1 PRfPARtNG FOR TRIAL MONDAY Murderers of Lyerly Family in Rowan Court Fatal Result Of a "Dare" Slnyer Committed To Jail To He Tried For His Life As To The' Loca tion Of Salisbury's New Govern" ment Building Interest In The Trial Monday Is Great. (Special to the Evening ;aJis6ur$v N. C, August Times.) 4. Sheriff Julian will bring- the Lyerly murderers from Charlotte Monday morning and Solicitor Hammer comes tomorrow night. Every precaution is being thrown around the black wretches and when they ate landed in jail there will be a strong force of deputies to defend I them. The lynching fever has not seemed to abate much with the days, but the spirit of mobocracy kept up a long time and for days the storming of the Char- I lotte jail was a much mooted question. Nearly a thousand dollars was raised i to defray the expenses of a mob that I would go to Charlotte. The officers anticipate no trouble! now, however, and will be ready t" meet any emergency. At a preliminary hearing here John Brooks, a colored man of 20, was bound ver to court on a charge of killing Ed mpton, a boy about 1C. The boys had bCL-n out to the creek, two miles from the city, and were in swimming. Both had guns and in a bantering way began to dare each other to shoot. Finally Breaks blazed away at Hamp ton and killed him Instantly. He then iled, but was caught at his home in Salisbury in a colored subuib known as Dlxonville. He made no attempt to escape and readily went with the officers. It scums to have been carelessness purely, and I lie negro was badly frightened. He will very likely be tried for his life at the next term of court. The public building site secured by (he efforts of Senator Overman is h mendicant one, but next week the com missioners of the county will offer a beautiful location upon which sits the county jail, the prettiest lot in the town. There is hardly any other avail able spot hi Salisbury, and it is the universal sentiment that the jailyard should be chosen. STRIKE SITUATION STILL UNCHANGED. There has been no change whatever in the carpenters' strike situation. Tne men declare they will hold out to tho end, and no proposition has come from either side. General Organizer Griffin said this morning that the strikers would be taken care of in case their funds gave out. He assured the reporter for The Evening Times that they would not starve. There is nothing to arbitrate or compromise, lie save, and the de termination is to hold out until their i demands are complied with. KILLED WHILE BATHING 3 ntper iallp tlsetter Is, quality for quality, the very finest beer made in the entire United States. A beer that will stand test an all round test at that the more exact test the more evident are its points of superiority over all beers. Brewed from highest quality Bohemian Hops and choicest American Barley Malt carefully selected stock. Of absolute cleanliness and purity. Well -aged not a bilious drop in an entire brew. Fermentation perfect. Possesses a mellow flavor a rich taste. Beer perfection Imperial Pilsener "the pride of the South." I f Always ask for NO MAN IS STRONGER THAN HIS STOMACH. 9 Let the greatest athlote have dyspepsia .and his muscles would soon fail. Physi cal strength is derived from food. If a man has insufficient food he loses strength. If he has no food he dies. Food is con verted into nutrition through the stom ach and bowels.' It depends on the strength of the stomach to what extent food eaten Is digested and assimilated. People can die of starvation who have abundant iooq to eat, when the stomach and its associate organs of digestion and nutrition ao not perform their duty. Thus the stomach is really the vitalior ganof the body. If the stomach is "weak" the body will be weak also, because it is upon the stomach the body relies for its strength. And as the body, considered as a whole, is made up of its several mem bers and organs, so the weakness of the body as a consequence of " weak " stom ach will be distributed among the or gans which compose the body. If the body is weak because it is ill-nourished that physical weakness will he found in all the organs heart, liver, kidneys, etc. Tho liver will be torpid and inactive, -giving rise to biliousness, loss of appetite, weak nerves, feeble or irregular aetton of heart, palpitation, dizziness, headache, backache and kindred disturbances