerized Mulls solid colors Pink, Cream, Red, Navy, Green. 20c. quality cut to 10c. Ojre bale 10 to 20 yard Brown Sheeting, worth 8c. Special price (I 1-lc. Solid Black, Navy and Blue Llneene buitsings, 12 3 -2c grade for 10c. NEW ARRIVALS. Baskets, Bird Cages and Fixtures. Buggy Lap Robes, OOc. R. F. D. Mail Boxes, 75c. Saddles, $2,110, $:i.25, $5.00, $0.50. Floor and Tablo Oil Cloth. A FEW LEFT. Refrigerators, $0.00, $0.50, $11.00, Water Coolers. Lawn Mowers, $3.00, Baby Carriages, $1.75 to $10.00. Ladies' Hats at your price. Rubber Hose, 7 and 9c. a foot. Porch Rockers, $1.25. Lawn Swings, $3-00. i Hammocks, 05c. to $2-00. FURNITURE DEPARTMENT. Bed-room Suits, $10.00 to $30.00. Safes, Tables, Chairs. Sideboards, $0.00, $10.00, $12.60. Just received 25 strong woven wire cots, the $1.50 kind for $1.35. Other Cots $1.45, $2.35, $3.00. A word about our Iron Beds: We show them. The prices "do the rest." $2.35 to $10.00. Mattresses, $1.70 to $15.00. Springs, $1.35, $1.50, $1.70, $2.00 $3.25. NOW ON SALE THE OSTERMOOR MATTRESS. Full size, $15.00 delivered. Table and Nursery Chairs. New lot Centre Tables, 75c, $1, $1.25. lint, Leather Couches, $S. 00, $ 10150 Bed Lounges, $7.50, $8.00, $0.00. TRUNK DEPARTMENT. Trunks, 70c to $S.50. Suit Cases, $1.00 to $0.00. Bags, 25c. to $5.00. SHOE DEPARTMENT. Infant's Shoes, 10, 25, 40, 50, OS, SOc. Infant's Red Slippers, 00, 80c. Child's Oxfords, 50, 00, 70, 80c-, Misses' Oxfords. 70c., 80c, $1.00, Hoys Oxfords, $1.25, $1.75, $2.00. Men's Oxfords, $1.25, $1.50, $2.00, $3.00. CARPET DEPARTMENT. Carpet, 10, 14, 20. 25, 35, 50, 60c Rugs, 25c. to $7.00. Art Squares, Mattings, Shades. Foor Oil Cloth, 25c. yard. Now line of Granite Art Squares. Just the thing for summer. No dan ger of moths $1.00, $2.:t5, $2-85, $3.30, $3.75, $4.75. LAM I DEPARTMENT. Wo have them from 10c. to $4.00. GLASS WARE DEPARTMENT. Fish Bowls, 35c. to 95c. Fruit Jars and Rubbers. Jelly Tumblers, 25c. doz. CROCKERY DEPARTMENT. Special decorated Toilet Set, 10 pieces, $2-25. ' 8TOVE DEPARTMENT. Cook Sioves, $5.50 to $20.00. Steel Ranges, $18 to $30. Oil Stoves, 40c, SOc. Preserve Kettles. MUSIC DEPARTMENT. Our Special Talking Machine, $15, $20, $25. Victor Talking Machines, $10, $17, $30, $40. Records, Etc. Autolutrps, $2.00, $3.00 $5.00. Accordions, $1.25, $2.00, $2,50. Guitars, $2.40, $205, $3.25, $5, $7. Banjos, $1, $1.00, $2.00, $5. Mandolins. $1.00, $3, $5. Violins, $1.00, $1.00, $3.25. Cases, Strings, Etc. Crinkley s