and weaknesses. Mr. Louis Pure, of Queliee, writes: "For years after my health lieitan to fail, my head grew dizzy, eyes pained me. and niv stomach was sore all t In; time, while everything I would cat would seem to lie heavy like lead on my stomach. The doctors claimed that it was sympathetic trouble duo to dyspepsia, and prescribed for me. and although I look their powders regularly yet I felt no better. My wife advised roe to try Hr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery and stop taking tho doc tor's medicine, she bought me a Ijottlo and we soon found that 1 began to improve, so I kept up the treatment. I took OH flesh, my stomach heeamo normal, the digestive organs worked perfectly and 1 soon began to look like a different person. 1 can never cease to be grateful for what your medicine has done for me and 1 certainly give It highest praise." Don't lie wheedled by a penny-nabbing dealer into taking inferior substitutes for Dr. Pierce's medicines, recommended to be "just as good." To gain knowledge of your own body in sickness and health send for tho Peo ple's Common Sense Medical Adviser, A book of 1008 pages. Send 21 one -cent stamps for paper-covered, or 31 stamps for cloth-bound copy. Address Dr. R, v. Fierce, 0t!3 Main Street, Buffalo, N Y. NEW $200,000,000 WABASH BOND ISSUE (By the New York, Pierce of the Greer, which Associated Press.) Aug. 4. Winslow S. law firm of Pierce and ! lias in charge negotia- I tlohs looking to the creation of a new bond issue of $200,000,000 for the Wabash Railroad, sailed for Europe today on the steamship St. Louis. Mr. Pierce would not discuss reports that While abroad he would confer with George J. Gould who is now on the continent, regarding the proposed bond issue. It Was reported that Mr. Pierce will endeavor to get European financiers to take a. portion of the bonds, but he declined to have any thing to say In this direction. FATAL SURF BATH OF OLD SOLDIER. (Special to tho Evening Times.) Wilminglon, N. C, Aug. 4. Frank L. Hopkins, ?a confederate vet eran of Johnton City, Tcnn., is dead here of heart exhaustion. While in surf bathing at Wrightsville Be eh Mr. Hopkins became ill and died on the beach a lew minutes after leav in gthe water. Bryan At Exposition. , (Ry the Associated Press.) Milan, August 4. William J. Bryan today visited the international exposi tion here. He loaves Milan tonight for Venice, whore he will meet Ambassador White. On sale at Raleigh Dispensary. Call for " Chatt." the seal of excellence is branded on every cap. "Our beers are pure liquid food" Chattanooga brewing Company BEST MAN INDICTED Charged With Perjury In Get ting License Charge Against William Love By William Jones, Father of the Bride License Was For Ellu Jones to W. H. Wilson Trial at Garner This Afternoon. Mr. W, H. Penny, deputy register of deeds, went to Garner this morning to testify in the preliminary trial of William Love on the charge of perjury In that he swore a girl was eighteen years old in procuring from the office of the register of deeds in this city a license for her marriage to a friend of his. It was on June 24 that Love come to Kalelgh and procured the license for the marriage of Miss Ella Jones to I Mr. Willie H. Wilson. The couple were married that day. It was a runa way match, the father being bitterly opposed "to the wedding. .Vow the j Irate father procures a warrant against j u iinam uove, tne post rrlend of the groom, charging him with perjury in I swearing that the girl was of lawful age when she was not. It is understood that the defense set up by the young man Is that he only swore to the best of his Information and belief that she was eighteen and that he did have what he considered good reasons to believe that he was testifying to facts. The trial is being held this afternoon before Justice of the Peace J. D. John son. GOV. PATTISON HELPS STUDENTS. (By the Associated Press.) Batavia, O., Aug. 4. The will of the late Governor Pattison lias been tiled lor probate. It gives one thous and dollars to the Ohio Wesleyun University for a fund in aid of in digent students, and a like sum to the village of Milford to aid In es tablishing a library. Tho remainder of the estate goes to his widow and three children equally, except that the widow is given the home at Mil ford and $10,000 for keeping it in order. His affection for his home is shown in the will by the expres sion of a wish that the home may he I kept as a home for iiis children. CONFEDERATE REV N ION. General Order for Reunion at More head August 22-28. Headquarters N. C. Division United Confederate Veterans, Durham, N. C, July 3.0, 1900. ueral Order No. SI, ,-; Paragraph I. The Major General commanding hereby announces that the next annual reunion of the North Carolina Division of the United Con federate Veterans will be held at Morehead City on the 22nd and 23rd days of August, 1906', Paragraph 2. The railroad com panies have given the low rale of one cent a mile, tickets to be on sale on the 20th, U I si and 22nd, with final limit ..tigust 27th. Inquire of the local agent the price of a ticket from any any station. The price of a round-triii ticket from Raleigh will be 3.15. The rate of $1.50 will b.i given by tho Atlantic Hotel to those Veterans who wish to stay there. The Governor has offered the use of the tents and cam) equipage of the National Guard to the Veterans who desire to camp out. Those who slay at the encampment must provide their own bedding and rations, but they can have the use of the cooking utensils at .he camp, This is called to the special attetnion of the Veter ans so that they may be certain to provide their own-' rations while in camp. For further information as to quarters, etc., at the camp apply to Lieutenant Colonol W. E. Cary, , i. j sii... XT , u ; .1. moi tuienu. iuy, i. v., wnu is uie as- sistant quarter-master General ot the 1 National Guard now encamped there. Tho camp will be ready for occu pancy oil Tuesday, the 12st day of August, and the Veterans can have the use of it all the week if they do- i sire. Confederate Veterans of Wake county who will attend this encamp ment are requested to notify me on or before Saturday, August 11th. A. B. STRONACH, Commander L. O'B. Branch Camp, No-. 515, tJ. C Vs. SUMMER PLEASURES AT CHASE CITY. (Special to the Evening Times.) The Mecklenburg, Chase City, Va., Aug. 4. In the very laudable attempt to find a new way of saying old things, the learned ones, we notice, in dispos ing of tho obtrusive and disagreeable subject of the weather during the past1 few weeks have been speaking daintily j of the "Reign of St. Swlthln" and de- j plorlruj the fact that his righteous In dignation should have taken a form so upsetting to tho "best laid plans of mice and men." The Mecklenburg begs to announce that it too has come under the ban of the good saint's gen eral displeasure and has had as largo a share of the "forty days curse" as 1V11 .I.,.. UIHLUIUfll UK" ut.Mic terred here." But the maledictions of , . , all the good saints In the calendar are i Thls Can stands for something for powerless against tho spirits of the air; a Brand of Coffee that is as near per and nothing daunted, the pleasures und I fection as Nature and Intelligent ! v, .t ii ..j in.Luiru -ii.,! mif ,i, tl.,, I. It nl;.,,A ".1 I..,,,. I. I 1 ,.. O wwmwfi i iv wt a uuu eui, iJUIIIIf, lilt,. ,., past week have gone merrily on. De-' nanallnS cidedly the amusement most") popular out-of-door ; at present is horseback j iwmib, fum -eniei niiew iwico a any iars parties go out for a delightful gallop which the excellent mounts of the stables here afford. Morq zest is given to these outings when they have, the exciting accompaniment of Colonel Hughes, his horn and hounds, the test of whose keen scent and tine running give a delightful foretaste of the good time coming this autumn when there will be a gathering of the clans tit the famous meet. Those who are always In evidence on these lively occasions are Col. and Mrs. hughes, Miss Blount of Montgomery, Ala., Miss Hanes of Winston-Salem, Miss Whitley. Newport News, Miss Barham of Newsoms, .Ma., Mrs. W. C. Foley of Newport News, Miss Bagley of Jackson, N. ('., Miss Anderson of Hanover, Dr. Edmunds of The Mecklenburg, and Messrs. John stone and Davls of Norfolk, and Messrs, Hynson and Rosenthal of Baltimore, Webb of Durham, Doian and Trehy of Norfolk, Thorp of Rocky Mount. Miss Pauline Duncan of Glii Va., a very attractive member young set, entertained her friend bowling party on Saturday in N, C. Iham, of the s by a "tiling Lee. and proved a delightful hush' ally for one so young. Miss tir of Greensboro, N. C, received ill ladies' prize and Mr. Rolierl S, stone of Norfolk gai 1 the sponding honor among thi inch. ' first John- urre Tho Miss booby prizes fell, respectively. Jones of Chase City and Mr. J im sizer of Richmond. The other guests of Miss 1 Hincan ' ' . Miss iunos of ol Mur iy, High Raleigh, llaloigh, org and '"fan. B were Miss Britt of Oxford X. Sydnor of Petersburg. Miss Winston-Salem, Miss Vaughn; freosboro, N. C, Miss Krinish Point, N. C, Miss Simmons ,, Miss Ayres, Mrs. Whitaker tf Dr. Edmunds of the Mi i-Ub il Messrs. Hobbs of N. Y E. J I T. Davis and Marvin Duv.i Davis, Norfolk, D. H. Dixon, .j and Mr. R. A. DiAne of li.i . party was chaperoned by Mr Hughes of the Mecklenburg. The ever popular and hh . Harry .Idsboroj Lie.- The W. T. -hearled tuartettfl nierlain- I in the Polk Miller and his fatuous gave one of their inimitable meats on Tuesday evening Chase City town hall for tire 1 the Southsido Academy. A ! enthusiastic crowd greet oil tl a very encouraging sum was in at and and s realised, the Mock Ihe quar t .hi vvedr room of iv as eh- Mr. Miller was a guest of li nbursr during his stay and tctte gave a delightful eoiiei nesday morning in the bal the hotel. The selections w Joyable as they were oh;, ra tei-istic, ' which Musical especially the Mark Twain Laughing Swig, called "The Earthquake." The. lobby of the hotel Wednesday evening of promptu vaudeville for ity's Sake," and beshh s ' s the scene innther im wi ei t'har ivtlig pleas ure to the guests helped a worthy cause and proved thai luhi.ittj the Mocklonlmrgers genius is always "on tap." Those who 'conirlbufeil to the program by song and dai were: Miss Barham of n Miss Hanes of Winston Anderson of Hanover. In. Mecklenburg, and Messi ThOpp and the orchestra. e and story i sums, Va., alyiii, .Miss Kilmuiuls of ;. Ilynsnn. vllose lioall- tiful music is always a feature. The young set is a particularly at tractive one at present and has ad ditions in Miss Vann of FrankliinAn, yvho is conceded to Have llie lutnd soinest gowns here and to wear them most gracefully, and In Miss llanos of Winston-Salem, who is a delightful all-round girl. Miss Hanes, besides her excellence as a hSiseivtjrnan and her vivacity and graces' or person, has a very sweet and n which she is' most ph asure to the gin !r. Herbert O. !'. voice With 'Uftrous in giving her s. formerly of irsvilie, spefai Richmond now of ! Wednesday hero, j Quite n large pai 1 Lithla Springs return j whiCH our guests ha I popular resort by ire i and spent a day w ill claring themselves tl jwith the Mecklenbui Dr. W. D. FoUsh College, spent the da route to his home in j The register shows jdrcd and fifty in w Past week, among v ; party from Norfolk a jfrom all parts pf Ihe .reservations for Atij. jit will be the fullest j son. from the liuffalo it the compliment been paying that 'lent visits there, us last week, de lotighly pleased of Richmond hero Monday oil North Carolina, i list of one lum . lines during- the hum are a largo il representatives country; a.nd the ist Indicate t hut lonth of the sen.- jTo Drive Out Malaria And Build Up The System Take tho Old Standard GROVE'S TASTELESS CIJIU. TONIC. You JtfjQw what you are taking. The form ula is plainly printed on every bot tle, showing it is simply Quinine and Iron in a tasteless form. The Qui nine drives out t ho malaria and the iron builds up the system. Sold by all dealers for 2 7 years. Price 50 cents. TAKE A GOOD LOOK AT IT. can produce. ' The whole world cannot sho.v a better coffee, a fi not navnv o mnro lllllfurin nnlllir Try Whilo House Coffee onte time for luck. All up to date Grocers. We can furnish you a system to meet the demands of your bus iness, whether you employ one clerk of one hundred. W" make over 400 diuVieirl styles of Registers and Systems suited to the needs of any line of business. No matter whether your business is large or small, it is equal ly important that the daily transact ions .are properly taken care of. With our System you know that you get every cent of cash taken in that all roods sold On credit have been properly charged. Customers paying money on account need have no fear that they will not be credited. Drop us a postal card and our long line of Registers. No obligation to buy on your part. The NATIONAL GASH REGISTER CO., CAROLINA TIll'ST IH ILDING Raleigh, North Carolina GLENWOOD LOTS NOW ON SALE CAB LINE, (CITY CONTRACT FOB GRANOLITHIC All necessary restrictions against nuisances and Objectionable sur roundings. Wide alley behind every lot. Trices $400 to $800 per lot of 50 feet frontage. Terms i-4 cash; bal ance in throe payments with interest. Three lots with dwellings ready for two; $1,200 for third. The lots now offered are situated Persons interested can see maps Tucker Building or in the "offices of A. II. ANDREWS, JR., .1. II. ANDREWS, A. L. MURRAY, V ,INO. W. HIXSDALE, T. H. FULLER, EDWARD W. GLENWOOD LAND CO. ALBERT L. MURRAY, Manager, Etc, 501 Tucker Rldg., Raleigh, X. C. STORE ON ACCOUNT OF FIRE IN OUR ES TABLISHMENT OUR STORE WILL BE CLOSED FOR THE PRESENT, OUR FUTURE PLANS WILL fit AN NOUNCED LATER LEE & BROUGHTON Clothiers and Men's Furnishers IE BEAUTIFUL SAPPHIRE COUNTRY The Lake Region of the South. ELEVATION EROM Gorgeous Mountain Scenery, three waterfalls, pure and bracing air. heating, bathing, horseback. riding, indoor amusements. FIVE CHARMING HOTELS, The holds are modern, and are noted for perfect service cither hotel for rates. Toxowny Inn, Lake Toxaway, I. IT. Aiken, Manager. The Franklin, Brevard, A. Lam born, Manager. The Lodge, Summit of Mt. Toxa For descriptive booklet and general information, address JOHN ('. Ill RROWES, President, The Toxaway Hotel Company, Lake Toxaway, N. C RALEIGH : SAVINGS : BANK JOHN T. FULLEN, President. CHARLES ROOT Cashier. Deposits over 9050,000, and this bank has paid oat to depos itors about $150,000 in interest 4 PER CENT INTEREST PAID ON DEPOSITS. MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE AND APPROVED LATZRAIi. 1793 1907 U4th Year THE BINGHAM SCHOOL Military. Area of rjntronage widest in the south. Boys ex pelled from olher 3chools not received. On the Asheville Plateau. Rates reasonable. COL. R. BINGHAM, Supt., R. F. D. No. 4, Asheville, N. C. WE CAN MEET The Demands of Your BUSINESS we will be glafl to explain to you WATKBi SKWIIRS. PAA'KMKXTS NOW BEING LI T. lor occupancy. "rice $1,000 each in (be llevereu Grove, in (lie olhce ol (lie company in the any of the stockholders, to-wit : G. II. ANDREWS, . W. J. ANDREWS, R. T. GRAY; DR. J. R. ROGERS, TAMES II. I'Of, Ralei; OF, Smithiicld. h, N. C. CLOSED IN THIS SPACE, 2,330 TO 5,000 FEET, ninsnifh Trout fi duivlin at lakes, countless heauliful ling in streams and lake, mountain climbing and all Address Fairfield Ian, Lake Fairfield, W. H. H. & C. A. Martin, Managers. Sapphire Inn, Lake Sapphire, Hugh Williams, Manager. way, Mi s. Pal ton Crisp, Mana er. COL" 4 ,-tfcoiough, i j j UL progresssive, select school. Send for free catalog now. It will soon be full. Address, JAMES DINWIDDIE President, Raleigh, N. C. i g-.-j--i-ti-.-r- TRINITY PARK SCHOOL A flrstclass preparatory school. Certificates of graduation accepted for entrance to leading Southern col leges. Host Equipped Preparatory School In the South. Faculty ot ten officers and teach ers. Campus of seventy-five acres. Library containing Ihirty thousand volumes. Well equipped gymnasium. High standards and modern methods of instruction. Frequent lectures by prominent lecturers. Expenses ex ceedingly moderate. Seven years of phenomenal success. For catalogue and other informa tion, address, H. M. NORTH, Headmaster, DURHAM. N. 0. TRINITY COLLEGE Four Depart ments Collegiate, Graduate, Engineering and Law. Large library facilities. Well equipped laboratories in all de partments of science Gymnasium furnished with best apparatus. Expenses very moderate. Aid for worthy students. Young Men Wishing to Study Law should in vestigate the superior advantages offered by the Department of Law in Trinity Col lege. :: :: :: For catalogue and further in formation address 1). W. NEWSOM, Registrar, DURHAM, N. C. GUILFORD COLLEGE. LS;57-1!)00. Location six miles west of Greens boro, mi a 3fruVaere dairy farm. Electric Lights, For both Sexes. Abundant supply of pure water in all the. buildings. Three courses of study Classical, Natural Science, Bihlical Common ial ami Music Departments. Noted for thoroughness of instruc tion, healthful moral tone and home like su i i niiiid in e-s. For caiaiOtfue, address PRESIDENT I.. L. HOURS, Guilford College, North Carolina. FRUIT JARS JELLY GLASSES PRESERVING KETTLES ICE CREAM FREEZERS. Thos. H. Brings & Sons Raleigh, N. C. ii b ii i in.ni i Clio. fvLjJ' Ihead'H 10c. Bottle 2 Doses. 25c. Battle 8 Doses. ASK YOUR DEALER FOR II, -